Page 1: CRISIS in  CONFIDENCE 1968  – 1980  (pgs. 598 –623)

CRISIS in CONFIDENCE1968 – 1980 (pgs. 598 –623)

Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Ford Takes Over Carter and Foreign Troubles

Page 2: CRISIS in  CONFIDENCE 1968  – 1980  (pgs. 598 –623)

Political Beliefs


Republican Liberal

Fed. Govt. has most power

Protect, take care of citizens through mandatory programs

Conservative Individual choice “Free Enterprise

– people & businesses are free to make their own economic choices.

Individual states have more power



Page 3: CRISIS in  CONFIDENCE 1968  – 1980  (pgs. 598 –623)

The Nixon Administration (1968-1974)

Had lost to JFK in ’60 Narrowly beat Humphrey in ’68

Labeled himself

Aimed to appeal to SILENT MAJORITY - common everyday people, factory workers, non demonstrators,

“Middle America”

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Economic Struggles

Stagflation – ( look at pg. 509 )

Stagnating economy (not a lot of movement ) wages remain the same, not a lot of new jobs + Inflation (prices of goods & services going up)

Cost of Vietnam War

Foreign competition – automobile & steel industries.

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Economic Struggles OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

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Economic Struggles

Oil prices rose 400 % e.g.( if 1 gallon gas = 50 cents

= $2.50

Embargo - OPEC refused to sell oil to countries ( U.S. ) who were allies of Israel.

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Forced Busing

Nixon criticized court order ,reaching out to Southern Whites and urban blue-collar workers

’71 – Federal courts ordered school districts to bus students outside their neighborhood to achieve greater racial balance.

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The Watergate Scandal

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Sequence of Events

Burglars break into Democratic HQ in

Watergate building in Wash. D.C. they

are arrested.

Watergate suspects are investigated

in 1973

Look at pg. 603

2 reporters (Woodward &

Bernstein) receive a tip (Deep Throat) that the burglars had ties to Nixon’s reelection


James MCord Virgilio GonzalezFrank Sturgis Eugenio Martinez Bernard Baker

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Sequence of Events

it up!” “Cove


Discovery of the tapes, missing information

Nixon MUSThand them over to the court18.5


“But I have

executive privilege!

Nixon is investigated by Congress

Nixon resigns August, 1974

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Nixon Resigns

• Nixon resigns before he can be impeached

• Impeach - to formally charge a public official with misconduct in office

• “High crimes and misdemeanors”

Page 12: CRISIS in  CONFIDENCE 1968  – 1980  (pgs. 598 –623)

Impact•Federal Campaign Act•Financial Disclosure for Government

Affairs•Weakened the Presidency

▫43% of Americans had “hardly any” faith in the executive office any more (1974)

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Gerald Ford•Nixon resigns in disgrace, 1974

I am proud to be a square!!!

•“I’m a Ford, not a Lincoln”

• Gerald Ford –▫Republican ▫ U.S. Congressman ( Michigan)

(25 yrs).▫Became VP, then President ▫VP Gerald Ford enters office

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Wife, Betty , influential in establishing treatment centers for alcoholism and drug addictions.

Big College Football Player – Univ. of Michigan

Served in WW II in Navy

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Factories closed down Consumer demands for goods dropped Rate of unemployment rose steadily

Pardons Nixon -

Stagflation continues -

Ford becomes very unpopular, will lose election to Jimmy Carter in 1976

Nixon was officially forgiven of any crimes he may have committed as president

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Jimmy Carter • Former Georgian governor

• Elected by a slim margin

• Appealed to Christian Fundamentalists – people who believe in strict interpretation of the Bible as the foundation of the Christian faith .

• Labeled himself a “common man” , an “outsider of Washington”

• But he did not have close ties to Democrats in Congress, difficult to get bills passed.

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Jimmy Carter

•Continued problems: Energy - ( gas for cars, fuel for home heating ) Inflation – ( rising prices, no raises in salary )

•Granted amnesty -(political pardons) to Americans who had evaded the draft during the Vietnam War. These men were called DRAFT DODGERS

•Many Americans upset.

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Changing demographics of the U.S. Loss of jobs in Northeast and Midwest these areas were called the RUSTBELT Americans moving to the SUNBELT – South and

West, gained political power

Look at pg. 611

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Important Political Groups

• Evangelical Christians – breach their religion(spread the word of God) , use television (televangelists) to spread their beliefs.

•Immigrants : More immigrants from Mexico / Latin America – countries like Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, etc.

Began to gain political power, candidates wanted their votes

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•TV – showed minorities, current issues.

•Personal Fitness•Yoga, Meditation

Americans absorbed with improving themselves themselves

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