  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It






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    Creatine,!aggio Apr 20



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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It




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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It




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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    One thing is almost certain: If you take creatine, you'll gain weight.

    It'll happen quickly, says Paul Greenhaff, Ph.D., professor of muscle metabolism at theUniversity of Nottingham in England. While the initial gain is water (about 2 to 4pounds in the first week of supplementation), subsequent gains are muscle due to theincrease in the workload you can handle.

    Because creatine is an "osmotically active substance," it pulls water into your musclecells, which increases protein synthesis, Kerksick says.

    Studies in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that muscle fibersgrow when a person takes creatine.The catch: This only happens if you take advantage of the boost in energy and hit the

    gym. Otherwise, it is just water weight.

    Nobody argues with any of this. But there are some questions about creatine that lots of guys have.

    What Is Creatinine?People who have chronic kidney disease (CKD) may have heard their nephrologist or nurse talk about creatinine. Sowhat is creatinine exactly? Creatinine is a chemical waste product in the blood that passes through the kidneys to befiltered and eliminated in urine. The chemical waste is a by-product of normal muscle contractions. Creatinine ismade from creatine, a supplier of energy to the muscle.

    Women usually have lower creatinine levels compared to men, because women have less muscle tissue. Amongadults without kidney disease, men have approximately 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams/deciliters (mg/dL) of creatinine, whereaswomen have between 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL of creatinine.Generally creatinine levels in the blood remain unchanged from day to day because muscle mass usually stays thesame. Taking certain medicines, eating a lot of meat or building muscles through weight training or other exercise mayshow higher amounts of creatinine, even in those who do not have chronic kidney disease. Creatinine levels can belower than normal for people who are elderly, malnourished or are vegetarians.

    Creat inine tes ts Creatinine in the bloodstream is usually checked with regular tests. There are a few tests which are specifically for creatinine measurement to help determine kidney function.Serum creatinine is a blood test that is commonly performed as part of a physical examination if have blood workdone. Blood is drawn and sent to a lab to be analyzed to find out how much creatinine is in the bloodstream. Serumcreatinine helps evaluate kidney function .Knowing your serum creatinine allows your doctor to calculate your creatinine level along with your age, gender and

    race, to determine your GFR (glomerular filtration rate) . GFR is considered by medical professionals to be the bestmeasure of kidney function. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) ranges from stage 1 CKD (normal to high GFR) to stage 5CKD (end stage renal disease) . If you know a serum creatinine level you can determine the stage of chronic kidneydisease using the DaVita GFR Calculator .Creatinine clearance (Ccr or CrCl) measures how much creatinine is cleared out of the body, or how well kidneys filter waste. Creatinine clearance is a combination of a urine and a blood test. A creatinine clearance test is usuallyordered if the serum creatinine level is higher than normal or when a person is starting dialysis . Normal creatinineclearance for men is between 97 to 137 milliliters per minute, and women have a normal clearance of 88 to 128milliliters per minute.BUN/creatinine is the ratio between blood urea nitrogen (BUN), a waste product in the blood from protein metabolism,and creatinine. This ratio is used to help determine if kidney function is impaired due to a damaged or diseasedkidneys or another factor outside of the kidneys. If both BUN and creatinine are high, the ratio usually indicatesdamage to the kidneys. If BUN is high but creatinine is normal, then the kidney is generally not damaged but is notgetting adequate blood supply due to another problem such as dehydration or heart failure.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Creat in ine and chron ic k idney d i sease When there is kidney damage or kidney disease , and the kidneys are not able to filter waste efficiently, there willlikely be a rise in creatinine levels in the blood. For adults with chronic kidney disease, dialysis is recommended when

    creatinine levels reach 10.0 mg/dL. For babies with chronic kidney disease , dialysis is recommended when their creatinine level is 2.0 mg/dL.

    S y m p t o m s o f t o o m u c h c r e a ti n i n e Symptoms of high levels of creatinine in the blood are the same as kidney failure symptoms . Some people find outthey have kidney failure when extreme creatinine amounts show up in routine blood tests, without feeling anysymptoms at all. Yet some people may experience the following:

    Weakness, or feeling tired Dehydration Confusion Shortness of breath

    When w il l your cr eat in ine level be tes ted? Serum creatinine and BUN/creatinine tests are usually performed during regular blood work. Your doctor may order a

    creatinine test if he or she suspects your kidneys are impaired. During some drug treatments, your doctor may order frequent creatinine tests to ensure the drug is not harming your kidneys. If you have signs of kidney trouble, your doctor may order a creatinine clearance test.Nephrologists use these tests to monitor the kidney function of their patients and track the progression of their kidneydisease. Doctors also use these tests after a patient reaches end stage renal disease and is on dialysis to check howwell dialysis is cleaning the blood.

    S u m m a r y Creatinine tests, such as the serum creatinine, creatinine clearance and BUN/creatinine help doctors determine if kidneys are not functioning properly. People diagnosed with chronic kidney disease will likely be tested regularly.Knowing your creatinine level will help your health care team determine your treatment for kidney disease, includingthe amount of dialysis you should receive.

    Can Creatine be termed as a Steroid?

    Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid occurring naturally in all vertebrates. Creatine helpsto supply energy to muscle and nerve cells. The body manufactures, stores and usescreatine for pursuits which require bursts of energy like running at a high speed.Unfortunately creatine reserves within the body can only supply energy from creatine for avery short period of time.Creatine has quite often been likened to anabolic steroids, because it provides the user with

    higher amounts of energy and increases lean muscle mass. But nothing could be furtherfrom the truth. Though both anabolic steroids and creatine enhance performance, and bothare ingested as sports supplements, the basic difference lies in the chemical structure of thetwo. Anabolic steroids like testosterone are hormones, while creatine is a protein availablein the body.Chemical Structure of Creatine Monohydrate

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Why do (some) bodybuilders take steroid instead of creatineto build muscle?

    When people say steroid in the context of body building they usually refer to steroidhormone testosterone that is responsible for the secondary sex characteristic of males. Secondarycharacteristic we are talking about here is muscle development and growth, so in a sense testosterone isa growth hormone. It accelerates growth rate and repair of muscles after work outs. As a result you getmuscle build up remarkably faster, yes much much faster! In fact when a person needs a year to get sixpack with good work out a person taking steroid on the other hand will only need 2-3 months sometimeseven one month! Also you can get abnormally bigger muscles, look at those pictures of crazy bodybuilders all over the internet especially those that even colaterally alter ones use of their limbs, somecan;t even bend their arms due to their ludicrously massive biceps!!!

    Although steroid does proven to be effective for growth, the substance is not without drawbacks and it isabsolutely important for people to realize this. A person taking steroids for extended period of time willmost of the time suffer from infertility due to testicular atrophy (wasting of the testicles), lost of libido anddevelopment of female secondary characteristics including breast tissues as well as dramaticallyincreasing the risk of carcinogenesis. Other consequences are much more severe since you are basicallymucking around with the body delicate physiological system.


    Creatine on the other hand is nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps tosupply energy to muscle and nerve cells. As you exercise this substance depletes and by taking extrasupplements that you usually see in shops you help to increase performance of your work out. As a resultyou can exercise longer and relatively more frequent. As such creatine helps you to build those musclesby allowing you to work harder with relatively low to zero risk to ones health if done correctly. Unlikesteroids the effect can not be easily seen and most of the time, rate of muscle of development and growthis significantly altered although more research needs to be done to confirm this.



    There is a difference between creatine and steroids.


    Creatine does not build muscle, it is a molecule that is manufactured from your body naturally tomanufacture the spark plug to make your muscles move called (ATP) Adenosine Triphosphate.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    When you experience muscle fatigue, your ATP becomes ADP, Adenosine Diphosphate instead of Triphospate.

    Tri means three and di means two.

    After you rest, your creatine is replenished by your own body if given time to recover to rejuvenate your ATP once again.


    The purpose of a creatine supplement is to help your Adenosine Diphosphate borrow the molecule tocreate Adenosine Triphosphate once again, so that you have your spark plug to start lifting again, thusyou can push the envelope for a few more reps that you would otherwise not be able to do in onesession.

    There are different sources to obtain a creatine supplement, so make sure you get a high quality creatineor you are wasting your money. Quality not quantity is key to getting a source of creatine that works. GNCis junk. Find it through high quality sources.


    Steroids are a completely different metabolic reaction. They mess with your hormones.

    Steroids are a synthetic version of testosterone. The purpose of steroids is to trick the body intomanufacturing more of what it doesn't naturally do. The desired affect, is an unnatural bulking up of

    muscle in a shorter amount of time.

    So, you have to be very careful with steroid use and it must be under the supervision of a professional or the side affects are not worth the effort.

    The bottom line is that steroids are man made hormones. They tweak the body to elicit a reaction. Theyare toxic, have side affects, and must be considered with serious care.


    Natural hormones are manufactured by the body on its own. Men and women have 87 hormones andonly 2% responsible for sexual reproduction. Hormones start out as DHEA, your youth hormone and gothrough 2 metabolic pathways. One for your testosterones and estrogens (yes, men have estrogen, too)and another pathway for your anti inflammatory hormones etc.

    DHEA can only be manufactured by your body through food sources. You can build muscle naturally fromwell balanced nutrition. DHEA comes form phytosterols, which are plant hormones.

    Leafy greens, yams, cherries etc, all contain a plant hormone called Phytosterols.

    If you eat a lot of raw leafy greens and raw vegetables and raw fruits, you are getting more of thesephytosterols in order to produce DHEA and it helps to maintain lean healthy muscle.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    This is why its so important for body builders to eat healthy and to avoid junk food.

    Some people choose to supplement with DHEA and swear by it ,but it comes with consequences. Your

    body gets the message that it doesn't have to produce its own DHEA and once off of the unnaturalsupplement of DHEA, you age faster.

    Eat healthy; you are what you eat.

    H o w i s Cr ea t i n e D i f f er en t f r o m St e r o i d s? ON APR 3, 2002 AT 10:49AM

    My 16-year-old son is really into sports. He's on the football team and baseball team, and he spends a lot of

    time working out and lifting weights with his friends. Recently, he started taking creatine to build muscle andimprove his performance. I was alarmed when I found out, but he assures me that creatine is natural andsafe. Is this true? What's the difference between creatine and steroids?

    Jennifer Trachtenberg Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg is a board-certified pediatrician and a fellow member of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    Performance-enhancing supplements like creatine, which is sold over-the-counter, are gaining fast popularity amongmiddle school and high school students, even though they are not recommended for children under 18. In a recentlystudy by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 44 percent of high school seniors admitted using creatine. Creatine isa naturally occurring substance that is found in low doses in foods. Proponents say it can safely add muscle andimprove strength and endurance, but there is serious concern among doctors about the possible long-term effects of taking it in high doses. Furthermore, because creatine is marketed as a supplement, it isn't held to the strict standardsof the Food and Drug Administration. It is also, like steroids, banned from athletic organizations like the NFL, NCAA,

    and the International Olympic Committee. Anabolic steroids are also used by athletes to enhance performance, but these are extremely powerful anddangerous drugs that help to build muscle tissue by acting like the male hormone testosterone. Relying on anabolicsteroids to improve athletic ability is not only illegal, it can be extremely harmful, especially for teenagers. Steroidscan have an extreme effect on stunting growth. Other side effects include: Severe acne Baldness Sleep problems Headaches Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea High blood pressure, heart disease and strokes Liver damage Aggressive, violent behavior Severe mood swings (also depression and anxiety at tacks) Hallucinations and paranoia

    Additionally, steroids cause males to produce less of their own testosterone, which can result in impotence,gynecomastia (increased breast size) and reduced sperm count. In females, steroids can lead to reduced breast size,deeper voice, increased facial and body hair, and menstrual problems.Remember, athletic ability depends on more than just muscle mass. Genetics, age, diet, training, dedication, andperserverance all play a part in how a young adult plays sports. Using steroids or supplements is not only cheating, itcan cause numerous health problems. Until safety can be established, I would discourage your son from takingcreatine.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It





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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    to grow bigger muscles. The sessions will be about what you thought you could not do, butsomehow managed to do.

    Eg: if youre lifting a certain weight and you know you can only get 8 reps, you will push yourself further than ever before and squeeze out another 2 reps of that weight, with the help of your trainingpartner or someone else of course. You will need help with the last 2 reps but the idea is to executea greater effort than you are used to doing, this creates the environment for greater muscle growth(all other things being equal).

    Below is an example of an 8 Week every other day muscle building routine. Its an example of howshort the training sessions should be. It can also be done taking 2 days rest in between trainingsessions. I am assuming that you have weight training experience behind you, and also that you are

    familiar with the jargon. If not, then I would not recommend that you push yourself too far until youhave built up your strength and fitness level. You should always get the go-ahead from your GP or health professional before starting or changing any physical exercise program.

    Warm ups are not included in the below.

    Day 1:Chest 2 sets 10 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.Biceps 2 sets 8 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.

    Day 2: REST.

    Day 3:Thighs 2 sets 10 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.Hamstrings 2 sets 8 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.Calves 2 sets 12 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.

    Day 4: REST.

    Day 5:

    Shoulders 2 sets 10 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.Triceps 2 sets 8 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.

    Day 6: REST.

    Day 7:Back 2 sets 10 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.

    Abdominals 2 sets 10 reps 1 exercise. Use the same weight for your 2nd set.

    Day 8: REST.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Day 9: Start again.

    Notes:You will need someone to help you for the last 2 or 3 reps of every set.

    So if youre doing a set of 10 reps, the weight should be heavy enough to allow only 8 repson your own, and you will need help to get the other 2 reps to make it 10.

    If youre doing a set of 8 reps, its really only 5 or 6 reps that you can get on your own; help will beneeded to complete the 8 reps.

    Increase the weight every week, even if its only 5lbs in total. Safety takes priority over ego.

    On the 4th week reduce the rep range by 2 for all sets and continue.

    The idea is to put forth a much greater intensive effort than you imagine you can. The reward for these infrequent efforts is, shorter training sessions and more rest days away from it and of coursemuch Greater Muscle Growth. Many people are now achieving greater results through smarter training methods, spending less time in the gym with more free time to enjoy other activities.Excessive hours and days in the gym is, at last! No longer the way to go.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    6 p

    andNow, I

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    Why dohave your more keep

    a look at

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Celebrities. Whenever you switch on the TV, whats the first thing you see? You see some guy in themovie you are watching who has 6 pack abs. How many of you have been watching the new Justin

    Timberlake film [for instance] with a female friend (or a male, in some cases we dont judge here)and your own girlfriend/wife has said look at him he is so muscular! or the worst of the worst?Why dont you have a body like that?

    You look at him? Ha! Your arms are bigger then his Chest and back too. Unfortunatly, though, so isyour stomach And, this is where the problem begins. You have a shirt on and you look like you liftweights. He has a shirt on and doesnt look like he lifts weights. He takes his shirt off and the girlstongues drop out of their mouths and fall at to their feet. Taylor Lautner from Twilight? Brad Pitt,Fight Club, ring any bells?

    What do these 2 two actors have in common? They both have 6 pack abs and are both extremelylow body fat. They also both have a lot of money, but this article does not promise you money.Though, your chance at getting a modelling contract could go up. Moving on What else do theyhave in common? without a shirt on youd never guess they lifted weights.So what is it that forces women to look at these guys over you? Its simple. Its thrown in their faceswhereever you go. Magazines, TV, no matter where it is, the guy who has the sex appeal is the onewith the best 6 pack.

    A few days, I went to see the new Twilight film with my girlfriend. After the film, half of her friendcouldnt stop raving about Taylor Lautners 6pac, and the other half (the Edward fans) couldnt stop

    fanning themselves over Edwards 6pac.

    But lets talk about Taylor Lautner Hes constantly being used as a sex symbol. When he firststarted filming for Twilight he was around 110lbs and very skinny. In fact, he was originially going tobe replaced for the second film, due to not being muscular enough for the lead.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    dramatiwithin 9

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  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Day 2 60MGDay 3 60MG

    Day 4 80MGDay 5 80MGDay 6 80MGDay 7 100mgDay 8 100mgday 9 100mgDay 10 120MGDay 11 120MGDay 12 120MGDay 13 140MG

    day 14 140MGDay 15 140mgDay 16 160MGDay 17 160mgDay 18 160MGDay 19 120MGDay 20 120MGDay 21 120MGDay 22 80MGDay 23 80MGDay 24 80MGDay 25 40MG

    And there you have it- a simple 25 day plan. Im going to say the best and worst results Ive seenwith this. For the Average Joe, whose actually worked hard, Ive seen, at the best, a reduction of body fat from 20% down to 12%. At the other end of the scale, I saw someone drop to 16% from20% (they were sick and missed 8 days worth of training) But as you can see, even then they stillsaw dramatic weight loss.

    A lot of people will question the high dose at the end, along with the low doses and drop downperiod.

    A lot of people argue, is it needed? Do you need to drop down? How could it still be effective? I wontgo into the science behind this I will just give you real life results.

    And you can ask anyone who has taken clen and seen good results, any competitive bodybuilder,athlete. or most models for that matter. I know quite a few models who use this routine to get a 6pacin quick succession. Though, they never really go above 14% body fat.

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    But Ive always seen BETTER results dropping down in increments rather than just simply droppingdown the dosage. Myself, and many others Ive coached. [100s of people] By tapering down this

    way, you will usually see an extra 2-3 pounds of fat loss, than if you just stop taking the clen. Ivealso found it much easier to stop the fat from RETURNING this way.

    In the 15% Body fat levels?

    Well use the same one above with a twist. We are going to add some Winstrol to the mix, which willdo a few things.

    1. It will allow hardening of the muscles so we appear even larger than we are.2.. No matter what anyone says it DOES aid in the fat loss process, and will be the difference in

    another 1% to 3% Of fat loss.

    Now, I know what you are thinking! 1-3% of body fat is not that huge of a drop. Well, combine thiswith the 5 to 7% youll get from the clen and youll see why. Started at 15%? The clen causes you tolose 5% and then the winstrol kicks in and adds another 3%. You are now at 7% body fat! Your 6pack will noticeably stand out to the public! Not only this, but your skin will tighten showing off allthe curves on your chest and your biceps will be bulging out, add this with the 5/6lbs of LEAN bodymass you will get from the Winstrol. Combine all this with the hardening of the muscles and guesswhat? You are going to look every bit as good (if not better!), than Taylor Lautner looked. If youalready have a good base to build off of, you should look noticeably better in all the right areas.

    I will say, once again, this SECOND cycle is not something I would do unless I had 2/3 years of bodybuilding under my belt. This is more for the advanced trainee looking for an edge. It is VERYgood for models and Ive used it with many models to great success in the past. I am going to endthis with listing below the exact winstrol cycle Ive used with models to go with the clen for that extraedge,

    Remember to join our forums (Link button here) And add to the discussion and ask any questionsyou might have.The Clen cycle is exactly the same as the above. The twist is to add some winstrol.

    You can purchase Winstrol Tablets and Winstrol Injectable from our Verified supplier here:GP Stan 10 (Winstrol tabs) GP Stan 50 (Winstrol injectable)

    The dose will revolve around 100mgs being injected every OTHER day. So your cycle would looklike:

    Day 1 Clen: 60MG Winstrol: 100MGDay 2 60MGDay 3 60MG Winstrol: 100MG

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Day 4 80MGDay 5 80MG Winstrol: 100MG

    Day 6 80MGDay 7 100mg Winstrol: 100MGDay 8 100mgday 9 100mg Winstrol: 100MGDay 10 120MGDay 11 120MG Winstrol: 100MGDay 12 120MGDay 13 140MG Winstrol: 100MGday 14 140MGDay 15 140mg Winstrol: 100MG

    Day 16 160MGDay 17 160mg Winstrol: 100MGDay 18 160MGDay 19 120MG Winstrol: 100MGDay 20 120MGDay 21 120MG Winstrol: 100MGDay 22 80MGDay 23 80MG Winstrol: 100MGDay 24 80MGDay 25 40MG Winstrol: 100MGDay 26 Off day 27 Winstrol: 100MGDay 28 off Day 29 Winstrol: 100MGDay 30 off Day 31 Winstrol: 100MGDay 32 off Day 33 Winstrol: 100MGDay 34 off

    Day 35 Winstrol: 100MGDay 36Day 37 Winstrol: 100MGDay 38Day 39 Winstrol: 100MGDay 40Day 41 Winstrol: 100MGDay 42Day 43 Winstrol: 100MGDay 44

  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


  • 7/27/2019 Creatine - What is It


    Day 86Day 87 Winstrol: 100MG

    Day 88Day 89 Winstrol: 100MGDay 90 End.

    And thats it. a Good PCT should follow. (Click the forums for PCT Help and advice)

    And if you are doing an oral cycle rather than injectable. Just do the first 60 days. Im sure you dontneed me to recopy the first 60 days. (if you do you shouldnt be doing steroids in the first place)

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