  • 8/11/2019 Cropcircles Anopencase Preview


    Facts, Lies and Hypotheses

    CROP CIRCLES- An Open Case -

    Elisabeth Zollinger

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    I) What are crop circles?

    1. Inroducion

    2. Some Eye - Openers3. Brief Overview Of Hisory and Developmen of he Crop Circles in England

    4. Brief Overview Of Sudies

    4.1. Biological Sudies

    4.2. Analyses of Geomery, Mahemaics and Music in Crop Circles

    4.3. Asronomical Observaions

    5. Wha if?

    6. The Ligh Phenomenon

    II) Reactions Towards the Crop Circle Phenomenon

    1. Hoaxing and Hoax-Claiming2. Unprofessional Behaviour

    3. The Role of he Media

    4. A Remarkable Even: The Sory of he Eas Field Crop Circle 7h July 2007

    5. Todays Crop Circle Scene

    5.1. In he Fog of Rumours and Debunking

    5.2. Analysis of an Abuse: Andrew Pyrkas Inerview wih Andrew Buckley

    5.3. Debunking he Woodhay Down Serpen Crop Circle

    5.4. Clearing he Sigh: The Cropwach UK Projec

    6. Our Behaviour Towards he Unknown

    III) Interviews with Crop Circle Researchers

    Karen Alexander, Andrew Buckley, Suar Dike, Michael Glickman, Ber Janssen,

    Palden Jenkins, Foeke Kooje, Frank Laumen, Charles Mallet, Andreas Mller,

    Lucy Pringle, Nancy Talbot, Andy Thomas, Dan Vidler

    Appendix: Books, Films and Websies abou Crop Circles

    22/7/2008 & 23/7/2008, South Field, near Alton

    Priors, Wiltshire, Wheat 450ft. approx.

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    * A Black Swan is an event that lies outside the realm of

    regular expectations and it carries an extreme impact.

    (Nicholas N. Taleb)

    27/7/2005,Avebury Manor, Wiltshire, Wheat, 300ft. approx.

    here is no evidence of he possibiliy of large evens, i.e.,

    Black Swans*. You are likely o confuse ha saemen, however,

    paricularly if you do no pay close atenion, wih he saemen

    ha here is evidence of no possible Black Swans Ten days

    from now, if you manage o remember he firs saemen a all,

    you will be likely o reain he second, inaccurae version ha

    here is proof of no Black Swans.

    One single observaion can invalidae a general saemen

    derived from millennia of confirmaory sighings of whie swans.

    All you need is one single black bird.

    (Nicholas N. Taleb, The Black Swan, 2007, rev.ed. paperback,

    Penguin Books, 2010, p.52)

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    4.1. General Remarks

    There have been many sudies on crop circles con-

    duced in he pas hiry years for example, biophysical

    sudies on plan and soil samples and on conrols; sudies

    on radiaion; mahemaical and geomerical analyses of

    designs in he fields, asronomical observaions, and

    more. Since here exis many examples in lieraure and

    documenary films abou such sudies, I will confine

    myself here o only a brief overview. I will provide se-

    veral examples of sudies and research, including he

    work of he BLT Research Team (W.C. Levengood, Nancy

    Talbot and he lae John Burke), some geomerical

    analyses by Michael Glickman, he findings of Gerald

    Hawkins and asronomical observaions by Jack Sullivan.

    4.2. Biophysical and Radiation


    Over he years, here have been many scienific sudies

    invesigaing plan and soil samples from crop circles,

    including he monioring of possible radioacive anoma-


    - ADAS, UK, The Agricultural Development and Advi-

    sory Service esed several crop formaions in 1995

    and found, amongs oher anomalies, an increase in

    he nirogen/nirae raio.

    Afer he publicaion of hese resuls, he depar -

    men of ADAS was closed down.

    - BLT-Research Team, Pinelandia Biophysical Labora-

    tory, Michigan (W.C. Levengood, John Burke, Nancy

    Talbot), USA, did mos sudies unil now:

    Levengood, W.C. (M.S. in Biophysics; M.A. in

    Bioscience): Anaomical anomalies in crop formaion

    plans, Physiologia Planarum, Vol. 92, Issue 2, p.356-

    363, Oc 1994

    Crop formaions consis of geomerically organized regions

    ranging from 2 o 80 m diameer, in which he plans (pri -

    marily grain crops) are flatened in a horizonal posiion.

    Plans from crop formaions display anaomical aleraions

    which canno be accouned for by assuming he formaions

    are hoaxes.

    Near he soil surface he curved sems ofen form complex

    swirls wih vorex ype paterns. In he presen paper, evi-

    dence is presened which indicaes ha srucural and

    cellular aleraions ake place in plans exposed wihin he

    confines of he circle ype formaions, differences which were

    4. A Brief Overview of Studies

    A Brief Overview of Studies

    an open case | 23

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    deermined o be saisically significan when compared

    wih conrol plans aken ouside he formaions.

    These ransformaions were manifesed a he macros-

    copic-level as abnormal nodal swelling, gross malformaionsduring embryogenesis, and charred epidermal issue. Signi-

    fican changes in seed germinaion and developmen were

    found, and a he microscopic level differences were observed

    in cell wall pi srucures. Affeced plans also have charac-

    erisics suggesing he involvemen of ransien high




    Levengood, W.C., Burke, J.: Semi-Molen Mee-

    oric Iron Associaed wih a Crop Formaion, Journal

    of Scienific Exploraion, Vol 9, No 2, pp 191-199, 1995,

    1995 Sociey for Scienific Exploraion

    We repor he unusual discovery of a naural iron glaze

    composed of fused paricles of meeoric origin, concenraed

    enirely wihin a crop formaion in England, appearing

    shorly afer he inense Perseid meeor shower in Augus

    1993. Physical and chemical characerisics as well as spaial

    disribuions indicaed reheaing o a semi-molen sae a

    he ime of crop impac, suggesing involvemen wih an

    iron plasma vorex, a mechanism previoulsy considered he

    chief candidae in scienific invesigaions of crop formaions.Abnormaliies in seedling growh was also consisen wih

    he usual responses of seeds from numerous crop formaions.

    Conrad, Diane (Geologis): Presudy Clay-Mineral

    Crysallizaion Case Sudy, 1996

    BLT Research Team Inc.: Clay-Mineral Crysalli-

    zaion Case Sudy, 1999

    Edmonon, Albera, Canada crop formaion.

    Online 2004 (

    This Sudy is presened as an example following

    his lis in deail.

    Levengood, W.C., Talbot, N., (Presiden BLT Team):

    Dispersion of Energies in Worldwide Crop Formaions,

    Physiologia Planarum, Vol 105, issue 4, pages 615-624,


    The findings repored here lend furher suppor o a

    decade of research which suggess ha over 95% of world-

    wide crop formaions involve organized ion plasma vorices

    ha deliver lower amosphere energy componens of sufficien

    magniude o produce significan bending, expansion and

    he formaion of unique expulsion caviies in plan sem

    pulvini, as well as significan changes in seedling develop-

    men. Here we demonsraed ha, in a number of formaions,

    quaniaive node aleraions can be direcly relaed o

    fundamenal conceps of elecromagneic energy absorpion

    hrough he amosphere. Also, in a deailed field sudy of

    24 | an open case

    Apical Nodes

    Node bending to SIDE Expulsion Cavity (maize)

    (1st or 2nd day)

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    simulaed crop formaions, we show ha overferilizaion or

    gravioropism canno accoun for observed physiological

    aleraions. In addiion, we demonsrae ha deails of

    flatened, inerwined crop paterns can be described by heapplicaion of fluid dynamic principles governing he iner-

    acion of recilinearly moving vorex pairs.

    Talbot, N., BLT Research: FT-IR, ICP-MS & XRD

    Analyses Prove Whie Powder in Duch Crop Circle is

    99.99% Pure Hydromagnesie


    Addendum o FT-IR and ICP-MS analyses of he

    whie powder:

    Mineralogis Dr. D.D. Eberl conduced an x-ray diff-

    racion analysis of his whie powder: He was able o

    confirm boh he chemisry and FTIR we had run previously,

    saing ha he whie powder is pure hydromagnesie. He

    also expressed he opinion ha i mus be synheic, because

    i is so pure.

    As Nancy Talbot wries, is chief use seems o be as a

    fire reardan, is formule is Mg5 (CO3)4(OH)2 4(H2O).

    ( 2010

    Talbot, Nancy: Firs scienific proof of burning

    in crop circle plans,

    in 2010 seedheads from a Duch formaion which

    occurred in he early morning hours of Augus 2nd in a field

    in-beween Hoeven and Oudenbosch have provided scienific

    proof of acual burningThe laboraory repor clearly

    shows ha in his case he blackening is carbon-based

    and posiively due o burning, no o he fungus Usilago.


    Many laboraory repors and analyses of crop

    circles from various counries since he early 1990s

    unil oday (see

    - Buckley, Andrew, Graphic Designer; Sudies on Ra-

    diaion in crop circles (unpublished)

    - Burke, John; several aricles, for example The Physics

    of Crop Formaions, MUFON Journal, Oc. 1998; wroe

    ogeher wih Kay Halberg he book Seeds of Know-

    ledge, Sone of Pleny, 2005.John Burke died in 2010.

    In conjuncion wih his crop circles work wih Michigan

    biopysicis W.C. Levengood, John was insrumenal in

    developing he MIR Sressguard process, a echnique which

    replicaed he BLT Teams discovery ha seeds aken from

    crop circles which had occurred in maure plans grew boh

    faser han normal and also produced increased yield while

    simulaneously wihsanding ypical plan sressors.

    Years of atemps by John o bring his echnology o heworlds seed companies failed, because he financial profis

    which could be anicipaed were less han hese garnered by

    he curren, geneic, approach.

    (Nancy Talbot, 2010

    - Chorost, Michael, physicis, USA, and

    - Dudly, Marshall, nuclear physicis, USA

    Dudley, M., Tennelec/Nucleus, Tennesse, USA

    and Choros,M., Duke Universiy, Norh Carolina:

    The Discovery of Thireen Shor-Lived Radionucleides

    in Soil Samples from an English Crop Circle

    (, 1991

    - Haselhoff, Eltjo, PhD in Theoreical and Experimenal

    Physics, physicis, NL

    Haselhoff, E., Opinions and commens on Leven-

    good WC, Talbot NP (1999) Dispersion of energies in

    worldwide crop formaions,

    Eljo Haselhoff confirmed findings of BLT and in-

    vesigaed in he connecion beween balls of ligh and

    crop circles finding surprising resuls.

    Physiologia Planarum Vol. 111, issue 1, p. 123-124,

    January 2001, online 7. July 2008

    A Brief Overview of Studies

    an open case | 25

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    2/8/2004, Silbury Hill,Wiltshire, Wheat,

    350ft. approx.

    If you can dream and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

    If you can bear to hear the truth youve spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools

    (Rudyard Kipling, If, quoed in: Bes-loved Poems,

    ed. Neil Philip; Litle, Brown and Company, 2000)

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    50 | an open case


    Andy Thomas wries abou hoaxing in his book Vial


    Technically, a hoax is only a hoax when masquerading as

    something known to be the real thing, and only a very few

    formations have ever had their source indisputably proved (eye-

    witness accounts of circles forming out of nowhere, or those

    known beyond any doubt to be man-made).

    In he pas years here have always been (a leas since

    he Doug n Dave sory) people allegedly hoaxing crop

    circles, or claiming o have hoaxed crop formaions.

    Many, if no acually he majoriy of people believe

    hese claims o be rue, which seems o me o be raher


    The reason: here has never been any subsanial evi-

    dence o suppor hese claims.

    There are no scienific sudies proving ha mos or all

    crop circles are man-made, on he conrary: such scienific

    sudies do show ha here is somehing very ineresing

    and unexplained going on in he fields of Souhern Eng-

    land and in oher pars of he world (see chaper A Brief

    Overview of Sudies).

    And: he CropWachUK Projec, iniiaed by Andrew

    Buckley in 2009, wih he suppor of he UK Naional

    Farmers Union and inpu from he local police auhoriies

    reveals imporan findings (see chaper 5.4. Clearing he

    Sigh: The Cropwach UK Projec).

    And, as Andy Thomas wries: On paper, just drawing

    some of the designs we have seen would take hours. Marking

    elaborately huge configurations out in dark fields would require

    many more, let alone then laying the crops down with the skill

    observed. (A.Thomas, Vial Signs).

    Regarding he lay and weaving found in crop circles,

    Andy Thomas wries ha Experiments with rollers, planks

    and feet have failed to reproduce this effect and, while sometimes

    tidy, lack the graceful flow usually seen.

    So how come ha hoax-claimans and debunkers have

    such a big influence, so ha even long-sanding crop circle

    researchers are influenced by hem?

    There is no evidence for he claims. Jus saying: We

    have done his crop circle las nigh!, or: I know who

    has done his crop circle, bu have promised no o ell he

    names! or o show a phoograph of people sanding in a

    field wih a board, or fooage showing how people samp

    plans in a field, is no evidence a all.

    1. Hoaxing and Hoax-Claiming

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    Hoaxing and Hoax-Claiming

    an open case | 51

    Or would you believe me, if I showed you a phoo-

    graph of me sanding besides he Eiffel Tower in Paris,

    wih a hammer and oher equipmen, and I hen old you

    ha I consruced ha building?

    Or showing broken plans and oher damage in forma-

    ions and saying: Look is man-made, here are races

    of people having been in i! canno sand as evidence for

    he crop circle having been made by people. Because,

    srangely enough, here are people going ino crop circles

    a nigh desroying pars of hem or leaving boards and

    oher hings here. These are incidens ha have acually

    been observed.

    Obviously many people seem o be very gullible. A

    researcher wen ino a crop circle once and old he

    people here, jus as an experimen, ha he had made his

    formaion. They believed him insanly (of course he old

    hem himself he ruh laer). However ineresingly, hey

    did no ask he researcher for any evidence o suppor his


    Why do hey accep hese claims so easily?

    Could i be ha fear of he unknown is in mos of us

    oo big o cope wih, and ha here is grea relief if we

    can hold on o our world view when old ha here is

    nohing srange going on, jus people flatening crop as

    Doug n Dave said.

    Therefore why does all his claiming and debunking

    acually ake place?

    Why do hese hoax-claimans and debunkers work so

    hard creaing hese sories merely o convince ohers of

    heir claims?

    For example Mathew Williams on his Circlemakersv

    goes o a grea deal of rouble o inerview hoax-claimans

    and spread lies and disinformaion, wih ofen libellous

    and defamaory remarks.

    Anoher example is Andrew Pyrka informing everyone

    ha all crop circles are man-made1 wihou providing any

    evidence on his websies Repor a Crop Circle Formaion

    (Facebook) and

    He also is seen sanding in crop circles elling visiors

    ha researchers now accep ha all crop circles are man-

    made. This is raher srange, as if he is no longer ineres-

    ed in he crop circles as a phenomenon, hen why no

    leave he subjec alone?

    Whaever he agendas of hese hoax-claimans are:

    hey are very efficien in spreading heir claims and lies

    and influencing many people.Could i be ha rumours abou people geting paid for

    debunking crop circles, o keep he public uninformed, are


    Is i hese people jus feel he need o sand ou from

    he crowd and need o be he cenre of atenion?

    Maybe hey need o le ou some aggression, as is ofen

    seen wih some of hem, hreaening researchers for

    example, or verbally atacking hem on a very primiive

    level? (as examples see he YouTube films of Mathew

    Williams atacking researchers as Michael Glickman,

    Andy Thomas, Andrew Buckley and farmers, for example

    Polly Carson).

    However i could be ha hey are so afraid of some-

    hing unknown ha hey have o persuade ohers ha

    here is nohing unusual going on, jus o be able o calm


    Will here be answers o hese quesions one day?

    Alhough maybe he answers will no be so imporan

    anymore when we jus look a wha is going on, wih

    much discernmen and an open mind.

    Then all hese claimans and debunkers, whaever

    heir agendas may be, will surely lose much of heir


    1 after having cherished crop circles as a wonderful phenomenon during three or so years

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    72 | an open case

    3.1. Some general remarks

    We assume ha he role of he media is o inform he

    public as objecively as possible abou evens, houghs,

    heories ec. I is undersandable ha his is especially

    difficul regarding a subjec so conroversial as he crop


    As Michael Glickman once remarked: Would you like to

    have been the journalist who had to write in a paper that the

    earth is round?

    All he same: scienific resuls of sudies compleed by

    scienifically rained and qualified persons should find a

    way ino he media-repors. Unforunaely his does no

    happen or if i does, on very rare occasions, i is done

    raher in a superficial way. I seems as if mos of he

    media have biased views on his phenomenon and are

    no ineresed in acually invesigaing he subjec.

    Regretably, hey ofen missrepresan collaborae wih

    hoax-claimans who have already been known o have

    lied abou crop formaions. This resuls in false sories

    ha are misleading o people who may be ineresed in

    he opic.

    There are many, many examples of such incidens. I

    could fill a whole book on his subjec: on several

    occasions Naional Geographic have been involved in

    decepion (for example in he inciden in 2004; see Nancy

    Talbots leter o Naional Geographic TVs Mr. Sydney

    Suissa and Ber Janssens aricle,

    published/nageo_cropcircleshow.php and Sern-TV in

    Germany in he year 2002 and ohers).

    Here is he analysis of one such example:

    3.2. Analysis of The Truth Behind

    Crop Circles, a Film by Zig Zag

    Productions and National

    Geographic; Shown on n-tv,

    January 2011

    a) Information

    In his film several aspecs of he crop circle pheno -

    menon are alked abou. Also crop circle researcher Andy

    Thomas has his say occasionally, and he circlemakers

    (former Team Saan) are shown making a crop circle in

    a field. Scieniss (no crop circle researchers) are iner-

    viewed on he subjec.

    3. The Role of the Media

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    5.1. In he Fog of Rumours

    and Debunking

    a) General remarks

    In my opinion here is much misrus and confusion

    in he crop circle scene, especially in he Unied Kingdom.

    I even looks as if some sor of culminaion poin has

    been reached in a developmen ha seems o have begun

    in he year 1991 wih he Doug-n-Dave decepion sory.

    Culminaion poins have one characerisic which could

    be a consolaion: ha he direcion of he developmen

    could change.

    Of course, i could also be differen, maybe he develop-

    men is going even more in he same direcion, he

    culminaion poin no really having been achieved


    So we canno know if here really will be a change

    soon, bu we can ry o be of help in a fruiful way in he

    developmen of hings o come.

    A he momen, and for a considerable ime, hoax-

    claimans and debunkers seem o work feverishly

    persuading as many people as possible of heir opinion

    ha all crop circles are man-made.

    Alhough here is no hard evidence for he claims of

    hese individuals, hey are aken seriously by many


    Maybe i does no make much sense pondering oo

    long on he quesion why hese people are doing his.

    Bu I hink i is very imporan o look precisely a heir

    behaviour and how hey proceed, in order o gain a

    clearer picure of he siuaion.

    In my opinion, over he pas few years, he siuaion

    in he crop circle scene became more and more confused:

    Hoax-claimans and debunkers seem o have gained

    more influence year afer year, wih increasing suppor

    from even some of he serious researchers.

    This is raher difficul o undersand. I would be

    easier o comprehend people who do no undersand a

    grea deal abou crop circles o be aken in.

    Rumours have probably always been a dominaing

    aspec wihin he crop circle communiy.

    The siuaion is hardly ransparen.

    I hink a very helpful guideline in discerning honesy

    and ruhfulness will be o look a how people behave

    owards one anoher. To libel, atack and hreaen oher

    people is cerainly no an indicaion of professional

    5. Today's Situation in the Crop Circle Scene

    Todays Situation

    an open case | 95

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    behaviour, so I recommend ha he reader pay atenion

    when cerain individuals behave in his manner.

    Unbiased and maure communicaion wih people

    showing differen viewpoins is of course a crucial feaurefor professional working researchers.

    So, o make ones way hrough his fog of rumour,

    hearsay and fighing i is imporan o look a he evi-


    For example, if someone commens abou anoher

    person one has o lisen wih much discernmen and look

    if here is any evidence for he claim.

    And of course one has o speak wih he person in

    quesion, oo. I may all urn ou o be very differen frominformaion having obained indirecly (hearsay) and

    maybe here are jus big misundersandings.

    Many desrucive hings have been done in falsely

    accusing hones persons and believing liars, or acceping

    he esimony of ofen very gullible, bu oherwise friend-

    ly people.

    I hope ha in presening some examples of his be -

    haviour I will be able o clear away some of he fog.

    There would be much o ell, bu for he ime being a

    few examples shall be sufficien.

    More abou hoaxing, hoax-claiming, debunking and

    unprofessional behaviour you find in

    his par II) of my book, chaper 1: Hoaxing and Hoax-

    Claiming and chaper 2: Unprofessional Behaviour.

    A he momen (and for some years now), Mathew

    Williams and Andrew Pyrka seem o have gained grea

    influence in he crop circle scene. So in his chaper I will

    concenrae on he wo of hem.

    As hey boh chose o publically broadcas heir sae-

    mens I menion hem by name.

    b) Mathew Williams and CirclemakersTV

    (please noe: episodes of CirclemakersTV are currenly

    uploaded ono Mathew Williams websie: Truhseekers666)

    Hoax-claiman Mathew Williams is he creaor and

    presener of CirclemakersTV. Some of he people who

    paricipae in he show are ofen presened in an abusive

    and occasionally defamaory manner, paricularly if hey

    do no suppor his views on crop circles.

    He frequenly makes saemens wihou providing

    any hard evidence.

    The idea, ha all crop circles are man-made seems

    really o have become an ideology for some people: nooher viewpoin is acceped, and people who do see hings

    differenly are being atacked.

    Mathew Williams ofen resors o expleives as fuck

    his and ha in his communicaion.

    He has familiar arges, for example, Michael Glickman,

    W.C. Levengood, Lucy Pringle, Linda Moulon-Howe

    and Andrew Buckley. Ineresingly, many of his vicims

    have scienific and/or professional backgrounds wih

    degree saus from recognised universiies.

    Examples of saemens made by Mathew Williams:

    Truhseekers 666, 16/5/2010 (regarding an episode on

    he Hisory Channel abou crop circles)

    They don menion anyhing abou circlemakers apar

    from Doug and Dave, is like a couple of blokes couldn do i,

    yeah, bollocks, yeah i has o be conneced wih aliens, i has o

    be conneced wih, you know, mysical suff and suff from

    spaceSuzanne Taylor was on here, you are no going o ge

    any balance here, and here was Linda Moulon Howe, and

    ha was i hey even didn boher o speak abou he

    circlemakers.. hey even didn boher o do any real research

    by he looks of i

    The big problem I have wih heir program is ha hey

    brough up, ye again Levengoods research. And hey have

    said ha is research is from he Dr. Levengood, so one has o

    wonder why, when as you know, Linda Moulon Howe,

    fairplay, and I believe Suzanne Taylor, do acually refer o

    Levengood jus by he ile Levengood, hey don say Dr.

    Levengood, hey jus say Levengoodbu I am making in-

    96 | an open case

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    25/7/2011, Etchilhampton,near Devizes, Wlitshire,Wheat, 250ft. approx.

    To see a World in a Grain of SandAnd a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

    And Eternity in an hour.

    (William Blake, in: Bes-loved Poems, ed. Neil Philip;

    Litle, Brown and Company, 2000)

    Karen Alexander

    Andrew Buckley

    Suar Dike

    Michael Glickman

    Ber Janssen

    Palden Jenkins

    Foeke Kooje

    Frank Laumen

    Charles Mallet

    Andreas Mller

    Lucy Pringle

    Nancy Talbo

    Andy Thomas

    Dan Vidler

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    an open case | 139

    Michael Glickman

    I know here are man-made circles

    and hey are errible, hey are roten,

    and i so depresses me, ha people do

    no have he discernmen o under-sand.

    Is like we offer hem a five course

    dinner in Lyon in a five sar Michelin

    resauran and hey say, no, no, no we

    wan a Big Mac, we prefer ha, or a

    Kenucky Fried Chicken.

    And his is mad. They say, oh

    here is no difference, really. Is he

    same.I find his he mos bleakly, depres-

    sing hing abou my dear and beloved

    fellow human beings, ha hey canno

    use heir eyes, canno do i, hey canno

    disinguish a miracle from a piece of


    This is depressing.

    Why do you think there

    are so few people really

    interested in this

    phenomenon? Mostly they

    just laugh compassionately.

    Well, why did so few people believe

    he earh migh be round?

    Why did so few people believe ha

    heavier han air machines migh fly?

    Why did so few people believe ha

    women had souls?

    Because we wan oday like yeser-

    day and omorrow like oday. And if

    someone comes and shakes he boa

    we hrow hem ou. And crop circles

    are rocking he boa.

    And so, crop circles, hey are man-

    made, I can go o sleep now and I can

    worry abou my new moorcar, and

    he elevision program, and my mor-gage. Humaniy bless hem.

    What do you think about the

    media, how they behave

    towards crop circles?

    I is he same. I mean, a lo of people

    say: Oh here is a conspiracy. There

    is no conspiracy. The media are lockedinescapably ino elling he public

    wha he public is comforable o hear.

    Simple as ha.

    I mean: Would you like o be edior

    of a newspaper ha firs had o say:

    The earh is round!? He would have

    been killed.

    So hey will never give you he real

    news, hey give us wha we expec.

    Can you imagine now a newspa-

    per, prining a headline saying crop

    circles canno be produced by man.

    Can you imagine ha?

    Not really, no. Would you

    like to say what you think

    about the crop circles so far

    from this year? (July 2010)

    I hink hey are wonderful. I hink

    hey are absoluely wonderful.

    They are enormous and giganic

    and complex.

    And he hing is his: he design

    qualiies are so suble and enigmaic,

    mulilayered and complex, ha every

    single one of hese formaions is a

    maserclass in design and geomery.

    There are people who say,

    for example, the Milk Hill

    is a hoax, because some

    geometry doesnt match.

    Look, I don wan o alk abou his,

    because I have wased weny years,

    alking abou his.

    And here is he ruh. In 1992 I said:

    Everyhing you hear abou a hoax is

    a lie. I is rue! There is always some-

    one around saying: Oh is a hoax, a

    hoax. There is never evidence.

    I mean I saw some of he deails of

    he Windmill Hill formaion, he litle

    ness and he spiders webs.

    You would need o bring Belgian

    lace-making nuns o do his. Or litle

    children from Kandahar, who make

    carpes. These hings were so delicae.

    Each ime somebody says oh is

    man-made, hey are no alking abou

    he real exernal mechanical world or

    abou evidence.

    Wha hey say is: I am go o give

    you a window o look ino my fear,

    my inabiliy o ake his in.

    So when anybody alks abou man-

    made hey are alking abou heir own

    insecuriy. There is never evidence.

  • 8/11/2019 Cropcircles Anopencase Preview


    The angels play on their horns all day,The whole earth in progression seems to pass by.But does anyone hear the music they play,Does anyone even try?

    (Bob Dylan, Three Angels, in: Writings and Drawings,

    Panter Books 1974)

    the lines in the Angels robe alternated between outward and inword sweeps in a continuous line that was over four thousand

    feet long

    These lines were about six inches wide and looked as though they had been rolled by a magically controlled ball that ran unerringly

    straight through the wheat and left the sides of the channel swept upword.

    Michael Glickman (Crop Circes. The Bones of God, 2009)

    25/7/2001, Great Shelford,Cambridgeshire, Wheat,150ft. approx.

  • 8/11/2019 Cropcircles Anopencase Preview


    This book deals with many questions

    regarding the crop circle phenomenon:

    Wha are crop circles, and wha know-ledge do we have, resuling from scienificsudies, geomerical analyses and repors?

    How do we reac owards unknown phe-nomena, for example crop circles and un-explained ligh phenomena?

    A view o a roublesome siuaion wherelies are old and unprofessional behaviouris in evidence indicaes wha is going onin he Unied Kingdom in he crop circlescene a his ime.

    Inerviews wih 14 crop circle researchersshow ha hey are no lunaics bu juspeople rying commited o undersandingwha is all abou.

    Elisabeth Zollinger

    Lic phil I in Psychology,(MA Universiy of Zurich), SwierlandSudying he crop circle phenomenonsince 1999

    Elisabeh Zollinger

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