Page 1: Creator Connection April Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism


Creator ConnectionCreator ConnectionCreator Connection

April 2017April 2017April 2017

Creator Lutheran Church welcomes you to come – as you are, where you are, and who you are – and join us in

worship, fellowship, and ministry.

The Gospel reveals God's astounding grace as an unconditional gift of love for all people, so ethnicity, socioeco-

nomic status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status are not barriers to

our invitation. Instead, as an inclusive community grounded in God's love and following Jesus' example, we cele-

brate the diversity of God's creation.

All Are Welcome

March/April at Creator Choir


Holy Week Schedule 3

From Pastor Michelle Call Committee News


Adult Forum Opportunity through IMIrJ


Spring Plant Sale Creator Quilters


Bible Study Yoga Attendance


Clackamas Service Center Kiing’s Cupboard


Youth News 10

Youth Collective Life Pax


Steps for calling a pastor


Backpack buddies 13

Creator Lutheran Church

Inside this issue:

April 2017

Wednesdays in Lent

On Wednesday evenings during Lent at Creator, we will gather at 6:15 p.m. as a community for a potluck meal of Soup and Bread. At 7:00 p.m. we will spend time in worship with the liturgy, Holden Evening Prayer with a focus on the Small Catechism Following worship, the choir will rehearse in the sanctuary and the confirmation class will meet in the fellowship hall. 6:15 p.m. Potluck Soup and Bread 7:00 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Weekly focus for Lenten Worship: 3/22 Holy Communion, Valentine Mungyeh 3/29 Holy Baptism, Samuel Tse 4/5 Apostles' Creed, Trish Voss

Please join the community in the Lenten discipline of Worship, Study and Contemplation

Page 2: Creator Connection April Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism


Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life

Wednesday, March 29, 6:15 p.m. Potluck Soup and Bread 7:00 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal NO Confirmation

Sunday, April 2 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fifth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life

Wednesday, April 5, 6:15 p.m. Potluck Soup and Bread 7:00 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal NO Confirmation

Sunday, April 9 2017, 9:00 a.m. Palm/Passion Sunday NO Adult Forum

Thursday, April 13 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship

Friday, April 14 7:00 p.m. . Good Friday Worship

Saturday, April 15 7:00 p.m. Easter Vigil

Sunday, April 16 2017, 9:00 a.m. Easter Worship 10:00 a.m. Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt 11:15 a.m. Easter Worship







Creator Choir rehearsals on Wednesday evenings, 7:30 p.m. during Lent

Please join us as we prepare choir pieces for Easter and other upcoming services. All skill levels welcome-- don't hesitate to join us in making a joyful noise! For more in-fo, contact Matt Weiers at [email protected] or 503-764-5351.

Page 3: Creator Connection April Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism



Maundy Thursday, April 13

7:00 p.m. Foot Washing and

Holy Communion Service

… remember Jesus commandment to love one

another and celebrate the Last Supper.

Good Friday, April 14

The Darkest Night 7:00 p.m.

….we leave in silence.

Easter Vigil, April 15

7:00 p.m. Easter Vigil Service

… tell the stories of the faith and remember

that God will not abandon God’s people.

Easter Sunday, April 16

9:00 a.m. Worship

10:00 a.m. Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt

11:15 a.m. Worship

… shout, “Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!”

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April 2017

Dear partners in Christ’s ministry,

March 17th marked 14 months that I have served among you as your interim pastor here at Creator. I have to admit it’s a somewhat bittersweet anniversary—though only slightly bitter and mostly sweet! The “bitter” piece comes from knowing that it’s likely I will soon be saying good-bye to you, as your Call Committee is now deep into the work of interviewing three very good pastoral candidates. As I write this, it’s March 20 th --(Happy Spring!)—and the committee has completed its first round of interviews. Due to the scheduling challenges of people’s busy lives,

spring break, Holy Week and Easter April 16th), it’s likely that the selection process will continue after Easter.

As we prepare to enter into the mystery of Holy Week and Easter, it seems to me that Creator’s future holds great promise. Take a look around and see for yourself the growth that is springing up from the seeds you’ve

planted and watered along the way! Here are a few of the places I see God working to bring forth new growth:

Identity: One of the things that has impressed me recently is the way the congregation seems to be living into a revitalized sense of your identity as a progressive, welcoming congregation. It was a pleasant sur-prise to see the way members embraced the idea of going “all in” and joining the Convergence Network of congregations! The membership for the coming has been fully funded by special donations, and you’ll

soon be hearing more about resources, networks, and training opportunities.

Leadership: It’s been a delight to work with the dedicated members of Creator’s Church Council and with the members of the Call Committee. Everyone brings so many gifts to the table, and it’s such a blessing! I trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to stir up new leadership among you, as you prepare to call a new

pastor and enter the next chapter of your life as God’s people in this time and place.

Worship: The people of Creator are faithful in attending worship, and there seems to be good energy, both on Sundays and for Wednesday Lenten worship. You are blessed to have dedicated musicians and wor-ship assistants. You are also blessed to have people of deep faith who are willing to share their stories

during Wednesday evening worship. We are all richer for having heard these stories!

Bible Study: This is one of the highlights of the week for me personally! Each week we have rich and mean-ingful conversations about faith and life. During Lent we’ve been enjoying the insights of the book “40-

Day Journey With Parker J. Palmer.”

Adult Forum: It’s a delight to teach and learn from the members who attend the adult forum on Sundays. Creator is blessed to have some very curious and deep thinkers who are open to exploring questions of faith. In light of 2017 being the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we’re currently in the process of

finishing a brush-up course on what it means to be Lutheran Christians today.

Confirmation: This is another one of my favorite things here at Creator! At the beginning of the school year, I decided to try meeting almost weekly with the nine middle school kids, because in this world it seems important to provide them with a safe group where they know they are loved unconditionally and can their authentic selves. Attendance has been fairly consistent, in spite of people’s busy lives. Kudos to the par-ents for getting your kids to class each week! I think they’re learning something, I know they enjoy each other’s company, and we’ve had some fun times along the way, too—especially at the cluster youth


Page 5: Creator Connection April Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism


High School and Young Adult Ministry: With the launch of the SE Portland Collective and the upcoming trip to Burns at the end of May, there’s a lot of good energy happening in and around these groups. It’s been a gift to have the youth and young adults helps with music leadership in worship, and we look for-

ward to hearing them again on June 4th (Pentecost).

Connecting with ministries in the wider community: Over the past year, Creator has continued its faithful participation in gathering food for Kings Cupboard and in supporting Backpack Buddies. The congrega-tion has also renewed its commitment to help with serving meals at the Clackamas Service Center once a month. In addition, six members of Creator are currently participating in a six-month Sanctuary Cohort training, where we’re learning what it means to be part of a network committed to providing sanctuary for

vulnerable people.

Building use: Did you know that community groups use Creator almost every evening of the week?! Did you know there’s a home school group that meets here on Thursdays to offer tutoring? It’s so wonderful that the building is being used so much and by so many different groups: scouts, AA, Al-Anon, yoga, music recitals, as well as the “usual” church meetings! The congregation is providing good hospitality to the wid-

er community. J

Giving: At the annual meeting and at a town hall follow-up meeting in late January/early February, the people of Creator had some very forthright discussions about the congregation’s ministry, budget, and responsi-bility. Once again, I have to say I was pleased to see how you “owned” your responsibility to step up and

increase your giving in order to fund the congregation’s ministry.

In conclusion, I just want to say what a wonderful blessing you are, dear people of Creator. Keep up the good work! I’m convinced that God has some new and amazing adventures in store for you. Thank you again for the opportunity to get to know you and to serve among you. For now, though, it’s not quite time to say good-bye! God still has a bit more work for us to do together, and so we move forward in response to God’s

call, trusting that God will work all things for good for those who love God.

Your companion on the journey,

Pastor Michelle Manicke

The Call Committee NewsThe Call Committee NewsThe Call Committee News

The call committee has interviewed all three pastoral candidates a first time. Now they are working to discern God’s will for Creator.

Call Committee members are : Craig Edberg, Rick Hartung, Heidi Steen, Pat Salisbury, Luka Staerk, Paul Stromberg, Nate Hubbard, Sam Tse, Eric Schulstad.

Page 6: Creator Connection April Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism


Adult Forum: Living as a Lutheran Christian

500 years after the Reformation

Since 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, it seems like an appropriate time to reacquaint ourselves with some of the treasures of the rich

tradition founded by Martin Luther and his fellow reformers

Adult Forum Schedule March 26 Baptized We Live, Session 6: Discipleship April 2: Luther and the Reformation (Rick Steves’ one-hour video) April 9 No adult forum (Passion Sunday) April 16 No adult forum (Easter Sunday) April 23 TBA April 30 TBA



time to make Creator SHINE for Easter!

On April 8, bring your buckets, mops, rags, shovels,

rakes and most of all ELBOW GREASE AND

ENTHUSIASM. Let’s shake out the cobwebs and get

ready for spring. Come for all or part of the time, but


Sparkle Day

April 8, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.

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The Creator Youth are having a spring plant sale fundraiser again

this year. These are high quality, healthy plants. In addition to

bedding plants, both ornamental and edible, there is a great

selection of hanging baskets and planters.

Plants will be delivered on Mother’s Day, May 14 for pick-up after

worship. Last day to order is April 23.

Please pick up a few order forms from the bulletin board in the

narthex or print out an on-line form. Share them with friends

and neighbors.



Creator Piecemakers Quilters: Meet April 22

The Creator Piecemakers meet on Saturday, April 22 from

10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. at Pat Isaac’s home. There is lots of

fabric to work with and lots of creative ideas to match.

All are welcome!

Meetings are at Pat Isaac’s home: 10602 SE Isaac Dr. Happy Valley

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March 19, 2017 Attendance

Adults: 46 Kids: 8

(Weekly Giving needs to average $5,408.50 to meet budget)

Thursday Bible Study

At Creator

10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m.

Come to Bible Study on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.

We will be meeting at the church. Current study is a Lenten

journey based on the book 40 Day Journey with Parker J.

Palmer Bring your Bible and your questions.

All are welcome!

Yoga Classes at Creator

On Thursday evenings, 6:00 p.m. join in yoga at Creator.

This Class is for all abilities.

Taya Gunsul will be instructing. Come and build strength,

balance and flexibility, while relaxing the mind.

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Serving Meals at the

Clackamas Service Center:


next day that the Creator Crew will be serving at the Clackamas Service Center. If you

are interested in becoming part of the crew, please e-mail Toni at

[email protected]

Creator volunteers serve on the first Monday each month from 4:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m.

Thanks to Mary Steinberg and Toni Hartung who helped with much-needed

cleaning at Clackamas Service Center on Monday, March 6.

King’s Cupboard King’s Cupboard King’s Cupboard



TP, tissues, napkins, paper towels, etc., tuna, beans and rice are needed at all times. Laundry detergent and dish detergent are always welcome.

Items Most Used at King’s Cupboard: Tuna, Macaroni & cheese, Hearty soups, Cereal , Toilet paper, Peanut butter, Baking ingredients (flour, sugar, etc.) They still are asking for re-usable bags as well.

Hunger knows no season. Please remember the hungry when you do your shopping and add something to your shopping cart to share with the needy.

King’s Cupboard

is a satellite of

the Oregon Food


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Middle and High School Youth Calendar:

High School Youth: The SE Portland Collective will be meeting again, a few Sunday after-noons this Spring! Dates will be coming - but in the meantime, here are Creator-related HS activities to put on your calendars!

Middle School: Confirmation meets each Wed night from 6:30 - 8:30pm

Wed, April 5th - High School Youth Night

Sun, April 9th - $30 deposit for HS Burns Paiute trip due (May 26-29, Mem wkd) due ($60 total due May 26th, scholarship avail)

Easter, April 16th, HS & MS Youth serving Breakfast, egg hunt and bake sale!

Wed, April 19th - High School Youth night

Sun, April 23rd - Plant Orders Due!

Wed, April 26th - High School Youth night

Fri-Sun, May 6-8 - Youth encouraged to attend Synod Assembly in Portland; Spirit of Grace overnight at Creator (Sat night)

Wed, May 10th -high school youth night

Sun, May 14th - Mother’s Day, Plants delivered! (need sorters!)

Sun, May 21st - Practice music for Youth Sunday

Wed, May 24th - high school youth night

Fri-Mon, May 26-29 - HS Road trip to Burns & Pauite reservation!

Sun, June 4th - Likely Youth Sunday! (Pentecost!)

July 17-21st -MS/HS Day Camp Volunteering!


Page 11: Creator Connection April Sunday, March 26, 2017, 9:00 a.m. Fourth Sunday in Lent Adult Forum: Baptized We Live: Lutheranism


Life Pax kits available from Creator Youth

The Creator Youth are selling Life Pax at Creator for $3 each (suggested donation). These are

packs to give to those in need that we meet along our way each day. They contain a Meal and

Resource contacts. Carry these in your car to give as needed.

Pick up your packs in the narthex after worship.

What’s a Youth Collective?

Ecumenical Youth Collectives are springing up all around Portland, and elsewhere around the state as well! Creator has been in conversation with Ecumenical partners (Presbyterian, UCC, Methodist, etc.) in SE Portland for most of the past year to explore the gift of radical welcome to young people that our traditions share.

These conversations with SE partners led to a high school “Race & Privilege” retreat last April with ELCA Glocal musicians, which was deeply meaningful for all and provided us with continued moti-vation to experiment together. We believe our welcome to young people regardless of sexual orien-tation, legal status, cultural background, etc. is unique and needed. We’re currently asking parents and youth about their deepest longing for what youth hope to ‘be about’ in 5-10+ years. What quali-ties do they hope define their life in the world? Further input has helped us prioritize the following characteristics about our local SE collective.

*Create a safe space to struggle through tough questions, like who we are, and who God is.

*Step out together for issues of justice *Include & develop loving, diverse young adult leadership

High Schoolers Welcome!!! We’ll gather on Sunday afternoons, 3:30-5:30 twice a month for PIZZA and relationship building together!

Ecumenical Youth Collective

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Steps to Calling a Pastor

for Creator Lutheran Church Laying the Foundation

Six steps:

×Contacting the bishop ×Exit interview and interim orientation ×Review/clarify status of other staff (rostered and hired) ×Appointment of the interim pastor *Selection of the Transition Team *Meeting with the bishop’s assistant for further orientation to the call


Search Process

Eight steps:

Determining ministry needs (preparation of the congregation’s profile)

Suggesting names to the bishop’s office

Selection of the Call Committee (in the process at this time)

Receiving nominations from the bishop’s office

Preparing for mutual conversation

Mutual conversation with nominee/s

Decision to recommend one candidate

Releasing other nominees

Calling the Candidate

Four steps:

Preparing the call resolution

The call meeting

Issuing the call

Completing the process Note: Steps shown in blue have been completed.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the photo directory picture days! I want especially to thank Sherrie Clements, Irene McKenzie, Chris Heard, Uni Kincaid and Joe Martin for working as Greeters during the photo sessions. Thank you! Toni

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This is a publication of Creator Lutheran Church

13250 SE Sunnyside Rd Clackamas, Or 97015 503-698-8081

[email protected];

Pastor: Rev. Michelle Manicke Primary musician: Matt Weiers Bookkeeper: Kim Grand Nursery Attendant: Suzy Balla Office Administrator: Toni Hartung Custodian: Erik Edberg


Each year in our schools there are kids who live with food insecurity. During the school

year they can get breakfasts and lunches at school, but they might not have enough to eat

on the weekends.

Creator helps provide the food for the backpacks and the Boy Scouts pack the bags at their

Tuesday night meetings for weekly distribution to 60+ kids each week.

Your help is needed. If you would like to be a shopper and devote a couple of hours a

month to shopping for the items, or if you would like to team up with those folks who

deliver the food each week, please contact Toni at church:

[email protected]; 503-698-8081.

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