  • 8/8/2019 Critical Thinking Assumption


    Critical Thinking:Critical Thinking:

    Strategies in Decision MakingStrategies in Decision Making


    Felicitator: Ron Sears MAFelicitator: Ron Sears MA

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    IntroductionsIntroductions Who are you?Who are you?

    What do you do?What do you do?

    What do you want out of this course?What do you want out of this course?

    Fun factFun fact Answer one of these questions:Answer one of these questions:

    What movie or TV character would you most like to be?What movie or TV character would you most like to be?

    What two people dead or alive would you like to haveWhat two people dead or alive would you like to havelunch with?lunch with?

    If you could go back into timeIf you could go back into timewhat period of time wouldwhat period of time wouldyou go back to?you go back to?

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    Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives

    This course develops the analyticalThis course develops the analytical

    abilities of students and equips themabilities of students and equips themwith concrete skills in critical thinkingwith concrete skills in critical thinkingand decision making.and decision making.

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    Syllabus ReviewSyllabus Review


    ParticipationParticipation Late AssignmentsLate Assignments

    Academic IntegrityAcademic Integrity

    Learning Teams and RolesLearning Teams and Roles WikipediaWikipedia


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    First PaperFirst Paper

    Share your paper onShare your paper onCritical ThinkingCritical ThinkingApplicationApplication

    Provide an example from your personalProvide an example from your personalexperience.experience.

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    Notable QuotesNotable Quotes

    Thinking is the hardest work there is,Thinking is the hardest work there is,which is probably why so few engage in it.which is probably why so few engage in it.

    Henry FordHenry Ford

    At a certain age some peoples mindsAt a certain age some peoples minds

    close up. They live on their intellectual fat.close up. They live on their intellectual fat. William Lyon PhelpsWilliam Lyon Phelps

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    Learn Team DiscussionLearn Team Discussion

    Define critical thinking.Define critical thinking.

    Come to a consensus.Come to a consensus. Select a spoke person.Select a spoke person.

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    Thinking Critically MeansThinking Critically Means

    Examining different viewpointsExamining different viewpoints

    Learn to think from different perspectives.Learn to think from different perspectives.

    View those opinions which differ fromView those opinions which differ fromyours.yours.

    Examine the assumptions, metaphors, &Examine the assumptions, metaphors, &

    analogies of your own viewpoints & ofanalogies of your own viewpoints & ofothers.others.

    Avoid automatic responses.Avoid automatic responses.

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    General Working Definition ofGeneral Working Definition of

    Critical ThinkingCritical ThinkingA process that evaluates ideas through theA process that evaluates ideas through the

    testing of statements (accuracy) and thetesting of statements (accuracy) and the

    soundness of reasoning behind them.soundness of reasoning behind them.

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    Is thisa good recommendation or not and if not why?

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    Discussion QuestionDiscussion Question Why is critical thinking important?Why is critical thinking important?

    Is there a difference between thinking andIs there a difference between thinking and

    critically thinking?critically thinking? Can we train ourselves to thinkCan we train ourselves to think


    How do we prepare ourselves to newHow do we prepare ourselves to newpatterns of thought?patterns of thought?

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    Thoughts to PonderThoughts to Ponder

    Education means development of the mind fromEducation means development of the mind from

    within so it will help one to take problems apartwithin so it will help one to take problems apart

    and put them to work based upon soundand put them to work based upon soundjudgment.judgment.

    What if you choose to read no new books forWhat if you choose to read no new books forthe next ten years?the next ten years?

    Would your mind be different?Would your mind be different?

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    Critical Thinking QuotesCritical Thinking Quotes We cant solve problems by using the same kind ofWe cant solve problems by using the same kind of

    thinking we used when we created them.thinking we used when we created them.

    Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

    Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen,Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen,

    and thinking what nobody else has thought.and thinking what nobody else has thought.


    The human mind once stretched by a new ideaThe human mind once stretched by a new idea

    never goes back to its original dimensions.never goes back to its original dimensions.

    Oliver Wendell HomesOliver Wendell Homes

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    Characteristics of Critical Thinkers:Characteristics of Critical Thinkers:

    Strive for understandingStrive for understanding

    Are honest with themselvesAre honest with themselves

    Base judgment on evidenceBase judgment on evidenceAre interested in other peoples ideasAre interested in other peoples ideas

    Control their feelings/emotionsControl their feelings/emotions

    Recognize that extreme views are seldomRecognize that extreme views are seldomcorrect.correct.

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    Characteristics of Critical ThinkersCharacteristics of Critical Thinkers

    Keep an open mindKeep an open mind

    They are very observantThey are very observant

    Identify key issues and raise questionsIdentify key issues and raise questions

    Obtain relevant factsObtain relevant facts

    Evaluate the findings and form judgmentsEvaluate the findings and form judgments

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    What does the absence of criticalWhat does the absence of critical

    thinking look like?thinking look like? We blindly accept at face value allWe blindly accept at face value all

    justifications given by organizations andjustifications given by organizations and

    political leaders.political leaders.

    We blindly believe TV commercials.We blindly believe TV commercials.

    We blindly continue to hold on to oldWe blindly continue to hold on to oldbeliefs.beliefs.

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    Discussion QuestionDiscussion Question

    Do you agree or disagree with the followingDo you agree or disagree with the followingstatement and why?statement and why?

    Not only do we tend to think about theNot only do we tend to think about theworld according to what we want to seeworld according to what we want to see

    and what we need to see, we tend to thinkand what we need to see, we tend to thinkof it in terms of what we expect to see.of it in terms of what we expect to see.

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    We often see and hear what we want to seeWe often see and hear what we want to seeand hear, based upon our past experiences,and hear, based upon our past experiences,

    interests, motives, expectations; to stayinterests, motives, expectations; to staywithin our comfort zone.within our comfort zone.

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    Young girl? Orold women?

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    Man playinghorn? Or awomens


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    A face of anative

    American? Or

    an Eskimosback?

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    Terms of Critical ThinkingTerms of Critical Thinking






    ArgumentArgument FallacyFallacy

    Thinking BarriersThinking Barriers

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    AmbiguityAmbiguity the existence of multiplethe existence of multiplepossible meanings for a word or phrase.possible meanings for a word or phrase.

    Words and language is everything.Words and language is everything.

    Words often have multiple meaning.Words often have multiple meaning.

    AbstractAbstract less and less specific of aless and less specific of adefinition.definition.

    Arguments can have different meaningsArguments can have different meaningsantianti--war vs. support our troopswar vs. support our troops

    Words can also be emotionally based.Words can also be emotionally based.

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    Unstated beliefs that support specificUnstated beliefs that support specificreasoning.reasoning.

    Something taken to be true without proofSomething taken to be true without proofor demonstration.or demonstration. Websters DictionaryWebsters Dictionary

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    Assumptions Can Be . . .Assumptions Can Be . . .

    Can be hidden or unstated.Can be hidden or unstated.

    Taken for granted.Taken for granted. Influential in determining the conclusionInfluential in determining the conclusion

    Sometimes necessary, if the reasoning isSometimes necessary, if the reasoning is

    to make make sense. Potentially deceptive.Potentially deceptive.

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    Tips for Locating Assumptions:Tips for Locating Assumptions:

    Look for ideas that support the reason.Look for ideas that support the reason.

    Identify with the author or speaker, walkIdentify with the author or speaker, walkin their shoes, understand their rolein their shoes, understand their role

    Play devils advocate or rolePlay devils advocate or role--reversalreversal

    Creatively think about other possibilities.Creatively think about other possibilities.

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    ValuesValues Importance of certain ideas or beliefs.Importance of certain ideas or beliefs.

    Does our values influences behavior?Does our values influences behavior?

    Ideas that people see as worthwhile.Ideas that people see as worthwhile.

    Provide standards of conduct by which weProvide standards of conduct by which we

    measure quality of human behavior.measure quality of human behavior.

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    EmotionEmotionLeave emotion out of it! is impossible.Leave emotion out of it! is impossible.

    Part of everything we do and thinkPart of everything we do and think

    Critical thinkers dont ignore or denyCritical thinkers dont ignore or deny

    emotions; accept and manage them.emotions; accept and manage them.

    QuestionQuestion Do we make sound decision in a highlyDo we make sound decision in a highly

    charged emotional state?charged emotional state?

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    S Recognize feelingsRecognize feelings

    Respect those thatRespect those thatare the result ofare the result ofcareful thought andcareful thought and


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    LanguageLanguage The landscape of the mind.The landscape of the mind.

    The software of the brain.The software of the brain.

    The limits of my language are the limitsThe limits of my language are the limitsof my life to this point.of my life to this point.

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    LanguageLanguage How is language used in decision making?How is language used in decision making?

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    LanguageLanguage How is language used in decision making?How is language used in decision making?

    To informTo inform

    To explainTo explain

    To persuadeTo persuade

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    LanguageLanguage Words can have two kinds ofWords can have two kinds of




    What does each mean?What does each mean?

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    Dictionary meaningDictionary meaning

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    Dictionary meaning:Dictionary meaning:What is an apple?What is an apple?

    The firm, edible, usually rounded fruitThe firm, edible, usually rounded fruit

    of this tree.of this tree.

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    Overtones or suggestions beyond theOvertones or suggestions beyond thedictionary meanings.dictionary meanings.

    What do you think of when you hear theWhat do you think of when you hear theword apple?word apple?

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    Food, Pie, Macintosh, a computer, Adam &Food, Pie, Macintosh, a computer, Adam &Eve, keeps the doctor away, applesauce,Eve, keeps the doctor away, applesauce,

    an orchard, orchard, etc.

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    A claim used to persuade others as toA claim used to persuade others as towhether something is true or false or ifwhether something is true or false or if

    something should or should not be done.something should or should not be done. Consists of:Consists of:


    One or more reasonsOne or more reasons ConclusionConclusion

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    FallacyFallacyAn incorrect pattern of reasoningAn incorrect pattern of reasoning

    Many fallacys existMany fallacys exist


    Common belief fallacy: We assume a statement isCommon belief fallacy: We assume a statement istrue based on the evidence that others believe it.true based on the evidence that others believe it.

    A statement or argument based upon aA statement or argument based upon afalse or invalid conclusion.false or invalid conclusion. Websters DictionaryWebsters Dictionary

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    Thinking BarriersThinking Barriers





    Bias (values and beliefs)Bias (values and beliefs)

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    Personal Barriers to thinkingPersonal Barriers to thinking

    (Ego Defenses)(Ego Defenses) DenialDenial

    Refuse to accept reality.Refuse to accept reality.

    ProjectionProjection We see in others what is really happening toWe see in others what is really happening to

    RationalizationRationalization Lying to ourselves about the real reasons forLying to ourselves about the real reasons for

    our behaviors and feelings.our behaviors and feelings.

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    Thinking ErrorsThinking Errors

    PersonalizationPersonalization Thinking in which the world revolvesThinking in which the world revolves

    around an individualaround an individual Polarized ThinkingPolarized Thinking

    There is only black or whiteThere is only black or white no grayno gray

    CatastrophizingCatastrophizingAlways consider the worst possibleAlways consider the worst possible

    outcome (all the time)outcome (all the time)

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    Thinking ErrorsThinking Errors (Continued)(Continued)

    Selective abstractionSelective abstraction

    Focusing on one detail of a situationFocusing on one detail of a situationand ignoring the larger pictureand ignoring the larger picture


    Drawing broad conclusions on the basisDrawing broad conclusions on the basisof a single incident.of a single incident.

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    Five Phases of Critical ThinkingFive Phases of Critical Thinking

    Phase 4: Finding AlternativesPhase 4: Finding Alternatives

    Also called the transition stage when old ideasAlso called the transition stage when old ideas

    are either left behind and a new way ofare either left behind and a new way of

    thinking begins.thinking begins.

    Phase 5: IntegrationPhase 5: Integration

    Involves fitting new ideas and informationInvolves fitting new ideas and information

    into everyday usage.into everyday usage.

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    Key Questions to CriticalKey Questions to Critical

    ThinkingThinking What are the issues and the expectedWhat are the issues and the expected


    What are the reasons?What are the reasons?

    What words or phrases are ambiguous?What words or phrases are ambiguous?

    What are the value conflicts andWhat are the value conflicts and


    What are the assumptions?What are the assumptions?

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    Key Questions to CriticalKey Questions to Critical

    ThinkingThinkingAre there any fallacies in the reasoning?Are there any fallacies in the reasoning?

    How good is the evidence?How good is the evidence?

    Are there rival causes?Are there rival causes?

    Are the statistics deceptive?Are the statistics deceptive?

    What significant information is omitted?What significant information is omitted?

    What reasonable conclusions are possible?What reasonable conclusions are possible?

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    Critical thinking involves evaluatingCritical thinking involves evaluatinginformation or arguments in terms ofinformation or arguments in terms of

    their accuracy and worththeir accuracy and worth

    Verbal ReasoningVerbal Reasoning

    Understanding and evaluating the persuasiveUnderstanding and evaluating the persuasivetechniques found in oral and written languagetechniques found in oral and written language

    Argument AnalysisArgument Analysis

    Discriminating between reasons that do and doDiscriminating between reasons that do and do

    not support a particular conclusionnot support a particular conclusion

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    Critical thinking involves evaluatingCritical thinking involves evaluatinginformation or arguments in terms ofinformation or arguments in terms of

    their accuracy and worththeir accuracy and worth

    Decision MakingDecision Making

    identifying and judging several alternatives andidentifying and judging several alternatives and

    selecting the best alternativeselecting the best alternative Critical Analysis of Prior ResearchCritical Analysis of Prior Research

    evaluating the value of data and research results inevaluating the value of data and research results in

    terms of the methods used to obtain them and theirterms of the methods used to obtain them and their

    potential relevance to particular conclusions.potential relevance to particular conclusions.

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    Problem Solving ProcedureProblem Solving Procedure

    Define the problem (not the symptom)Define the problem (not the symptom)

    Remove thinking barriers (bias and logical)Remove thinking barriers (bias and logical)

    Gather all relevant factsGather all relevant facts Generate solutions (brainstorming,Generate solutions (brainstorming,

    creative thinking)creative thinking)

    Select a solution (pros and cons) andSelect a solution (pros and cons) and

    have a back up planhave a back up plan Implement and evaluateImplement and evaluate

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    Characteristics of CriticalCharacteristics of Critical

    Thinking & Decision MakingThinking & Decision Making University of Phoenix ModelUniversity of Phoenix Model

    Framing the questionFraming the question

    Making the decisionMaking the decision

    Evaluating the decisionEvaluating the decision

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    University of Phoenix ModelUniversity of Phoenix Model

  • 8/8/2019 Critical Thinking Assumption


    Learning Team AssignmentLearning Team Assignment

    Prepare a 1050 to 1400 word paper inPrepare a 1050 to 1400 word paper inwhich you analyze at least three differentwhich you analyze at least three different

    types of thinking styles.types of thinking styles. Compare and contrast and comment onCompare and contrast and comment on

    how each affects the criticalhow each affects the critical--thinkingthinkingprocess.process.

    Apply Critical Thinking to a workplaceApply Critical Thinking to a workplaceexample.example.

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