Page 1: Creative Critical Reflection- Music Promotion Package (A level Media Studies)- Sehrish Baseem




Page 2: Creative Critical Reflection- Music Promotion Package (A level Media Studies)- Sehrish Baseem

The last task of our Advanced Portfolio requires us to critically evaluate the music video we have created.

After researching and learning about multiple codes and conventions of our mediums, we have developed

into media literate individuals. This gives us the knowledge to analyze our work to point out the various

themes and patterns in our work and what they signify as well as represent. Feedback from individuals of

our target audience allows them to give a first hand account on what aspects they loved the best, which

we can use to gauge how successful our products would be as real media texts. We critically reflect on all

the creative decisions taken by us as a producer, director and editor through these set of questions:

1. How do your products use or challenge conventions and how do they represent social groups or


2. How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of ‘branding’?

3. How do your products engage with the audience and how would they be distributed as real

media products?

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?



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Before evaluating and starting off with my creative critical reflection, I would like to make it very clear

To the viewers of my CCR that what exactly a “music promotion package” is and what should it contain.

Promotion of all sorts of media, whether film or music is nowadays the most important key role for its

success. Without Proper marketing or excellent promotional strategies it is a mere risk for the product to

reach the heights of Success. Promotion of media products is mostly done by the “Public Relations”

department of the Distribution company that the production house hires.

A music promotion package as the name itself suggests that it is a complete way of marketing the

produced media(music album, song,video etc) via various Promotional strategies,t echniques and

mediums/platforms like the social media which is the most trending In today’s time when technology

advances on daily basis. A music promotion package emphasizes on Either a band/singer (solo artist)

which is either being launched as a new face in the market or has been there from before but is releasing

Their newly worked product. The Music Promotion Package or MPP contains multiple options of advertising

The product, for instance a music video; so the MPP must consist of the Band/artist’s brief bio/introduction,

Music video, webpage and digipak for marketing purposes. The website created should promote not only the

Product(music video) but should provide it’s singer a platform so he/she get a chance to come in the limelight

and make their venture/debut a success.


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Why I chose Music Promotional Package as my Advanced Portfolio.

As my advanced level portfolio, from 4 various options I chose to create a music video and selected the

Music Promotion Package becauseI believe music is a diverse platform that has a global feel with no

language allowing people from different parts of the world to come together, connect and relate to one

another in a number of ways. Music brings together souls, heals hearts and lets people to comprehend

life in a deep way. Similarly, music helps us to find new beginnings from endings that take place in life.

To some, the beat of the music is the main inspiration, while many admire the melodious lyrics.

Nevertheless, many people are able to enjoy and relate to the music videos that accompany their

favorite tracks.

For me, it looks like I have been in a strong relationship with music since ages, A bond that strengthens

every minute without fail. Music is an integral part of my life and if it did not exist, I don't know how I

would have survived the hollow silence. It fills in the gap between people and things and makes us take

a closer look on every aspect, each angle of a number of things including life. Likewise, I have been

watching Music Videos from an early age and have developed strong likes and dislikes for many of

them.Nevertheless, a digipak is so much more than just a cover for a music CD. It represents your

artist, using the same theme and type of branding as all their other products. It helps contribute to the

overall image of a band/artist. It creates a sense of belonging for the band and moreover gives a clear

picture to audiences for all sorts of relatable purposes. The theme of the digipak is very important and

must be picturized in a suitable manner and connected with the music video so the audience do not

confuse themselves on understanding that what is being shown through the video is also being

portrayed via its promotional techniques like the digipak and also how well does it connect to the

band/their song.


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Introduction To Zehnaseeb (Band)

“Zehnaseeb” is an Urdu word which means “Fate” or “Luck”.The band started off in 2016 and covered

The song “Bolna” originally composed by Tanishq Bagchi for the Bollywood film “Kapoor & Sons”. Members

Of this band include Sehrish Baseem, Saif Ahmed, Faizan Masudi & Qunoot Sharif. Each of them

Largely contribute to the success of the band in such a short span of time with the release of their music

Video which was produced,directed and edited by Sehrish Baseem (A level media studies Student)

In order to promote the band as a requirement for the music promotion package; other than the digipak, a

Website too was created which required a lot of efforts. Below is the link to the official website created via


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Music Video Planning & Research.

To execute anything, other than effort, resources or ideas the most vital part is the planning

and research conducted pre hand. For my Music video, I first had to choose a song so I

could visualize its concept in my mind and then create a piece of work. Randomly, while

scrolling my playlist I came across this beautiful, yet soulful hindi/punjabi song “Bolna” from

the film Kapoor & Sons originally sung by Arijit Singh and composed by Tanishq Bagchi.

This was the time when I was jotting down ideas for my music video and the most integral

part was the music; however, since the song was a promotional song itself for the film, I

had to ask for copy rights before producing my video. I picturized this beautiful song on a

romantic tragedy. I planned the story as a Romantic tragedy once I was sure of the song

and its emotional lyrics which went straight through the soul. I had t look up many music

videos of the same genre on youtube to gather more ideas and improve my imagination.

The video for the original song was released later and till then I had shot most of the

scenes. I drew the story board first to clear up things in my mind and also to simplify stuff

for the cast who were suppose to act in my video. After finalizing the track and its portrayal,

I was on a hunt to find the perfect cast/actors who could fit in the role of the characters

designed by me and that too perfectly. After auditioning a few people, I decided to consider

my friends whom I thought would very efficiently work off to put themselves in the

characters that I required. I casted Qunoot Sharif, Faizan Masudi, Saif Ahmed and Eshal

Tariq and shot the entire music video in a time span of 3 weeks (we shot once a week).


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Story Board

I drew the storyboard in order to construct and compile the story which was in my mind. This was

A rough insert that showed how I was suppose to execute the story in a successful manner.

It shows all the characters, elements which were needed to be added and how the story should unfold.

Many people like to write down the storyboard in words, however I like sketching it and adding colors to it

So that when I am actually executing the video I do know and have it in my mind that how I am suppose to

Create or show the particular scene.


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Asking For Copyrights for the Song “Bolna”

Copyrights issues of the song was something that I wanted to resolve from before so that I do not face any

sort of Issues. For this purpose, I added a disclaimer in the very beginning of my music video and also

contacted The officials via their website. Dharma Productions was contacted first, as “Bolna” belongs to a

Movie produced by them.


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Cast For My Music Video

LHS. Faizan Masudi, Centre: Qunoot Sharif, RHS. Saif Ahmed

I chose these people as I was very sure that they would be able to act well and accordingly. The trio

Perfectly did their roles pretty well on their part. Even though, they are not professionals and gave

Several retakes for many of the scenes, the end result that I obtained was beyond excellent from their

Part. I believe, the cast plays the most vital role in the video as they are the representatives throughout

And it’s them from whom the audience is expecting everything and not much from the ones behind the

Camera. However, Bringing in romance between them was very difficult as they did not knew each other

From before and had met on sets, they got along so well that chemistry was automatically created between

Them. That made the romantic scenes look perfect! CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Background Of The Music Video Produced

The music video produced, revolves around a young lady who is writing a diary, Basically, an

expression of letting out all her emotions have been portrayed through this scene. As the scene

unfolds, she visits the lane of her beautiful memories which is shown by a flashback, starting from

sepia toned scenes and then entirely colored. Since the video is categorized in the genre of

“Romantic Tragedy”, The element of romance is beautifully created via flowers, backgrounds that

are usually used for romantic scenes ,a touch on the shoulder, a pretty smile and eye to eye

romance gives the video a perfect yet presentable look. For the Romance part; The mis en scene

that I used did the entire magic. The back drops included a bungalow’s terrace, a beautiful garden

for serenity and love, rest of the scenes were shot at a private premises (proper interior ‘d house).to

bring in the reality effect. Costume changing played a vital role and in the Romantic scenes, the

colors of the costumes were a major part. Coordination of costume’s color was done for the young

couple (shown in the flashback) where they both wear blue, which perfectly matches the scenery of

the garden (where the shooting took place) Props like coffee mugs, shawl, flowers and a vintage

cage was used. The cage shown in the beginning and the mid of the video signifies that throughout

her journey of life, whether how many ups and downs she has faced, it is always been with her that

makes her realize at every stage of sadness/happiness she goes through it is she who has the key

control of either caging herself and her life and going in isolation or taking things positively in life and

moving on like a free bird. The cage is shown in the video to tell the audiences that that she, even

though being a woman is like a free bird and can do whatever she likes in her life. Remarrying her

old friend later in the video brings it to the audiences that marrying again, and staying happy in that

marriage is not a taboo, especially for women nowadays. Whether it’s true love again at a later

stage of life or a compromise that she makes for her child; it still portrays her as an individual who CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Who has the full right to live her life the way she wants and without being controlled by anyone,

Including the society. A deep connection with Flowers has been shown in the music video. Flowers

Were not only used to create the romantic aura, but also portray a mesmerizing effect on the

Audiences. Flowers give a feel of calmness, beauty, add colors to life and give hope that things

Remain beautiful but it is us who need to change the way of looking at things. With time and

If not taken care of, flowers do get dried up, lose their shine, and get dull but similarly, if they are

Shown affection, love and care, they bloom to the fullest and stay as bright as ever. Flowers,

Or the floral theme used in my video basically relate to the female protagonist’s life that how she

Always remains beautiful by soul but loses her shine as a person right after the death of her former

Husband especially when she is pregnant, but when she receives the same amount of love, care,

Console and Affection by her old friend who later marries her, she gets back to life and moves on.

Through such a sequence, my video promotes that life does not stop for anyone and continues at

Its pace, in fact it us who have to move on with it. Moreover, the life we have been blessed with is

Very long but the amount of time it holds is very short and one lifetime is not enough for anything or

Anyone It shows that True love cannot only be done once in life, there are various ways to express

love and friendship Is a source too. The second male protagonist is shown as the female’s second

Husband with whom she moves on in life after the death of her first husband. He is the one who

Makes her feel content in times of her solace and helps her relive her life. He even accepts her

Daughter and is shown as a very caring father. This also breaks the stereotype that step fathers or

Step mothers are cruel. Towards the end of the video, audience get to witness a beautiful line that

The female protagonist writes in her diary right before shutting it; “And some love stories never die”

This is written by Sehrish Baseem. The line added to the video creates a romantic yet emotional

Feel on behalf of the female actor that even though she has moved on and is content, but still

Somewhere in her heart, she still loves and misses her first husband who is also the father to her child. CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Coming to the wedding sequence, two of them have been shown. The first wedding is beautifully

Conceptualized with bright lights portraying typical Pakistani culture and a beautiful set was used for

The wedding which was actually a drawing room of the house. The wedding ring scene expressed

Love, sentiments and adoration in a uniquely presentable way. The second wedding shown later in

The music video was picturized in sepia tone effect as it was also a flashback like the first one, but

The second one has been shown with simple floral vines in the background, a gesture of smile and

Ardor from the second male protagonist while the female lead smiles as a compromise she has

Made in life. The wedding sequences were shown as entirely Pakistani. In fact in all the scenes, the

Costumes represent my local culture. The death scene exhibited was shot in 20 mins as a whole,

To show blood, Red ink for writing purposes was used and I had to gather people from the vicinity

To portray it as an accident and crowd has been gathered . Through this video not only a message

of taking life positively Is given but also it is a way of promoting Pakistani culture; the song, costumes,

sets give a feel of it. A happy reconstituted family with devotion for each member is unveiled in the end,

presenting that this should not be a taboo in our Society (Pakistani) and one must accept and respect the

decisions that every Individual makes for him or herself in life for their happiness and satisfaction.

The genre represents a twist; Suddenly in between of pure romance, a tragic life changing incident takes

place and by remarrying the female protagonist shows that how strong her love for her first husband is

That if he was alive, he would have wanted her to be happy and not in solace. She decides to live

And dedicate her life with full ardor to her former husband. The video is mostly in flash backs, starting

of with either sepia/black and white and then being changed to colored to display the subtle, Idealized

Fondness of the couple. The song’s lyrics carry endearment, and unavoidable tenderness, subtitles were

Added due to it being in the hindi language. Every scene is amazingly synchronized with the music and the

Lyrics of course to create the feel of attachment between the couple and also what is happening in the

Music video. Few of the scenes have been shot at Nixor College;


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Q.1) How do your products use or challenge conventions and how do they represent social groups or



The products that I have created in order to fulfill the required tasks of my Advanced level media studies

coursework is Music promotion package; which includes a music video as the major task, a digipak and a

website as minor tasks. The music video produced, obviously required a lot of effots and belonged to the

genre of Romance with a slight twist of tragedy. Basically I categorize it as a “Romantic Tragedy”. In terms

of the music video; It does and does not challenge conventions in many ways. Coming on how it

challenges the conventions is that there is a twist and the romance is not only shown between one couple

throughout, It shows that the female protagonist after the death of her former husband settles again in life

and also loves her second husband which is not always the case in reality as mostly second marriages in

a Pakistani society are based on compromises by either of the partner. The second husband shown is an

old friend of her’s and how he makes her feel content, comfortable and out of solace in her bad times. He

is also the one who accepts her when she is pregnant with her ex-husband’s child. He not only shows

devotion,care towards his wife but also to her daughter, breaking the stereotypes of being a step father.

His affection in a father’s position is displayed more than as a husband to the female lead. This shows that

there are people in this world who are genuinely nice and devoted to fit in the role they like and more over

are not controlled by the society. They be themselves, yet they know how they will be judged by the

society. This is present in Pakistani culture a lot, that marrying twice for a woman is a taboo, or if a man

decides to marry the girl who already has a child must be impotent or either a fool. In the Pakistani society

it is not regarded as a good thing at all. Moreover, conventions of romance are challenged by showing

subtle emotions (one sided mostly in the scenes of present) by the second husband as the female always

smiles in order to thank him, so entirely perfect romance is not shown in the second marriage but still

creates a romantic and soft feel for the audiences. Like romance is not physically present between the two CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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but again eye contact, facial expressions and concern for each other and also for the child creates an

Emotional bond not only amongst them in the video but also with the audiences. Another convention

Challenged is that pure romance is not shown in the present but always in the memories the female

Protagonist relates to of her life while writing the diary or looking at photographs. The story unfolds slowly

Of how the first husband/male protagonist dies in a car accident when she is pregnant with his child and the

Child even after growing up has no idea about her real father and looks upon her mother’s second

Husband as her real father. The second husband, even after being a step- father he loves the child so much

because she is very Precious and the only remembrance his wife (the female protagonist) has from her late

husband. To see her Happy and lively, he genuinely loves the child too regardless of being step to her.

Conventions are also challenged by showing oral romance which exactly creates the same feel of physical

Romance on screen. Romance is shown naturally before and after the leap.

The conventions which are kept as it is or not have been challenged are; firstly, a lot of romance is shown,

Depression to show sadness and times of solace is shown after the death sequence where tearful and

A swollen face of the female lead is shown. Tears were created out of my contact lenses solution, though

I could have used glistering but I was not sure how it would react in someone else’s eyes. For the death

Sequence and accident part, I used red ink to show it as blood, to spread the ink as blood all splattered, I

Used a spoon so it looks diverse and not on the same spot of the face. The look of a dead guy was created,

The mis en scene uses a beautiful white vintage cage that gives a slight archaic effect and that is because

It is a precious part/keepsake from her past that she still has and is emotionally attached to. The cage is

shown in the flash back moments too, which not only signifies and creates romance on screen in the video

But also shows that the female protagonist compares her life to a bird who is free from the cage (that is the

Society, which is there but how she deals with it) and leads her life as a free bird outside the cage.The cage

Was originally a prop to not only create beauty on the camera but have a connotation as well. It depends on

The audience on how they look at it and what meaning do they depict from it. Stuart Hall’s reception CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Theory can be applied here,that it depends on the type of audiences on how they depict a meaning of the

Media text being shown. Floral back drops that create a romantic impact are shown; like garden, terrace

Stair case that actually create a romantic feel. Even in the wedding sequences as mentioned earlier too in

Background of the music video.I have added a touch of various and beautiful flowers that create an ardor

Feel and looks like a fantasy. Since pure romance i.e shown in the video is not usually there in real life

and Can only be a delusion/imagination of people. Flowers, bring beauty and innocence of love. The

vibrant Colors show freedom, serenity and young love. A variety of flowers have been used like roses,

lilies and floral Vines in the second wedding’s backdrop. A deep and strong bond with Flowers has been

shown in my music video. They not only create the romantic essence in my video, but also exhibit a

somnifacient effect on the Audiences. Flowers, I believe are the most beautiful and major ingredient for a

romantic video, Their effect adds colors to life and gives hope that things are always lively, same and

pretty but it is us who have felt the need to change the way of looking at things. With time and If not taken

care of, flowers do get dried up, lose their shine, and get dull but similarly, if they are hown affection, love

and care, they bloom to the fullest and stay as bright as ever. Flowers, Or the floral theme used in my

video basically connectto the female protagonist’s life that how she Always remains beautiful by soul but

loses her shine as a person right after the death of her former Husband especially when she is pregnant,

but when she receives the same amount of love, care, Console and Affection by her old friend who later

marries her, she gets back to life and moves on. Through such a sequence, my video promotes that life

does not stop for anyone and continues at its pace, in fact it is us who have to move on with it. In a scene,

where the female lead is looking at photographs (I got them developed for the particular scene),she gets

carried away back in her memory alley and and I have added the same scene as the photograph in which

the two are enjoying icecream on the staircase while the romance is built up through gestures. Similarly, in

another flashback scene where the male lead gets flowers for her depicts that not only the flowers are

beautiful and their scent is enjoyed but similarly their relationship too, is as beautiful the flowers are CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Shown and her smile that how satisfied she is with life. Costumes are changed throughout the video,

conventions are also kept in the scenes where the male lead gifts the female lead a necklace and

makes her wear it, and then comes the wedding ring scene which is picturized by portraying an

eastern wedding (showing Pakistani culture). All romantic conventions are kept,like holding hands, a

touch on the shoulder, a small yet cute fight between the two is shown in the flash back, that tells the

audience how much love is present between the two. Romance is also built in the garden scenes,

when the first husband is reading a book and the female protagonist leans her head on his shoulder.

The social group represented in the video is “elite class” or the “bourgeoisie” . This is shown via the

costumes, backdrops, the well furnished, decorated house setting. Other than the mis en scene; it is

shown by the child artist’s way of studying. In a scene, where the second male protagonist is helping

the child with her homework shows what class they belong to, as educated people and broad

mindedness is shown. Not exactly any social issues have been raised through my video but just a

message for women empowerment that how she as a human being/person is free to take decisions for

herself and how she becomes herself even though she knows that by remarrying in a Pakistani

society, she will be judged on the basis of her character especially when she is pregnant and widowed.

Since, it is a taboo for women marrying again in the Pakistani culture after divorce/death of former

husband, in my video, the female lead decides to take such a bold step for her happiness and

satisfaction. This shows that now women too have freedom to think for themselves and do what they

feel makes them content. The video,on it’s audiences leaves a beyond beautiful sentimental effect as

a whole. Coming back to the social groups, Pakistani (Asian ethnicity) is represented. The characters

Represent age differently throughout the video as the story simultaneously unfolds the present and the

past through flashbacks. There are 2 females and 2 males. The female protagonist Qunoot Sharif in

the flashback is shown as young (20-24 years of age) and later after the leap, or in present time she is

in her mid thirties, more mature and a mother too. The child artist is roughly shown of the age 8-9 CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Years of age. The male protagonist (Faizan) who dies and plays the role of the first husband is similar

to the age of the female protagonist. The other male actor who plays the second husband is more

maturely shown and is an old friend of the female protagonist, but since friendship has no age limits,

he is older to her. The representation of age in the first half (flash backs) is youth, a lovey dovey stage

of their lives but in the present; mature adults are shown who have accepted the reality and have

moved on. Coming to my Digipak; it has a beautiful cover that is designed by me. It shows the

photograph of the two protagonists posing in the garden. The photograph on the digipak creates a

beautiful affection and glimpse of romance in accordance to the music video. Front and back cover

both, show romantic scenes, and give a mesmerizing effect. The website created, has a flowery touch

added to it with the song “Bolna” auto played in the background that makes it look magical too and no

less than a fairytale.


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First Wedding Sequence To create the elegant Pakistani bridal look, the make up and costume was covered by Zoya Baseem,

Who is my sister. For a wedding in our culture, it is the dress, jewelry ornaments, makeup and bright

Lighting that creates an effect. In this scene, Romantic elements, besot and love were created through

eye contact, and Devotion via gestures, capturing the beautiful moment between the two protagonists.


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Second Wedding Sequence For this wedding, shown towards the end of the video; subtle and soft touch of makeup was given

As it’s the second wedding, however in this too everything was in accordance of my local culture

Like wearing red, heavily dressed etc. yet this was deliberately kept more simple than the previous

One to depict maturity and compromise.


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Shooting The Death Sequence

Shooting the death part was very difficult, I used red ink to show it

As blood. A crowd was gathered to display it as an accident that

Just took place. The death was the major climax/turning point of

The video which also fits in the genre of it being a romantic

Tragedy. This particular scene was shot outside the private

Premises on the road.


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Digipak Designed for My Band (Zehnaseeb)

The left hand side shows the front cover of the CD (Digipak) and on the right hand side the back

Cover of the digipak is shown with tracks/songs sung and covered by the band.

The digipak was created using Adobe photoshop 7,as it has pretty simple and easy to use features.

It is designed using the photographs clicked during the music video’s shoot.


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2.) How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of


Branding refers to the process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the mind of

The audiences if talking in media terms. It is done mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent

Theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts

And retains loyal audiences. A sense of branding is created with the elements that I have used in my

Production work/products. My video being romantic has a floral effect throughout as mentioned in the

Previous question that I have given an additional touch of flowers to create a romantic aura in the audiences

Mind. So keeping my theme in mind, I added a pretty floral back ground to my website and its pages.

The digipack too has a green effect to relate with the beauty of flowers and add the romantic fragrance.

Similarly, the color coordination of the main leads ‘ costumes that is blue; so the website ,video and digipak

All three have a similarly coordinated color combination (mostly in blues) to hit the minds of the audiences.

The color blue is subtle, deep, calm itself which represents the romantic theme in a unique way. The website

Has the song added to it on auto play, so that whenever anyone opens the webpage, they hear the song,

View the gallery and are able to connect themselves to the music video that they have watched. Color

Scheme has an important impact on target audiences. It allows their minds to accept and relate to the

Product in many ways. For example: If next time they view any product, they could recall the one you have

Launched because of the color ; colors add beauty to products and are a way of remembering things/

Products. The tagline “And some love stories never die” is an original by Sehrish Baseem, however this is

Only in the video but the digipak has another beautiful and mesmerizing tagline that connects easily with the

Video, hitting the audiences mind and touching their soul. Again these lines have been written by me;

“And he sends back his love from heaven! A twist in her reality.” These lines are mentioned on the website’s

Header and also on the digipak for promotional purposes. The line beautifully suggests that one life time is CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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Is not enough for two people who love each other. It also portrays that her life is not a story in which the

Tragic incident/twist that takes place but it is her reality that is distorted by the twist but it still leads to

Happiness, joy and love getting back in her life through her second husband when she remarries after the

Death of her former husband. Such taglines bring together the audience’s feelings and they try to

Sympathize and learn from what they’re watching. Branding/promotion was not only done this way but for

My video’s success as an entrepreneur I decided to launch it’s bloopers/making on the social media to

Create hype for my final product. Pictures, videos were added as my personal snapchat stories. This gave

Them the idea that something was in production and made them curious too as like why is there one girl

And two guys or which guy gets the girl in the end etc, without revealing my story I kept giving my audience

A hint that I was creating a music video. I released bloopers/ on the sets (fun that we all had) and actors

Meet and greet. Finally on the15th of March, I decided to release my final product (the music video). I

Uploaded it on my YouTube channel, Twitter profile, a small trailer on Instagram and snapchat to attract

Everyone and then my personal Facebook profile so all my followers/friends get to see my work. This was

The promotional technique I used to get a constructive feedback. Other promotional strategies included

Customized spiral binded notebooks, that I had printed with the actors pictures on the covers. They were for

Competition and lucky draw purposes. The same images were used on the website to introduce the band

Members of “Zehnaseeb”. Moreover I chose a hindi song which itself was a film promotional song (from the

Movie Kapoor & Sons, released on 18th March 2016) and for which I had to ask for copy rights. I chose the

Name of the band as “Zehnaseeb” because I represent Pakistan and it’s culture so I wanted the name to be

In urdu as well, the name means “fate or luck” and also goes perfectly with the story and concept of my

music video. The word “Bolna” (name of song) (Bolna means “Say”)and “Zehnaseeb” deeply connect with

Each other and that’s how the audience too can relate well to it. I have used pictures on the website and

The digipak which can be easily identified and are super relatable to the video itself. The images give

And show a huge connection, when it comes to branding of the products. CCR BY: SEHRISH BASEEM

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3. How do your products engage with the audience and how would they be distributed as real

media products?

When coming to the audiences for your media product, it depends on the types of audiences like whether

They’re active or passive. But it also strongly depends on the target market/audience of the type of product

That has been created by you. My music promotion package that includes the music video, website and

Digipak is basically created and designed in such a manner that can easily click the audience’ mind. The

Target market for my media product was 16-40years as Romance is a genre that is either enjoyed by the

Youth or middle aged. To get a clear view on it, I released my final product on the social media YouTube &

Facebook and mostly the feedback I got was from this age strata. The feedback required was constructive,

However , the ones I got through comments, shares and likes were incredibly positive. In the previous

Attempted question, I have shown via images/screenshots of the response I got on the video through my

Personal profile. This gave me an idea on the age group/audiences that enjoyed, understood the whole

Concept of the video. The video itself carries a very simple and tragic love story which is relatable to

Almost everyone in this world. I can say this because love is a mute power that brings together souls, hearts

And people. For some people, it is the only source of keeping themselves alive, cheerful and full of joy, love

And life. But for some people, it’s a self breakdown, an empty casket that is meaningless. My video feels

And relates to those who did not succeed in their love life, had a failed love story but a situation of “till death

Do us apart” or those who found true love again but at a later stage of life. Many women can relate to my

Video who are single parents and wanted to remarry, but could not due to the societal pressure or considering

It as a taboo in their society. It is mostly females in the audiences who get touched by such love stories,

They get a sense of mesmerization, can easily feel the pain of the female protagonist than men. This is


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Because women are more sympathetic, emotional and touchy if compared to men. The concept, story

of my video represents soft romance with tragedy and a feel of love again touching one’s life. My

media product is not gender specific though, but caters to the age group afore mentioned as my

target audience. Mostly the middle and working class audience will enjoy this sort of a music video.

Again, if coming to age, the youth would watch it for entertainment purpose and would learn from the

message as nowadays the upcoming generation has a free mind, are free thinkers, comprehend

things in better and positive ways and they will judge each aspect in a way that they feel is right and

connectable to what is happening in today’s time. For example; the step father as a positive

approach, falling in love again etc will be seen and taken beautifully by them. While the middle aged

would be hesitant to accept a few things in the video keeping in mind the society, their personal

thinking based on their upbringing, culture and ideology that their beliefs are based on. However as a

whole, the music video promotes love positively and therefore it will be a well engaged product in

terms of audiences. According to Stuart Hall, it is the reception theory that will be applied here on how

the audiences will depict a meaning from the media text being represented in the music video. I

distributed my video as a real media product by uploading it on youtube and Facebook. This was the

best way to promote and market my work as these days social media is the best platform to showcase

anything and make it go viral. In the previously attempted question ;I have shown screenshots of the

feedback that I got on the social media for my video. The website was a promotional strategy used in

order to promote the music video as a final product of the band “Zehnaseeb”. It’s like when the

audience visit the website, they are just lost within it by looking at its beauty and hearing the song for

a touch of sentiments,as the song is on autoplay. Each page on the website has a beautiful picture in

the background so it gets easy for the audiences to relate to the music video. The website could be

advertised online only on different websites and through google Ads. Moreover its link could be


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Sent out in a text message to everyone, all smart phone/android users can easily checkout the link on

their phones only and this is how it can be distributed. The digipak can be related to the audiences in

many ways, people love posing for pictures and by looking at the cover, they too would want such

pictures/photographs of them (especially couples, or the youth/young generation). Distribution of the

digipak can be simply through the music promotion/launch parties or the website itself. Can be even

done on social media. As a real media, if I had the choice I would promote and distribute my product

through morning shows aired in pakistan as they have the highest TRP’s and I would also do it

through hosting grand events in colleges/universities in the main cities of Pakistan, like Karachi,

Lahore, Faisalabad etc. This way real people would be targeted as an audience and the music video

would be a success.


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4.) How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this


In a world where technology is advanced quicker than anything else. there are multiple applications,

websites, Devices and other things largely developed for creating multiple projects, media products etc.

The Generation I belong to, almost everyone knows how to use the computer or laptop and how

basically Digital work can be done. All smart phone/ android/ iphone users even have the simple idea on

how to Bring together various mediums of technology and create a unique master piece as a final

product. In the Music promotional package as my Advanced portfolio, I created the music video, digipak

and website Which will be uploaded on the blog. A creative critical reflection which I am currently working

on and various Videos as evidence including the director’s commentary (,

meet and greet withThe actors ( and bloopers/Behind the scenes

( I shot using my DSLR camera (Canon 700D) as I think that the result

canon gives in colors and quality is amazing. I used High Definition display for the creation and

uploading part of my videos. All my videos, especially the raw clips were saved either in 16gb memory

cards/microSD cards or USB. The total number of video clips shot was 341 and that used around ‘4’

16gb cards. The music video was edited on Windows movie maker 12. It is the most easiest software

available in the laptop for creating a movie/video, basically it’s very user friendly. Music (song “Bolna”)

was downloaded through the internet from the website (music was outsourced, of

course) and added through windows movie maker accordingly. The translation of the lyrics as subtites

were done by me and google translator too was used for the punjabi words. All the videos created were

uploaded on Youtube, the final music video was uploaded on facebook for a constructive feedback. Mic

was also used for interviews, directors commentary so the voice over in the video is audible and clear


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For the audiences. The website was created using which too was user friendly and very

Cooperative in terms of publishing the website. ( . The

Website was made with photographs, a beautiful font is used and the video too is hyperlinked on it. The

Song “Bolna” too is on the website and plays automatically when logged onto the website. Various

Visual animations were added on the website by me to give it a professional touch. This was made

Online. To edit images, photographs etc, and Adobe Photoshop 7 was used. The Digipak was

Also edited on Adobe Photoshop 7, the tools, font and other artistic effects were added to create it the

Way it is. The font in the video used is Papyrus, while others are used in the different products. After all

Designing, complete production was done, it was uploaded on my blog made on The link to

My blog is ( where I have added all my projects of 2 years. The

CCR is created on Microsoft PowerPoint in form of a presentation and the font used through out is “Arial

Narrow”. On completion of my project, I learnt how to use various online features like I had never ever in

My life created a website and this was a good experience. Coming back to my video, I used the camera in

A different way to take special shots/angles like in the terrace scene I stuck my tripod which had the camera

On it to the railing and then took a panning shot, similarly in the ice cream sequence , I took the camera on

The 3rd floor of the house and took a top view of the staircase. A lot of creativity is expected from us as

Media students and therefore I have tried being very creative throughout this project. Whether it is the

Camera shots/angles or editing, coming up with different situations for a scene, or designing the digipak

With images or doing the website via the internet. Such an experience is unforgettable.


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Behind the Scenes

A video of bloopers/behind the scenes was created as an evidence; the following is it’s link.


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