Page 1: Creating and Adding a Title on Premier Pro

Creating and Adding a Title to Video Clip on Premier Pro

Page 2: Creating and Adding a Title on Premier Pro

First, I selected ‘Title’, ‘New Title’ then ‘Default Still’ and gave it a name (Jess Jones). I kept the suggested settings as they could always be changed throughout the process of making the title. I was able to use the Background Video Timecode (shown above in the red box) to find the timing of the video of where I wanted the title to appear- toggling the background video on and off was done by selecting the eye above it. I then selected different types of fonts I wanted to use.

Page 3: Creating and Adding a Title on Premier Pro

Adobe Garamond White 90

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Caslon Pro 68

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Nueva Std

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Lithos Pro

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I went with my first choice, Adobe Garamond White 90 but then found a font similar- Garamond Black 37. I liked the colour already set so just messed around with the Linear Gradient until I got a nice white outline around ‘Home’, breaking up the block colour a little bit.

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Once done creating the title, I closed the tab- as it automatically saved it to the project files- and dragged and dropped it onto the timeline- into V2, above the video clip. This meant it would be transparent and overlay the video.

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I then selected the Effects Control tab and set the opacity of the title to zero. I selected the circle, shown in the red box, to add this key frame- marking where I wanted this transition of the fade to start and end.

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I moved along the timeline to pick the next point where I wanted the title to fade onto the screen more, adjusting the opacity to a higher percentage and selecting the circle to add the key frame. After this point, I began to reduce the opacity in order for the title to begin fading out.

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Finally, I adjusted the opacity for the last part and set it back to zero. I then rendered the footage so the red bar above the sequence turned green.

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