Download - Crimson Medal

  • 7/29/2019 Crimson Medal


    Crash of the butchered sea against the thick flanks of the vessel. It was built to slow the path of

    a hundred pounds of iron hurled from a canon. Billow of the great sails that saluted on each of the three

    masts. Three decks were lined with such an arsenal as to bring fire and hell upon any who sought to

    challenge his Majestys right to the sea. The King had said the elements themselves paid fealty to him.

    Such words were fanciful when said in a mahogany war room, but here on the mighty swaying deck of

    the Ship of the Line one would believe them. While other ships sailed atop the water this moved straight

    through; waves breaking before it as if they were scrambling to get out of the way.

    Captain Halson! Youll be blind staring off in the mist all day as you are. Why dont you come

    down from that drafty perch! Youll find more in the bottom of a mug than the whole ocean today.

    The captain spared a quick look below him on the deck, careful not to lose his footing as he

    clung to the crows nest. Drink it yourself and tell me what you find.

    Hair on my chest they say. grinned the sailor.

    Youd do better to find some for your face first. Whats your name and how old are you lad?

    Scotty, sir. And old enough to kill some had it coming!

    The captain laughed. Im not sure even Im old enough for that. Join the other boys, Ill be

    along. The mist breaks soon.

    How can you tell, sir?

    Its getting warmer. The sun comes from heaven and the mist from below. They make poor

    bedfellows. Go on, the men will know when theres something worth seeing.

    It aint a captains job to be up there. the soldier guiltily. It aint right.

    Whose job is it then? the captain smiling.

    Weve got a man for that! Hes off as the mist so thick sir. Ill run get him and let him know it

    will lighten up soon.

    Dont bother, I like it up here. Go.

    The sailor scampered back along the deck. When he noticed the other men watching the boy

    squatted low and spread his legs wide, snapping his hands like claws as he crab-walked back toward

    them. The other men laughed and raised their mugs to him. The captain turned his face once more to

    the sky, throwing his head back and closing his eyes to let the cool mist wash over him. As the sun grew

    brighter in the sky the droplets evaporated on his uplifted face leaving a dry tickle on his skin. It was a

    purifying experience, like all your worries were whisked away by the little drops of water. He drew a

    deep breath of salty air into his lungs and listened to the men down below, cracking jokes and swappingstories.

    He laughed low in spite himself. They seemed more like children at play than men of the crown,

    but Captain Halson knew theyd do their part when it was time. It was this magnificent ship that bore

    them to battle. The second he stepped aboard he felt invincible, and the crew must feel it as well to be

    so at ease. He also knew the king would have his eye on this pride of his heart. A battle won here would

    bring his personal favor and the honor each captain in the royal fleet sought: The Crimson Medalion.

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    Captain Halson had been decorated many times by many people and for those he was proud, but none

    held the weight of the medallion. It was a gift only the king bestowed and only to his finest . Hed heard

    rumor before raising anchor that such was his to expect on a triumphant return. The Captain wouldnt

    blink until the shores of home stretched the horizon once again.

    The mist began to lift and the sea sparkled where it had drifted low. Scanning the waves.

    Nothing. It was so peaceful up here he couldnt bear to climb down just yet though. He scratched his

    stubbled face luxuriously and let the sun wash where the mist had tred not long before. His vigilance

    was maintained however, and all the lazy sunrays or warm breezes this side of the Atlantic couldnt blur

    his watchful eyes. There! On the horizon, just a speck. Not even that. Just a feeling. He gave a great

    bellow caught up by those below him. An ordered chaos rippled through the ship as each man sprang to

    his pre-appointed task. His ocean had company.

    The feeling became a dot and the dot an outline. Within the hour the enemy vessel was clearly

    visible. It too was a ship of war, if any could be described that way in the face of the Ship of the Line. As

    they tore through the water it redeployed on either flank leaving perpetual waves framing the ship like a

    lions mane. There was no subtle approach with a clear sky on the open ocean and the other ship reared

    as they grew closer. At a closer proximity a green flag was spotted to be whipping around the top ofeach of their two masts. It was the enemy, thats all that needed knowing. It made a full turn to face the

    oncoming storm. The air was still of thunder save for the crys of the battleships captain.

    Kings men shall not draw closer on protected routes.

    Protected? By green sailors with a green flag? Whats your authority? Captain Halson from the

    ships prow.

    The Duke of Chancey. He owns trade routes from here to the northern shore.

    He is no friend of the King. Return to him and say the water has been lost.

    Lost? What do we think about that boys? The captain of the Battleship goaded his men whowere lining the deck to listen to the exchange. They roared and laughed and banged their rifles against

    the wooden deck. They called your bullshit. Back off, this water is ours.

    Captain Halson could feel the tension of his men behind him. They were angry, ready to respond

    in kind. Waiting for his slightest gesture. Who owns the ocean boy s?

    The King! His Majestys ocean has intruders!

    And what do we do with intruders?

    Blow em out of the water!

    Drown the wretched dogs!

    Shoot em deads what we do!

    Agitation. Men were hopping from one foot to the other or restlessly running their hands along

    their rifles. Each side watching the other for a first move.

    What the Kings fops think theyre scary? Theyre children in uniforms. Pampered and soft. Go

    home children, youre out of your league. the Captain of the Battleship. Halson thought their captain

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  • 7/29/2019 Crimson Medal


    colors beneath the waves, no royal red nor forest green of the duke. There will only be men below the

    sea and the only color their blood staining it.

    They told me to kill for my country, and I dont know what that means either but Ill do it. Then

    they told me to die for my country. I dont understand that either, but when the time comes I suppose

    Ill do that too. I dont know what it means because I dont know what my country gains from my death.

    I dont know what it means to die for anything. If I am to help my country then all I know how to do is

    live for it.

    Why am I willing to do all of this? I was born here. I could have been born anywhere but I was

    born here. I could have fought and died for anyone but I am doing so for the Duke. If I had been born on

    another shore perhaps I would be standing on your ship now, preparing to shoot every man who I

    treasure now. Just as I am preparing to shoot you, you who could have been as a father to me if I was

    born somewhere else. But you were born there, and I here. So shoot me or go home. Im just doing my


    Silence. The sea wrapped around the two ships, two small dots in an endless stretch of water.

    The salt air licked Captain Halsons face but it didnt feel as pure as it did earlier that day. There were

    tears in its salt. The sun was already beginning to set and its red light reflected upon the water to

    illustrate the boys prophesy.

    A shot amongst the silence. A bullet whizzed inches from the boys face and embedded into the

    deck beside him. He did not flinch, just continued staring across the gap of water that separated the two

    ships. Captain Halson turned to see the boy in the crows nest aiming for another shot. He started to

    raise his arm to order him to stop but held himself still. It felt an eternity before the next shot was fired.

    It planted itself in the forehead of the boy. He remained erect for another instant before following his

    captain overboard, falling end over end to fall feet first into the water. There was hardly a splash and

    then he was gone.

    Crash of the cannons as they bellowed fire and smoke from either vessel. The great balls of iron

    tore through wooden planks and flesh alike. White hot fire as the Battleship burned. White shards of

    exposed bone. Billow of the waves as they carried away each new body. The battle started seamlessly

    without an order given from either side as if there never had been an interruption or any other possible


    Crash of the Kings fork against his wine glass calling the room to silence. A lavish banquet hall

    greeted Captain Halsons victorious return. Billow of the white laced table cloth around the elegantly

    dressed guests. Roast goose glistened dully in the candle light. It was leading a flight of skewered

    pheasants in a mockery of their living flying formation. A large fish with its head attached caught more

    light on its scales, some playing across its dead expressionless eyes. The was king speaking to the silent


    marking the first triumph of my proudest icon on the sea, my Ship of the Line. There will be

    many more to come from the capable Captain Halson in the coming war I have no doubt. He has been

    tested many times and we, with our generous nature, would like to appoint him as the permanent

    captain of my proudest vessel. What his more we would like to honor his distinguished career with this

    Crimson Medal. May he wear it always as a mark of pride in his life as our faithful servant.

    The Captain did not stand. He pushed his spread hands out in refusal I wasjust doing my job,

    your Majesty.

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    Theres no need to be modest. You have gone above and beyond and proven yourself worthy

    many times. This latest voyage bringing my Ship of the Line to her first victory is enough proof of your

    merit. Do not refuse your King.

    At last the Captain stood stiffly, staring the King in the eye. With all due respect, I did nothing

    for which I wish to be praised.

    You do not think victory praiseworthy?

    It is not, my Majesty. I will wear no badge for killing my brother.

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