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Crossroads in

Crescent City

Lisa Marie Arnopp

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Maggie and Carmen walked down Pirate Alley between the Cabildo and St. Louis

Cathedral. Maggie was the taller of the two high school seniors with long sandy tresses

and round deep brown eyes. She wasn’t the kind of girl that stood out and next to

Carmen she felt completely invisible in her turquoise tank top and jean shorts. Looking

down she wished she had worn cute sandals to dress up the outfit a bit instead of her 

sneakers. Then her pragmatic side reminded her if she had, she’d have blisters. Her 

 pragmatic side was annoying but usually right. They had been roaming the French

Quarter since before lunch and weren’t going to stop until after dark.

What Carmen lacked in height, she made up for in extra curves. Carmen’s D cups

dwarfed Maggie’s barely Bs. Her hair and eyes were a close match to Maggie’s naturally

 but currently her mane was nearly black and cropped short with long bangs. It was also

styled straighter than a ruler. The enhanced darkness was for their trip. “I want people to

know I'm emo and not goth.” Carmen confessed before Maggie even had a millisecond

to register the entirety of the new look.

Maggie didn't hold to stringent concepts to either emo or goth. She had a few

silent reactions to the improved Carmen. First, if anything Carmen was more goth.

Second, Carmen was like a cheerleader despite her efforts. Other than an unhealthy

fixation with the occult, she was way too perky. Maggie never told Carmen her thoughts

for they would be received as an insult. And third, Carmen could shave her head and still

 be stunning. Carmen had been the Home Coming Queen last fall and Maggie had been

the Home-Coming Queen’s BFF.

Carmen had always been the bold one and cutting off eight inches of hair was just

another exhibit in the litany of evidence. It was eye-catching but she wished Carmen had

asked her before hand. It didn’t take more than a moment to see why she hadn’t. Maggie

would be too chicken to do the same and worse, she would have tried to talk Carmen out

of it. They liked to pretend they were sisters and their hair and eyes were the only things

they had in common to sell the farce.

As she people watched and window-shopped, Maggie debated getting her hair 

done. Getting a short cut was an option but she doubted her mother would let her dye it

 black, at least not professionally. Then her pragmatic mind reminded her that she’d need

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to blow dry it straight or it wouldn’t look as cute. That was enough to let Carmen be

Carmen and she’d stay Maggie. High maintenance, she wasn’t. She wished she had

gotten the opportunity to talk Carmen out of it because it dawned on her that it was going

to take Carmen longer than ever to be ready in the morning.

Dressed in all black, Carmen’s top was gauzy and short sleeved. It was over 

eighty degrees after all. As always, the guys took notice often smiling at Carmen, who

returned the favor without delay. Occasionally, they’d deign a cursory glance to Maggie

who also smiled back, always growing a bit pink in the process. Every time Carmen

 pretended she didn’t find this shyness endearing, which she did. More proof she was too

happy to be emo.

“That one was cute.” Carmen said when a guy bumped into Maggie and gave her 

an approving scan as he apologized.

“Makes up for almost knocking me down.” Maggie joked thinking he was only

average looking.

“Girl, you hold yourself back. Matthew asked me if you like him.” Apparently

Carmen had spoken to Matthew since Friday, or she sat on the news a full weekend,

which would be an impossibility for her.

Like was a strong word but he was fetching. Maggie wouldn’t mind spending

some time with him. She had never had a heavy steady and he was high on her wish list.

“When did Matthew supposedly say this?”

“Sunday and he did say it.” Carmen’s voice always sounded like a little girls,

more so when she was irked.

“And you didn’t think to tell me this earlier? Like on the plane or for the last six

hours we’ve spent together.”

“I forgot.”

Maggie tried to imagine how she came up in conversation. Then it the bulb lit up

so to speak. Matthew was trying to woo Carmen, who had recently broken it off with

Owen after a yearlong romance. Carmen wouldn’t be keen on Matthew because he’s

super straight-laced, so she pushed the idea of Maggie on him as a substitute. Too kind

to be a jerk, he most likely gave a noncommittal statement of agreement and Carmen read

into it.

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“He wanted to arrange a double date until I told him about Owen and me.”

Carmen continued unaware of Maggie’s personal head game.

“Matthew didn’t hear about that yet?” It was recent news and goodness knows

 boys are slower when it came to the latest gossip but that debunked her theory that he

was only opting for second best. Or he played dumb embarrassed that his endeavors

weren’t welcomed. Carmen was right. Maggie did hold herself back.

Carmen shook her head and bit her bottom lip.

Maggie felt like a heel worried about if Matthew was really going to ask her out

when she saw her friend was still in the dumps about her failed relationship. “Are you

having doubts about calling it off with Owen?”

“No.” She answered immediately. Carmen was over the moon in love with

Owen and he was the same for her. Maggie didn’t understand exactly what went wrong.

Carmen had even given up her virginity for him, something she refused to do until it was

the right guy. Regret didn’t come instantly after that but a few months later. Carmen

insisted at the time it was a good call but the relationship became all about sex and she

missed his friendship.

What confused Maggie was how that was a deal breaker. Couldn’t they manage

 both? She had some idea that other details factored into the equation. Owen didn’t

aspire to a college education. He planned to follow Carmen and get a job nearby.

Obviously he enjoyed their intimacy but he was devoted to staying with her beyond

graduation. The lack of ambition coupled with dependency on Carmen put too much

 pressure on Maggie’s carefree friend. She understood that better than they were having

too much sex, which she believed Carmen also enjoyed.

The worst part of the breakup was that Carmen would be going to the prom with

 just some guy rather than her boyfriend. Maggie didn’t have a sure date either. It’d

 probably be her standby. Sean lived next door and went to a different school, so he could

attend her prom without missing his. The only budding glitch was his new sort-of 

girlfriend who may put the kibosh if she felt threatened. Maggie didn’t imagine she’d be

seen as a threat.

“Mmm.” Carmen hummed. “We should get something to eat.” This was her 

subtle hint to move off the topic of Owen.

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One thing was certain, New Orleans didn’t smell so good – until dinnertime

anyway, when the aroma of food overtook the trash and filth left behind by partygoers.

They had passed at least two puddles of vomit and it wasn’t even five. The Big Easy was

Bacchanalian twenty four seven.

It was not a familiar scene to the two girls. Their hometown was small and

conservative. New Orleans was neither.

“What time is it?” Carmen asked again.

Maggie didn’t check her watch. Carmen was asking every ten minutes since

lunch when they scheduled time to see the esteemed psychic Zed at the Voodoo Hut.

“Carmen, six isn’t going to get here any faster just to appease your anxiety.” The

moment Maggie said it she knew it came out snarky. She swiftly dialed it back with,

“Relax. We’re good.”

It was too little too late. Carmen saw that she was getting on Maggie’s nerves. “I

don’t want to miss our appointmen, that’s all. He agreed to take us after his last client

and if we’re late, he’ll go home. Do you want that?”

Honestly, Maggie was ambivalent and could live without it as easily as with it.

She had to reel in her bad attitude but Carmen was controlling their entire vacation. This

was possible because Maggie was compliant to the nth degree. Tapping her kindness

reserve, Maggie said, “We’ll make our appointment, I promise.”

Carmen was raised by a wannabe hippie. Her mother was too young to be from

the sixties but she acted as if she were. You’d think she was trapped in a time warp that

could only be described as Height Ashbury during the summer of love. She was the only

 parent of any of Maggie’s friends that got stoned and didn’t hide it from her daughter.

Their home was in a time lock as well; no microwave, a gas stove and a black and white

television that was never used and even in its youth didn’t have a remote. It was only a

year ago that Carmen’s mother bought a personal computer and embraced iTunes. This

was a necessity since too many of her LPs were scratched beyond repair. Carmen helped

her mom buy all her favorites from the Grateful Dead to Janis Joplin.

Other than the all-black wardrobe, Carmen was a lot like her mother who favored

colors and wore tie-dye way too often for an adult woman with a grown daughter. It was

in this environment that Carmen picked up a fascination of the esoteric. When they used

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to have slumber parties in junior high Carmen would always suggest a séance or the

Ouija board. At the time, it was splendid. Maggie thought Carmen was the smartest girl

in town.

 Now Maggie felt they had outgrown it but Carmen had only evolved to newer 

venues to explore the supernatural. Maggie didn’t believe in any of it. She blamed the

rash of vampire movies and televisions shows that fed Carmen’s fantasy.

Unlike Carmen’s mother, Maggie’s was boring, like mothers ought to be. Sure it

wasn’t cool and there were more house rules than Maggie could recall. Her father was

the arbitrator when things got too strict. As an early graduation present and a reward for 

her 2090 SAT score they offered to take the girls to New Orleans for Spring Break.

This, in part, was made possible by a computer error giving them extra frequent

flyer miles. When Maggie’s mother called to correct the mistake, too straight and narrow

to take advantage even of a faceless corporation, the operator offered four tickets to

Louisiana as compensation for their mistake. Her father wouldn’t let her mother turn

them down. In his frugal opinion they had come clean and refusal of appreciation would

 be wasted martyrdom.

Luckily Maggie was allowed to invite Carmen who was able to get the money for 

her flight. Carmen’s father was as rich as her mother was lenient. What a wonderful

combination in parents?

Seeing as Maggie and Carmen had proven to be smart and independent, her 

 parents let them wander without supervision provided the girls stayed in the French

Quarter and knew where the police station was located. Even this was out of her mother's

comfort zone. She didn’t trust the local businesses to adhere to age limits for serving to

minors. The girls were to check in at midnight. Carmen thought it would be rude to

wake them but agreed. Maggie knew it was going to be a pseudo-sobriety check. Her 

mother would search for red eyes, slurred speech and top it off with a casual sniff 

disguised as a hug good-night.

Maggie’s parents were off on their own adventure looking at plantation homes

and a boat ride down the Mississippi. That was for her little brother, who tagged along

rather than spend the weekend with the grandparents. Johnny was thirteen and still

young enough to hang with the parents without losing social status. Maggie was not.

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“I’m just so excited.” Carmen needlessly emphasized still obsessing about the

almighty Zed. “We’re going to get a Tarot card reading from an honest to goodness

 psychic. Mom said Zed is out of this world. She’s gone to tons and often she feels it

wasn’t real but she endorsed Zed as an authentic psychic.”

Maggie smiled as best she could without looking too skeptical. She didn’t want

to rain on Carmen’s parade. Maggie didn’t buy into any of the traditional myths that

 New Orleans capitalized on; vampires, ghosts, voodoo or psychics. Going along for the

fun of it was her graduation present to Carmen and she had nearly spoiled it with her 


With an hour to kill and the need to eat, they bided their time at a local restaurant.

Carmen got Gumbo of course. Maggie opted for a Monte Cristo and side salad.

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Voodoo Hut

The Voodoo Hut was a typical business in the French Quarter. Aside from bars

and restaurants, voodoo stores were the next most prominent commercial enterprise in the

area. A sweet smoky smell wafted throughout the shop. Other voodoo stores were dark 

and drab compared to the Voodoo Hut, which was sort of cheery in a Tim Burton kind of 


Maggie strolled around as Carmen notified the cashier that they were there fifteen

minutes early for their six o’clock appointment. The voodoo dolls were kind of cute,

 brightly colored and other than no doll had the same two buttons for eyes, almost cuddly.

Each had a brief description of its purpose; one was for warding off hexes, another for 

 prosperity, multiple iterations of finding true love.

Carmen grabbed Maggie’s forearm in a death grip, “I’m so glad you agreed.”

Relented was what Maggie had done but she held her tongue. “Just don’t tell my

 parents.” Maggie begged. Her mother was superstitious in a cautious way. She’d see a

tarot reading as an invitation for trouble.

“Zed will see you now.” The cashier announced with a New Jersey accent that

ruined the ethereal ambiance. Maggie nicknamed her Elvira because of the long flowing

dress with the dipping neckline. She had the body for it. Underneath the pounds of black make-up she could be any age but Maggie guessed she was in her late twenties.

Elvira took them to a room draped with silk remnants along all four walls.

Centered perfectly was a round table with three chairs spaced evenly. A man in his late

sixties sat poised shuffling a thick deck of ornate cards. Swirling smoke columns raised

on both sides from incense burners. “I’m cleansing the cards of the previous reading.

Please, have a seat.”

“Thank you for staying late to see us.” Carmen said eagerly scooting up close as

she could. “My mother told me you were the best. We really appreciate it.”

“Ah, a referral. I remember your mother.” He smiled and revealed a large gap

 between his teeth reminiscent of David Letterman. “That must have been twenty years

ago. Her name is Gabby, correct?” Carmen nodded and even Maggie was impressed.

That kind of memory recall must be very handy in his line of work. “I’m Zed.” An

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overwhelming sense of harmony emitted from his very core. Despite wearing a Hawaiian

shirt and khakis, he fit the role well. His eyes moved slowly, as if they were older than

the rest of him and taking in more than the outer appearance of things. It didn’t look like

 blindness or even early signs, more like his eyes were a bit wild and overactive.

“I’m Carmen and this is Maggie.”

Zed nodded and placed the deck aside. Picking up a small pointer he held out his

hand for one of the girls’. Carmen enthusiastically went first extending her right hand.

“No, your writing hand.” He said accurately. Quickly she corrected her mistake. Using

the stick to indicate what he saw, he read her palm. “You have a strong life line. I see

that you are open minded and friendly. You draw people easily, perhaps too easily.

You’re too nice to tell leeches to buzz off.”

Critically Maggie dissected his comments. It wasn’t so general that it could apply

to anybody but it was slanted. Almost anyone could see it as true for himself or herself.

She skeptically admitted if nothing else, he had skills at reading people.

“What brings you to New Orleans for the first time?”

 Lucky guess. Maggie thought since he was correct. It was a first for both of 

them. Perhaps it wasn’t luck. Locals would be too wise to buy into this stuff.

“It’s an early graduation present.” Carmen answered.

“High school?” He said peering deeply at Carmen and she nodded. His old orbs

took a couple of seconds to really focus. “You’re soul is mature but now that I take a

good look, your body is very young.”

“Thank you.” She sat up taller trying to see what he saw in her palm.

“Shuffle as many times as you wish.” He instructed passing the deck to Carmen’s

eager hands. “When you’re done, fan them out and choose fifteen cards.”

Carmen painstakingly made her selection as if each was of dire importance. Zed

 placed each pick face up with the occasional aside of “interesting” or “of course.” When

he laid the final piece of the puzzle he examined the whole picture for several quiet tense

moments. Carmen fidgeted as the anticipation built.

“You’re at a crossroads.” He said at last after taking a couple of minutes to infer 

what the cards meant. “This isn’t uncommon. We pass through many during our lives

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and most frequently in our youth. Considering your age, it’s probably related with your 

next big adventure, college. It says here that you aren’t following your heart. Why?”

“Dad wants me to get a useful degree but I’d rather study art.” Realizing her own

self-defeating remark Carmen amended with, “Art’s useful.”

“Very useful. You will succeed either way but you will be happier if you pursue

your passion. In time, the money will come and your father will accept your choice but

to change course, you’ll have to stand up to him.”

Biting her lip, Carmen nodded. Her father was the antithesis of her mother. They

never married but managed a two home family well. Carmen’s free-spirited mother 

 believed in a holistic world. Her father saw the cause and affect of the modern age. He

made a good living as a businessman working with commercial real estate. Even with his

wife and her two half sisters, he never let Carmen feel second-class.

“It will be uncomfortable but he’ll respect you.” Tapping the pivotal card he

added, “He’ll understand that you have much of your mother in you. He’ll remember 

when he fell in love with her and see how you are as beautiful in your own but similar 


“I can do that.” Carmen inhaled to steady her nerves.

This guy was good. He fed some hints and got Carmen spilling the beans.

Maggie wasn’t going to make it easy for him. Secretly, she was glad he told Carmen to

talk to her father. Carmen was the most creative person she knew and should develop her 

artistic side. That and a rigid career would kill her vitality.

With a satisfied smile, Zed collected the cards and did his perfunctory cleansing

shuffle again. “Maggie.” He tabled the deck and held out his hand for hers.

Confidently, Maggie turned her right and writing hand palm up for his diagnosis.

“Humph.” He chuckled picking up his mini-pointer again. “You do not have a

 problem of being too nice or holding back your opinions. Speaking your mind is so

natural to you that you seldom bother to weigh the consequences. A filter between your 

mind and mouth would serve you well.”

Sort of fair but considering Maggie was holding back her doubts on his psychic

abilities it wasn’t as absolute as Zed implied. Able to keep her opinions silent but unable

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to stop a smirk, she waited for him to continue. With some effort, she returned to a flat


“Take what you want from this experience.” Zed commented as he narrowed his

eyes. Dropping his pointer he flattened out Maggie’s fingers with his. “You aren’t

closed minded but new ideas have an uphill climb to win you over.” He arched a brow to

denote this wasn’t a compliment.

Maggie was proud of her prudence. All her friends, Carmen especially, were

 prone to change their minds with the wind. In fact, Carmen had already bounced back 

and forth several times about whether or not to tell her dad she didn’t want to get a

 business major.

Maggie was grounded. Under Zed’s scrutiny, she remained deadpan. She wasn’t

going to give him any hints. The sage was onto her but he didn’t mind. If anything he

found her resistance amusing.

“Here.” He said simply giving her the Tarot cards.

Maggie shuffled four times, fanned the deck out and picked fifteen cards


Looking over her choices, Zed lost his blithe expression. Shushing Maggie when

she asked what he saw, he perused her reading for ten long strenuous minutes. He

glanced up to Maggie, focused and studied her every feature. “I’m surprised you haven’t

found your way to our fair city sooner.” What an opening line, that he now used twice?

How prosaic? “You have strong roots in N’awlins. Those roots tie you to unknown

allies and some dangerous enemies. Beware a dark stranger.”

“No worries, I prefer blondes.” Maggie joked wanting to lighten the mood. He

was definitely less cheerful reading her cards. This must be his MO when someone is

hard to read. A little fear of the unknown offered him some leeway. Maggie felt it

working, so she reinforced her efforts to be passive.

Thumping his weathered fist to his heart he clarified, “A dark soul. I don’t know

what he’ll look like. It could be a woman with masculine traits. A leader with legions of 

obedient followers. Maybe he won’t be hu…” he didn’t finish his statement.

His dramatics were doing their job. Carmen’s face was pale white. It worked

with her dark hair and eyeliner but it annoyed Maggie that he was getting to her. Maggie

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glanced at the old man waiting for some words of encouragement. Weren’t these things

about affirmations? She was losing the battle to keep it from feeling personal.

“It’s so clouded, the details are being hidden.” He said frustrated that he couldn’t

see the way out. On his orders, Maggie chose two more cards both were ominous; Death

and the Tower. “It isn’t hopeless but the cards aren’t divulging an answer only repeating

your dire situation. Your apex Crossroads is here and immediate. Crossroads is a term

thrown around willy-nilly. It can mean a choice in the road of your life, like it did for 

Carmen, and it could mean an intersection of the physical and the spiritual world. That is

what your cards are telling us. The spirit world seeps into the physical world more in this

city than in other places like two layers of stratum overlapping. You are a very young

soul and that energy is alluring to spiritual beings. Others are jealous. Others will want

to control you. Anyone that can sense auras will see yours outshining all others.”

Maggie felt light headed and realized she was holding her breath. Taking long

slow breaths she let her mind relax. This was hokum.

Accurately diagnosing her doubt, Zed was less amused by it than before. Perhaps

Maggie’s irritableness was contagious because he was losing his patience. He hurriedly

gathered the cards and shuffled them in the snaky smoke trail of his incense. “Shuffle

again and choose four cards only.”

As she complied she purposely kept only positive thoughts in mind willing a

happier outcome. The Fool, the Devil, the Moon and Hanged Man lay in a row. Zed

gestured for one more card and Maggie handed him a card labeled Strength.

“Amazing. All from the Major Arcana, like your last two but unlike the first

fifteen.” Hovering his palms face down over the cards his wild eyes floated from card to

card stopping on each at least three times. “These four are the major players. The Fool is

you and signifies a start of an educational period. You must be more opened minded than

you’re comfortable with to pass this test. You hide behind an ornery façade as a coping

mechanism. This needs to be set-aside for the duration. You certainly have an aptitude

to welcome new ideas if you choose to do so.” He concentrated again, apparently done

with his diatribe for the moment.

“You do get set in your ways.” Carmen reprimanded.

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Maggie practically snarled her lips. It was easy to be diplomatic when she got the

happy reading.

“Since the Devil is reversed, this denotes your foe. Whoever it is, you will know

they are against you which will make the path clear, not easy.” Zed stressed. Lifting the

Moon he examined it closely. “This is puzzling. It is right side up, therefore a

collaborator but it typically represents fraud. The Hanged Man means suspension, a state

of limbo. Again this is a person that allies with your cause.”

“Which one am I?” Carmen questioned waking Maggie from the trance of 

listening to Zed with too much curiosity.

As if he forgot there were two girls before him, Zed’s head swiveled towards

Carmen. “You aren’t here.” Zed looked at the five cards again reaffirming his statement

internally. “How peculiar. The cards are urgent, sudden and yet you aren’t here. Do you

 plan to spend time apart during your stay?”

“No.” Maggie shook her head. Why would she go on vacation with her best

friend and then ditch her?

“Whatever happens, you are not involved.” Zed told the girl. Finally he slid the

Strength card towards Maggie. “This is the situation. Internal might is the key to

success. You cannot let yourself get distracted.”

“Could you be less precise?” Maggie sassed.

His eyes darted up disappointed in her comment. She wasn’t being opened-

minded at all.

She hadn’t intended to be cantankerous. Rephrasing to explain her concerns

without the angst, Maggie said, “I mean, that doesn’t tell me what I face, does it?”

“Take two more cards.” Zed coaxed far too smugly. He had something up his


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A Gift

Maggie studied the gamut of cards from the unused deck not wanting to validate

Zed’s bravado. Carmen was on the edge of her seat waiting to see what the voodoo

doctor was expecting. Maggie un-tucked the second card to the bottom. Carefully

without looking she passed it to Zed. He didn’t turn it over, as he done every time

 before. For her second card, she took one from the middle that was wedged in a group of 

three. She was taking her sweet time making selections this round. Mentally she scolded

herself for taking it so seriously.

Without looking he confidently said, “Death or rebirth from history. The Tower 

or catastrophic shift.”

Those were the cards she picked at the end of her first shuffle. Being too

enthralled to resist, Maggie flipped the cards. He was correct. Her mind registered the

 battered state the well-used deck was in. Perhaps he didn’t need to see the front to know

which card they were but how did he know those would be the two that would come up

again? Clumsily she flipped the remaining cards face up knocking a few on the floor in

the process. Embarrassed, she swept them up and spread out the entire deck face-up.

 Nothing funny was apparent.

“What is your family name?” Zed asked watching her sort through for duplicates.

“Why does that matter?”

“Is it Gregoire or Gregory?” He pressed.

“Not even close.” Maggie Mallory grinned. Finally he made an erroneous

assumption. He didn’t know what he was talking about.

“It’s Mallory.” Carmen told him to Maggie’s dismay.

“Mallory?” He puzzled. “And your mother’s maiden name?”


More perplexed than ever the old seer sat back doubting himself. “I’m wrong. I

was so sure. The cards have never been so adamant.” Picking them up again, he shuffled

them clean. “As an experiment, please, shuffle again and select two.”

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Sighing and a little disturbed by his linear goal, Maggie followed instructions

with two underlying goals; mix up the deck and make quick choices. After ten perfect

shuffles, she simply pulled the top two cards, flipping each in turn. Death. Tower. “It’s

a rigged deck.” She scoffed and looked at Carmen who was mesmerized by the

reappearance of the omen. “Or a fluke.”

“Duh!” Carman slapped her forehead. “You were adopted. For all we know, you

could be a Gregory or whatever.”

The gleam returned to the old eyes. “Yes, it is you. I’m sure of it.” Suddenly he

stood up and left.

“Um, okay?” Maggie looked at Carmen who was still wide eyed. “Does that

mean it’s over?”

“I don't think so. Isn’t this fascinating?”

“No. Let’s go.”

“He’s coming back.”

“Who cares?” Maggie stood up but didn’t get to leave.

Zed returned with his hands cupped together making an enclosure. “This was

given to my grandfather, who passed it to my mother and then it came to me. My

grandfather was told that one day its rightful owner would come. It’s a talisman and a

key. I don’t understand how it works but it wasn’t ours to understand only to deliver.”

Maggie was relieved. All his theatrics was an effort to sell her a trinket. “I’m not

here to shop.”

“It’s a gift.” He snickered. “Actually, it’s being returned to you, Jean Gregoire’s


“Who is Jean Gregoire?” Carmen repeated the name with a decent French accent.

“An American spy who reported to President Jefferson before and after the

Louisiana Purchase.”

“Was he a pirate?” Carmen was absorbing the story with avid intensity.

“Well, he frequently posed as one to keep tabs on illegal dealings, Spain and


“Wow! You’re the descendent of a pirate.” Maggie appraised her friend as if she

hadn’t known her since first grade.

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“I am not.”

“Of course not.” Zed echoed. “He was loyal to the United States, a good man

and a hero.”

Maggie didn’t have a response other than Zed was full of horse droppings. Since

commenting on her deduction would be wasted breath and start an unwanted debate, she

sat there dumbfounded. Were his typical clients so gullible? She reconsidered his people

reading skills. Even a rookie should have seen this lame story would have been better 

suited to Carmen than Maggie.

Pulling up a silver chain Zed dangled a fleur-de-lis charm in front of Maggie. The

top was rounded rather than pointed, the tails longer than usual and it had two bands at

the middle. “For you.”

“Wow!” Carmen remarked. “It so shiny.”

“I can’t take that.” Maggie said wishing she could. It was something she’d wear 

 proudly. Stopping herself before moving her hand, she almost reached for the charm.

“It’s rightfully yours.”

“Based on a reading? Please.” She ridiculed, this time without any concern of 

offense and looking away to avert temptation. “That’s very lovely but I won’t take it.”

“I insist.”

“Accept it.” Carmen said quietly, which was dumb since Zed was close enough

to hear her.

“What does it cost?” Maggie dug in her purse for her wallet. How much could he

really overcharge her? It was a nice charm and she’d be done with this sinister man. If 

he asked for too much, she’d barter down. Risking another glance, she was fine with the

 purchase. Deep down, she wanted the trinket for her own.

“It’s not mine to sell.” The old sage stubbornly declined. “It’s yours.”

“Then I can’t take it.”

“I can’t charge you.”

“I’ll think about it. Perhaps we’ll stop by tomorrow.” She lied. Even if she

changed her mind, she wasn’t coming back to the Voodoo Hut. Carmen would fetch it

for her but she’d sleep on it first. Her mother always told her if she felt compelled to buy

something it was good to walk away and see if the urge subsided.

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“Stubborn fool.” He muttered. “This is important to your epic journey on the

Crossroads. It will start almost immediately and you should be armed appropriately.”

 Not wanting to hear anymore Maggie stood up. “Thank you for the entertaining

reading.” She vamoosed.

Carmen wasn’t far behind her.

“That was so rude.” Carmen snapped once they were on the street and walking

away from the Voodoo Hut.

“I know. What was that all about? I thought psychics were about a better 

tomorrow and positive outlooks.”

“I meant you.” Carmen glared at Maggie. “He was doing what he believed was

right and you threw his kindness in his face.”

“It’s a scam.” Maggie didn’t know how the whole plan would play out but gifts

came with strings attached. “There’s no free lunch. There’s always an undisclosed


“Whatever. You sound like your mother.”

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Dark Stranger

The setting sun casted long shadows and a pretty orange glow where the last rays

reached through the buildings. Families with children were scarcer and more drinkers

stumbled down the streets. Being Spring Break, the average age of the nightlife was

young twenties offering more worthy prospects to admire from afar than before their 

 bizarre altercation with Zed the charlatan.

Unfortunately, Maggie and Carmen were too pissy with each other to partake of 

the eye candy.

The girls strolled without direction and without speaking. Feeling guilty,

although not convinced she was impolite by any measure given the context, Maggie

didn’t want to spoil their vacation. “Carmen, I’m sorry. He gave me the heebie-jeebies.

You got a normal reading and I get some apocalyptic prophecy to beware of strangers.”

“Don’t dismiss his warning.” Carmen grabbed Maggie’s hands forcing her to

face her and listen. “I’m not saying you have to change the course of your life, I’m just

saying be careful. We’re in New Orleans. We don’t have to get back to the hotel until

midnight. Until then, we stay vigilant and we don’t talk to anyone.”

Maggie smirked. Even Carmen didn’t buy it lock, stock and barrel or they’d go to

their room straight away. “Even if some total hottie is checking you out?”“Where?”

“To your right.”

Slyly Carmen peered in the general direction. “Which one?”

“In the Harley shirt drinking Heineken.”

“Ooo, he is very nice to look at.” Carmen wasn’t being snide. She liked ‘em

smart so looks weren’t enough to sell her on a guy even if he was very, very, very


“He’s an Adonis.” Maggie corrected. By far the best of the lot they had seen all


Mr. Harley scanned his surroundings, always coming back to Carmen, once

giving her a friendly nod. His sandy hair was cut close causing a clump of spikes off 

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center and he had soft brown eyes. There wasn’t one thing wrong with him, except that

he was more interested in Carmen than Maggie.

Another guy, equally pleasant to behold, walked up to him wearing a white tee

with “NOLA” printed boldly across in worn-out letters. NOLA had dark wavy hair and a

great smile, which vanished as his head snapped their direction.

“What’s NOLA?” Carmen asked trying not to be obvious as she snuck looks.

“New Orleans Louisiana.” Maggie answered realizing it was Harley that was

distracting the usually brighter Carmen from completing the simple riddle.

“Two of them and two of us. I would be happy with either.” Carmen offered

magnanimously. Probably true but Harley’s choice was abundantly clear and Carmen

was reaffirming it.

“They’re too old. They’re drinking.” Maggie didn’t know if there were other 

cities that allowed open containers on the streets but half the adult population was

drinking as they strolled the French Quarter. The other half was between drinks.

“We can talk to them, can’t we?”

Maggie wasn’t averse to a year or two older but hanging out in the Big Easy with

drinking buddies sounded like a recipe for trouble. “They’re strangers.” She teased and

got a glare that could cut through steel. Yes, distance from the Voodoo Hut was all that

was needed to put perspective on Zed’s ominous prediction.

“They’re coming over.” Carmen alerted too loudly.

“Hello.” Harley shirt greeted. “I’m Wayne, this is Tony.”

“Hi.” Maggie returned since Carmen was suddenly mute. “This is Carmen, I’m


Tony looked uncomfortable. He was probably thinking the girls were too young

to continue partying. He was right.

“Carmen? That’s a pretty name.” Wayne stared at the silent girl until she smiled.

He paid little to no attention to Maggie. “Do you talk?”

“Yes.” Carmen giggled proving her image and personality were incompatible.

Maybe Maggie was jealous or maybe she didn’t like feeling rejected but she

thought Carmen came off like the schoolgirl she was. A suave guy like Wayne wouldn’t

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care for that unless he got off on being adored like an idol. Giving him the once-over,

she fretted that that might be his big turn on.

Tony glanced away, bored and all too aware that spending time with the ladies

was time spent away from bars. Nonchalantly he checked his watch.

“We’re going to Lafitte’s for a drink. Care to join us?” Wayne asked ignoring

his friend’s concerns.

“Um, we’re only eighteen.” Maggie happily informed them and anticipated a

negative reaction.

Carmen frowned. Fact was, she wasn’t even eighteen yet.

“That’s too bad.” Tony happily shook his head. “Maybe we’ll catch up with you


“You go ahead.” Wayne surprised Tony and delighted Carmen.

Holding up a finger to the girls Tony asked for a minute. Pulling his buddy aside,

they had a quick chat.

Taking advantage of the space allotted Maggie opted for another route to liberate

them from older men. “What about staying vigilant?” She cocked her head waiting for 

Carmen’s justification to disregard her own rule.

“Well, technically, you have to be careful and Wayne asked me to join him?”

Technically, he asked them both but that was parsing words. “No drinking.”

Maggie commanded. Her parents would expect them to check in before going to their 

room. There wouldn’t be a Breathalyzer but they wouldn’t need it if Carmen were tipsy.

Carmen couldn’t hide it because she never had to.

Carmen held Maggie’s shoulders and rocked her to and fro. “Come on girl, let

your freak flag fly.”

“No drinking!” Maggie pointed a strict finger directly at Carmen.

Wayne was grinning ear-to-ear when the guys concluded their one-on-one.

“Would you like a tour of New Orleans?”

“Don’t you have to get going?” Maggie hoped but knew by the signs that Wayne

had won their debate.

“No.” Tony insipidly said without conviction.

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“Are you from around here?” Carmen beamed with joy barely noticing Tony the

way Wayne barely noticed Maggie.

“I am. Tony is from Baton Rouge.” Wayne held his arm out and she gladly took 

it. “Shall we?”

Tony and Maggie tagged along apathetically as Wayne recounted the famous

streets and buildings. He was a wealth of knowledge. Every block had a haunting or 

some morbid history related to death, war or illness. He had a natural talent for making

the tales intriguing. Wayne spoke as if he was a first hand account, even referred to the

Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression. Maggie mistook the comment as a joke

 but judging by his harsh reaction to her snicker, he didn't mean it as one.

As for Carmen, she was spellbound.

Perhaps Maggie wouldn’t have minded if Tony gave her a hundredth of the

attention Wayne bestowed on Carmen. Instead, he drug his feet and checked his watch

constantly like he was the White Rabbit late for tea with the Queen of Hearts. Maggie,

who didn’t have throngs of men at her beck and call, wasn’t as selective as Carmen in

regards to men. However, she did appreciate conversation or at the bare minimal,

acknowledgement that she existed.

Tony was rude, plain and simple. Sure he was out of her league being too old and

quite the looker. Still, for the time being they were the two spare tires and common

courtesy demanded some sympathy. Was small talk too much to ask for? Again, he

checked the time and Maggie wished she had the guts to yank his watch and toss it in the


Instead, she whispered to Mr. Persnickety, “Running late?”

“Not really.” He rolled his eyes when Wayne took Carmen into an art gallery.

They didn’t even bother to wait for the others as the door closed behind them. Tony held

it open expectantly for Maggie.

“I’ll wait out here.” It wasn’t much fun watching Carmen flirt or hanging out

with the iceman.

Tony considered his choices. In the end, waiting took less effort. “You’re friend

isn’t really Wayne’s type.” He professed without prompting like he wanted her to take

Carmen away to spare her pain when Wayne inevitably found someone more apropos.

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“Couldn’t tell the way he dotes on her.”

“Yeah, I know.” Tony was at a loss. “What’s really odd is we were going to

meet his ex that he’s been pining for since they broke up.”

“Maybe he’s accepted that it’s time to meet new people.”

“Maybe.” He said cagily.

“Do you know New Orleans history as well as Wayne?”

He shrugged. “Some but not like him. He has stories I’ve never heard.”

“Do you know Zed at the Voodoo Hut?”

Tony frowned as he nodded. “Everyone knows Zed.”

“He’s pretty good at that stuff. We had a psychic reading.” She said lightly to

indicate it was purely for leisure.

Tony kept nodding.

“Do you believe in that stuff?”

“That’s for girls.” He callously blurted out.

“I guess.” Maggie felt insulted. “Still, he pegged us pretty quickly. I guess that’s

the real skill. Reading people and knowing what they want to hear.”

Glancing her way and softening up he dulled his sharp tone. “I’m not saying I

 believe in that hocus pocus but if I did, I’d say he’s genuine. Zed is an artisan. My sister 

went to him a couple of years back. She’s older, at the time she was,” he scrunched his

face to recall the age, “twenty-two. Anyway, Zed told her that she was going to have a

car accident but not to worry, the damage would be minimal and no one would be hurt.

He said he usually warned to avoid those things but this one was important and couldn’t

 be bypassed. She asked where and when. Zed wouldn’t tell her. Of course, it happened

and it turned out the guy driving was an old friend of hers from grammar school that

moved away. They laughed it off. His car was dented but nothing else.” He paused but

Maggie guessed something big was coming. And it was. “They’re getting married.”

“That’s an ambiguous prediction in a town like this. Fender benders probably

happen every hour.” Frankly she was surprised that the taxi they caught at the airport

arrived unscathed given his errattic driving temperment that blended in with the other 

vehicles on the road.

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“Yeah. But Zed wrote it down. He gave her an envelope and told her not to open

it until after the accident or it would bring about horrible consequences.”

“And she listened?” Maggie wouldn't have.

Tony shook his head. “Not really. She meant to read it that night but the accident

happened on the way back to Baton Rouge.”

Maggie got goosebumps. He seemed sincere but he had to be teasing her. In her 

one day in town she noticed that the locals really talked up the folklore. It was to keep

the tourists intrigued.

“It had the exact time and location.” Tony looked away uneasily. “I don’t know

how he did it. Hell, he even wrote down her fiancé’s initials.”

“You’re lying.”

Tony chuckled. “I wish. It really happened. I won’t go near the Voodoo Hut

now. He gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

Her words exactly. Rubbing her arms to quell her nerves Maggie wished Carmen

would hurry up. “How long have you known Wayne?”

“Barely at all. We’re acquaintances. Carrie, Wayne’s ex is a good friend of 

mine. We grew up together. Anyway, she wanted me to make sure he got to the bar 

 between eight and ten.”

“It’s only fifteen past seven.”

“He’s not going to the bar. Jeez, he’s mesmerized by Carmen. When he dated

Carrie he acted like he was doing her a favor to give her time. This is bizarre.”

Four drunken men turned the corner and stumbled their way, a fifth lagged

 behind. The sidewalk was narrow, as they all were in New Orleans, and Maggie stepped

closer to Tony to let them pass.

“Hey there dawlin’.” The straggler winked at her and she waved at him.

Tony shocked her when he put his arm over her shoulder. He whispered in her 

ear, “I’m not trying to keep you from exploring, just making sure they’ll move on if you

don’t want to.”

Ew! The guy was in his thirties. “Thanks. I’m not coquettish.”

“I can see that.” He snickered. “Coquette? Read Shakespeare much?”

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Was that an insult or a compliment? If she wasn’t sure, it was an improvement.

“What’s taking them so long?” Why did she ask that right when Tony was getting


“I know where a great bar is with live music that won’t shoo you two girls away

as long as you don’t order anything alcoholic.” He tempted her winsomely.

Maggie smiled thinking the night was definitely taking a turn for the better. “You

don’t have a legion of obedient followers do you?”

“You’re weird.” He blushed at his cutting remark.

Knitting her brows, she tried to decide if he was evading the question or making

an obvious call.

Leaning down to her ear he told her, “Don’t stop smiling. You’re far prettier than

you are weird.” Pleased with himself for recovering from his social faux pas, he held the

door for Maggie. “We better find them. Wayne probably found a nook to cuddle in. We

should at least tell them where we’re going.”

Maggie wasn’t going anywhere without Carmen even if Mr. Icy had begun to

 pique her fancy.

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Vampire Bar

The art studio was busy for its size, as per usual in New Orleans. The artist was

good. Bold colors and most pictures were of musicians. The first room was the most

spacious and occupied. Maggie wove to the next door faster than Tony. Searching all

four rooms, she got scared. Carmen wasn’t there and there wasn’t a back door. Maggie

retraced her steps to see what she might have missed.

“This way.” Tony said turning a knob on a closed door. It was barely discernable

and half covered with a large painting. She was amazed he found it.

A huge man stepped out, ducking under the doorframe as he did. He was at least

six foot six and wall-to-wall muscle. Tattoos covered his arms and maybe more but that

was his only exposed skin other than his face, which was mostly hidden behind a thick 

trimmed beard. His dark hair looked almost military. As far as bouncers go, he was in

the top echelon if looks alone were qualifying.

Maggie huddled behind Tony wondering if there was a password to get past the

 brute. Gargantuan didn’t say anything but move aside to let them in. Two ladies

shopping in the gallery tried to follow but Beefy waved his hand. They wondered away

as if they never saw the entrance.

Tony and Maggie walked down a narrow hallway. Live Calypso music waftedforward to great them, along with smoke, from cigarettes and marijuana. At the end was

the main room, which was hard to see in the insufficient light. The place was full but not

 jammed. Conversations didn’t stop as they navigated but inquisitive eyes followed them.

Tony let Maggie lead but kept his hand on the small of her back.

Along the walls, where it was darker, couples made out with no proprietary

qualms whatsoever. One man had his girlfriend’s blouse nearly off as he fondled her 

large bra-clad bosom. When he lowered his mouth to his buoyant prize, she moaned and

her eyes cracked open. Even in her lust, she noted the outsiders and watched Tony and

Maggie. Moving to her side, Tony blocked the intimate couple from Maggie’s line of 


That was a futile effort since the whole place was a barbaric den of salacious

taboos. The motif was austere and seedy.

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Maggie heard Carmen’s giggle and steered through the dimness using it as a

 beacon. In the far corner, her friend was drinking something that wasn’t Diet Coke.

“Maggie!” Carmen hugged her friend like they didn’t expect to run into each

other so far from home. “Isn’t this place fab?”

The fruity drink had rum, enough that it gave itself away with one sniff. So much

for getting to know Tony and his friend. Maggie was going to tell Carmen off and good

 but without witnesses. First order of business was to politely end their evening early.

“It’s cool. Did you forget about me?”

“I’m sorry.” Carmen’s bottom lip jutted out.

“I knew you’d find us.” Wayne said with a steely gaze fixed on Maggie. For 

someone who barely noticed her before, he was glaringly attentive now.

“We need to go.” Maggie reached for Carmen’s arm but Wayne stepped between


“No, you don’t. Carmen said you were free until midnight.”

“We aren’t staying here.” Maggie felt Tony right behind her, gently holding her 

elbow to signal that she needed to proceed gingerly. Discretion was key but Maggie’s

temper was boiling.

“I tell you what, why don’t you go back to your friend Zed and procure the


“What?” Maggie tried to look at Carmen but Wayne obscured her. Clearly

Carmen told him about their reading but why would he care about a bauble?

“The talisman. Get it and bring it to me.”

Maggie didn’t know why he wanted the stupid charm but she didn’t see a need to

insert herself into his purpose. “If Carmen comes with me.”

“She’ll stay here. Go. Tick tock, tick tock.” Not the subtlest of threats especially

with Wayne’s long fingers shooing her off like a gnat.


Carmen peeked over Wayne’s shoulder. She didn’t look sober or buzzed. There

was only blankness in her eyes. “Hi Maggie.”

“What’s wrong with her?” Maggie’s voice was sharp with her anger.

Wayne sneered. “Nothing permanent so long as you complete your mission.”

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“You have some guile! What’s the con? How does the old man, the sleaze inside

and you wrap it up and what do you get out of it? Drugging someone against their will is

a crime.” Then she wondered if Carmen had taken the drug willingly.

Tony glared at her. “Do you know what that was inside the art studio?”

“A secret bar that serves to minors.”

“It’s a vampire bar.”

Maggie had heard much on this topic from Carmen. People claimed to be

vampires but they were not the supernatural beings you read about. They drank blood

and adapted a life to the folklore but they were humans in every conceivable way, except

they may not be one hundred percent sane. “And Wayne’s a vamp?”

“Maybe.” Tony paled.

“Doesn’t adhere to the usual rules.”

“I’m not talking about people who dwell on dark tales and wish they were more.

Those people may be real vampires.”

“Well, I’m so lucky to have escaped with my life. I suppose losing my friend was

out of my control.” Maggie walked swiftly to Royal Street. There was a Police Station

on Royal. She knew this because her father drove the girls by before letting them run

amok. “I should consider myself blessed.” She stopped abruptly and turned back to

Tony, “If you want some advice to perfect your scam, Zed needs to mention two men not


“What did Zed tell you?”

“Like you don’t know.”

“Believe it or not, I don’t know. Carrie dated Wayne for a while, then she broke

up with him. Never told me why. I ran into him and he told me that he wanted to see her 

again and make up. Asked me to pass on his regret. I never told Carrie. A few months

after they split, she regretted it.” He chuckled in an un-amusing way. “Became obsessed

with him actually. Tons of guys chase her all the time but she wouldn’t have any of 

them. Begged me to help her out. I didn’t want to. At times, she got a glazed look, but

not as pronounced as Carmen’s.”

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He was aggrieved. Probably trying to emote that he was heartbroken. A sham

would do this to hide his predatory side. A mark that saw him as a wounded man would

drop their guard. Maggie wouldn’t let herself pity him. “So he did drug Carrie.”

“Couldn’t have. It happened when he wasn’t around.” Tony sighed before he

continued. “Sure enough, I ran into Wayne again and well, I was too stupid to keep my

 pie hole shut. Maybe I was too drunk to listen to my own good senses. I told him

everything; that she wanted to see him again, that I’ve had a thing for her, that I never 

relayed his first message. Hell, for a moment I thought he was going to rip my head off.

Anyway, he talked it up like he would mend his ways, never revealing what caused the

spat. So I make the arrangements and next thing I know, he’s hitting on your friend.”

“Carmen is a minor. She’s seventeen.”

“I don’t think he means to take her virtue. He had this planned out. He played us


Maggie wished she could believe that but Carmen was enchanted and in danger.

“All for a necklace? This is preposterous.” Shaking her head she continued down Royal

Street. Tony followed but she didn’t care. Fact was if he was part of the scheme he’d

take off when he saw where she was headed.

“What did Zed tell you?”

“To beware of a dark stranger with a legion of obedient minions.” She froze mid-


“What?” Tony beseeched.

“Nothing.” Maggie lied realizing that Carmen was removed from the situation.

She shook off the creepy vibe crawling up her spine and double-timed her stride.

“Where are you going?” Tony asked when she didn’t turn towards the Voodoo


Maggie didn’t feel compelled to answer. Tony repeated his question two more

times before he figured it out or gave up.

A block away from the station a relatively young cop was warning a bicyclist to

stay off the sidewalks. His badge read Officer O’Malley. Maggie had a good feeling

about him. He had a certain statesmanship about him that spoke volumes to his ability.

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“Excuse me.” Maggie walked up mildly surprised that Tony was still on her 

heels. “I need your help.”

The cop glanced her over with kind eyes, which iced over when he saw Tony.

“What seems to be the problem?” Puffing out his chest, he took a menacing step closer 

to Tony who responded by taking two steps back.

Losing her cool, Maggie started rambling on about her peculiar day. It sounded

outrageous even to her. O’Malley listened and took notes. That was reassuring. She

summed up her narrative with, “So he’s taken Carmen to a pub even though she’s under 

aged and it’s a dodgy wannabe vampire bar. He’s drugged her somehow. Please, we

need to hurry.”

Patiently the cop listened to her tale. “I know this bar, it’s bad news.”

Hope engulfed her. “Can you get her out?”

The officer stared at Tony. “How are you involved in this?”

“It’s my fault these ladies met Wayne. I guess I feel responsible.”

“You’re not and you’re not needed.” The cop excused him.

Tony got hot under the collar. “I’d rather stay.”

“Do you know where Wayne lives?”

Tony shook his head. “I’m not even sure if he lives in N’awlins or Baton Rouge.”

He didn’t have a heavy accent but it showed when he referred to the Big Easy.

“I don’t understand. How do you feel like you are of use?” O’Malley


Tony got red with outrage. “Why would you assume I am worthless?”

“Actually, you remind me of a troublemaker I once knew.”

“Who cares what Tony does? Let’s get more officers and close down that bar.”

Maggie suggested strong enough it was just shy of a command. “Call for a formal

inquest if you have to.”

Tony snickered. “You sure do talk pretty.” He said in a voice perfect for 


“We need to act now before Wayne can relocate.” Maggie repeated not only to

amplify the importance but also to denote she was ignoring Tony’s uncouth commentary

on her vocabulary. He may be jovial enough to make dumb jokes but she was not.

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Ghost of a Chance

The Voodoo Hut was closed for the night. “Great!” Maggie gasped. She looked

anxiously to O’Malley. It was time he cut to the chase and fetch Carmen away from

Wayne. The fact that he even wanted to get the charm didn’t make any sense but she

trusted the uniform.

O’Malley peered into the storefront thinking unknown thoughts. Testing the lock,

he confirmed it was engaged. Was he contemplating breaking in? Isn’t that illegal?

Turning to face Maggie and Tony he mentally debated his next course of action. When

he looked at Maggie, his expression was one of sincere concern but one look at Tony

washed away any signs of kindness.

Maggie got the distinct impression that he loathed Tony, which was so conflicting

with his true kindness for her. Tony took the prejudice in stride, or at least didn’t let it

scare him off. Perhaps Wayne and Tony were known by the cops as swindlers.

A very cocky smirk lit up Tony’s face. “I could call Zed but that sounds so


O’Malley didn’t like his tone but he was more interested in contacting Zed than

saving Carmen.

That made Maggie madder. “We’re squandering time. What if Wayne has takenCarmen somewhere else?” She didn’t speak her true fear. What if Wayne took 

advantage of the inexplicably compliant Carmen?

Officer O’Malley hugged Maggie. She broke down to tears in his cold arms.

Gentle as a parent reassuring a scared child he said, “I believe Wayne won’t harm

Carmen. I believe his intent is the talisman. With it, we’ll have the best bargaining chip

for her safety.” Then he gave Tony a nod to make the call.

Tony didn’t have Zed’s number but his sister did. When the phone was ringing,

Tony passed it to Maggie to do the talking.

“Hello Zed?”

“Maggie. I didn’t think you’d called. I’m so relieved you did.”

“Is it too late to get the charm?”

“It’s yours.” He said amiable as ever.

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“Is it possible to get it now?”

Zed agreed to meet them in front of St. Louis Cathedral. Hanging up, Maggie

was glad Zed didn’t ask a lot of questions like how she got his number or why she

couldn’t wait until the store opened the next day. Of course, any normal person would

have asked. Then again “seers” aren’t normal. And then again, he was probably working

with Wayne. Wait until he sees she has the law with her.

Tony led the way to the cathedral. Even with his back to O’Malley, the officer 

threw disdainful looks. Twisting her mouth to one side she couldn’t decide if Tony was a

good guy or a bad guy. She’d keep her mind opened before making the final decision.

As if he sensed her eyes, Tony glanced back. Abashed to be caught staring, and when her 

eyes had dropped to his bottom, she flushed. Sure it was a nice butt but she wasn’t even

enjoying it being in the midst of a crisis and all.

The crowd was lively in front of St. Louis Cathedral. A street band played some

funky music and people danced. It was a scene straight out of her fantasy of what New

Orleans would be like but she had to forgo participating. Another night perhaps, if she

could erase away the bad vibe she was getting on her first night.

More than musicians were out displaying their talents. There were a dozen

fortunetellers with tables reading palms, cards or auras of rapt tourists. The variety in

appearance ranged from old rugged burly men to young waif women barely older than

Maggie. Had they come to this city as naïve girls and then someone like Wayne led them

astray? Her eyes watered.

“You holding up?” Tony asked.

Maggie shook her head and he held her. She closed her eyes hoping to wake up

from a bad nightmare safe in her bed. That didn’t happen. In his arms, she felt he was

trustworthy or she needed him to be. Tony held her tighter and a few more tears trickled

out. Wiping them as they broke the embrace, she caught O’Malley’s livid expression.

She excused it on his job. Policemen were protective by nature.

“What are you doing here?” Zed challenged surprising the trio from behind.

Maggie looked to Tony to hear his explanation but it was Office O’Malley that

spoke. “The talisman is hers. Why does my presence matter?”

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The old man considered the officer critically. Slowly a pointed withered finger 

reached to O’Malley and jab his shoulder. “How is this possible?”

“The talisman.” O’Malley requested flatly.

“You can’t be a ghost and solid.”

Immediately Maggie realized her mistake. She didn’t go the police station.

O’Malley was a plant, dressed as a cop and part of the scam. What an idiot? Experience

would teach her going forward but she erred costing time. Why use such far-fetched

myths? Why so many characters? Why hold Carmen hostage and drugged?

O’Malley saw her hard expression and in an apologetic tone said, “I’m here to

serve you.”

“No one better to come to her aid than Jean Gregoire.”

“You’re Jean Gregoire?” Tony repeated with evident rage. The fact that Jean

Gregoire lived two centuries ago didn’t faze him one bit.

“Just tell me how much money you want.” Maggie pleaded digging out her 

wallet once again. They were smarter than her. She was too scared and tired to be

clever. “All I have is two hundred. It’s yours just end this masquerade and get Carmen.


“Put your money away you foolish girl.” Zed demanded then his weathered eyes

focused on Tony. “This is not good.”

“What?” As soon as the word left Maggie’s lips, she regretted asking. She had

one goal and these three strange men were only interested in creating a fictitious web

 based on mixing every local legend ever. What next? Witches? The gage in her head

wavering between trust Tony and don’t trust him lurched to the don’t end of the scale.

“Who are you boy?” Like he had with O’Malley, Zed tested Tony to see if he

was flesh and blood.

Tony batted Zed’s hand away with a clearly physical slap. “I’m Tony Lambert.”

Zed and O’Malley exchanged knowing glances. Zed closed the distance and for 

an old man, he did a respectable job of getting in Tony’s face. “A Lambert is going to

help Jean Gregoire?” He ridiculed.

“I’m helping Maggie. I didn’t know he was a Gregoire.” Tony’s distaste now as

apparent as O’Malley’s.

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“Not a Gregoire, the Gregoire.” Zed corrected. “You want the talisman.”

“The talisman is ours.” He said softly but firmly not looking at Maggie. “We can

argue about that afterwards.”

“Wait, I thought we were using that to free Carmen?” Maggie countered. “You

can get it from Wayne later when Carmen and I are gone.”

“I will. We’ll get Carmen first.” Tony assured her and if he was acting, he was

going for the Oscar.

“We can’t give this Talisman to a vampire.” O’Malley interceded. “He’ll hand it

over to Estelle Roux. That would end very badly for all of us.”

“I don’t want to hear about vampires or ghost or Estelle whoever. I just want to

get Carmen and go back to our hotel.” And before midnight, which was their curfew.

Maggie’s voice had risen in aggravation and all three men looked to see if anyone was

overhearing. They wanted discretion. Maggie didn’t care if the whole world listened.

She willingly admitted defeat in the face of admirable con men.

“This way.” O’Malley directed them down Pirate’s Alley to the next street and

into a tight walkway down two buildings. The door was locked. Closing his eyes,

O’Malley walked through the wood and opened it from the inside. Maggie gaped and as

she entered, she felt the door, which was solid to the touch. Certainly she was dreaming.

They were in an abandoned home. The place hadn’t been used in years. Old

decrepit furniture was on its last legs, some upended without enough stems to stand erect.

Paint pealed and cracked on the walls. The windows were checkered with complete and

 broken panes. A yellow-stained portrait of a family hung slanted above the fireplace.

They were dressed in old-fashioned clothes. Maggie couldn’t place the era but it was

 before color photos when people stood stiff as ramrods and didn’t smile for the camera.

It looked like the kind of place a ghost would live. She almost giggled at the thought or 

 perhaps she was going mad.

“When did you meet Wayne?” O’Malley moved his hands to place them on

Maggie’s shoulder but they passed through. She shivered from the frigid sensation and


Convinced the last of her sanity was lost, she answered between hysterical

hiccupping laughs, “After we left the Voodoo Hut. It wasn’t even seven and the sun was

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still up.” She added the last line as evidence that Wayne was no vampire. Maggie wasn’t

sure she was proving it to them or herself but she was sure that what little remained of her 

sanity was fighting back with a vengeance.

“Vampires only need to avoid direct sunlight.” Zed clarified as counterproof.

“How did he know who you were?”

“I was wondering the same thing.” O’Malley waited for Zed to answer.

“If you think I told him you are sorely mistaken. How long have you known my

family? How can you make such a poorly veiled accusation?”

“You’re new associate then.”

Zed didn’t respond. Perhaps it was Elvira, or perhaps this was added fodder.

Maggie hoped her parents’ insurance covered psychiatric treatment. She’d be

using it for a few years.

O’Malley continued his inquisition. “Tony, did you know what he wanted with


“No. Wayne and I were supposed to meet some friends but he planned this to

happen tonight. I’m sure of it now. He was insistent that I see him today even if Carrie

wasn’t going to make our appointment.”

“Who is Carrie?”

“Wayne’s ex.” Tony sulked to think she wanted a vile man like Wayne over him.

“Then she’s irrelevant.” O’Malley disparaged. “When did you first see him


Tony thought about it. “We had just met up and were going to go to Lafitte’s by

eight. We were never in the sun, if that’s what you mean. In hindsight, he may have

 been stalling until sunset but he got a call and went outside for privacy. Stayed in the


Maggie reached into her purse for her phone. She was getting a feeling that she

needed to get away from these guys and fast. This bad decision was magnified seeing

that she was alone with them and no one knew her whereabouts. “I appreciate all the

drama but I really need to get going. You know what, Carmen will come home when

she’s ready.” Before anyone could argue she was out the door and in the street.

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“O’Malley, that makes no sense at all.”

“Does everything have to make sense? Does math and science hold the only

truths? No.” He answered for her. “There are mysteries in this world that cannot be

quantified by conventional academics.”

“You passed through the door when I was there.”

“With concentration, yes, I did.” The ghost answered and released Maggie.

“Now, if you could do me a favor, please call me Jean or Gregoire, O’Malley was the

name of a long lost friend of mine.”

“All right, Jean.” Something was changing in Maggie. Her mind struggled for 

explanation. The absurd was looking like the only plausible solution.

Tony was back with a boutique bag. “How’s this?”

Maggie peered inside to see a pink shirt. Taking it out, it looked a bit large. The

slogan “Life is a Bowl of Gumbo” was written across the front in bold cartoonish

lettering. “Perfect.” She smirked trying to lighten her mood. Her mind told her that they

could not be what they claimed but her heart was grateful to see them after her scare.

“Thank you.”

“You can’t walk around with a torn shirt.”

“I meant thank you for saving me.” She glanced at the empty remains of her 


“Well, thank Jean Gregoire. He told me to stake him. I don’t know why I

listened other than I didn’t have a better plan.” Tony teetered on the fence between the

real world and whatever world was seeping in to create chaos. He was doing much better 

than Maggie but then he knew the stories even if he hadn’t believed them before. Under 

his breath he muttered “vampires?”

One of Slick’s pockets lit up as a cell phone alerted an incoming call. Jean

retrieved it but too late to answer. “He’ll call back.” He said grimly.

Maggie looked at the ghost who she still thought of as O’Malley. Was he her 

ancestor? Was there any truth in their fantastic tale? She didn’t know how he could walk 

through a wall, let alone touch her without touching her. She didn’t know how Slick 

disappeared in the blink of an eye. But she also knew that illusionists had done many

inexplicable things.

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Maggie’s mind jumped to werewolves having seen enough movies. She shook 

her head sure that regardless how real everything seemed, she had to be dreaming.

Praying with all her might, she hoped her subconscious wasn’t going to bring in another 

movie monster before she woke unless they were going to be hunky romantic monsters.

Rubbing her hands clean, she saw they were free of wounds, even her leg had stopped

hurting. Wasn’t that proof she wasn’t awake?

“Are you saying they will be powerless outside the Quarter?” Tony prodded.

“They will be formidable but not invincible.”

Looking at the charm around her neck Maggie asks, “Why do they want this?”

“It is a key to a treasure.”

“A stolen treasure.” Tony remarked harshly.

“Not if your family hasn’t found it.” Jean barked back.

“That’s not the way I heard it.”

“Of course not. But then history is written by the winners.”

“What does that mean?” Maggie asked.

“I was killed by Pierre Lambert, this man’s ancestor.” Jean said mournfully.

“Because of him I was not there for my children. Because of him I have been bound to

walk these streets until a rightful heir frees me from my onus. Once you and the talisman

are safe, I will pass on to the next realm.”

“What onus?”

“The treasure is modest.” He said evasively. “Among the gold and jewels is a

ring forged from the Spear of Longinus, the weapon the Roman guard used to ensure

Jesus was dead before taking his body to the tomb. The metal was smelted and made into

that charm and a ring. A vampire cannot touch the holy metal unless it surrounds him. If 

it circles even a small part it could exercise the demon from the vampire. It’s theoretical

 but it’s the demon within that can’t go into the sun, leave the spiritual realm, subjected to

holy water. If the wearer retains the supernatural dominance, the vampire would be


“Estelle.” Zed covered his mouth fearful of the idea.

“What does this do to them?” Maggie held out her talisman.

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“Burn them and if they touched it long enough, destroy them. It isn’t a complete


“If they can’t have it, why do they want it?”

“As long as it doesn’t touch their skin. This…” Jean touched the charm and

 paused. “I can hold it. I know I am not truly physical but even this simulation is


“You were saying?” Tony encouraged impatiently.

“The talisman opens the crypt where the treasure is stowed.”

“A crypt?” Maggie didn’t want to go into a cemetery during the day let alone at

night. She reluctantly planned to visit some the next day with Carmen, at least that was

the plan before everything went hay-wired. She had crossed it off the agenda about ten

minutes ago.

“If Estelle wears the ring, how would that affect her children?” Zed asked pale as

a ghost – a ghost without an ancestor around to give him substance that is.

“Only once has a vampire worn the ring. Vlad Dracula walked into daylight and

Van Helsing cut off his finger and then ran his sword through Dracula’s heart. Who

knows what havoc would have ensued if Van Helsing hadn’t been proactive? Those

corollary vampires turned by Dracula died when he died.”

“So why are there still vampires?” Maggie asked.

“Vlad Dracula wasn’t the first. The first vampire was Estelle Roux. When the

world was flooded, she wasn’t destroyed only suspended. When the waters subsided, she

found a new home in Eastern Europe. It wasn’t more than wilderness for years. She

lived a hard life feeding off animals. Animal blood isn’t satisfying but it is sufficient.

When humans began to spread out over the land, she was ravenous. Before the flood, she

never killed her prey. Even today it is rare for a vampire to kill without provocation, they

 prefer playing with their food. But Estelle fed on humans so deeply that they were left

dead or very near. When the black plague struck the vampires, for there were many

created by then, they would die if the drank contaminated blood. That reigned in their 

 bloodlust. Five centuries passed before Estelle learned of the ring, she has sought it ever 


“How did you get it?”

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“He stole it from my family.” Tony groused.

“Your ancestor was a cutthroat. Pierre took it from me and gave it to his wife

Antoinette. It had been entrusted to my family for a millennium or more. When we

arrested Pierre’s ship, Antoinette traded it for his life. It was the only time I disobeyed

orders and a stupid act on my part since he killed me not two years later.”

“That’s a lie.” Tony said impetuously.

“That was life in the eighteen hundreds. It took me almost two hundred years to

accept that.”

“You killed Pierre and Antoinette.”

“No Tony, Pierre killed me. Estelle had Pierre and his treacherous wife killed

when she came to claim the ring. Antoinette had promised it to Estelle if she turned her.

She wanted eternal life. She didn’t know the ring already gave that to her.”

Tony seethed. “You’re wrong.”

Softer Jean said, “You are nothing like them.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Boy, I have no reason to lie.”

“You do if you want me to help you fight Estelle.”

“I have told you to go, that you are not needed. As much as I sense you are

honest, I cannot trust someone that looks every bit like the man who murdered me, even

if it was decades ago.”

“What proof do you have?” Maggie challenged out of curiosity.

Jean was wounded that she questioned him. “A written agreement from

Antoinette. It is with the ring.”

Tony didn’t look up. He was processing everything Jean told him looking

desperately for the contradiction that would eradicate its validity.

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The Bayou

Maggie’s heart went out to Tony. At least her dead ancestor was a hero and there

to defend his good name in the face of slurs to his character. Tony was forced to reassess

his familial tree without any historical reference.

“We’re wasting time.” Zed reminded everyone. “We should go and before we do

we need to devise a plan to get Carmen without giving Estelle the talisman?”

Maggie looked at the three men not knowing if she only trusted them because at

the moment she had no choice. Doing something she was not comfortable with, she set

her logic aside. Her heart said these were good men. That would have to do for now.

Seeing that it was losing the battle, her mind resolved it was only a dream and safe for 

her to play along.

“We need a decoy. It won’t fool Estelle for long but we only need enough time to

get Carmen away. Maggie cannot be touched with the true talisman and I am already

dead. You two should stay here.” Jean gestured to Zed and Tony.

“My friend, you know I won’t.” Zed smiled. “Outside of the spiritual, I should

 be safe enough with my own devices of defense.”

“Very well and thank you.” Jean turned to Tony. “Go home. What little help

you bring isn’t worth the added risk of a potential lost life.”With a subtle nod and without a word, Tony skulked away.

“I’ll be right back.” Maggie said and chased after him. “Tony!”

He stopped but didn’t turn to her.

Circling him she waited for him to look her in the eye. “I’ll call you tomorrow.

Hopefully this goes in our favor. For what’s its worth, I’m not sure I believe the story

either. Frankly, I’m still doubt that all this isn’t a smoke screen.”

“If it helps, in my opinion, this is the unreal reality.”

“Isn’t that a contrary term?”

Tony shrugged. “Trust them. You’re smart. You never trusted me and you were

right. I guess we’re like the Hatfields and McCoys. Two sides of feuding families and

no one really knows what started it.”

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“Let’s not rehash that.” She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t trust you because I thought

you were helping Wayne.”

He looked at her wondering if she trusted him now that she knew he wasn’t in on

the scheme. Picking up the charm around her neck Tony examined it closely, and her.

“Mine or yours, Carmen is more important.”

She smiled.

For the first time since Carmen’s abduction he had a sincere grin. “It isn’t much

really. Not enough to fight over let alone kill.”

“It’s pretty.” She defended. “But not enough to fight for. Think of it this way,

we’re the first in over a century from either family to see it.”

“You know, if I wasn’t tied up in a stupid love triangle, I would’ve enjoyed

meeting you tonight. And if Wayne wasn’t a kidnapping vamp.”

“I’m too young.”

“A year isn’t too young.”

She looked at him quizzically. He had been drinking but then that didn’t prove he

was legal drinking age.

He broke from his inflexible posture to hug her. “Be careful. Between Zed’s

knowledge and Gregoire being a ghost, I guess you’re prepared but if they really are


If there were, he was the only of the three that killed one, at least in the last

twenty-four hours but Jean made an excellent point. Tony didn’t need to be in danger.

She didn’t have a choice. Tony hadn’t let go and she wasn’t sure she was ready to face

her demons but time was precious. Reluctantly Maggie backed away. “If there is a

document, do you want to see it?” She wouldn’t in his position.

He shook his head. “What difference does it make now? Jean Gregoire is right. I

am who I am regardless of what did or didn’t happen. It took me off guard that’s all. I’ll

 be fine.”

She played with the charm on her neck. “If I didn’t need this, I would give it to

you. It is more important to you than me. When we’re done…” Tony’s fingers stopped

her from completing her thought.

“Keep it. It suits you.” He crossed the street and vanished in the crowd.

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Maggie hated to see him leave but he was a distraction that she didn’t need at the

moment. She returned to the antsy ghost and seer.

Zed had a VW Rabbit at least twenty-five years old. It was shiny black and in top

condition. He unlocked the passenger door first.

“Can I drive?” Jean asked.

“Sure. Wait, do you have a license.”

“No. Without Maggie here, I wouldn’t be able to but I’ve always wanted to drive

a car.” It was a modest request for someone who died long before the invention of 


Zed smirked in confused amusement. “Maybe on the way home. It’s a manual.”

Deflated O’Malley took the passenger seat after Maggie crawled into the back.

“Can we lower the top?”

Jean had witnessed so much without truly joining in and Zed allowed it. Then

they zoomed off to their destination somewhere in neutral territory. It was cold enough

 before they got on the highway. Maggie found a throw and snuggled into it for warmth.

She stared up at the sky as her hair whipped back. They weren’t on the freeway

long and sooner than she expected they were driving down a one-lane road with trees

lining both sides. She worried about Carmen. She replayed the day’s events. Revelation


Sitting up she leaned forward. “Jean is the Hanged Man. He’s in suspension.”

“What’s that?” Jean asked.

“I gave her a Tarot reading. It came up with two allies and one foe.” Zed quickly

summarized. “Yes, I think he is. I’m ashamed that I didn’t foresee you contacting her.”

“Estelle is the Devil a known evil.”

Zed’s eyes smiled to see her accepting his truths. That meant her incipient mind

was opening up.

“You must be the Moon.” Maggie tapped Zed’s back.

“That can’t be it. A seer is never part of the reading or else we would always be

 part of the reading. The Moon was Tony. It signifies fraud or disillusionment.”

“He didn’t lie and he isn’t working with Wayne.” Maggie retorted.

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“No. You’re great grandfather, maybe great great, came but he didn’t believe me.

After he left, I found Zed’s grandfather. Most seers aren’t that much more in tune with

 paranormal than regular folks. Zed’s grandfather was authentic and he decided to read

my future. I couldn’t shuffle but I could embody him and shuffle. The cards said that a

descendant would come and seek out psychic counsel, one that he believed would be in

his family. We had a contingency plan to keep tabs on other truly gifted seers to be sure.

So I showed him where the talisman was hidden. We knew there would be opposition

 but it didn’t show how formidable nor did it indicate that it would be vampires.” He

looked ashamed. “I’m sorry this has landed on you and yet I am glad to meet you.”

“It’s lucky I found you.”

“Not luck. I sensed you were near. I didn’t get to the Voodoo Hut in time. When

I felt you were at the bar, I knew I had to find a way to run into you away from the

vampires.” He stood vigilante. “En garde, they’re here.”

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Changing the Terms

Speaking of unholy creatures, a searchlight lit up the dock and they heard a motor 

from a boat. Blinded, Jean and Maggie strained to see. When the boat docked the light

was pointed downward giving their eyes a chance to adjust. It was a flat boat, like a

 pontoon, and covered from bow to stern with a metal top. The sides were open with two

small rooms on each side of the steering wheel. Ten people were onboard, Carmen

among them. Wayne stood behind her with his arm around her waist as if he were her 


Seeing her friend didn’t give Maggie hope. Maggie was more aware than ever 

how much was at stake. Were all these minions children of Estelle? The one vampire

that attacked Maggie in New Orleans was dealt with easily enough but she didn’t fool

herself that she wasn’t terribly outnumbered. It was a teen, a psychic and a ghost against

a cadre of vampires, perhaps weakened but still a deadly force to be reckoned with.

“Well, well, well. Jean Gregoire the legend. I’ve heard only good things of 

course.” A beguiling woman said as she disembarked followed by three of her group.

Her hair was red and wavy and her figure was perfect. She wore a royal blue silk blouse

opening with a respectable amount of cleavage showing and skintight white pants. If 

Maggie didn’t know she was a vampire, she’d have guessed she was thirty give or take.Her voice was melodic. “How did you get all the way out here Gregoire?”

“Bring the girl.” The ghost requested.

“Not until I see the talisman.”

Jean held up the dummy charm. Estelle’s perfect brows knit together wondering

how a specter could hold a chain. “I’ve lived longer than I care to remember and yet I

have never seen a spirit reform to flesh. It is wisely said you learn something new every

day.” Her eyes didn’t wander from the charm.

“Carmen, are you all right?” Maggie hollered.

Still dreamy eyed Carmen nodded. Her arms rested over Wayne’s at her mid-

torso like a dance photo pose.

“You must be Maggie Mallory.” Estelle gave Maggie the once over. “Somehow

you aren’t what I expected and yet you are perfect.”

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What did she expect? “Hello Ms. Roux.”

“Please, call me Estelle. I only chose a last name for legal reasons.”

“Estelle then.” Maggie said politely more out of fear than truly meaning to please

the vampire.

“Wayne, bring the girl.” Estelle ordered.

Wayne took Carmen’s hand and walked her off the boat like a dog on a leash. He

stood her between Estelle and Jean. As he stepped away the glazed look on Carmen’s

face faded to bewilderment. “Maggie, where are we?” Carmen spun around confused by

her surroundings.

Maggie motioned for Carmen to come to her. “I’ll explain everything. We’ll talk 

later.” When Carmen was close enough, Maggie pulled her behind.

“The talisman.” When Estelle asked she showed her sharp teeth. She meant to

attack if the bargain wasn’t fulfilled. Wayne had a fervent look. He was eager to fight.

Jean inched slowly forward with the charm swaying from the movement.

A dangerous expression crossed Estelle’s lovely face. She grabbed the talisman

and clutched it in her tight fist. “Once a dishonest pirate, always a dishonest pirate.

Where’s the real one.” Since her flesh didn’t burn, she knew it was counterfeit. “Let me

guess, that precious little thing is wearing it.” Her greedy eyes locked on Maggie.

“You don’t have the power to take it.” Jean sneered and turned his back on


She sprang forward but he knew it was coming. Jean swung around and delivered

a roundhouse right on the she-vamp’s jaw. Tumbling down and bleeding from the lip she

was dumbfounded. Without the spiritual intersection she was weakened and he shouldn’t

have any substance. “You’re not a ghost?” Was all Estelle could manage to say. “Or the

seer? He did this to you? How?”

Carmen was shaking behind Maggie. Maggie was as terrified as her friend.

The other vampires watched anxiously waiting for the signal to strike. Estelle

stood and brushed the dust and grass from her slacks. Then her tongue darted out to lap

up the small dripping of blood. “We had an arrangement pirate.”

“Arrangement implies good faith. You kidnapped an innocent bystander.” Jean

said as if explaining multiplication tables to an idiot.

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“Do not impugn my authority again! You’re being an insubordinate pain in my

ass.” Estelle scolded her temper exacerbated by frustration. “We all do. You’ll have

others. Tonight is not about carnal urges.”

Wayne nodded subserviently to Estelle. “There are others.” His eyes darted to


“Not her either. Excuse him. He can sniff out a chaste maiden a mile away.”

Estelle knelt by Tony but this time without malice.

Maggie stopped herself from asking if they were sure. Whether Carmen was or 

wasn’t physically experienced was so far down her list of questions. She wanted to check 

Tony but didn’t want to alarm Estelle.

Jean approached Maggie obviously over his phantom pain. “I can’t believe we’re

risking your lives and the ring for a Lambert.” He whispered to Maggie somewhere

 between incredulity and comprehension.

“He’s not Pierre.” Maggie reminded him. She cautiously walked to Tony and

Estelle. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He’s got a strong spirit.” Estelle said appreciatively. “As do you.”

Tony was curled up on one side too pained to stretch out fully. “Is that all they

got?” He poorly joked.

“See. Strong spirit.”

Or sheer stupidity. Slowly Maggie lowered next to Estelle and took Tony’s hand.

“We should have stuck together.” She rued mournfully.

“It worked out for the best this way. I should have asked for the ring to start

with.” Estelle stood up and went to have a heart to heart with the morose Wayne.

“You’re brash to help Estelle.” Tony told her.

“I couldn’t bear to see you die. Can you stand?”

Jean and Maggie hoisted Tony and got him on two wobbly feet. The three

 prisoners sat on a wood bench and the vampire captain steered them to New Orleans.

Maggie’s lasting thought was that they really needed a plan B right about now. At least

Carmen wasn’t a chip to be bargained with. One woe erased and a new one took its

 place. Top revised agenda item – escape from an inescapable dilemma.

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Into the Fire

Maggie was sandwiched between Jean and Tony. She felt coldness from the

ghost and warmth from the man. She put her arm around Tony who rested his head on

her shoulder. “We’ll get you away somehow.”

Wayne snickered. “Tony is to blame for his state. He was immensely


“I went to see Carrie.” Tony said. “To warn her to go home but she turned me

over to Wayne.”

Maggie shut her eyes thinking Carrie was absolutely ghastly.

“You still love Carrie. Mortals.” Wayne mocked. “You know she loves you too.

That is how I worked my way into her life. She wasn’t as easily manipulated as some,

like Carmen. I love a challenge, so I told her if she wanted you to notice her she should

make you jealous. Then I volunteered my services. In time, I was able to impact her but

never fully. Since you were her goal I was left wanting. Sure I could have forced myself 

on her but that is forbidden since you were involved.”

“Because he’s a Lambert. You didn’t know who had the fleur-de-lis.” Jean

guessed accurately. “Tony was the real target.”

Maggie wondered how Tony felt to hear that Carrie was only part of the problem because of him. If he was like her, he felt intense blame.

Estelle nodded and Wayne finished his taunting story. “I could keep my hands

off her but a vampire has needs. She found me feeding and assumed I was cheating.

Yes, I had sex with my dinner but how could I cheat when I had no emotions for Carrie

or my dinner for that matter? I was more than willing to forget about it but I was

encouraged to repair our rift even though she offered no information on if you had the

talisman. I thought it was a waste of energy but as always, Estelle knows best.”

“Can’t this boat go any faster?” Estelle urged. She felt exposed so far from the

French Quarter but Maggie noted that she was irked at Wayne.

“We’re on the Mississippi.” Jean told the kids. “It has a spiritual essence but it

fluctuates since it is a flowing river.”

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“She doesn’t know much about our world.” Estelle stroked Maggie’s hair until

the girl jerked her head away. “So pretty and yet so green. That will change. Your life

force is impressive, it’s almost intoxicating.” The she-vamp closed her eyes to block out

 physical sensory input and narrow on Maggie’s aura.

Maggie felt like a roasted turkey on Thanksgiving. She gulped and Tony held her 

hand tighter.

“You’re going to be a powerful woman.” Estelle prophesied.

“If I live that long.” Maggie mumbled but was heard.

“You will.” Estelle vowed loudly as if underlining her order to her clan to keep

their lethal paws off Maggie. “How did you pirates put it? We are at a parley.”

“We had no choice but to surrender.”

“No, no. I mean we are in a conference. Strong-arming you was the only way to

get your help but rest assured we should be partners.”

Jean huffed incredulously. “We are not partners. You don’t understand pirate

code at all.”

She caressed his cheek. “How is that you are solid?” Jean didn’t speak but

Estelle’s eyes shifted to Maggie. “She is remarkable.”

A loud splash disturbed the water to the right of the boat. Then another from the

other side. Vigilantly the vampires looked for the source. The searchlight circled the


“Hold the talisman.” O’Malley whispered to Tony in the confusion, who did as

instructed. “You’re claustrophobic, aren’t you?”

A confused Tony answered. “Some.”

Maggie thought it an odd question given the open water and the unforeseen rock 

thrower. “Werewolves can’t throw rocks?” She asked but no one responded. Maybe

they didn’t have proper claws. Maybe werewolves were able to mix up their body parts

as need demanded. More likely, it was an idiotic question showing how ignorant she was

yet again.

“You’re whole family is like that.” The ghost winked at Tony.

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Whatever Jean wanted to convey must have transmitted because Tony’s head

lifted from Maggie’s shoulder looking less green around the gills and a glimmer of 

understanding in his eyes.

Their quiet exchange was interrupted. Another splash and then three more. Each

closer than the one before.

“Damn it!” Estelle shoved the vampire next to the searchlight and ran it along the

riverbanks. As fast as the first searcher was, Estelle was ten times faster. The light

zipped back and forth so quickly Maggie didn’t have a chance to see clearly. They were

traveling down a narrow inlet moving toward wider water. “Olly olly oxen free.” Estelle

sang like a child playing hide-and-seek. “Where are you?”

A rock landed on the tin roof denting it in the process. After the first hit, others


“There!” Wayne pointed as the most precise toss of all hit him in the upper arm.

He shook out his limb but was otherwise unhampered. The fair size boulder was twice as

 big as a bowling ball. It was heavy if the effort it took one of the vampires to discard it

was evidence. “It was a zombie.” Wayne said gravely.

“Zombies?” Maggie looked to O’Malley for illumination. “Aren’t they undead

like vampires.”

“Please! We aren’t undead unless you mean that we never died. They are

reanimated dead without a soul and only a vague recollection of their former selves. We

have free will. They are at the mercy of their master.” Estelle educated Maggie in the

least kind voice possible. Now that they identified their assailants, Estelle returned to her 


“You have free will.” The captain cheekily revised.

“Isaac, you’re making me sound like a cruel tyrant.”

Isaac shook his head to indicate that wasn’t the case. He gave a wry smirk to

Maggie with a little wink. He seemed far too friendly for a vampire, especially one

trying to navigate a slow boat down a narrow inlet surrounded by reanimated corpses.

“She’s all right for a boss.”

Maggie snickered. Looking at the gentle captain, she could almost believe it.

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The other vampires had spread along the edges to fend off any more projectiles.

They had a ways to go before the wider river and the rocks were coming more frequently

and with more exactness.

“Vampires are made when humans drink enough of their blood.” Jean told

Maggie loudly to be overheard from the occasional thump and splash and the roar of an

engine pushed to its limits. “It takes three days for the change and during that time, they

appear to be dying but they do not die. They do not know death.”

“Who changed Estelle?”

“I was born this way.” Estelle was flattered by Maggie’s question. “Before the

resurrection of Jesus, things were very different on this planet. When God tossed Lucifer 

and his fellow angels out of heaven they walked the planet with man. Lucifer wanted to

 breed an army but only one fallen angel was female, well only one of any consequence,

Desdemona. Desdemona wasn’t interested in Lucifer’s plan but he took her often and

against her will. Her children were even less substance than the fallen and had an

unnatural desire to possess flesh, animals or willing humans. They did cause havoc but

were not the soldiers Lucifer had envisioned. The other fallen would not risk Lucifer’s

wrath and did not succumb to Desdemona’s advances. Her urges had grown although she

despised Lucifer. So she ran off and found a man to lay with. Lucifer killed him in the

mists of their lust but she was impregnated. Despite his anger, he wanted to see what the

child would be like.”

“That was you?”

Estelle smiled proudly and sat next to Tony while her minions dealt with the


“Estelle, we should turn back.” Wayne suggested. “No doubt they have a

 barricade set.”

“We have no choice. We cannot stay so far from our home.” Turning back to her 

captive audience Estelle continued her autobiography. Unlike her minions, she was

relatively calm, perhaps a tad excited. Estelle liked talking about herself.

“I was flesh but I had the same limitation of the fallen, which was only an

aversion to sunlight at the time. Lucifer was pleased until he learned he had no

 jurisdiction over me. I am only part demon and creatures of the earth are granted free

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“Is that a crocodile?” Maggie gasped seeing a large reptilian tail slither on the

water. Estelle saw it too. She swatted its nose and it slunk back to shore.

“Alligator. There are no crocodiles in Louisiana.” Tony told her giving her hand

a squeeze. “It was one gator. It’s not gator galore.”

Maggie stared at him wondering if he thought that difference was relevant or if he

really thought there weren’t more.

Tony searched her pocket and got her phone. “Now.” He said lifting Maggie and

dropping her into the gator-infested river. His splash was right behind her. “Swim!”

The water had a disgusting layer of scum but at least she’d see a trail if another 

 predator approached. Maggie tried not to think about it as she did her best impression of 

Michael Phelps.

The boat sizzled when the fire hit the water and went out. Tony took longer doing

his best to keep the phones from the murky water. Once on land, Tony ran like a demon

out of hell pulling Maggie behind him. She had no idea where they were going but he

seemed to have a plan.

When they came upon a zombie Tony passed the phones to Maggie and grabbed a

fallen branch swiping it under the zombie’s legs knocking it flat on the ground. They

were gone long before it righted itself.

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Further inland from the bayou, the terrain was too uneven for speed but Tony

 pushed forward fleet of foot. Maggie stumbled all the way. Using trees as leverage they

didn’t slow down. Thirty minutes later, Maggie got a stitch in her side. When holding it

wasn’t enough to ease the pain she paused and bent over to let it unknot.

“You okay?” Tony asked looking past her to see if they were alone.

“Why aren’t they nearer? Aren’t they faster?” She winced as she carefully

stretched to hurry the process. Her side coupled with a chill only added to her wretched


“Not outside of the Quarter.” He panted. “Hear that?”

Maggie listened. The loudest thing she heard was their breathing. Both tried to

slow it to keep from giving their position away. Then there was the cacophony of wild

life – toads or frogs, bugs, owls. She figured he’d heard a vampire or a zombie, her wild

imagination even tossed out Bigfoot as a potential culprit. Finally she heard the purr of 

an engine. “It’s a car.”

“This way.” They came out on the side of a rural paved road. The taillights of 

the automobile they heard too far gone to catch a ride. It turned right and vanished. “Do

you think Gregoire is okay?” Tony asked.“I don’t know.”

“That zombie will be disappointed to find him brainless and fleshless.” He kind

of smiled because he believed Jean wasn’t doomed. “This way.”

Staying out of sight, they continued. A sign read ten miles to New Orleans. That

was a long walk. She’d never make curfew but she had already resigned that was

inevitable. It didn’t matter. Carmen was safe. Now all she had to do was not die or let

Tony die. Hiding until dawn may be the best way to safety and if that led to the

grounding of her lifetime, she’d gladly serve it considering the alternative.

They came upon a roadside bar. The small lot was packed with cars and loud

music shook the shack to the beat. Tony tucked in his shirt and tried to look like he

hadn’t been beaten, dunked in the river or covered in mud. Maggie did the same, wiping

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Tony was waiting for her on the front porch looking better although still closer to

grungy than neat. “You did well. Doesn’t even look like you’ve had any life

endangering experience all evening.” He complimented cheerfully with a wide grin.

Maggie told him about the bus and how she thought is was odd a tour would stop

at a little honky-tonk off the beaten path. He said there were a couple of bar crawl tours

that did that. Tony wanted to steal a car but Maggie feared it was risking an arrest. In the

end they decided to stowaway on the bus.

The bus driver didn’t give them a second look when they boarded and headed to

the back row. Maggie immediately leaned on Tony and shut her eyes.

“Don’t fall asleep. The night ain’t over yet.”

She giggled. “At least we’re free.”

“About that.” He said low enough not to be overheard. “They have Carrie.”

Maggie almost said “so what” but decided that was cruel. She couldn’t allow that

even if Carrie sounded like an autrocious witch. Getting killed by vampires wasn’t a just

sentence even for her.

It wasn’t a surprise that the answer wasn’t as simple as hide out until dawn.

Whatever had started, it begun without her consent and she was sure it would end when it

ran its course. At the very least, she’d have to see that her family was safe and that meant

chancing crossing paths with some non-human entity in the near future.

“So where to?”

“In case you’re wondering, I don’t care for Carrie not after she turned me over.

Probably stopped caring for her a while ago and was in it for the competition but I see the

error or my ways now.”

“She didn’t know.” Maggie said diplomatically.

“Probably not but does that matter? I mean, even if it was an unfair test, she

failed miserably.”

Maggie didn’t believe him and she called him on it. “You’re so cavalier. How

can you turn off your feeling like that?”

“Cavalier.” He snickered. “What kind of grades do you get with that expensive

vocabulary?” She scowled and Tony’s steely gaze averted her eyes for he wasn’t sure

how she would react to his next statement. “A cubit zirconium looks great until it’s next

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to a diamond.” Maggie was smart enough to catch his gist and he didn’t have the resolve

to be “cavalier” if she laughed in his face.

When Maggie read between the words, she got embarrassed and looked down.

He was emboldened to see he had her confused. He lifted her chin and looked deeply in

her eyes.

“Carrie would have left me with the vampires. You didn’t. It wasn’t a fair test

and yet you passed with flying colors.”

“You hate my family. You only came along when you heard about the talisman.”

He shirked his shoulders. “I’m not the brightest guy in the world.” Gently, he

 pecked her cheek. “But every now and then I’m smart enough to eventually figure out

when I have something good right in front of me.” Seeing her rosy complexion wasn’t

the response he hoped to elicit but it was encouraging. He went in for a real kiss on the


It wasn’t Maggie’s first but it was her favorite. Before he could kiss her again,

she pulled slightly away. The night wasn’t over and she needed her wits about her. Plus,

she didn’t trust him. Okay, she did but she didn’t trust her trust. “Where?” She repeated

tersely not because she was mad but because she was afraid if she spoke too long she’d

say something ludicrous like “more kisses please.”

“Lafayette’s Cemetery.”

“Cool. We’ll go to a graveyard on a dark night fraught with all kinds of monsters

on our trail.” She sassed like only a teenager can. “Cemetery one or two?” Maggie and

Carmen were planning on touring the local graveyards and she knew there were two

cemeteries with that name.

“Three and it isn’t a draw for out-of-towners. It’s small potatoes but it’s the right


“How do you know that’s the right one?”

“Gregoire asked if I was claustrophobic. We need to go to the Lost Pirate’s


“I’ve heard of that. I thought it was only a legend.” She laughed at herself given

her recent exposure to truth in fairytales. “Scratch that last comment. The Lost Pirate’s

Tomb is where coffins moved between entombments. Every time they opened it to add a

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The Lost Pirate’s Tomb

The bus exited the freeway and slowly made it to a parking lot by the waterfront.

Maggie and Tony left unmolested. Once again, Maggie was in the French Quarter 

walking down Pirate’s Alley. They both kept looking over their shoulders.

“We won’t see any we recognize.” Tony told himself as much as Maggie. “They

will need some time to get back.”

“We think.” She warned him. Maggie wasn’t going to underestimate Estelle


Everyone was celebrating life. New Orleans didn’t hurt for evening

entertainment. The further they walked the less people they saw. Soon they were on a

lonely street and Maggie clung to Tony’s strong arm hoping to absorb some of his raw


“Here.” Tony announced in front of an iron gate. The archway entrance did not

have a name. It had worn away long ago. Testing the bars, Tony leapt upward. It wasn’t

working. He needed more leverage to compromise the height. They walked the length.

At the end on one side was the typical home with a first floor balcony. Tony reached up

the black pole and released it immediately. “It’s greased.” He wiped his hands on his

 jeans. It wasn’t like they could get any dirtier.“Why?”

“To deter burglars.” He looked around. Seeing a trashcan, he rolled it to the edge

and they managed to get into the cemetery. Somehow, Maggie wasn’t all that pleased at

their momentary success as they navigated the gravesites to the larger family vaults.

Tony gave her confidence merely by holding her hand as they walked. Just as she

convinced herself that there was nary a soul around who wasn’t resting in eternal peace,

Tony started whistling.

“What is that song?” She asked but really she meant, “Why are you whistling?”

“It’s the theme song to an old Disney movie, Robin Hood.” They got to the path

and both felt better to be off the gravesites. “It’s an odd version of the story if you think 

about it. There’s definitely a mix of country in the accents and music, which doesn’t

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make sense for old England folklore. Still, at least Robin Hood had an English accent.

Costner’s version didn’t.”

“Uh-huh, uh-huh. That’s terribly fascinating. Um, why are you singing it now?”

“You mean opposed to humming a dirge?” Tony looked back at her. “Just

whistling in the dark.”

Maggie actually smirked. “Sure. Things are all comfy here in the cemetery at

night. We probably have five or ten minutes before a vampire pounces down on us”

“They can’t come here. It’s holy ground.”

“The zombies too?”

“Well, if this is their home, maybe, but I haven’t seen any unearthed graves, have


“No.” She admitted and gave a cursory glance around to affirm their assessment.

Everybody was still tucked in. “Why wouldn’t that voodoo doctor use these corpses?”

“Because pirate’s make horrible zombies. They have to obey but they resist too

much. It’s tiring, really.” A sinister voice said from the shadow of a large crypt

entrance. “I see you’ve come for the ring. Hello, I’m Victor.” A thin dark haired man

stepped onto the path. He was much younger than Zed. The gray tailored suit was more

fitting an aspiring gangster from a 70s mafia flick than a mystic of dark magic. Even his

shiny pointy black shoes stated that wealth was important to him over say, soul

collecting. The only revealing piece of his wardrobe was a large cape held closed with a

 big infinity clip, glimmering gold with a large diamond in the center.

“Yeah, we gathered that. Thanks for sending the zombies after us.” Tony said

sarcastically and rather bravely considering Victor’s powers.

“You don’t sound grateful. Didn’t you want to be separated from Estelle? Well,

I’ll be honest, I didn’t like the idea of her getting the ring.”

“Because you want it?” Maggie accused.

“Dawlin’, I don’t need it. I’m already invincible but I can’t have vampires getting

 past their numerous confines. Their annoying enough as it is. It would make life difficult

in the Big Easy. I’ll take the ring and see that Estelle never gets it. Trust me, I’m no

match for Estelle and her children.”

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Tony and Maggie exchanged looks wondering if that was a viable option.

Tempting as it was, Maggie doubted Victor’s motive were so altruistic.

“I’m at your service.” He exaggerated with a humble bow.

“You can’t protect us or our loved ones.” Tony stated hoping he could tell them


“I can do a great deal to ensure you leave New Orleans unhampered and

unharmed.” Victor approached and stopped a yard away, his dark eyes twinkling with a

red gleam. “I’d advise you to never return again or else you will most certainly be

slaughtered. For now, how can I assist you?”

“How about you start with no more zombies.” Maggie suggested and tugged on

Tony’s hand to get going.

“They weren’t to hurt you.” Victor’s eyes flashed with withheld anger, bright and


“Well, your dead pets hurt our friend.” She snapped. Jean couldn’t die again but

he might not be able to return to New Orleans without her. If he didn’t show up before

the next day, she may have to drag Carmen out to the bayou tomorrow. That’s assuming

that she lives. It was also assuming her mere presence was enough energy for Jean

Gregoire to rematerialize.

“Subtle nuances can be complicated for zombies to understand. You were

travelling with several vampires. Surely in the confusion they’d have a hard time

distinguishing between a mortal and an immortal. Pardon my zealousness but those

crude beings were the best tool at my disposal.”

Maggie wasn’t ready to be that forgiving, not after the night she’d had and it

wasn’t over yet. She also didn’t like Victor referencing bodies as tools. They were

humans meant to rest for eternity not to do his bidding. She paced. Victor stepped back 

and gave her space.

Tony grabbed her arm and pulled her to his side. “Stop circling me.”

“I’m nervous.”

“Duh.” He muttered. It was understandable but she was unnerving him. “Okay,

Victor, we’ve got things under control. If we need any assistance, we’ll holler.”

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Touching the fleur-de-lis, Maggie looked for a notch it might fit in. When they

didn’t see one, they ran their fingers over every inch of the coffin and stone slab. Maggie

last ounce of hope started to sink.

“I found it.” Tony gasped.

Maggie rushed to his side. She undid the clasp from her chain and put the ornate

charm snuggly into the hole. Nothing happened. She pressed it to make sure it was

secure and still nothing happened.

“I thought it would trigger some kind of hidden nook.” Tony admitted.

They jumped when the stone door shut behind them. That was definitely not the

reaction they hoped for.

“No!” Tony pushed futilely against the door, when it didn’t budge he shoved as

hard as he could with his upper body. “Maggie, it won’t open.”

Gently she tugged at his shoulder until he faced her. His face was pasty and it

wasn’t from the lack of illumination. His breath was short and she guessed he was

having a panic attack. Holding Tony, since that was all she could do, she gently

reminded him, “This is hardly the worst thing that’s happened to us.”

“How did it close?” Tony stood tall, trying to portray the courage he had earlier.

“Victor locked us in. I was wrong to think Estelle was my opposition. It’s

Victor.” Maggie’s words landed on befuddled ears. “Either I’m dreaming or I’m not.

Either way, I’m working on the assumption that all this hokum is real. In Zed’s reading,

he said the opposition would be obvious to me.”

“And the first vampire born isn’t obvious? Maggie, she’s a demon.”

“She’s born of demons, which are fallen angels. She didn’t subjugate herself to

Lucifer. Seems to me, she has free will like we do.”

“She exercised her free will to have a vampire attack you.”

“Wayne sent Slick after me and he was going rogue. Fact is, she touched me.

She doesn’t mean me harm. Victor on the other hand, couldn’t stand within a yard of me.

Didn’t you notice him move when I paced outside?”

“Not really.” He puzzled. “Is that why you kept so near me? And I thought you

liked my company.”

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“I was delirious.” Tony replayed the evening looking for evidence for and against

this new concept. Color was returning to his face slowly as he was distracted from his


“Um, Tony.” Maggie said pointing to the back of the tomb. A cubbyhole

 burrowed into one of the thick slabs holding the coffin had been revealed under 

Gregoire’s remains.

Happy to keep busy, Tony fetched a modest sized burlap sack from the hidey-

hole. A huge spider was on the other side and he dropped the bag. The eight-legged

fiend ran to Maggie who yelped and ended its life.

“That wasn’t very nice. He didn’t mean to scare you.” A person materialized

 behind them. It was her ancestor looking wan from his time far from her proximity.

“Jean.” Maggie gave her lost relative a hug being careful not to pass through the

semi-solid ghost.

“Can you get us out of here?” Tony asked as he placed the lantern and the sack 

on the casket to inventory the contents.

“That is my resting place.” Jean reminded him. “It isn’t a workshop table.”

“Sorry.” Tony rummage through jewelry, doubloons and gems of all sizes and

colors. There were some documents but he didn’t investigate. Lifting the ring, he held it

next to the light. Like the pendant, it was shiny silver and it had a matching fleur-de-lis

on a flat circle. “This is what everyone is after.”

“Aye.” The former pirate said. “Tony, you should put it on. That way you’ll

 both have protection.”

“I’m a Lambert.” He teased but wore the ring. A common enemy was bounding

once feuding lineages. “Tell Gregoire your theory.”

Maggie obliged. “Jean, I think Victor is who the cards warned about. He’s the

known evil.” She was ready to defend her hypothesis again but it wasn’t needed with


“I agree. He’s raising the dead as we speak.”

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Waking the Dead

“Dammit!” Tony exclaimed. “You mean the whole graveyard is going to be

waiting for us?”

Jean Gregoire smirked. “Well, this is mostly a pirate graveyard. They’ll be

missing legs and arms. They won’t be as fast or feisty.”

“Victor told us pirates make bad Zombies because they don’t obey well.” Maggie

knew it sounded fishy when she heard it.

Gregoire shook his head. “He knew we’d come here and this is blessed land.

Zombies cannot walk on blessed land unless it is their home.”

“Do you know how far it is to the exit?” Tony asked Gregoire but glared at

Maggie. It didn’t matter why Victor waited to raise the pirates since either way they had

an army of zombies to face.

“Exactly. I have been here for two hundred years. They can’t touch you and they

can’t touch Maggie. As for me, I’ll keep from being too substantial. I know I couldn’t

really die but I did feel the sensation as if I were when the zombie oaf tried to drown me.

So Tony, do you prefer being stuck in here or facing a hoard of undead?”

“Undead.” Tony grumbled and clasped Maggie’s hand tightly. “Anything to get

out of here. What about Victor?”“He left. He thinks the charm didn’t work so he locked you in. Good thing, the

door needed to be closed. You should have known that.”

“Claustrophobic.” Tony remembered the obscure clue. “It doesn’t really kick in

unless you’re in a closed room.”

“How do you sleep at night?” Maggie teased. She didn’t care for the tomb but

she wasn’t panicking. Actually, she liked being in a small space free of foes better than

running in bayous with gators, zombies and vampires lurking about.

“With a window opened.” He frowned at her for mocking his cowardice yet

again. “Knowing it’s an irrational fear doesn’t make it go away.”

The cubby vanished with a thunk when Maggie removed the fleur-de-lis.

“Leave the treasure for now.” Gregoire suggested. “Come for it later if you wish,

 but you’re better off without the burden.”

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“I think he’s the opposition in my reading.”

“It’s looking that way.” Zed conceded easily.

“And I think he’s possessed by Lucifer.”

Zed wasn’t willing to buy that as quickly. “Lucifer is the kind of boss that

delegates. He doesn’t get his hands dirty. Why do you think it’s Lucifer?”

“I’m guessing it takes a quasi-demon to reanimate a dead body.”

That got Zed thinking but he didn’t have the energy to concentrate, not with more

 pressing issues pressing. Instead, he wanted an updated. “Tell me, what’s happened

since the swamp?” They filled him in. “Yes, it does seem like Victor is the greater of 

two evils if Estelle touched you. At least at that moment or prior to it, she wasn’t

 planning your demise.”

Maggie nodded. “Is there a good reason she’d want the ring? One that doesn’t

involve evil intent?”

“Possibly but what of her children. You’re correct that she isn’t possessed by a

demon but her children are. If they lost their free will it was from drinking her blood.”

“Something they did of their own accord.” Gregoire said sagely.

“So the vampire demons are warring with the zombie demons.” Tony half stated,

half asked. “Which are stronger?”

“Vampires. They are in living flesh and can regenerate. Zombies can’t. Knock a

leg out from under them and they are rendered harmless, as long as you don’t get too

close. That’s against us. Against each other, the zombies have an advantage since dead

flesh is toxic to vampires, even when they don’t bite. Vampires get a rash that won’t heal

rapidly when in physical contact with zombies and only an experienced vampire can

resist the urge to bite in a fight.”

It was eleven o’clock and Maggie was running out of time. Not only for her 

curfew but no doubt her family was back in town. Estelle or Victor could use them as

added leverage. They needed to talk to Estelle and get honest answers. Apparently the

she-vamp was on the same page because Maggie’s phone rang.

“Hello.” Maggie answered.

“You have the ring?” The lift in Estelle’s voice implied she had current

intelligence and merely sought confirmation.

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“That and a gaggle of zombies roaming the streets chasing us.”

“Victor is desperate.”

“Why do you want the ring?” The three men watched with wide eyes as Maggie

waited for a sign that Estelle was going to play fair.

Estelle didn’t speak for a full minute. “I want to walk in the light.”

“You’ve put my friends in danger for a stroll in the afternoon sun?”

“Not the literal sun. Unlike my children, sunlight cannot kill me. Burn me to a

crisp and leave me miserable but it won’t kill me. I’d like to say we didn’t hurt anyone

 but we know that is a lie. What I’ve done to your friends is nothing compared to my

youth when I didn’t have the willpower to fight my instincts.” She actually sounded


“It’s not that I don’t want to trust you.”

“Maggie, you have no reason to believe me given my surreptitious demeanor. I

have lived a very long time because of it. If you don’t trust me, goodness knows I have

done enough horrible things over my life to support your caution. For a century, I

couldn’t feed without killing. Even immortals feel starvation. It took me to a dark side.

Immortality coupled with an exact memory is a curse. There were times I wished to end

it all. For decades I tried. I am agonizingly aware of the wrongs I committed that can’t

 be undone. However, I can change and I don’t live my life that way anymore. The ring

can take away the darkness in me and hopefully within my children. I’m a reformed


Was that even possible? “Everyone deserves a chance.”

“Thank you Maggie.”

“You could have told me this before forcing my hand.”

“I didn’t think you would believe me.” Estelle had Maggie there. At the time,

Maggie would have walked away. That option had long since been removed from the

table. Still, she didn’t care to be manipulated.

Appreciating that Estelle was finally being forthcoming Maggie felt she didn’t

have the luxury of pouting over spilt blood. It was time for action. “Can you get to the

Voodoo Hut?” Maggie looked at Zed to see if he objected. Swaying his head back and

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forth, he was uncertain if he should allow that. He held his hands in surrender that he

didn’t have a better plan.

“Even if Zed let’s us in, that place would drain our powers. If we are to fight

zombies, we should meet somewhere significant to us.”

“Significant meaning on your turf? Giving you more power?” Maggie fretted.

She was putting her faith in her hunch and with it, her life. Empowering the vamps was a

different tactic but things had evolved. Putting her life in jeopardy was frightening

enough, but Tony and Zed would follow and that scared her. Glancing at Tony and then

the ring on his finger, she bit her lip and fretted some more.

“Victor is powerful.” Estelle urged. “It is to overthrow him that we’ll need the


“Could he be possessed by Lucifer?”

“No.” Estelle chuckled derisively. “Another fallen angel, it’s possible but not


“Where can we meet that is spiritually rich?” Maggie asked the men in her camp.

“Beauregard Square.” Zed suggested.

“I’m sure he means Congo Square.” Estelle corrected having heard his answer 

without Maggie relaying it. “Excellent suggestion. We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

“We need to prepare.” Zed said and gathered all kinds of gear from his shop.

Among the many items he shoved in a large duffle were stakes, veils of holy water and

egg cartons.

“You don’t trust the vampires.” Tony raised a brow to Zed.

“For now, I’ll give Estelle some latitude, that’s it. Who’s to say the truce isn’t

over once Victor is neutralized? Even if they do not mean us direct harm we are at a risk 

of injury being caught in the melee.” Packing the last of his egg cartons he zipped up his

gear bag.

“Are we going to egg someone’s house on the way? Should we get some rolls of 

toilet paper so we can TP?” Maggie joked.

“They’re full of an herbal mix. It will free a zombie from the demons control.”

“Won’t that leave a lot of old dead bodies lying around in the morning?”

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“I’ll try to send them home before dawn.” He vowed. “No one should be

disturbed from their final rest.” Admiral sentiment if he could do it.

“You just happen to have these ready?” O’Malley wondered.

With an exhausted expression Zed said, “I live in N’awlins. It’s not like I expect

to wage war against monsters but one is wise to be prepared.”

Once on the street what little courage Maggie had dissipated. New Orleans was a

ghost town and it wasn’t even midnight. “Where did all the tourists go?”

“Victor’s doing.” Zed shook his head. “I’m not a tenth as strong as him. Even

with the vampires, our best hope is to survive through the night. Whatever has possessed

him is stronger than most demons. He walks in daylight, he isn’t a vampire. It’s a new

dilemma and one I do not have an answer for.”

“A demon is a demon. It may be stronger but it is has weaknesses. All things

have weaknesses.” Jean Gregoire enlightened from experience. “Did you find anything

in your research?”

“A legend that even if it’s true, I don’t have a clue how to get one.”

“Can I have your cell?” Tony asked and Maggie handed it over. He punched in

his number. “We’ll have to hurry you home but you call me tomorrow. I want to see you

 before you leave.”

She nodded half excited to see him again in non-lethal circumstances and half 

hopeful that they’d live to see daylight. “Okay but let’s go somewhere off the spiritual

hotspots.” Forgetting that excluded Jean as well, she added, “You can go since it will be

with me.”

“After we’re done, I won’t be available. I’m long past due for retirement.” He

coyly answered. “Our time is quickly coming to an end.”

“That makes sense.” Even so, she would miss him. They never had a chance to

get acquainted. How often does a person get a chance to interact with a relative born two

centuries earlier?

Every footstep echoed down the empty streets. Even Jean was disturbed by the

lack of people. On the other hand, they saw no zombies.

“Are the gates usually left wide opened?” Maggie asked knowing the answer.


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Kissing the top of her head he smiled. “I know. What I want to tell you is that

you’re safe so long as you wear that. Don’t hand it over to anyone for any reason.”

Was that an order? Sure it was good advice – nay, great advice. “But it can’t

 protect all…” Maggie couldn’t finish her sentence with Tony’s palm gagging her mouth.

“Let me finish.” He held her hands in his, the weapons still within hers. “You

run when the fighting starts. Don’t look back and don’t worry about us.” His eyes

 pierced hers not liking the resolve he saw. Using his fingers he ironed out the crinkles in

her forehead. “Don’t like it, but do it.”

She would have preferred the distraction of romance. There were so many things

wrong with his request. It was cowardly, one-sided, sexist and unlikely to matter. She

was protected with the amulet, so long as she kept it. “Why wouldn’t I keep the charm?”

“There isn’t any reason to hand it over. Keep it and when the battle starts you’ll

run.” His long index finger pointed square between her eyes.

Putting her egg and stake in one hand she playfully grabbed his finger. Softly she

kissed his lips. “Tell me where you’ll take us tomorrow.”

He sighed. “Is this your passive way of denying my request?”

“Oh, was that a request because it sounded like a command.”

“He’s trying to protect you.” Gregoire interrupted. “He’s right.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Tony said sadly. “She doesn’t back down.”

“Isn’t that what you liked about me?” She wryly asked.

“This is different.”

It wasn’t. It wasn’t even the next day. They were in the same predicament. The

face of the enemy changed but they also had reinforcements with Estelle’s band of lethal

vampires. “Well, I’ll think about it.” She walked over to Zed and handed him her stake.

“I don’t need this.”

He shrugged but didn’t argue.

“Hello again.” Estelle came forward wearing a fresh shirt and with forty vamps at

least. She smiled proudly at Maggie pleased that Maggie relinquished the weapon.

Dropping her eyes on the stake still in Zed’s hand. “I see you came prepared. Do you

intend to use that?”

“Hopefully, no.” Zed answered honestly.

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“Wayne saw he was aging and that one day he would die or more likely, you

would leave. He drank your blood knowing what he would become but unknowingly

enslaving himself and ruining your love.”

Estelle’s laughter was chilling, a gruesome mixture of anguish and bewilderment.

“He was enslaved by the demon that possessed him. What was he going to do? Kill me?

He couldn’t without destroying himself in the process. It was an idiot’s errand.”

Victor’s red eyes waited patiently. He’d wished she had broken down but he still

delighted to see revelation strike. Holding up the velvet pouch he taunted her to connect

the dots.

Estelle expression contorted. “The ring. It might have made it possible.”

“We’ll never know. He’s dead. No use mourning the wicked.” Victor tucked the

ring in his pocket. Taking a roll of the survivors he was elated at the sheer lack of 

vampires remaining. Assessing the humans and ghost last he deemed them harmless or if 

he saw a threat, he showed no sign of it. “You’re Jean Gregoire.” He identified with

almost a fan-like reaction. “Are you bound to earth to protect this?” Victor patted his

 prize mocking Gregoire’s worthlessness. “Guess you’re not going anywhere now?”

Gregoire hadn’t even noticed he had been addressed. He was surveying the

zombies with growing concern.

“Jean Gregoire!” Victor screamed to get his and everyone’s attention. He wasn’t

keen on being upstaged.

Gregoire’s eyes shot up to Victor.

“You know many of these men.” Victor announced pleased to have the ghost’s

undivided attention.

“It is dishonorable to their memories to use their bodies this way. You’re

 punishment will be unbearable in the afterlife.”

“There is no after life if you don’t die. I guess you wouldn’t understand.” He

said callously. “It doesn’t surprise me that you and Zed would be acquainted.”

Zed didn’t make the same mistake that Gregoire had. He was sure to appear 

aware albeit apathetic. For the time being, Victor had the floor.

“You’ve squandered talent to share truths with tourists who didn’t believe a word

you said. A complete waste of potential.” Victor derided and then his eyes landed on

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Tony and Maggie. “Aren’t you a cute couple?” He winked at Maggie. “You’re not like

other girls. The energy you possess is palpable and fresh.”

Tony pulled her closer but she was already at his side.

“Boy, I’ll have her.” Victor licked his hungry lips. “In every way.”

“Don’t you dare touch her.” Tony threatened.

“Do you love her? No matter, but if she loves you, than I’ll keep you alive to

coerce her. Her life force is too raw to mold to my fancy. Do you love him?” Victor’s

hand was over his heart as if finding their affection childishly adorable.

“No.” She said. It wasn’t a lie. They only just met but she didn’t want him held

and tortured on her account. At least he was in the safety radius of her charm.

With a silly grimace Victor’s head shivered. “She does love you.”

Maggie touched the talisman for reassurance.

“Oh, that’s right! You have a trinket to keep the boogieman away. Did you know

some of the ring’s essence is useable even if it’s encased in silk, even if it isn’t worn?

For example, I can approach you.” Without warning he charged at Maggie yelling, “Give

me the charm.”

Maggie snapped into action pushing Tony away and ducking on her knees. Victor 

stumbled over her. It hurt her side when he hit but she imagined he got worse from the

unforgiving pavement. Standing he faced her again. His forked tongue darted out to lick 

 blood dripping out of his nose.

The burst of action had taken the group by surprise but they were battle ready

again. Estelle made her move and with a graceful jump, she flew through the air and

kicked Victor back to the cement. Estelle was pained and recoiled but Victor grabbed her 

ankle. Screeching like a banshee Estelle swung her two handed fist right at Victor’s ear.

 Neither the ring in his pocket nor the demon in his body could deflect the blow.

Estelle backed away keeping her distance.

“I have the ring.” Victor reminded her standing upright. With slow dramatic

steps he approached Maggie. “Aren’t you brave to fight me. That quality will be

enjoyed later but currently it’s irksome.”

Gregoire, Tony and Zed guarded her. To demonstrate how feeble they were,

Victor tossed Zed with a subtle flick of his wrist. Taking a few quick steps, Victor 

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kicked Gregoire and grabbed his last opponent by the throat and dangled him the air,

crushing his windpipe as he did. Victor’s mouth fell open. He had four fangs, two on top

and two on the bottom like a snake. His whole appearance was morphing to a serpent.

Enjoying the suspense he hissed and watched his prey squirm.

“The demon’s energy will burn the human host.” Zed said and clearly this was


The words of warning were like white noise in the background. Gregoire

slammed into Maggie, his essence merging with hers. Inside her head she heard

Gregoire’s thoughts. “The demon will be unstoppable until it possess a new body. We

must kill him now.”

Maggie was opened to ideas but Gregoire had none.

Tony brought down his arms on Victor’s. Being between two forms Victor 

wasn’t sturdy to hold on and Tony dropped to the ground clutching his neck, desperately

gasping for air.

With her ancestor’s essence intertwined with hers Maggie ran to Tony.

Victor stretched and chuckled as his form steadied to human again. “Pathetic

lover you have there. I’ll give you three seconds to bring the necklace to me and spare

the lives of your friends.”

Tony stared at her unable to verbalize something he desperately wanted to say. It

was crucial whatever it was. Then he put his hand in hers. Maggie glanced down at the

clenched fist holding the velvet pouch. Tony had picked it off Victor when he was


Gregoire was impressed but warned if Victor felt its power when it was in his

 pocket, it was a matter of seconds before he noticed it missing.

Whether her time was up or he discovered the theft, Victor roared.

Twisting and standing in one fluid motion Maggie faced a fully formed snake

with recognizable red eyes. Lunging at full speed he slithered at her with a gaping

mouth. Her hand yanked the fleur-de-lis from her neck. She didn’t know if she did it or 

Gregoire or both. With all her might she threw it deep into Victor’s snaky gullet. Then

she curled into a ball.

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Maggie was frozen in fear, alone in her body again. When the charm hit the back 

of the throat the snake stopped in its tracks and writhed in pain.

Victor convulsed, his body twisting and changing between human and an

enormous asp. The unearthly scream reached an impossible crescendo. Falling to the

ground he howled in pain. The noise was brutal and even the vampires covered their ears

for protection. Maggie thought she might be left deaf until it stopped.

Gregoire and Zed crawled away from eerie scene. Following their lead she

hooked her arms under Tony’s shoulders and dragged him to a safe distance.

As Victor burned the smoke slithered like a creature. Rising from the hoary

remains it solidified into an ethereal image of a naked woman. Her eyes were pure

 burgundy, no iris, no white showing. She was transparent and with the smoke from the

 burning body at her feet, her imaged undulated.

Maggie covered her nose and mouth to keep from smelling the sulfuric aroma

emanating from the demon’s discarded shell that was Victor. His remains looked like

overcooked clay, fragile to even the slightest touch.

Estelle starred in disbelief. “Mother?”

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“Leave the locket.” Desdemona scowled as she circled making eye contact with

every creature in her sight. None were to disobey her. With a tacit jerk of her head,

zombies lumbered forward to restrain those that remained.

A long dead woman with a fixed smile, reached for Maggie, who was no longer 

untouchable without her charm. She was close to Tony but the ring was on the far side

and clearly her arm was out of the rings boundaries because the zombie grabbed it

without discomfort. For a corpse, she had a strong grip. Her head jerked back as an

herbed filled egg smacked her between the eyes. Shaking it off, she released Maggie and

fell to the ground rendered useless from the impact.

Zed was on his feet. With both arms taking turns, he pulled out egg after egg and

tossed them at the walking dead. The old man had an accurate throw and zombies were

dropping like flies.

“I command you to halt!” Desdemona yelled and tried to shove him again but

Estelle leapt at her estranged mother and the two demon women tussled. Neither seemed

able to overtake the other.

“Little help here.” Zed asked with Gregoire’s voice and the few vampires

remaining were at his side and extinguishing zombies twice as fast. The strafe of herbal

eggs peppered the undead. When the last of the zombies were down and out he held the

 back of his head to stop the blood seepage.

The only action was Estelle and Desdemona. The spectators didn’t know what to

do. Something told Maggie it was Estelle’s fight to finish.

“Is Zed all right?” Maggie asked. Gregoire nodded in Zed’s body and held the

hand to the open gash on his scalp.

“I can help.” Isaac said going to his aid.

Tony had the ring on and was doing better. He looked down his nose at the

deceased Victor.

“We’ll be here until dawn and the sun will do more damage to you than me.”

Desdemona grunted while wrestling her daughter, now rolling on the cobblestones. “And

I don’t get hungry as you do. You’ll feed on one of your friends within the hour.”

“Get away.” Estelle told her minions and humans. “Run!”

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Maggie looked to Tony, who made the oddest statement. “It wasn’t like he had

any respect for the dead.” He shrugged his shoulders. Dropping to the ground he used

his knee, covered in mud and grease, to crush Victor’s throat. Then he shifted his leg

until he felt the charm. Pulling up the chain the few pieces of flesh burnt off. “It’s self 

cleaning.” He said as he replaced it on Maggie. Then he removed the ring and held it in

his palm.

She caught on then. Snatching the ring she ran over to the mother daughter brawl.

As soon as she got close Desdemona screamed but wouldn’t let go even with the

repulsion of the double artifacts adding to her angst. Holding firmly on Estelle’s arms,

Desdemona’s talons scratched deeply but Estelle didn’t give her purchase. Instead, the

younger she-demon lifted both thumbs and gouged her mother’s eyes.

Desdemona ran back. She was regenerating but that didn’t stop the rage.

Maggie took Estelle’s hand but before she could slide the ring on Estelle curled in

her fingers. “I need to see that none of my children will resent me for this.”

“We did not lie like Wayne. We have apprehension. Whether it is our salvation

or our doom, we are prepared.” Isaac said still at Zed’s side. The love in his eyes for 

Estelle was genuine.

“Isaac is right. You’ve searched for this for hundreds of years. We had ample

opportunities to voice objections.” A woman knelt on Estelle’s other side and held her 

hand tenderly.

Estelle sat up, being slower to regenerate than Desdemona. Desdemona was livid

as she watched her plans unfold.

Maggie guessed these last seven vampire warriors might not represent the total of 

nest. Putting the ring in the silk pouch she placed both in Estelle’s palm. “When you’re


“Your family was charged with protecting it.” Estelle reminded Maggie.

Gregoire stood behind Maggie, separated from Zed again. “Protecting it isn’t the

same as not using it.” Gregoire couldn’t believe he was saying those words. It was

Maggie’s to do with as she saw fit.

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“Isn’t she stronger than you?”

With a sly wink Estelle said, “Free will trumps brute force.”

“Will she retaliate?” Maggie worried.

“Given that it took her four thousand years to put this plan into action, you’ll be

long gone before she tries again. And if not, what can she do? There are strict rules

about demons interaction with humans.” Estelle held up her new treasure. “And if she

disobeys, I’ll put this on and kick her butt if she tries anything.”

A bell tower chimed in the distance. It was midnight. “I have to get to my hotel.”

Maggie said suddenly. Now that people were safe, her curfew went up on her priority


“What about those guys?” Tony pointed to the zombies scattered like ragdolls on

a floor.

“We’ll put them back.” Estelle got to her feet. “Zed, can you decipher who is


“I think so. Is my wound okay?” Zed asked the hunky bare-chested vamp.

“It’s closed. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.” Isaac answered

sweetly like an old TV doctor.

“I’ll see to the kids and come back to help with these guys.” Gregoire offered.

“You won’t be very late.” Tony comforted as they strolled back to the heart of 

the French Quarter. “How strict are your parents? They won’t ground you on vacation?”

Maggie figured her biggest problem would be explaining her appearance and why

she was out without Carmen. She’d play it by ear. “Wait? Jean, you’re still here.”

The epiphany shocked him.

“Does that mean, I’ll see you tomorrow?” She was pleased, extra pleased since

the streets were teeming with people again. Sure they were drunk or in the processing of 

un-drinking, so to speak. But that was so earthly and human that she felt like she was

 back in the terrestrial again, aside from being escorted by a ghost.

Gregoire didn’t feel as light hearted by the idea. “Yeah, I guess.”

“You’ll pass on eventually.” Tony told him. “Whatever you need to do will be

made known, right?”

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“I’ll have Zed give me a reading. See if the cards can help.” He was dejected.

“It’s been so long. A soul gets tired.”

“Is it because Estelle has the ring?”

“Could be but if she means to use it for good, it shouldn’t stop me from passing.

I’ll have to get it back if that’s the case but in my heart of hearts, I believe you did the

right thing. It shouldn’t stop me. Worse case scenario, it would stop you after your 


“Maybe your task wasn’t about the ring. Maybe it was about something else.”

“It had to be regarding the ring.” He said as they arrived. The three looked up at

the French Colonial hotel looking like refugees from the worst camping trip ever.

Gregoire hugged Maggie and kissed her cheek. “Sweet dreams.”

Despite his coldness, she tightened her embrace. “I’m glad we met.”

With a curious expression he looked up at Tony and shook his hand. “I take it

you’d like a private good-bye.”

Tony had a silly grin and nodded.

Gregoire moseyed down the street and then vanished.

“Call me when you wake up.” Tony brushed her hair behind her shoulder.

Shyly glancing down she nodded. Lifting her chin, Tony kissed her good night

and walked off in the direction of Gregoire.

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Making Curfew

Maggie’s phone beeped that it had a text message. It was from Carmen telling her 

not to check in with her parents because they thought they were both home already. A

second text asked when she would be home. Laughing and loving that her biggest crisis

was to sneak in after curfew, Maggie galloped up the stairs to her room. She was giddy

with euphoria.

Carmen looked better than Maggie on the outside but then she hadn’t crawled

through swamps and graveyards all night. Inwardly, Carmen was faltering. She hadn’t

lost the woozy side affects of her earlier mind control.

As gross as Maggie was physically, Carmen either didn’t care or notice because

she swooped down on her with a crushing bear hug. “Is it really over?” Her voice


“Yeah. As it turns out, Estelle was a good guy, sort of. More a reformed bad-guy

that was reverting to extreme measures to find her way to model citizen. Wayne was an

ingrate, not that it matters now. He turned over on Estelle and you can imagine how

vampires deal with that sort of mutiny.”

“He’s dead?” Carmen expression passed through confusion, to relieve, to a

resolved sadness.“Wayne was bad to the bone, I don’t know if he got what he deserved but he lived

a lot longer than even the best of people. You didn’t have any feelings for him?”

She shook her head. “It’s hard to get a grip on. I mean, first I was so flattered by

him but after the trance, he scared the living tar out of me.”

“Me too.” Maggie sat them both on one of the beds and held Carmen for a bit.

She needed it as much as her friend. “How are you doing, really?”

“I’ve got a raging migraine that won’t subside. Not sure if that’s normal or if I’m

freaked out.” Probably both.

“Let me clean up first. I am so disgusting. Wear this, it should help your head if 

it’s from Wayne or even if it isn’t.” Maggie moved the chain from her neck to Carmen’s

and took a warm shower washing her hair twice before conditioning. Slowly she began

to accept that her moment in the Crossroads, capital C, had passed and she was back on

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“Wakey, wakey.” A sickly sweet voice said as a fist knocked none-too-gently

Maggie’s forehead.

“Desdemona.” Maggie was in a dangerous debacle without any backup. How

much time elapsed while she was unconscious? The sky was dark, so it wasn’t morning

or it was the next evening. If Carmen woke up, who would she call? The police?

Maggie’s parents? Not the people equipped to deal with an ancient demon seeking


A wicked smirk lit up Desdemona’s new face. Whoever this young girl was, she

was now housing a fallen angel with daughter issues. “Never in my wildest dream did I

think of your entire entourage, that I’d run into you first and without the talisman. Here’s

the real question, do you think Estelle is equipped to follow through on good intentions

when a crisis happens? Sure, it’s easy to change your diet and live off the vast wealth

she’s accumulated when times are good but when someone who she owes a favor to is in

dire need, do you think she has the gumption to step up and do the right thing?”

Maggie didn’t need to answer. It was a long shot. Even if Estelle felt obliged, if 

she had put the ring on there was a fair chance that her super powers were null and void

or at the very least muted. A more reasonable reaction might be that Estelle would tell

Zed and he’d find Jean Gregoire. Hope glimmered but dimly. What would they do?

What could they do?

Desdemona was pleased as punch to see Maggie’s complexion green. “Estelle

arranged for your family to come here. Did you know that? She was tired of waiting for 

a living Gregoire to visit. She meddled to get her way as usual.”

Sure it was plausible. The mix up on the air miles and consolation offering could

have been a trick. “How does that matter now?”

“Don’t you see her true colors? She’s every bit my daughter despite what you or 

she wants to think.”

“Again, I’m missing how this is pertinent now?” Maggie bristled. Her head was

throbbing and now she had a second reason to wish she kept the talisman.

“You chose poorly.”

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Maggie shook her head. What did he have to be sorry for? They were in this

together before they even met.

“What do you want from us?” Tony stood demanding Desdemona’s focus giving

Maggie the opportunity to slide the ring on.

The best Maggie could do was wear the inside out but that wouldn’t stop

Desdemona from recognizing it for long.

“Where is Zed?”

“I didn’t call him.” Tony answered.

The rings power traveled from Maggie’s finger to her head, her stomach, her back 

and most notably to the busted bones. How long would it take? She needed full strength

to be able to guard the now exposed Tony.

“I wanted all of you.”

“Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Call him or I’ll break her other leg, followed by her arms. Then I’ll get


Steely gazed Tony dialed. “Zed, I’m at St. Christopher’s with Desdemona and

Maggie. We’re in danger. She wants you to come but it’s a trap. She’ll kill us all.”

Desdemona rolled her eyes. “He’ll come.”

“Maybe when he gets the message.” Tony flippantly said stowing his phone.

Raging again, Desdemona rushed him but he side stepped her and grabbed her 

from behind. Snapping her head back, she tried to break his nose but he dodged again

and held one hand to her neck. She was immobilized.

Stunned beyond believe, Maggie felt her shin had mended. Still sensitive, she

could use it but she’d wait. Meanwhile, her bones could regain more durability.

“In that body, you are limited. Get out.” Tony sneered.

“You’d like that. She let me in.”

“I don’t care.” He tightened his grip and she gasped for air.

“You’ll kill her and I’ll survive.” Desdemona reminded him, implacable as ever.

Pushing her away, Tony glared.

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“How could a young man know how to work the bone?”

“My mother is a nurse. I made my choice. We have an agreement.”

Slinking over to him with a seductive swing in her hips, she ran her fingers down

his shirt. “Why don’t I stay in Carrie? I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Let her go.” He stepped back.

“After I kill Maggie.” She decided. “I don’t want you going back on your word.”

Maggie gulped. With the ring on, she was safe but Desdemona would figure out

why and murder Tony and Carrie in the blink of an eye.

“No.” Tony said nonchalantly and retrieved a crystal ball from his pocket. It was

about half the size of an orange and looked as if it were pure opal, perfectly smooth and

glimmering with pastel shades of purple, pink and light blue.

“You lied. Zed gave you that.” Desdemona shirked away. For once she had true

fear in her laser red eyes.

“I said I didn’t call him.”

“Parsing words. He was with you then. Destroy that or I kill both women.”

He shook his head. “Then you’ll have to choose because I’ll activate this before

you make a second move.”

They were at an impasse.

Suddenly the front door creaked open. Maggie didn’t hear Tony walk in because

she was screaming but in the silence of the standoff, the hinge groaned as Zed entered. “I

came as soon as I got your voice mail.”

“Enough lies. You humans think you are so superior in your values. Stop

 pretending this is happenstance.”

Zed surveyed the situation. Tony was unharmed but Maggie’s leg was covered in

half crusted blood. Even though it was healed, it looked heinous. With the glow of red

in her pupils, he didn’t need to know who the host was to recognize Desdemona was

running the show again. “All right.”

“Desdemona was going to release Carrie.” Tony stated firmly.

“And when I do, you’ll trap me. No sir. I’ll kill Maggie first.”

“What?” Zed said, his old eyes intent on the magical item in Tony’s hand.

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Placing the clear orb on ground, Tony held his hands up. “Carrie needs to be free

first or she’ll be haunted with the memory for the rest of her life.”

“You really do love her.” Desdemona announced with a sinister wink towards

Maggie. “At least you know that you are his second choice before you die.”

If anyone was going to walk away safely, it was Maggie and it hit her, Tony

needed Desdemona out of Carrie or she might incinerate her the way she had Victor. He

was trying to win the whole enchilada.

“Zed! What do you think about Tony’s choice of who lives and who dies?”

Desdemona yelled pissed that Zed was looking up at the architecture instead of her.

“I disagree with him.” Zed answered evenly. Clearly he was looking for the

logic behind the decision.

“Truly Maggie is the more astounding woman but he’s a boy not a man.” With

her eyes never straying from the orb, Desdemona stepped aside but Carrie’s body stayed

in place. The dirty blond held her hands to her temples. Her green eyes widened seeing

that she was in a decrepit church.

“What’s going on?” Carrie stuttered. “Tony, why are you here? Where are we?”

“In St. Christopher’s. Go home.” He ordered.

“Where’s Wayne?”

“Dead.” Desdemona informed her with glee.

Carrie looked at Desdemona. “How?”

“A vampire war broke out, thanks to Tony and his friend.” Desdemona motioned

to Zed and Maggie.

“You didn’t tell me this.” Carrie’s cold eyes drilled into Desdemona.

“It didn’t suit my cause. If you were grief stricken, you might have declined my

request.” As usual, the demon wasn’t remorseful. “Tony and his friends helped Estelle

and killed Wayne.” She knew how to work the emotions.

Tears welled up as Carrie took in the horrible news. “I never want to see you

again.” She said bitterly to Tony and the spun to Desdemona again, “Or you.”

“You won’t. Now leave us. We have business and you have been extracted from

the situation.”

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Mommy Dearest

Maggie’s leg wasn’t as ready as she thought. Getting the orb while Desdemona

was distracted had caused it to buckle under stress. At least she had the crystal, though

she didn’t know what it was other than something that frightened the impervious

Desdemona. She turned it in her hands but there weren’t any instructions on how to

activate it.

Holding to the ball for dear life, Maggie looked on as Desdemona recharged.

Tony and Zed split and ran but at least one wouldn’t get out before she wielded her evil.

Choosing Tony over Zed, Desdemona pivoted to keep him in her aim.

The current flowed out of her fingers right as a stained glass window cracked

opened. Estelle leapt with uncanny grace landing between her mother and Tony. Again

the beam was stalled short of its goal as Estelle took in the electrical charge. Her hair 

went wild but she stood her ground.

Sensing the tide had once again turned against her, Desdemona flew up.

“Stop her.” Maggie shoved up and ignored her leg. Limping as fast as she could

she made way for Tony and Estelle. Zed grabbed her arm and sped her up.

“She isn’t going anywhere.” Estelle took the crystal from Maggie.

They all looked up and sure enough, Desdemona was flying around the ceilinglike a fly hitting the inside of a window. The noticeable difference was flies didn’t rage

with toxic anger.

“Stand back.” Estelle ordered and Maggie pulled both men with her. She wasn’t

going to let them stray from the ring. Thankfully Estelle wasn’t wearing it because it

gave them a deadly defender in this battle.

“Where did you get that?” Zed asked Estelle.

“What is it?” Maggie asked on top if his question.

“It’s a demon stockade. I had it made,” she told them and with a mischievous

raised brow she added, “By Merlin.”

Zed inhaled rapidly. “What else do you have in your treasure collection?”

“I’m having a barbeque this afternoon if you’d like to stop by.”

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Desdemona swooped down towards the door but Isaac was there, book in hand,

quietly chanting. He kept her trapped.

“What time? What’s the address?” Zed was so awed by Merlin’s handiwork he

had forgotten they still had a mad demon on the loose.

“Zed, how about we discuss that in a minute?” Estelle’s nerves of raw iron could

manage the light chitchat while she kept her gaze steady on her nemesis and mother.

“You can’t use that.” Desdemona scoffed. “Demons can’t trap other demons.

It’s a rule.”

“So is assaulting humans. Shall we take the matter up with Lucifer?” Estelle

smiled. Desdemona didn’t answer with words but the feral growl was enough to convey

her wishes were to keep Lucifer out of things.

Holding the ball far out with her hands equidistance on both sides Estelle lifted

her arms and walked to the steps leading to the altar. “In the name of Jesus Christ,”

Estelle shouted, which was helpful to hear since at the sound of his name Desdemona

anguished in disgust. “I command you Desdemona the fallen angel to obey. Enter the


Flying in an upward motion, Desdemona floated backwards. Frantically she

clawed at air but the power of the sphere or the name of Christ was too compelling.

“Enter the sphere.” Estelle reiterated the ball glowing bright in her hands.

Wings sprouted from Desdemona and her body converted to a serpent.

Regardless she continued to be magnetically pulled to the orb making her macabre

clamor as she did. When the tip of her tail touched the crystal she screeched.

“In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to enter the sphere!” Estelle said for 

a third time with finality.

The ball’s light doubled from within and with a surge of power it engulfed

Desdemona completely. Glowing brighter than the sun for several seconds everyone,

Estelle included, turned their heads. Those not holding demon prisons covered their eyes.

Woosh! All the air in the room was sucked into the ball and for a moment, no one

was able to breathe but not for long. Fresh night air seeped in through the broken

window and now open front door.

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Estelle was curled on the floor, hands still holding the orb that looked pure black 

rather than opal.

“Estelle!” Maggie ran forward.

“Don’t touch the sphere.” Gregoire commanded. He must have been in Tony but

he was out again.

Isaac squatted next to Maggie by Estelle’s head. He uncapped a bottle of water 

and splashed his mistress in the face.

Estelle’s eyes popped open and shot Isaac a dirty look. “The whole bottle wasn’t


He shrugged. “Nor was risking your life. May I?” He gestured to the dark ball

holding a thick sack.

“She can’t escape.” Estelle dropped her mother’s cage and got up. Pulling

Maggie by the shoulder, she embraced her. “You should have known I would come too.”

“I didn’t see why you would.”

The half-demon rolled her eyes looking like a goofball without a menacing cell in

her. “Humans are so funny.”

“Why would Merlin make a demon a demon catcher?” Zed looked into the bag at

the magic ball. “What is it made of?”

“He told me.” Estelle waved her hands dismissively. “I have notes. You can see

those too. As to why, we had a tryst.”

“You turned him?” Zed accused.

“I was against it. Gave him the usual warnings about watching people you love

die, being subjugated to me or whoever turned him, the limitations of sun and holy


“Yadda, yadda, yadda.” Isaac sassed.

“Unlike you, Merlin wasn’t dying.”

“But you did turn Merlin eventually. He reportedly lived over 900 years.” Zed


“You can meet him when you see our trove.” Isaac vowed. “He actually asked

about you when we told him about our evening.”

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N’awlins in the Daylight

Maggie had to do some creative maneuvers to get back to her room, freshen up

and eat breakfast with the family. When the girls got to the dining room, it was only Mr.

Mallory that joined them. Her freakish mother and brother had already ventured off to

take a walk.

Of course she forgot about the pendant on Carmen and the ring on her finger until

Mr. Mallory asked about where they got them. Sighing and not wanting to lie Maggie

told an edited version of her escapades to her father.

“Believe it or not, I am a descendant of a privateer named Jean Gregoire, who was

charged with guarding these items that were made from the spear the roman guard used

after Jesus was crucified. Anyway, Estelle, a half-demon half-human and first vampire

wanted this ring as did her mother Desdemona who had possessed a power hungry oaf 

named Victor.”

Carmen blanched to hear Maggie being so forthcoming about such an unlikely

narrative. Her father listened without interruption.

“It sounds way worse than it was but after a war between good vampires, bad

vampires and zombies, everything is fine. Estelle and her clan aren’t vampires anymore.

We’re invited to a barbeque and you can meet everyone, plus some people I haven’t metlike Merlin, the Merlin.” She emphasized. “I guess he never died. So do you want to


Her father mulled it over with consideration. “We’re taking Johnny on a swamp

tour.” He finally told them. “Invite this Estelle and Merlin to dinner.”


“Well, if they’re your friends, why not?”

“Actually, I don’t’ know Merlin but you should meet Zed, Jean Gregoire and

Tony. Jean won’t eat though. He’s dead.”

Maggie could see that her father didn’t believe her much more than her mother 

would have but he was gentle enough not to deride her directly. That actually stung more

to think she was being placated. Taking off the ring, Maggie picked up her knife and

sliced into the palm of her hand. It was a bad idea since it not only hurt but blood seeped

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“Maggie! Carmen! Jean!” Estelle greeted happily. She was in overalls and

wearing a large floppy hat and dark sunglasses. “We’re changing out the dark panes for 

clear windows.”

Giving them a short tour of the ground floor, she led them to the backyard and left

to change.

Zed was chatting with a man about his age. He waved at the new arrivals but

didn’t leave Merlin’s side.

The vampires were so varying in appearance. Maggie had only seen younger 

ones, none older than say forty, but there were so many more of all ages, many in their 

twilight. She counted fifty and hadn’t covered half the crowd. There was a band

comprised of three old men. Their tour bus had crashed when Estelle and a couple of 

vampires found them. The sax man said he was glad that his eyesight stayed when

Estelle put on the ring because he was blind since he was a boy.

Estelle returned showing off her model ready physique in a scant bikini covered

in a loose open blouse. She still sported the sunglasses and hat. All the former vamps

were the same, the men in baseball caps except for Isaac and the band. Isaac opted for an

old beat up cowboy Stetson. The band joked they were a slave to tradition and sported

chic fedoras. Undoubtedly, they were the coolest band ever.

“The sun is too bright for them.” Gregoire laughed as they left the stage so the

musicians could do their craft.

They joined Estelle with several of her lady vampires. They told the girls and

Jean about how they almost died and when they chose to be turned. Each story was so

sad and interesting. Lizzie, the youngest, was only fourteen when she almost died of 

leukemia. She was excited to grow up and had already started looking into local schools.

Then the talk changed to how weird it was to feel hunger, exhaustion or even to

sweat. Somehow it was both invigorating and scary. Maggie wondered how’d they feel

when their old cycles returned. She wasn’t prone to severe cramps but it was a biological

 process that she could do without or at least not as frequently.

Absorbed in their biographies, Maggie had lost track of anything else until Jean’s

cool grip picked up her hand. “May I have a moment?”

He walked her to a private corner. “Tony’s here?”

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Maggie whipped around to see the guy she was totally too into interrupting Zed

and Merlin. Merlin was delighted but Zed looked a bit miffed to divert their conversation

for a hello.

“Let me talk to him first.” Gregoire said amused to see how taken she was by

someone that he would have never given a second thought to not twenty-four hours

earlier. “When I do, I might not get a chance to say good-bye to you.”

Like an idiot, her eyes watered. She held on to the cold man. “You can’t come

and visit?”

“I hear it’s possible in dreams and Zed may have ways of reaching me but it

won’t be the same as it is now.”

“Have fun crossing over.” She said courageously and let her who knew how

many greats-grandfather go, literally and figuratively. Maggie sat in the shade of a large

elm and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see him leave.

Lightning struck. She ran up to Jean and Tony. “Stop!”

“Maggie, I need to say it regardless of how we feel about it. If I delay it to stay

with you longer, that is selfish.”

She took his hand and put the ring on.

“It can heal death.” He said.

“Are you sure?” Tony asked.

Somberly, Jean looked at Tony. “A wise man, who raised an exquisite young

woman, suggested my stay of passage wasn’t about the treasure but about our feud. You

know I trust you but I need to tell you that I forgive your family.”

 Nothing happened.

“And I’m sorry for my part in our feud.” Jean looked up waiting for any sign he

had completed his mission.

“Maybe I need to accept it.” Tony guessed. “I accept.”

Jean stood there perplexed.

“You have a right to live out the rest of your life, just as they do.” Maggie

 pointed to the former vampires now forming a buffet line to get their first taste of 

America’s most popular cuisine.

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Holding up his hand, Jean considered the ring. Before he could slide it off,

Maggie stopped him.

“Keep it. You’ll live forever.”

“That isn’t as wonderful as it sounds.” He said sadly. “It was given to me to keep


“That doesn’t mean you can’t use it. You’re the guardian, keep it until you pass

that duty on. Until then, enjoy the modern world.”

“And your great-great-great-great-granddaughter.” Tony said to tempt him.

Jean thought about it. “For a while.” He allowed. “I’ll get a driver’s license and

a car.”

“Great!” Maggie said as the first of many happy tears trickled down her elated

face. She clung to him tighter than ever even though he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Where do you live?” Jean asked. “I’d like to be near you.”

“She’s going to LSU in the fall. Until then, you’re welcome here.” Estelle

sashayed up.

“You still have a tendency to control everything.” Maggie kindly warned with a


“Oh, I’m not why you’re going to accept my offer.” Estelle winked at Tony but

took Jean’s arm in hers. “You know, I use to have a crush on you before you died.”

“We never met until yesterday.” Jean blushed. The ring was restoring a physical

form to him because usually he faded off.

“I admired you from afar.” She ran her fingers through his hair but he still wasn’t

 buying it. “Okay, okay. I’m exaggerating but I did once agree with Isaac when he said

your wanted poster picture was cute.”

“Is Isaac gay?” Jean knew the vernacular but wasn’t comfortable using it. Sure

living, so to speak, in New Orleans he knew it was common but he never asked regarding

someone’s gender preference. He was from a different day that those things weren’t

discussed openly.

“Not at all. He does like to shop around for me as if he were. The term is metro.

When piracy was big he’d tell me I needed a seafaring man. When the gold rush struck 

and he’d tell me to get a rich cowboy. Come to think of it, he still tells me that.”

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