Page 1: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10

CRISIL SME ConnectA newsletter from CRISIL SME Ratings

Your connection to what really matters

March 2010

Volume: 17

Page 2: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10

Balance of Payments in surplus

Industrial growth rally continues

International trade activity accelerates

Inflation inches towards double digit level

The Current Account deficit of US$ 12.billion in the third quarter of 2009-10 was at the same level as witnessed in the third quarter of 2008-09, as per the latest data release. Exports and imports (merchandise and services) recorded y-o-y growth of 13.2 per cent and 2.6 per cent, respectively, thus leading to a trade deficit of US$30.7 billion in the third quarter of 2009-10. While large capital inflows led to significant surplus (US$14.7 billion) in the capital account in the third quarter of 2009-10, it was lower as compared with the surplus (US$ 21.4 billion) in the preceding quarter

Industrial output increased by 16.7 per cent in January, with manufacturing sector recording 18 per cent growth. Increased investment activity and low base of 1.0 per cent growth during the same month last year contributed to this robust performance. While the capital goods sector grew at 56.2 per cent, rising consumer confidence was reflected in the rapid expansion of consumer durables, which grew at 31.6 per cent. Consumer non-durables, however, contracted by 3.1 per cent in January.

Exports growth accelerated to 34.8 per cent (in US$ terms) in February as compared with 11.5 per cent in January on account of the improving global macro environment. Imports too accelerated sharply, registering growth of 66.4 per cent (in US$ terms) in February as compared with the decline of 28.0 per cent in same month last year owing to strong domestic demand and the low base effect. Going forward, trade growth is expected to remain buoyant as export demand improves and increased domestic activity pushes up import demand.

Wholesale prices-based inflation reached 9.9 per cent in

February from 8.6 per cent a month ago and 3.5 per cent a year ago due to the surge in prices of food articles and a low base. Primary articles inflation rose to 15.5 per cent owing to escalation in food prices, while the fuel group inflation increased to 10.2 per cent because of the excise duty hike on fuel announced in the budget. Inflation in non-food manufacturing group also rose sharply to 4.8 per cent, which prompted the RBI to raise key interest rates in March. CPI (IW) inflation was at 14.9 per cent in February.

The year-on-year credit growth touched the RBI's projection for 2009-10 and stood at 16 per cent as on March 12 vis-à-vis 15.1 per cent and 18.2 per cent a month and a year ago, respectively. Non food credit grew by 16.3 per cent, whereas food credit grew by 4.1 per cent. Incremental credit growth stood at 12.6 per cent as against 14.0 per cent during the same period last year.

The Rupee appreciated by 11.4 per cent in 2009-10 in line with the resurgence in foreign capital inflows. The currency ended the fiscal year at 45.14 per US$. Going forward, we expect the rupee to appreciate further, albeit at a slower pace compared to 2009-10. A burgeoning current account deficit as well as capital outflows on account of ECB repayments and outward FDI would exert depreciating pressure on the currency.

The yield on the benchmark 10-year government paper touched a 17-month high of 8.0 per cent on March 8 amidst volatility, but softened thereafter to end the fiscal year at 7.85 per cent. Corporate bond yields remained range-bound in March, with the yield on the AAA corporate bond trading in the range of 8.92-8.95 per cent during the month. With the government borrowings front-loaded in the first-half of 2010-11, it is expected to lead to hardening of yields.

Credit off-take continues to improve

Rupee appreciates over 11 per cent in 2009-10

10-year G-secs yields on rise

Economic Outlook

Parameter Macroeconomic Indicators - Forecasts



With private demand expected to pick up in FY11, industrial production growth should remain buoyant. Under the assumption of normal monsoon agriculture would grow at a rate higher than its trend due to the low base of FY10. The service sector would continue to grow robustly, albeit with marginal slowdown due to a significant reduction in government expenditure reflected in a decline in growth rate of personal and community services.

Headline inflation is expected to stay elevated at least in the first half of FY11, due to the agricultural price shock, rising commodity prices and recent petrol and diesel price hike. However, in the latter half of the fiscal , the year-on-year inflation is expected to come down due to high base of FY10.

With the government borrowings front-loaded in the first-half of 2010-11, the market will likely witness surfeit of government paper in the first-half, leading to hardening of yields. The second-half could see the supply tapering off and easing pressure on bond yields. But the expectations of further interest rates hikes by the RBI would exert pressure in the opposite direction. Hence, on balance we expect the yields on the benchmark 10-year G-sec to end 2010-11 at around 8.3-8.5 per cent

Foreign investments are expected to remain robust in FY11, thereby increasing the supply of US$ relative to the demand. This should enable the currency to continue on its fundamental trend of appreciation.

Economy Perspectives

The roll-back in tax concessions, as the government gradually withdraws the fiscal stimulus, and the sustained recovery in industry performance, is expected to result in a significant improvement in tax collections during 2010-11. In addition, the combined expected revenues from the disinvestment in public sector enterprises, and revenues from the auction of 3-G are expected to further inflate the gross revenues.


Interest rate

Exchange rate Re / US $(Year-end)

as a % of GDP

Fiscal deficit (Incl off-budgetliabilities)




10-year G-Sec(Year-end)


Agriculture 5.5

Industry 8.6

Total 8.0

Services 8.4





Page 3: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10

Update on IndustryCRISIL SME Connect

3G investments unlikely to impact telecom operators' credit profiles: CRISIL

The auction process for the award of 3G spectrum blocks begins today. This is an important development for the sector, and has the potential to redefine the telecommunication (telecom) services landscape. Success in the auction will enable telecom operators to offer value-added data and video services in future. However, CRISIL does not expect players' revenues from these services to grow substantially over the next two years.

Nevertheless, over the near term, availability of the 3G spectrum will ease the constraints on the 2G spectrum to the voice services of telecom service providers. CRISIL believes that this will help telecom operators that succeed in the auction to improve the quality of their services, while maintaining strong subscriber volume growth in their existing voice services. This will, therefore, affect their business risk profiles positively, by enhancing the retention of high-value customers and improving the players' competitiveness in an industry where competition has intensified and where churn rates are expected to increase with the implementation of mobile number portability.

CRISIL believes that telecom operators will, therefore, participate in the bidding process while considering the potential positive benefits in defending their existing market positions as well as their long-term ability to offer value-added services. Since the 3G spectrum slots are limited and the market positions of players vary across telecom circles, the bidding strategy will be circle-specific. Further, the expected pick-up in 3G services will also be different across circles. CRISIL-rated telecom majors are expected to bid aggressively for spectrum blocks for the circles in which they hold leading positions. However, these players are unlikely to display such aggressiveness for all the circles for which the bidding is taking place, bringing a degree of moderation to the final bidding amount.

All the same, the credit risk profiles of CRISIL-rated telecom operators are expected to remain unaffected. This is because the business risk profiles of these players will improve if they obtain 3G spectrum blocks for their key circles. Also, the incremental expenditure incurred by the players towards procuring 3G spectrum blocks is likely to be manageable, given the large capital expenditure programmes already being executed by these telecom operators to expand their geographical presence. Large debt funding of the additional investment on 3G spectrum licenses may, however, exert pressure on the financial

risk profiles of CRISIL-rated players over the near to medium term. The pressure on the players' financial risk profiles will be offset by their strong cash flows, underpinned by a mature pan-Indian presence for most rated players or support from their parents.

On the other hand, if the amounts bid by the CRISIL-rated telecom service providers in the auction for 3G spectrum licences exceed CRISIL's expectations and if these large investments are funded primarily through debt, the credit risk profiles of the players may come under pressure. CRISIL will closely monitor the outcome of the bidding process and its impact on the ratings of entities in the telecom services sector.

In a reversal of a three-year trend, CRISIL upgraded more

companies than it downgraded in the second half of 2009-10

(refers to financial year, April 1 to March 31); as against 108

rating upgrades, there were 95 downgrades. The number of

defaults too declined during the second half of the year to 20

from 29 in the first half. This reversal resulted in CRISIL's

modified credit ratio (MCR; the ratio of upgrades plus

reaffirmations to downgrades plus reaffirmations) increasing

for the entire 2009-10, snapping a four-year trend of decline

that had begun in 2005-06. The MCR for 2009-10 increased to

0.93 times, from 0.86 times for 2008-09. With this, the credit

cycle seems to have turned after the recent global economic

slowdown. These trends were observed on a portfolio of almost

4000 CRISIL-rated entities; of these, 75 per cent are mid-sized

entities, each having an annual turnover of less than Rs.5


The number of rating upgrades quadrupled in the second half

of 2009-10 over that in the first half. Simultaneously,

downgrades declined by over 25 per cent. Nevertheless, the

undertone of fragility in credit quality remains, reflected in the

fact that 426 companies (representing 13.1 per cent of

CRISIL's long-term ratings) still carry a 'Negative' outlook,

against 105 companies (3.2 per cent) with a 'Positive' outlook.

Says Ms. Roopa Kudva, Managing Director and CEO,

CRISIL, “We believe that the worst is over for the Indian

economy, and present trends indicate that upgrades will

outnumber downgrades in 2010-11. However, the degree to

which the credit cycle turns will depend on the sustainability of

demand growth, and the impact of fresh capital expenditure on

players' balance sheets.”

CRISIL' s ra t ing upgrades exceed downgrades in past six months


Page 4: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10



Banking Sector Update

Higher effective interest on savings to benefit customers: CRISIL

CRISIL believes that banks' savings-account holders will

benefit from the adoption of the daily average method,

proposed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), for the

computation of interest on these accounts. At the same time,

CRISIL estimates that the cost of deposits for banks will

increase by 10-20 basis points (bps; 100 bps = 1 per cent),

depending on the share and pattern of the current and savings

accounts (CASA) in their deposit base. However, this will not

materially impact their profitability or lead to any significant

change in the share of low-cost deposits, that is, CASA in the

banking system.

RBI has proposed that all scheduled commercial banks start the

computation of monthly interest on savings accounts on a daily

basis with effect from April 1, 2010, instead of the current

method of linking the interest to the minimum balance

between the tenth and last day of each month. CRISIL believes

that the new method of interest computation will increase the

effective interest rate on savings balances, particularly for salary

account holders. It is estimated that for a salary account holder

with a minimum savings balance between 1-2 times of the

monthly salary, the increase in interest income will be between

10 and 25 per cent.

The higher interest outgo on savings accounts will increase the

cost of deposits for banks; however, CRISIL believes that the

impact of this increase will be limited due to the existing low

interest rate on savings at 3.5 per cent and the relatively low

share of savings deposits, varying between 15 and 25 per cent,

in the overall deposit base of the banks. Assuming that the

entire savings balances for the banks are transaction intensive,

CRISIL estimates that the overall increase in the cost of

deposits for banks will be between 10 and 20 bps. The impact

of the new method for the calculation of interest on the

individual banks will however depend on the mix of the savings

accounts, that is, the share of transaction intensive vis-à-vis

relatively dormant float accounts. The impact is expected to be

higher for banks that have a dominant share of salary accounts

with highly fluctuating balances.

The average CASA levels in the domestic banking system stood

at 33 per cent, with savings deposits accounting for 22 per cent,

as of March 2009. The share of savings deposits is estimated to

have increased to 25 per cent as on December 2009 which

would translate into an increase of 2 to 4 per cent in CASA

levels by March 31, 2010. This has been primarily due to

sharply reduced interest rates on term deposits and a moderate

credit growth regime, which has led to banks' retiring high-cost

wholesale deposits. However, CRISIL believes that any further

increase in the system CASA levels is unlikely. While savings

account holders will benefit from a higher effective rate, the

benefits are likely to be offset by the increasing differential

between savings and term deposit rates and the higher

investment options available to retail depositors over the

medium term.

Says Mr. Suman Chowdhury, Head, Financial Services

Ratings, CRISIL, “While the adoption of the daily average

method will result in some increase in the cost of deposits for

banks, the increase is likely to be marginal and in itself will not

have a material impact on the earnings profile and,

consequently, the credit quality of CRISIL-rated banks.”

Companies in the real estate and real-estate-dependent

industries account for 18 per cent of the 'Negative' outlooks,

while those in the textile business account for 12 per cent. Both

these industries are still highly leveraged, and will require

strong demand revival or large equity infusions for their credit

profiles to stabilise. Textile players will also need to contend

with exchange rate volatility. Construction players account for

almost 20 per cent of the 'Positive' outlooks and are witnessing

robust demand, arising from the government's increased focus

on infrastructure spending.

Infrastructure and infrastructure-related industries (including

power equipment, steel, cement, healthcare, and education)

and the financial services sector are likely to witness high

demand growth over the medium term. Export-dependent

industries, such as gems and jewellery, textiles, and

information technology (IT) and IT-related services, are likely

to grow moderately on the back of revival in the global

economy. Commercial real estate and leisure industries are

likely to face severe demand-supply imbalances.

Key risks that could affect credit quality include: a global credit

event on sovereign debt, impact of inflationary expectations on

interest rates, and exchange rate volatility. “The credit fallout

of these events can be significant because governments have

limited room to address them through further fiscal and

monetary measures,” cautions Mr. Ajay Dwivedi, Director,

and CRISIL Ratings.

Page 5: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10

CRISIL SME Ratings Events



Munish Dhawan, Manager (fourth from right) at a workshop organised by the All India Valves & Cocks Manufacturers Association at Jalandhar.

A news clipping of the Lean Manufacturing Workshop organised by the The Foundry Men Council and sponsored by CRISIL at Ludhiana.

Page 6: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10


An NSIC - CRISIL Rating reflects CRISIL's opinion on the company's performance capability and financial strength. Ratings are assigned as per the table below.


A CRISIL SME Rating reflects the level of creditworthiness of an SME, adjudged in relation to other SMEs. CRISIL SME Ratings are assigned with the following Rating definition:

Profile of CRISIL Rated SSIs/SMEs

CRISIL SSI/SME Ratings Definitions

Ratings Assigned by CRISIL Geographical distribution of ratingsper centState

SME Rating per centageSME 1SME 2SME 3SME 4SME 5SME 6SME 7SME 8


CRISIL NSIC Rating per centage

Rating distribution: CRISIL SME Rating

As on February 28, 2010

Rating distribution: NSIC-CRISIL Rating


Financial Strength


Highest SE 1A SE 1B SE 1C




SE 5A SE 5B SE 5CPerf










Moderate Low

For eg.: A company with High Performance Capability and High Financial Strength will be rated 'SE 2A', while one with Weak Performance Capability and Low Financial Strength will be rated 'SE 4C'.

CRISIL SME Rating DefinitionSME 1 Highest


Above AverageAverageBelow AverageInadequatePoorDefault



“The rating indicates that the level of creditworthiness of an SME, adjudged in relation to other SMEs, is ….” (as per table above)

































- -

Maharashtra 20.41Gujarat 10.98Tamil Nadu 8.72Andhra Pradesh 7.77Punjab 7.56Karnataka 6.43Uttar Pradesh 5.14West Bengal 4.96Rajasthan 4.45New Delhi 4.03Orissa 3.88Haryana 2.77Chhattisgarh 2.66Madhya Pradesh 2.56Kerala 1.85Jharkhand 1.12Himachal Pradesh 0.92Jammu & Kashmir 0.87Assam 0.67Uttarakhand 0.65Chandigarh 0.35Pondicherry 0.28Bihar 0.24Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.20Goa 0.20Daman & Diu 0.12Tripura 0.10Meghalaya 0.06Manipur 0.02







12000 Cumulative








CRISIL-rated MSMEs: Industry-wise distributionper centageIndustry

Engineering 26.60Textile and Apparel 10.80Electronics and Electrical Equipment 9.10Printing and Packaging 7.80Agri-products and FMCG 7.10Chemical 6.30Plastic and Plastic Products 5.40Steel and Steel Products 4.50Pharmaceuticals 4.10Auto and Auto Ancilliary 3.40Construction 3.00IT and ITES 2.40Power 1.30Cable and Wire 1.20Real Estate and Infrastructure 1.20Leather and Footwear 1.10Paper and Paper Products 0.90Others 3.70

Page 7: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10

Sr No Sr NoCompany CompanyCity CityRating Assigned

Rating Assigned


1 G S Oils Ltd Adilabad SME 22 Ya Ali Moula Educational Society Anantpur SME 43 O. R. Distilleries Ltd Chittoor SME 44 Poornima Dairy Products Chittoor SE 2B5 S. V. Milk and Milk Products Pvt Ltd Chittoor SE 2C6 Vijayavani Printers Chittoor SE 2B7 Bharathi Educational Society Cuddapah SME 58 Chandra Ship Management Pvt Ltd East Godavari SME 49 Sri Lakshmi Prasanna Agro Paper

Industries Ltd East Godavari SME 410 Surya Sri Rice Mill East Godavari SE 2B11 Naga Hanuman Solvent Oils Pvt Ltd Eluru SME 412 Ramachandra College of Engineering Eluru SME 513 Sai Swarna Motors Eluru SE 2B14 Srinivasa Hair Industries Eluru SE 3B15 Vaibhav Empire Pvt Ltd Eluru SME 316 Kallam Brothers Cottons Pvt Ltd Guntur SME 317 Maruthi Trade Links Guntur SE 3B18 Naveen Stone Crushers Guntur SE 3C19 Pioneer Automotives Guntur SE 1B20 Sai Bhaskar Irons Pvt Ltd Guntur SME 421 Sai Manasa Spintex (India) Ltd Guntur SME 522 Sree Neelampati Lakshmi Ammavari Cold

Storage Pvt Ltd Guntur SE 3C23 Sri Lakshmi Godavari Spinning Mills

Private Limited Guntur SME 424 Sri Rama Chandra Deep Cold Storage

Private Limited Guntur SE 3B25 Sri Vijaya Venkateswara Cotton Mills

Private Limited Guntur SE 2C26 Taruni Dairy Products Pvt Ltd Guntur SE 1B27 Venkata Sai Traders Guntur SE 3B28 Vijaya Chaitanya Enterprises Pvt Ltd Guntur SE 3B29 A 'n' A Graphics Hyderabad SE 2C30 Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers and

Consultants Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 231 Aizant Drug Research Solutions Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 432 AJ Cans Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B33 AJ Packaging Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B34 Allen Reinforced Plastics Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B35 Amita Pipes (India) Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B36 Anantha PVC Pipes Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B37 Annapurna Earcanal Ltd Hyderabad SME 238 Apollo Gleneagles PET-CT Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 339 Aurora Educational Society Hyderabad SME 340 Basai Steels Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 441 Binjusaria Metal Box Company Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B42 Blend Colours Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B43 C. S. Wires Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B44 Cal Lite Foods (India) Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B45 Caliber Technologies Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3A46 Chak Rader Farm Equipments Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2A47 Chemi Pack (India) Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B48 Chemsol Hyderabad SE 2B49 Chemsol Labs Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B50 Choice Precitech India Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C51 Classic Papers Hyderabad SE 2B52 Cornileus Pharmaceuticals (P) Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B53 Crescent Therapeutics Ltd Hyderabad SME 354 Dada Energies Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B55 DRS Infratech Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B56 Elixir Met Form Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B57 Fine Forge Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B58 Gautam Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B59 Gayathri Industrial Products Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3C60 Genesis Poweronics India Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B61 Gland Pharma Ltd Hyderabad SME 262 Goldstone Infratech Ltd Hyderabad SME 263 GSN Ferro Alloys Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B64 Haritha Fertilisers Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B65 Hastalloy India Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C66 Heemankshi Bakers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C67 Husys Consulting Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 468 Hychem Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B69 Hyderabad Food Products Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B70 Innofab (India) Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B71 Insmart Systems Hyderabad SE 2A72 Integrated Thermoplastics Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C73 Intemo Systems Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B74 Interactive Corporation Hyderabad SE 2B75 Jalavihar Entertainment Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 4

76 Jaya Bharat Equipments Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B77 Jeevaka Industries Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B78 K Ramachandra Rao Transmission And

Projects Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 279 Kakatiya Energy Systems Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B80 Kanakadhara Ventures Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 381 Karshak Vidya Parishad Hyderabad SME 382 Kora Industries Hyderabad SE 2B83 Kurnool Cylinders Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C84 KVK Bio-Energy Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 585 Lazarus Hospitals Ltd Hyderabad SME 286 Lotus Chocolate Company Ltd Hyderabad SME 387 M. R. Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B88 M.G.B. Mobiles Hyderabad SME 389 M.M.S.Steel & Power Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 290 Magnificent Homes Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 591 Mahadev Profiles Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3C92 Mahalakshmi Profiles Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B93 Maithri Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A94 Maks Industries Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B95 Marble Estate (India) Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C96 Maruthi Ceramics Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B97 Matrix Biosciences Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2A98 Meena Jewellers Hyderabad SE 1B99 Meena Jewels Exports Hyderabad SE 1B100 Meherkiran Enterprises Ltd Hyderabad SME 4101 MIC Electronics Ltd Hyderabad SME 1102 Microcare Computers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B103 MSN Laboratories Ltd Hyderabad SME 2104 MSN Pharmachem Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 2105 Multifabs Hyderabad SE 3B106 Musaddilal Jewellery Exporters Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B107 MYK Laticrete India Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A108 N. S. Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A109 Nandan Biomatrix Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A110 Nandi Plasticisers & Pipes Industries Hyderabad SE 2B111 Nandi PVC Products Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B112 Navneeta Steels Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B113 Nawa Engineers & Consultants Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 2114 Nifty Labs Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B115 Nucon Industries Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B116 Oil Air Techniques Hyderabad SE 3C117 P D Label Makers Hyderabad SE 3B118 Patwari Plastics Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B119 Pavani Controls & Panels Ltd Hyderabad SME 3120 Pawan Oil Industries Hyderabad SE 2C121 PD Fluted Cartons Hyderabad SE 3B122 PEC Electricals Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B123 Porus Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 3124 Pragati Offset Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 1125 Prasad and Company Pharmachem Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B126 Precision Components Corporation Hyderabad SE 3C127 Pride Pack Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B128 Pridhvi Polymers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B129 Printers Den Packaging Hyderabad SE 2B130 Priyanka Refineries Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B131 Prompt Industries Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3C132 Pulse Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B133 Puzzolana Machinery Fabricators Hyderabad SME 1134 PVSRSN Enterprise Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 2135 R. K. Steel Udyog Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B136 R. R. M. Educational Society Hyderabad SME 3137 R.Balarami Reddy & Co Hyderabad SME 3138 Radha Krishna Industries Hyderabad SE 2B139 Railone Projects Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 4140 Ramcharan Oil Industries Hyderabad SE 2B141 Ravi Chakra Machine Tools Hyderabad SE 3B142 Rayudu Laboratories Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B143 Real Bakers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B144 S V V R Educational Society Hyderabad SME 5145 S. P. Y. Agro Industries Ltd Hyderabad SME 4146 S.V. Distilleries Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 3147 Sagar Petroleums Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B148 Sai Enviro Engineers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B149 Sai Krishna Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3C150 Sai Ramana Rice Industries Hyderabad SE 2B151 Sai Sagar Bewerages Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2C152 Sai Shakthi Infratech Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B153 Sai Srinivasa Bottle Traders Hyderabad SME 5154 Sainor Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B155 Sajjala Iron and Steel Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 4


CRISIL Rated SSIs/SMEs: As on February 28, 2010


Page 8: Crisil Sme Connect Mar 10

CRISIL SME ConnectRating Assigned

Rating Assigned

Sr No Sr NoCompany CompanyCity City


156 Sajjala Woven Sacks Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 4157 Satya Surya Aluminium Industries Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A158 Satya Telecom Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2A160 Sec Industries Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 2161 Seth Ghasiram Gopikishan Badruka

Educational Society Hyderabad SME 2162 Shivaani Alloy Steel Castings Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B163 Shravana Hospitals Hyderabad SME 3164 Shree Jewellers Hyderabad SME 2165 Shree Shubham Jewellers Hyderabad SE 2C166 Sidhi Jewellers Hyderabad SE 1B167 Sipra Labs Ltd Hyderabad SME 1168 SLI Power Engineers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B169 Smart Labtech Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1C170 SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd Hyderabad SME 2171 Sojiram Ispat Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 4172 Somakanth Multi Tech Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B173 Sree Comfortables Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B174 Sree Krishna Automotives Hyderabad

Private Limited Hyderabad SE 3C175 Sree Power Control Systems Hyderabad SE 1B176 Sreekara Organics Hyderabad SE 2B177 Sreepathi Pharmaceuticals Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B178 Sri Jayalakshmi Automotives PvtLtd Hyderabad SME 3179 Sri Krishna Jewellery Mart Hyderabad SME 4180 Sri Laxmi Industries Hyderabad SE 3B181 Sri Venkatadurga Precitech Hyderabad SE 3B182 Srinivasa Foods and Feeds Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A183 Sudhakar Irrigation Systems Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B184 Sudhakar PVC Products Hyderabad SE 2B185 Sujala Pipes Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B186 Sukhsagar Ceramics Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B187 Sumadhura Geomatica Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B188 Surya Polytex Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 3189 Surya Ray Elixirs Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 5190 Suseela Educational Society Hyderabad SME 5191 Technostrength Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2A192 Teckbond Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B193 Thermal Systems (Hyderabad) Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 1194 Thermo Cables Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B195 Thermosystems Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A196 Tibarumal and Sons Hyderabad SE 2B197 TSS Projects & Industries Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 2198 Twin Cities Steel Re-Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B199 UDI Foods and Beverages Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 3200 Unique Biotech Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B201 Unique Inflatables Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B202 Vamshi Motors Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B203 Vance & Health Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1B204 Varks Engineers Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 2205 Vaya Jayanthi Drugs Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3C206 Venkateshwara Silk Mills Hyderabad SE 3C207 Vetindia Pharmaceuticals Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B208 Vijayanagar Sugar Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SME 4209 Vineet Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B210 Virupaksha Organics Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 1A211 Vivin Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2B212 Weld Fuse Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 2A213 Wisdom Steeltech Pvt Ltd Hyderabad SE 3B214 Adarsh Educational Society Kakinada SME 5215 ADI Laxmi Industries Kakinada SE 3C216 Aditya Academy Kakinada SME 1217 Ammireddy Oils Ltd Kakinada SME 3218 Balaji Hatcheries Kakinada SME 5219 Bhaskar Fertilisers Pvt Ltd Kakinada SE 3C220 East Coast Imports & Exports Kakinada SE 3C221 Harika Solvent Oils Pvt Ltd Kakinada SE 2C222 Kakinada Institute of Technology and

Science Educational Society Kakinada SME 2223 Krishna Teja Food Products Kakinada SE 3B224 Lakshmi Srinivasa Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Kakinada SE 3B225 P. Venkanna & Company Pvt Ltd Kakinada SE 4C226 Prani Auto Plaza Pvt Ltd Kakinada SE 2B227 Sarojini Educational Society Kakinada SME 1228 Shree Gowthami Rice Industries Kakinada SE 3B229 Sri Adilakshmi Property Developers Pvt Ltd Kakinada SE 3B230 Sri Ayyappa Rice Industries Kakinada SE 3B231 Sri Bhargavee Agro Tech Kakinada SE 3B232 Sri Jaya Lakshmi Venkata Narasimha

Rice Mill Kakinada SE 3B233 Sri Lalitha Educational Society Kakinada SME 5234 Sri Ramakrishna Raw & Par Boiled

Modern Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B235 Sri Ramalingeswara Rice & Oil Mills Kakinada SE 3B236 Sri Ramalingeswara Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B237 Sri Sati Aranjyothi Raw & Boiled Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B238 Sri Satya Krishna Modern Rice Mill Kakinada SE 3B239 Sri Seetharama Raw & Boiled Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B

240 Sri Surya Gangadhara Boiled & Raw Rice Mill Kakinada SE 1B

241 Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Raw & Boiled Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B

242 Sri Veera Venkata Satyanarayana Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B243 Sri Venkateswara Rice Industry Kakinada SE 2B244 Sri Venkateswara Rice Mill Kakinada SE 3C245 Sri Vijayalakshmi Raw & Boiled Rice Mill Kakinada SE 2B246 Srimannarayana Rice Industree Kakinada SE 3C247 The Vasista Educational Society Kakinada SME 2248 V.S.N. Hatcheries Pvt Ltd Kakinada SME 7249 STC Techno India Pvt Ltd Karimnagar SE 3B250 Venkateshwara Modern Rice Mill Karimnagar SE 2B251 Sri Murari Refractories Pvt Ltd Krishna SE 3B252 Srikanth International Krishna SE 2B253 Srinivasa Stone Crusher Company Krishna SE 3C254 Meru Automobiles Pvt Ltd Kurnool SE 2B255 Sree Rayalseema Green Steloy Ltd Kurnool SME 5256 Balaji Industries Medak SE 3C257 Deccan Polypacks Ltd Medak SME 2258 Gayathri Industries Paraboiled Rice Mill Medak SE 3B259 Indrani Hybrid Seeds Company Medak SE 3C260 Racha Raya Swamy Rice Mill Medak SE 3C261 Ramakrishna Agro Industries Medak SE 2B262 Saptagiri Modern Binny Rice Mill Medak SE 3B263 Shalini Steels Pvt Ltd Medak SE 2B264 Shivam Smelters Pvt Ltd Medak SE 3B265 Sri Chaitanya Industries Medak SE 2B266 Sri Pavan Balaji Binny Rice Mill Medak SE 3B267 Sri Raja Rajeshwari Traders Medak SE 3B268 Sri Satya Sai Industries Medak SE 3C269 Sri Shiva Sai Binny Rice Mill Medak SE 2C270 M. B. A. Motors Nalgonda SE 2B271 Mahateja Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Nalgonda SE 3B272 Raathi Pipes & Profiles Ltd Nalgonda SE 2B273 Sree L V Motors Nalgonda SE 2C274 Sudhakar Plastic Ltd Nalgonda SE 2B275 Sudhakar Polymers Ltd Nalgonda SE 2B276 Aishwarya Vignan Educational Society Nellore SME 3277 Anjanee Raw and Boiled Rice Mill Nellore SE 3B278 B. Girijapathi Reddy & Company Nellore SME 1279 Bhargavi Automobiles Pvt Ltd Nellore SE 2B280 G.R.N. Constructions Pvt Ltd Nellore SME 4281 M.S.C Rice Mill Nellore SE 2B282 Narayanadri Rice Industries Nellore SE 2B283 P.V. Ramanaiah and Company Nellore SME 4284 Ravi Sankar Rice Mill Nellore SE 3C285 Somisetty Rice Industries Nellore SE 3B286 Sowbhagyalakshmi Raw and Boiled Rice Mill Nellore SE 2C287 Sri Bhagavan Venkaiah Swamy Rice Mill Nellore SE 2C288 Sri Kameswari Raw & Boiled Rice Mill Nellore SE 3C289 Sri Prasanna Anjaneya Raw and Boiled

Rice Mill Nellore SE 2B290 Sri Sai Venkata Ramana Constructions Nellore SME 4291 Sri Sowbhagya Lakshmi Paddy Boiling

Industries Nellore SE 2C292 Sri Venkata Balu Rice Industry Nellore SE 3C293 Sri Vijaya Lakshmi Rice Industries Nellore SE 2B294 H.Gangaram Cloth Merchant Nizamabad SME 4295 Laxmi Ganesh Industries Nizamabad SE 3B296 Anjaneya Enterprises Ongole SE 2B297 Vishnupriya Automotives Ongole SE 1B298 Suguna Industries Patancheru SE 3C299 Malineni Perumallu Educational Society Prakasam SME 3300 Rajasekhara Enterprises Prakasam SE 2B301 Rural Institute of Social and Economic

Empowerment Prakasam SME 5302 Sri Luxmi Tulasi Agro Paper Pvt Ltd Rajahmundry SME 3303 GSL Educational Society Rajahmundry SME 5304 Analogic Controls India Ltd Secunderabad SE 2B305 Balaji Pressure Vessels Ltd Secunderabad SE 2B306 Centuary Fibre Plates Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SME 2307 Finecab Wires & Cables Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SE 1B308 IPM Bio Control Labs Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SE 3C309 JR Seamless Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SME 4310 Platinum Properties Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SME 5311 Premier Solar Systems Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SE 1A312 Sangam Wires Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SME 3313 SEC Infratech Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SME 2314 Shakti Met-Dor Ltd Secunderabad SME 2315 Shree Malani Industries (P) Ltd Secunderabad SME 2316 Super Agri Seeds Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SE 1B317 T Madhava Rao High Power Crushers

Private Limited Secunderabad SE 3B318 Travancore Precision Components Pvt Ltd Secunderabad SME 3319 Virinchi Technologies Ltd Secunderabad SME 1320 Zen Technologies Ltd Secunderabad SME 1321 Kothari Agritech Pvt Ltd Sholapur SE 2B

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322 Precision Camshafts Ltd Sholapur SME 1323 Sree Gamini Textiles Pvt Ltd Tanuku SE 3B324 J. Chandramouli Reddy Tirupati SME 4325 K. M. M. Social Educational Development

Society Tirupati SME 4326 Nandi Polymers India Pvt Ltd Tirupati SE 2B327 Sree Rama Educational Society Tirupati SME 5328 Srivari Industries Tirupati SE 2B329 K. K. Marketing Agency Vijayawada SME 4330 Kiran Engineers Vijayawada SE 2B331 Kristna Engineering Works Vijayawada SE 2A332 Kusalava Motors Pvt Ltd Vijayawada SE 1A333 Makro Cast Pvt Ltd Vijayawada SE 2B334 Prakasa Spectro Cast Pvt Ltd Vijayawada SE 2B335 Prathap Industries Vijayawada SE 2B336 Sai Bhargavi Solvent Oils Pvt Ltd Vijayawada SE 3B337 Seapearls Industries Vijayawada SE 3B338 Sri Kalyani Agro Products & Industries Ltd Vijayawada SME 3339 Sri Kalyani Agro Products & Industries Ltd Vijayawada SE 2B340 SRK Foundation Vijayawada SME 8341 Universal Marketing Enterprises Vijayawada SME 3342 Vijaibhavani Powertech Pvt Ltd Vijayawada SE 3B343 Vikranth Publishers Vijayawada SE 3C344 ATR Warehousing Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2C345 B. Ramanaiah Constructions Visakhapatnam SME 3346 Best Cranes Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 3C347 Deccan Ferro Alloys Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2B348 Harmony Foods Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2B349 Inar Profiles Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 1A350 Nest Builders and Engineers Visakhapatnam SE 2B351 Phoenix IT Solutions Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 1A352 Rahamankan Tobacco Enterprises Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SME 3353 Sravan Shipping Services Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 1B354 Sree Tirumala Steel Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2B355 Stru Fabs Visakhapatnam SE 3B356 Tirupati Veneers Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2B357 Ultra Dimensions Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2A358 Uma Maheswari Constructions Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SME 6359 Vasugan Medical Specialties Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SME 4360 Visakha Wire Ropes Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 1A361 Vishnu Carriers Pvt Ltd Visakhapatnam SE 2C362 Vizag Company's Steel Visakhapatnam SE 3B363 Adithya Agro Allied Oils Pvt Ltd Vishakapatnam SME 4364 Bhupati Hotels Ltd Vishakapatnam SME 3365 Black Gold Profiles Pvt Ltd Vishakapatnam SE 2B366 Everblue Sea Foods Pvt Ltd Vishakapatnam SE 3B367 P. B. L. Transport Corporation Pvt Ltd Vishakapatnam SME 2368 Usha Tubes and Pipes Pvt Ltd Vishakapatnam SE 2C369 Praveenya Institute of Marine Engineering

and Maritime Studies Vizianagaram SME 5370 Aditya Sai Cot Spin Pvt Ltd Warangal SE 3B371 Continental Industries Warangal SME 4372 Jayakrishna Cotton Industries Warangal SE 3C373 Sandeep Seeds and Farms Pvt Ltd Warangal SE 2C374 Sarvahitha Educational Society Warangal SME 2375 Sri Rajeshwara Educational Society Warangal SME 2376 Vasanthi Industries Warangal SE 3C377 Venkatesh Corporation Warangal SE 3C378 Venkatesh Industries Cotton Ginning &

Pressing Factory Warangal SE 3C379 Jai Maakali Fish Farms Pvt Ltd West Godavari SME 5380 Jai Maakali Poultry Farms West Godavari SE 2C381 R. D. R. Exports West Godavari SE 2C382 Rolex Paper Mills Ltd West Godavari SME 5


383 Deccan Coach Builders Pvt Ltd Dibrugarh SE 2C384 Dhoot Compack Ltd Dibrugarh SME 2385 Duli Chand Narender Kumar Exports (P)

Limited Dibrugarh SME 1386 Kamino International Logistics Pvt Ltd Dibrugarh SME 2387 Net Metallics Dibrugarh SE 3C388 Sree Rayalseema Sugar and Energy Pvt Ltd Dibrugarh SME 4389 Vision Ispat Pvt Ltd Dibrugarh SME 4390 Assam Electricals Guwahati SE 2C391 Assam Petroleum Ltd Guwahati SME 3392 Dyna Roof Pvt Ltd Guwahati SE 2A393 Global Coke Products Guwahati SME 1394 Homtek India Agro Foods Guwahati SE 2A395 Jal Coke Company Guwahati SME 1396 Jericho Agro Processors Guwahati SE 3B397 Jumbo Roofings & Tiles Guwahati SME 4398 Laxman Roller Flour Mill Pvt Ltd Guwahati SE 2B399 Luit Refractories Pvt Ltd Guwahati SE 3C400 Meghalaya Oxygen Pvt Ltd Guwahati SE 2A401 Pansy Guwahati SE 3C402 Rahman Hospitals Pvt Ltd Guwahati SE 3B

403 RPG Coke Products Guwahati SE 2A404 S M Cokes Ltd Guwahati SE 2B405 Sagar Steels Guwahati SE 1B406 Shillong Ispat and Rolling Mills Guwahati SME 3407 Surface Tech (India) Pvt Ltd Guwahati SME 2408 North Eastern Cables & Conductors Pvt Ltd Jorhat SE 2B409 Robin Assam Instant Tea Company Pvt Ltd Jorhat SE 2B410 Biva Food Product Pvt Ltd Silchar SE 2B411 Kay Dee Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Silchar SE 2B412 Shree Ram Cattle Feed Sonitpur SE 2A413 Singh's Steelwork Sonitpur SE 3B414 B. L. Packaging Pvt Ltd Tinsukia SE 2B415 Everassam Tea Pvt Ltd Tinsukia SE 2B


416 Ganga Dairy Pvt Ltd Begusarai SE 2B417 Precision Engineering & Thermal Components Muzaffarpur SE 2B418 Daya Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Patna SE 2B419 House Bricks Patna SE 3B420 Jagdamba Ginning Factory Patna SE 2B421 Kaimur Jagmohan Offset Press Patna SE 3B422 Lichchhwi Foods India Pvt Ltd Patna SE 2B423 Plant Remedies Pvt Ltd Patna SE 2A424 Shakti Mines and Minerals (A unit of

Shakti Agencies Pvt Ltd) Patna SE 2B425 Sun Shine Patna SE 3B426 Third Eye Communications Pvt Ltd Patna SE 3B427 Ganga Agro Products and Polytubes Pvt Ltd Vaishali SE 3B


428 Alliance Formulations Chandigarh SE 2B429 Asian Concretes And Cements Pvt Ltd Chandigarh SE 1A430 Bansal Generations Ltd Chandigarh SE 2B431 Deluxe Enterprises Chandigarh SE 3C432 Empire Packages Pvt Ltd Chandigarh SE 1B433 GMH Laboratories Chandigarh SE 2B434 Green Field Enterprises Chandigarh SE 2A435 Hari Narain Industries Chandigarh SE 1B436 Industrial Equipments Company Chandigarh SE 2A437 Khosla Machines Pvt Ltd Chandigarh SE 2A438 Khosla Precisions Chandigarh SE 2A439 Nipso Polyfabriks Ltd Chandigarh SME 3440 Nithya Sai Chemicals Pvt Ltd Chandigarh SE 2B441 Preet Remedies Pvt Ltd Chandigarh SE 2A442 Renny Steels Chandigarh SE 2C443 Riken Instrumentation Ltd Chandigarh SE 2C444 Sanjay Iron and Steel Ltd Chandigarh SME 3


445 Balaji Minerals Bhilai SE 3B446 Bhilai Castings Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 2B447 Bhilai Scan and Research Ltd Bhilai SME 3448 Dutta Engineering Works Bhilai SE 2B449 Eastern India Trading Company Bhilai SE 3B450 Fair Flux Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 2B451 Friends Engineering Corporation Bhilai SE 3B452 Gupta Enterprises Bhilai SE 3C453 J. S. Strips Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 2B454 Jiya Industries Bhilai SE 3C455 Jyoti Grih Udyog Bhilai SE 3C456 Kushal Chemicals Bhilai SE 2B457 N R Wires Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 2B458 N. C. Nahar Bhilai SE 2A459 Pawan Industries Bhilai SE 2B460 Pratibha Flowcon Engineering Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 2B461 Precision Engineering Corporation Bhilai SE 2B462 R.K. Sales Bhilai SE 3C463 S. S. Moulders Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 2C464 S. S. Udyog Bhilai SE 3C465 Sanjay Traders Bhilai SE 3B466 Satguru Refractories Bhilai SE 3B467 Shree B. R. Steels Bhilai SE 2C468 Shree Rolling Mill Bhilai SE 3C469 Shree Sai Enterprises Bhilai SE 3C470 Shree Sai Enterprises Unit - II Bhilai SE 3C471 Shri Jaibaba Casting Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 3C472 Singh Engineering Works Bhilai SE 3B473 Starex Minerals Bhilai SE 3B474 Steel Cast-Aid Bhilai SE 3B475 Swati Trading Bhilai SE 3C476 Synorganic Paints Pvt Ltd Bhilai SE 3B477 Technovations Bhilai SE 2B478 Hind Energy & Coal Benefication (India)

Pvt Ltd Bilaspur SME 3479 Krishna Speciality Chemicals Pvt Ltd Bilaspur SE 2B

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480 Bajrang Agrotech India Pvt Ltd Durg SE 2B481 Karmashri Solvent Refinery Pvt Ltd Durg SME 5482 Raghu Power Engineering Pvt Ltd Durg SE 3B483 Rajnandgaon Paper Mills Pvt Ltd Durg SE 3B484 Indo Foil Pvt Ltd Korba SE 2B485 Indo Sponge Power and Steel Ltd Korba SE 2B486 Patel Enterprises Korba SME 2487 R. R. Ferro Alloys Pvt Ltd Korba SE 2B488 R.K. Transport and Constructions Pvt Ltd Korba SME 3489 Essal Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Raigarh SME 4490 Gayatri Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Raigarh SE 3C491 Jagdamba Sponge Pvt Ltd Raigarh SE 2B492 Jagdamba Structurals (India) Pvt Ltd Raigarh SE 3B493 Mekko Steel and Power Pvt Ltd Raigarh SME 5494 Radhey Govind Steel and Alloys Pvt Ltd Raigarh SE 2B495 Sadguru Ispat Pvt Ltd Raigarh SE 2B496 Shri Shyam Ispat (India) Pvt Ltd Raigarh SME 3497 A C Steels Raipur SE 1B498 A.R.S. Forging & Engineering Works Raipur SE 3B499 Aar Cee Casting Industries Raipur SE 2C500 Aarti Sponge and Power Ltd Raipur SME 4501 Agrawal Structure Mills Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B502 Amarnath Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B503 Amarpreet Industries Raipur SE 3C504 Amit Ispat Ltd Raipur SME 3505 Ankit Steels Raipur SE 2B506 Arihant Industries Raipur SE 3C507 Arpee Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B508 Arvind Industries Raipur SE 3C509 Atharva Infrastructure Raipur SE 2B510 Chaurasia Abrasive and Steel Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B511 Chhattisgarh Aqua Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3C512 Chhattisgarh Ferro Trades (Unit II) Raipur SE 3B513 Chhattisgarh Steel Products Raipur SE 2B514 City Mall Vikash Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 5515 Cosmos Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 4C516 Didwaniya Exim Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 4517 Essel Projects Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B518 Euro Pratik Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 3519 G. R. Minerals and Industries Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B520 G.R.Sponge and Power Ltd Raipur SME 3521 Godriwala Plastics Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 3522 Goodluck Petroleum Company Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B523 Grewal Rollers Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B524 Guru Harikishan Hotel &Resort India Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 5525 Hanukripa Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B526 Indian Ispat Works Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B527 Iskcon Strips Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B528 Ispat India Raipur SE 3B529 Jai Ambey Metal Works Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B530 Jaika Automobiles And Finance Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 3531 Kanchan Complexes Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B532 Kanwal Multilayer Raipur SE 3B533 Khetan Sponge and Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 3534 M. P. Steel Fabricators Raipur SE 3B535 Manju Agro Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B536 N. R. Ispat and Power Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3C537 Pal Wires Raipur SE 3C538 Pankaj Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B539 Paras Vanaspati Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B540 Pragati Industries Raipur SE 2B541 Prism Infra and Investment Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 4542 PSA Constructions Raipur SME 3543 PSR Cement Products Raipur SE 3B544 R.K.Structures Pvt Ltd Raipur SME 3545 Radhey Shyam Agrawal Raipur SE 2A546 Rainbow Automotive Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 1B547 Ralas Motors Raipur SE 1C548 Ramesh Steel Industries Raipur SE 2B549 Ratusaria Steels Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2C550 S. D. Industries Raipur SE 2B551 S. R. Ingots Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B552 S.D. Soaps & Cosmetics Raipur SE 2B553 Saini Industries Ltd Raipur SME 4554 Setap Services Raipur SE 3B555 Shikshantar Welfare Society Raipur SME 5556 Shree Ram Steels Raipur SE 2B557 Shree Sita Ispat and Power Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3C558 Shri Ambika Agro Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B559 Shri Bajrangbali Ingot and Steels Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B560 Shri Dhaniram Laminates Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B561 Shri Shyam Ingot and Casting Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B562 Shri Shyam Iron and Power Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B563 Sindh Ispat Raipur SE 2B564 Sky Automobiles Raipur SE 2B565 Sunmarg Ispat Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3C566 Tecmag Transformers (India) Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 3B567 Teja Electricals Raipur SE 2B

568 Thermocare Rockwool India Pvt Ltd Raipur SE 2B569 Vikas Metaliks & Energy Ltd Raipur SE 3B570 Vinayak Ispat Udyog Raipur SE 3B571 Vinod Kumar Jain Raipur SE 2B572 Jaiswal Equipment and Holdings Pvt Ltd Rajnandgaon SE 3C573 Jaiswal Steel Enterprises Pvt Ltd Rajnandgaon SE 3C574 Jaiswal Steel Processing Pvt Ltd Rajnandgaon SE 3C575 Rajnandgaon Pulp Products Pvt Ltd Rajnandgaon SE 3C


576 Commander Electricals Silvassa SE 3B577 Energy Elements Silvassa SE 3C578 Fibro Laminations Silvassa SE 2B579 Magnetic Metal Industries Silvassa SE 2B580 Malde Paper Box Industries Silvassa SE 2B581 Pragati Plastic Industries Silvassa SE 2B582 Shah Packwell Industries Silvassa SE 2B583 Shubh Synthetics Silvassa SE 2B584 Spiral Flex Industries Silvassa SE 3C585 Windoors International Ltd Silvassa SE 1A


586 Met India Daman SE 1A587 Metal Gems Daman SE 1A588 Pooja Industries Daman SE 3B589 Powerband Daman SME 1590 Roman Industries Pvt Ltd Daman SE 2B591 Shri Pharma Pack Daman SE 2B


592 Clean Cat Conveyors Pvt Ltd Goa SE 3B593 Ferromar Shipping Pvt Ltd Goa SME 3594 Gangadhar Narsingdas Agrawal (HUF) Goa SME 2595 Global Conveyor Systems Pvt Ltd Goa SE 3C596 Rajaram Solvex Ltd Goa SME 3597 Saishiv Boards & Tops Pvt Ltd Goa SE 2A598 Sam Services Goa SE 2B599 Schiffer and Menezes India Pvt Ltd Goa SE 2A600 Shree Mallikarjun Shipping Pvt Ltd Goa SME 3601 Vipul Shipyard Pvt Ltd Goa SME 5


602 A G Mehta Consultancy Services Ahmedabad SE 3B603 A.S. Engineering Ahmedabad SE 3B604 Aakaf Steel Ltd Ahmedabad SME 3605 Aangan Agrotech Exports Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B606 Aashi Plastic Industries Ahmedabad SE 2B607 Aastropure Systems Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SME 4608 ABM Steels Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3B609 Active Engineers Ahmedabad SE 2C610 Airox Nigen Equipments Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B611 Ajay Engineers Ahmedabad SE 2B612 Akshar Plastic Industries Ahmedabad SE 2C613 Akshar Technoplast Ahmedabad SE 3B614 Alcock Cement Pipes and Concrete Works Ahmedabad SE 2B615 Alok Textile Mills Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B616 Ambica Timber Mart Ahmedabad SE 3B617 Amee Castor And Derivatives Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C618 AMU Pumps Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B619 Apex Fluidomatics Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B620 Apollo Infratech Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2C621 Arbor Vetum Exim Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3B622 Ashmor Electricals (India) Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B623 Associated Thermal Spray Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B624 Automotive Valves Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1A625 Auxil Gum Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B626 Ayush Cotsyn Ahmedabad SE 2B627 B Patel Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C628 Bhavik Publication Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B629 British Super Alloys Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B630 Care Cardiovascular Consultants Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SME 3631 Care Corupack Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B632 Care Office Equipment Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B633 Confisec Printers Ahmedabad SE 2B634 Dev Information Technology Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B635 Dhruv Chem Industries Ahmedabad SE 2B636 Disha Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B637 Divyesh Electricals Ahmedabad SE 3C638 Eagle Steel Industries Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B639 Electronic Instrumentation & Control Ahmedabad SE 3B640 Endeavour Instrument Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B641 Finar Chemicals Ltd Ahmedabad SME 1642 Finecure Pharmaceuticals Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2A643 Flexicab Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B

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644 Flosteer Engineers Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C645 Gatrad Engineering Corporation Ahmedabad SE 3C646 General Electronics and Control Ahmedabad SE 3B647 Gopi Paper Mart (India) Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2C648 Hardware Tools & Machinery Projects Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2A649 Hareshwar Saw Mill Ahmedabad SE 2B650 Harsh Deep Industries Ahmedabad SE 2B651 Hertz Bio - Tech Ahmedabad SME 4652 Hiramani Cable Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B653 Horizons Lamkraft Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B654 IC ICE Make Refrigeration Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B655 Indira Steel Industries Ahmedabad SE 3C656 Infab Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2A657 J & S Infratel Projects Ahmedabad SE 3B658 Jai Tripati Steels Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B659 Jain Plastics Ahmedabad SE 3B660 Jainam Industries Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B661 Jainflex Cables Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3B662 Jasvant B. Shah Ahmedabad SME 3663 Jatin Industries Ahmedabad SE 2B664 Jay Jalaram Ginning Factory Ahmedabad SE 3B665 Jivant Enterprise Ahmedabad SE 3B666 Kalpesh Corporation Ahmedabad SE 2B667 Kanaiya Exports Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2C668 Kashyap Auto Electronics Ahmedabad SE 3C669 Khodiyar Ceramics Ahmedabad SE 2B670 Khodiyar Clay Art Ahmedabad SE 2B671 Khodiyar Clay Products Ahmedabad SE 2B672 Madhav Ginning and Pressing Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C673 Mahavir Castings Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B674 Makewell Inducto Cast Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C675 Maruti Plastics Ahmedabad SE 3B676 Masta Machinery Stores Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B677 maxEEma Biotech Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B678 Maxim Tubes Company Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C679 Mehta Cad Cam Systems Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B680 Mehul Electro Insulating Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B681 Mittal Sections Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C682 Modicab Industries Ahmedabad SE 3C683 Multi Food Products Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B684 Nagarjun Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B685 Narmada Bio-Chem Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B686 Neochem Technologies Ahmedabad SE 2B687 Nissan Clean India Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C688 Optiflex Industries Ahmedabad SE 2A689 Padmavati Ice and Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B690 Palakshree Foresights Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C691 Parry Engineering and Electronics Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3B692 Patel Metal Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B693 Patel Polymers Ahmedabad SE 2B694 Patidar Cot-Spin Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SME 4695 Patidar Packers Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C696 Peaton Electrical Company Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2C697 Perfect Boring Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B698 Pioneer Engineering Services Ahmedabad SE 2B699 PMC Import Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B700 Power & Instrumentation (Gujarat) Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B701 Prachi Industries Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B702 Pragati Power Products Ahmedabad SE 3B703 Prakash Plastic Packaging Ahmedabad SE 3B704 Prakash Steel Corporation Ahmedabad SE 2C705 Prashant Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B706 Premium Pulman Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C707 Punit Engineering Works Ahmedabad SE 3C708 Rai Enterprise Ahmedabad SE 3C709 Rakanpur Extrusions Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 5C710 Real Laminations Ahmedabad SE 3B711 Rishabh Colours Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C712 Rolytek Industries Ahmedabad SE 2B713 Royal Touch Laminates Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C714 Rubberking Tyres India Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1A715 S. K. International Ahmedabad SE 2B716 S. P. Chips Potato Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B717 S.K.Shrivastav Ahmedabad SE 3B718 S.P. Enterprise Ahmedabad SE 3C719 Sakar Glazed Tiles Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B720 Sayona Colors Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B721 Seagull Maritime Agencies Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SME 4722 Seagull Print Edge Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C723 Sharp Engineers Ahmedabad SE 2B724 Sharpex Engineering Works Ahmedabad SE 2B725 Shivalik PolyAdd Industries Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B726 Shree Bhagwati Jute Products Ahmedabad SE 2C727 Shree Mahavir Wire & Metals (Gujarat)

Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3B728 Shree Patidar Saw Mill Ahmedabad SE 3C729 Shree Rang Glass Ahmedabad SE 2C730 Shree Sadguru Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B

731 Shree Shivbaba Agro Industries Ahmedabad SE 2C732 Shree Swami Enterprise Ahmedabad SE 2C733 Shree Swami Industries Ahmedabad SE 2C734 SHREERAM ENGINEERS Ahmedabad SE 3B735 Shrenik & Company Ahmedabad SE 2B736 Shubham Incorporated Ahmedabad SE 3B737 Star Freight Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SME 2738 Sun Bright Industries Ahmedabad SE 3B739 Super Crop Safe Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B740 Suresh Oilfield Units & Maintenance Co. Ahmedabad SE 2B741 Tera Cables India Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3B742 Thummar Engineers Ahmedabad SE 3B743 Timbor Home Ltd Ahmedabad SE 1B744 Universal Erectors Ahmedabad SE 1B745 Unnati Ginning Factory Ahmedabad SE 3B746 Vadilal Chemicals Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B747 Varia Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2A748 Vastupal Bearing Races Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B749 Vertex Laminate Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C750 Vijay Enterprises Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 2B751 Vinducto Engineers Ahmedabad SE 3C752 Wilson Printcity Pvt Ltd Ahmedabad SE 3C753 Artee Roadways Pvt Ltd Anand SME 2754 Gujarat Wire Products Anand SE 2B755 Chetan Coach Builders Pvt Ltd Ankleshwar SE 2C756 Dolphin Chem Ankleshwar SE 3B757 Hem-Deep Organics Pvt Ltd Ankleshwar SE 3C758 Narmada Valley Rubbers Pvt Ltd Ankleshwar SE 2B759 Techno Forge Ltd Ankleshwar SE 1B760 Vijay Enterprises Ankleshwar SE 3B761 Zeni Biotech Ankleshwar SE 3C762 Jugalkishore Ramkishan Agrawal

Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Banaskantha SE 1B763 Tanu Motors Pvt Ltd Banaskantha SE 2C764 A. S. Motors Baroda SE 2C765 Aakar Synthetics Baroda SE 2B766 Additol Lubricants Pvt Ltd Baroda SE 3C767 Advance - Tech Controls Pvt Ltd Baroda SE 2C768 Agriland Biotech Ltd Baroda SE 2B769 Akshar Dies & Tools Baroda SE 2B770 Chetak Engineering Enterprise Baroda SE 3C771 Electro Magnetic Industries Baroda SE 1B772 Jindal Agro Processing Pvt Ltd Baroda SE 2B773 KSEG India International Baroda SE 3C774 Pahal Engineers Baroda SE 3B775 Perfect Engineering & Allied Works Pvt Ltd Baroda SE 2B776 Polymechplast Machines Ltd Baroda SE 2B777 Polymer Plast Baroda SE 3C778 Poonam Roller Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Baroda SE 2B779 Shantilal B. Patel Baroda SE 1B780 Surya Bakery And Confectionery Pvt Ltd Baroda SE 3C781 Team Power Baroda SE 3C782 Tiki Tar Industries Baroda SE 1A783 Jay Mahakali Chemicals Bharuch SE 3C784 Jaysun Enterprise Bharuch SE 3C785 Mahrshee Laboratories Pvt Ltd Bharuch SE 2B786 R K Steel Bharuch SE 3B787 Surya Organics & Chemicals Bharuch SE 1B788 Tushar Trans Equipment Pvt Ltd Bharuch SE 2B789 Boron Rubbers India Bhavnagar SE 3B790 Dharmesh Food Process Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 2B791 Eternal Motors Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 2B792 Hans Industries Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 2B793 Hussain Sheth & Sons (ShipBreakers) Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 3B794 Khushboo India Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 3C795 Kiran Ship Breaking Company Bhavnagar SE 3C796 Lucky Steel Industries (Ship Breaking

Division) Bhavnagar SE 3B797 Malwi Ship Breaking Co Bhavnagar SE 3C798 Megha Insulations Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SME 3799 Navneet Ginning & Pressing Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 2B800 Nilkanth Cotton Industries Bhavnagar SE 2C801 Prakash Re - Rollers Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 2B802 Raj Steel Re-rolling Mill Bhavnagar SE 3B803 Shree Electromelts Ltd Bhavnagar SE 2B804 Shri Sai Maruti Ginning & Pressing Factory Bhavnagar SE 2B805 United Coke Pvt Ltd Bhavnagar SE 3A806 Vijay Steels Bhavnagar SE 3B807 Y. S. Investments Bhavnagar SE 3C808 Bipico Industries (Tools) Pvt Ltd Bilimora SME 3809 Vishal Containers Ltd Chhatral SE 1B810 Amul Boards Pvt Ltd Gandhidham SE 2B811 GSM Industries Pvt Ltd Gandhidham SE 2B812 Purbanchal Laminates Pvt Ltd Gandhidham SE 1B813 Woodman Veneers Pvt Ltd Gandhidham SE 3C814 Ace Circuits Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 2B815 Akash Infra Projects Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 2A816 Amira Tanna Industries Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 5C

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817 Balaji Formalin Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 2A818 Balatripura Agro Industries Gandhinagar SE 3B819 Creative Infocity Ltd Gandhinagar SE 3B820 Effective Tele Services Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 2B821 Gujarat Raffia Industries Ltd Gandhinagar SE 2B822 Nanda Automobiles (Gujarat) Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 2B823 Petrotec Retail Petroleum Equipment

(India)Pvt Ltd Gandhinagar SE 1A824 Shri Saikiran Cotton Industries Gandhinagar SE 2B825 Vinayak Techno Cast Industries Gandhinagar SE 3C826 Gujarat Ginning & Oil Industries Gondal SE 3C827 Khedut Feeds and Foods Pvt Ltd Gondal SE 2C828 Raghuvir Cotex Pvt Ltd Gondal SE 3C829 Shree Ramrajya Cotex Pvt Ltd Gondal SE 3C830 White Gold Cotton Industries Gondal SE 3B831 Samay Tiles Ltd Himatnagar SE 3B832 Sohni Ceramics Himatnagar SE 3C833 Vasani Polymers Himatnagar SE 3B834 Accumax Interior Products Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 1B835 Bansal Brothers Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 3C836 Geeta Machine Tools Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 2C837 Gold Star Battery Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SME 2838 Mahalaxmi Extrusions Jamnagar SE 3B839 Parts & Spares Jamnagar SE 2B840 Rajhans Impex Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 3C841 Rajhans Metals Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 2B842 Rajshanti Metals Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 2C843 Shanti Construction Co. Jamnagar SME 3844 Shree Momai Engineering Works Jamnagar SE 2B845 Silver Proteins Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 2C846 Siyaram Impex Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SME 4847 Siyaram Metal Udyog Jamnagar SE 3C848 Siyaram Metals Pvt Ltd Jamnagar SE 2B849 Max Precision Bearings Pvt Ltd Junagadh SE 2A850 Akshat Polymers Kadi SE 3C851 Ganesh Rubber Industries Kalol SE 2B852 Ionik Castings Pvt Ltd Kalol SE 2C853 Sanrhea Technical Textiles Ltd Kalol SME 3854 Chirai Salt (India) Pvt Ltd Kutch SE 2B855 Gujarat Generators Kutch SE 3C856 Holiday Village Resorts Pvt Ltd Kutch SME 4857 Indo Brine Industries Ltd Kutch SE 1B858 Nahta Salt and Chemical Pvt Ltd Kutch SE 2C859 Vidyut Transformers Pvt Ltd Kutch SE 3B860 Apollo Construction Equipments Pvt Ltd Mehsana SE 1A861 Hiramani Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 3C862 John Engineering Pvt Ltd Mehsana SE 3B863 Kokila Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 2C864 Kuvarba Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 3C865 Mamta Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 3B866 Natraj Construction Company Mehsana SE 2B867 P.B. Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 3C868 Pashupati Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 3C869 Perfect Construction Co. Mehsana SE 3B870 Royal Castor Products Ltd Mehsana SE 1A871 S. I. Patel Industries Mehsana SE 2B872 Sejasmi Industries (India) Pvt Ltd Mehsana SE 3B873 Shakti Cotton Industries Mehsana SE 3C874 Sterling Ceramics Mehsana SE 2B875 Tulsi Cotgin Pvt Ltd Mehsana SE 3C876 Varun Construction Company Mehsana SE 2B877 Vivekanand Industries Mehsana SE 3C878 Zamzam Exports Ltd Mehsana SE 2B879 Accord Ceramics Pvt Ltd Morbi SE 3B880 Antique Designer Tiles Morbi SE 3C881 Intel Ceramics Pvt Ltd Morbi SME 3882 Metro City Tiles Pvt Ltd Morbi SE 3C883 Mod Ceramic Industries Ltd Morbi SE 2B884 Ramco Ceramic Ltd Morbi SE 2B885 Shree Gita Ginning & Oil Industries Morbi SE 3B886 Smile Ceramics Morbi SE 3B887 Sonam Clock Pvt Ltd Morbi SE 2B888 Suncity Ceramics Morbi SE 2B889 Tirthak Paper Mills Pvt Ltd Morbi SME 3890 Empezar Logistics Pvt Ltd Mundra SME 4891 Asian Food Industries Nadiad SE 2C892 Envee Drugs Pvt Ltd Nadiad SE 3B893 Adeshwar Foods Pvt Ltd Navsari SE 2C894 Flexpro Electricals Pvt Ltd Navsari SE 1A895 Parshwa Food (India) Pvt Ltd Navsari SE 2C896 Pradip Polyfils Pvt Ltd Navsari SE 3B897 Propylon Products Navsari SE 3B898 Sempre International Navsari SE 3C899 SSS FRP Industries Navsari SE 3C900 Milten Marble Industries Palanpur SE 3C901 Shree Siddheshwari Ginning Company Patan SE 2B902 Urvesh Psyllium Industries Ltd Patan SE 3C903 Adani Pharmachem Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B

904 Alidhra Pumps Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C905 Alltech Technocast Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C906 Amtech Investment Casting Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C907 Apricot Foods Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2A908 Avadh Cotex Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C909 Avadh Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C910 Bhoomi Ginning Pressing Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C911 Blossom Kitchenware Pvt Ltd (Blossom) Rajkot SE 2B912 Captain Tractors Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B913 Devdeep Cotton Industries Rajkot SE 3C914 Dhruv Cotton Processing Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C915 Economic Traders (Gujarat) Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B916 Endoc Pharma Rajkot SE 2B917 EPP Composites Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 1B918 Euro-Anchor Sanitaryware Industries Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C919 Evershine Metals Rajkot SE 3B920 Fieldman Engineers Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 1B921 Fishfa Rubbers Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 1B922 Flotech Engineering Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B923 Forge & Forge Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2A924 Gajanan Cement Company Rajkot SE 4C925 Galaxy Chains Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B926 Galaxy Conveyors Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B927 Ganga R.K. Industries Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 1B928 Godavari Pipes Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C929 Goldcoin Foam Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B930 Gujarat Intrux Ltd Rajkot SE 2A931 Gujarat Lathe Manufacturing Co Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2A932 Hi-Mac Castings Pvt Ltd Rajkot SME 4933 Hi-Tech Profile Rajkot SE 3B934 Jayshri Ginning & Spinning Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3B935 K. D. Kitchenwares Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C936 Kasuma Auto Engineering Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B937 Kavan Cotton Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3B938 Krishna Metacraft Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3B939 KSP Auto & Forge Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B940 Magnetic Industries Ltd Rajkot SE 1A941 Marc Industries Rajkot SE 3B942 Maruti Interior Products Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2B943 Metflow Cast Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C944 Morvi Vegetable Products Ltd Rajkot SE 3B945 Narmada Pipes Rajkot SE 2A946 National Cotton Industries Rajkot SE 2C947 Navrang Ceramic Rajkot SE 3C948 Opera Ceramics Rajkot SE 3C949 Plasma Alloys Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C950 Raghuvir Cotton Ginning & Pressing Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C951 Rajani Distributors Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C952 Ramkrushna Cotgin Corporation Rajkot SE 3B953 Rollwell Forge Ltd Rajkot SE 3B954 Rupkala Engineers Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C955 Sahjanand Cotton Industries Rajkot SE 2C956 Sahyog Cotton and Oil Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C957 Shree Somnath Cotex Rajkot SE 3C958 Shreejikrupa Buildcon Ltd Rajkot SE 2B959 Shubham Ginning Pressing Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C960 Siddhi Cast Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3B961 Silver Engineering Co. Rajkot SE 2C962 Silverline Plastpacks Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 2C963 Solar Technocast Pvt Ltd Rajkot SE 3C964 Teknix Rajkot SE 3B965 Umiya Cot Fibres Rajkot SE 2B966 Western Enterprises India Pvt Ltd Rajkot SME 3967 Zen Polymers Rajkot SE 3C968 Ravi Trading Co. Sabarkantha SE 3C969 Acetochem Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B970 Adarsh Textile Mills Surat SE 3C971 Akash Plastopack Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B972 Alliance Fibres Ltd Surat SE 3B973 Anjali Weaves Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B974 Auto Point Surat SE 2B975 Baid Narrow Fab Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2A976 Begani Dyeing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B977 D. Milan Exports Surat SE 3C978 Dhanhar Products Surat SE 3B979 Dhanurdhar Processors Pvt Ltd Surat SME 4980 Divya Fashions Pvt Ltd Surat SME 4981 Dye Lon Surat SE 2C982 Eagle Fibres Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2C983 Famous Chemicals Surat SE 3C984 Fluorocarbon Processing Industries Surat SE 3B985 Grace Filaments Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2C986 Gujarat Hira Bourse Surat SME 5987 Gulmohar Embroideries Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3C988 Gurudev Dyeing & Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3C989 High Tech Weaves (India) Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B990 Hindustan Fashions Surat SE 3C991 Hindustan Metallics Surat SE 3C

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992 International Creations Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2C993 J Korin Cocoon Manufacturing Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B994 Jindal Polyweaves Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B995 Keenara Filaments Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2C996 Kinsum Industries Surat SE 1B997 Kishan Cotton Ginning & Pressing Factory Surat SE 2B998 Kohinoor Techno-Machines Ltd Surat SE 3C999 Kosas Exports Ltd Surat SE 2B1000 Kutch Ginning and Spinning Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1001 Laxmi Creation Surat SE 3C1002 Lucy Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1003 Madhusudan Rayons Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1004 Mahavir Dyeing and Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1005 Mahesh Dyeing and Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1006 Mangalam Industries Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1007 Mangalam Prints Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3C1008 Manju Dyeing and Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1009 Mansa Synthetics Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1010 Mansi Industries Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3C1011 Marval Engineering Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1012 Micron Industries Surat SE 3C1013 Nirali Enterprises Surat SE 3C1014 Nish Automation Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1015 Nobletex Industries Ltd Surat SE 1B1016 Om Satya Exim Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1017 Orange Sweet Water Technologies Ltd Surat SE 4C1018 P. L. Dawer Silk Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1019 Parekh Wirecut Surat SE 3C1020 Parvati Fabrics Pvt Ltd Surat SE 1B1021 Puja Chemicals Surat SE 3B1022 Raj International Ltd Surat SME 21023 Ramchandra Dahyabhai Narrow Fab Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1024 Rameshwar Textile Mills Ltd Surat SME 31025 Ranjan Fashions Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3C1026 Rawatkhedia Processors Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2A1027 Rita Dyeing & Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1028 Rungta Art Processors Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1029 S. V. Sales Corporation Surat SE 1B1030 Sagar Contracting Pvt Ltd Surat SE 1B1031 Saini Diesal Power Service Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2C1032 Salasar Polyfab Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1033 Senorita International Surat SE 2C1034 Shree Adinath Woven Sacks Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1035 Shree Jagdamba Dyeing and Printing

Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1036 Shree Sidhdhanath Industries Surat SE 3C1037 Shree Yoganand Textiles Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1038 Shri Mahadev Silk Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3C1039 Sofia Twist & Text Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1040 Soft Touch Fabrics Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2A1041 Subhash Twisters Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1042 Sudha Dyeing & Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1043 Sudhir Exports Surat SE 2B1044 Sujata Synthetics Ltd Surat SE 1B1045 Sunrise Dyeing and Printing Mills Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1046 Suprabhat Prints Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1047 Suruchi Processors Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1048 SVM Synthetics Surat SE 2C1049 SVS Tex O Fab Pvt Ltd Surat SME 21050 Tribeni Processors Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1051 Tulsi Art Surat SE 3C1052 Ugam Impex Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1053 Valley System Engineers Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1054 Value Added Fashion Fabrics Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1055 Vardhaman Impex Surat SE 3C1056 Vivacity Woven Sack Pvt Ltd Surat SE 2B1057 Vrundavan Developers Surat SME 41058 Zoom Synthetics Pvt Ltd Surat SE 3B1059 Zota Health Care Ltd Surat SME 11060 KCI Bearings (India) Pvt Ltd Surendranagar SE 2B1061 Prakash Ceramics Surendranagar SE 3B1062 Purav Cotton Industries Surendranagar SE 3B1063 Shree Patel Industries Surendranagar SE 2B1064 Shree Patel Industries Unit-III Surendranagar SE 2C1065 Shree Siddhnath Cotex Pvt Ltd Surendranagar SE 3B1066 Gujarat Wire and Metal Industries Udhna SE 3B1067 Hydro-Pneumatic Techniks Udhna SE 3C1068 Srini Link Umbergaon SE 2B1069 Advance Syntex Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 2B1070 Ambica Engtech Works Pvt Ltd Vadodara SME 31071 Anugrah In-Org (P) Ltd Vadodara SE 2B1072 Arc Weld Engineers Vadodara SME 31073 Balaji Engineers Vadodara SE 2B1074 Balaji Fiber Reinforce Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 1B1075 Cardin Health Care Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3C1076 Crane Hiring Company Vadodara SME 21077 Elcen Machines Pvt Ltd Vadodara SME 41078 Elec Steel Processing Industries Vadodara SE 2B

1079 Fil Sep Equipments Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 2B1080 Grindly Gases & Petrochemicals Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3B1081 Heena Roto Prints Vadodara SE 3B1082 Himech Equipments Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3C1083 Himech Industries Vadodara SE 3C1084 JNV Vira Engineering Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 2B1085 K. P. Fabricators & Engineers (Gujarat)

Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3C1086 KDAC Chem Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 1B1087 Krishna Chemical Industries Vadodara SE 2A1088 Laxmi Engineering Works Vadodara SE 3B1089 Maharshee Geomembrane (India) Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 1B1090 Manhar Specialities Vadodara SE 3C1091 Mayur Wires Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 2B1092 Miles Motors Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3B1093 Mona Engineering and Body Builders Vadodara SE 3C1094 Neeraj Exim Enterprises Vadodara SE 3B1095 Niyati Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3B1096 Pritesh Trading Company Vadodara SE 2B1097 Priyanka Constructions (Baroda) Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 1B1098 R. D. Enterprise Vadodara SE 3B1099 Raghuvir Construction Company Vadodara SE 2C1100 Rishi Technical Services Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 4C1101 Sankalp Construction Vadodara SE 2A1102 Satyam Engineering Vadodara SE 3B1103 Sawan Engineers Vadodara SE 2B1104 Shivam Metal Industries Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3C1105 Shree Engineers Vadodara SE 2C1106 Shree Nandinee Fibre Glass Engineers Vadodara SME 41107 Sit Flexible Hose Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3C1108 Suryavinayak Engineers Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 2B1109 The Spunpipe & Construction Company

(Baroda) Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 1A1110 Toppack Fittings Ltd Vadodara SME 11111 Ushail Sales & Services Vadodara SE 2B1112 Yash Highvoltage Insulators Pvt Ltd Vadodara SE 3C1113 Babulal Kalidas Panchal Valsad SE 3B1114 Dy - Mach Pharma Valsad SE 3B1115 Excel Alugraphics Pvt Ltd Valsad SE 1B1116 Gartels Werke Ltd Valsad SE 1B1117 Gujarat Cork and Rubber Pvt Ltd Valsad SE 3C1118 Jaq-Cad Texfab (India) Pvt Ltd Valsad SE 2B1119 Lunar Engineering Pvt Ltd Valsad SE 2B1120 Neo Pack Plast (India) Pvt Ltd Valsad SE 2B1121 Orthotech Valsad SE 3C1122 S. Tech Industries Valsad SE 2B1123 Sohoni Metal Craft Pvt Ltd Valsad SE 2B1124 Ace Industries Vapi SE 2C1125 Aress Intertrades Vapi SE 3C1126 Filter Machines Pvt Ltd Vapi SE 2B1127 Industrial Boilers Ltd Vapi SE 2B1128 Jay Intermediates and Chemicals Vapi SE 3B1129 Jyoti Fibre Glass Vapi SE 3B1130 K-Jhil Scientific Glass Vapi SE 3C1131 Nayak Engineering Company Vapi SE 2B1132 Octopus Papers Pvt Ltd Vapi SE 2B1133 Powertrac Vapi SE 3C1134 Pragati Industries Vapi SE 2B1135 Riddhi Engineering Vapi SE 3B1136 Sanchaniya Metal Industries Vapi SE 3C1137 Shyam Oxides Pvt Ltd Vapi SE 3C1138 Shyamal Organics Pvt Ltd Vapi SE 3B1139 Source 1 Instruments Vapi SE 3C1140 Wood Paker Vapi SE 3C1141 Rotomag Motors and Controls Pvt Ltd Vithal

Udyognagar SE 2B


1142 Bhushan Oils and Fats Pvt Ltd Ambala SE 2B1143 Glassco Laboratory Equipments Pvt Ltd Ambala SME 21144 Jindal Petro Foams Ambala SE 2B1145 Nu - Chem Oils Pvt Ltd Ambala SE 1B1146 Oriental Crop Care Company Pvt Ltd Ambala SE 3C1147 Osaw Udyog Ambala SE 2B1148 Shib Charan Dass Oil Extraction Pvt Ltd Ambala SE 2B1149 Alfa Flexitubes Pvt Ltd Bahadurgarh SE 2B1150 Belco Pharma Bahadurgarh SE 2A1151 Duratuf Glass Industries Pvt Ltd Bahadurgarh SE 2B1152 Karytron Electricals Pvt Ltd Bahadurgarh SE 3C1153 P. D. Memorial Religious and Educational

Association Bahadurgarh SME 41154 Seaga India Pvt Ltd Bahadurgarh SME 31155 Sidhkar Ispat Pvt Ltd Bahadurgarh SE 2C1156 MNC Electricals Pvt Ltd Ballabgarh SE 2B1157 Hard Strips (India) Bhiwani SE 2B1158 Haryana Foils Ltd Bhiwani SE 2B1159 Suma Fibers and Allies Ltd Bhiwani SE 2B

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1160 Alpine Apparels Pvt Ltd Faridabad SME 41161 Aprotech Engineers Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 3B1162 Ashoka Scrap Traders Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 3B1163 Aurangabad Motor Manufacturers Ltd Faridabad SME 51164 Avon Tubetech Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 1A1165 Bharat Foam Udyog Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 2C1166 Blue Precision Ltd Faridabad SE 4C1167 Blue Sapphire Healthcares Pvt Ltd Faridabad SME 41168 Carry More Cranes Faridabad SE 2A1169 Consult Techniques (India) Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 1A1170 D.M. Enterprises Faridabad SE 2B1171 Dee Development Engineers Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 2B1172 Electra Distributors Pvt Ltd Faridabad SME 31173 Ess Ess Engineers Faridabad SE 2C1174 Gemco Controls Ltd Faridabad SE 2B1175 Gopalsons Steels Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 1B1176 J. D. Sons Steels Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 2B1177 J. K. & Company Faridabad SE 3C1178 Kartar Industrial Corporation Faridabad SE 3B1179 Laldee Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 3B1180 M. R. Education Society Faridabad SME 31181 Omega Construction Equipment Pvt Ltd Faridabad SME 31182 Ozone Biotech (A division of Shivanshu

Sintered Products Pvt Ltd) Faridabad SE 3B1183 P. P. Rolling Mills Manufacturing Company

Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 2B1184 Paper Tech Engineers Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 3C1185 Prescomec Autocomp Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 2A1186 Rajat Wires Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 1B1187 Shivani Locks Pvt Ltd Faridabad SME 31188 Shri Bankey Bihari Educational Trust Faridabad SME 31189 Startec Polymer Industries Faridabad SE 2B1190 Studds Accessories Ltd Faridabad SE 1B1191 Sumati Engineering Co. Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 1B1192 Supertech Laminates Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 3C1193 Svarn Telecom Ltd Faridabad SE 3B1194 Uthan Educational Society Faridabad SME 31195 Venus Industrial Corporation Pvt Ltd Faridabad SME 21196 Vibha Overseas Exim Pvt Ltd Faridabad SE 2B1197 A2Z Filtration Specialities Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 2B1198 Alfa Cotec Industries Gurgaon SE 2A1199 Associated Transformers Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 3B1200 Bholasons Jewellers (Gold Souk) Gurgaon SME 21201 Flexo Foam Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 2C1202 Foremost International Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 2C1203 Ishvar International Gurgaon SE 3C1204 J K Education Foundation Gurgaon SME 31205 Modern Prefab Systems Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 2B1206 NKC Projects Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SME 11207 Prasha Technologies Ltd Gurgaon SE 1B1208 Printtech Gurgaon SE 2C1209 SNP Water Technologies Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 3C1210 Star Alubuild Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SME 41211 Swastika Drugs Pharma Gurgaon SE 3C1212 T K Precision Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SE 2B1213 Unique Engineers Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SME 11214 Virtus Exports and Imports Pvt Ltd Gurgaon SME 41215 Vishesh Overseas Gurgaon SME 41216 Himalayan Rolling Mills Jagadhri SE 3B1217 Shibu Enterprises Jagadhri SE 2B1218 Lakshya Food (India) Ltd Jind SE 3B1219 Maa Bhagwati Rice Mill Jind SE 3C1220 Redhu Farms Pvt Ltd Jind SME 41221 Redhu Hatcheries Pvt Ltd Jind SME 41222 G. V. (God Vishnu) Rice Unit Karnal SE 2C1223 Ganeshom Cereals Pvt Ltd Karnal SE 2C1224 Ganpati Foods Karnal SE 2B1225 Ganpati Foods Pvt Ltd Karnal SE 2C1226 L M Foods Pvt Ltd Karnal SE 3C1227 L.R. International Pvt Ltd Karnal SE 2C1228 Mahabir Industries Karnal SE 2B1229 Mahabir Vegetable Oils Pvt Ltd Karnal SE 2B1230 Mahavir Foods Karnal SE 2C1231 Mahavir Rice Mills Karnal SE 2C1232 Parvati Industries Karnal SE 3C1233 R.P.Basmati Rice Ltd Karnal SE 1B1234 Ratchet Laboratories Ltd Karnal SE 2B1235 Shree Jagdamba Rice & Gen. Mills Karnal SE 2C1236 Sidhi Vinayak Rice Mills Karnal SE 3C1237 Lakshmi Rice & Dall Mills Kurukshetra SE 2C1238 Ottoman Steel Tubes Pvt Ltd Palwal SME 41239 Snowpack Polymers Pvt Ltd Palwal SE 2C1240 Bright Products Panchkula SE 2B1241 Chandigarh Wires Pvt Ltd Panchkula SE 3C1242 S. R. Paryavaran Engineers Pvt Ltd Panchkula SE 2B1243 Diamond Exports Panipat SE 3C1244 Grover Drapes Pvt Ltd Panipat SE 3C1245 Jainsons Exports Panipat SE 2C

1246 Jessa Ram Khushi Ram Pvt Ltd Panipat SE 1B1247 Kohinoor Carpets Panipat SE 2B1248 Liberty India Panipat SE 2B1249 Pan Overseas Pvt Ltd Panipat SE 2A1250 Sarla Handicrafts Pvt Ltd Panipat SE 2C1251 Weavers India Panipat SE 3C1252 Jagmohan Motors Ltd Rohtak SME 21253 Micron Precision Screws Ltd Rohtak SE 2B1254 Shivalaya Construction Co. Pvt Ltd Rohtak SME 11255 Tiku Ram Gum and Chemicals Pvt Ltd Siwani SE 1B1256 Adarsh Rugs Sonepat SE 3C1257 Champion Gym Fitness Equipments Pvt Ltd Sonepat SE 3C1258 J Papyrus Packaging Pvt Ltd Sonepat SE 3B1259 K. V. Spices (India) Pvt Ltd Sonepat SE 1B1260 R. K. S. International Sonepat SE 2B1261 Technomech India Rubber Moulders

Pvt Ltd Sonepat SME 31262 Vimlesh Industries Pvt Ltd Sonepat SE 2B1263 Bimal Aluminiums Pvt Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 3B1264 Brilliant Education Trust Yamuna Nagar SME 51265 Chanderpur Works Pvt Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 2B1266 Chopra Bros. (India) Pvt Ltd Yamuna Nagar SME 31267 Haryana Wood Products Yamuna Nagar SE 2B1268 Hydro Mechanik Engineers Yamuna Nagar SE 2B1269 Kirtiman Cement & Packaging Industries Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 2B1270 Nutan Enterprises Yamuna Nagar SE 3B1271 Oriental Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 1B1272 Pragati Hightech Products Pvt Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 2C1273 Shaktiman Cements Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 2B1274 Shree Siddhi Vinayak Plywood Industries Yamuna Nagar SE 3C1275 Shreenath Wood Industries Yamuna Nagar SE 2C1276 United Timber Works Yamuna Nagar SE 2B1277 Woodstock Laminates Ltd Yamuna Nagar SE 3C


1278 Wincare Remedies Barotiwala SE 2B1279 Ekta Enterprises Kala Amb SE 2B1280 Jai Ambey Containers Pvt Ltd Kala Amb SE 2B1281 Krishna Packers Kala Amb SE 3B1282 Phoenix Udyog Pvt Ltd Kala Amb SE 2B1283 Saboo Alloys Pvt Ltd Kala Amb SE 2B1284 Sarv Biolabs Pvt Ltd Kala Amb SE 3B1285 SBS Biotech Kala Amb SE 2B1286 Shivalik Containers Pvt Ltd Kala Amb SE 1B1287 Brijsons Hetreat Kangra SE 2B1288 Brijsons Wire Products Kangra SE 2B1289 Electro Steels India Kangra SE 2B1290 J.K. International Kangra SE 2B1291 Victory Oil Gram Udyog Association Kangra SE 2C1292 Lok Raj Saini Constructions Mandi SME 31293 Sunder Nagar Integrated Rural

Development Association Mandi SE 3B1294 Ansysco Parwanoo SE 2A1295 Aryan Biological Corporation Parwanoo SE 3C1296 Chemiplast Industries Parwanoo SE 2C1297 Indoplast Pvt Ltd Parwanoo SE 3B1298 Nu- line Industries Pvt Ltd Parwanoo SE 2B1299 Swati Storewel Pvt Ltd Parwanoo SE 2B1300 Tirupati Aluminium Ltd Parwanoo SE 2B1301 Ruchira Printing & Packaging Sirmaur SE 2C1302 Saboo Ispat Pvt Ltd Sirmaur SE 2B1303 Saboo Tor Pvt Ltd Sirmaur SE 2A1304 Digital Vision Sirmour SE 3B1305 ISKON Remedies Sirmour SE 2B1306 Rubykon Manufacturing Company Sirmour SE 2A1307 Shree Durga Wheat Products Pvt Ltd Sirmour SE 3B1308 Aar Aar Castings Ltd Solan SE 1B1309 Alliance India Solan SE 1A1310 Friends Alloys Solan SE 2B1311 Himalayan Plastics Ltd Solan SE 2B1312 Janus Packaging Pvt Ltd Solan SE 3C1313 Kloride Kem (India) Solan SE 3C1314 Kulja Industries Ltd Solan SE 2B1315 Maxtar Bio - Genics Solan SE 2A1316 Neptune Life Sciences Pvt Ltd Solan SE 3C1317 Osper Formulations Solan SE 3B1318 Plato Industries Ltd Solan SE 2C1319 Satya Packaging Solan SE 3B1320 Tapan Pet (a unit of Goyal Automobiles) Solan SE 2A1321 Tapan Pharma Pet (a unit of Goyal

Automobiles) Solan SE 2A1322 Mehak Chemicals Pvt Ltd Una SE 3C


1323 ACE Engineering Co. Jammu SE 3B1324 Anand Coir Foam Jammu Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2B

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1325 Chhinnmastika Track Industries Jammu SE 3C1326 Emco Wire Cable Industries Jammu SE 3B1327 Gee's Industries Jammu SE 2C1328 Gulati Metal & Alloys Jammu SE 3C1329 Gupta Rice and General Mills Jammu SE 2B1330 J & K Plastics Proofings Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 3B1331 J K Card Board Industries Jammu SE 3B1332 Jammu Casting Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2B1333 Jhelum Industries Jammu SE 2B1334 K. C. Jammu Automart Pvt Ltd Jammu SME 41335 K. K. Enterprises Jammu SE 3C1336 K. S. Profiles Jammu SE 2A1337 Kashmir Ispat Jammu SE 2B1338 Kashmir Steel Rolling Mills Jammu SE 3B1339 Kashmir Udyog Jammu SE 2B1340 Lekh Raj & Sons Jammu SME 31341 Mahajan Wire Products Jammu SE 3B1342 Maken Alloys Jammu SE 3B1343 Masters India Jammu SE 3A1344 Mengi Hi-Tech Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2C1345 Modern Whiteners Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 3B1346 N. S. Walnut Industries Jammu SE 3C1347 New India Wire and Cable Industries Jammu SE 3B1348 New Jammu Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2B1349 Oakland Bottlers Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2B1350 Print Pack Jammu SE 2B1351 Quality Casting Industries Jammu SE 2B1352 R.K. Rice and General Mills Jammu SE 2B1353 Sai Rub Industries Jammu SE 3B1354 Samrat Ferro Alloys Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 3B1355 Sarveshwar Overseas Jammu SE 2B1356 Shiva Steel Rolling Mills Jammu SE 2A1357 Shivalik Cement Industries Jammu SE 3C1358 Singla Cables Jammu SE 2A1359 Sud Pines Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 3B1360 Sudershan Castings Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2B1361 Sudershan Steels Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 2B1362 Tawi Chemicals Industries (Unit 2) Jammu SE 2B1363 Trikuta Steel Rolling Mills Jammu SE 2B1364 Vijay Steel Industries Jammu SE 2B1365 VKC Nuts Pvt Ltd Jammu SE 1A


1366 Bihar Mineral Complex Bokaro SE 3C1367 Cosmic Advertisers Pvt Ltd Bokaro SE 2B1368 Hindusthan Malleables and Forgings Ltd Dhanbad SME 31369 Karn Carbon Company Pvt Ltd Dhanbad SE 2C1370 Rasayan Udyog Dhanbad SE 3B1371 Shree Jagdamba Coke Industries Pvt Ltd Dhanbad SE 2B1372 Bharadwaj Steels Pvt Ltd Giridih SE 2B1373 Deepshikha Paper Pvt Ltd Giridih SE 2B1374 Kritika Enterprises Giridih SE 3C1375 Lal Ferro Alloys Company Pvt Ltd Giridih SE 3B1376 Mohan International Giridih SE 3C1377 Mount Hill`s Industries Giridih SE 2B1378 Prakash Mica Exports Giridih SE 3C1379 Ruby Mica Company Pvt Ltd Giridih SE 2B1380 B. K. Construction Jamshedpur SME 31381 Dayal Steel and Construction Jamshedpur SME 41382 Flexi Multi Products and Services Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 3B1383 Hari Om Smelters Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 4C1384 Hind Auto Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 2B1385 Jayshree Enterprises Jamshedpur SE 2B1386 K.Y.S. Manufactures & Exporters Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 2C1387 Model Heavy Fabrications Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 1B1388 National Engineering Works Jamshedpur SE 3C1389 Omni Auto Tech Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 3B1390 Prowess International Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 2C1391 Regent Auto Consultants Jamshedpur SE 3B1392 Rudrawati Steel Works Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 3B1393 Sadanand Alloy Steel Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 3C1394 Shyam Enterprises Jamshedpur SE 2B1395 Vaibhavi Synerz Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SME 41396 Vig Furniture House Pvt Ltd Jamshedpur SE 3C1397 Vishwa Gyan Punj Trust Jamshedpur SME 31398 Ma Chhinamastika Coke Industries Pvt Ltd Ramgarh SE 3B1399 Ma Chhinmastika Sponge Iron Ltd Ramgarh SE 2B1400 Maihar Alloys Pvt Ltd Ramgarh SE 3B1401 Radha Casting and Metalik Pvt Ltd Ramgarh SE 3B1402 Ramgarh Casting Ramgarh SE 2B1403 S. K. Enterprises Ramgarh SE 4C1404 Chaika Polymers Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 3B1405 Chhotanagpur Rope Works Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 1B1406 Deen Bandhu Industries Ranchi SE 3B1407 Kailash Paper Conversion Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 2A1408 Mahamaya Chemicals Ranchi SE 3B1409 Metal Resources Ranchi SE 3B

1410 Muva Industries Ltd Ranchi SE 3C1411 National Industrial Corporation Ranchi SE 2B1412 Northern Electricals Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 3B1413 Om Electricals Power Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 2B1414 Patni Sheet Griha Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 3C1415 Prakash Engineering Company Ranchi SE 3B1416 Ram Kripal Singh Construction (P) Ltd Ranchi SME 31417 Ranchi Cospa Industries Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 3B1418 S. S. H. Agrotech Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 3B1419 Shree Mahabir Refractories Works Ranchi SE 2C1420 Vishal Packers Pvt Ltd Ranchi SE 3C


1421 Ace Media Bangalore SE 3B1422 Ace Media Solutions Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1423 Adarsha Control Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1424 Aditya Industries Bangalore SE 3B1425 Advanced Rail Controls Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1426 Aircon Handling Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1427 Alps Stone Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41428 Alutop Bangalore SE 2B1429 Ampere Power & Automation Technologies

Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1430 Apollo Power Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1431 Apranje Jewellers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1432 Arihant Fashions Bangalore SME 31433 Aristos Electronic Manufacturing Services

Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 4C1434 Arjun Bulk Carriers Bangalore SE 2B1435 Armor Plast Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1436 Arpitha Aromatics Bangalore SE 4C1437 Arun Engineering Projects Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1438 Asha Coats Bangalore SE 3C1439 Associated Hydro Pressings Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1440 Bagadia Brothers Bangalore SE 2B1441 Bagadia Chaitra Industries Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41442 Balaji Engineering Company Bangalore SE 3C1443 Balaji Safety Glass (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1444 Bangalore Pharmaceutical & Research

Laboratory Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 61445 BBR (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1446 Bellary Computer IT Solution Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1447 Bevel Gears (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1448 Bob Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1449 Bola Surendra Kamath & Sons Bangalore SE 1B1450 Bremels Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1451 Brindavan Printers and Publishers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1452 Bulk Liquid Solutions Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1453 Busbar Systems India Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1454 Camellia Clothing Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1455 Captronic Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1456 Chamundi Die Cast Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1457 Chourasia Constructions and Infrastructure

India Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41458 CIGFIL Ltd Bangalore SME 41459 Cimotec Hydro Machines Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41460 CIPSA-RIC India Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21461 Classic Realty Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 31462 Cosmos Engineering Bangalore SE 2B1463 CS Aerotherm Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1464 D E Controls Bangalore SE 2B1465 Deepti Electronics & Electro-optics Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1466 Dhuvish Forge Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1467 Dighvijay Plastics & Allied Products Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1468 Digibee Mobile Ltd Bangalore SME 51469 Digital Circuits Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1470 Duhi Granite Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1471 Ecovinal International Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21472 Ekopak India Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1473 Esya Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1474 Fab Tool Industries Bangalore SE 2B1475 Fashion Matrix Overseas Bangalore SE 2A1476 Fine Transferprints (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1477 Flexo Tech Products Bangalore SE 2B1478 FP Seating Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1479 Fresco Foods Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1480 Fusion Electronics Bangalore SE 2B1481 G. S. Precision Industries Bangalore SE 3B1482 G.I. Auto Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2A1483 Gangadeep Industries Bangalore SE 2C1484 General Engineering Bangalore SME 41485 General Industries Bangalore SE 2B1486 George Electricals Bangalore SE 2B1487 Global Printing & Packaging Co Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1488 Goldcrest E-Technologies Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1489 Gopalakrishna Textile Mills Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41490 Green Agro Pack Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C

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1491 G-Tex Inc. Bangalore SE 3C1492 HBR Consultants Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41493 Hexagon Bio-Pharma Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1494 Hindcomp Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1495 Hindustan Granites Bangalore SE 2B1496 Hindustan Marble and Granite Bangalore SME 41497 Hi-Tech Air Power Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21498 Hi-Tech Forgings Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1499 Hy - Tek Industries Bangalore SE 3C1500 Hyagreeva Hotels & Resorts Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41501 Ideal Tools Bangalore SE 2B1502 Imprints India Bangalore SE 3C1503 J. J. Glastronics Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 51504 J. K. Timber Traders Bangalore SE 3B1505 Janani Tours and Travels Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21506 JCR Drillsol Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 51507 K N S Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1508 K. S. Agro Chemicals Bangalore SE 1C1509 Kamath Transformers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2A1510 Kanrad Corporation Bangalore SE 3B1511 Karnataka Enterprises Bangalore SE 3C1512 Karthik Toolings Bangalore SE 3C1513 Kavcon Engineers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1514 KEN Consulting Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1515 Kesar Marble and Granite Ltd Bangalore SME 41516 KNK Nexgen Construction Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 11517 Krita Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1518 Kropex India Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1519 Laguna Clothing Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1520 Lakshmanan Isola Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21521 Leo Metal Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1522 Life Line Feeds (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1523 Lotus Labs Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 11524 Lotus Powergear Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 11525 Lucky Granites Bangalore SE 3C1526 M S Metals and Steels Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1527 M. S. Ramaiah Foundation Bangalore SME 41528 Macurex Sensors Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1529 Magnus Power Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1530 Mahalasa Exports Bangalore SE 2B1531 Maharaja Techno Chromes Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1532 Maheshwari Woods Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1533 Makar Electronics Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1534 Mandovi Motors Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1535 Maruthi Electrodes Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1536 MDA Supergrits Bangalore SE 3B1537 Medha Automation Tools India Bangalore SE 3B1538 Mehar Metals (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1539 Mekala Metal Works Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1540 Meta Spark Bangalore SE 3B1541 Metsys Engineering & Consultancy Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2A1542 Micro Plastics Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1543 Micron Precision Plastics Bangalore SE 1B1544 Miki Steel Works Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 11545 Milestone Aluminium Company Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1546 Minox Metal Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1547 Movers (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1548 MResult Services Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1549 Mycon Construction Ltd Bangalore SME 31550 Nagachandra Plasto Metals Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1551 Nano Kernel Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1552 Naptha Resins and Chemicals Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1553 Natural Capsules Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1554 Neo Foods Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1555 Net Worth Controls Bangalore SE 3B1556 Nutri Feeds and Farms Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1557 Ommi Forge Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1558 P J Margo (P) Ltd Bangalore SME 11559 Pachisia Plastics Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1560 Parshvanath Filaments Bangalore SE 2B1561 Phoenix Forge Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1562 Poet Consultants Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1563 Polybond Organics Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1564 Power Build Batteries Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1565 Powertronix Systems Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1566 Pradhan Mercantile Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2A1567 Precision Electromech Bangalore SE 3C1568 Precision Granites Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1569 Primex Presscomp Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1570 Proseal Closures Ltd Bangalore SME 21571 QED Agro Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1572 R K Granites Bangalore SE 2B1573 R. K. Engineering Industries Bangalore SE 3C1574 RA Powergen Engineers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1575 Rajasekhar and Associates Bangalore SE 3B1576 Rathna Mineral Enterprises Bangalore SE 3B1577 Relyc Communication Systems Bangalore SE 3C1578 Repair & Return Technology (India) Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C

1579 RGV Telecom Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1580 Ring Forgings Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1581 Rollwell Conveyor Components Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1582 S P Coats Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1583 S.D.T.C. Exports Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 31584 Sagittarius Metals Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3A1585 Sahney Commutators Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21586 Sathya Granites Bangalore SE 3B1587 Satrac Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1588 Scorpio Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1589 Sea Shell Plastics Bangalore SE 3B1590 Senapathy Whiteley Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 31591 Sequent System Integrators Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1592 SGRE Labels Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1593 Shaashwati Enterprises Bangalore SE 3C1594 Shri Basaveshwar Veerashaiva

Vidayavardhak Sangha Bangalore SME 31595 Shridhan Automation Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1596 Siddharth Infotech Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1597 Siddhartha Enterprises Bangalore SE 2B1598 Sirius Controls Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1599 SKF Boilers and Driers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1600 SLV Agro Foods Bangalore SE 2B1601 Smitvin Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1602 Sobha Projects and Trade Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 11603 Sobha Renaissance Information Technology

Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41604 Sonarome Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1605 Southern Auto Products Bangalore SE 2C1606 Spectra Ink Makers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1607 SPR Sugars Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 51608 Sri Bhagyalakshmi Agro Foods Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1A1609 Sri Bhagyalakshmi Commercial Corp Bangalore SE 1A1610 Sri Gajanana Cashew Industries Bangalore SE 2B1611 Sri Krishna Spinning and Weaving Mills

Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 31612 Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Enterprises Bangalore SME 41613 Sri Laxmi Cashew Industries Bangalore SE 2B1614 Sri Rukmani Rolling Mill Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1615 Sri Shridevi Charitable Trust Bangalore SME 21616 SRP Enviro Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1617 Star Exports & Imports Bangalore SME 21618 Startronix Modular Systems Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1619 Steel Centre Bangalore SE 2B1620 Sudhakaran Nair and Company Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1621 Sumadhura Constructions Bangalore SE 3B1622 Sumedha Business Consultants Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1623 Sunil Agro Foods Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1624 Sunita Impex Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1625 Super Packers Bangalore SE 2B1626 Super-Tex Labels Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1627 Supraveni Chemicals Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1628 Supreme Overseas Exports India (P) Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1629 Suresh Steel Tubes Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1630 Surfa Coats (Bangalore) Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1631 Suvidha Industries Bangalore SE 3B1632 Symcom Engineers Bangalore SE 3C1633 Synthetic Packers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1634 Taram Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1635 Tetragon Chemie Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 11636 Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1637 Titan Engineers Bangalore SE 2B1638 Toughglass India Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1639 Transpade Engineers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1640 Triveni Enterprises Bangalore SE 2C1641 Triveni Movers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2C1642 Uday Computer Aided Manufacturing

Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1643 Udaya Industries Bangalore SE 2B1644 Unicorn Auto Bangalore SE 3B1645 Universal Air Products Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3C1646 Universal Coatings Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1647 Universal Converters Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1648 Upkar Mining Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 41649 Vachan Electricals Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 21650 Varna Paints and Allied Products Bangalore SE 2A1651 Varshaa Print Pack Bangalore SE 3C1652 Vinaynag Aquamin Bangalore SE 3C1653 Vinir Engineering Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1654 Vishnu Flour Mills Bangalore SE 2B1655 VRL Automation Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 1B1656 VSM Software Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 3B1657 Webcom Information Technology Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1658 Welburn Candles Pvt Ltd Bangalore SME 31659 Winstar Bangalore SE 2B1660 Zenith Die Makers Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1661 Zenith Tools and Components Pvt Ltd Bangalore SE 2B1662 AKP Foundries Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 1A

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1663 Bemco Hytech Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 3B1664 Galaxy Machinery Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 2B1665 Infinity Fab Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 2B1666 Jain Engineers Belgaum SE 3B1667 Malaprabha Industries Belgaum SE 2B1668 Manickbag Automobiles Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 2B1669 Micro Links Belgaum SE 3B1670 Plus-one Machinefabrik Belgaum SE 2A1671 Precitherm Belgaum SE 3C1672 Prism Enterprises Belgaum SE 3B1673 R V Engineering Works Belgaum SE 3B1674 Reynolds Chemequip Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 2B1675 Shanti Chemical Works Belgaum SE 2C1676 Shivabasav Industries Belgaum SE 3C1677 Shree Laxmi Industries Belgaum SE 3C1678 Vega Auto Accessories Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 2B1679 V-EN-OL Fabricators & Engineers Belgaum SE 3B1680 Vipul Fasteners Pvt Ltd Belgaum SE 3C1681 Yash Engineering Belgaum SE 3C1682 Krishna Stone-Tech Pvt Ltd Bellary SE 2C1683 Shree Basveshwara Agro Foods Processing Ltd Bijapur SE 3C1684 Agro Tech Bio Fuel Industry Gulbarga SE 3C1685 Anveer Dall Industries Gulbarga SE 3C1686 Hanumandas Bhagwandas & Company Gulbarga SE 2B1687 Mukunda Wheels Pvt Ltd Gulbarga SE 3C1688 Patil Industries Gulbarga SE 3B1689 Shree Vasavi Industries Gulbarga SE 2B1690 Sri Raghavendra Dall Industries Gulbarga SE 3B1691 Methods (India) Pvt Ltd Hosakote SE 2B1692 AVN Saigal Plastic Industries Hubli SE 2B1693 Imed Health Care Hubli SE 2B1694 Maruti Electric Company Hubli SE 2B1695 Microfinish Valves Pvt Ltd Hubli SE 1B1696 R. R. Re Rolling Mill Hubli SE 3B1697 Shri Goutam Industries Unit-II Hubli SE 2B1698 Southern Ferro Ltd Hubli SE 3C1699 Bhavani Industries Pvt Ltd Mandya SE 3B1700 A Shama Rao Foundation Mangalore SME 11701 Abharan Motors Pvt Ltd Mangalore SE 1A1702 Achal Cashews Pvt Ltd Mangalore SE 2B1703 Achal Industries Mangalore SE 2B1704 Ashirvad Agro Processors Mangalore SE 2C1705 Bhandary Foundation Mangalore SME 41706 Digantha Mudrana Ltd Mangalore SE 2C1707 Eswari Metal Industries Mangalore SE 1B1708 Fernandes Brothers Mangalore SE 2B1709 Kanchana Automobiles Pvt Ltd Mangalore SE 2C1710 Lamina Foundries Ltd Mangalore SME 51711 Lamina International Mangalore SME 31712 Lamina Suspension Products Ltd Mangalore SME 31713 M Madhavaraya Prabhu Mangalore SE 3C1714 Mahesh Cashew Traders Mangalore SE 3B1715 Mahima Shankar Processed Food Pvt Ltd Mangalore SE 4C1716 Malnad Cashews Mangalore SE 2B1717 Modern Industrial Corporation Mangalore SE 2B1718 Nitte Education Trust Mangalore SME 11719 Raj Fishmeal and Oil Company Mangalore SE 2B1720 Shyama Jewels Pvt Ltd Mangalore SME 31721 Sindhu Plastics Mangalore SE 2B1722 Sterling Foods Mangalore SE 2B1723 Arvee Chempharma Pvt Ltd Mysore SE 3C1724 Darshan Packaging Mysore SE 2B1725 KMS Coach Builders Pvt Ltd Mysore SE 2B1726 Pattabi Enterprises Mysore SE 1B1727 Urs Kar Services Centre Pvt Ltd Mysore SE 1B1728 Puttur Petro Products Pvt Ltd Puttur SE 2B1729 Copprrod Industries Pvt Ltd Tumkur SE 2C1730 Filcomps Tumkur SE 3C1731 Sri Karigiri Food Industries Tumkur SE 3B1732 Jayalaxmi Enterprises Udupi SE 1B1733 K. K. Fishnet Company Udupi SE 3B1734 Sri Siddhi Freezers and Exporters Pvt Ltd Udupi SE 2C1735 Sri Vinayaka Cashew Exports Udupi SE 2A1736 Yashaswi Fish Meal and Oil Company Udupi SE 2B


1737 Detilish Rugs Alappuzha SME 31738 Natural Floor Covering Pvt Ltd Alappuzha SE 2C1739 S H Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Alappuzha SE 2C1740 Kitex Ltd Aluva SE 2B1741 Nirmal Polypack Aluva SE 3B1742 Unitek Power Solutions India Ltd Aluva SE 2B1743 Allied Engineering Company Calicut SE 3B1744 Atlas Packaging Industries Calicut SE 3B1745 Basith Exporters Calicut SE 4C1746 CIBI Machine Tools Calicut SE 3C1747 Continental Paper Convertors Calicut SE 3C

1748 Kerala Transport Company Calicut SE 2B1749 KTC Automobiles Pvt Ltd Calicut SE 2C1750 Malabar Hotel Management and Catering

Promotion Trust Calicut SME 31751 Manasi Initiatives Calicut SE 3C1752 Nippon Paints Calicut SE 3C1753 Pavithra Industrials Calicut SE 4C1754 Ramanattukara Wood Industries Calicut SE 3B1755 S. A. Bahassan Attakoya Hooka Exporter Calicut SE 4C1756 Sales 'N' Service Calicut SE 2B1757 Hotel Elite Continental Cochin SME 51758 IGA Tech Industrial Electronics Pvt Ltd Cochin SE 2B1759 PVS Memorial Ltd Cochin SME 21760 Sirex Designer Tiles Cochin SE 2B1761 Vayalat Estates Pvt Ltd Cochin SME 41762 Walrus Marine and Engineering Co Pvt Ltd Cochin SE 3B1763 Godwin Food Products Ernakulam SE 2B1764 Indus Motor Company Pvt Ltd Ernakulam SME 21765 K.K.R. Agro Mills Pvt Ltd Ernakulam SME 31766 K.K.R. Flour Mills Ernakulam SE 2B1767 K.K.R. Food Products Ernakulam SE 2B1768 K.K.R. Mills Ernakulam SME 31769 Kalady Rice Millers Consortium Pvt Ltd Ernakulam SE 2B1770 Karthika Modern Rice Mill Ernakulam SE 2B1771 Mathstraman Manufacturers & Traders

Pvt Ltd Ernakulam SE 2B1772 Nambiyattukudy Agro Industries Ernakulam SE 2B1773 Nambiyattukudy Agro Mills Ernakulam SE 2B1774 Nambiyattukudy Food & Spices Ernakulam SE 2B1775 Nambiyattukudy Modern Rice Mill Ernakulam SE 2B1776 Nambiyattukudy Rice Mill Ernakulam SE 2B1777 S.N.Rice Mills Ernakulam SE 2B1778 Samrudhi Modern Rice Mill Ernakulam SME 31779 Swadeshi Modern Rice Mill Ernakulam SE 2B1780 Swagath Enterprises Ernakulam SME 41781 Sakthi Rock Products Kalady SE 3B1782 Asian Polymers Kannur SE 2B1783 Bondwell Resins Pvt Ltd Kannur SE 2B1784 Fitz Fashion Kannur SE 3B1785 West Coast Polymers Pvt Ltd Kannur SE 2B1786 Benzy Food and Beverages Pvt Ltd Kochi SE 2C1787 Finagro Natural Products Kochi SE 3B1788 J and A Foundations Pvt Ltd Kochi SE 2B1789 Polyformalin Ltd Kochi SE 2A1790 Kentucky Breads Kollam SE 3C1791 Quilon Hotels And Resorts Pvt Ltd Kollam SME 41792 Hotel Fairmont Kottayam SME 41793 Jaimatha Estates Kottayam SE 3B1794 Vettoor Construction Engineers Kottayam SE 2B1795 Fabmet Kozhikode SE 3B1796 Geo Info Services Kozhikode SE 3C1797 Kumar Auto Industries Kozhikode SE 3C1798 Malabar Modern Rice Mill Kozhikode SE 2B1799 Rapture India Footcare Company Pvt Ltd Kozhikode SE 2B1800 Veekesy Elastomers Pvt Ltd Kozhikode SE 2B1801 Classic Footcare (India) Pvt Ltd Malappuram SE 3C1802 Dimesco Footcare India Pvt Ltd Malappuram SE 2A1803 Educare Charitable Trust Malappuram SME 51804 Tip Top Furniture Industries Malappuram SE 2C1805 Tip Top Furniture Mart Malappuram SE 2C1806 Tip Top Furniture Pvt Ltd Malappuram SE 2C1807 Age Industries Pvt Ltd Palakkad SE 2C1808 Herbindus Palakkad SE 3A1809 Indees Food Industries Palakkad SE 3C1810 Labinduss Ltd Palakkad SE 3B1811 Sinicon Controls Pvt Ltd Palakkad SE 2C1812 Panachayil Industries Thiruvalla SE 1A1813 Poabs Granites Pvt Ltd Thiruvalla SE 1A1814 Poabs Rock Mines Pvt Ltd Thiruvalla SE 1A1815 Poabs Rock Products Pvt Ltd Thiruvalla SE 1A1816 Poabson Granite Products Pvt Ltd Thiruvalla SE 1A1817 SPIN TECH Fittings India Pvt Ltd Thiruvalla SE 3C1818 Family Plastics and Thermoware Trivandrum SE 1A1819 Rain Concert Technologies Pvt Ltd Trivandrum SE 2B1820 Ashtavaidyan Thaikkattu Mooss

Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala Thrissur SE 1B1821 Elite Distilleries & Beverages Company Thrissur SE 3C1822 Grand Marine Foods Thrissur SE 2B1823 Keratech Coconut Oil Manufacturing

Company Pvt Ltd Thrissur SE 3B1824 Millennium Rubber Technologies Pvt Ltd Thrissur SME 41825 Safa Enterprises Thrissur SE 2B1826 Victoria Polyform Thrissur SE 2B1827 Shashti Car Pvt Ltd Tiruppur SME 5


1828 Bhagawati Cools Pvt Ltd Bhind SE 2B

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1829 Bend Joints Pvt Ltd Bhopal SE 1B1830 Bhanwardeep Copper Strips Pvt Ltd Bhopal SE 2B1831 Bhopal Electrical Insulation Pvt Ltd Bhopal SE 3B1832 Bhopal Poultry Products Bhopal SE 3C1833 D. K. Insulation Industries Bhopal SE 2B1834 E. M. Electro Mechanicals Pvt Ltd Bhopal SE 1A1835 H. K. Cotton Industries Bhopal SE 3B1836 Kakda Rolling Mills Bhopal SE 3C1837 Kumaran Industries Bhopal SE 2B1838 Om Auto and Sons Bhopal SE 2B1839 Omega Industries Pvt Ltd Bhopal SME 11840 Quality Engineering & Insulation Products Bhopal SE 2B1841 Rashee Control Equipments Pvt Ltd Bhopal SE 3B1842 Satyam Industries Bhopal SE 1A1843 Vijaya Energy Equipments Bhopal SE 2C1844 Aameya Packaging Pvt Ltd Dewas SE 2B1845 Askas Plastic Pvt Ltd Dewas SE 3C1846 Perfect Gears & Axles Dewas SE 3B1847 Shree Pacetronix Ltd Dhar SE 2B1848 Supreme Engineering Works Dhar SE 3B1849 Chambal Dairy Products Gwalior SE 2B1850 Engipress Industries Ltd Gwalior SE 2B1851 Jai Maruti Gas Cylinders Ltd Gwalior SE 1A1852 Tirupati Flour Machine Industries Gwalior SE 3C1853 Ace Engineerings and Chemicals Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1854 Ad-Manum Packagings Ltd Indore SME 21855 Agro Phos (India) Ltd Indore SE 2B1856 Anil Steel Works Indore SE 2B1857 Apurva International Indore SE 3C1858 Arya Filaments Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1859 Asiatic Traders Indore SE 1B1860 ASN Agri Genetic Pvt Ltd Indore SE 1B1861 Badri Narain Rubbers Indore SE 2B1862 Bagherwal Electrodes Pvt Ltd Indore SE 1B1863 Bajrang Agro Industries Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1864 Cee Cee Power Hydraulics Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1865 Commercial Syn-Bags Ltd Indore SE 1B1866 Continental Refractories Pvt Ltd Indore SE 1B1867 Deccan Sales and Service Pvt Ltd Indore SE 1B1868 Dee Tee Industries Ltd Indore SE 1B1869 Durrant Packers (India) Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3C1870 Ferro Concrete Construction (India) Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2A1871 Gangotri Wire Ropes Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1872 Girnar Corrugators Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1873 Goenka Offset Printers Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2C1874 Greentech International Indore SE 3C1875 H. D. Wires Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1876 Harshvardhan's Laboratories Pvt Ltd Indore SE 1A1877 Hertz Electronics Indore SE 3B1878 Hi - Tech Metal Formings (I) Indore SE 2B1879 IFF Overseas Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1880 Indison Agro Foods Ltd Indore SE 1B1881 Indotech Machines Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1882 Indpro Engineers Indore SE 3C1883 Infobeans Systems India Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2A1884 ITL Industries Ltd Indore SE 1B1885 J. K. Soap and Cosmetics Indore SE 3C1886 Jai Kisan Agro Products Indore SE 2B1887 Jai Prakash Paper Industries Indore SE 3C1888 Jash Precision Tools Ltd Indore SE 1B1889 Jepika Paints Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1890 Jyoti Copper Craft Pvt Ltd Indore SME 51891 Kothari Iron and Steel Company Indore SE 3B1892 M. B. Bakers Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1893 Mahadhan Seeds Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2C1894 Maharaja Processors Indore SE 3B1895 Major Footwears Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1896 Malaiya Agro Engineering Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1897 Masand Agro Equipment Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1898 McW Healthcare Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2A1899 Metal Profiles Indore SE 3B1900 Mittal Fruit Products (India) Indore SE 3C1901 Monemika Industries Indore SE 3B1902 Nandani Medical Laboratories Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1903 New Rani Fine Art Press Indore SE 3C1904 Nimbus Foods Ltd Indore SE 2B1905 Orient Wire Ropes Indore SE 1A1906 Partap Wires and Alloys Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1907 Pashupati Plywood Industries Indore SE 3C1908 Polypick Engineers Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3C1909 Power Electricals & Electronics Indore SE 2C1910 Pragati Graphics Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1911 Pragya Engineering Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1912 Pragya Equipments Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1913 Pro Laboratories Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1914 Pure Pharma Ltd Indore SE 2C1915 R. R. Packaging (India) Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1916 R. S. Electricals Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B

1917 Raghuvansh Enterprises Indore SE 2B1918 Rama Agro Industries Indore SE 2B1919 Sai Machine Tools Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1920 Sat Prachar Press Society Indore SE 3C1921 Sheetal Industries Indore SE 3C1922 Shilpachem Indore SE 3C1923 Shree Tirupati Balajee Agro Trading

Company Pvt Ltd Indore SE 1B1924 Shreepati Steel Tubes Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1925 Siddharth Offsets Indore SE 3B1926 Signet Rubber (India) Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3C1927 SMS Metals Pvt Ltd ndore SE 2B1928 Square Slotted Angle System Indore SE 3C1929 Supreme Rolls and Shears Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2B1930 Swaraj Metals Indore SME 41931 Syncom Healthcare Ltd Indore SE 1B1932 Unique Saws and Machinery Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2A1933 Universal Transformers Indore SE 2A1934 Venkateswara Industries Indore SE 2C1935 Vijayshri Note Books Pvt Ltd Indore SE 2C1936 Vijayshri Paper Products Ltd Indore SE 2B1937 Vyankatesh Metals and Alloys Pvt Ltd Indore SE 3B1938 Yash Hosiery Indore SE 3C1939 P. C. Engineering Works Jabalpur SE 3C1940 Perfect Acid Wares (Proprietor: Perfect

Stoneware Pipes Ltd) Jabalpur SE 2B1941 Reliable Dairy Products & Biotech Pvt Ltd Jabalpur SE 4C1942 Rudraksha Ayurved Pvt Ltd Jabalpur SE 3B1943 Shivai Fabricators Pvt Ltd Jabalpur SE 3B1944 V. D. Engineering Jabalpur SE 3C1945 Vikrant Brothers Jabalpur SE 3B1946 Premier Refractories of India Pvt Ltd Katni SE 2B1947 Shiv Shakti Tanks and Vessels Malanpur SE 3C1948 Shakti Opto-Telelinks Mandideep SE 3B1949 Gopal Oil Industries Pandhurna SE 1C1950 Ananya Package Pvt Ltd Raisen SE 3B1951 Priya Machines Raisen SE 3C1952 Shri Ram Switchgears Pvt Ltd Ratlam SE 1B1953 Shriji Polymers (India) Pvt Ltd Ujjain SE 2A


1954 Akash Precision Components Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2B1955 Amod Industries Ahmednagar SE 3B1956 Bhansali Tractors Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2B1957 Biksons Forge (India) Ltd Ahmednagar SE 3C1958 Crystal Engineers Ahmednagar SE 2B1959 Godavari Khore Namdeoraoji Parjane Patil

Taluka Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Ltd Ahmednagar SE 1B1960 Klassic Wheels Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2C1961 Neat Wind Industries Ahmednagar SE 2B1962 Prabhat Agro Multistate Co-operative Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2C1963 Prabhat Dairy Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 1B1964 Ramdas Rolling Mill Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 3C1965 Rushas Engineering Company Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2C1966 Shiv Shakti Extractions Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2A1967 Siddhi CNC Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2B1968 Siddhi Forge Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 1B1969 Sunfresh Agro Industries Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 3C1970 Valency Compounds Services Pvt Ltd Ahmednagar SE 2A1971 Vardhaman Oil Industries Ahmednagar SE 2C1972 Aviditya Chemicals And Pharmaceuticals Ambarnath SE 3B1973 Eram Engineering Services Ambarnath SE 3C1974 Arun Ginning & Pressing Industrial Corpn Amravati SE 3B1975 Bhuwaneshwar Refineries Pvt Ltd Amravati SE 3B1976 D. K. Industries Amravati SE 3C1977 Darshan Ginning & Pressing Factory Amravati SE 5C1978 Espee Coatings Pvt Ltd Amravati SE 3C1979 Hotel Mehfil Inn Pvt Ltd Amravati SE 3B1980 Malika Kitchen Ware Amravati SE 3C1981 Parasnath Industries Pvt Ltd Amravati SE 2B1982 Renuka Industries Amravati SE 3C1983 Shree Datta Fertilizers & Chemicals Pvt Ltd Amravati SE 3B1984 Shrikrupa Poultry Feeds Amravati SE 2B1985 Abhirudha Electricals Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 3C1986 Alpit Metal Works Aurangabad SE 1B1987 Badve Autocomps Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SME 41988 Badve Engineering Ltd Aurangabad SME 31989 Balaji Engineering Aurangabad SE 3C1990 Central India Poultry Breeders Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2C1991 Clad Metal India Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SME 21992 Dekson Castings Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B1993 Dhoot Polyfabric Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 3B1994 Elegant Coatings Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 1A1995 Ess Dee Industries Aurangabad SE 2B1996 Fab-Well Engineers Aurangabad SE 3C1997 Hi-Field AG Chem India Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2A1998 Kesona Polymats Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B

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1999 Khadkeshwar Hatcheries Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 1B2000 M B Patil Constructions Ltd Aurangabad SE 2C2001 Mahalaxmi Engineering Aurangabad SE 3C2002 Mahesh Auto Aurangabad SE 2A2003 Maruti Fertochem Ltd Aurangabad SE 1B2004 Naresh Engineering Works Aurangabad SE 2B2005 Parason Machinery (India) Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 1B2006 Patil Constructions Aurangabad SE 2B2007 Pradeep Fibers Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2008 Pratishthan Alloy Castings Aurangabad SE 2A2009 Pratishthan Alloys Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2A2010 Precicut Engineers Aurangabad SE 3C2011 Precision Power Products (India) Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2012 Printwell International Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2013 R. J. Biotech Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2014 R. J. Feeds Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2015 Sangram Auto Components Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2016 Shree Ganesh Control Panels Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 3C2017 Shree Ganesh Industries Aurangabad SE 3C2018 Shree Ganesh Metal Works Aurangabad SE 3C2019 Shree Ganesh Press-n-Coat Industries Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2020 Shreehari Associates Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2C2021 Shri Rajendra Fibre Aurangabad SE 3B2022 Sunny Gears India Aurangabad SE 3B2023 Swagat Polymers Aurangabad SE 2B2024 Swami Fasteners Aurangabad SE 3B2025 Sydler Remedies Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2B2026 Texas Lifestyle Furniture Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 2C2027 Tool Tech Toolings Aurangabad SE 2B2028 Trimurti Foodtech Pvt Ltd Aurangabad SE 3B2029 Gajanan Extraction Ltd Beed SE 2A2030 Yash Engineering Works Chalisgaon SE 3B2031 Shantikunj Solvent Ltd Chandrapur SME 42032 Rajratna Cotex Industries Dhule SE 3C2033 Design Excellence (India) Pvt Ltd Dombivli SE 2A2034 Sunmar Industries Dombivli SE 2B2035 Divya Marketing Company Gondia SE 3B2036 Datta Irrigation Company Jalgaon SE 3B2037 Dwarka Industries Jalgaon SE 3B2038 Manraj Motors Pvt Ltd Jalgaon SE 2B2039 Nitiraj Engineers Pvt Ltd Jalgaon SE 2B2040 Shri Sairam Plastic and Irrigation Jalgaon SE 2B2041 Vinay Agro Industries Jalgaon SE 3B2042 Gayatri Ginning and Pressing Pvt Ltd Jalna SE 3B2043 Gemini Industries Jalna SE 3B2044 Jalna Siddhivinayak Alloys Pvt Ltd Jalna SE 2B2045 Omsairam Steels & Alloys Pvt Ltd Jalna SE 2C2046 Roopam Steel Rolling Mills Jalna SE 2B2047 Shri Om Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Jalna SME 32048 SRJ Peety Steels Pvt Ltd Jalna SME 32049 Alfa Batteries Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 2B2050 Bharath Auto Industries Kolhapur SE 2B2051 Castall Industries Kolhapur SE 2B2052 Concept Engineers Kolhapur SE 3C2053 Dattajirao Kadam Technical Education

Society Kolhapur SME 42054 Flame Industries Kolhapur SE 3B2055 Ganesh Bakery Nandani Kolhapur SE 1B2056 Harish Industries Kolhapur SE 3B2057 Ichalkaranji Metalloy Founders Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 2C2058 Marvelous Engineers Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 2B2059 Merasha Shapers Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 3C2060 Padmaja Packaging Industries Ltd Kolhapur SE 1B2061 Pragati Founders Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 3C2062 Raj Rajeshwari Founders Kolhapur SE 2B2063 S. B. Reshellers Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 1A2064 S. S. Industries Kolhapur SE 2B2065 Satyajeet Mechanism Kolhapur SE 3B2066 Shantaram Machineries Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 2B2067 Shriram Foundry Ltd Kolhapur SME 32068 Super Craft Foundry Kolhapur SE 1A2069 Swaroop Engineers Kolhapur SE 2B2070 Swift Enterprise Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SME 32071 Tubon Energy Systems Kolhapur SE 2B2072 Vilsons Roofing Product Pvt Ltd Kolhapur SE 2B2073 Aroma Latur SME 42074 Kirti Agrotech Ltd Latur SME 42075 Kirti Agrovet Ltd Latur SME 42076 Kirti Dal Mills Ltd Latur SME 42077 Kirti Foods Ltd Latur SME 42078 Pannageshwar Sugar Mills Ltd Latur SME 42079 Shankersheth Polymers Latur SE 4C2080 Dhanaprakash Industrial Corporation Miraj SE 2B2081 Kajah Trading Pvt Ltd Miraj SE 2B2082 Spaco Corporation Miraj SE 3C2083 3D Technopack Ltd Mumbai SME 42084 A R Marketing & Services Mumbai SE 3B2085 A. N. Associates Mumbai SE 3B

2086 Aarvi Encon Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12087 ABC Systems Mumbai SE 2B2088 Abhinandan Rasayan Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2089 Abis Exports (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12090 Abok Spring Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2091 ABS Electroplaters (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2092 Accurate Electric Works Mumbai SE 2B2093 Accurate Rubber Industries Mumbai SE 3C2094 Ace - Ex Industries Mumbai SE 3B2095 Advance Systems Controls Mumbai SE 2C2096 Advani Hotels & Resorts (India) Ltd Mumbai SME 32097 Aeroflex Industries Ltd Mumbai SME 12098 Aeromarine Equipments Supply Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2099 Agarwal Petrochem Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2100 Ahuja Synfab Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2101 AKFA Gloves Industries Mumbai SE 2B2102 Akry Organics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2103 Alliance Mumbai SE 3C2104 Alliance Engineering Company Mumbai SE 2A2105 Alliance Industries Mumbai SE 2C2106 Allied Corporation Mumbai SE 3B2107 Allied Plastics Mumbai SE 2C2108 Allied Weld Industries Mumbai SE 3C2109 Amar Tubes Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2110 Amarjyot Chemical Corporation Mumbai SE 2B2111 Amco Enterprises Mumbai SE 2B2112 Amisha Vinyls Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22113 Amjey Chemicals Mumbai SE 2B2114 Anita Medical Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2115 Anupam Colours & Chemicals Industries Mumbai SE 3C2116 Anupam Colours Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2117 Apt Controls and Appliances Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2118 Arco Electro Technologies Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2119 Arieckal Industries Mumbai SE 3B2120 Arihant Dyechem Mumbai SE 2B2121 Arofine Chemical Industries Mumbai SE 1B2122 Ashapura Aromas Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2123 Ashapura China Clay Company Mumbai SE 2B2124 Ashok Industry Mumbai SE 2B2125 Ashtavinayaka Construction Mumbai SME 32126 Ashwini TVS Mumbai SE 2B2127 Asia Pacific Marbles Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2128 ASMACS Mumbai SME 22129 Astamed Healthcare (I) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2130 Aswathi Industries Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2131 Atlanta International Mumbai SE 3C2132 Atlas Tours and Travels Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42133 Auto Power Mumbai SE 2B2134 Bajoria Foods Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2135 Balaji Cars Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2136 Balbir Alloys Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22137 Balbir Profiles Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2138 Balbir Rolling Mills Ltd Mumbai SME 22139 BDO Haribhakti Consulting Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2140 Beans and Intellect Financial Technology

Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2141 Bhageria Dye Chem Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2142 Bharatiya Plastic Products Mumbai SE 2A2143 Bhavisha Projects Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2144 Biax Electric & Controls Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2145 Biorad Medisys Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2146 Blow Kings Mumbai SE 2B2147 Bombay Crimpers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2148 Bombay Marine Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2149 Borax Morarji Ltd Mumbai SME 22150 Braco Electricals (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2151 Brass Copper & Alloy (India) Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2152 Buneesha Chem Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2153 Cardinal Chemicals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2154 Chakshu Enterprises Mumbai SME 42155 Champion Rolling Mill Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2156 Chemax Multikotes(I) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2157 Chemco Plast Mumbai SE 3B2158 Chhabi Electricals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32159 Chirag Construction Co. Mumbai SE 2B2160 Classy Kontainers Mumbai SE 2B2161 Clear Polyplast India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2162 Clearship Forwarders Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32163 Clover Infotech Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22164 Creative Moulds And Dies Mumbai SE 3B2165 Crest Merchandise Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2166 Crystal Containers Mumbai SE 1B2167 Crystal Pack Industries Mumbai SE 1B2168 D Thakkar Constructions Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2169 Daga Global Chemicals Ltd Mumbai SME 22170 Daman Polymers India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2171 Damodar Marine Services Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22172 Dashmesh Cables Mumbai SE 2B

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2173 Decorative Products Mumbai SE 3C2174 Devashish Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2175 Devashish Interiors Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2176 Dhiren Polymers Mumbai SE 3B2177 Dhwani Polyprints Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2178 Dilip Industries Mumbai SE 3C2179 Dinesh Engineers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42180 Divyashree Packaging Industry Mumbai SE 2B2181 Dixons Cargo Consolidators Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32182 Duke Plasto Technique Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2183 Dynamic Flow Products Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22184 Dynamic Industrial Forgings Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2185 Elcome Marine Services Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12186 Electronics Devices Mumbai SE 2B2187 Eleganza Jewellery Ltd Mumbai SME 12188 Elixir Engineering Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2189 Emkay Fasteners Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2190 EMMBI Polyarns Ltd Mumbai SME 22191 Entod Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2192 Environmental Systems Products India

Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2193 Enzal Chemicals (India) Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2194 Euro Decor Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32195 Evergreen Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2196 Everlast Composites Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2197 Excellent Engineering & Allied Services

Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2198 Fab Industries Mumbai SE 2B2199 Fibrol Non-Ionics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2200 Fine Fragrances Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2201 Fineotex Chemical Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2202 Flutec Industries Mumbai SE 3C2203 Four Pillars Communications Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2204 G P Offset Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32205 Galpha Laboratories Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2206 Garden Court Distilleries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42207 Garg Electroheat Mumbai SE 3C2208 Gemini Studios & Innovations Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32209 GGI Clearing & Forwarding Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2210 Global Import Export Mumbai SE 3C2211 Global Powersource (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22212 Global Reach Engineers Mumbai SE 3B2213 Globe Polymers Mumbai SE 3B2214 Goldstar Metals Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2215 Halogen Petrochem Mumbai SE 3A2216 Hare Ram Cotton Industries Mumbai SE 2B2217 Hariram Industries Mumbai SE 3C2218 Harness Techniques (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2219 Heeline Enterprises Mumbai SE 3C2220 Hemani Chemi Organic Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42221 Hemani Intermediates Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22222 High-Volt Electricals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2223 Homa Engineering Works Mumbai SE 3C2224 Ideal Dye Chem Industries Mumbai SE 1B2225 Indian Extrusions Mumbai SE 2A2226 Indian Vehicle Carriers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32227 Indocen Electronic Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22228 Industrial Filters and Fabrics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2229 Industrial Mill Gin Stores Mumbai SE 3B2230 Infrastil Global Impex Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2231 Infrastil Global Impex Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32232 Innovative Automobiles Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2233 Insight Business Machines Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22234 Insight Business Machines Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2235 Intermetal Engineers (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2236 Inventia Healthcare Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12237 Ishan Industries Mumbai SE 2B2238 Jakap Metind Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2239 Jalaram Polymers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2240 Janak HealthCare Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12241 Jasubhai Engineering Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2242 Jay Gaskets Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2243 Jay Leela Logistics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32244 Jayco Industries Mumbai SE 3B2245 Jayesh Enterprises Mumbai SE 3B2246 Jenburkt Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2247 Jharkhand Mega Food Park Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 52248 Jorss Rubber Polymers Mumbai SE 3C2249 Joshi Electronics & Electricals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2250 Jostars Orgotech Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2251 Joyo Plastics Mumbai SE 2B2252 Jyoti Plastic Works Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2253 K. Patel Metal Industries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2254 K. Sitaldas and Company Mumbai SME 22255 K. Sitaldas Fabrics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22256 K.T. Plastic Industries Mumbai SE 2B2257 Kaizen International Mumbai SE 3C2258 Kasliwal Automotives Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 3

2259 Kaygee Loparex India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22260 KHD Valves Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2261 Klaus Waren Fixtures Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42262 K-Nine Writing Systems Mumbai SE 3C2263 Komal Atomizer Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2264 Konark Infrastructure Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2265 Konark Petro Products (I) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2266 Konstelec Engineers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12267 Kores Printer Technology Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2268 Krishna Promotions Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2269 Krunish Engineers and Fabricators Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2270 Kuloday Technopack Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2271 L. N. Chemical Industries Mumbai SE 1A2272 Labindia Instruments Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2273 Lares International Mumbai SE 3B2274 Lasons India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2275 Loba Chemie Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2276 M. M. Ceramics and Ferro Alloys Mumbai SME 22277 M. N. Engineering Mumbai SE 2B2278 M. S. Cabrol India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2279 Madhuban Motors Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42280 Mahalaxmi Steels Mumbai SE 3C2281 Maldar Barrels Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2282 Mamilon Textiles Mills Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2283 Marco Cables Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2284 Mardia Samyoung Capillary Tubes Co Ltd Mumbai SE 4C2285 Marine Electronics & Navigation Systems

Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2286 Marudhar Polycot (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32287 Marvel Gloves Industries Mumbai SE 1B2288 Mass Transfer Products Industries Mumbai SE 2A2289 Maxheal Pharmaceuticals (India) Mumbai SE 2A2290 Meera Cotton and Synthetic Mill Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22291 Mehta Chem Mumbai SE 2B2292 Mehta Petro Refineries Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2293 Metal Chem Industries Mumbai SE 2B2294 Metalsales Manufacturing Co Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2295 Metrex Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2296 Mevada Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2297 MFC Transport Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12298 Modern Engineering and Spring Company Mumbai SE 2B2299 Modhera Chemicals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2300 Mody Chemi-Pharma Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2301 Momai Impex Mumbai SE 3C2302 Money Packers Mumbai SE 2B2303 Moxy Steel Impex Mumbai SE 3C2304 MTC Business Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12305 Mudrika Labels Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2306 Mulkar Trading Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 4C2307 Nalin Syntex Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2308 Narayan Polyurethane Industries Mumbai SE 2B2309 Narhari Engineering Works Mumbai SE 2B2310 Narmada Offshore Constructions Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2311 Nashik Vintners Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12312 National Cement Pipe Company Mumbai SE 3B2313 National Rubber Udyog Mumbai SE 3C2314 Navnit Motors Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32315 NDT Technologies Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2316 Neela India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2317 Neo Power Electronics and Projects Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2318 Neptune Chem (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2319 Newkem Engineers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22320 Newkem Products Corporation Mumbai SE 2A2321 Nishchem Internationa l Mumbai SME 32322 Nobtech Enterprise Mumbai SE 3C2323 Nuaire Engineers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2324 Oceanglobe Container Services (I) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2325 Orbit Wires Industries Mumbai SE 3B2326 Oscar Ultrasonics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2327 Oswin Plastics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2328 P. M. Industries Mumbai SE 3B2329 P. S. Industries Mumbai SE 3C2330 Pacific Extrusions Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2331 Pacific Organics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2332 Parag Worldwide Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2333 Paramount Forge Mumbai SE 1A2334 Paramount Products Mumbai SE 3C2335 Parekh Aluminex Ltd Mumbai SME 12336 Paresh Constructions & Foundations Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2337 Patel Engineering Works (Vizag) Mumbai SE 2B2338 Peetee Extrusion Products Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2339 Perfect Garment Processors Mumbai SE 3B2340 Perma Construction Aids Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2341 Permeshwar Creations Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2342 Permeshwar Fashions Impex Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2343 PETsMART Pet Products Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2344 Pharmalink Laboratories Mumbai SE 2B2345 Phils Heavy Engineering Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B

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2346 Pliogrip Resins & Chemicals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2347 PM Technologies Mumbai SE 3C2348 Polmann India Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2349 Poly Blow Industries Mumbai SE 3B2350 Polysil Pipes Mumbai SE 2A2351 Popular Switchgears Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2352 Portwell-Laxsons (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2353 Prama Hikvision India Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2354 Pratiti Industries Mumbai SE 2C2355 Pravesh Construction Mumbai SE 2B2356 Precision Press Tools Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2357 Premier Brass Industries Mumbai SE 2B2358 Premier Hollowares Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2359 Printography Systems (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2360 Priya Enterprises Mumbai SE 5C2361 Priyadarshini Microtech Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2362 Protochem Industries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2363 Purple Products Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32364 Pushpanjali Fashions Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42365 Quantum Ltd Mumbai SME 42366 Quartz Metal Industries (A division of

Balbir Metals & Power Pvt Ltd) Mumbai SE 2B2367 R. D. Engineers (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1C2368 R.A.U.S Constructions Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32369 Rachna Plasticizers Mumbai SE 1A2370 Radiant Lubes Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2371 Raghuvanshi Exports Mumbai SE 2B2372 Rahul Engineering Company Mumbai SE 2B2373 Rainbow Engineers Mumbai SE 2A2374 Rajesh Plastics Mumbai SE 1B2375 Rajshree Industries Mumbai SE 2A2376 Ram International Mumbai SE 2B2377 Rammaruti Textiles Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2378 Rang Rasayan Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2379 Rangoli Plastics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2380 Rashtriya Cargo Movers Mumbai SE 2B2381 Rastriya Engineers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2382 Ratan Glitter Industries Ltd Mumbai SME 52383 Relicab Cable Manufacturing Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2384 Remedy Surgicals and Bio Medicals Mumbai SE 2B2385 Rico Appliances Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2386 Riddhi Enterprise Mumbai SE 3B2387 Riddhi Siddhi Bullions Ltd Mumbai SME 12388 RightChoice Exports Mumbai SE 2B2389 Rimple Packaging Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2390 Rishabhdev Technocable Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2391 Rishraj Filaments Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2392 Rite Developers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42393 Rivtool Enterprises Mumbai SE 3C2394 Robotic Equipments Mumbai SE 2C2395 Royalline Resources Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2396 Ryobran Engineering Corporation Mumbai SE 3C2397 S D Fine-Chem Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2398 S. A. F. Refrigeration Engineering Mumbai SE 2B2399 S. A. R. Engineering Works Mumbai SE 3B2400 S. K. Trading Company Mumbai SE 2B2401 Sacchet Homewell Mumbai SE 4C2402 Safe A & T Technology Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2403 Safe Power Industries Mumbai SE 3C2404 Safeage Security Products Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2405 Sagar Syntwist Mumbai SE 2C2406 Sambhav Industries Mumbai SE 3C2407 Samrudh Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2408 Sanchita Frozen Foods Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2409 Sanjay Packagings Mumbai SE 3B2410 Sanjivani Paranteral Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2411 Saraswati Steel Industries Mumbai SE 2C2412 Satyam Industries Mumbai SE 2C2413 Scorpion Containers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2414 Scorpion Express Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2415 SDP Industries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2416 Sea Hawk Marine & Allied Services Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2417 Seco Industries Mumbai SE 2B2418 Selvel Industries Mumbai SE 3B2419 Shivtech Marine Control Systems and

Services Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2420 Shraddha Agencies Mumbai SE 3B2421 Shree Industry Mumbai SE 2B2422 Shree Ram Sponge and Steels Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22423 Shreenath Chemicals Mumbai SE 2B2424 Shri Shayam Metal Manufacturing Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2425 Siddhartha Logistics Company Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2426 Siddhartha Logistics Company Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12427 Sigma Galvanizing Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2428 Silvassa Pipes Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2429 Singhania System Technologists Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2430 Sinic Electronics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2431 Ski Plastoware Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B

2432 Skyway RMC Plants Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32433 Smart I Electronics Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2434 Smita Conductors Ltd Mumbai SME 12435 Solitaire Machine Tools Ltd Mumbai SME 22436 Soma Specialities Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2437 Span Filling Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2438 Spun Communication Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2439 Srushti Enterprises Mumbai SE 2B2440 Starol Petroleum Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2441 Sumit Exports Mumbai SE 2B2442 Sun And Kingly Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2C2443 Sun Plast Mumbai SE 2A2444 Sundersons Logistics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 12445 Sunrise Process Equipments Mumbai SE 2C2446 Supac Packaging Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2447 Super Engineering Services Mumbai SE 3B2448 Superlite Lighting Company Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2449 Supreme Nonwoven Industries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22450 Supreme Treves Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22451 Suraaj Linens Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 42452 Suraj Air Flow Engineers Mumbai SE 2A2453 Suyash Impex Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2454 Swastik Battery Industries Mumbai SE 3C2455 Syndicate Auto Components Mumbai SE 2B2456 Syndicate Exhaust Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2457 Syndicate Wiper Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2458 Tarang International Mumbai SE 3C2459 Technocrats Security Systems Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2460 Technofour Combines Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2A2461 Tecpro Systems Ltd Mumbai SME 12462 Terminal Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22463 The Ruby Mills Ltd Mumbai SME 32464 Thermoset Polyproducts (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2465 Tinco Chemicals Mumbai SE 2B2466 Topaz Exports Mumbai SE 3C2467 Trans - Uretech Inc. Mumbai SE 3C2468 Transflo Pumps Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2469 Transpower Switchgear Industries Mumbai SE 3C2470 Trueway Corporation Mumbai SE 3C2471 Ujwal Plastics Industries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2472 United Rubber Industries (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 32473 Unitop Chemicals Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2474 V. Tuff Glass Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2475 Val Organics Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2476 Vardhaman Technology Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2477 Varni Gems Mumbai SE 3B2478 Varun Medico Lab Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2479 Vcare Concepts And Sales Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2480 Vedang Radio Technology Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2481 Venus Fittings and Valves Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3C2482 Venus Synthetics Mumbai SE 2B2483 Vijaya Engineering Works Mumbai SE 3C2484 Vikas Enterprises Mumbai SE 2B2485 Vikson Spring Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2486 Vin Plasticizers Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2487 Vipul Dye Chem Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2488 Viridis Biopharma Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2489 Vishesh Dhatu Industries (A division of

Balbir Metals & Power Pvt Ltd) Mumbai SE 2B2490 Waaree Energies Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 52491 Waaree Instruments Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2492 Waaree MM Petro Tech Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2493 Wanksons Chemical Industries Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2494 Wellmac Plastics Mumbai SE 2A2495 Wesmec Engineering Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 3B2496 Western Steel Drums Pvt Ltd Mumbai SE 2B2497 Windston Springs Pvt Ltd Mumbai SME 22498 Zeemag Industries Mumbai SE 1A2499 Zenith Computers Ltd Mumbai SE 1B2500 Zenith Infotech Ltd Mumbai SE 1A2501 ADCC Infocad Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 1B2502 Adroit Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2C2503 Ankush Shikshan Sanstha Nagpur SME 52504 Automark Industries (India) Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 1B2505 Automark Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 1B2506 Black Cat Enterprises Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2507 BSS Mines and Minerals Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3C2508 Chaitanya Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha Nagpur SME 52509 Enestee Engineering Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2510 G. H. R. Education Foundation Society Nagpur SME 52511 Goodearth Agrochem Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2512 Harihar Infrastructure Development Corp Ltd Nagpur SME 42513 High Rise Transformers Nagpur SE 3B2514 Imagis Engineering Solutions Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2A2515 Indmet Press Metal Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3C2516 Indus Paper Boards Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3C2517 Jassac Organics Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3B2518 Lyra Engineers Nagpur SE 3C

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2519 Mecgale Pneumatics Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 1B2520 Milan Steel & Metal Enterprises Nagpur SE 3C2521 Mohan Engineering Nagpur SE 3C2522 Omkar Agrotech Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3C2523 Omkar Polymers Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2524 Padgilwar Agro Industries Nagpur SE 2B2525 Paramhari Engineers Nagpur SE 2B2526 Pitambera Polymers Industries Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3C2527 Ramkrishna Electricals Ltd Nagpur SE 2C2528 Relief Lab Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2529 SGR Education Foundation Nagpur SME 52530 Shah Nanji Nagsi Exports Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2C2531 Shivdhan Boards Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3B2532 Shradha Infraprojects (Nagpur) Pvt Ltd Nagpur SME 52533 Shridhar Buildcon Nagpur SME 42534 Suresh Polymers Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2535 Tuli Hotels Pvt Ltd Nagpur SME 42536 Vidarbha Winding Wires Ltd Nagpur SE 2B2537 Vinayak Ginning and Pressing Pvt Ltd Nagpur SE 3B2538 Vinod Agencies Nagpur SE 2B2539 Akshay Drycleaners Nanded SE 2B2540 Shiva Fertilizers Ltd Nanded SE 1B2541 Shree Krishna Khandsari Sugar Mills Nanded SE 2B2542 Sree Siddarameshwara Agro Industries Nanded SE 2C2543 Alcon Electronics Pvt Ltd Nashik SME 32544 Alphabetics Business Machines Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2545 Autocop (India) Pvt Ltd Nashik SME 32546 Autofits Nashik SME 32547 Autoweld Systems Nashik SE 3B2548 B P Sangle Constructions Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2549 Babanlal Bhikulal Fibers Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2550 Bhagtara Jute Industries Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2551 Bharat Bhoomi Corporation Nashik SE 3C2552 Bhinge Brothers Nashik SE 3B2553 Chintamani Techno Products Nashik SE 3C2554 Crown Closures Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2555 Epitrans Electricals Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2556 F1 Computer Service Nashik SE 3C2557 Gaurav Engineers Nashik SE 2C2558 Herodex Power Systems Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2559 Jankar Steel Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2560 Kaizen Measuring Systems Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2561 Kalpatech Engineers Nashik SE 3C2562 Keystone Appliances Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 1B2563 Mahacot Textiles Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3C2564 Mega Fabricators Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2565 Nashik Forge Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2566 Natraj Moulds Nashik SE 2B2567 Neha Engineering Nashik SE 3B2568 Nipo Systems Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2569 Panchvati Valves and Flanges Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2570 Param Controls Nashik SE 3B2571 Param Tex Fab Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2572 Pawar Electro Systems Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2C2573 PDC Marketing Pvt Ltd Nashik SME 42574 Pelicans Automotive & Promotional Products

Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2575 Precision Forging And Stamping Nashik SE 2B2576 Radhey Forgings Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3C2577 Radhika Wire Industries Nashik SE 3C2578 Rajindra Industries Nashik SE 3C2579 Rukesh Engineering Works Nashik SE 3C2580 S. S. Enterprises Nashik SE 3C2581 Saico Cranes Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2582 Saico Engineers And Fabricators Nashik SE 2B2583 Sameer Auto Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3C2584 Saudhaj Plastics Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2585 Seepra Refrigeration Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 4C2586 Sercon Electro Systems Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2587 Shree Ganesh Collets Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3C2588 Shweta Infrastructure & Housing (I) Pvt Ltd Nashik SME 22589 Shweta Print-Pack Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 1B2590 Sivananda Electronics Nashik SME 22591 Souvenir Developers (India) Pvt Ltd Nashik SME 32592 Spark Electricals Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3B2593 Sunita Engineering Corporation Nashik SE 3B2594 Swaroop Industries Nashik SE 3B2595 Tech Coat (Nasik) Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3C2596 Trimurti Fine Arts Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 3C2597 Tristar Equipments Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2598 United Heat Transfers Pvt Ltd Nashik SE 2B2599 Varad Enterprises Nashik SE 3C2600 Abak Electrofab Engineering Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2B2601 Amrutyog Chem Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 3B2602 Anand Acid and Chemical Co. Navi Mumbai SE 4C2603 Antony Waste Handling Cell Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SME 22604 Balaji Engineering Company Navi Mumbai SE 3C2605 Brahans Polymers Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1C

2606 Coroseal Chemical Equipments Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2B2607 Gemini Automobiles Navi Mumbai SE 3C2608 Govik Electricals Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SME 12609 Indiagames Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2B2610 Kataria Paints Navi Mumbai SE 2B2611 Krasny Marine Services Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1A2612 Marine Solutions Distribution & Services Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SME 32613 Mast Climber Equipment India Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 3B2614 Mesuka Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2A2615 Miranda Automation Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 3C2616 Mundra Engineering Works Navi Mumbai SE 3C2617 Navanidhi Electronics Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1B2618 New (India) Imaging Industries Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2A2619 NGL FINE-CHEM Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2B2620 PAR Filters Navi Mumbai SE 2B2621 Prasol Chemicals Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1A2622 Randhawa Automobile Engineering Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2C2623 Royal Foodstuffs Navi Mumbai SE 2B2624 S. S. Engineering Navi Mumbai SME 22625 S. S. Engineering Navi Mumbai SE 1A2626 Sanchita Marine Products Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2B2627 Shalimar Valves Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1A2628 Sharplex Filters (India) Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1A2629 Shree Rubber Works Navi Mumbai SE 3B2630 Symatic Engineering Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 1B2631 Valsons Fabricators Navi Mumbai SE 3B2632 Viraj Clean Sea Enterprises Pvt Ltd Navi Mumbai SE 2B2633 3C Solutions India Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2634 A Plus Projects and Technology Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2635 Aakar Foundry Pvt Ltd Pune SME 72636 Abhilash Enterprises Pune SE 3B2637 Accord Tech Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2638 Akson's Solar Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2639 Alfa Enterprises Pune SE 2A2640 Alok Fabrication Pune SE 3B2641 Alpha Dies and Pattern (India) Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2642 Ambika Precision Works Pune SE 3C2643 Ameya Engineers Pune SE 2B2644 Ampcontrol Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2645 Ansari Cranes Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2646 Aparna BPO Services Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2647 Arun Carbide Tools Pune SE 3C2648 Ashirwad Enterprises Pune SE 3B2649 Auric Techno Services Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2650 Avi Oilless Die Components India Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2C2651 Avians Innovations Technology Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2652 Avon Control Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2653 Ayoki Fabricon Pvt Ltd Pune SME 22654 B N Profile Pune SE 3B2655 Badawe Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2656 Balaji Packaging Industries Pune SE 2B2657 Bhagyashree Accessories Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2658 Bharat International Pune SE 2C2659 Bhavle Technical Services Pune SE 3C2660 Bipin Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2661 Carline Auto Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2662 Chetas Control Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2663 Construction Catalyzers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2664 Cooling People (Pune) Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2665 Cosmic Refrigeration Pune SE 2B2666 Cosmos Construction Machineries &

Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2667 Cotmac Electronics Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2668 Critical Care Systems Pune SE 2B2669 Cybernetik Technologies Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2670 Daccess Security Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2671 Dattashri Enterprises Pune SE 3C2672 Datum Marketing Pune SE 2B2673 Deccan Construction Equipments & Machinery Pune SE 2B2674 DelVal Flow Controls Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2675 Demech Chemical Products Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2676 Diamond Crafts Pune SE 2B2677 DTL Ancillaries Ltd Pune SE 1A2678 Dumas Electricals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2C2679 Dynamic Crane Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2680 Emdet Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SME 32681 Energy Systech Pune SE 3B2682 Enpro Industries Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2683 Esbee Engineering Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2684 Eureka Engineering Enterprises Pune SE 3B2685 Explicit Chemicals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2686 Exponential Engineering Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2687 Extreme Automation Pune SE 3C2688 Finearc Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2689 Gadsing Engineering Works Pune SE 2C2690 Ganesh Industries Pune SE 3B2691 Gautami Engineering Works Pune SE 3B2692 Gayatri Fabricators & Erectors Pune SE 3C

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2693 Genuine Engineering Pune SE 3C2694 Halides Chemicals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2695 Hamirani Metals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2696 Hitein Bushings Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2697 India Robotics And Automation Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2698 Indigo Paints Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2699 Industrial Metal Powders (India) Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2700 i-Source Infosystems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2C2701 Jai Bhawani Mata Industries Pune SE 2B2702 K.J.Infrastructure Projects India Pvt Ltd Pune SME 32703 Kam-Avida Enviro Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SME 12704 Kamdhenu Earthmovers Pune SE 2B2705 Kan Biosys Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2706 Kaustubha Udyog Pune SE 1B2707 KF Bioplants Pvt Ltd Pune SME 12708 Kisan Agro Pune SE 3C2709 Korrocoat Polymers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2710 Kosi Plast Pvt Ltd Pune SME 32711 Krsna Packaging Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2712 Kulkarni Powder Metallurgical Industries Pune SE 3B2713 Kumbhojkar Plastic Moulders Pune SE 3B2714 Leela Steel Trading Corporation Pune SE 2B2715 M. B. Chitale Constructions Pune SME 22716 Madhav Capacitors Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2717 Madhuban Trade Steels Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2718 Mahati Electrics Pune SE 1A2719 Mailhem Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2720 Man Mohan Decor Pune SE 3B2721 Mars Energy Systems Pune SE 3C2722 Max-Grip Fasteners Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2723 Meenakshi Metal Forms Pune SE 3C2724 Melzer Chemicals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2725 Millennium Engineers & Contractors Pvt Ltd Pune SME 22726 Millennium Spirits Pvt Ltd Pune SME 52727 Minilec (india) Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2728 Miraj Plastics Pune SE 2B2729 Modern Fabricators & Erectors Pune SE 3B2730 MRJS Lead Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2731 Multi Crafts Pune SE 2B2732 Nakoda Machinery Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2733 Neelachal Engineering Company Pune SE 5C2734 Neltronics Equipments Corporation Pune SE 3B2735 New Lucky Furniture Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2736 Niyo Engineers Pune SE 3B2737 Normex Valves Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2738 Nu-Teck Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2739 Omkar Engineering Works Pune SE 2B2740 Opel Energy Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2741 Orion Ropes Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2742 P - Tronics Pune SE 3C2743 Paras Telecom Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2744 Parekh Vinyles Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2745 Pascal Industrial Equipments Manufacturing

& Consultancy Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2746 Pathak Alloys Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2C2747 Patson Machines Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2748 Peri Nitrates Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2749 Phenil Health and Hotel Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2750 Phoenix Aluminium Products Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2C2751 Pioneer Coats Pune SE 2B2752 Pipes and Flow Products Pune SE 2B2753 Pooja Corrugators Pune SE 3B2754 Poona Shims Pvt Ltd Pune SME 22755 Power Control Engineers Pune SE 2B2756 Prabhaker Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2757 Prasa Sales Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2758 Precifab Pune SE 3B2759 Prescon Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2760 Pressure Vessels (India) Pune SE 2B2761 Primepack Containers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2762 PRO-ARC Welding & Cutting Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2763 Pune Techtrol Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2764 Pushpam Foods and Beverages Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2765 R R Scrap Merchant Pune SE 3B2766 R. K. Developers Pune SE 3B2767 Racold Thermo Ltd Pune SME 12768 Radix Dies & Moulds Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2769 Rainbow International Pune SE 3C2770 Rajvin Precision Pressing Co. Pune SE 3C2771 Raksha Polycoats Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2772 Ramelex Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2773 Ratna Engineers Pune SE 3C2774 Ravi Crafts & Designs Pune SE 3C2775 Repute Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2776 Resilient Cosme-ceuticals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2777 Reward Constructions Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2778 RichCam Tooling Pune SE 3C2779 RICO Pune SE 1A

2780 Rivolta Auto Industries Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2781 Rohit Enterprises Pune SME 42782 Rohit Rubber Products Pune SE 2B2783 Rushabh Auto Pune SE 3C2784 Rushiprabha Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2785 Sahayog Tools Pune SE 3B2786 Saltex Pune SME 52787 Samved Energy Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2788 Sant Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2789 Savan Ancillaries Pune SE 3C2790 Shachi Engineering Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2791 Shanti Metals Pune SE 2B2792 Shashi Structural Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SME 22793 Shinde Developers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2794 Shree Ganesh Aluminium Based Products Pvt LtdPune SE 2B2795 Shree Ganesh Engineering Works Pune SE 3C2796 Shree Polymers Pune SE 3C2797 Shree Venkatesh Realty Pune SME 42798 Shree Venkateshwara Industries Pune SE 3B2799 Shubh Constrocare Products and Services Pune SE 3B2800 Sita Polycoats Pune SE 2A2801 Skytech Industries Pune SE 2B2802 Sneha Bearings Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1A2803 Softtech Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2804 Special Steel Stores Pune SE 2B2805 Spreja Engineering Pune SE 3B2806 SRC Chemicals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2807 Standard Engineering Company Pune SE 3B2808 Suaan Techmechs Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2809 Subhash Chemical Industries Pune SE 1A2810 Sufi Structural Tubes Pvt Ltd Pune SE 4C2811 Sumax Enterprises Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2812 Su-Mech Storage Systems Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2813 Sumeet Facilities Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1C2814 Sunkist Moulders Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2815 Suparshva Industries Pune SE 2C2816 Super Engineers Pune SE 2B2817 Suraksha Packers Pune SE 2A2818 Suraksha Packers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2819 Surya Furnitech Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2820 Suvarna Fibrotech Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2821 Suyash Enterprises Pune SE 3B2822 Suyash Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2823 Suyog Enterprises Pune SE 3B2824 Suyog Equipments Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2825 Svam Electronics Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2826 Tamboli Engineers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2827 Techcellency Pune SE 2B2828 Technofour Electronics Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2829 Thenaa Enterprises Pune SE 3B2830 Tirumala Hospitality Services Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2A2831 Totre Packaging Pune SE 3B2832 Transparent Technologies Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2C2833 Transworld Compressor Technologies Ltd Pune SE 1B2834 Trutech Products Pune SE 3C2835 Tuff Coat Polymers Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2836 Tuskar Trading Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2837 Unique Delta Force Security Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2838 Universal Manufacturing Company Pune SE 3C2839 V.V.Mujumdar & Associates Pune SE 3B2840 Vaishno Devi Milk Products Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2841 Valay Constructions Pvt Ltd Pune SME 32842 Variety Metals Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2843 Vega Controls Pvt Ltd Pune SE 1B2844 Victory Precision Pvt Ltd Pune SE 2B2845 Vikram Iron and Steel Company Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3B2846 Vinit Electronics and Electricals Pune SE 3B2847 Vishwesh Heaters Pvt Ltd Pune SE 3C2848 Yantrashilpa Technologies Pvt Ltd Pune SME 32849 Yash Plastic and Engineering Works Pune SE 3B2850 Zawar Sales Pvt Ltd Pune SME 42851 Elppe Chemicals Pvt Ltd Raigad SE 1A2852 TechNova Imaging Systems (P) Ltd Raigad SME 52853 Toyo Springs Ltd Raigad SE 1B2854 Athani Farmers Sugar Factory Ltd Sangli SME 52855 Bashko Engineering Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 2B2856 Galaxy Transmissions Pvt Ltd Sangli SME 32857 Jsons Foundry Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 2B2858 Kasegaon Education Society Sangli SME 42859 Magnewin Energy Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 2B2860 Patil Thermoplastics Sangli SE 2B2861 Quality Power Electrical Equipments Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 1A2862 Rex Polyextruision Ltd Sangli SE 1A2863 Shah Precicast Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 1B2864 Shri Industries Sangli SE 3B2865 Skylark Precitech Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 1B2866 Sterling Motors Sangli SE 3C2867 Unique Engineering Works Sangli SE 2B

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2868 Western Precicast Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 2B2869 Zenplas Pipes Pvt Ltd Sangli SE 2A2870 Accumax Products Satara SE 3B2871 Ajanta Universal Fabrics Ltd Satara SE 2C2872 F & K Agro Pvt Ltd Satara SE 2B2873 Hematic Motors Pvt Ltd Satara SE 1A2874 Kavitsu Automation Satara SE 3B2875 Kavitsu Transmission Pvt Ltd Satara SE 2B2876 Khutale Engineering Satara SE 1B2877 Nissar Transformers Pvt Ltd Satara SE 3C2878 Swaraj PVC Pipes Pvt Ltd Satara SE 2C2879 Top Gear Transmissions Satara SE 2B2880 Vitthal Sugars Manufacturing Ltd Solapur SME 42881 A. S. Chemopharma Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2882 Accord Electro-Technics Pvt Ltd Thane SE 3C2883 Aditya Engineers Thane SE 3C2884 Agnee Engineering Thane SE 4C2885 Anupam Stationery Ltd Thane SE 1A2886 Arihant Industrial Corporation Ltd Thane SE 1B2887 Bright Brothers Ltd Thane SME 42888 Canara Lighting Industries Ltd Thane SE 1A2889 Chhaparia Thermoplast (India) Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2890 Creamcem Coatings (India) Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2891 Crescent Combustion Systems Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2A2892 D. C. Engineers Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2893 D. Y. Engineers Thane SE 3B2894 Dr. Khan Industrial Consultant Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2895 Dynamic Gauges Pvt Ltd Thane SE 3B2896 Eagle Construction Co. Thane SE 1A2897 Eagle Infra Projects India Ltd Thane SE 2C2898 Electroteknics Thane SE 2B2899 Epicons Consultants Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1A2900 Eram Engineers Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2C2901 Federal Engineers Thane SE 1A2902 Ganga Pharmaceuticals Ltd Thane SE 2B2903 Geekay Engineering Services Thane SE 2B2904 Greenergy Power (India) Pvt Ltd Thane SE 3B2905 Hallmark Automotive Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2906 Hebbar Chemicals Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2A2907 Highclean Ultrasonics Thane SE 3C2908 Himgiri Cooling Towers Thane SE 2B2909 Inderdeep Construction Co. Thane SE 1B2910 Interlabels Industries (P) Ltd Thane SME 32911 J. S. Control Thane SE 3B2912 J. V. Engineering Works Thane SE 3B2913 Jai Krishna Roller Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2914 Jay Chem Industries Thane SE 2B2915 Jyoti Industries Thane SE 3C2916 Kalpataru Organics Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1A2917 Kishore Pharma Products Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2918 Lalitha Chem Industries Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2919 Mars Engineers and Consultants Thane SE 3C2920 Mayfair Machinekraft Pvt Ltd Thane SE 3C2921 MDR Electronics Thane SE 2B2922 Metro Mechanical and Engineering Works Thane SE 3C2923 Metropolitan Equipments & Consultants Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2924 Micrograde Tools Thane SE 3B2925 Motilal Dished-Ends Works Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2926 Multiform Machinery (Bombay) Pvt Ltd Thane SE 3B2927 Mysore Thermo Electric (P) Ltd Thane SE 1A2928 Nishi Techno-Sys Thane SE 3C2929 Omkar Speciality Chemicals Pvt Ltd Thane SME 12930 Padmavati Pulp and Paper Mills Thane SE 2C2931 Play Mate Systems Thane SE 3C2932 Pollution Protection Systems Mumbai Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2933 Precise Alloys Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2934 Runa Chemicals Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2935 S. S. E. Engineering Pvt Ltd Thane SE 3C2936 Saatveeka Trading Company Thane SE 2C2937 Sai Tools Thane SE 2C2938 Samarpan Fabricators Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2C2939 Shivshakti Engineers Thane SE 3C2940 Soujanya Color Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2941 Subray Catal Chem Pvt Ltd Thane SE 1B2942 Super Clean Industries Thane SE 2B2943 Supreme Engineering Works Thane SE 3C2944 Tristar Industrial Tools Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2C2945 Unique Mixers and Furnaces Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2946 Unitherm Engineers Ltd Thane SME 12947 Varadhasta Plastics And Packaging Pvt Ltd Thane SE 2B2948 Vesat Plastics Thane SE 3C2949 Zen Engineering Thane SE 2B2950 Arrow Engineers Vasai SME 32951 Bharati Technologies Vasai SE 3B2952 Shell Corrugating Industries Vasai SE 4C2953 Umang Pharmatech Pvt Ltd Vasai SE 1C2954 M. R. Ginning and Pressing Factory Wardha SE 3C2955 Shri Sudarshan Cotton Industries Pvt Ltd Wardha SE 3B

2956 Shridhar Udyog Wardha SE 3C2957 Vinay Automobiles Yavatmal SE 3C


2958 Intouch Naturals Pvt Ltd Imphal SE 3C


2959 A A Nutritions Shillong SE 3C2960 Abhi Coke Pvt Ltd Shillong SE 2B2961 MDH Beverages Pvt Ltd Shillong SE 5C


2962 A. M. Vinyl Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B2963 A. S. Shoe Accessories Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B2964 Abilities India Pistons and Rings Ltd New Delhi SE 2B2965 ABS Refractories Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B2966 Adhunik Yantra Udyog Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2A2967 AES Laboratories Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1A2968 Agrawal Drugs Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B2969 All India Digamber Jain Society New Delhi SME 42970 Allena Auto Industries Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B2971 Al-Nafees Frozen Food Exports Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 22972 Alok Masterbatches Ltd New Delhi SE 1A2973 Alpine Creations Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B2974 Alpine Impex Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B2975 Anraj Cable Industries Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C2976 Aravali Printers and Publishers Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2C2977 Arra Motion Systems Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B2978 Ashoka Food Products New Delhi SME 52979 Asiatic Electrical And Switchgear Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1A2980 Avanti Overseas Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1A2981 Baddi Foils Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2A2982 Bajaj Printers & Packers New Delhi SE 2B2983 Bansal Brothers Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B2984 Besoto Starting Systems PvtLtd New Delhi SE 1B2985 Bholasons Creation New Delhi SME 22986 Bholasons Enterprise New Delhi SME 22987 Bio Services New Delhi SME 32988 BLS Polymers Ltd New Delhi SE 2A2989 BTM Exports Ltd New Delhi SME 22990 Bush Foods Overseas Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 22991 C. R. Sons Builders & Developers Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 42992 Cap Cab India Ltd New Delhi SE 2B2993 Capital Impex Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C2994 CBS Technologies Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B2995 Chandrawati Education Society New Delhi SME 22996 Chemico Synthetics Ltd New Delhi SE 3B2997 CICO Technologies Ltd New Delhi SE 1B2998 Cotmac Electronics (Surat) Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B2999 Dalton Chemicals Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3000 Deco Vinyl Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 53001 Dee Weldogen India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3002 Delux Cold Storage and Food processors Ltd

Unit Shree Bankey Behari Roller Flour Mills New Delhi SE 1C3003 Diamond Products Ltd New Delhi SME 43004 Dolphin Space Systems New Delhi SE 2B3005 Dugar Overseas Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33006 Eden SLF Residency New Delhi SME 43007 EEI Capsules Ltd New Delhi SME 33008 Electrical Systems & Controls New Delhi SE 3B3009 Exclusive Overseas Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C3010 Express Housekeeper Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23011 Fancy Images New Delhi SE 2A3012 Franco Leome Shoes Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3013 G. C. Beverages Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 43014 Ganges Internationale Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3015 Gaurav Udyog New Delhi SE 2B3016 Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23017 Geo Miller & Company Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3018 Gian Chand Mohinder Kumar New Delhi SME 33019 Global Engineers Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3020 Global Signal Cables (India) Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33021 Globe Civil Projects Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23022 Grandlay Electricals (India) New Delhi SE 2B3023 H Q Lamps Manufacturing Company New Delhi SE 2B3024 Horizon Industrial Products Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3025 Hyvolt Electricals New Delhi SE 2B3026 I Life Medical Devices Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C3027 Incom Cables Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3028 Indcon Projects and Equipment Ltd New Delhi SE 1A3029 Infraline Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1A3030 Jai Gears Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3031 Jai Parkash Food Products New Delhi SME 43032 Jain Spun Pipe Co. New Delhi SE 2B3033 Jakson Enterprises New Delhi SE 2C

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3034 Jaksons Ltd New Delhi SE 1A3035 Jamna Metal Co. New Delhi SE 2C3036 JMC Industries New Delhi SE 3B3037 JMW India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3038 JSP Infrastructure Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3039 K. K. Spun Pipe Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3040 K. S. Consupro India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3041 K.V.S. Industries Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3042 Kay Dee Industries New Delhi SE 2B3043 KCL Ltd New Delhi SME 23044 Keshav Milk Products Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3045 Khandelia Oil And General Mills Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1A3046 KKK Textiles Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3047 Krishan Chander Ramesh Chander Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 53048 Lamba Press & Shears New Delhi SE 2C3049 Laxmi Foils (P) Ltd New Delhi SME 43050 LSR Forge Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3051 Lucky Engineering Works New Delhi SE 3C3052 M. M. Castings Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3053 Mahesh Merchandise Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23054 Malwa Power Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33055 Manav Enterprises New Delhi SME 33056 Mann Residency (P) Ltd New Delhi SME 53057 Maple Composite Containers Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3058 Marc Cable Company New Delhi SE 1B3059 Mercury Fabrics Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23060 Mewat Grit Udyog New Delhi SE 1B3061 MM Ferrochem Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 43062 Multitex Filtration Engineers Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3063 N K Gold Medallion Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3064 Navratan Pipe and Profile Ltd New Delhi SME 43065 Nayak Aviation Services Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23066 Nimrat Bawa Enterprises New Delhi SE 3C3067 Nitraj Agro Foods Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3068 NLDK Timbers Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3069 Oceanic Cooling Towers Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C3070 Om Jewels New Delhi SME 33071 Optek Disc Manufacturing Company New Delhi SME 33072 Pacific Trade Links New Delhi SE 3C3073 Paradise Breweries Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C3074 Paras Electricals Ltd New Delhi SE 2C3075 Paruthi Engineers Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3076 Pato Builders Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 43077 Payal Polyplast Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3078 PC Solutions Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 13079 Pentagon Rubber Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3080 Piyush Impex Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3081 Polyblends (India) Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2C3082 Precision Pipes and Profiles Company Ltd New Delhi SME 13083 Preeti Plyboards Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3084 Premier Ceramics Industries New Delhi SE 3C3085 Premier Industries New Delhi SE 3B3086 PRG International Electricals Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3087 Prinku Landfin Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 43088 Priti Wears New Delhi SE 2B3089 Qi Network Enterprise Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23090 R. K. Jindal & Company New Delhi SE 3C3091 Rajdhani Flour Mills Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3092 Ravi Cable Industries New Delhi SE 1B3093 Ravi Organics Ltd New Delhi SME 23094 Ravi Packaging Industries New Delhi SE 3C3095 Reidel (India) Chemicals Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2C3096 Rohde and Schwarz India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 13097 Roop Ram Educare Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 53098 Roots Cooling Systems Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3099 S. P. Ornaments Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 43100 S.P. Chain & Jewellery New Delhi SME 43101 Sachdeva Print Arts Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C3102 Sainico Industries New Delhi SE 3B3103 Satnam Global Infraprojects Ltd New Delhi SME 23104 Savvak Systems Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3105 Secure Mobile (India) New Delhi SE 2B3106 Security & Intelligence Services (India) Ltd New Delhi SME 13107 Sequel Alloys and Wires Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33108 SH-Haryana Wires Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3109 Shiva Exim Enterprises New Delhi SE 2C3110 Shiva Industries New Delhi SE 2C3111 Shiva Udyog Barrels Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1C3112 Shivam Petro Products New Delhi SE 2C3113 Shivas Departmental Stores Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 43114 Shivtek Industries Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2C3115 Shree Bankey Behari Exports Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3116 Shree Bankey Bihari Pole Industries New Delhi SE 3C3117 Shree Ganesh Rice Mill New Delhi SME 43118 Shri Bankey Behari Foods New Delhi SE 3B3119 Shri S. S. Shyam Steels Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3120 Shri Vishnu Eatables (India) Ltd New Delhi SME 23121 Shubham Industries New Delhi SE 3C

3122 Singh Enterprises New Delhi SE 4C3123 SL Impex Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3C3124 SMGK Agro Products New Delhi SE 3C3125 Sperry Plast Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3126 Sri Ram Food Industries New Delhi SE 2C3127 Srishty Udyog Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33128 STJ Electronics Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3129 Sumanglam Impex Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3130 Superking Manufacturers (Tyres) Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33131 Suri Agro Fresh Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33132 Swatantra Land & Finance Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23133 Symphony Computer Graphics New Delhi SE 3C3134 TC Designs India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3135 TCNS Ltd New Delhi SME 43136 Telu Ram Amar Chand and Company New Delhi SME 33137 Tinna Overseas Ltd New Delhi SE 1A3138 Tirupati Foods Industries New Delhi SE 2C3139 Trendsetters Services Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23140 Tritronics India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3141 U. P. Twiga Fiberglass Ltd New Delhi SME 13142 Ujala Pumps Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3143 United Surgical Industries New Delhi SE 3C3144 Universal Print-O-Pack New Delhi SE 2B3145 Veekay General Industries New Delhi SME 33146 Venus Stampings Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23147 Victoria Foods Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3148 Vidur & Co. Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 33149 VIN Poly Additives Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2B3150 Vinod Rice Mill Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3151 Vishal Pipes Ltd New Delhi SE 1B3152 Visual Technologies India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 23153 Vocational Education Foundation New Delhi SME 43154 Wellworth Wire Ropes Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 2C3155 Windorz India Pvt Ltd New Delhi SE 3B3156 Wonder Products New Delhi SE 2B3157 World Commercial Corporation New Delhi SME 43158 Yash Electrical Systems New Delhi SE 2A3159 Zuberi Fibres Pvt Ltd New Delhi SME 4


3160 Eastern Aluminium Angul SE 3C3161 Eastern Engineering Ventures Angul SE 3B3162 Indfab Projects Pvt Ltd Angul SME 23163 Mangturam Gases Pvt Ltd Angul SE 3C3164 Adaitya Construction Company Balasore SE 3B3165 ECP Industries Ltd Balasore SE 5C3166 Gampas Plastech Pvt Ltd Balasore SE 3C3167 Microtek Transformers Balasore SE 3B3168 Parambramha Achyutananda Educational TrustBalasore SME 63169 Perfect Wires Balasore SE 3B3170 Steel World Inc Balasore SE 3B3171 Unideep Food Processing Pvt Ltd Balasore SE 3C3172 Utkal Agro Organics Ltd Balasore SE 2B3173 Annapurna Plastics Berhampur SE 3C3174 Arya Motors Berhampur SE 2B3175 Maa Chamunda Cashew Berhampur SE 3C3176 Mohan Lal Jain Berhampur SME 23177 Navajyoti Spun Pipe Industry Berhampur SE 3C3178 Rudramadhaba Cashew Processing Unit Berhampur SE 3C3179 Sai Ram Enterprises Berhampur SE 5C3180 A to Z Engineers Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3181 A. B. Imaging & Prints Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3182 Aakar Scientific Instruments Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3183 Adiilaksmi International Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3184 Aeon Medical Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3185 Anupama Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3186 Arohee Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3187 Asutosh Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 2C3188 Balaram Oil Industry Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3189 Balaram Panda Trust Bhubaneshwar SME 43190 Bapsa Enterprisers Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3191 Benzfab Technologies Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 1B3192 Bright Transformers Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3193 CEF Engineering Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3194 Darwaja Manufacturing Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3195 Decan Packaging Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3196 Disha Vision Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3197 Eastern India Pharmaceutical Laboratory Bhubaneshwar SE 4C3198 Ekamra Press Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3199 Filternox Systems Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3200 Gayatree Cashew Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3201 Gayatri Engineering Construction and

Consultancy Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3202 Gigabyte Security Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3203 Goyal Coaltar Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3204 Indopol (Jagannath) Agro Food Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3205 Inotec Fibres Bhubaneshwar SE 3C

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3206 J. S. Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3207 J.B.C. Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3208 J.C.Nayak Electricals Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3209 Jaico Electronics Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3210 Jolly Refrigeration Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3211 Juan Biotechnology Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3212 K. D. & Sons Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SME 23213 K6 Telecom & Security Systems Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3214 Kalinga Engineers Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 5C3215 Kalinga Equipments Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3216 Kalyani Laboratories Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3217 Kranti Press Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 5C3218 Kripa Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3219 Kunj Alloys Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3220 Laxmi Narayan Agro Foods Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2C3221 Life Drop Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3222 Lingaraj Pipes Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3223 M. Engineering Works Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3224 M. N. Engineering Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3225 Maa Tarini Products Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3226 Mahadev Cold Storage and Ice Plant Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3227 Mahima Auto Engineering Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3228 Manisha Engineering Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3229 Mega Refractories Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3230 MRP Group of Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3231 Multisoft Bhubaneshwar SE 4C3232 Nigam Food Processor Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3233 Oddessey Spices & Food Processors Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3234 Orissa Thermopack Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3235 Power Ware India Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3236 Pragati Aluminiums Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3237 Pratima Agro and Paper Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 5C3238 Priyanka Chemicals Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3239 Raman Education Society Bhubaneshwar SME 23240 Rameswar Engineering Works Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3241 Ritika Engineering Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3242 Rout Education Trust Bhubaneshwar SME 23243 Rukmani Infra Projects Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3244 S. S. Enterprises Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3245 S.S. Papers & Craft Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3246 Sabitri Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2C3247 Sahara Engineering Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3248 Sai Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 4C3249 Seacrafts Industries Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3250 Shiva Chrome Chemicals Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 5C3251 Shivam Chemicals Bhubaneshwar SE 4C3252 Shoukeen Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3253 Shree HDM Industries Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3254 Shree Jagannath Pipe & Tubes Bhubaneshwar SE 4C3255 Shree Krishna Wire Products Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3256 Sigma Data Tech Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3257 Sri Sai PVC Products Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3258 Sujata Corporation Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3259 Sunita Engineering Works Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3260 Susama Boards Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3261 Swagat Urethane (P) Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3262 Swosti Furniture Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3263 Techno Electronics Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3264 Techno Plast Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3265 Trishul Tread Pvt Ltd Bhubaneshwar SE 2B3266 Utkal Electrical Industries Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3267 Venus Shoes and Leather Products Bhubaneshwar SE 3C3268 Web Line Bhubaneshwar SE 3B3269 3ACE Associates Cuttack SE 3C3270 A. B. Electricals Cuttack SE 4C3271 Aditya Impex and Technologies Cuttack SE 3B3272 Alfa Chemical Works Cuttack SE 2B3273 Allied Industries Cuttack SE 3C3274 B.K.Products Cuttack SE 3C3275 Bajrangbali Alloys Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 2B3276 Beura Metallic & PVC Industries Cuttack SE 3C3277 Bombay Lub Cuttack SE 3C3278 D.M. Health Care Cuttack SE 4C3279 Dash Engineering Works Cuttack SE 3B3280 Dibyajyoti Subhrajyoti Prakashan Cuttack SE 3C3281 DVL Auto Alliance Industries Cuttack SE 3C3282 Eastern Pilling and Construction Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 3C3283 G. Sahoo & Sons Cuttack SE 3C3284 Gopal Feeds Cuttack SE 3B3285 Green Waves Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 5C3286 Health Food Product Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 2B3287 Hindustan Concrete Products Cuttack SE 2C3288 Ions Steel and Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 3C3289 Jagannath Electricals Cuttack SE 3C3290 Kalia Printers Cuttack SE 3C3291 Krishna Coke (India) Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 2B3292 Kuber Industries Cuttack SE 4C3293 Life Batteries Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 4C

3294 Maa Chandi Industries Cuttack SE 3C3295 Maruti Battery Industries Cuttack SE 3C3296 Nataraj Engineering Cuttack SE 3B3297 Orbital Infrastructure Consultancy and

Research Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 3B3298 Orissa Insulations Cuttack SE 5C3299 Orissa Timber Trading Company Cuttack SE 3B3300 Parida Work Shop Cuttack SE 3B3301 Phyto Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 4C3302 Power and Control Cuttack SE 3B3303 Prasant Garments Cuttack SE 3C3304 Process & Offset Co. Cuttack SE 3B3305 R. P. Steels Cuttack SE 3B3306 Rajashree Minerals & Chemicals Cuttack SE 3B3307 Rayet Engineering Cuttack SE 3C3308 S. B. Food Products Cuttack SE 3C3309 S.S.Foundry Cuttack SE 3B3310 Sarala Electrical Industries Cuttack SE 3C3311 Shree Enterprisers Cuttack SE 3C3312 Shree Jagannath Metalik Industries Ltd Cuttack SME 23313 Shree Shyam Enterprises Cuttack SE 3C3314 Soor Engineering Cuttack SE 3C3315 Spaa Straw Board Industries Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 2C3316 Sukadeb Enterprises Cuttack SE 3B3317 Surekha Industries Cuttack SE 3B3318 Swagat Engineering Cuttack SE 3B3319 Swaraj Food Products Cuttack SE 3C3320 Tarini Engineering Cuttack SE 3C3321 Techno Byte Cuttack SE 3C3322 Technocrat Enterprisers Cuttack SE 3B3323 Tulsi Spices and Foods Pvt Ltd Cuttack SE 2B3324 Udaya Security Vision Cuttack SE 3C3325 Utkal Engineering Works Cuttack SE 3C3326 Unique Industries Jajpur SE 3C3327 Hanuman Oxygen Pvt Ltd Kalahandi SE 3C3328 Madan Food Products Kalahandi SE 3C3329 Aditya Sponge and Power Pvt Ltd Keonjhar SE 3C3330 Kalinga Metallics & Power Pvt Ltd Keonjhar SE 2B3331 Tarini Alloys Pvt Ltd Keonjhar SE 3B3332 Basanti Paddy Processing Pvt Ltd Mayurbhanj SE 2B3333 Omm Flour Mill Mayurbhanj SE 3C3334 Shreeram Engineering Works Paradip Port SE 3C3335 Thakur Engineering Works Paradip Port SE 3B3336 Konark Cement Products Puri SE 4C3337 Lincon Utensils Puri SE 5C3338 Altrade Minerals Pvt Ltd Rourkela SME 33339 Aman Technologies Pvt Ltd Rourkela SE 3B3340 Bajrang Steel and Alloys Ltd Rourkela SE 2B3341 CRG Industries Pvt Ltd Rourkela SE 3C3342 KCS Pvt Ltd Rourkela SE 3B3343 Maa Samleswari Industries Pvt Ltd Rourkela SME 33344 Maa Shakumbari Sponge Pvt Ltd Rourkela SE 3C3345 Pawanjay Sponge Iron Ltd Rourkela SME 33346 Shiva Re-Rollers Pvt Ltd Rourkela SME 63347 Suraj Products Ltd Rourkela SE 2B3348 Aruna Battery Industries Sambalpur SE 3C3349 J.S.B. Aluminium Sambalpur SE 2B3350 National Hume Pipes Factory Talcher SE 3C


3351 Achariya Educational Public Trust Pondicherry SME 23352 Adhi Sakthi Projects Pondicherry SE 2B3353 Essae Electronics Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 2A3354 Metal Scope (India) Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 1B3355 Metal Tech Constructions Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 3C3356 Naathans Medi Devices Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 3B3357 Omkar Fine Organics Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 2B3358 Sapthagiri Packagings Unit - II Pondicherry SE 2B3359 Shiva Sakthi Rice Industries Pondicherry SE 2B3360 Sri Krishna Modern Rice Mill Pondicherry SE 2B3361 Sri Srinivasa Cartons and Containers Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 3B3362 Tristar Formulations Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SE 2A3363 Veena Texchem Industries Pondicherry SE 2B3364 Venugopal Inn Pvt Ltd Pondicherry SME 5


3365 B. M. Agro Industries Pvt Ltd Abohar SE 3B3366 V.R.A. Cotton Mills Pvt Ltd Abohar SE 2B3367 Goel Dhoop & Aggarbatti Pvt Ltd Ambala SE 2C3368 OSAW Agro Industries Pvt Ltd Ambala SME 13369 B. P. Agro Industries Amritsar SE 3B3370 Bubber Machine Tools Amritsar SE 2B3371 Devgan Rice & General Mills Amritsar SE 2C3372 Dhingra Rice and General Mills Amritsar SE 2C3373 Frontier Polymers Pvt Ltd Amritsar SE 2B

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3374 Gopi Krishna Processors Pvt Ltd Amritsar SE 2B3375 Guru Kripa Plastics Amritsar SE 3B3376 Itfaq Steels Pvt Ltd Amritsar SE 3C3377 J.K. Wollen and Silk Mills Amritsar SE 3C3378 National Trading Co. Amritsar SE 2C3379 Parag International Export Division Amritsar SE 3C3380 Punjab Riceland Pvt Ltd Amritsar SE 1C3381 R. J. Chatha Rice Mills Amritsar SE 3C3382 Veeru Mal Mulakh Raj Jain Rice Mills Amritsar SE 3C3383 Sheikh Farid Finvest Ltd Baghapurana SME 43384 Sheikh Farid Rice & General Mills Baghapurana SE 3C3385 Geeta Threads Ltd Barnala SME 43386 Panesar Agriculture Industries Barnala SE 2C3387 Bharat Oils Ltd Bhatinda SE 3C3388 Bhatinda Ceramics Pvt Ltd Bhatinda SE 2B3389 H. R. Powers Bhatinda SE 2C3390 M. R. Conductors Bhatinda SE 2C3391 Mahashakti Conductors Pvt Ltd Bhatinda SE 1B3392 M-Tech Industries Bhatinda SE 3B3393 P.P. Industries Pvt Ltd Bhatinda SE 2B3394 Saraf Electricals Pvt Ltd Bhatinda SE 1B3395 Star Transformers Bhatinda SE 2B3396 Rajneesh Spinners Pvt Ltd Derabassi SE 3C3397 Fazilka Agro Pvt Ltd Fazilka SE 2C3398 Shree Balaji Rice and General Mills Fazilka SE 2C3399 Avtar Kalsi Agro Works Ferozepur SE 3C3400 Bakhtawar Mechanical Works Ferozepur SE 3C3401 Ferozepur Foods Pvt Ltd Ferozepur SE 2C3402 Jai Jagdambe Rice Mills Ferozepur SE 3C3403 Jawala Rice Mills Ferozepur SE 3B3404 Kissan Solvex Pvt Ltd Ferozepur SE 2C3405 Malkiat Engineering Works Ferozepur SE 3C3406 New Guru Nanak Engineering Works Ferozepur SE 3C3407 New Punjab Mechanical Works Ferozepur SE 3C3408 Onkar Engg Works Ferozepur SE 3C3409 Satnam Agro Industry Ferozepur SE 3C3410 Super New Punjab Engineering Works Ferozepur SE 2C3411 Surya Industries Ferozepur SE 3B3412 Bhagwati Rice Mills Firozpur SE 2C3413 D.P.D. Industries Firozpur SE 2C3414 Ferozepur Rice and General Mills Firozpur SE 2C3415 G. M. T. Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Firozpur SE 2B3416 Guru Kripa Foods Pvt Ltd Firozpur SE 3C3417 Kathpal Industries Firozpur SE 3C3418 L. T. Agro Tech Pvt Ltd Firozpur SE 2C3419 M S Foods Pvt Ltd Firozpur SE 2C3420 Mahadev Industries Firozpur SE 2C3421 Sandeep Rice Mills Firozpur SE 3B3422 Sharda Agro Industries Firozpur SE 3B3423 Vij Agro Exports Pvt Ltd Firozpur SE 2C3424 A.K. Steel Gobindgarh SE 3B3425 A.P.S. International Gobindgarh SE 3B3426 Apollo International Ltd Gobindgarh SE 3B3427 Ashirwad Strips Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2C3428 Balaji Alloys Gobindgarh SE 3B3429 Balu Ram Harnam Dass Steel Rolling Mills Gobindgarh SE 3C3430 Bansal Iron and Steel Rolling Mills Gobindgarh SE 2A3431 Chandigarh Castings Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3432 Coldrip Steels Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3433 Dhiman Industries Gobindgarh SE 2B3434 Dhiman Industries Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3435 Dhiman Iron And Steel Industries Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 1B3436 G. O. Steel Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SME 43437 H.S. Steels Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3438 Indian Securities Ltd (Unit Aar Kay Inds) Gobindgarh SME 33439 Indiana Machine Tools Gobindgarh SE 2B3440 Jain Alloys Gobindgarh SE 2B3441 Jain Ispat Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 3C3442 Jain Steel Industries Gobindgarh SE 2B3443 Jay Industries Gobindgarh SE 1B3444 JTG Alloys Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3445 Kirpalu Steel Industries Gobindgarh SE 2B3446 L. R. Alloys Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3447 M. R. Alloys Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 3C3448 Mahadev Steel Industries Gobindgarh SE 2B3449 Narain and Company Gobindgarh SME 43450 Nav Durga Steel Corporation Gobindgarh SE 2B3451 Northern India Steel Rolling Mills Gobindgarh SE 2B3452 Om Steel Rolling Mills Gobindgarh SE 3B3453 Pawan Engineering Works Gobindgarh SE 3C3454 Punjab Hammers Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2A3455 R. P. Alloys and Forgings Gobindgarh SE 2B3456 R. P. Foundry Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 3C3457 R. P. Steel Industries Gobindgarh SME 43458 Radha Steel Rolling Mill Gobindgarh SE 3B3459 Ranjeev Alloys Ltd Gobindgarh SME 33460 Ranjeev Steels Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SME 33461 Royal Ispat Udyog Gobindgarh SE 3C

3462 S. S. Alloys and Steel Industries Gobindgarh SE 2B3463 Samana Alloys (P) Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3464 Sarv Priya Tubes Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3465 Sat Sahib Steels Gobindgarh SE 2C3466 Satpal Strips Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2C3467 Shri Markanda Steel Rolling Mills Gobindgarh SE 3B3468 Singla Steels Pipes and Forging Industries Gobindgarh SE 3B3469 Sooraj Ispat Udyog Gobindgarh SE 3C3470 Sunshine Steel Corporation Gobindgarh SE 3B3471 Surya Steel Industries Gobindgarh SE 3B3472 Tejaswi Steel Rolling Mills Gobindgarh SE 3B3473 Unique Intercontinental Ltd Gobindgarh SE 1B3474 Vardhman Adarsh Ispat Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2B3475 Vimal Alloys Pvt Ltd Gobindgarh SE 2A3476 J.R Agrotech Pvt Ltd Gurdaspur SE 1C3477 Pushap Agro Tech Pvt Ltd Gurdaspur SE 3C3478 Brar Rice and General Mills Guruharsahai SE 3B3479 Axon Laboratories Pvt Ltd Hoshiarpur SE 3B3480 Golden Wheat and Allied Mills Pvt Ltd Jagraon SE 1B3481 Action Batteries Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 2B3482 Adam Industries Jalandhar SE 3B3483 Amar Coach Builders Jalandhar SE 2B3484 Amar Valves Jalandhar SE 3C3485 Amrit Engineering & Foundry Works Jalandhar SE 2B3486 Asian Tire Factory Ltd Jalandhar SE 2B3487 Atam Valves Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 2C3488 Atlas Sales Corporation Jalandhar SE 3C3489 Capital Agro Export Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 3C3490 Capital Overseas Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 2C3491 Crystal Industries Jalandhar SE 2C3492 Em Cee Cee Sports Agencies Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 1B3493 Ess Pee Industrial Corporation Jalandhar SE 2B3494 Falcon International Jalandhar SE 3C3495 Geco Electrical Corporation Jalandhar SE 3C3496 Joshi Auto Industries Jalandhar SE 2C3497 Neta Engineering Works Jalandhar SE 2B3498 Perfect Belts Ltd Jalandhar SE 2B3499 Prince Rubber Industries Jalandhar SE 3B3500 Rishi Industries Jalandhar SE 3C3501 Rurka Enterprises (India) Jalandhar SE 3B3502 Sandeep Industries Jalandhar SE 2B3503 Sawhney Exports Jalandhar SE 2C3504 Shital Fibres Ltd Jalandhar SME 23505 Speedways Rubber Company Jalandhar SE 2B3506 SRP Coatings & Chemicals (India) Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 3C3507 Super Tech Forgings (India) Pvt Ltd Jalandhar SE 2B3508 Kay Hi - Tech Engineers Pvt Ltd Jugiana SE 2C3509 Dilawary Thermocol Industries Kapurthala SE 3B3510 Krishna Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Kapurthala SE 2B3511 Meenakshi Engineering Works Kapurthala SE 3C3512 Rail Fab Kapurthala SE 1B3513 Rail Tech Kapurthala SE 1B3514 Aman Feed Industries Khanna SE 2B3515 Amrind Remedies Pvt Ltd Khanna SE 3C3516 Arjun Agro Foods Khanna SE 2B3517 Avinash Industries Khanna SE 2C3518 B. K. Engineers Khanna SE 3B3519 Nanak Feed Industries Khanna SE 2B3520 Orion Engineering Works Khanna SE 3B3521 Sanjay Solvex Pvt Ltd Khanna SE 3C3522 Satluj Industries Khanna SE 2B3523 Shree Ganesh Roller Flour Mills Khanna SE 3B3524 Vikas Industrial Corporation Khanna SE 2B3525 A. R. Bolts Ludhiana SE 3B3526 Ajar Amar Steels Ludhiana SE 2B3527 Akal Impex Ludhiana SE 3B3528 Amar Singh & Sons Ludhiana SE 2B3529 Amar Wheels Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2C3530 Amrit Foundry Ludhiana SE 3C3531 Anjni Labels Ludhiana SE 3C3532 Apan (India) Exports Ludhiana SE 3C3533 Aroma Aromatics and Flavours Ludhiana SE 2B3534 Ascon Engineering Industries Ludhiana SE 2C3535 Ashoka Industrial Fastners Ludhiana SE 2B3536 Ashwani Screen Printers Ludhiana SE 3C3537 Ason Industries Ludhiana SE 3B3538 B. K. Engineering Works Ludhiana SE 3B3539 B. R. K. Industries Ludhiana SE 2B3540 Bajaj Industries Ferozpur SE 3C3541 Bajaj Rice Mills Ferozpur SE 2B3542 Balaji Spinning Mills (Proprietor - Kanya

Enterprises Pvt Ltd) Ludhiana SE 3C3543 Beant Rice Mill Ludhiana SE 3C3544 Bhandari Knit Exports Ludhiana SE 2B3545 Bharat Flour Mills Ludhiana SE 2B3546 Bhupindra Industries Ludhiana SE 2C3547 Braun Textile Processors Ludhiana SE 4C3548 C Mohan International Ludhiana SE 3B

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3549 C. L. Engineering Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3550 Carton Graph Ludhiana SE 3B3551 Chana Steels Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3552 Chopra Alloys Ludhiana SE 3B3553 Core Engineering Ludhiana SE 2B3554 Cross Country Apparels Ludhiana SE 2B3555 D.R.Synthetic Ludhiana SE 3B3556 Daichi International Ludhiana SE 2B3557 Devi Powers Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3558 Dolfin Rubbers Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3559 Dolphin International Ludhiana SE 2C3560 Ductile Auto Engineers Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3561 Eakta Dyeing and Finishing House Ludhiana SE 2A3562 Famina Knit Fabs Ludhiana SE 2C3563 Fancy Enterprises Ludhiana SE 3B3564 Fas International Ludhiana SE 2B3565 Fitex Industries Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3566 Forging Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ludhiana SE 2B3567 Friends Industries Ludhiana SE 3B3568 G. S. K. Re-Rolling Mills Ludhiana SE 3B3569 G.S. Auto International Ltd Ludhiana SME 23570 G.S. Automotives Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3571 Gaidu Electricals Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3572 Ganesh Rice and General Mills Ludhiana SE 3C3573 Ganpati Industry Ludhiana SE 3B3574 Gemco Steel Industries Ludhiana SE 2B3575 Ghaison International Ludhiana SE 2B3576 Gobind Castings Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3577 Gosain Foundry and Engineering Works Ludhiana SE 3B3578 Goyal Knitwears Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3579 Gupta Bikes Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3580 Gurdip Cycle Industries Ludhiana SE 1B3581 Guru Kripa Rice Mills Ferozpur SE 3C3582 H. L. Chopra Steel Rolling Mills Ludhiana SE 2B3583 H. N. Steel Castings Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3584 H. R. Impex Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3585 Hans Fashions Ludhiana SE 3B3586 Harpreet Industries Ludhiana SE 2C3587 Himalaya Exports Ludhiana SE 3C3588 ISDEC India Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2A3589 J P Agrotech Pvt Ltd Ferozpur SE 3B3590 J. P. Industries Ludhiana SE 3C3591 Jay Kay Wears Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3592 Jewel International Knitwears Ludhiana SE 2B3593 Josan Industries Ferozpur SE 3C3594 Josan Rice Mills Ferozpur SE 3C3595 Joshan Foods Pvt Ltd Ferozpur SE 2C3596 JRB Strips Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3597 JVM Industries Ludhiana SE 3B3598 Kansal Agro Industries Ludhiana SE 2B3599 Kartar Brothers Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3600 Keaa International Ludhiana SME 33601 Keshav Agro Mills Ludhiana SE 3B3602 KOC Exports Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3603 Kohinoor Woollens (P) Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3604 Kudu Fabrics Ludhiana SE 2B3605 Kuldip Oswal Hosiery Mills Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3606 Ludhiana Steel Rolling Mills Ludhiana SE 2A3607 M. B. Exports Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3608 Macro Printers Ludhiana SE 3C3609 Mahadev Forge Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3610 Mahajan Engineering Works Ludhiana SE 2B3611 Mahajan Wires Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3612 Mancoo Box Factory Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3613 Manglam Yarn Ludhiana SE 3C3614 Misra Boilers Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3615 Mitra Industries Ludhiana SME 33616 Mitra Precise Forge Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3617 Modek Kollection Ludhiana SE 3C3618 Monga Foods Pvt Ltd Ferozpur SE 3C3619 Mukand Industries Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3620 Nagpal Exports Ludhiana SE 2B3621 New Miglani Hosiery Factory Ludhiana SE 3C3622 New Swan Autocomp Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3623 Nidhi Knitwears Ludhiana SE 2C3624 Nirbhai Textiles Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3625 Octave Apparels Ludhiana SE 2A3626 Oswal Apparels Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3627 Oswal Fashion Pvt Ltd (Oswal) Ludhiana SE 1B3628 Patran Foods Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2C3629 Paul Steels Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3630 Pearl Exports and Imports Ludhiana SE 3B3631 Pee Jay Imports Exports Ludhiana SE 3B3632 Pioneer Nuts and Bolts Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SME 23633 Prabhakar Cycle Industries Ludhiana SE 3B3634 Punjab Tubes Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3635 Pupneja Rice Mills Ferozpur SE 2C

3636 PVM Enterprises Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3637 Rachna Fasteners Ludhiana SE 3C3638 Radhika Industries Ludhiana SE 2B3639 Radhika Knitters Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3640 Rage Knit Ludhiana SE 2C3641 Raja Impex Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3642 Rajindra Forge Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2C3643 Ramsons Cycles Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3644 Rana Milk Foods Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3C3645 Ravi Industries Ludhiana SE 2B3646 RSG Foods Pvt Ltd Ferozpur SE 3C3647 S D International Ludhiana SE 3B3648 S. B. Industrial Corporation Ludhiana SE 3B3649 S. S. Engineering Works (Ludhiana) Ludhiana SE 3B3650 S.S. Products of India, Ludhiana Ludhiana SE 2A3651 Saber Packaging Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2C3652 Sahil Alloys & Machine Tools Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3653 Sai Roller Flour Mills Ludhiana SE 3B3654 Saini Precision Casting Ludhiana SE 2C3655 Sangeeta Tools Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2A3656 Sant Foods Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2C3657 Sant Ram Mangat Ram Jewellers Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3658 Shalimar Foundry Ludhiana SE 3C3659 Shankar Agro Industries Ludhiana SE 3B3660 Shine Industrial Corporation Ludhiana SE 3C3661 Shramanji Fabrics Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3662 Shree Jindal Proteins Ltd Ludhiana SME 43663 Shree Om Rice and General Mills Ludhiana SE 3B3664 Singla Nuts Bolts Ludhiana SE 3B3665 Skyway Steel Industries Ludhiana SE 3C3666 Sleek Knitwears Ludhiana SE 2B3667 Sovereign Exports Ludhiana SE 2B3668 Space Knitwears Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3669 Subhash Polytex Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3670 Super Fine Knitters Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3671 Superman Knitters Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3672 Supreme Food Products Ludhiana SE 2B3673 Suraj Components Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3674 Surindera Cycles Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3675 Surpal Cycles Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3676 Surya Powertech And Gears Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3677 Swami Textiles Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3678 Swati Industries Ludhiana SE 2C3679 Tania Hydraulic Machines Ludhiana SE 3C3680 Tharaj Castings Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3681 Trans Automotive Ludhiana SE 2B3682 Unistar Distributors Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 1B3683 Vallabh Knits Ltd Ludhiana SE 2B3684 Vallabh Yarns Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SE 3B3685 Veetrag Hosiery Ludhiana SE 3C3686 Viren Agrotech Pvt Ltd Ludhiana SME 33687 Vishnu Rice Mills Ludhiana SE 3B3688 Walia Construction Co . Ludhiana SE 2C3689 Yerik International Ludhiana SE 1B3690 Yogesh Cycle Industries Ludhiana SE 2B3691 York Forgings Ludhiana SE 3C3692 Giani Sardara Singh Gill Foundation Moga SME 43693 Mittal Feed Industries Moga SE 2B3694 Narula Solvex Pvt Ltd Moga SE 2B3695 P K Industries Moga SE 3C3696 S. K. Brothers Moga SE 3C3697 Siri Pal and Company Moga SE 3B3698 3M Tools and Components Mohali SE 2C3699 D.S.Enterprises Pvt Ltd Mohali SE 2B3700 Guru Nanak Forging Pvt Ltd Mohali SE 2B3701 Hitech Lights Ltd Mohali SE 2A3702 N L Engineers Pvt Ltd Mohali SE 2B3703 Power Meta Techniks Mohali SE 3C3704 Guru Nanak Cotton & General Mills Mukatsar SE 3C3705 Pathankot Vehicleades Pvt Ltd Pathankot SME 23706 Aurora Feed Mills Patiala SE 3C3707 Charan Steel Tubes Pvt Ltd Patiala SE 2B3708 Akal Enterprises Phagwara SE 3C3709 Akal Induction Pvt Ltd Phagwara SE 3C3710 Akal Industries Phagwara SE 3C3711 Fine Switchgears Phagwara SE 3B3712 Lubrite Industries Phagwara SE 3C3713 PMS Diesels Phagwara SE 3C3714 Santokh Singh and Sons Phagwara SE 3B3715 Acme Fabrications Pvt Ltd Rajpura SE 3B3716 Capital Feeds Pvt Ltd Rajpura SE 2B3717 Delcray Cables Pvt Ltd Rajpura SME 43718 Effluent Equipments Rajpura SE 3A3719 Jalan Cryogenics Pvt Ltd Rajpura SE 2B3720 Jalan Gases & Allied Industries Pvt Ltd Rajpura SE 2B3721 Kwality Nutrients Pvt Ltd Rajpura SE 2B3722 Mohan Industry Rajpura SE 3C3723 Raja Fat and Feeds Pvt Ltd Rajpura SE 2B


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3724 Ralhan Engineering Works Rajpura SE 3C3725 Sood Packagers Rajpura SE 2B3726 Sood Poly Products Rajpura SE 2B3727 G.C.Strips Ltd Samana SE 2B3728 Gahir Paper Mills Ltd Sangrur SE 2C3729 S. N. Foods Sangrur SE 3C3730 The Nexus Inc Sangrur SE 2C3731 Bholey Shankar Chemicals Sunam SE 3C3732 Pushp Industries Ltd Sunam SE 2B3733 Savera Soap Mills Sunam SE 2B3734 Ganesh Rice Mill Ltd Taran SE 2C3735 Soni Brass Metal Taran SE 3B3736 Om Metals Zirakpur SME 3


3737 Ajmer Auto Agencies Ajmer SE 2B3738 H S Mehta Ajmer SME 23739 Jain Construction Company Ajmer SME 33740 Jatan Constructions Pvt Ltd Ajmer SME 33741 Standard Alloys India Pvt Ltd Ajmer SE 2B3742 Yash Industries Ajmer SE 3B3743 Alwar Manufacturers Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 2B3744 Apex Tubes Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 2B3745 Associated Wheels Alwar SE 3B3746 Cold Steel Corporation Alwar SME 23747 Cold Steel Corporation Alwar SE 2A3748 D. D. Microns Alwar SE 3C3749 J. S. Fourwheel Motors Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 1B3750 Jai Shree Polyplast Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 2B3751 Krishna Hammers Alwar SE 2C3752 Mahalaxmi Enterprises Alwar SE 3C3753 Nirmal Industries Ltd Alwar SE 1B3754 OTTO Bushings Alwar SE 2B3755 Precision Metals Alwar SE 3B3756 Rajasthan Dyes and Chemicals Alwar SE 3C3757 S. S. B. Engineers Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 2B3758 Shri Nursingh Paper and Oil Mill Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 2B3759 Sunrays Engineers Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 3C3760 Surendra Grinding Mills Alwar SE 2B3761 Tirupati Industries Alwar SE 3B3762 Value Line Interiors Pvt Ltd Alwar SE 2B3763 Kushalbagh Marbles Pvt Ltd Banswara SE 3C3764 Fairdeal Fabrics Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3765 Ganpati Paperpack Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 3C3766 Laxmi Vishal Fabrics Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3767 Maximum Synthetics Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3768 Nutech Global Ltd Bhilwara SME 43769 Oswal Polyfab Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3770 Quality Suitings Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 3B3771 R. V. Spinners Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3772 Satyam Suitings Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 3B3773 Shiv Shakti Sulzfab Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3774 Shivmahal Textiles Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3775 Shree Alloys Industries Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3776 Shree Bharka (India) Ltd Bhilwara SME 33777 Shree Bharka Synthetics Ltd Bhilwara SME 33778 Shree Mahadeo Cotton Mills Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3779 Sona Processors (India) Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3780 Tapodhan Synthetics Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3781 The Pushpak Textiles Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SME 33782 Triputi Enterprises Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SME 33783 Western Suitings Pvt Ltd Bhilwara SE 2B3784 Chandraprabhu Industries Pvt Ltd Bhiwadi SE 2C3785 Chetan Cabletronics Pvt Ltd Bhiwadi SE 2B3786 Manghani Re-rolling Ltd Bhiwadi SE 2B3787 Shivpriya Cables Pvt Ltd Bhiwadi SE 3C3788 Bhattar Cable Industries Bikaner SE 3B3789 Jai Maa Ceramics Bikaner SE 2C3790 Manda Developers and Builders Pvt Ltd Bikaner SME 13791 Padmawati Plaster Industries Bikaner SE 3C3792 Shivom Rubber Products Pvt Ltd Bikaner SE 3C3793 Shree Ceratech Bikaner SE 3C3794 Inani Marbles And Industries Ltd Chittorgarh SME 23795 Shankar Oil Mills Hanumangarh SE 3B3796 A and A Exports Jaipur SE 3B3797 A V Casters Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3798 Abhimanyu Exim Jaipur SE 3B3799 Accme (Urvashi Pumps) Engineers Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3800 Agam Cement Products Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3801 All India Agrasen Technical Education and

Research Foundation Jaipur SME 33802 Aman Exports International Jaipur SE 3B3803 Ankit Irrigation Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3804 ARG Developers Pvt Ltd Jaipur SME 43805 Arun Shanti Education Trust Jaipur SME 23806 Arvind Coirfoam Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3807 Arvind International Ltd Jaipur SE 2C

3808 Avantika Enterprises Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3809 Bairathi Shoe Company Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3810 Bansal Oil Mill Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3811 Basant Wire Industries Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3812 Bhagwati Plastic & Pipe Industries Jaipur SE 3B3813 Bharat Potteries Ltd Jaipur SE 2A3814 Bhawani Silicate Industries Jaipur SE 2B3815 Bihani Enterprises Jaipur SME 43816 Bikaner Engineering (Foundry) Works Jaipur SE 3B3817 Bikaner Engineering Works Jaipur SE 3B3818 Biogenetic Drugs Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3819 Ceramic Tableware Pvt Ltd Jaipur SME 23820 Coropex Jaipur SE 2C3821 D. K. Trivedi Marbles Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3822 Danish Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3823 Dhanlaxmi Equipments Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3824 Dormak Jaipur SE 3C3825 Doshi Metals Jaipur SE 2B3826 Dynasty Modular Furnitures Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3827 Elcon Drugs and Formulations Ltd Jaipur SE 2C3828 Elektrolites (Power) Pvt Ltd Jaipur SME 23829 Emgee Cables & Communications Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3830 Engineers Enterprises Jaipur SE 3B3831 Esha Apparels Jaipur SE 3C3832 Essem Engineering Industries Jaipur SE 3B3833 G. M. Conductors Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3834 G.G. Pipes Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3835 Galaxy Concab (India) Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3836 Galaxy Impex Jaipur SME 33837 Gehlot Enterprises Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3838 H M Pipes Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2C3839 Hemank Soap and Chemicals Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3840 Hindustan Malleable Casting Works Jaipur SE 2C3841 Hi-Tech Cable Industries Jaipur SE 2B3842 Hitech Insulators Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3843 Hopewell Ceramics Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3844 ICI Transformers Jaipur SE 2B3845 Indian Transformers & Electricals (Proprietary

Patni Enterprises Pvt Ltd) Jaipur SE 2B3846 Ishwar Cables Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3847 Jain Polymers Jaipur SE 2B3848 Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3849 Jaipuria Vastra Udyog Jaipur SE 2B3850 Jajoo Exports Jaipur SE 2B3851 Jhalani Ispat Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3852 Juneja Wires Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3853 K. S. Cars Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3854 K. S. Motors Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3855 Kamla Castings Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3856 Kanha Cables Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3857 Keshav Electricals Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3858 Khandelwal Irrigation Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3859 M P K Steels (I) Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3860 Major Exports Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3861 Major Lifestyle Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3862 Marsons Energy Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3863 Maxwell India Jaipur SE 3C3864 N. K. Electricals Jaipur SE 3B3865 Natraj Malt Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3866 Natural Consumercare Marketing Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2C3867 Nimbus Pipes Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3868 Nircon Polymers Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 4C3869 Nirmal Inductocast Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3870 Nisha Enterprises Jaipur SE 3B3871 Optus Developers Pvt Ltd Jaipur SME 43872 P. L. Motors Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3873 P. P. Rubber Products Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2C3874 P. R. Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1A3875 Patsar Transformers and Electricals Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3876 R. Sons Pipes and Electricals Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3877 Radha Rani Wire Product Jaipur SE 3B3878 Raghav Steels Jaipur SME 33879 Rajasthan Industrial Corporation Jaipur SE 3C3880 Rajasthan Prestress Udyog and Nand

Prestress Udyog Jaipur SE 3B3881 Rani Sati Wire Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3882 Ratan Conductors Jaipur SE 2C3883 Ratan Papers Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3884 Ratan Textiles Jaipur SE 1B3885 Ratan Textiles Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3886 RCS Wires Jaipur SE 2B3887 Ridhi Sidhi Glasses Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3888 RMC Switchgears Ltd Jaipur SE 2C3889 Sand Dune Construction Pvt Ltd Jaipur SME 43890 Savitri Con - Cast Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3891 Shakti Engineering Industries Jaipur SE 3B3892 Shanti Education Society Jaipur SME 23893 Sharma Commercial Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B

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3894 Shree M. L. Castings Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3895 Shree Prithvi Steel Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1A3896 Shri Ganpati Asbestos Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3897 Shri Kanhaiyalal Ramratan Krishi Yantra

Laghu Udyog Jaipur SE 2B3898 Shri Krishna Metal Industries Jaipur SE 2B3899 Shri Krsna Sudarshan Urja Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3900 Shri Vaibhav Metacast Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3901 Shri Vinayak Plasto Chem Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3902 Smilax Healthcare Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3903 Surya Offset Printers Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3B3904 Swastik Copper Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3905 Swastik Plyboard Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3906 Technocrats & Managers Society for Advanced

Learning & Gramothan Jaipur SME 33907 Technofab Engineers Jaipur SE 2C3908 Tirupati Plastomatics Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3909 Triveni Metal Industries Jaipur SE 3C3910 URSS Techservices Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2A3911 Uttam (Bharat) Electricals Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 1A3912 Vardhman Electro-Mech Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3913 Venus Stones Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 3C3914 Vijay Udyog Jaipur SE 3B3915 WMW Metal Fabrics Ltd Jaipur SE 1B3916 Zari Silk India Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2B3917 Zodiac Enterprises Pvt Ltd Jaipur SE 2C3918 Kalpana Industries Jhunjhunu SE 1A3919 Asia Pacific Export Jodhpur SE 2C3920 Blackstone Rubber Industries Pvt Ltd Jodhpur SE 2B3921 J.D. Industries India Ltd Jodhpur SE 3B3922 Jainsons (India) Industries Jodhpur SE 2B3923 Khemchand Handicrafts Jodhpur SE 3B3924 R. K. Industries Jodhpur SE 2B3925 Rajasthan Udyog And Tools Ltd Jodhpur SE 3C3926 Santosh Arts Jodhpur SE 3B3927 Shakti Enterprises Pvt Ltd Jodhpur SE 3C3928 Shri Nath Gum & Chemicals Jodhpur SE 3B3929 Sun Art Exporters Jodhpur SE 3A3930 Suncity Art Exporters Jodhpur SE 3B3931 Surface Finishing Equipment Company Jodhpur SE 2B3932 Synco Industries Ltd Jodhpur SE 3C3933 Virat Metal Industries Jodhpur SE 2B3934 Garg Granites Pvt Ltd Kishangarh SE 3C3935 Shrenik Marbles Pvt Ltd Kishangarh SE 3C3936 Jain Enterprises Pvt Ltd Kota SE 2B3937 Prakash Transformers & Switchgears Pvt Ltd Kota SE 2B3938 Seaward Exports Pvt Ltd Kota SE 3B3939 Shiv Vegpro Pvt Ltd Kota SE 2C3940 Shree Agencies Pvt Ltd Kota SE 2B3941 Anupam Udyog Sikar SE 3C3942 Mor Transformers and Cables Pvt Ltd Sikar SE 3C3943 Anupam Talc Pvt Ltd Udaipur SE 3C3944 Drillcon (Raj.) Pvt Ltd Udaipur SE 1B3945 Durga Marble and Minerals Udaipur SME 33946 G. G. Valves Pvt Ltd Udaipur SE 2A3947 Madhusudan Marbles Pvt Ltd Udaipur SE 2B3948 Mahima Multicolour Pvt Ltd Udaipur SE 3C3949 Mewar Hi-Tech Engineering Ltd Udaipur SE 2C3950 Mewar Polytex Ltd Udaipur SME 33951 Mewar Technocast Pvt Ltd Udaipur SE 3B3952 Parmatma Sharan Shikshan Santhan Udaipur SME 53953 Rajasthan Barytes Ltd Udaipur SE 1B3954 Sanwariya Infrastructure Pvt Ltd Udaipur SME 53955 SRG Housing Finance Ltd Udaipur SME 4


3956 Shakthi Enterprises Attur SE 3B3957 Classic Cartons Avinashi SE 3B3958 Sri Palaniandavar Cotton Company Avinashi SE 2C3959 A. E. S. Manufacturing Company Chennai SE 3C3960 Abba Associates Chennai SME 33961 Air Breeze India (P) Ltd Chennai SE 3B3962 AKS Alloys Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B3963 Akshara Industries Ltd Chennai SME 33964 Alind Chennai SE 3B3965 Ambattur Metal Treaters Chennai SE 2B3966 Ananda Saw Mill Chennai SE 2B3967 Anandha Industries Chennai SE 3B3968 Antler Chennai SE 3B3969 APS Technocrats Chennai SE 3B3970 Aqua Designs India Ltd Chennai SE 1A3971 Arudra Engineers Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 13972 Asian Electric Equipments Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C3973 Asian Printers Chennai SE 3C3974 Axon Technologies Chennai SE 3B3975 Balaji Electrical Works Chennai SE 3C3976 Balamurugan Ginning Factory Chennai SE 3C

3977 Basic Associates Chennai SE 3C3978 Better Labels Manufacturing Co Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 43979 Calibre Network Solutions Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C3980 CARE IT Solutions Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B3981 Cargowings Madras Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 33982 Cast Alloys Chennai SE 2B3983 Chennai Digital Print Advertising Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B3984 Classic Touch Chennai SE 3C3985 Deccaan Designer Tiles Chennai SE 3C3986 Deccan Extrusions Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B3987 Deejay Multipacks Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C3988 Deejay Plastics Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C3989 Dhanalakshmi Industries Chennai SE 3C3990 DM Wall System Company Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1A3991 Dot Line Data Chennai SE 3A3992 DSK Polymer Chennai SE 3C3993 Eco Protection Engineers Chennai SME 23994 ESGI Leather Exports Chennai SE 2C3995 Essar Engineering & Contractors Chennai SE 2B3996 Fairtel Communications Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B3997 Farida Leather Company Chennai SE 2B3998 Fresco Paints Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C3999 G. G. Organics Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4000 G. K. Dairy Chennai SE 4C4001 G. K. Roofings India Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1B4002 G. R. Packers Chennai SE 3B4003 Gabs Power Controls Chennai SE 3C4004 GDP Engineering Company Chennai SE 3B4005 Genlite Engineering Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1B4006 GTFC Ltd Chennai SE 2B4007 Hassan Brothers Chennai SE 2C4008 Hero Impex India Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4009 Hi-Tec Systems Chennai SE 3B4010 Hycount Plastics & Chemicals Chennai SE 1B4011 IGP Engineers Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 14012 Impac Enterprises Chennai SE 3B4013 India Tech Engineering Services Chennai SE 3B4014 Indian Institute of Logistics Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 44015 Inertia Retail Solutions Chennai SE 3C4016 Info Services Chennai SE 2A4017 Jayam Cool Craft Chennai SE 3B4018 Jaydev Constructions Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 54019 JKM Leathers Chennai SE 2C4020 K. K. Industries Chennai SE 3B4021 K.G.Decorator Chennai SE 2B4022 K.K.R. Metal Components Chennai SE 1B4023 Kalpaka Packaging Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4024 Kamatchi Metals Chennai SE 3B4025 Kamran International Chennai SE 3C4026 Keld Ellentoft India Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1B4027 KSS Roadways Chennai SE 3C4028 Lohan Rajo Metal Arts Chennai SE 3B4029 M. R. G. Leather Enterprises Chennai SE 3C4030 M.I. Industrial Products Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3B4031 Madras Foils Chennai SE 3B4032 Madras Hardtools Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1B4033 Maya Appliances Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1A4034 MBM Engineering Infotech Ltd Chennai SE 1A4035 Medopharm Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4036 Metal Forms Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4037 Mia Mia Printers Chennai SE 3C4038 Mirra and Mirra Industries Chennai SE 2A4039 Mitra Chennai SE 2B4040 MKK Metal Sections Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2C4041 Modern Plastics Chennai SE 3B4042 Nadeem Leatherware Exports Chennai SE 2B4043 Naps (India) and Company Chennai SE 3B4044 Newtech Industries Chennai SE 3C4045 Ohm Energy Management SYS Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 44046 Om Murugha Hi-Tech Agro Food Chennai SE 3C4047 P.K. Balakrishna Kurup Chennai SE 3B4048 Palani Cotton Fabrics Chennai SE 2B4049 Parani Steels Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4050 Pattukkottai Polytechnic Society Chennai SME 44051 Pentagon Lubricants Chennai SE 2B4052 Power Mobiles Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4053 Prakash Flexibles Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1B4054 Precision Products Marketing Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3B4055 Press Tools India Chennai SE 3B4056 Primo Automation Systems Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 24057 Print Shop Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 24058 Priya Transports Chennai SE 3C4059 Pure Enviro Engineering Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 1B4060 Qualicrete Designer Tiles Chennai SE 2B4061 R C Das Engineering Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4062 R.K.L Printers Chennai SE 3B4063 Rajat Cartons & Containers Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4064 Rajath Crafts Chennai SE 3C

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4065 Ram Conductors and Transformer Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4066 Ramkay Service Centre Chennai SE 1B4067 Rasel Industries Chennai SE 3C4068 Rasi Electrodes Ltd Chennai SE 1A4069 Ratha Worldwide Leathers Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4070 Rotmax Engineering Enterprises Chennai SE 3B4071 S. M. Lulla Industries Worldwide Chennai SE 2B4072 Sai Krishna Polymers Chennai SE 3C4073 Sai Lakshmi Milk Products Chennai SE 2B4074 Saran Textiles Chennai SE 3C4075 Sarayu Engineering Chennai SE 3C4076 Sathyaa Motors Chennai SE 2B4077 Shaguru Services Chennai SE 3B4078 Shah Fabricators Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4079 SJLT Textiles Pvt Ltd Chennai SME 34080 Solverminds Solutions & Technologies Pvt LtdChennai SE 1A4081 Sri Balaji Dhall Mill Chennai SME 44082 Sri Balamurugan Modern Rice Mill Chennai SE 2B4083 Sri Rangan Ice Plants Chennai SE 3C4084 Sri Venkateswara Industries Chennai SE 3C4085 Srinivasa Fashions Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2C4086 Sterling Industries Chennai SE 4B4087 Strategic Weighing Systems Ltd Chennai SE 2A4088 Sudharsanamtrans Chennai SE 2C4089 Sun Fab Chennai SME 34090 Sungov Engineering Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3B4091 Suntex Processing Mills Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3C4092 Supritha Engineering Works Chennai SE 5C4093 Suttatti Enterprises Ltd Chennai SME 14094 Swaminathan Enterprises Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4095 Swan Electric Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2C4096 Swan Enterprises Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4097 Swastik Enterprises Chennai SE 2B4098 Swiss Garnier Life Sciences Chennai SME 14099 T. C. Kritinaamurti Engineering Works Chennai SE 3B4100 Tecknoweld Alloys (India) Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4101 Three 'C' Visuals Chennai SE 2B4102 Ultramax Hydrojet Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 3B4103 Vigil Security Bureau Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4104 Vin Biotech Systems Ltd Chennai SE 3B4105 Water Systems India Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4106 Western Airducts India Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4107 Winn Tek Power Systems Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2B4108 Zion Enviro Systems Pvt Ltd Chennai SE 2C4109 Able Tech Engineering Coimbatore SE 3C4110 Alaji Exports Coimbatore SE 3B4111 Alutech Foundry India Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2B4112 Bharat Electrical and Electronic Equipments Coimbatore SE 3C4113 Cheran Steel Industries Coimbatore SE 3C4114 Cheran Steel Rolling Mills Coimbatore SE 3C4115 Chromaprint (India) Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2B4116 E. Elangovan Coimbatore SME 54117 EZ Vidya Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2A4118 Innovative Contrrols Coimbatore SE 2B4119 Janatics India Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 1A4120 Jayachandran Alloys Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2C4121 Jayanthi Textile Products Coimbatore SE 2B4122 K. C. Milk Coimbatore SE 2B4123 Lakshmi Cotton Mills Coimbatore SE 3B4124 M.S.B. Spinners Coimbatore SE 2B4125 MAG Solvics Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2C4126 Manickavel Edible Oils Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SME 44127 Mektron Manufacturing India Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 3B4128 Mohan Industry Coimbatore SE 3B4129 Naveen Spinners Coimbatore SE 3B4130 Netcon Technologies India Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2B4131 Nirmal Pumps Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2B4132 Nirmala Filaments (India) Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2B4133 Numax Foods Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 1B4134 Prakash Engineering Industries Coimbatore SE 3C4135 Prakash Woven Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 2C4136 Rajave Textiles Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SME 34137 RKR Gold Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 1B4138 S. S. Cold Storage Coimbatore SE 2B4139 Sangeetha Pattern Works Coimbatore SE 3C4140 Santosh Tea Industries Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SME 34141 Shree Senthil Andavar Textiles Coimbatore SE 2B4142 Shri A N Foundry Coimbatore SE 3B4143 Siranjeevi Spinners Coimbatore SE 3B4144 Siva Parvathy Textiles Coimbatore SE 3C4145 SP Automation and Packaging Machine Coimbatore SE 3B4146 Spine Arthoscopic and Joint Replacement

Centre Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 3B4147 Sree Lakshmi Engineering Works Coimbatore SE 4C4148 Sree Sundara Mills Coimbatore SE 3B4149 Sri Balaji Textiles Coimbatore SE 2B4150 Sri Bhavani Industries Coimbatore SE 3C4151 Sri Gowrish CNC Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SME 3

4152 Sri Jyothi Industrials Coimbatore SE 3B4153 Sri Mahalakshmi Dairy Coimbatore SE 2B4154 Sri Padmabalaji Steels Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 1B4155 Sri Venkatalakshmi Textiles Coimbatore SE 3B4156 Sri Vishwa Foundries Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 3C4157 Supraja Enterprises Coimbatore SE 3C4158 Suryabala Autos Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 3C4159 Swathika Textile Mills Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 3C4160 Universal Heat Exchangers Ltd Coimbatore SE 1B4161 V R Foundries Coimbatore SE 2B4162 V. G. V. Blue Metals Coimbatore SE 3C4163 Venkatagiri Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd Coimbatore SE 3B4164 A.S. Modern Rice Mill Cuddalore SE 2B4165 ASR Agro Oils Pvt Ltd Cuddalore SE 3B4166 Raj Vijay TVS Cuddalore SE 3B4167 Selvam Modern Rice Mill Cuddalore SE 2B4168 Air Mineral Enterprises Dindugal Anna SE 3B4169 Dindigul Industrial Products Dindugal Anna SE 3B4170 Madura Steel Industries Pvt Ltd Dindugal Anna SE 3C4171 P. S. J. Metals Dindugal Anna SE 2A4172 Raja Enterprises Dindugal Anna SE 1A4173 Colour Tex Erode SE 3C4174 G B Raja Top Weaving Pvt Ltd Erode SE 3B4175 Lawn Textile Mills Pvt Ltd Erode SE 4C4176 P. Periasamy Erode SE 2B4177 R. N. Pulverisers Pvt Ltd Erode SE 3B4178 Rural Education Environment Development

and Multipurpose Awareness Society Erode SE 3C4179 S.P. Mani & Mohan Dairy Erode SE 1B4180 SKM Siddha & Ayurvedha Co India Ltd Erode SE 2B4181 SMP Textiles Mills Pvt Ltd Erode SME 34182 Sri Sakthivel and Company Erode SE 3B4183 Sri Sastha Modern Rice Mill Erode SE 3B4184 Swasti Chem Pvt Ltd Erode SME 34185 Thangavelu Fabrics Pvt Ltd Erode SME 34186 The Unique Minerals & Allied Industries Erode SE 3C4187 Tirupur Vijayalakshmi Spinning Mills (India)

Pvt Ltd Erode SE 4C4188 V.R. Textiles Pvt Ltd Erode SME 34189 Varnaa Silk Industies Pvt Ltd Erode SE 3B4190 Meditech Medical Disposables Gobichettipalayam SE 2B4191 Pristine Medical Equipments Pvt Ltd Gobichettipalayam SE 2B4192 AVS Ready Mix Concrete Products Pvt Ltd Hosur SE 3C4193 Devas Engineering Systems Hosur SE 2C4194 Venkraft Paper Mills Pvt Ltd Hosur SME 34195 Yentop Manickam Edible Oils Pvt Ltd Hosur SME 44196 Ranjana Poly Prints Pvt Ltd Kanchipuram SE 2B4197 Nanjil Milk Plant KanyaKumari SE 1B4198 Aasaii Food Products Karur SE 3C4199 Amutha Plastix Karur SE 3B4200 Amutham Fabric Karur SE 3C4201 Pukra Exports Karur SE 2B4202 Shine Pettro Chem & Resins (India) Pvt Ltd Karur SE 3C4203 Sree Guru Textiles Karur SE 3B4204 The Standard Textiles Karur SE 3B4205 V. K. Arumuga Gounder & Sons Karur SE 2B4206 A. R. Dairy Food Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 1B4207 AJ Square Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 2A4208 Alpha Zone Advertisers Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 1B4209 Dhanasekaran Textiles Madurai SME 44210 J.T. Fabrics Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 3B4211 Janata Textiles Madurai SE 3B4212 JY.R. P. Industries Madurai SE 3B4213 Kalyani Associates Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 2C4214 Krishna Rubber Industries Madurai SE 3B4215 Nataraj Oil Mills Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 1B4216 Peacock Apparels Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 1A4217 Penguin Apparels Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 1A4218 Penguin Garments Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 1A4219 Pridiw Poly Industries Madurai SE 3C4220 Rajendiran Textiles Madurai SME 44221 Rajmahal Silks Madurai SME 24222 Rajmahal Textiles Madurai SME 24223 Rajwin Exports Madurai SME 44224 Ruby Food Products Madurai SE 3C4225 S. N. P. Dairy Milk Madurai SE 2B4226 S.A. Knitwears Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 3C4227 S.G.J. Motors Pvt Ltd Madurai SME 44228 Sita Paints Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 3C4229 Solamalai Automobiles Pvt Ltd Madurai SME 34230 Sri Guna Vilas Madurai SE 2B4231 Sri Pandian Motors Madurai SE 1B4232 Super Run Products Pvt Ltd Madurai SE 3C4233 V.V.V. & Sons Edible Oils Ltd Madurai SE 1A4234 Rajni Fab Mathur SE 3B4235 Ayisha Enterprises Namakkal SE 4B4236 Dhanalaxsmi Textile Namakkal SE 5C4237 Sakthi Feeds Pvt Ltd Namakkal SE 2C

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4238 Sree Vignesh Tex Namakkal SE 3C4239 Sri Amman Tex Namakkal SE 3C4240 Sri Balaji Auto Agencies Neyveli SE 2C4241 Matha Timber Industry Palayamkottai SE 3C4242 Unifront Textiles Processors Pvt Ltd Perundurai SE 3B4243 Vinayaga Packing Perundurai SE 3B4244 Sun Engineering Pudukottai SE 2B4245 Gokul Spinning Mills Rajapalaiyam SE 3B4246 Sri Saravana Fabrics Rajapalaiyam SE 2C4247 Arasababu Associates Ranipet SE 2B4248 Chellam Engineering Works Ranipet SE 3B4249 Meera Engineering Works Ranipet SE 3C4250 Penguin Chemical Agencies Ranipet SE 3C4251 Thirupathi Enterprises Ranipet SE 3C4252 Venkateswara Industries Ranipet SE 3B4253 Sri Venkateswara Agencies Rasipuram SE 3B4254 Sree Jayalakshmi Modern Rice Mill Rattinamangalam SE 3B4255 A.Duraisamy Modern Rice Mill Salem SE 2C4256 Aerospace Engineers Salem SE 3B4257 B. S. P. Refineris Salem SE 2B4258 Chiranjilal Spinners Pvt Ltd Salem SME 24259 Elastomeric Engineers Salem SE 3C4260 Integrated Village Development Project Salem SME 44261 Jayashree Cables and Conductors Pvt Ltd Salem SE 2B4262 Narasu's Roller Flour Mills Salem SME 24263 Ramachandra Hatcheries Salem SE 3C4264 Ramesh Conductors Pvt Ltd Salem SE 2B4265 Sakkthi Polymers Salem SE 2B4266 Santhanalakshmi Binding Works Salem SE 3B4267 Saraswathi Book Shop Salem SE 3B4268 Sri Pachiyamman Textiles Salem SE 2B4269 Sri Velavan Ginning Factory Salem SE 3C4270 Sri Venkateswara Agencies Salem SE 2C4271 Udayakumar Modern Rice Mill Salem SE 2C4272 New Ambika Saw Mill Shencottah SE 3B4273 Patidar Wood Pvt Ltd Shencottah SME 44274 Patidar Wood Works Shencottah SME 44275 Prabhat Saw Mill Shencottah SME 34276 Shinago Exim Pvt Ltd Shencottah SME 44277 Surya Timber Traders Shencottah SME 44278 Kwality Shell Tech Sholinghur SE 3B4279 Raghaventhira Core Industries Sholinghur SE 3C4280 Selva Vinayagar Oil Mill Sholinghur SE 3C4281 Sri Kanna Rice Mill Sholinghur SE 4C4282 Mathaya Paper Boards Sirumugai SE 3C4283 Naruvizhi Ambal Modern Rice Mill Pvt Ltd Sivagangai SE 2C4284 Anand Khanna Match Works Sivakasi SE 3C4285 Jai Maharaj Printing Industries Sivakasi SE 3B4286 K P Agencies Printing Department Sivakasi SE 3B4287 Sel - Jegat Printers Pvt Ltd Sivakasi SE 2B4288 Sri Sankareswari Process Sivakasi SE 3C4289 Yessar Offset Printers Sivakasi SE 3B4290 Chennai CNC Tool Room Pvt Ltd Sriperumbudur SME 44291 Hari Om Timbers Tenkasi SE 1B4292 Nashika Industries Pvt Ltd Tenkasi SE 1B4293 Puthupalayam Timber Industries Tenkasi SE 3B4294 Shri Murugesan Motors Theni SE 2B4295 G B Raja Tex Pvt Ltd Tiruchengode SE 3B4296 Gold King Tex India Pvt Ltd Tiruchengode SE 3B4297 Pavai Alloys and Steels Pvt Ltd Tiruchengode SE 3C4298 Sree Lakshmi Narayana Rice Flour & Oil MillsTiruchirapalli SE 3C4299 Arasan Company Firm Tirunelveli SE 3C4300 Om Timber Mart Tirunelveli SE 2C4301 A. A. Fashion Wear Tirupur SE 3C4302 Allwyn Tex Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 2B4303 Athishwar Textile Mills Tirupur SE 3B4304 Aviram Knitters Tirupur SE 2B4305 Aviram Processing Mills Tirupur SE 2B4306 Benso Garmenting Tirupur SE 3B4307 Bharath Autos Tirupur SE 2B4308 Cotton Craft International Tirupur SE 2B4309 Danavarshini Exports Pvt Ltd Tirupur SME 34310 Deluxe Knitting Mill Tirupur SE 2B4311 Devas Corrugating Industries Tirupur SE 3B4312 Euroline International Tirupur SE 3C4313 Excel Tirupur SE 2B4314 Fashion Knit Apparel Tirupur SE 3B4315 High Fashions International Tirupur SE 3C4316 Honey Blue Dyers Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 3C4317 Icewear Creation Tirupur SE 2B4318 International Trading Inc Tirupur SE 2B4319 JCM Exports Tirupur SE 3B4320 K. M. Knitwear Tirupur SE 1B4321 Lotus Knits Tirupur SE 2B4322 Mail Hosieries Tirupur SE 3C4323 Mode Creations International Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 4C4324 Naveena Creations Tirupur SE 3B

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4325 New Dynamic Apparels Tirupur SE 2B4326 New Dynamic Impex Tirupur SE 2B4327 Prashanthi Exports Tirupur SE 3C4328 R A Agency Tirupur SE 2B4329 R. S. Yarns (Tirupur) Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 2B4330 Rathipriya Exporta Tirupur SE 3C4331 Rhythm Fashion Tirupur SE 2B4332 S. P. Tex Tirupur SE 3B4333 Saranya Garments Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 2A4334 Saraswathi Bleaching Company Tirupur SE 3B4335 Sathya Knitting Mills Tirupur SE 3C4336 Shivakumaran Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd Tirupur SME 44337 Shrishti Garments Tirupur SE 3C4338 Siddhi Apparel House Tirupur SE 3B4339 Sree Amman Graphics Tirupur SE 3B4340 Sreeja Hosieries Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 2B4341 Sri Sowbarnika Tex Tirupur SE 2B4342 Sri Vakirakaaliamman Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd Tirupur SME 44343 Vigneshwari Textiles Tirupur SE 3C4344 Vinayaka Electroalloys (India) Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 3B4345 Well Knit Industries Tirupur SE 2B4346 Yuvraj Lube and Petro Chemical Pvt Ltd Tirupur SE 2C4347 Yuvraj Merch-X Tirupur SE 2B4348 Art Industries Trichy SE 3B4349 CLC Softwares Trichy SE 3B4350 GK Sons Engineering Enterprises Pvt Ltd Trichy SE 2C4351 Jai Raj Industries Trichy SE 2B4352 SJLT Spinning Mills Pvt Ltd Trichy SME 34353 Sun Wires Trichy SE 3C4354 Toolfab Engineering Industries Pvt Ltd Trichy SE 2B4355 Tulya Food Products Pvt Ltd Trichy SE 2B4356 Vijay Dairy & Farm Products Pvt Ltd Trichy SE 1B4357 A. V. L. Engineering Tuticorin SE 3C4358 Arasan Air Products Pvt Ltd Tuticorin SE 3B4359 Brilliant Salt Refinery Tuticorin SE 2B4360 Kalpaka Chemicals Pvt Ltd Tuticorin SE 1B4361 Kaycee Industrial Chemicals Pvt Ltd Tuticorin SE 3B4362 Narmadha Industries Tuticorin SE 3B4363 Ramesh Flowers Pvt Ltd Tuticorin SE 1B4364 S. Thartius Engineering Contractors Tuticorin SE 1A4365 Vee Vee Industrial Needs Tuticorin SE 2B4366 Vijay Packaging Industries Tuticorin SE 4C4367 A. Rajendran Vellore SE 3C4368 Alfa Engineers Vellore SE 3C4369 Bachi Shoes Vellore SME 24370 Bachi Shoes (India) Pvt Ltd Vellore SME 24371 EESA Fabricator Pvt Ltd Vellore SE 3C4372 Hari Ram Chemicals Vellore SE 2B4373 High Tech Engineering Vellore SE 3C4374 Net Zone Vellore SE 3C4375 Rajendra Engineering Works Vellore SE 4C4376 S.P. Industries Vellore SE 3B4377 Shaheen Leathers Vellore SE 3C4378 Sri Prasanna Metal and Alloys Vellore SE 3B4379 Suka Fab Vellore SE 3C4380 T. A. Moorthi Modern Rice Mill Vellore SE 3C4381 Balasanka Motor Pvt Ltd Virudhunagar SE 2B4382 Chillies Export House Ltd Virudhunagar SE 1B4383 Kali Aerated Water Works Virudhunagar SE 3C4384 Sri Ramji Spices and Oils Pvt Ltd Virudhunagar SE 2C


4385 Exeon Multimedia Agartala SE 4C4386 Kalitara Foods Pvt Ltd Agartala SE 3C4387 Sri Ramkrishna Engineering Works Agartala SE 3C4388 Shakti Industries Agartala SE 3C4389 Tripur Tubes Pvt Ltd Agartala SE 3C


4390 A. V. Valves Ltd Agra SE 2B4391 Ashoka International Agra SE 3C4392 Atul Generators Pvt Ltd Agra SE 2B4393 Avery Boot Company Agra SE 3C4394 B. P. Food Products Pvt Ltd Agra SE 1B4395 C. D. International Agra SE 2C4396 Durgesh Block And China Glass Works Ltd Agra SE 1A4397 Leather Linkers Footwear Pvt Ltd Agra SE 2B4398 Mahajan Malleables Pvt Ltd Agra SE 2B4399 Onyx Shoes Agra SE 3C4400 Park Exports Agra SE 1A4401 Pee Cee Cosma Sope Ltd Agra SE 1B4402 Popsons International Agra SE 2C4403 R. N. Bajaj Overseas Agra SE 2A4404 Radha Construction Co. Agra SE 1B4405 Roger Industries Ltd Agra SE 2B

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4406 Shoe Point Agra SE 2C4407 Toshi Group of Industries Agra SE 5C4408 V. Ram Chandra Iron And Steel Pvt Ltd Agra SE 2C4409 Raghuraji Agro Industries Pvt Ltd Akbarpur SE 1B4410 Aligarh Roller Flour Mills Pvt Ltd Aligarh SE 2C4411 Ganga Dairy Aligarh SE 2B4412 Sangam Structurals Ltd Allahabad SE 2B4413 Sisco Industries Ltd Allahabad SE 2C4414 Guru Soya Foods Pvt Ltd Bareilly SE 2C4415 Kipps Confectioners (Pvt) Ltd Bareilly SE 2B4416 Nav Bharat Rice Industries Bareilly SE 3C4417 Rama Shyma Papers Ltd Bareilly SME 24418 Saraswati Steel Bareilly SE 3B4419 Shree Shyam Ji Concrete Udyog Bareilly SE 3C4420 Vikas Foundry Bareilly SE 3C4421 Feedx India Bulandshahr SE 3C4422 Sarvoday Ashram Etah SME 34423 D. S. Rice & Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Fatehgarh SE 3B4424 Ekta Dairy Pvt Ltd Fatehgarh SE 3C4425 Bajrang Glass Emporium Firozabad SE 2B4426 Sun Glass Works Pvt Ltd Firozabad SE 2B4427 Aashirwad Industries Ghaziabad SE 2C4428 Allied Nippon Ltd Ghaziabad SME 24429 Amit Sales Corporation Ghaziabad SME 34430 Associated Electricals (Ghaziabad) Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4431 Bahubali Engineers and Contractors Ghaziabad SE 3C4432 Bhartiya Vehicles & Engineering Co Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2A4433 C. D. Industries Ghaziabad SE 2A4434 Chemico Chemicals Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4435 D.V.S. Steels and Alloys Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4436 Dadu Pipes Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4437 East India Udyog Ltd Ghaziabad SE 1B4438 Elcom HI-Q Electro Products Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 3B4439 Forebros Tools Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 3C4440 G. S. Motors Ghaziabad SE 2C4441 Good Luck Capital Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 3B4442 Indian Institute of Management &

Engineering Society Ghaziabad SME 14443 Kathuria Roll Mill Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SME 34444 Landmark Crafts Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 3C4445 Landmark Fasteners Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SME 34446 Plastronics (India) Ghaziabad SME 34447 Rakesh Masala Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 1B4448 Regent Autolinks Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 1B4449 Sanghai Metals Ghaziabad SE 3B4450 Saraswat Metal Industries Ghaziabad SE 2C4451 Scot Innovation Wires and Cables Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2A4452 SGA Power Systems Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SME 44453 Shri Ganga Paper Mills Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 3C4454 Srinathji Ispat Ltd Ghaziabad SE 1A4455 Stotz Gears Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SME 34456 Sundeep Electrodes Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4457 SVASCA Industries (India) Ltd Ghaziabad SE 1B4458 Tam Glass Tech & Glaziers Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4459 Thermal Engineering Corporation Ghaziabad SE 3C4460 Varsh Chem Enterprises Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 3C4461 VDH Organics Pvt Ltd Ghaziabad SE 2B4462 Vijay Cables Ghaziabad SE 3B4463 Vishal Engineering Company Ghaziabad SE 3B4464 Anmol Traders Gorakhpur SE 3C4465 Arpit Plastics Pvt Ltd Gorakhpur SE 3C4466 Bathwal Udyog Pvt Ltd Gorakhpur SE 3B4467 Dewan Corrugators Gorakhpur SE 3C4468 Dewan Packaging Pvt Ltd Gorakhpur SE 3C4469 Narain Industries Gorakhpur SE 2C4470 Pack & Pack Gorakhpur SE 2B4471 Rajmata Engineering Pvt Ltd Gorakhpur SE 2C4472 Raynold Steel Engineering Gorakhpur SE 3C4473 Shankar Cable Industries Gorakhpur SE 2B4474 Manohar Electrodes Pvt Ltd Hapur SE 2B4475 Bubber Granulators Jhansi SE 3C4476 ACI Oils Pvt Ltd Kanpur SME 44477 Alviva Steels Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 3C4478 Ambaji Foods (India) Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2C4479 Annapurna Udyog Kanpur SE 2C4480 Arvind Footwears Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4481 Ashok Griha Udyog Kendra Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 1A4482 Envirad Projects Pvt Ltd Kanpur SME 24483 Frontier Springs Ltd Kanpur SE 1A4484 Frontline Metals Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4485 Golden Strips Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 3C4486 Hans Metals Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4487 Jet Knitwears Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4488 Kanpur Edibles Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4489 Mahavir Spinfab Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 1B4490 Mantora Agro Industries Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4491 Mantora Oil Products Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4492 Mohani Tea Leaves Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 1A

4493 Netplast Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4494 Oriental Collection Kanpur SE 3C4495 Orikasee Agrotech and Resorts Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4496 Pacific Exports Kanpur SE 2B4497 Pacific Leather Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4498 Pratima Hosiery Vastra Udyog Kanpur SE 3C4499 R. G. EXIM Kanpur SE 3B4500 R. P. Edible Oils Ltd Kanpur SE 2B4501 Rajrani Cold Storage And Ice Plant Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 3B4502 Rama Educational Society Kanpur SME 34503 Rama Medicares Ltd Kanpur SME 34504 Resinova Chemie Ltd Kanpur SE 1B4505 S K International Kanpur SE 2B4506 S. K. Exports Kanpur SE 2B4507 S. V. Megastructures Ltd Kanpur SME 34508 Sahyog Jankalyan Samiti Kanpur SE 2B4509 Saraswati Engineering Ltd Kanpur SE 3C4510 Satluz Engineering Pvt Ltd Kanpur SE 3B4511 Shalimar Leather Industries Kanpur SE 2B4512 Tasty Dairy Specialities Ltd Kanpur SE 1B4513 Tirupati Inks Ltd Kanpur SE 1B4514 Vinayak Shree Real Estate Pvt Ltd Kanpur SME 54515 Akhlesh Industries Khurja SE 3C4516 Anurag Udyog Khurja SE 3C4517 Bhatwara Industries Khurja SE 3C4518 Bihar Industries Khurja SE 3B4519 Bolt Master Industries Khurja SE 3B4520 Jai Jagdambey Ceramics Khurja SE 3C4521 Krishna Ceramics Khurja SE 3B4522 Malhotra Electricals Khurja SE 3B4523 Narendra Industries Khurja SE 3B4524 Rajeev Pottery Khurja SE 3B4525 Tayal Potteries Khurja SE 3B4526 Universal Techno Industry Khurja SE 3B4527 Vineet Decorators Khurja SE 3C4528 Aluminium Udyog Lucknow SE 2B4529 APS Power-Tech (India) Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 3C4530 Aryavart Agencies Lucknow SE 3C4531 Avadh Transformers Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 2B4532 Berrys Auto Ancillaries Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 2C4533 Chinttpurni Engineering Work Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 2C4534 Oneup Motors India Pvt Ltd Lucknow SME 44535 R V Instruments Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 3C4536 Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Institute of

Management and Computer Application Lucknow SME 24537 Shri Sadgurudev Agro Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 3C4538 Surcoat Paints Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 2B4539 Triveni Household Items Manufacturers Pvt Ltd Lucknow SE 3C4540 Udai Cold Storage Lucknow SE 3C4541 K. C. Printing And Allied Works Mathura SE 3C4542 Oyster Printers and Publishers Pvt Ltd Mathura SE 2B4543 Rajiv Memorial Academic Welfare Society Mathura SME 14544 Raman Electricals Mathura SE 3C4545 Shivangi Metal Industries Pvt Ltd Mathura SE 2B4546 Tentiwal Wire Products Ltd Mathura SE 1B4547 Amir Gas Appliances Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3C4548 ASPG Infrastructures Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3B4549 Chitra Exports Meerut SE 3C4550 K. R. Industries Meerut SE 3C4551 M. I. Q. Steels Pvt Ltd Meerut SME 44552 Maheshwari Wires Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3B4553 Meerut PTFE Products Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 2B4554 Mittal Rubber Industries Meerut SE 2C4555 Mittal Rubber Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 2C4556 Modern Chemicals Meerut SME 54557 Mukul Enterprises Meerut SE 2B4558 Multi Max Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 1B4559 National Handlooms Industries Meerut SE 2B4560 New Bonanza India Ltd Meerut SME 44561 Nutech Enterprises Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3B4562 Paswara Chemicals Ltd Meerut SME 54563 Paswara Impex Ltd Meerut SME 54564 Paswara Papers Ltd Meerut SME 44565 Shudh Containers Meerut SE 3B4566 Tanya Enterprises Meerut SE 3C4567 Tefkot Cable Company Meerut SE 3B4568 Tonk and Associates Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3B4569 Tuffest Safety Glasses Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3C4570 Universal Products Pvt Ltd Meerut SE 3C4571 Vats Sports Meerut SE 2C4572 Shri Tirupati Cement Products Modi Nagar SE 3B4573 V. K. Enterprises Modi Nagar SE 2B4574 Bright Star International Moradabad SE 3B4575 Chadha Rubber Pvt Ltd Moradabad SE 1B4576 Chaudhary Ingots Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 2B4577 Mittal Containers Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 2B4578 R. A. Castings Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 3C4579 Raman Ispat Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 3B

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4580 Shakumbhri Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 2B4581 Shalimar Krafts and Tissues Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SME 34582 Shree Sidhbali Steels Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 2B4583 Shri Satguru Metalloys Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 3B4584 Shri Satguru Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 2B4585 Tirupati Balaji Fibres Ltd Muzaffarnagar SME 34586 Trimurti Concast Pvt Ltd Muzaffarnagar SE 2B4587 Aadi Heat Exchanger Pvt Ltd Noida SE 3B4588 Advance Valves Global Noida SME 24589 Advance Valves Pvt Ltd Noida SE 1A4590 Alcozin Alloy Castings Noida SE 2B4591 Applied Electro Magnetics Pvt Ltd Noida SE 1B4592 Bellpoly Moulders Pvt Ltd Noida SME 34593 Bhoomika Garments Pvt Ltd Noida SE 3C4594 Combustion Research Associates Noida SE 2B4595 Cyber Futuristics (India) Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2B4596 D. P. Garg & Co. Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2B4597 Delta Electronics Noida SE 1A4598 Easy Footwear Pvt Ltd Noida SE 3C4599 Empire International (India) Noida SE 3B4600 Garg Industries Noida SE 2C4601 Green Power International Pvt Ltd Noida SME 14602 Haby Engineering Noida SME 44603 Hora Art Centre Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2C4604 IIHT Systems Ltd Noida SE 1B4605 Ishman International Noida SE 2B4606 KMG A to Z Systems Pvt Ltd Noida SME 34607 Mahaan Foods Ltd Noida SE 2B4608 Mahamaya Polychem Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2B4609 Material Movell (India) Pvt Ltd Noida SE 1B4610 Narayan International Noida SE 2B4611 Nicholas Shoes Pvt Ltd Noida SE 3C4612 Nuberg Engineering Ltd Noida SE 1A4613 Paragon Apparel Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2B4614 Periwal Hosiery Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2B4615 Plastometal Engg. (I) Pvt Ltd Noida SE 1B4616 Prompt Tools Noida SE 3B4617 Ranika Exports Design Noida SE 2B4618 Ranoson Springs Pvt Ltd Noida SE 2B4619 Roto Power Engineers Pvt Ltd Noida SME 44620 S. G. Electronics Noida SE 3C4621 SH Deco Creations Pvt Ltd Noida SE 3B4622 Smart Lights Noida SE 2B4623 Solid Solar Noida SE 2B4624 Sterling India Noida SE 2B4625 Suvidha Engineers India Pvt Ltd Noida SME 14626 Swam Pneumatics Pvt Ltd Noida SME 14627 Ultra Home Construction Pvt Ltd Noida SME 24628 Unicure (India) Pvt Ltd Noida SME 24629 Wire Rope India Noida SE 2C4630 Yamodima Storage Systems Ltd Noida SE 3B4631 Eco Organics Rampur SE 2B4632 Electromec Engineering Enterprises Rampur SE 2B4633 Neeru Enterprises Pvt Ltd Rampur SE 2B4634 Sangam Aromatics Rampur SE 3B4635 Amar Jyoti Industries Saharanpur SE 2C4636 Ronan Arshad Handicrafts Saharanpur SE 2C4637 Crown Industries Sahibabad SE 3B4638 Shivam Industries Sahibabad SE 3C4639 Tricolite Electrical Industries Ltd Sahibabad SE 2B4640 Shakeel Haider Engineers & Contractors Sultanpur SME 24641 Punjab Autovehicle Pvt Ltd Varanasi SE 2B4642 School of Management Sciences Varanasi SME 2


4643 Uttranchal Ispat Ltd Bazpur SE 1B4644 Household Pharmaceuticals Ltd Dehradun SE 3C4645 Narendra & Company Dehradun SE 3C4646 Rawat Engineering Tech Pvt Ltd Dehradun SE 3B4647 Shashwat Cables Pvt Ltd Dehradun SE 3C4648 Uttaranchal Industries Pvt Ltd Dehradun SE 4C4649 Wood Spot Dehradun SE 2B4650 Affine Steels Pvt Ltd Haridwar SE 2B4651 Asian Wires & Cables Industries Haridwar SE 2B4652 Dynamic Power Services Haridwar SE 3B4653 Hipro Moulding Industries Haridwar SE 2B4654 Hiral Labs Ltd Haridwar SE 2B4655 iSat Network Engineers Pvt Ltd Haridwar SE 2B4656 Kaveri Tubes Haridwar SE 2B4657 Litman Power Systems Haridwar SE 1A4658 Om Biomedic Pvt Ltd Haridwar SE 2C4659 Panchwati Prayogshala Pvt Ltd Haridwar SE 2B4660 Safeguard Industries Haridwar SE 2B4661 Shape Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Haridwar SE 2C4662 Shashi Oils & Fats Pvt Ltd Haridwar SE 3B4663 Trilok Chand Gupta and Co. Haridwar SE 2B

4664 Agron Remedies Pvt Ltd Kashipur SE 2B4665 Astha Beej Company Pvt Ltd Kashipur SE 2B4666 Krishna S Fastners Kashipur SE 2B4667 Aurangabad Auto Engineering Pvt Ltd Pant Nagar SME 44668 Jagdamba Liquified Steels Ltd Roorkee SE 1B4669 Salud Care (India) Pvt Ltd Roorkee SE 2B4670 Saraswati Dynamics Pvt Ltd Roorkee SE 2A4671 VSPN Packing Industries Roorkee SE 3B4672 Kumar oxygen Ltd Rudrapur SE 3C4673 P N Die Castings Pvt Ltd Rudrapur SE 3C4674 Sign+ Printing and Packaging Rudrapur SE 3B


4675 Debjyoti Pulp & Paper Pvt Ltd Asansol SE 3B4676 Eastern Anticorrosives Ltd Asansol SE 2A4677 Poddar Battery Co Asansol SE 3B4678 Shri Maa Polyfabs Ltd Asansol SME 44679 Bharati Poultry Pvt Ltd Bankura SE 3B4680 Laxmi Sree Rice Mill Bolpur SE 3C4681 Agartala Food Processing Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 3C4682 Ajoy Modern Rice Mill Pvt Ltd Burdwan SME 34683 Anjanay Rice Mill Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 2B4684 Asansol Polyfabs Pvt Ltd Burdwan SME 44685 Charukaran Rice Mill Burdwan SE 3B4686 J P Rice Mill Burdwan SE 3C4687 Jagdamba Cereals Udyog Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 2B4688 Kanak Polyfab (India) Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 3C4689 Kanak Polymer and Industries Burdwan SE 3B4690 Kapur Mining Equipment Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 4C4691 Khaitan Cement Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 3B4692 Maa Pandunagh Rice Mill Burdwan SE 3C4693 Maheshwari Mining Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 1B4694 R. S. Agro Industries Burdwan SE 2C4695 Radha Rice Mill Burdwan SE 3B4696 Sarkar Agro Poultries Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 2C4697 Sree Durga Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Burdwan SE 3C4698 Trimurti Sales and Services Burdwan SE 3B4699 Lancing Tube Manufacturing Company Durgapur SE 2B4700 Crest Merchandise Pvt Ltd Haldia SME 34701 Royalline Resources Ltd Haldia SME 24702 Adhikary Electrochem Industries Ltd Hooghly SE 3B4703 Bhola Shankar Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Hooghly SE 3C4704 Mallick Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Hooghly SE 3C4705 Taraknath Cold Storage Company Pvt Ltd Hooghly SE 3C4706 Tarun Kanti Choudhury Hooghly SME 44707 Adams Marketing Pvt Ltd Howrah SE 2B4708 Agwani Fashions Pvt Ltd Howrah SE 1B4709 AM Diamond Engineering Works Pvt Ltd Howrah SE 3C4710 ATR Malleable Casting Pvt Ltd Howrah SE 3C4711 Kamala Iron Foundry Howrah SE 2B4712 Mondal Engineering Works Howrah SE 3C4713 Moti Poultry Developers Pvt Ltd Howrah SE 2B4714 NSI (India) Ltd Howrah SE 1B4715 Patra Enterprise Howrah SE 3C4716 Shree Durga Creations PvtLtd Howrah SE 3C4717 Soni Boards Howrah SE 3C4718 Sree Durga Engineering Works Howrah SE 3C4719 Sree Maa Sarada Ores & Forgings India Pvt Ltd Howrah SE 1B4720 The New Bhagya Lakshmi Pattern Works Howrah SE 3C4721 United Engineering Company Howrah SE 3C4722 Hsb Agro Industries Ltd Jalpaiguri SE 4C4723 Mamta Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Jalpaiguri SE 3B4724 Raichanga Agro Food Processing

Industries Pvt Ltd Jalpaiguri SE 3C4725 Accordians Infocom PvtLtd Kolkata SE 3C4726 Aero Agro Chemical Industries Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4727 Aircon Engineering Services Kolkata SME 34728 Ajay Trading Company Kolkata SME 34729 Albatross Systems Kolkata SE 3C4730 Alcock Mcphar Geotech India Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 54731 Amar Trades Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4732 Armstrong Packagings Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4733 Associated Ceramics Ltd Kolkata SME 34734 Auropol India Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1A4735 B S Tar Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4736 B. S. Sea Foods Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4737 Baba Ispat Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4738 Balin & Company Kolkata SE 3C4739 Bemco Sleepers Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4740 Bina Udyog Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34741 Bose Printing India Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4742 Brahmaputra Metallics Ltd Kolkata SME 34743 Carnation Industries Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4744 Control Gear Corporation Kolkata SE 3C4745 Creative Bakers and Confectioners Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4746 D M Properties Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4747 Dalhousie Printers Kolkata SE 3B

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4748 Damodar Developers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34749 Dandapat Cold Storage (P) Ltd Kolkata SME 54750 Derby Plantations Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4751 Dinesh Brothers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 44752 Dolar V4 Rubber Inc. Kolkata SE 3B4753 Dreamz Electrical Instruments Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4754 Dynasty Traders Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4755 Eastern Rubber Industries Kolkata SE 3C4756 Ektara Exports Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 64757 Electromech & Transtech Kolkata SE 3B4758 Ergoflex Office Systems Kolkata SE 3B4759 Esspee Engineers Kolkata SE 2B4760 Everest Ply and Veneers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4761 Fine Metal Pressings Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4762 Forgings (India) Iron & Steel Ltd Kolkata SE 1A4763 Frontier Dealer Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34764 G. R. Multiflex Packaging Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4765 G. R. Polyfilm Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4766 Govind Steel Co Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4767 Gurunanak Overseas Company Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4768 Hari Rice Mill Kolkata SE 2B4769 Hindustan Controls & Equipment Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4770 Howrah Ferrous Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4771 Impressia Imaging PvtLtd Kolkata SME 44772 Indo East Corporation Kolkata SE 2B4773 Indus Net Technologies Kolkata SE 2A4774 Industrial Associates Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4775 Industrial Safety Products Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4776 IPM Engineering Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4777 J. V. Poly Plast Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4778 Jai Dada Movers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34779 Jaks Plast Products Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4780 Jalan Carbons & Chemicals Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4781 Jayshree Fibre Products Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4782 Jia Auto Sales Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 24783 Kalinga Bakery Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4784 Kalyaneshwari Ispat Udyog Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4785 Kamala Board Box Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4786 Kamala Tea Company Ltd Kolkata SME 54787 Kariwala Creations Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4788 Khandelwal Polytex Kolkata SE 3B4789 Kingsley Industries Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4790 Kingston Educational Institute Kolkata SME 44791 Kothari Hosiery Factory Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1A4792 Limtex (India) Ltd Kolkata SME 34793 Limtex Agri Udyog Ltd Kolkata SME 44794 Limtex Tea & Industries Ltd Kolkata SME 44795 Lord Ganesh Enterprise Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4796 M/s. Rana Engineering Co. Kolkata SME 34797 Macedon Vinimay Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34798 Menaka Suppliers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 24799 Metal Engineering & Treatment Co Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1A4800 Metalogic Systems Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34801 Moonlight Engineering Company Kolkata SE 2B4802 N. N. Ispat Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4803 Naroda Commercial Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34804 Narsingh Ispat Ltd Kolkata SME 34805 Nav Durga Chromatics Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4806 Neha Power Tech (India) Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4807 New Era Agro Board Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4808 New Ghosh Industries Kolkata SE 3C4809 New Janata Traders Kolkata SME 44810 Neycer Commodities Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4811 NF Forgings Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 24812 Nipha Exports Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34813 NIS Facility Management Services Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4814 NIS Management Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4815 Nissan Ferro Cast Ltd Kolkata SME 44816 NPG Rice Mill Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4817 Perfecto Electricals Kolkata SME 44818 Prateek Plastometals Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4819 Premier (India) Bearings Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4820 Premier Power Products (Calcutta) Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4821 Prime Retail India Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34822 Prince Megamart Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 64823 Prince Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 44824 Quality Engineering Works Kolkata SE 3C4825 R. K. Wire Products Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4826 R. S. International Kolkata SE 3B4827 Raa Projects Ltd Kolkata SME 34828 Racily Udyog Kolkata SE 3C4829 Raghunath Exports Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34830 Rajsha Chemicals Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4831 Rama Ferro Alloys & Finance Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4832 Rama Overseas Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4833 Ramprasad Brijlal Kolkata SE 3C4834 Reform Metaliks Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 5

4835 Ross Chempack PvtLtd Kolkata SE 2B4836 Royal Touch Fablon Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 24837 Royal Touch Fablon Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4838 RSV Hospital Kolkata SME 44839 Ruttonpore Plantations Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4840 S A Enterprises Kolkata SE 2C4841 S. S. Engineering Works Kolkata SE 2B4842 Saket Oxygen Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4843 Samriddhi Merchant Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 24844 Sankar Nath Saha Kolkata SME 44845 Satlink Advertising Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4846 Satyanarayan Tea Co. Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 54847 Serv-O-Fin Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4848 Shiva Engineering Works Kolkata SE 2A4849 Shree Anukul Knitting Mills Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4850 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd Kolkata SE 1A4851 Shree Krishna Timber Co. Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4852 Shree Niwas Textiles Kolkata SE 2B4853 Shree Shyam Trading Company Kolkata SE 3C4854 Shreeram Chemical Industries Kolkata SE 2B4855 Silvertoss Suppliers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4856 Singh Brothers Exim Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4857 SOFTTHINK Kolkata SE 3B4858 Solid Ply Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4859 Solux Galfab Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4860 Spectrum Filtration Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4861 Sri Balaji Forest Products Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4862 Sujali Tea & Industries Ltd Kolkata SME 54863 Superfine Impex Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4864 Swastik Elastic Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 24865 Tarun Textiles Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34866 Techno products India Kolkata SE 2B4867 Techno Waxchem Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4868 The Indian Wood Products Co.Ltd Kolkata SE 2C4869 The Manipur Tea Company Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4870 The Rajlakshmi Cotton Mills Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4871 The South Point Kolkata SE 2B4872 Times Fibrefill Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4873 Tirupati Jute Industries Ltd Kolkata SME 34874 TM Technique and Comfort India Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 44875 Transmission Equipment Corporation Kolkata SE 3B4876 Truvolt Engineering Company Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4877 TTS Systematix Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4878 Verity Ventures & Logistics Kolkata SE 3B4879 Vikrant Electronics Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3C4880 Vinayak Rail Track Kolkata SE 2C4881 Vinicab (India) Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 3B4882 Vrinda Engineers Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 1B4883 Walzen Steel India Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 44884 Walzen Strips Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 34885 Wilson Engineering Industries Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4886 ZKL Bearings (India) Pvt Ltd Kolkata SE 2B4887 Zodiac Express Pvt Ltd Kolkata SME 44888 Dayamoyee Multipurpose Cold Storage

Private Limited Medinipur SE 5C4889 Karan Constructions Co. Medinipur SME 34890 Kumarpur Agro Poultries Ltd Medinipur SE 2B4891 Maity Poultries Pvt Ltd Medinipur SE 2B4892 Sankrail Agro Poultries Pvt Ltd Medinipur SE 3B4893 Shima Edibles Pvt Ltd Medinipur SME 74894 Super Gases & Appliances Pvt Ltd Medinipur SE 2B4895 A.K.Properties PvtLtd Midnapore SME 44896 Laxmi Narayan Mahato Enterprise Midnapore SE 4C4897 Medinimata Agro Products Pvt Ltd Midnapore SE 3B4898 Mukund Agro Products Pvt Ltd Midnapore SE 2B4899 Zenith Erectors Pvt LtdMidnapore SE 1A4900 Domkal Cold Storage Pvt Ltd Murshidabad SE 3C4901 Sefali Rice Mills Pvt Ltd Murshidabad SE 3B4902 Shaon Mustard Oil Mill Murshidabad SE 3B4903 Strong Bonds Polyseal Pvt Ltd Nadia SE 3B4904 Aluminium Electricals Manufacturing

Company Pvt Ltd 24 Parganas(N) SE 3C4905 Kamala Rice Mill Purulia SE 2C4906 Sri Plastic Purulia SE 3C4907 Durgapur Iron & Steel Company Pvt Ltd Raniganj SE 2B4908 Chiranji Lal Tea Company Pvt Ltd Siliguri SE 3C4909 Darjeeling Rolling Mills Pvt Ltd Siliguri SE 3B4910 East India Co-operative Agro Farming and

Marketing Society Ltd Siliguri SE 3C4911 Maa Gaytri Flex India Pvt Ltd Siliguri SE 3C4912 New Malda Diesels Siliguri SME 44913 Poly Packaging Siliguri SE 3C4914 Rambabu Prasad Siliguri SE 3B4915 Samrat Feed Mills Siliguri SME 34916 Shree Rameshwari Rice Mill Siliguri SE 3C4917 Shree Vinayak Industries Siliguri SE 3C4918 Tono Oil Mills Siliguri SE 3C

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Pune:1187/17, Ghole Road, Shivaji NagarPune 411 005Phone: 020 - 4018 1900Fax: 020 - 4018 1930

Ludhiana:Sai Tower 202, Industrial AreaLudhiana 141 003Phone: 0161 - 5011575

Ahmedabad:303, Paritosh Building Usmanpura Ahmedabad 380 013Phone: 079 - 4024 4500 / 2755 0317Fax: 079 - 2755 9863

Surat:811, 8th floorRajhans Complex, Opp. J K TowerRing RoadSurat 395 002Phone: 0261 - 4002230

Vadodara:509, Centre PointR.C.Dutt Road, AlkapuriVadodara 390 007Phone: 0265 - 3025946







Bangalore:W 101, Sunrise Chambers22, Ulsoor RoadBangalore 560 042Phone: 080 - 2558 0899Fax: 080 - 2559 4801

Hyderabad:3rd Floor, Uma Chamber, Plot no 9 & 10Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta X RoadHyderabad 500 082Phone: 040 - 2335 8103 / 05Fax: 040 - 2335 7507

Indore:422, 4th Floor, Raffel Tower 8/2, Old Palasia Indore 452 001Phone : 0731- 4020042

Jaipur:Cabin No. 1C/-14/131st Floor, Shopping Centre, MansarovarJaipur 302 020Phone: 0141 - 3021681 / 88

Jamshedpur:Office No 7, Meghdeep Building, 2nd Floor“Q” Road, Bistupur, P.S. BistupurSinghbhum (East), Jamshedpur 831 001Phone: 0657 - 6545958

Cochin:40/2908, F -14, 4th FloorPenta Menaka, Marine Drive Cochin 682 031Phone: 0484 - 237 3337

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Occasionally, we use data collected about customers and prospects to inform them about products or services from CRISIL, and our parent company Standard & Poor's (a subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies), and reputable outside companies that may be of interest to them. Many of our customers find these e-mail promotions valuable, whether they are shopping for merchandise, taking advantage of a special offer, or purchasing unique services. On rare occasions, and subject to applicable laws, CRISIL may also share your information with outside "3rd Party" vendors who will be authorized to use this information solely to perform services (such as a "mailing" house) on our behalf.

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Last updated: 30 June, 2009

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