  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


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    This Lens Contains Five Pages:

    Table of Contents - Home

    Maybe You Want To . . .

    Two Questions

    The Bucket List - The Movie

    The Bucket List

    Photo Credit

    Formula for Completing Your Bucket List


    Are there any sports you want to try? Any athletic milestones you want to reach?

    View All

    Page 2

    Table of Contents - Page 2

    Best Places to Visit

    What Natural Wonders Do You Want to Visit?

    Iguassu Falls

    Famous Monuments You Would Like to Visit

    Visit the Seven New Wonders of the World

    Maybe Prehistory is Your Thing

    Museums You Would Like to Visit175. Visit The Louvre

    World Festivals

    View All

    Page 3

    Hobbies - Leisure Activities

    What Hobbies Have You Always Wanted to Take Up?

    234. Learn to Juggle

    235. Solve the Rubik's Cube!

    More Hobbies To Consider Adding to Your List


    Web Sites Where You Can Share Your List with Others

    43 Things on Wikipedia248. Learn to DrawShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    More Resources to Help You Learn to Draw

    View All

    Page 4

    After her 60th birthday, Jane Fonda concluded the following:

    Personal Development

    Do you have any educational aspirations you can include in your bucket list?

    304. Develop General Knowledge on Important Topics

    The Summer Day305. Get a Complete Makeover

    Who Would You Like to Meet?

    Escape 101

    How to Take a Sabbatical

    "The Buried Life": Let These Four Teens Inspire You to Get Going

    View All

    Page 5

    435. Web achievements 101: Things To Do Before You Die

    How About the Area of Finances?

    What would you like to achieve in the area of Romance/Love/Passing on Your Genes?

    The Art of Loving

    Let All of Your Voices Out"101 Things to Do Before You Die" on YouTube

    Let's Not Forget the Animal Kingdom

    Where to Go on Safari

    483. Go bird watching in Panama.

    A Bird-finding Guide to Panama

    View All

    Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to do Before You





    Ranked #1 in People, #37 overall

    Your Bucket List: Create A List of Things To Do Before You Die

    If you landed on this lens you're probably ready to begin creating your bucket list, or life list, and start living

    your very best life.


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  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    Set some time aside to create your bucket list and stop putting off your dreams for "someday". The best way to

    get the most out of life is to look upon it as a magnificent adventure.

    Imagine being able to say at the end of your life's journey: "Wow, what a ride!" And what better way to have a

    fulfilling, adventurous life than by creating a bucket list, and taking the necessary steps to cross off each item on

    your list? When most people think of a life list, they think of things such as the following:

    "Climb the Eiffel Tower"

    "Go to Carnival at Rio de Janeiro"

    "Swim with Sharks"

    "Go To the Super Bowl"

    Although you should definitely include travel on your life list---if seeing the world, meeting new people, and

    experiencing different cultures is something that interests you--, as well as including all of the different

    adventures you would like to go on, you should also take the time to decide what you want to accomplish in each

    area of your life. This includes areas such as the following:

    Work: Starting a profitable, location-independent business doing what you love; finding work that givesyou a sense of fulfillment; being among the best in the world in your field.

    Family: Finding and marrying the love of your life; having a healthy, happy child; spending lots of qualitytime with your spouse.

    Health: Having the energy and strength to do everything you want; to look and feel fit; to age well.

    Contributions: Spending a year abroad with the Peace Corps; volunteering at a homeless shelter;mentoring a disadvantaged youth.

    Finances: Having a million dollar investment portfolio; having multiple sources of passive income;

    having enough money to be able to finance your life goals.

    Personal Development: Having the ability to hit the "pause button" and choosing your attitude in anysituation; learning to forgive; having a happiness project.

    Creating and achieving your life list is about deciding what you really want-which means setting goals--, as well

    as planning, budgeting, and then taking the necessary steps to accomplish your goals. The last part, taking

    action, includes incorporating habits and routines into your daily life which will help you to gradually mold your

    life into a work of art that is uniquely yours.

    The text in the introduction above was taken from my eBook, "How To Live Your Best Life- The EssentialGuide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List".

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  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    This lens contains over 600 ideas which you can consider adding to your life list. Do you dream of being abestselling novelist? How about going on safari? Or going camel trekking in the Sinai desert? How about

    making a difference in someone's life?

    To paraphrase Mary Oliver, tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Start

    your Life List Journal right now.

    This Lens Contains Five Pages:

    Home: Ideas for the areas of Sports /Athletics, Languages, Music/Dance, and Adventures.

    Page 2: Ideas for Best Places to Visit and World Festivals to attend.

    Page 3: Ideas for Hobbies and Leisure Activities.

    Page 4: Ideas for Personal Development, Vocation, Contributions, and Accomplishments.

    Page 5: Ideas for Money, Family, Dwelling, Spirituality, and Other.

    (There's a navigation menu at the very top and the very bottom of each page.)

    Table of Contents - Home

    The Bucket List - The Movie

    Formula for Completing Your Bucket List





    Poll: Do You Have a Bucket List?

    Discover How to Use Your Life List to Create Your Best LifeShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    About the Author - Marelisa Fabrega

    Navigation Menu

    Maybe You Want To . . .

    1. Invent a board game.

    2. Do stand-up comedy.

    3. Attend Loy Krathong in Thailand.

    4. Go camping.

    5. Ride a gondola in Venice.

    6. Learn to salsa dance.

    7. Host Saturday Night Live.

    8. Visit a Renaissance fair.

    9. Find your life's passion.

    10. Witness a solar eclipse.

    "Find the joy in your life."

    Two Questions

    When you die you're asked two questions, and your answers determine whether or not you'll get into heaven:

    1. Have you found joy in life?

    2. Has your life brought joy to others?

    The Bucket List - The Movie

    Watch this movie and get inspired to create your own list!Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    "The simplest thing is... I loved him. And I miss him. Carter and I saw the world together. Which is amazing...

    When you think that only three months ago, we were complete strangers! I hope that it doesn't sound selfish of

    me but... the last months of his life were the best months of mine. He saved my life... And he knew it before I

    did." -- Edward Cole

    The Bucket List

    Amazon Price: $8.99 (as of 08/23/2010)

    Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman star in "The Bucket List". They leap from planes, drive race cars, eat

    caviar, motorcycle on the Great Wall of China, and trot by other wonders of the world before they "kick thebucket."

    The Bucket List

    What do you want to do before you "kick the bucket"?

    powered by Youtube

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    Photo Credit

    Photo above from here.

    Formula for Completing Your Bucket List

    First. Decide what you want.

    Second. Create specific, measurable, time-bound goals.

    Third. Know why you want to achieve each goal.

    Fourth. Set an empowering belief.

    Fifth. Commit focus and attention to your goal.

    Sixth. Take the most obvious actions to achieve your goal.

    Seventh. Measure and monitor your progress, adjusting your actions to realign with your goal.


    Are there any sports you want to try? Any athletic milestones you

    want to reach?"There are points to be scored, there are games to be won." Dr. Seuss

    11. Complete a marathon.

    12. Run the Boston Marathon.

    13. Join the 50 States Marathon Club and run a marathon in all

    50 states.

    14. Become a triathlete.

    15. Complete the Ironman Triathlon.Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    16. Learn archery.

    17. Learn to play golf.

    18. Play golf with Jack Nicklaus.

    19. Go golfing at each of the 100 Best Major Golf Courses in the World.

    20. Join a bowling league.

    21. Swim across the English Channel.

    22. Learn to ski.

    23. Ski at the top ten ski resorts in the world.

    24. Go snowboarding.

    (Marathon de New York : Verrazano Bridge courtesy ofMartineric.)

    25. Go canoeing or kayaking.

    26. Take horseback riding lessons.

    27. Take up fishing (or fly fishing)

    28. Learn how to ice skate

    29. Learn to figure skate

    30. Learn how to roller blade.

    31. Learn to water ski

    32. Learn to sail.

    33. Learn to play tennis.

    34. Try fencing.

    35. Participate in the Tour de France.

    (Zillow Water Skiing is courtesy ofevocateur).

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  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    Think you're too old to run a marathon? Think again.

    Here's a man who ran a marathon at 101!

    The interview also includes a woman who ran the London Marathon at 80, but somehow after they finish

    interviewing the 101 year-old man, running a marathon at 80 doesn't sound like such a big deal ;-)

    Buster Martin 101 year old marathon runner

    by modularsolutions | video info

    48 ratings | 34,102 views

    curated content from YouTube

    The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer

    Five stars on, with over 200 reviews.

    The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer

    by: David Whitsett, Forrest Dolgener, Tanjala Kole

    Amazon Price: $11.53 (as of 08/23/2010)

    The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer is based on the highly successful marathon class offered by the University

    of Northern Iowa. This book follows the same 16-week, four-day-a-week workout plan. What makes the success

    rate of this program so much higher than any other? The special emphasis on the psychological aspects ofShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    endurance activities.

    One participant in the program explained it like this: "The skills we've learned in this class don't apply just to

    marathoning -- they apply to life! Just like you never know what the next step in a marathon will bring, so too,

    you never know what will happen next in life. But if you don't keep going, you're never going to find out. By

    staying relaxed, centered, and positive you handle just about anything that comes your way."

    ChiRunning: A Combination of T'ai Chi and Running

    For all the running enthusiasts out there, there's good news: running can be a safe and effective lifelong program

    for health, fitness, and well-being, and ChiRunning shows you how to achieve this.

    ChiRunning combines the inner focus and flow of T'ai Chi with the power and energy of running. It mixes the

    best of the East with the best of the West to create a safe, fun, and effective running technique.

    ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running

    by: Danny Dreyer, Katherine Dreyer

    ChiRunning (CR) is a method of running instruction, developed by Danny Dreyer, an American Ultramarathon

    runner and Tai Chi practitioner. Its primary focus is to teach runners to move in a more efficient, natural way.

    Amazon Price: $10.87 (as of 08/23/2010)

    Seiko DM50L Metronome, Silver

    Being able to maintain a steady cadence at any speed is a key component of efficient movement. The metronome

    is a great way to maintain a sustained steady pace.

    Amazon Price: $21.36 (as of 08/23/2010)

    Why run a marathon?

    Because it's there (as George Mallory would say).

    It provides a clear objective to strive for and I'll become healthier along the way.

    The discipline required to run a marathon will spill over to other areas of my life.

    To develop more self-confidence.

    Because of the feeling of accomplishment that I'll feel once I cross that finish line.

    To test my mental and physical strength.

    To help raise money for a good cause.

    Because I love running.

    To be part of the elite group of people who have finished a marathon.

    Because of the feeling of anticipation created by having an event set on a specific date to look forward to.

    Why do you want to run a marathon?Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    add your comment submit


    CelesteNelsonAug 15, 2010 @ 4:16 pm | delete

    Because I am healthy enough to!


    howtobuildcreditAug 14, 2010 @ 6:48 pm | delete

    Because I want to sty fit and want to participate on events for health.


    Kassandra elaine Aug 12, 2010 @ 11:39 am | delete

    yes because it would be fun to try somthing new and have a full expieriance of it..


    Jaclyn Jul 19, 2010 @ 11:26 am | delete

    To show the world that I can do what ever I can as long as I try to accomplish what ever goal it may

    be. and yes running a marathon is one of them.

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    Set Your Goals Based on Your Bucket List

    If "run a marathon" is on your bucket list, then you could establish the following goals:

    A. Lose 20 pounds

    B. Run a 5KC. Run a 10K

    D. Run a 15K

    E. Run a half marathon

    F. Run a marathon

    Take Up A Martial Art

    36. Karate

    37. Kung Fu

    38. JujitsuShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    39. Tae Kwon Do

    40. Judo

    41. Aikido

    (The "Karate Training" photograph is courtesy ofzackksfuchs).

    "You'll be on your way up!

    You'll be seeing great sights!

    You'll join the high fliers

    who soar to high heights."

    Dr. Seuss


    Would You Like to Learn a Foreign Language?42. Become fluent in French.

    43. Learn conversational Spanish.

    44. Learn to say "hello" in 50 languages.

    45. Learn sign language.

    46. Learn Mandarin.

    47. Learn Latin.

    48. Choose a country and learn not only the language that is spoken there,

    but also study its customs, its cuisine, its art, and its history.

    49. Learn enough Italian to be able to understand Opera.

    50. Learn your grandparents' native tongue.

    51. Become a United Nations Interpreter

    (The "Globe" photograph is courtesy of por geezer741uk).

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  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    Follow your Bliss!


    Let the Music Out

    52. Learn to play the harmonica.53. Learn to play the piano.

    54. Take signing lessons.

    55. Learn to play the guitar.

    56. Learn to yodel.

    57. Compose a song.

    58. Release an album.

    59. Join the church choir.

    60. Learn to sing opera.

    61. Play in an orchestra.

    62. Conduct an orchestra.

    63. Form a band.

    64. Enroll in a music appreciation class.65. Sing Karaoke.

    66. Join a string quartet.

    67. Join a barbershop harmony quartet.

    68. Perform as a street musician.

    (The "Canadian Music Week - The Donnas" photograph is courtesy of por ryanophoto).

    69. Cross Items Off the Jazz Bucket List

    The Jazz Bucket List

    Forty jazz-related things to do before you die.

    Vocal Awareness - Discover Your Natural Voice

    Learn the secrets of singing with the Vocal Awarenes System

    Arthur Samuel Joseph is recognized as one of America's leading authorities on the human voice and its training.

    He's been Vocal Awareness coach to Angelina Jolie,Pierce Brosnan, Emmitt Smith, Peter Guber, Anthony

    Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlston Heston and many, many others.

    His program will teach you proven vocal exercises to dramatically enhance your vocal performance, including

    your singing voice. Joseph was vocal director on the film, Annie, as well as singing consultant to numerous

    musicals on Broadway and London s West End.

    Vocal Awareness

    Transform and gain perfect command of your voice in just minutes a day with this holistic DVD study program

    for integrating the voice into total mind/body wellness.

    Amazon Price: $24.95 (as of 08/23/2010)Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    Vocal Awareness

    by: Arthur Joseph

    A course of specially designed exercises that teaches how to dramatically increase vocal performance, while

    integrating the voice into total mind-body wellness. 40-page workbook included.

    Amazon Price: $53.95 (as of 08/23/2010)

    "And the night shall be filled with music,

    And the cares that infest the day

    Shall fold their tents like the Arabs

    And as silently steal away."

    ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Day Is Done

    70. Build a Classical Music Library

    When eminent biologist and author Lewis Thomas was asked what message he would choose to send from Earth

    into outer space in the Voyager spacecraft, he answered, "I would send the complete works of Johann Sebastian

    Bach." After a pause, he added, "But that would be boasting."

    Classical music is definitely among the finer things humanity has to offer. Why not add "build a music library" to

    your bucket list?

    Building a Classical Music Library

    by: Bill Parker

    This book makes music appreciation approachable. Starting with Gregorian chant from the Middle Ages and

    concluding with Mimimalism from the 20th century, author Bill Parker covers the breadth of Western Art music.

    Amazon Price: (as of 08/23/2010)

    The NPR Guide to Building a Classical CD Collection : The 350 Essential Works

    by: Ted Libbey

    National Public Radio's Ted Libbey takes listeners by the hand through the classical repertory to build a music

    library. It takes you work by work, performer by performer, recording by recording--of the symphonies,concertos, chamber pieces, keyboard works, sacred works, and operas that belong in every music lover's library.Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    Amazon Price: $10.85 (as of 08/23/2010)

    Nine of the Best Classical Pieces of All Time

    I. Beethoven's 5th Symphony

    II. Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 21

    III. Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D minor, organIV. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

    V. Carl Orff - Carmina Burana

    VI. Vivaldi - The Four Seasons

    VII. Pachelbel's Canon in D

    VIII. Debussy's "Claire de Lune"

    IX. Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No. 2

    Beethoven 5th Symphony (No. 5, graphical score animation, allegro)

    by smalin | video info

    3,519 ratings | 1,056,329 views

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    curated content from YouTube

    "Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet,

    with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?"

    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

    Take Dance Lessons

    Take dance lessons for:

    71. Rhumba

    72. Merengue

    73. Cha-cha-cha

    74. Tango

    75. Ballroom

    76. Waltz

    77. Foxtrot

    78. Belly Dance

    79. Ballet

    80. Tap Dance

    81. Hip hop

    82. Flamenco

    photo credit: lepiaf.geo

    83. Learn to Dance Samba

    Samba is what they dance in Brazil during Carnival.

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    Quenia's DANCE TODAY: SAMBA! : : DVDs Shipped Worldwide!by StudioEast | video info

    248 ratings | 570,252 views

    curated content from YouTube

    Get the DVD and Learn Samba From Your Living Room

    Let Quenia show you how.

    The Samba Reggae Workout

    Amazon Price: $13.99 (as of 08/23/2010)

    Samba is a fun, lively, rhythmic dance which originated in Brazil. Although in some countries Samba evolved

    into a partner dance--in fact, it was standardized as a ballroom dance in 1956-- in Brazil, Samba remains a solo

    form. It's danced at street festivals and parades, most notably during Carnival season.

    In this DVD Quenia demonstrates the basic footwork of samba and then breaks down the movements into

    concise, understandable steps that anyone can follow.

    84. Learn African Healing Dance

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    Wyoma: African Healing Dance

    Amazon Price: $17.99 (as of 08/23/2010)

    African Healing Dance, with lead dancer Wyoma and the dancers and drummers of the Damballa dance troupe,

    is a step-by-step dance course on healing traditions and spiritual movements that are special to the African dance

    heritage. This course is suited for beginning to advanced dancers, students of dance, instructors, and

    choreographers studying and/or performing African dance.

    "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller"


    What adventures would you like to go on?

    Water Adventures

    85. Go scuba diving

    86. Go snorkeling in a shipwreck.

    87. Swim with sharks.

    88. Be in a cage surrounded by sharks.

    89. Go white water rafting.

    90. Dive in a submarine.Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    91. Go jet skiing.

    92. Jump from a cliff into deep water.

    93. Learn to surf.

    94. Drive a speedboat.

    (Scuba diving Bali Nusa Lembongan courtesy ofIlse Reijs and Jan-Noud Hutten.)

    Women's Surf and Yoga Retreat

    Holly Beck's Women's Surf and Yoga Retreat

    After spending the last ten years traveling the world for contests and photo shoots, pro surfer Holly Beck

    will combine her passions for surfing, yoga, and inspiring others to present a unique opportunity for

    female surfers. Ladies of all ages and surfing abilities will be invited to travel to surf uncrowded waves in

    warm water while receiving professional-quality coaching and friendly encouragement from one of the

    icons of the sport.

    95. Visit the Wreckage of the Titanic Aboard a Submarine

    NOAA Titanic Expedition 2004: Breathtaking Wreck Footage

    by oceanexplorergov | video info

    1,875 ratings | 1,171,661 views

    curated content from YouTube

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    96. Go On a Cruise!

    Photo Credit

    The DSC01166, The Rotterdam and Celebrity Cruise Ship Century photo is courtesy ofjimg944.

    97. Swim in the largest swimming pool in the world, off the coast of Chile.

    It's more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, has a 115-foot deep end, and holds 66 million gallons of water.

    Here are some more fantastic pools.

    Sky Adventures

    98. Ride in a hot air balloon

    99. Go paragliding

    100. Go parasailing in Acapulco.

    101. Go sky diving

    102. Go on a helicopter ride

    103. Fly in a blimp

    104. Learn to fly a plane

    105. Go on a canopy tour (traverse between trees on a zip line).

    photo credit:jurvetson

    106. Go Bungee Jumping

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    Bungee photo courtesy ofStrocchi.

    107. Try Indoor Skydiving.

    Amazing Indoor Skydiving

    by diagonaluk | video info

    330 ratings | 199,544 views

    curated content from YouTube

    Sky-High Thrills

    Top Ten Sky-High Thrills

    From hot-air ballooning in Oregon's wine country, to sky-diving in the Florida keys. Here are ten greatthrills you can have in the sky.Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    Extreme Bungee Jumping

    The best places in the world to go bungee jumping.

    Skydive Spaceland

    At Skydive Spaceland, we know that once you decide you want to learn to skydive, it's often full speed

    ahead! One jump every so often just won't cut it. Also, we've found that student skydivers just do better

    when they can do all of their training in a short period of time. So now we're offering a new program: Get

    your skydiving license in a week!

    "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but

    rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming - "WOW - What a


    - Anonymous

    More Adventures to Go On

    108. Go fire walking

    109. Ride a mechanical bull

    110. Race a sports car.

    111. Fire a pistol.

    112. Go on a cross-country motorcycle trip.

    113. Go rock climbing114. Ride a parade float

    115. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

    116. Climb Mt. Everest

    117. Complete the Seven Summit - climb the highest peaks on each continent.

    118. Ride a snowmobile.

    119. Learn how to do a backflip.

    120. Go paintballing.

    121. Participate in an impromptu snowball fight with complete strangers.

    (O Visual da Escalada is courtesy ofground zero.)

    Touch the Top of the World:

    A Blind Man's Journey to Climb Farther than the Eye Can See: My Story

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    Touch the Top of the World: A Blind Man's Journey to Climb Farther than the Eye Can See: My Story

    by: Erik Weihenmayer

    Amazon Price: $10.88 (as of 08/23/2010)

    A blind man tells his journey to the top of the world's highest mountain. You can read more about it here.

    122. Go Zorbing!

    This looks fun and awful at the same time. Keep in mind that you can add water to the zorb to get the "washing

    machine" effect.

    zorbing ball

    by kyife | video info

    1 rating | 26,460 views

    curated content from YouTube

    123. Ferris Wheels

    Ride the world's largest Ferris Wheels.

    Included are: "The London Eye", "The Star of Nanchang", "The Singapore Flyer", and others.

    124. Ride the Ten Largest Roller Coasters in the World

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    Incredible Hulk POVby Hendrick2448Trolly | video info

    1,297 ratings | 1,299,728 views

    curated content from YouTube

    125. Travel to the Moon With Virgin Galactic

    Virgin Galactic - Be Among the First Private Astronauts

    Virgin Galactic is a company owned and established by Richard Branson's Virgin Group to undertake the

    challenge of making private space travel available to everyone and by creating the first commercialspaceline.

    Awesome: Richard Branson Completes First Successful Private Launch Into Space

    Richard Branson, billionaire founder of Virgin and lover of all expensive flying things, celebrated the first

    successful test flight of his crazy spaceship for tourists - the VSS Enterprise. Branson hopes to welcome

    the first commercial operations flight in 2012, with yesterday's 45,000 three hour trip over the Mojave

    Desert a success set to keep him on schedule.

    125. Stay at the Space Hotel

    Space hotel says it's on schedule to open in 2012

    A company behind plans to open the first hotel in space says it is on target to accept its first paying guests

    in 2012 despite critics questioning the investment and time frame for the multi-billion dollar project.

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    126. Watch a Rocket Launch, Live.

    Photo Credit

    (Shuttle Endeavour Blastoffphoto courtesy ofjurvetson).

    127. Experience Weightlessness

    Zero Gravity Flights!Experience zero-gravity in a uniquely personal way. Our newest zero-g adventure takes place across the

    state from the Kennedy Space Center, at the Aurora Aerospace Training Center in St Petersburg, Florida.

    128. Break a Guinness World Record

    Guinness World Records 2009

    Amazon Price: $7.99 (as of 08/23/2010)

    At 2 feet 5.37 inches, the shortest (mobile) living man is 19-year-old He Pingping of China, who was measured

    on March 22, 2008.

    The world's most expensive cocktail is offered at the Skyview Bar in Dubai, UAE. It costs $7,439 (27,321dirham) and consists of 55-year-old Macallan whisky from Scotland, ice made from the water used at theirShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    distillery, a drop of exclusive dried fruit bitters, and passion-fruit-scented sugar.

    Jeanne Stawiecki of the United States became the oldest female to climb the Seven Summits, including Mount

    Kosciuszko, when she completed her last climb (Mount Everest, Nepal) on May 22, 2007, at the age of 57 years,

    36 days.

    129. Go On a Fabulous Train Ride

    The Top Ten Train Rides In The World

    Here's one:

    The Bernina Express from Chur, Switzerland to Tirano, Italy, makes the highest rail crossing of the Alps,

    passing from icy glaciers to palm-shaded piazzas in just a few hours. It crosses 196 bridges and passes

    through 55 tunnels, while winding around countless spectacular switchbacks. You can take the scenic

    stretch from St. Moritz to Tirano for lunch in Italy in just three hours. "The Bernina Express takes your

    breath away before dropping you off in the marvelous little Italian village of Tirano," Stan Wawer, travel


    Best Rail Vacation In 2010?

    Are you looking for an unforgettable train vacation (and greener travel)? Then you could head to theCanadian Rockies and take the Rocky Mountaineer through the mountains.

    No regrets!

    Poll: Do You Have a Bucket List?

    I have a bucket list and have already crossed several items off my list.

    I've toyed with the idea of creating a bucket list but I don't actually have one.

    I don't have any interest in creating a bucket list.


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    "A life list is a set of goals that you set for yourself covering all the different areas of your life. It's meant to

    ensure that you decide who you want to be, and what you want to do and have in life, and that you take the

    necessary action to accomplish these things."

    -- Marelisa Fabrega

    "Discover how to live a life centered around what matters most to you. Over 175 copies sold!"

    Discover How to Use Your Life List to Create Your Best Life

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

    By creating a life list you'll be choosing how to

    live your life, instead of having your life be

    determined for you. In addition, creating a lifelist will help you to recapture the spirit ofadventure you had as a child, when you thoughtyou were invincible and you spent your time

    dreaming of all the exciting things you were

    going to do when you grew up.

    Having a life list will push you beyond your

    current comfort zone, and it will help you to

    break through self-imposed limits. We all have a

    mental image of who we are and what we're

    capable of doing. However, we can stretch our

    concept of ourselves and our abilities by pushingourselves to constantly step outside of our

    comfort zone. One way to think of your life list

    is as a constant growth motivator.

    "How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential

    Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life

    List" will give you the tools and resources that

    you'll need to not only create, but also to achieve, your life list.

    Most people create a life list and then they stick it in a desk drawer and forget about it. The purpose of this

    eBook is to show you how to use your life list to create a blueprint of your ideal life, then take the necessaryaction steps to build that life, and then inhabit it. Many of us are afraid not of dying, but of getting to the end of

    our life filled with regrets. Henry Thoreau said it beautifully in the following quote:

    "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see

    if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

    Let "How to Live Your Best Life" show you how to live your life fully, so that when you get to the end you can

    feel satisfied that you've truly lived.

    This eBook--which is written in a workbook format--contains the following:

    174 PagesShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    28 Chapters

    30 Practical Exercises

    By the time you finish reading "How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving

    Your Life List" you'll have a Life List Journal filled with your life's dreams, as well as concrete, step-by-stepstrategies to accomplish those dreams.

    You've probably used some of the following as the reasons why you're not pursuing your life goals:

    I'm not sure what I really want; I have vague desires instead of specific, measurable, time-bound goals.

    I don't believe that I can accomplish my life goals. I believe that those who get what they want out of life

    are smarter, richer, more creative, more talented, and more confident than I am.

    I'm overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choices out there. I'm afraid to make the wrong choice, so I

    allow things to stay as they are.

    I try to tackle too many things at once and leave everything half-finished.

    I'm afraid of failing

    I'm afraid of rejection.

    I'm waiting for everything to be "just right" before I get started.

    I don't know how to achieve my goals.

    I'm sure that I'm going to run into an obstacle and then I'll just quit.

    I don't have the time.

    I don't have the energy

    I don't have the money.

    "How to Live Your Best Life" will show you how to overcome every one of these objections, so that they're no

    longer obstacles to creating your best life. You can achieve what you want, regardless of how many times you

    may have failed in the past, or how lofty your goals may be.

    Start Living Your Best Life Today - Live a Life of No Regrets

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

    Imagine waking up each morning to a life that's centered around your life goals, instead of trying to fit what's

    most important to you into the nooks and crannies. "How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for

    Creating and Achieving Your Life List" will show you how. Here's some of what you'll find inside:

    You'll discover how to make a paradigm shift that will allow you to go from letting life happen to you, andfeeling like a Victim of circumstances, to being the Creator of your life. Live life on your own terms:Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    stop shoveling coal in the boiler room and start navigating your ship. (Chapter One).

    You'll be expanding your Circle of Influence by taking inventory of your resources and determining the

    best way to leverage those resources. (Chapter One).

    You'll get absolute clarity on what you want to get out of life by completing several highly effectiveexercises that will allow you to put together your "Master Dream List", filled with everything you dream

    of doing. By working your way through these insightful exercises you will know exactly what you want tohave, experience, and become. (Chapter Three).

    You'll discover how to access the dreams brewing in the back of your mind so that you can turn your

    daydreams into accomplishable goals. (Exercise 3).

    Just like Michelangelo would say that the statues he sculpted were already inside the marble, inside of you

    is the person that you want to be. You'll discover 27 questions which will chip away all of the stuff that has

    been added on over the years and that doesn't belong, in order to reveal the real you underneath. (Exercise


    You'll be grazing at life's all-you-can-eat buffet. (Exercise 6).

    You'll learn a twist on the tried and true obituary exercise which led a management consultant with anOxford law degree to drop her conventional life and become the first woman to row solo across the Pacific

    Ocean. (Exercise 10.)

    "This eBook is like an action manual with a built-in personal life coach and cheerleader."

    Testimonial for "How to Live Your Best Life"

    The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List

    "If not now, when?" Thanks to Marelisa Fabrega's new eBook: "How to Live Your Best Life

    - The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List", the process of creating

    my dream life has just gotten a whole lot easier.

    A renowned authority in the field of abundant living, Marelisa takes you by the hand and

    walks you through every single step on your path to deciding what you want and then taking

    the steps to get it. Not only has she "been there, done that", she backs up her teachings with

    amazing success stories of people like you and me, as well as well-known figures like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Make no mistake, this is NOT yet another collection of impractical New Age mumbo-jumbo advice that leaves

    you frustrated and confused. Marelisa offers an almost encyclopedic wealth of small, practical steps which you

    can master at your own pace. Her extensive guidelines and suggestions save us a big chunk of our own mindwork; all we need to do is pick and choose what applies to our individual desires.

    This eBook is like an action manual with a built-in personal life coach and cheerleader. Don't just buy andread this it and do it, now!

    Chef Keem

    Austin, Texas, US

    Step-by-Step Guide to Draw Out a Map of Your Ideal Future

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    You'll create a list of your immediate needs so that you can clear the way for your Big Hairy Audacious

    Goals. (Exercise 11).

    You'll be given 11 guidelines and a litmus test so that you can polish your life list and make sure that it

    reflects your authentic desires. (Chapter Four).

    You'll discover how dabbling can help you decide whether an item really belongs on your life list.

    (Chapter Four).

    You'll learn three tools for prioritizing your life list so that you can harness the amazing power of focus.You'll discover how to stop scattering your energies by trying to pursue several goals at once, and, instead,

    you're going to use the "Scientific Formula for Success" to focus all of your energy on what's most

    important to you. (Chapter Five).

    You'll be putting foundations under your dreams--or castles in the air--by turning them into specific,

    measurable, time bound goals. Learn exactly how to transform your desires into targets with a clear Bull's

    Eye you can aim at. (Chapter Six).

    You'll learn how to turn vague desires into a goal you can see, hear, and touch. (Chapter Six).

    The results of an experiment conducted by a psychology professor on the power of setting deadlines will

    be revealed to you. (Chapter Six).

    "The breadth and depth of the research in this book is amazing."

    "The book is a delightful mix of anecdotes, information, inspiration and helpful exercises."

    -- Margo Arrowsmith

    Testimonial for "How to Live Your Best Life"

    The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List

    Sitting with an old, and very resistant client, one who has all the excuses I use and more,

    suddenly I had an inspiration from a new e-book I was reading by Marelisa Fabrega. Her

    book is very comprehensive and as a professional I am finding it extremely useful for my

    own personal goals, and I thought, 'What the heck'. So I used one of the many tips I got

    from her work and my resistant client lit up.

    Now, I knew that the information and advice from this book were excellent, but I really saw

    it as more for people at a higher level, with a lot of motivation. But it was also making

    itself useful with this woman who was far from those things.

    The breadth and depth of the research in this book is amazing in a book that is as decidedly readable as this is.

    Marelisa has clearly done her homework, thus setting herself up to be a great role model. She comes up with

    something very new and fresh.

    The book is a delightful mix of anecdotes, information, inspiration and helpful exercises. And, as I said above,

    those things will apply to a person's experience regardless of level of commitment, knowledge or previous work!

    Thank you Marelisa, for writing this!

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    Margo Arrowsmith

    Small Town, Iowa

    Changing the Guard

    Immediately Improve the Quality of Your Life

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

    You'll learn two powerful tools backed by rigorous academic research that are used by Yale University

    professors to encourage goal follow-through. (Chapter Eight).

    You'll discover how the financial fate of two different men was determined not by how hard they each

    worked, how smart they were, or by how many degrees they had hanging on their walls, but by their belief

    systems. (Chapter Nine).

    In the pages of this eBook you'll meet two Australians who made $250,000 in their first 12 months online,

    after several failed attempts at finding a way to reconcile their wish to spend more time with their familyand their need to make a living. They explain that they weren't able to create passive income and lead the

    lifestyle that they wanted until they shifted their belief system. "How to Live Your Best Life" will show

    you how to set empowering beliefs that will shift your internal programming so that you can easilyaccomplish your life goals. (Chapter 9).

    You'll discover the tactic used by Anthony Robbins to accurately predict who will accomplish their goals,

    and who won't. (Chapter Ten).

    You'll be creating the right self-image; this will almost guarantee that you will begin to act in accordancewith the type of person who achieves the goals you've set for yourself. You'll learn how to "be", then "do",

    and then "have". (Chapter Ten).

    You'll be implementing the tool which allowed Greg Louganis to dominate the diving scene over a 12-year

    period that spanned four Olympic games. This tool was also used by Wayne Gretzky--often called "the

    greatest hockey player ever"--, Scott Adams--creator of the incredibly successful cartoon strip "Dilbert"--,

    and Arnold Schwarzenegger to achieve their tremendous success. (Chapter Eleven).

    You'll learn how to banish the fear that has stopped you from going after your dreams in the past.Fear--of failure, of success, of rejection, and of imperfection--is one of the main reasons why people don't

    follow through on their goals, and by conquering your fear you'll be slaying the dragon that's been

    preventing you from achieving your dreams. (Chapter Thirteen).

    "A year from now, you will be living a better life than you thought was possible."

    Testimonial for "How to Live Your Best Life"

    The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List

    "This has got to be the most well-organized and practical roadmap for living life to the

    fullest that I have ever read. Marelisa has done an excellent job of laying out a very

    comprehensive approach to identifying what you want and defining exactly how to go

    about getting it. If you feel like there just has to be more to life than what you are

    experiencing, then you shouldn't waste another minute. Get this eBook, read it and

    do what it says. A year from now, you will be living a better life than you thoughtwas possible."Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    Jeff Nickles

    My Super-Charged Life

    Direct Your Limited Time and Energy

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

    You'll be given five guidelines that will help anyone get over their fear of imperfection. (Chapter


    You'll be told the truth about failure, as explained by a Harvard professor, which you must know in order

    to be able to create your best life. (Chapter Thirteen).

    You'll learn how fear of success can be just as paralyzing as fear of failure, and what to do about it.

    (Chapter Thirteen).

    You'll be surprised at what a man, a boy and a donkey can teach you about the fear of rejection. (Chapter


    You'll discover how to create a plan to accomplish your dreams that's as straight-forward as a "Paint by

    Number Kit". You'll easily be able to create a roadmap telling you exactly what to do in order to achieve

    your goals, much like a "Paint by Number Kit" tells you exactly which color goes where. (Chapter


    You'll be applying the same principle you would use to chop down a tree in order to create a roadmap to

    reach your goals. (Chapter Fifteen).

    For those goals that are off the well-beaten path, you'll discover how to follow your nose or use thehoming pigeon principle in order to reach your objective. (Chapter Sixteen).

    "It's packed with inspirational quotes, practical tips, strategies and step-by-step instructions."

    "By the end of the book, you'll discover and have written out exactly what it is you want to do in your life - and

    how you're going to get there."

    -- Sid Savara

    Testimonial for "How to Live Your Best Life"The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List

    "How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and

    Achieving Your Life List" is a wonderful guide that takes you by the hand and

    gently leads you through a series of introspective exercises. By the end of the

    book, you'll discover and have written out exactly what it is you want to do in

    your life - and how you're going to get there.

    The sections are densely *packed* with inspirational quotes, practical tips,

    strategies and step-by-step instructions to truly enable you to live a life full of

    the dreams you desire.Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    Marelisa effortlessly weaves together countless examples and lessons from

    various books together with her own insights, and the result is a well

    organized, thoughtful guide full of practical instructions that you can apply

    right away to improve the quality of your own life today - and chart a course

    for your future.

    Sid Savara

    Create a Life of Engagement, Joy, and Meaning

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

    You'll learn how to leverage the Law of Cause and Effect so that you can get the greatest return for your

    efforts. (Chapter Seventeen).

    You'll get clarity on how to take right action. You'll be taking the most direct route toward achieving yourgoals, instead of going down time-wasting, unnecessary detours. (Chapter Seventeen).

    You'll be using the model made popular by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, considered by many to be the father

    of modern quality control, in order to reach your objectives. (Chapter Seventeen).

    You'll be organizing and executing around your priorities. You'll learn how to use your time to accomplish

    the things that matter most to you. (Chapter Eighteen).

    You'll discover the two lists you have to write every night in order to accomplish everything you want.

    (Chapter Eighteen).

    You'll be putting on automatic the actions you need to take in order to achieve your goals. You'll learn thesteps you need to follow so that you begin taking the action that's necessary in order to reach your goals,

    day in and day out. (Chapter Nineteen).

    You'll discover what to do when obstacles get in the way of your progress. Learn how those who are

    successful use obstacles to their advantage. (Chapter Twenty).

    Testimonial for How to Live Your Best Life

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life


    If you created a list of everything you want to be, do, and have before you die, what would

    you include on that list? How would you feel if you achieved everything that you included

    on your list?

    Contrary to the clich, a 'life list' doesn't need to be just about skydiving or traveling the

    world. It's about doing what matters, it's about getting clear on the things that are most

    important to you--in all areas of your life--and taking action to pursue them.

    In "How to Live Your Best Life", Marelisa Fbrega walks you through the process of

    creating your life list, sharing exercises, techniques and helpful examples for you to create a

    list that truly inspires you. But the ebook is not only about creating your list, but about actually achieving theitems in it, giving you tools to create habits, conquer fears, stay motivated, and much more. A true completeShare Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    guide --- recommended!

    Luciano Passuello


    Begin Really Living

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

    You'll be making a paradigm shift by turning your haters--or persecutors--into your motivators. (Chapter


    You'll be using one of the key habits that John D. Rockefeller--widely held to be the wealthiest American

    in the history of the United States--applied for ensuring successful completion of his goals. (Chapter


    You'll discover powerful strategies you can use to stay motivated to achieve your goals, even when the

    going gets tough. Applying these motivational strategies will ensure that you keep going until you crossthe finish line. (Chapter Twenty-Two).

    You'll be implementing a strategy used by the artists of the Renaissance to spur you forward toward your

    objectives. (Chapter Twenty-Two).

    You'll learn how to go on a "dream diet", and how to make the diet stick. (Chapter Twenty-Three).

    You'll discover how to apply three more strategies for financing your goals. Once you know what youwant, and you have the time and money to pursue it, it's as good as yours. (Chapter Twenty-Four).

    You'll be completing an exercise which will give you the confidence to go after your dreams with gusto.

    (Chapter Twenty-Six)

    "I was excited by the prospect of reading Marelisa's ebook, 'How to Live Your Best Life', and my expectations

    were exceeded."

    "What appeals to me about the ebook is the way Marelisa systematically takes you through all possible

    blockages to your personal goals and then leads you through processes to dissolve them."

    -- Ron Passfield, PhD

    Testimonial for "How to Live Your Best Life"

    I was excited by the prospect of reading Marelisa's ebook, "How to Live Your Best Life",

    and my expectations were exceeded. She strongly encourages you to create your own "life

    list", to take control of your own life and become your own "life creator". The ebook is

    empowering, challenging and supportive -it is really an exciting journey built on self-belief,

    commitment and action.

    Many books discuss the value of goals but Marelisa helps you create goals that fit your life

    purpose. She gives you a set of comprehensive tools and techniques that open up creative

    possibilities for living your life more fully and richly. One aspect of this is her balanced approach to goal setting

    that takes in all spheres of your life.

    What appeals to me about the ebook is the way Marelisa systematically takes you through all possible blockagesto your personal goals and then leads you through processes to dissolve them. She engages your subconscious in

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  • 8/9/2019 Creating a Bucket List - 100 Things to Do Before You Die


    the process of strengthening self-belief, building commitment and visualizing achievement.

    Marelisa's ebook is rich with motivating examples and exemplars that draw you out of yourself and your

    self-imposed limitations. It is detailed and comprehensive and encourages multiple iterations as you pursue goal

    clarity, achievement planning and realistic pursuit of your goals.

    This is an eminently practical guide to living your life to the full - how to mold your life through goal setting,

    planning and execution. It engages the whole person - the left brain and the right brain and caters for auditory,visual and kinesthetic learners.

    I, for one, will be revisiting the enlightening section on "Financing Your Dreams" and the confidence-building

    exercise, "Creating Your 'Victory List'". I commend this ebook highly for those who want to pursue the full

    richness and happiness that life has to offer.

    Ron Passfield, PhD

    Social Media Consultant and GiantSquid100

    Look InsideRead the Table of Contents

    Read Chapter One

    Read Exercise 9: The Ideal Day

    Order Now

    How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your LifeList

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    Order today and receive "How To Live Your Best Life - The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your

    Life List" for $14.60.

    Just click on the "Buy Now" button below and the eBook will be delivered to you within minutes so that you can

    get started immediately planning the life of your dreams.

    60-Day Money Back Guarantee

    One of my goals is to eliminate the risk of this transaction for you. I know

    that this is a great eBook, and I'm confident that you'll get tremendous value

    from reading it and completing the exercises it contains. I stand 100%

    behind my product.

    If within the 60 days after your purchase you're not completely satisfied

    with the "How to Live Your Best Life" e-book, for any reason, just send me

    an email and you'll get your money back, no questions asked. Heres my


    marelisafabrega at gmail dot com

    Download your copy of "How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your

    Life List" right now.

    Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online

    P.S. There's nothing more powerful than knowing what you want out of life, believing that you can get it, andtaking consistent, right action toward achieving your goals. To quote Gene Hayden, "Following-through is the

    only thing that separates dreamers from people that accomplish great things".

    P.S.S. You don't want to look back at the end of your life and be filled with regrets. Mercedes Lackey-anAmerican author of fantasy novels-once said: "If only. Those must be the two saddest words in the world." Make

    sure that your life isn't filled with "if only's".

    Let "How To Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List" show you

    how to define your life goals and how to see them through to completion.Share Page Fun stuff to DO! Fan Page Like Stumble It! Chat with your friends

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    Share 1071

    About the Author - Marelisa Fabrega

    Marelisa Fabrega--creator of this Squidoo lens--is a writer and Internet entrepreneur. She's the creator

    and writer ofAbundance Blog at Marelisa Online, a blog with over 2,700 subscribers.

    She's the author of two ebooks: How to Be More Creative - A Handbook for Alchemists and How To

    Live Your Best Life- The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List.

    Marelisa holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington,

    D.C., as well as a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center. She's from the Republic of Panama,

    which is where she currently lives, and she's also lived in the US, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Egypt, England, and


    Her hobbies include meditation--she's a Silva Mind Control graduate--, running--she's currently training for the

    Panama Marathon in December 2010--, travelling--she's visited over 20 countries--, and reading.

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    Hi, I'm Marelisa Fabrega. I blog over at Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online.

    I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown U... (more)

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