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Do ahmadis deserve to live in Pakistan?Yasser latif hamdani is a lawyer who believes in secular democratic Pakistan. He is also famous for his advocacy for equal rights of Ahmadis in pkaistan. Yasser latof Hamdnis essay Do Ahmadis deserve to live in pakistan was published in thefridaytimes on 31 August, 2012 against the persecution and brutal extermination of Ahmadis in pakistan. In his essay, Yasser latif attempts to prtray the intolerable condition of Ahmdis in Pakistan after the ordinance 20 which seeked to criminalise Ahmadis self identification as Muslims. Hamdani is straightforward in his arguments with use of serious and to the point tone and raised several rhetorical questions with series of events. However, the author is extremely biased in his claims, his arguments are generalized and unsupported and he fails to provide solutions to the problems being discussed that makes the article less convincing "Despite the fact that Ahmadis were front row participants in the indo-pak freedom movement, they are mistreated, harassed and murdered in pakistan. The role of religeous scholors, administration, national heroes and the police has been higlighted in persecution of Ahmadis. Author has turned our attention to basic principle to live in Pakistan and that is to be a Pakistani at heart and thus religious, cast, color or racial discriminations can lead to chaos.Hamdanis straightforward attitude portrays the situation of Ahmadis in the current era. The background provided by the author about the constitutional ammendment shows the targetted behavior of government to particular sect. It makes the readers think the role of elected persons to be unjustified and tilted oppositte to a certain community. For example The PPP views the ammendment as a feather in its cap emphasizes the readers to think about unjust behavior of democratic party with the inhabitants of Pakistan. The obligations of rules are objective not subjective to certain sects. The elected persons go to parliament after the consensus and votes of people of different sects therefore; the elected persons have to represent all the communities of pakistan irrespective of religion beleifs of people.Hamdani, somehow with compelling manner, has tented us to think about the role of Ahmadis in development of Pakistan. Ahmadis were in front row in supporting the movement of foundation of pakistan and being an educated and innovative community throughout the subcontinent payed pivotal role for the development of the state. The author has given the text strength by discussing the Justice Munir report the state intitutions were required to work in isolation from religious intervention. Also, according to the report, though lacking the Islamic definitions by Mullah, ulema of different sects gathered and were asked to give the definition of Islam. As a result, a person is Muslim according to one Alim but kafir according to everyone elses definition. No consensus was developed on the definition of Islam given by deifferent ulema therefore; none shall be kicked out of Islam on the basis of varying definitions. But in 1984, post anti-Qadiyani ordinance 20 was passed according to which Ahmadis cannot call themsleves as Msulims or else they will be held criminally responsible. Here, the author has brought our attention to misleading beahvior of authorities. At first in Justice Munir report, the state institutions were required to carry out their responsibilities without the involvement of religious extremism. But then, in 1984 Ahmadis were targetted and were not allowed to call themsleves as Muslims after the Anti Anti-Qadiyani ordinance 20, the 2nd ammendment in constitution of pakistan passed after the intervention of Islamic definitions in constituion of Pakistan. The author has raised the issue of secular behavior of ruling authorities. In the eyes of law, people of state must be viewed beyond sects of religious beleifs. The basic identity of a person living is a country is not the religion but the nationalism.In the article, the author has discussed series of events showing the persecution of Ahmadis that raises the questions on responsibilities of police force in the state. Author writes about the harassment and murder of Ahmdi community in Pakistan. In one event, police stopped Ahmadis from offering Eid prayers in their worship place. Similarly, the Quranic verses were removed from the walls of the Ahmadi house. On another location, Ahmadi was arrested for displaying the Quranic verse in his shop. Furthermore, the houses and shops of Ahmadis were ransacked by the police and even by the agitators. The major concern of the author in listing the series of events is to identify the role of police forces in fulfilling their responsibilities. It is the legal responsibility of police is to stop the people from criminal activities and to safeguard the people of the state from any kind of harm. Enforcement of law is the primary obligation of Police. Therefore, the author has illustrated that police is busy in targetting the Ahmadi sect. Despite protecting the Ahmadis as they are the citizens of Pakistan, police was busy in creating inconvenience for the Ahmadi community. Police must perform its duties with full obligation considering equally all the sect of people of the state. Furthermore, agitators also played its part in destabilizing the normal routine of life and that is completely unjustified behavior.

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