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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

Criterion7–Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.3.1 Describe / Explain the performance of the institution in one area

distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust:

Inline with institutions vision to establish the center for excellence in professional development

and entrepreneurship development consequential of rural area NESGI offers skill based

programs such as graduate and post-graduate programs in engineering and management for

building competent manpower to suit the ever-changing requirements in industry and business by

supporting students for continual development through excellence, technology based instructions

and supporting students for overall development of personality in all domains. As per institute

mission, the institute provides industry based education and practical training to the rural base.

NESGI had set up an industry in campus for providing the center for excellence in professional

and entrepreneurship development resulting in to the enhancement of rural area. The institute

works for developing professionals and citizens, citizenship for rural development.

For the continuous development of students NESGI precisely develops action plan for effective

implementation of curriculum by planning the academic schedule as per the university calendar.

Academic planning is done keeping in view Institute Vision, Mission. Department Academic

Calendars are prepared which include curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The

processes are defined for executing academic activities as per the academic planning done before

beginning of the year. The Course planning is done by faculty members which include course

Key Indicator - 7.3

Institutional Distinctiveness

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content, details of topics to be taught and numbers of working days, hours allocated to complete

the topic. The execution and delivery of the course is regularly synchronized by Department

HODs and Academic monitoring committee. The Institute has taken initiative to start add-on

courses to ensure all round development of students and their placement. Feedback system is

followed in the NESGI, feedback is collected on curriculum, course content delivery, extension

activities, faculty development, infrastructural facilities, Laboratory development and value

addition of Departments from various students, faculties, management, stake holders on the

regular basis for the continuous improvement.

The current curriculum of the affiliating university addresses Gender Equality, Environment and

Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics related issues across the various

Programs offered e.g. Professional Ethic and Etiquettes, soft skills, energy audit management,

industrial management and technology, environmental engineering and many more with this

NESGI offers various activities for gender equality such as Rallies to Stop Violence against

Women, Women Safety & Awareness Program, Men against Gender Violence etc.

Keeping in view the vision and mission towards rural area NESGI takes additional efforts for

making students more sensitive towards Human values and offers social services in nearby rural

area. NESGI organizes Blood Donation Camps, Tree Plantation programs as a part of human

value activities.

NESGI encourages students for conduction of different activities like Tree Plantation, Swachta

Bharat Abhiyan and Road Show on Save the Rivers as a conscious effort and contribution

towards environment awareness.

To maintain ecology and ecosystem, it is necessary to understand human behavior and

technological advancement for this NESGI takes additional efforts while teaching various

courses exists in syllabus such as Environmental Engineering and Energy Audit and

Management are implemented at different levels. It deals with various issues regarding

parameters such as energy conservation, concept of water supply and its treatment and their

applications in modern era also different types of energy sources and energy conservations


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Having master students in campus the MBA department has entered into a consulting

contract for minimum 3 years with ‘Pedagogy Inc’ (consulting firm). Some highlighting modules

covered under this partnership would be ‘Entrepreneurship leadership Program’ (ELP), Advance

Finance and Contemporary Business case studies.

The sole objective is to make MBA program at Navsahyadri institutes, a niche program in this

part of the region. With these efforts, we believe that MBA + program will become one of its

kind programs in Pune. It will also result in filling up of full 180 seats and taking up the course

fee to as high as up to 6 lakhs in2019-20 and 2020-21admissions/enrollments.

Consultation time is divided in the following format:

30-40% time is cut out for:

Course finalization

Devising the blue print of executing the courses

Aligning the management team with the idea of program delivery

Designing and developing seminar/conference series in collaboration with institute

35-40% time is cut out for:

To initiate and execute up to 5 Management Development Programs (MDPs)

To act as an extended arm of college to ensure return of investment for students

20-30% time is cut out for

Developing a blueprint for foreign tie ups to create a win-win situation

To consult during workshops, seminars and other college activities

Thus, Navsahyadri Group of Institutes is focused on imparting holistic education to nurture

students with skills for employment, higher education and entrepreneurship through innovative


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Set Up of Industry in Campus

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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2017-18)

1. Title of Activity: Rallies on Stop Violence against Women.

2. Date & venue: 17th

Feb 2018, Nasrapur.

3. Outcome of activity:

Since this we work for our nation and women has a unique vantage point in bringing

together the expertise and understanding of what works to prevent and assist survivors.

We have collected an extensive body of knowledge from developing comprehensive

national laws to executing successful Awareness companies for “Stop Violence

against Girls”

4. Description of activity:

Participation in “Stop Violence against Women” Rally Organized by Several Girls and

Boys students of NESGI Group in Nasrapur.

Rally for dignity organized by Several Girls and Boys students of NESGI Group in

Nasrapur under the guidance of Prof. Suman Bala and Prof. Sneha Kuchekar.

Protest rally against several gang rape cases in India, A protest rally was taken on 17th

Feb 2018 against the heinous gang rape that took place in India in which students of

NESGI College and other faculty members took part.

5. Activity Experience:

a. Outcome wise description of observations/explanations.

Girl students actively participated to make every women and girls aware about

their safety.

b. The concept/principles/procedures learn as the result of activity

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Girl Student’s learnt to resist mental and physical harassment.

c. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work

Girl Student’s able to say “NO” wherever they want.

d. Summary & Conclusion

Girl student aware about their safety and confidence of girl’s students in public


6. Summary & Conclusion:

Girl student aware about their safety and confidence of girl’s students in public


7. Assessment of activity outcomes:

Girl student aware about their safety.

8. Feedback:

Reduction in sexual harassment of girls.

9. Photos of activity:

Photo on Stop Violence against Women

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Photo on Stop Violence against Women

Photo on Stop Violence against Women

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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2017-18)

1. Title of Activity: Women Safety & Awareness Program.

2. Date & venue: 13th

December 2017, NESGI FOE Pune.

3. Outcome of activity:

Reduction of sexual harassment of girl students in the college campus.

Increased awareness and reduced acceptability of sexual harassment among the

general public.

Girl students involve themselves as active participants in the different events in

college campus.

4. Description of activity:

A girl student’s safety awareness program is to identify the ways to make college

campus safer for girls.

Co-ordinator Prof. P.S.Bhokare

This process involved choosing the sites to be audited, selecting the participants,

orientation to the participants writing down the findings and sharing the result of

problem on women safety in college campus to the principal for implementation of

the recommendation.

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5. Activity Experience:

a. Outcome wise description of observations/explanations.

Girl students actively participate in different events in college campus.

b. The concept/principles/procedures learn as the result of activity

Girl student’s aware about their safety.

c. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work

Girl Student’s confidence improved.

d. Summary & Conclusion

Girl student aware about their safety and confidence of girl’s students in public


6. Summary & Conclusion:

Girl student aware about their safety and confidence of girl’s students in public


7. Assessment of activity outcomes:

Girl student aware about their safety.

8. Feedback:

Reduction of sexual harassment of girl students in the college campus.

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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2017-18)

1. Title of Activity: Road Show on Save the Rivers

2. Date & venue: 08/08/2017, Katraj Signal.

3. Outcomes of activity:

To address one of major issue prevailing in society which is of saving the rivers, Since

during teenage stage of life views on the different aspects of life are form and reform. Such

awareness activities could be promoted to motivate the student to think and act in favor of

development and progress. Such activities plays a very important role in shaping the

behavior of a person in society. Inculcating social awareness in this phase enables the

students to depict societal conditions in a modern way that can efficiently challenge norms

and modify perceptions of people. Through this activity students got to know as well as can

make everyone aware about the crisis our rivers are facing and Create awareness among all

sections of society about the need to Rally for Rivers.

4. Description of activity:

Indian rivers, the lifelines of our civilization, are at dangerous levels of depletion. A

nationwide campaign to create awareness is being started by Sadhguru, founder of Isha

foundation. As the first step Students of Electrical Engineering Students Association from

Navsahydri Group of Educational Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Pune organized a road

show program on 22/08/2017 at Katraj signal. About 25 students were involved in the

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activity. The Traffic police incharge at the signal explained the students about the traffic

rules in short as that the students follow the rules and doesn’t meet with any accident during

the activity. The program included displaying of posters of importance of rivers, measures

to be taken to conserve river water and to reduce pollution made by student on signal for

the people waiting at signal. Tree plantation on either side of the river was proposed as the

first step towards river protection. As a key step, awareness was created among the

students. All the people were asked to give a missed call to the number 8000980009 and

promise to protect rivers.

5. Activity Experience:

a. Outcome wise description of observations/explanations

As a result of activity the sense of social awareness was created amongst students and the


b. The concept/principles/procedures learn as the result of activity

The students learned the importance of rivers. Also students got to learn about the

traffic rules to abide for. As a result of activity the sense of social awareness was

created amongst students and the society.

c. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work

Through the experience of this activity the students got to know the importance of

saving the rivers, which is one of the social issue.

d. Summary & conclusion

The conduction of such activities leads to awareness of such social issues amongst the


6. Summary & Conclusion:

The conduction of such activities leads to awareness of such social issues amongst the


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7. Feedback:

The street play act could be conducted so that the more no of people can be reached out.

Photos of Road Show on Save the Rivers

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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2016-17)

1. Title of Activity: Swachta abhiyan

2. Date & venue: 28/09/2016, outskirts of Kaporhol Village area.

3. Outcomes of activity:

The main purpose of this program was to create awareness among the students regarding

cleanliness and its benefits. The cleanliness drives had changed the mindset of students

to work collectively in a team. Such drives bring togetherness in society. The

surrounding becomes clean and free of garbage. The people can learn to segregate the

garbage and the garbage can then be recycled. The system of manual scavenging is being


4. Description of activity:

The intensive national cleanliness campaign started from 28th September 2016. The

Honourable Prime Minister said, it is our social responsibility as citizens of India to help

fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of Clean India. As responsible citizens, we at Navsahydri

Educational Group of Institutes, Faculty of engineering, Pune, considering it as our moral

duty had organized a Cleanliness Campaign “SWACHHTA ABHIYAN” on 28th

September 2016 at Outskirts of Kapurhol Village. 20 Students of TE, SE Electrical took

part in the cleanliness drive. Students as well as teachers participated with enthusiasm in

the cleanliness drive.

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5. Activity Experience:

a. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work

The students realized that any work is best done when it is carried out by a person

himself. It also made the students aware of the dignity of labour. It is the ultimate

way to achieve success in many fields as well as enhance the economic status of the

country. In the end they all took oath of keeping their home, locality and city clean.

It was a unique experience for all of them. They were curious to be the part of this

great drive that could have transformed the face of our country forever. The students

and lecturer can implement the knowledge at home and other social places.

b. Summary & conclusion

The Students understood the importance of cleanliness and the students promised to

follow the simple rules and also spread the message at their homes & friends circle.

A small scale drive & a huge response.

6. Summary & conclusion:

The Students understood the importance of cleanliness and the students promised to

follow the simple rules and also spread the message at their homes & friends circle.

A small scale drive & a huge response.

7. Feedback:

More No of students should be involved in the activity.

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8. Photos of activity:

Photos of Swachta Abhiyan

Photos of Swachta Abhiyan

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Photos of Swachta Abhiyan

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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2013-14)

1. Title of Activity: Men against Gender Violence.

2. Date & venue: 18th

July 2013, NESGI FOE Pune.

3. Outcome of activity:

Prevention efforts must include engaged boys students to end violence against

girl students.

Reduction of sexual harassment of girl students in the college campus.

Increased awareness and reduced acceptability of sexual harassment among the

general public.

Girl students involve themselves as active participants in the different events in

college campus.

4. Description of activity:

Women’s issues are people’s issues and unless we work in partnership with men

the struggle to end violence against women’s will not be effective.

In order to sensitize boys and men a pamphlet on ten things men can do to stop

gender violence” was prepared and was distributed to boys on campus; this was

also put up on all prominent places on campus.

Event Co-ordinator Prof. A.D.Patil.

5. Activity Experience:

a. Outcome wise description of observations/explanations.

Students aware about gender equality.

b. The concept/principles/procedures learn as the result of activity

Boy’s students cultured to give respect to girl students.

c. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work

Student’s living peaceful life in college campus.

d. Summary & Conclusion:

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Boy’s students cultured to give respect girl students.

6. Summary & Conclusion:

Boy’s students cultured to give respect girl students.

7. Assessment of activity outcomes:

Boy’s students cultured to give respect to girl students.

8. Feedback:

Students living peaceful life in the college campus. Students aware about gender


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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2013-14)

1. Title of Activity: Tree Plantation

2. Date & venue: 15/09/2013, Navsahyadri Educational society group of institution


3. Outcomes of activity:

1) Social forestry needs to be undertaken on a large scale to reverse the ill effects of

deforestation and restore the ecological balance.

2) It will also contribute towards creating a carbon sink and increasing green cover.

3) The students get a sense of purpose, a sense of ownership, they are doing something

for themselves and their society and they really enjoy that.

4) Great fun and good hands on learning activity.

5) Beautifies the surrounding and attracts birds and other wildlife.

6) Student leadership and community engagement.

7) Raised awareness about care and preservation of environment.

8) Students gain a sense of real achievement and of being part of a much greater national


9) Helps achieve outcomes in the Key Learning Areas of Studies of Society and

Environment (HSIE in NSW) and Science.

10) Gets students outside connecting with nature.

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4. Description of activity:

On 15/09/2013, successfully completed the event of Tree Plantation at Navsahyadri

Educational society group of institution playground. Trees are the foremost source for

producing the oxygen in environment, they helps to reduce the level of CO2. As we all

know that the whole world is facing the problem of global warming and to recover from

such problem planting the trees is become one of the most important aspects today.

The event was began with the welcoming of honourable President Mr.P.N.Suke. The

Welcome speech has been given by the Principal. Then the Director advice everyone to

think differently for the Society to make positive changes and to make improvement. The

Principal orients the volunteers by notifying the importance of planting trees for the

environment as well as society. He said that “In society all the human beings are

comprise equal importance, no matter with the Men or Women.” He also said that the

dedication is must to accomplish the goals and dreams in life. After the inspirational

words of Principal we all move towards the place where tree plantation took place. A

very first tree plant by Director in college premises. Total tree planted by all others

including teachers, volunteers was more than 125 on the day. All were happy and

experience proud after the tree plantation event was finished, because it really feels great

to do positive for the nature.

5. Activity Experience:

a. The concept/principles/procedures learn as the result of activity.

The gardeners taught us the 12 step procedure for planting of trees. Select the right tree

for your location. Ground Breaking Use a tree that will grow well in your part of the

state and make sure it has plenty of room vertically and horizontally for the canopy and

roots to grow. Dig the hole at least twice as wide as the root ball. Dig a square hole no

deeper than the root ball. This keeps the roots from settling to deep while still allowing

them to penetrate the surrounding soil. Fill the empty hole with water and check the


If it takes longer than 24 hours to drain, select another site. A tree will die if its roots

are underwater for long periods of time. Prune the tree sparingly and only if

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Remove only dead, broken and diseased branches and roots that are crushed and

girdling, or growing around the main stem. Removing even a small portion of healthy

canopy actually slows root growth and delays establishment. A thoughtfully selected

tree shouldn’t need to be pruned. Set the tree in the hole with the root collar (just

above the roots) flush or slightly above natural grade. Planting too deep is a leading

cause of mortality in newly planted trees. Don’t pick up the tree by the trunk. Always

handle by the container or root ball. Remove all foreign materials from the root ball.

This includes wires, twine, cords, containers and non-biodegradable bags. If planting

a tree with roots wrapped in burlap, remove as much of the burlap as possible.

This allows water to seep in and the roots to grow out. Gently fill the hole with the

same soil that came out of the hole. Do not add soil amendments. Settle the soil with

water. Packing the soil damages and breaks fine roots. Stake the tree only if

necessary. Consult a professional if staking is required. Stakes should not be left in

place more than one year. Mulch around the tree at least out to the drip line, two to

three inches deep, and up to but not touching the trunk. Wood chips, pine bark, leaf

litter and hay are great mulches. Mulching keeps soil temperature fairly steady boosts

soil moisture retention and keeps weeds at bay. Organic mulches add nutrients to the

soil as they decompose. Water the tree for at least the first two years, but don’t over

water. A newly planted tree requires six to eight gallons of water for every diameter

inch of trunk per week. A thorough soaking is much better than light, frequent


Protect the tree from animals and humans. Staking to the ground a wire-mesh cage at

least three feet in diameter and four feet tall can keep deer and livestock from eating

your tree. It also can safeguard your tree from weed whackers, which can easily kill

your tree. Do not fertilize the tree during the first growing season. Too much nitrogen

will burn tender roots, slowing growth and delaying establishment.

b. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work.

The students and lecturer can implement the knowledge at home and other social


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c. Summary & conclusion

Hence the students got to know the benefits of planting trees and also the exact

procedure for planting trees.

6. Summary & conclusion

Hence the students got to know the benefits of planting trees and also the exact

procedure for planting trees.

7. Feedback

More No of students should be involved in the activity

More No of trees suitable for the sand and soil of the area should be planted

The Due care should be taken after planting the trees.

8. Photos of activity:

Tree Planatation by NESGI students

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Tree Planatation by NESGI students

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Photos of tree plantation

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Sr. No 69, 70 & 71, Naigaon [Nasarapur], Bhor, Pune- 412213.

ACTIVITY REPORT (Academic Year 2013-14)

1. Title of Activity: Blood Donation Camp

2. Date & venue: 26/12/2013, Mechanical Engineering Department.

3. Outcomes of activity:

Promotion and support for the establishment of effective national blood donor

programs and the elimination of a dependency on family/replacement and paid blood

donation. Promotion and support to national activities to celebrate and promote

voluntary non-remunerated blood donation by: Encouraging existing low-risk

voluntary donors to give blood regularly

Encouraging new people to donate their blood on a voluntary unpaid basis Promoting

low-risk behavior so that individuals protect their own health as well as being safe to

donate blood. Builded wider public awareness of the need for regular blood donation

throughout the year in order to maintain an adequate supply of blood for all patients

requiring transfusion.

4. Description of activity:

The MESA of NESGI, FOE, Pune, organized a blood donation camp in collaboration

with blood bank of Sahyadri Blood Bank, on 26/12/2013. The camp began at 10.00 a.m.

with a short inaugural function where Honourable S. P. Suke , Dr. K.S. Charak, and the

team of Sahyadri Blood Bank was given a floral welcome. Dr. K. S. expressed his

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gratitude to the MESA unit of the college for its continuous endeavour in this regard. He

also stressed on the growing need of blood in the state and commended the young

volunteers for their noble act. 50 volunteers came forward to donate blood during the

camp which included teaching & non-teaching staff, students & non-student donors. At

the end 45 units of Blood was collected. The blood donors were given jalebi, banana

Biscuits and frooti after donating the blood in order to reenergize themselves. The blood

donors were provided with a blood donation certificate card by GMC (Government

Medical College). The blood bank team was provided with lunch and the camp concluded

at around 4.30 p.m.

5. Activity Experience:

a. Outcome wise description of observations/explanations

b. The concept/principles/procedures learn as the result of activity

As the result of activity the organizing committee learned the organization tactics

and techniques.

The donors have learned the importance of blood donation.

c. Application of observation/experience in professional life/work

d. Summary & conclusion

The conduction of such activities leads to awareness of blood donation amongst the


6. Summary & conclusion:

The conduction of such activities leads to awareness of blood donation amongst the


7. Feedback:

The more no of students should be engaged in the camp.

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8. Photos of the activity:

Photos of Blood Donation @ NESGI

Photos of Blood Donation @ NESGI

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Photos of Blood Donation @ NESGI y MBA Director Dr. K. S. Charak

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