
Cross Software ltdCross Software ltd

il primo ERP Smart ClientSmart Client

Smart clientDesktop application


Smart clientDesktop application


Thick clientDesktop application

Local network

Thick clientDesktop application

Local network

Thin clientBrowser application


Thin clientBrowser application


“The problems with browser-based approaches … have become all too well-known”

“The current enthusiasm for a browser-based enterprise is shortsighted. As firms trade in their desktop clients for browsers they’ll find: primitive functionality… bandwidth gluttony… terrible usability.”

IBM Puts New Spin On Client Computing

(May 2004)

“…It sounds a bit like heresy, but the web-based portal does not really make a very effective interface to functionality that resides in many systems"

“Web-based solutions just can’t provide the rich users interface and performance which users like our traders need.”

“As proof of their disillusionment, a staggering one-third of IT decision makers report having plans for migrating some applications back to richer client environments.”

“The Client is Back” Jonathan Schwartz, Sun’s president and COO Opening remarks at JavaOne 2004


“The problems with browser-based approaches … have become all too well-known”

“The current enthusiasm for a browser-based enterprise is shortsighted. As firms trade in their desktop clients for browsers they’ll find: primitive functionality… bandwidth gluttony… terrible usability.”

IBM Puts New Spin On Client Computing

(May 2004)

“…It sounds a bit like heresy, but the web-based portal does not really make a very effective interface to functionality that resides in many systems"

“Web-based solutions just can’t provide the rich users interface and performance which users like our traders need.”

“As proof of their disillusionment, a staggering one-third of IT decision makers report having plans for migrating some applications back to richer client environments.”

“The Client is Back” Jonathan Schwartz, Sun’s president and COO Opening remarks at JavaOne 2004


ERP software for smart client benefitsSmart client technology has obvious advantages. To sum up can be summarized into three points, namely, local resources, make full use and enjoyment of the local user experience, with off-line connectivity, and intelligent deployment and automatic updates.

Smart client application, a result of differences in functional levels shown in various forms and sizes because all the smart client applications have a feature that has the ability to use local resources, for example, for storage, processing or data capture hardware (for example, flash memory, CPU and scanners).

ERP software for smart client benefitsSmart client technology has obvious advantages. To sum up can be summarized into three points, namely, local resources, make full use and enjoyment of the local user experience, with off-line connectivity, and intelligent deployment and automatic updates.

Smart client application, a result of differences in functional levels shown in various forms and sizes because all the smart client applications have a feature that has the ability to use local resources, for example, for storage, processing or data capture hardware (for example, flash memory, CPU and scanners).

In the next two to three years, smart client providers and users will gradually be recognized and the industry will set off a smart client to migrate to the globe.

In the next two to three years, smart client providers and users will gradually be recognized and the industry will set off a smart client to migrate to the globe.

Fonte: Microsoft (

Se i vantaggi offerti dalle applicazioni browser-based sono così evidenti, non si devono però dimenticare le limitazioni che un tale approccio comporta, soprattutto quando, nella valutazione, si fa rientrare anche la cosiddetta “user experience”, cioè la capacità di interazione inedita che l’informatica distribuita ha messo a disposizione dell’utente dalla nascita del PC in avanti.

Se i vantaggi offerti dalle applicazioni browser-based sono così evidenti, non si devono però dimenticare le limitazioni che un tale approccio comporta, soprattutto quando, nella valutazione, si fa rientrare anche la cosiddetta “user experience”, cioè la capacità di interazione inedita che l’informatica distribuita ha messo a disposizione dell’utente dalla nascita del PC in avanti.

La descrizione sintetica sopra riportata mette in evidenza come né la filosofia dei rich client né quella dei thin client, prese singolarmente, sono in grado di dare una risposta efficace alle esigenze degli utenti e, contemporaneamente, offrire, alle organizzazioni di tutti i tipi e di tutte le dimensioni, strumenti di facile distribuzione e gestione in esercizio.

La descrizione sintetica sopra riportata mette in evidenza come né la filosofia dei rich client né quella dei thin client, prese singolarmente, sono in grado di dare una risposta efficace alle esigenze degli utenti e, contemporaneamente, offrire, alle organizzazioni di tutti i tipi e di tutte le dimensioni, strumenti di facile distribuzione e gestione in esercizio.

???Ma che cosa è uno Ma che cosa è uno

Smart Client ?Smart Client ?

Smart clientFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Smart Client is a term describing an application environment which:●delivers applications over a web http connection●does not require installation (or provide automated installation and updates)●automatically updates without user action●has the look and feel of desktop applications

The term "Smart Client" is meant to refer to simultaneously capturing the benefits of a "thin client" (zero-install, auto-update) and a "fat client" (high performance, high productivity).

Smart clientFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Smart Client is a term describing an application environment which:●delivers applications over a web http connection●does not require installation (or provide automated installation and updates)●automatically updates without user action●has the look and feel of desktop applications

The term "Smart Client" is meant to refer to simultaneously capturing the benefits of a "thin client" (zero-install, auto-update) and a "fat client" (high performance, high productivity).

Secondo Wikipedia...Secondo Wikipedia...

Secondo Microsoft...Secondo Microsoft...


●Data modeler●Smart Queries●HiReC●Cross Cloud●Data encrypting●Cross Sql●Property manager●Framework

●Data modeler●Smart Queries●HiReC●Cross Cloud●Data encrypting●Cross Sql●Property manager●Framework

Client - serverClient - server

Client Omnis (Dev/RT)

Database server(SQL Server

SQL AnywhereOracle)

Database server(SQL Server

SQL AnywhereOracle)DAM


Cross CloudCross Cloud

Client Omnis (Dev/RT)

Java WS client

Java VirtualMachine

Server Cross CloudOmnis Dev/RT

Database server(SQL Server

SQL AnywhereOracle)

Database server(SQL Server

SQL AnywhereOracle)DAM



Internet - LAN

Il modellatore di dati incorporato

consente al programma di

gestire i collegamenti in

maniera trasparente


DescrizioneFinestra help


Target CrossTarget Cross

Totale righe codice = 128 + 1 classe (window)

I collegamenti primary – foreign key debbono essere gestiti a livello di programma.

Codice Descrizione Finestra help

I collegamenti primary – foreign key vengono gestiti direttamente da


Totale righe codice e classi = 0 (ZER0)

L'utilizzo di CrossModel porta ad una

drastica riduzione del

numero di istruzioni del programma.


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Cross Software ltdCross Software ltd

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