Page 1: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

C ROSSI NGS A P R I L 2 0 1 3


- - E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H

574.848.7114 | [email protected] |

Page 2: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

Dear Friends in Christ,

Most of us are familiar with the forty days of Lent and

the twelve days of Christmas, but beyond Easter

Sunday, how familiar are we with the Great Fifty Days

of Easter? Easter isn’t just a day, it is a season. It is

also a season of great joy. Because Christ is risen, the

fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter

season and the celebration of new life.

The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating

Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Each of the

Gospels gives an account of the resurrection: Matthew

28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20. And yet, that is just

the beginning. From the gospel stories of the empty

tomb, we move through the rest of Eastertide hearing

of the various accounts of the risen Christ appearing to

the disciples: while in a room with the doors locked, on

the road to Emmaus, while fishing on the Sea of Galilee,

and more.

According to the Acts of the Apostles 1:3, Jesus made

appearances to the disciples over the course of forty

days. On the fortieth day, he ascended into heaven,

which we call “Ascension Day” (forty days after Easter

Day). Just before he ascended, however, Jesus told his

disciples to stay in Jerusalem, and that the Holy Spirit

would soon come upon them with power, and they

would become his witnesses “in Jerusalem, Judea,

Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8).

So, they stayed in Jerusalem, gathered in an upper

room in prayer over the next several days. Then,

on the tenth day (the fiftieth day after Easter Day)

the Holy Spirit came upon them on the Jewish feast

of Pentecost. Traditionally, Pentecost was both an

agricultural festival and a celebration of when

Moses received the Torah. Holding these two

events side-by-side, we might say that just as the

Spirit of God delivered life to the ancient Hebrews

through the gift of the Torah, so the gift of the

Spirit is given to bring life to all humanity.

For Christians, the gift of the Holy Spirit at

Pentecost marks the gift of the abiding and

indwelling presence of God in all believers; the

Spirit that is given to help us to be mature in our

faith and guide us into all truth. The Spirit of God

is given to forgive, strengthen, heal, teach, and be

our constant companion on the journey of life.

All of this is to say that the mystery of Easter is

profound. It is the story of a God who embraces

our poverty, so that we may embrace the richness

of God. It speaks to us of death, birth, growth,

change, and transformation. It is a mystery to

which we shall return again and again during our

lifetime, and each time we do, its mystery will only

grow. So you see, Easter really is much more than

a day. May God richly bless and keep you this

Easter season and always.

With my deepest gratitude for all that you do

and all that you are, I am…

Yours in Christ

Rev. Carol+


April Birthdays & Anniversaries

4/5 Bill Walters 4/7 Jonnie Smoker 4/10 Steve Asbury 4/10 Rosemary Streeter 4/11 Dawn Fox 4/15 Scott Butler 4/20 John and Irene Paul 4/26 Breanna Storey

Page 3: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

Prayer is the best armor against the things that we all go through on a daily

basis in our lives because it isn’t just asking for what we desire, but when we

pray we obtain closeness with God that we wouldn’t be otherwise able to

obtain. When we pray and when we really believe in the things that we pray,

we establish a rapport with God that symbolizes us giving away our

weaknesses, and taking in God’s strength…


Devotions are private prayers and practices used by many Christians to promote spiritual growth and

communion with God. Among members of the Anglican Communion, private devotional habits vary widely,

depending on personal preference and on their affiliation with low-church or high-church parishes.

There are lots of daily devotions available on-line. Here are some suggestions…

Forward Day By Day

The Daily Readings

Lutheran Hour Ministries


--To everyone who worked our spring clean-up day. Thank you Cindy Dixon for organizing us!

--To those who hosted Meet and Greet - Coffee Hour.

--For all the beautiful flowers for Easter.

--For the altar guild who worked tirelessly for all our services.

--To Cyd Sunday and Steve Streeter for leading our Lent program this year and those who made soup for the

Wednesday night suppers.


Date: Saturday, May 4, 2012 Time: Noon

Location: Living Faith Fellowship, 2601 Benham Ave, Elkhart

SJOC ladies and friends have been granted a private seating time for our group in the

Fireplace room for more privacy along with the Red Hatters and the United Methodist

Goshen Women's Circle. A sign-up sheet is on the activities board in the Fellowship Hall.

Look for the invitation for details; carpooling available. This is a great way to support this

local charity that does so much for the young women in need in our local communities.

Great luncheon, unique vendors and the Gift Baskets are super. Ruth's organization always donates a basket for our

raffle at the Christmas Bazaar. We will be presenting a check from our women's group in support of Soup for Success.

Please bring a friend. A children's tea is also being offered again this year.


Our next free community meal will be on Saturday April 27th from 5-7pm. Watch for more details and volunteer

opportunities. Bristol City Council members will be serving the meal.

Page 4: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection


Our first Diocesan Acolyte Festival will be held April 27th at The Howe School from 10:30-2. There will be workshops

on Spirit Streamers, Holy Smoke, and Carrying Holiness. Please RSVP with Rev. Carol or [email protected].

The event is free but ordered lunches may be purchased for $8.00. Please order lunches by Monday April 22.

Tours of the Mansion and Crypt are available immediately following the worship.

Here is the schedule:

10:30 Registration

11:00 Workshops Spirit Streamers, Holy Smoke, and Carrying Holiness

11:45 Noonday Prayer in the Historic St. James Chapel

1:00 Worship Eucharist, Procession of all Acolytes and dedication of Acolytes at All Saints Chapel Howe Campus

2:00 Final Blessing

LAY MINISTER SCHEDULE DATE 1ST READER 2ND READER PRAYERS CHALICE 1 CHALICE 2 WELCOMERS 4/7 Bob Hatley Steve Streeter Jan Riley Steve Streeter Bob Hatley Walters 4/14 Bryan Dixon Joanna Dixon Terry Scott Bob Dixon Deb Walters Bryan Dixons 4/21 Julie Weaver Steve Streeter Sue West Steve Streeter Bob Hatley N. Butler 4/28 Mark Reverman Anne Raftree M.A. Bean Bob Hatley Cindy Keck Miller/Barnaby 5/5 Steve Streeter Larry Smith Gigi Smith Deb Walters Steve Streeter Walters 5/12 Joe Bean Julie Streeter M.A. Bean Bob Hatley Deb Walters Bob Dixons 5/19 Sue West Steve Streeter Anne Raftree Steve Streeter Cindy Keck Miller/Barnaby 5/26 Ross Miller Julie Weaver Jan Riley Bob Hatley Deb Walters N. Butler 6/2 Bryan Dixon Joanna Dixon Terry Scott Steve Streeter Cindy Keck Bryan Dixons

Please notify Sue West if you cannot serve when scheduled (266-5450) or inform her of your replacement.

FROM THE TREASURER'S DESK Month of February 2013 Actual Budget Over/(Under)

Income: Pledges 3375 3323 52

Contributions-Non Pledge 741 731 10

Special Projects Income


Plate Offering 62 160 (98)

Transfer from Ready Assets

0 0

Total Income 4178 4214 (36)

Total Expense 3652 4233 581

Excess Income over (under) Expense 526 (19) 545

2 months ended 2/28/2013 Income: Pledges 7775 7146 629

Contributions-Non Pledge 1751 1462 289

Special Projects Income 0 0 0

Plate Offering 188 320 (132)

Total Income 9714 8928 786

Total Expense 8686 9626 940

Excess Income over (under) Expense 1028 (698) 1726

Page 5: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

DATE ALTAR MINISTRY *COFFEE HOSTS COUNTERS 4/14 Nancy Butler open L.Barnaby/T.Miller 4/21 Kay Streeter open J.McCarthy/D.Walter 4/28 Sue Glaser open T.Miller/C.Dixon

BRISTOL FOOD PANTRY The Pantry is running low on many items. Here are some suggestions; although a cash gift would allow them to purchase needed items. Soup, Saltine crackers, canned vegetables, spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes, Jelly, Jell-O, pudding, spaghetti O’s, cleaning items, toiletries, toilet paper, hand soap, toothpaste.

DIRECTORY: If you find any errors or need to add something to the directory, please notify Kay Streeter or Sue West as we try to keep it current. Also, if you are in need of a copy, check the table by the outside door.















9:30 am Holy Eucharist Food Pantry


8 9 10

Carol's office hours 10-1 and by appt

6 pm Evening Prayer

6:30 pm Vestry meeting


12 13


9:30 am Holy Eucharist

15 16


Carol's office hours 10-1 and by apt

6 pm Evening Prayer

18 19 20


9:30 am Holy Eucharist

22 23 24

Carol's office hours 10-1 and by apt

6 pm Evening prayer






26 27

11-2 Acolyte


5-7pm Free




9:30 am Holy Eucharist

29 30 May 1st

Carol's office hours 10-1 and by apt

6 pm Evening Prayer

6:30 pm Vestry

Page 6: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

Lectionary Readings April 2013

Second Sunday of Easter April 7, 2013

Acts 5:27-32 The apostles are brought before the council of religious authorities in Jerusalem and

again commanded to cease teaching in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 150 A song of praise and rejoicing in which all that has breath is invited to join.

Revelation – 1:4-8 John the Seer addresses seven representative church in Asia Minor with a hymn of

praise to Christ, the firstborn from the dead and now ruler of all.

John 20:19-31 We see two appearances of the risen Lord to his disciples.

Third Sunday of Easter April 14, 2013

Acts 9:1-6 Paul is converted from being an enemy of the Christian way in order to become the

great apostle to the non-Jewish peoples.

Psalm 30 A hymn of praise by one whom the Lord has saved from death.

Revelation 5:11-14 A heavenly vision of the Lamb that was slain: a figure of Jesus.

John 21:1-19 Another appearance by Jesus to his disciples: after their return to Galilee.

Fourth Sunday of Easter April 21, 2013

Acts 9:36-43 Peter is summoned to Joppa and raises up a disciple named Tabitha.

Psalm 23 The Lord is our shepherd and guide, God is present in times of trouble.

Revelation 7:9-17 A vision of those who have survived great tribulation and now worship before the

throne of God and the Lamb.

John 10:22-30 – Jesus speaks to those who are unable to come to believe in him and then tells of his

ship who belong to him forever.

Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013

Acts 11:1-8 The followers of Jesus living in Judea and Jerusalem learn about Peter’s heavenly

vision and how the Holy Spirit fell upon the new believers.

Psalm 148 All of creation joins together in praise of the Lord.

Revelation 21:1-6 John’s vision of a renewed creation and of the new Jerusalem as a city where God

abides with the redeemed.

John 13:31-35 Jesus speaks to his disciples on the night that he is to be handed over to death.

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 5, 2013

Acts 16:9-15 The conversion of Lydia and her household.

Psalm 67 A prayer for God’s graciousness and saving power, and a bidding praise by all people

for God’s justice and bounty.

Revelation 21:10; 22-22:5 John the Seer presents a vision of the new Jerusalem, which is the paradise of God.

John 14:23-29 We hear of Jesus’ promise to his disciples of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Page 7: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

Around Our Diocese

Issue #148 The Diocese of Northern Indiana March 2013

A Passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ A Heart for the Lost

A Willingness to do Whatever it Takes A Commitment to One Another

A Letter from the Bishop

Dear brothers and sisters,

It is hard to improve upon the Easter Sermon of St. John

Chrysostom, who became Archbishop of Constantinople

toward the end of the 4th Century AD. St. John was known

as a great preacher, and in fact “Chrysostom” is a

nickname, based on the Greek word meaning “golden

mouth”. While his tenure in Constantinople was short – he

died in exile, having earned the enmity of many powerful

people, secular and spiritual – his words are wonderfully


Are there any who are devout lovers of God?

Let them enjoy this beautiful bright festival!

Are there any who are grateful servants?

Let them rejoice and enter into the joy of their Lord!

Are there any who are weary from fasting?

Let them now receive their due!

Lent can feel endless – hymns in somber key, scripture

readings that point painfully to our alienation from God,

even the usual liturgical signs of joy (“Alleluia!” chief

among them) temporarily torn from our worship. St. John

reminds us that Easter turns things around. He invites us to

“enter into the joy of [our] Lord!” He invites us too to

remember that the resurrection of Jesus Christ changes

everything. Because Jesus is gloriously risen from the dead,

life itself – even on this side of the grave – is transformed.

Because Jesus is risen from the dead, we are free to live a

new life. Because Jesus is risen from the dead, we can

follow the King in the power of his Spirit:

Let no one grieve being poor,

for the universal reign has been revealed.

Let no one lament persistent failings,

for forgiveness has risen from the grave.

Let no one fear death,

for the death of our Savior has set us free.

St. John ends his sermon with a reference to the

questions that St. Paul poses in 1 Corinthians 15:55 –

“O death, where is your sting? O hell, where is your

victory?” Here is St. John Chrysostom’s answer:

Christ is risen, and you [death and hell] are cast


Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen!

Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!

Christ is risen, and life is set free!

Christ is risen, and the tomb is emptied of its dead.

For Christ, having risen from the dead,

is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

To Christ be glory and power forever and ever. Amen!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is no mere metaphor.

Something actually happened. In raising Jesus from the

dead, the Father has reversed death itself. All history

revolves around this moment when Jesus burst from the

tomb. You and I come to the Table each week because

Jesus, our Risen Lord, invites us to a Meal that is itself a

foretaste of the heavenly banquet.

Alleluia. Christ is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Yours in Christ,

I offer this letter with thanks to Fr. Henry Randolph,

rector of St. David’s, Elkhart, and vocations director of

the diocese. In a recent conversation, he mentioned in

passing St. John Chrysostom’s Easter sermon, and that

sent me scurrying to the web to re-read it. I couldn’t

resist passing on what I read!

Acolyte Festival

Acolytes of all ages are invited to attend a festival on

Saturday, April 27th from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM (EDT) in

St. James Chapel at the Howe School. To register or for

more information, please email [email protected].

Page 8: CROSSINGS · fasting of Lent gives way to the feasting of the Easter season and the celebration of new life. The Easter season begins on Easter Day by celebrating Christ’s resurrection

Women’s Bible Study in Elkhart

The women of St. John the Evangelist, Elkhart have a

Bible study on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM (EDT). The

current study uses the book of Nehemiah and will run

through this month. For more information on future

studies, contact the parish office.

Alpha Course in South Bend

St. Michael & All Angels, South Bend will start an Alpha

course on April 19th at 6:00 PM (EDT). The group will meet

weekly to discuss the basic questions of the Christian faith

and share a meal. Please contact the parish office if you

wish to attend.

National Episcopal Health Ministries The National Episcopal Health Ministries will have its

annual conference at the Maritime Institute in Maryland

from May 9-11. The NEHM supports and educates those

who serve at parish nurses or in other health ministry

capacities in parishes. For more information, please visit

Liturgy Conference at Valparaiso University The Institute for Liturgical Studies at Valparaiso

University is hosting a conference entitled “Embodiment:

The Word Became Flesh” from April 8th through the 10


The cost is $285. Interested persons can visit for more

information and to register.

Summer Camps

Summer Camp for children entering grades three through

nine will be held from June 16th through the 22

nd. You may

email [email protected] for more information.

Camp for senior high students will be held from June 30th

through July 6th. For more information, email

[email protected].

A Gift from the Cursillo Movement In recent years, the Cursillo movement in the Diocese of

Northern Indiana has struggled with declining numbers,

and the Secretariat (Cursillo’s governing body) has

prayerfully engaged hard questions about Cursillo’s future.

Last fall, a gathering of Cursillistas at St. Anne’s, Warsaw,

revealed both a deep love for the movement and the reality

that Cursillo in its present form does not have the personal

resources to continue at this time. And so the Secretariat,

in a recent meeting, decided to give Cursillo a rest for an

indefinite period of time.

Meanwhile, the Cursillo movement has maintained a

small fund for its ministry. The Secretariat made the

generous decision to give this fund (about $3,500) to

our diocesan summer camp, to assist with scholarships

for children who could not otherwise take part in our

wonderful program. Many thanks to the Cursillo

Secretariat for their loving generosity and their care

for the next generation of Christians!

Grant Opportunity – Social Outreach The Social Outreach Committee is now accepting

applications for grants for parish projects. Please

contact Mrs. Cynthia Guzzo if you have questions at

[email protected]. The form may be downloaded

from the diocesan website. Grants will be made

throughout the calendar year until the budgeted

amount has been exhausted.

Grant Opportunity – Continuing Education The Commission on Ministry is now accepting

applications for grants to both laypeople and clerics

for continuing education. The form may be

downloaded from the diocesan website. Applications

are due May 1.

Bishop & Diocesan Calendar for April 2013

April 1

Office Closed

April 7

Visitation to Gethsemane, Marion

April 10

12:00 PM (EDT) Deans’ Meeting

April 9

10:00 AM (EST) Diocesan Council at St. Michael’s

April 13

10:00 AM (EDT) Social Outreach Committee

April 14

Visitation to Trinity, Fort Wayne

April 19-21

Colloquy of the Northern Indiana School of Theology

April 19

12:05 PM (EDT) Holy Eucharist at the Cathedral

April 20

10:00 AM (EDT) Diocesan Council at the Cathedral

April 21

Visitation to St. Andrew’s, Kokomo

April 23

12:00 PM (EDT) Standing Committee

April 27

Acolyte Festival at the Howe School

April 28

Visitation to the Cathedral

April 28

1:30 PM (EDT) Installation of Mr. Armando Suarez as

Licensed Lay Pastor & Evangelist at Santo Tomas,


Around Our Diocese is published monthly. Please send

articles and images by the 15th of each month to

[email protected].

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