
Criteria for Curricular Design,Implementation and Evaluation*

Criterion 1- Curricular Structure:Is the curriculum sufficiently complete? What are the current education elements? What is missing?

Criterion 2 - Curricular Sequence:Is the sequential logic of the curriculum optimal? For example, are curricular elements optimally sequenced for learning clinical method and related topic areas? This involves the idea of learner readiness.

Criterion 3 - Curricular Element Proportionality:Does curricular content proportionally reflect the objectives of medical education, the elements that are required for the student to develop a general and balanced preparation? How is the time allotted in the curriculum? Are learning experiences of sufficient duration for a student to learn what is intended?

Criterion 4 - Curricular Integration:Is the curriculum sufficiently integrated/linked in terms of educational elements so that optimal learning is facilitated and curricular redundancy minimized?

Criterion 5 - Curricular Balance/Learner Outcomes:Is the curriculum and its evaluative components (objectives) balanced in terms of learner outcomes? Is there an educationally sound balance between knowledge, skill, and attitude development? To what level of competency are learners prepared?

1. Knowledge

2. Comprehension

3. Application

4. Analysis

5. Synthesis

6. Evaluation

Criterion 6 - General Preparation:Does the curriculum prepare all students broadly enough? How well does the curriculum achieve a base of general preparation compared to specialized preparation?

Criterion 7 - Curricular EvaluationAre evaluation mechanisms systematically in place in order to identify intended learner outcomes (knowledge, skill, attitude across the spectrum of expected competencies)? This includes evaluation by learners, teachers and 'outside' resources.

Criterion 8 - Faculty Development:Is there sufficient recruitment, training, evaluation and nurturing of faculty teachers in order to achieve and maintain excellence in the accomplishments of the intended educational process?

*University of Virginia School of Medicine* Adopted from CCRC document "General Principles for Curricular Design, Implementation and Evaluation, Corbett E, 1998.

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