Page 1: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

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Page 2: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help


Page 3: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

THE NEXT STEPS PROJECT Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life !

!Grace Church exists to help people take their next

step toward Christ. But this is not just the mission of

our organization or our leaders, it is our mission as

individuals. Every disciple of Jesus exists to make

disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:19). It is God’s desire

that we seek Christ and grow in order to help others

seek Christ and grow.

!The process of discipleship is not a formula. But

neither is it just organic, wishful feelings or passive

hope that growth will happen. We are called to be

doers and not just hearers of the Word of God, or else

we are just playing games with ourselves (James 1:22).

!If you act on your faith in Christ, growth may not look

like you think it will. But if you don’t act, it’s certain

you won’t grow at all.

!Everyone has a next step. The Next Steps Project can

help you find yours.

Page 4: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

WHAT DO I DO NEXT? How to Use The Next Steps Project !

The Next Steps Project isn’t a one-size-fits-all roadmap, but rather a travel guide

to dozens of choices and ideas you can mix and match according to your level of

maturity in Christ, advice from leaders and mentors, and your submission to God’s

will for your life.

!The Next Steps Project will walk you through five categories of potential next steps in

your faith. Christians are consistently called to obedience in each of these categories

in scripture:

TRUTH How will I fill my mind with God’s wisdom?

AFFECTION How will I fuel my love for God?

WITNESS How will I share the story of what God has done for me?

COMMUNITY How will I give my life to serve other Christians in the Church?

INFLUENCE How will I make disciples?

!PROJECT GOALS !Grace exists to help people take their next step toward Christ. !That means two things: !1. We want to help you take your next step, since you’re a part of Grace, and !2. Since you’re a part of Grace, we want to help you help other people take their next step, too. !As you go through the project, think not only about your spiritual needs, but the spiritual needs of others (Philippians 2:4-5). !How will the steps you take allow you to share the love of Christ with those around you and help them grow? How can you grow not only for your own sake, but for the sake of your family, friends and co-workers? How can your life in Christ outlast your own life by pouring into future generations of the Church? !


Page 5: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

!!!WHAT TO DO !1. Pray and ask God to show you your next steps. !2. Talk it over with someone whose godly wisdom you trust. !3. Then walk through the project, choosing a few steps from each category that interest you. You can narrow them down at the end of the Project. !!!!HELPFUL DEFINITIONS & SYMBOLS !!First Step The most basic thing you can do in the featured category. If you need to start somewhere, start here. !Next Steps More options to help you grow according to your spiritual needs. These lists aren’t comprehensive — they’re just some of the simple ways you can pursue God in each category. !Orange-Colored Steps are resources offered right at Grace Church. !

This symbol is a cue to connect your plan to your own spiritual story. !! !!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 6: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

FIRST, LET’S HEAR YOUR STORY. !To imagine what God can do for you in the future, you must remember what God has done for you in the past. !If you are a Christian, Jesus has chosen you, loved you, and sacrificed Himself for you. The God of the universe has died for you, paid the debt in full for all of your sins, and called you His friend. That’s the gospel — the good news of our faith. !Take a few minutes to write down brief answers to what this looks like in your life: !!!

I believe Jesus is !!!!!!!!My life before knowing Christ was !!!!!!!!!!My life after knowing Christ has been !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 7: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

These people helped me begin or grow in my life in Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!I have seen changes in these specific areas of my life !!!!!!!!!!I still struggle with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, let’s use your story as a jumping-off point for your practical Next Steps plan. !!!!�7

Page 8: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

TRUTH How will I fill my mind with God’s wisdom? !!

The TRUTH section suggest steps for reading, memorizing, learning and obeying God’s Word. !

In the first question you answered when you wrote out your story, you stated what you believe about Jesus. But since Jesus is God — He is infinite and eternal. There is always more to learn and to know about Him. Our knowledge, belief and faith in Him should always grow. !

Disciple literally means student — a learner — and God’s Word is the primary source of truth and wisdom for the Christian. The Bible isn’t just another book — it is living and active, with power to help us know what to do, change our feelings, keep us from sin, help us keep the right motives and train us in righteousness (Hebrews 4:12). !!!TAKE THE FIRST STEP: !p I will set aside specific times to regularly read or listen to God’s Word. !

To start, you can download the Grace app (search “Grace Church Orlando” on your Apple, Windows or Android phone) and follow the daily Bible Reading Plan located on the Bible tab. You can also listen to the Bible read aloud to you on the app, handy for engaging with the Bible on your way to or from work. !You can also find Bible reading plans organized around a topic, book or season at !Use a great Bible app to bring God’s Word with you on the go: !!!Already taking this step? If you’d like to see more next steps for Truth, go on to the next page. If you’re just taking this first step and you’re ready for the next section, skip to page 10. !!!!!!!


Page 9: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

TRUTH | READY FOR NEXT STEPS? !COMMIT TO LEARN WEEKLY IN YOUR LOCAL CAMPUS COMMUNITY At Grace, we teach directly through portions of the Bible every Sunday in our services. Commit to attend this one hour each week consistently, and pray God will reveal His word to you at your campus. !Learning in community builds common ground and conversation with your spiritual family, the church. It also honors and supports your campus pastor, who has studied many hours to bring God’s word to you (I Timothy 3:17, Hebrews 13:17). !!MEMORIZE GOD’S WORD Memorizing the Bible has value in keeping us from sin (Psalm 119:11), helping us share our faith (2 Timothy 3:16-17), and transforming us to be like Christ (Hebrews 4:12). If you’re new to memorizing Scripture, start with some free memory cards we’ve designed for you (located at the back of this workbook). !After that, consider memorizing a verse each week — Grace provides a suggested verse to memorize on the blue sermon guides we hand out at our campuses each Sunday. They are available online at !There are two popular Bible memory apps for your mobile device as well: Fighter Verses and Remember Me (links at right). !!STUDY IN-DEPTH Join a class, study a book, go through an in-depth Bible study. Use Bible study tools online. Learning from other teachers increases humility, offers support and feedback, and is invaluable for your growth. It has always been the practice of the church since its earliest days (Acts 2:42).


CHOOSE ONE OR MORE STEPS: !LEARN IN COMMUNITY WEEKLY p I will commit to listen to and support my pastor’s teaching each week I am in town. !!MEMORIZE p I will begin to memorize God’s word.

Use Grace’s basic memory cards (at the back of this workbook) Memorize the verses on Grace’s weekly Message Guides ( Use the Fighter Verses app ( Use the Remember Me App ( !!

STUDY p I will commit to spend time in the study of God’s Word and Christian truth (register for any Grace classes at !

Men’s Leadership Training Systematic Theology (women) Tuesday Night Theology (co-ed) Practical Theology (women) Christian Worldview Series (co-ed) The Colossians Project ( Choose an online Bible study at Use Some recommended authors:

Elisabeth Elliot Elyse Fitzpatrick Tim Keller C.S. Lewis John Piper Andy Stanley !

Page 10: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

AFFECTION How will I fuel my love for God? !

The AFFECTION section suggests steps that will increase your love for God. !When you told your story, you wrote about your life before and after Christ. Remembering what God has done for you with gratitude and wonder each day is the key to growing in your love for Him. !

Without affection for God, our obedience takes root in only duty and not in grateful joy at His grace for us. Out of that gratitude, a disciple will pursue spiritual disciplines that will increase his or her dependance on and love for Christ (John 14:21) . !!!!!TAKE THE FIRST STEP: !p I will join my Grace campus family for worship each Sunday. Worshiping together is an intentional, public, consistent statement that you love and belong to God and not yourself. It is sacrificing time for God and trusting Him to fill you up both spiritually and practically. !Corporate worship is a regular, gracious reminder that it's not about you. You've been born into a life that is a celebration of another. - Paul David Tripp !!!Already taking this step? If you’d like to see more next steps for Affection, go to the next page. If you’re just taking the first step and you’re ready for the next section, go to page 12. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 11: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

!AFFECTION: READY FOR NEXT STEPS? !WORSHIP IN DAILY LIFE Worship is focusing and reflecting on God’s glory, His goodness and His grace toward us. It is realizing and responding to who He is and the amazing grace He has offered us, moment by moment. While we are consistently called to worship together as the Church, we can and should worship anywhere and anytime. !PRAY CONSISTENTLY Develop a habit of talking to God (I Thess. 5:17). Determine a time and a place that you will set aside for prayer. Commit 5-10 minutes before each meal to pray, or perhaps pray for a specific amount of time each morning or evening. You can study classic books on prayer to help, or keep a prayer journal. !GIVE GENEROUSLY Giving is the most tangible way we can express that all that is ours belongs to God and that He is our treasure, not things. This starts with giving to the church, though it may extend above and beyond this as well. The biblical model is a tithe, or 10%, of your income. If you’ve never given regularly before, take small steps toward reaching that goal. You can learn more about giving and set up a regular giving schedule at !EXPLORE FASTING Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food to spend time in devotion to God. Once a week or month, instead of eating a meal, regularly spend that hour praying and reading God’s Word. Once you’ve grown accustomed to this practice, increase the time to fast for two meals, and then for an entire twenty-four-hour period. If you’re new to fasting and want more information on its purpose in the spiritual life read A Hunger for God by John Piper. Free PDF:


CHOOSE ONE ORMORE STEPS: !WORSHIP p I will find ways to worship God in my daily life.

Read Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster Explore ways I worship God best with the Sacred Pathways Quiz ( and schedule time for it regularly Download the worship music we sing at Grace for your car or mp3 player ( !

PRAYER p I will intentionally pursue God in prayer.

Schedule regular time for prayer Journal my prayers Join the prayer team and pray for the people of Grace who are in need Read With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray Read Power Through Prayer by E.M. Bounds !!

GIVING p I will begin to faithfully give to God’s work in the church. !!FASTING p I will learn more about and practice the spiritual discipline of fasting.

Read A Hunger for God by John Piper ( Fast one meal a week Fast one full day a week !!!!!

Page 12: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

WITNESS How will I share the story of what God has done for me? !

The WITNESS section suggests steps that will help you share your faith. !Sharing your faith with others isn’t complicated. It’s simply telling the story just like you wrote it down on your story page — being an eye “witness” — of what God has done for you. !

We often ask what God’s will is, but at the heart of God’s will is the mission Jesus left us with: Go and share the gospel and make disciples for God’s glory. Disciples of Jesus constantly ask “How can my life align with God’s will for me to be His witness in the world?” !Every person that God has put around you is a person who needs to hear and respond to the gospel. You were once that person, yet someone intentionally sought you out to share the gospel with you. It’s your privilege to do the same. !!TAKE THE FIRST STEP: !p I will invite someone to church. !You don’t have to know a thing about the Bible or theology to pick up an invite card and bring someone with you to church. Pick a specific service and tell them you’ll meet them there and show them around, maybe even offer to take them to breakfast before or lunch afterward. It makes a huge difference to suggest a specific time and place and to promise to join them. !Name a person : ________________________________________________________

Choose a date to invite them: ____________________________________________

!!Already taking this step? If you’d like to see more next steps for Witness, go to the next page. If you’re just taking the first step and you’re ready for the next section, go to page 14. !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 13: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

WITNESS | READY FOR NEXT STEPS? !BE BAPTIZED Baptism is an essential step we are asked to take as disciples of Christ, proclaiming to all that we have been “buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).” It is a way to show your family and your community that you belong to Christ. !At Grace, baptism is a huge celebration of lives that have been changed by Christ — a tailgate- style picnic held twice a year at Lake Virginia. !!WITNESS IN MY HOME Your witness for Christ starts at home. If you are married and have children, how are you going to lead and challenge your spouse and children to take their next steps toward Christ? If you are single and living with roommates or by neighbors, how will you inspire and influence them to take their next steps? How can you use your home to reach people with the gospel? Find some ideas in the list at right. !!WITNESS IN MY COMMUNITY AND BEYOND Take some time to think of three people in your life who do not know God. Then begin praying specifically for God, through the power of his Spirit, to draw them to His salvation and to use you to share the gospel with them. Write their names down here: !!____________________________________ !____________________________________ !____________________________________ !!Christ makes it clear that our neighbor is anyone in need. Consider involvement in local or international missions if that interests you. Grace offers trips each year, email [email protected] and ask to be on the list for these opportunities. !


CHOOSE ONE ORMORE STEPS: !BAPTISM p I will register to be baptized, the first step Jesus commanded to show my family and community I belong to Christ. !MY HOME p I will find practical ways to share the gospel in my home.

Thank God for things out loud. Make faith a visible priority in your life - let your kids see you pray, let a neighbor see your Bible on your coffee table. Talk about God’s truth in comparison to movies, TV, the news — using them as touch points for spiritual conversation Never miss an opportunity to tell what God is doing in your life Use graceKIDS take-home parent materials (Parent Cues, Journals) Read The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller Read This Momentary Marriage by John Piper Read Give Them Grace (parenting) by Elyse Fitzpatrick !

MY NEIGHBOR p I will find practical ways to share the gospel in my community and beyond.

Use series cards to invite people to church (find at Info Center) Attend the Christian Worldview Series to learn answers to objections to Christian faith ( Go on a Grace mission trip [email protected] Share kindness or a meal in the name of Christ with my co-workers or neighbors Write regular notes to someone who is struggling. Include the fact that I am praying for them. Invite people into my home to share hospitality.

Page 14: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

COMMUNITY How will I give my life to serve other Christians in the Church? !

The COMMUNITY section suggests steps that will help you connect to the church. !In your story, you wrote about people who helped you grow in Christ. You can be that person to someone else by serving in and belonging to the Church. !

We are called to love both believers and non-believers, but Jesus said that the world will know we are His disciples specifically by our love for each other — other Christians — the Church (John 13:35, Galatians 6:10). !We cannot claim to be disciples if we have no heart, space, time or plan to love and serve our fellow followers of Christ. If you are called to be a part of Grace, that means connecting to others in your neighborhood campus family so that you can encourage each other to good deeds and love (Hebrews 10:24). !!TAKE THE FIRST STEP: !p Join a Grace Community. These smaller, regular gatherings in homes around the city are the primary way to connect with others at Grace for friendship, service and care. In addition to helping each other learn and grow, people in Grace Communities celebrate and serve each other through life change and hardship, offering prayer and practical help. !Find a Grace Community close to you: !!Already taking this step? If you’d like to see more next steps for Community, go to the next page. If you’re just taking the first step and you’re ready for the next section, go to page 16. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 15: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

CONNECTION | READY FOR NEXT STEPS? !ATTEND DISCOVER GRACE Discover Grace is held on select Sundays where you can hear the history, vision and mission of Grace, meet the staff, and sit down for a free lunch and ask questions about the church. You’ll find out what we’re all about and how you can connect to the community at your campus. !!EXPLORE YOUR GIFTS How has God uniquely wired you to connect with others? What strengths do you exhibit and how do you enjoy spending your time? The Bible says we have each been given unique gifts by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of serving the church. Answering these two questions can often lead you to a place where you would find the most joy and also best serve other believers. If you would like to take a free spiritual gift analysis you can find one at !!TAKE THE LEAD IN CONNECTION Once you’ve joined a Grace Community, commit to being an active part of it. Make a plan to encourage and support its members during the week, or ask about training to lead or host your own Grace Community: Email [email protected] !!SERVE OTHER CHRISTIANS AND THOSE NEW TO FAITH AT YOUR CAMPUS Grace preaches the gospel, encourages and cares for its people, trains kids and students in the faith and leads people to worship God with the help of 900 volunteer hours each week. We need you on the team. !Find a list of teams at right, or talk to us about your gifts and experience and how you could use them to serve God, your fellow Christians, and those joining us to hear about the gospel of Jesus each weekend. !!!!! !


CHOOSE ONE ORMORE STEPS: !!ATTEND DISCOVER GRACE p I will attend the Discover Grace lunch to learn about the mission and vision of my church and see how I might be a part of it. ! !!EXPLORE YOUR GIFTS p I will learn how God has uniquely gifted me to serve the community of believers in the church. !

Take a Spiritual Gifts Test !!

TAKE THE LEAD IN CONNECTION p I will invest in community at Grace through Grace Communities !

Lead a Grace Community Host a Grace Community Train for future leadership Intentionally make a plan to encourage and support the members of my Grace Community throughout the week !

Email [email protected] for more info !SERVE OTHERS p I will help display my love for and obedience to Christ by serving my fellow believers in my campus family. Here’s what I’m interested in exploring: !

Communications Team Communion Team Connections Team graceKIDS Team GraceOps (Set up/operations) GraceStudents Team Office Volunteer Team Production (Tech) Team Worship Team !

Email [email protected] for more info.

Page 16: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

INFLUENCE How will I make disciples? !

The INFLUENCE section suggests steps that will help you mentor others. !When you wrote your story, you shared specific changes you’ve seen in your life in Christ. You also mentioned places you still struggle. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, these two areas can both be the foundation for your influence in the lives of other believers. !

Places where Christ has changed you are the places where you can confidently lead others. Places where you still struggle are opportunities for you to show the beautiful grace of the gospel in your life to others — that God has accepted you though you still don’t have it all together. !!TAKE THE FIRST STEP: !p Choose one person who needs encouragement to come to faith or grow in their faith in Christ, and pray and act on opportunities to show them God’s love. !It can be a spouse, a child, a family member, a friend, or a co-worker. Write down three specific ways you can influence them for Christ in the next year. It could be asking them how you can pray for them, sending them a card with a scripture verse during a hard time, meeting a practical need and letting them know it’s because you love Jesus. Pray daily for the opportunity to show Christ to them. !Write his or her name here: _______________________________________________ !!Already taking this step? If you’d like to see more next steps for Influence go to the next page. If you’re just taking the first step, and you’re ready for the next part of creating your plan, go to page 18.!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 17: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

INFLUENCE | READY FOR NEXT STEPS? !LEAD AT HOME For many people, disciple making begins in their home with friends and family. This doesn’t have to be a formal process, but you do have to be intentional. It can be as simple as spending a few minutes at dinner praying for friends and neighbors, reading through a kids’ Bible at bedtime (we recommend the Jesus Storybook Bible), or taking regular walks and talking about the day and how your faith impacts it. Look for opportunities to connect God to everything. !!MENTOR OTHERS Consider two or three people God has placed in your sphere of influence whom you can lead to make disciples. Then invite those few people to spend intentional time with you in the days ahead for the express purpose of growing in Christ together. Consider those inside the church — people you serve beside or those attending your Grace Community - as well as those outside the church — co-workers, family members, neighbors. !!MULTIPLY DISCIPLESHIP To be a disciple is to make disciples. Jesus told His followers: “Go and make disciples... baptize them, teach them” and then promised: “I am with you always.” As you move through your life seeking to influence others remember that Jesus is with you and will equip you to share your faith, to teach others, and to be a source of encouragement. Think through how you can influence the people in your life to more faithfully follow Jesus. !!!!!!


CHOOSE ONE ORMORE STEPS: !LEAD AT HOME p I will plan at least one way to make disciples in my home.

Read Total Church by Tim Chester to learn how I can use my home & everyday life to advance the gospel Spend 5-10 minutes each time I have dinner at home and allow each person at the table a chance to pray. — celebrate the prayers God answers! Purchase the Jesus Storybook Bible and begin reading one story each night to my children (available at the graceKIDS resource area) Schedule a monthly dinner, bonfire, or dessert with a few friends and plan conversations around spiritual topics

MENTOR OTHERS p I will look for practical ways to share what I know about following God with other people.

Plan a weekly or monthly lunch with someone I can encourage in their faith Host or lead a Grace Community to use my home or gifts to encourage others in faith. Grace provides coaching and training. Mentor students at a local school or community center Volunteer at the Edgewood Children’s Ranch as a mentor to kids in need. Email [email protected] !!

MULTIPLY DISCIPLESHIP p I will find practical ways to share the gospel in my community and beyond.

Serve in graceKids as a Community leader Walk the person I identified in the first step on page 16 through this workbook — to help them make a plan for their spiritual growth Consider how I will share your life with this person - my strengths and failures from my story.

Page 18: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help


Determining the how, when and where !You are twice as likely to reach your goals if you write down a specific plan for how, when and where you will pursue them.* !Go back through your plan and choose one or two steps you’d like to take in each of the five categories. To narrow it down, perhaps choose things you can only do with God’s help — something that’s a challenge area for you — or something you’ve felt like you should do for a long time. Then write a specific date and time it goes into your weekly calendar below. !For example, if you are going to listen to the Bible via the Grace app in the car on the way to work each day, write “Bible, car, 8:30a” on Monday through Friday. If you want to spend an hour each Saturday in prayer, schedule it for a certain time and place. If you are planning to join a Grace Community or class that meets on a certain night, write the location and time on the day it meets. !Remember: Grace is about taking your next step, not your next hundred steps. Pray and seek wisdom about the steps you choose. !!* from Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals by Heidi Grant Halvorson, PhD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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!!Are you taking one-time steps, like baptism or a spiritual gifts test? Write them here: !!STEP DATE I WILL COMPLETE IT !____________________________________________________________________






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Three final steps that will help your plan become part of your life !!1. Share it. !The church is here to encourage you and build you up in the faith. Share your plan with others — especially with your Grace Community if you belong to one — and allow them to support you and keep you focused as you grow. !Write down three people you’ll share your plan with here: !_________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________ !_________________________________________________ !!!!2. Celebrate it. !Rejoice in even the smallest glimpse of God’s work in you. Write down the steps you take and what they mean to you. Share them with others. Make notes on this plan when you learn something new or when things go well. !If you’ve never read the Bible outside of church before, one day is better than what you did before. !If you’ve never memorized scripture, one verse is better than none. !If you’ve never invited someone to church, asking one person one time means you took your next step. !The Christian life is all about God working in you to transform you to be more like Christ. Thank Him as He does it, even in the smallest of ways. !!!!3. Return to it. !No one is perfect. We’ll all have days where life distracts us or weeks where we walk away. You’ve only failed to take your next steps in this plan if you never come back to it, praying and asking God to help you focus on obeying His will for your life again. !!


Page 21: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

NEXT STEPS AT GRACE & BEYOND: A GLOSSARY At Grace we take spiritual growth seriously and provide you with the following tools to help you take your next step toward Christ. !BAPTISM PICNIC Also known as the Baptism Tailgate. All campuses and Grace Communities gather at Lake Virginia in Winter Park to celebrate with those whose lives have been changed by Christ and are taking their next step of faith through baptism. Each spring and fall.

BIBLES (FREE) Grace provides Bibles to use in our weekend services — and if you need one, you can take one home for free.

BIBLE APPS Download a free Bible app to keep God’s Word with you on the go:

GRACE APP Search “Grace Church Orlando” to get our church’s own app, which includes the entire Bible online to read or to listen to while you’re on the road.

FAITH-LIFE STUDY BIBLE This app includes the whole Bible, helpful study explanations and other resources for learning scripture.

BIBLE (formerly YouVersion) This popular Bible app includes a place to make and share notes and to connect to others who are reading.

BIBLE READING PLANS Read the Bible through in a year, focus on a specific topic or study seasonal passages with a reading plan:

GRACE APP The Life Journal Reading Plan on the Grace App guides you through all of the Bible in one year. You can even have it read aloud to you as you drive. !BIBLEGATEWAY.COM/READING-PLANS or BIBLE.COM/READING-PLANS More topically and seasonally focused plans available in all translations of the Bible. !

BIBLESTUDYTOOLS.COM This helpful site contains complete commentaries on scripture and Strong’s Concordance, which allows you to look up the words of the Bible in the original languages.

CONNECT CARD The Connect Card is printed weekly and handed out as you enter the worship service. It contains information about upcoming events, ways to get connected to Grace and the first-time guest card (which your friends can exchange for a Starbucks gift card on their first Sunday).

DISCOVER GRACE (MEMBERSHIP LUNCH) A free lunch held on select Sundays where you can hear the history, vision and mission of Grace, meet the staff, and ask questions about the church — you’ll find out what we’re all about and how you can connect to the community at your campus.

DISCOVERGRACE.COM The church website. Provides information regarding everything happening at Grace:

message audio, events, specific campus information, class details and registrations, online giving, worship song links, seasonal devotionals and more.

GRACE APP A free tool for your iPhone, iPad, Android, or Windows phone that gives you mobile access to video and audio messages, events, Bible reading plans, Grace Communities, online giving, and more. Search “Grace Church Orlando” on your app store to find it.

GRACE COMMUNITIES Groups of 15-25 people that gather in neighborhoods throughout the city to connect for growth, friendship, bible study, and service. Grace Communities meet in homes; get more information and find the GC nearest you at

graceKIDS! JOURNALS Distributed weekly in Elementary community groups to help your kids further understand and reflect on what they’re learning at church. They include daily devotions, activities, and places to write prayers and responses.

GRACE MAGAZINE Semi-annual publication that celebrates all that God is doing in and through Grace. You’ll meet the newest campus pastors, read stories of life change, and learn how God is working at each of our campuses. It’s a tool that keeps you connected and helps you share with others how God is working at your church. New issues each spring and fall.

INVITE CARDS Available at the info desk, these business-card sized invitations are a great tool to help you invite others to join you at Grace. They include service times and campus locations. General Grace invites and invites related to the current message series are available.

JESUS STORYBOOK BIBLE An engaging Bible for young children that shows how Jesus is the theme of every story in both the Old and New Testaments. Available at your graceKIDS check-in and resource table.

MENTORING Grace’s campus at Edgewood Children’s Ranch serves the students, families and staff at this residential school and home for teens in crisis. Mentoring and volunteer opportunities are available with these students. Contact [email protected] for more info.

MESSAGE GUIDES Follow-up question cards that accompany each week’s teaching and are designed to be used individually or in a Grace Community. Pick up a copy this Sunday with your connect card or browse previous week’s questions and answers on our website at

MINISTRY TEAMS Volunteer teams are the backbone of Grace and make Sunday worship and weekly ministry possible. Each week nearly 900 volunteer hours are


Page 22: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

given to set up, take down and serve at our portable campuses and help people take their next step toward Christ. Find a team that best fits you and begin giving back through the church. Each campus has the following teams: Worship & Production, graceKIDS! GraceStudents, Communications, Guest Services, GraceOps (set-up & tear-down) and Grace Communities. In addition to Sunday, there are dozens of hours given at our central offices as we prepare for the following Sunday. More at

ONLINE BIBLE STUDIES Study the Bible anytime on the web:

BIBLE.COM ONLINE STUDIES Search for a topic or book you’d like to study and choose from studies, articles and resources.

THE COLOSSIANS PROJECT Written by Kelly Adkins, the wife of Senior Pastor Mike Adkins, this verse-by-verse weekly study of the book of Colossians can be found at

THEGOSPELCOALITION.ORG Watch videos, listen to messages and link to books and articles on a variety of spiritual topics.

ONLINE GIVING A convenient way to contribute to the ministry at Grace. Give one time or set up a giving schedule for regular contributions.

PARENT CUES These accompany the graceKIDS! curriculum each week, providing parents with simple cues throughout the week reminding you to pause and make the most of everyday moments and point your kids to God.

PRAYER TEAM The prayer team commits to pray for our church and the needs of our people. If you have a prayer request simply fill out a card on Sunday morning, place it in the offering plate or turn it in at the info desk and our elders and prayer team will pray for you throughout the week. All prayer requests are treated confidentially.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS In addition to the books recommended in the different sections of the plan, you can find more titles at these links: !


MEMORY CARDS Get started with the Scripture memory cards located on the next page. !WEEKLY MEMORY VERSE Each week at Grace, we include a verse for you to memorize on our weekly Message Guides. !!!

FIGHTER VERSES AND REMEMBER ME APPS Scripture memory app tools for iPhone and Android. !

SOCIAL MEDIA Stay connected to the latest info at Grace and be encouraged through your favorite social media.


INSTAGRAM @discovergrace


SPIRITUAL GIFTS TEST Find out how God’s uniquely gifted you to serve His church at

THEOLOGY CLASSES Grace provides multiple classes and opportunities for you to study theology — the truth about God as found in scripture. Find the class that best fits you and your schedule, then register online at

CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW SERIES provides a monthly conversation around topics of life and faith. The class is designed to answer your questions and help you think through a Christian response to difficult cultural topics. Classes are led by a rotation of Grace’s teaching pastors, with locations in Orlando and Oviedo.

MEN'S LEADERSHIP TRAINING is designed to equip men to become better leaders at home, at work, in the church and in the community. The class meets Tuesday from 6-7:30a for a spring and fall semester. Led by the teaching pastors with locations in Orlando and Oviedo.

PRACTICAL THEOLOGY (formerly Women 101) is a place for Grace women to take a first step of connecting and learning. Offered every 6-8 weeks these classes provide a Q&A panel on practical topics of life and faith.

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY (formerly Women 201) This weekly class offers in-depth, theological studies for Grace women to deepen their faith and relationship with God. Spring and fall classes are available.

TUESDAY NIGHT THEOLOGY is open to both men and women and looks deeply into the theological truths that form our faith. The class meets Tuesday from 7-8:30p for a spring and fall semester and is taught by Pastor Mike Adkins.

WEEKLY SERVICES Every weekend at our campuses. This is where the church gathers and is one of the primary places God works among His people as we join together for worship, preaching, prayer, communion and more. Each service also offers age-appropriate programming for children.

WORSHIP MUSIC Find weekly links to purchase and download the original recording of music we sing in our services:


Page 23: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help
Page 24: CREATING A PRACTICAL DISCIPLE-MAKING … NEXT STEPS PROJECT ! Creating a practical disciple-making plan for your life ! Grace Church exists to help

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