
Crayfish, Crawdads, and Crawfish:Incidental Aquaculture in California's Rice Paddies

Scott BradyCalifornia State University-Chico

Rice production is concentrated on a 10-14 inch thick, impermeable clay soil layer called the Stockton Clay Adobe. This soil’s impermeability makes paddy rice production possible. The rice growing region experiences a Mediterranean climate. Rice is planted in April and May and harvested between September and October.

Crawfish Aquaculture Marketing. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. Publication No. 2402. Robert P. Romaire, W. Ray McClain, Mark G. Shirley and C. Greg Lutz. P. 1 Accessed at:

FAO. © 2007-2009. - . Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme. Text by McAlain, W.R.; Romaire R.P. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome. Updated 11 May 2007. [Cited 28 April 2009].

Harvest in a rice-crawfish paddy near Mamou, Louisiana. February 2005.

Crawfish Aquaculture Marketing. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. Publication No. 2402. Robert P. Romaire, W. Ray McClain, Mark G. Shirley and C. Greg Lutz. P. 2 Accessed at:

Monte Carlo’s trunk doubles as an ice chest 4 miles south of Hamilton City, CA. September 2000.

GEOG 250:Field Studies in GeographyMardi Gras trip, 2005.

Procambarus clarkii, Red Swamp Crawfish from the rice paddies.

Pacifastacus leniusculus, Signal Crawfish from the Delta.

Poster created by CSU-Chico geography student, Danny Blake, for senior thesis. May 2007

Biological Invasions 2: 259–264, 2000.The invasion of the alien crayfish Procambarus clarkii in Europe, withparticular reference to Italy.Silvia Barbaresi & Francesca Gherardi

Geographic expansion of the invasive red crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Crustacea: Decapoda) in Mexico. Biological Invasions (2008) 10:977–984. Luis Herna´ndez Æ Alejandro M. Maeda-Martı´nez Æ Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos Æ Gabino Rodrı´guez-Almaraz Æ Fernando Alonzo-Rojo Æ Juan Carlos Sainz

Barriers and flow as limiting factors in the spread of an invasive crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in southern California streams. Jacob L. Kerby, Seth P.D. Riley, Lee B. Kats, Paul Wilson. Biological Conservation 126 (2005) 402–409

DFG warden’s map of a portion of Colusa County rice fields that shows where he has busted crawfish poachers.

Crawfish Aquaculture Marketing. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. Publication No. 2402. Robert P. Romaire, W. Ray McClain, Mark G. Shirley and C. Greg Lutz. P. 1 Accessed at:

DeWitt, Mark F. 2008. Cajun and Zydeco Dance Music in Northern California: modern pleasures in a postmodern world. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

Gulf Coast export period.

Indian Ridge Shrimp Company, Chauvin, Louisiana on the banks of Bayou Petit Caillou. Shrimp, not crawfish.

Vitoria, Spain. August 2011

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