Page 1: Cruisin Canada · the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration


I N T E R E S T :

July 10th to be Automotive Herit-

age Day Details page 5-6

NAACC announces Strategic Part-

nerships with four important

groups . Details Pages 3-4


President’s Message

Page 1-2

Special Report — NAACC an-nounces partnerships


SEMASAN Driving Force 5

Automotive Heritage month and request for photos Special Events celebrated in BC Photos from Cars and Coffee 2019 at Cobble Beach Concours d’Elegance

6 7-9 10-11

2020 Events update Mission Statement/ NAACC Directors Executive Judging Guidelines

12 13 13

Cruisin’ Canada

Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 1

National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada

L’Association Nationale des Clubs Automobiles du Canada 3512 Marine Avenue Belcarra BC V3H 4R8

Presidents Report #107: National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada NAACC, Celebrating 50 years of helping the Collector Car Hobby in Canada In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s the NAACC lead the way in doing away with Customs Duty when importing collector vehicles or related parts 25 years old and older. The cost of the lobby was very expensive. The NAACC looked after the legal bills and conducted a Canada wide lobby. We met face to face with the Fed-eral Government to ensure the collector car hobby was exempt from paying Cana-dian Customs Duty. Current regulations: Here is Some information about Duty and brokerage fees into Canada as of 2020. Auto parts for vehicles 25 years old are duty free into Canada no matter the country of origin. Ask the shipper to indicate HS code 9966.00.00 on the customs

declaration. This Tariff Item of the Customs Tariff gives duty free status to "articles for use solely or principally with those vehicles manufactured more than 25 years prior to the date of importation". Information about the interpretation of this tariff item can be found at As stated in this memo, eligible articles are limited to those solely or principally for qualifying vehicles and would have to be in keeping with the original appear-ance and configuration of the vehicle. These may be either original articles or re-productions. Articles that incorporate modern safety features or other technological devel-opments can be considered under tariff item No. 9966.00.00, provided that they are solely or principally for use with qualifying vehicles and do not compromise the original configuration of the vehicle. An example would be disc brakes de-signed specifically for a 1936 Chevrolet Coupe. General purpose articles that can be used in vehicles covered and not covered un-der tariff item No. 9966.00.00 are not eligible for consideration. So reproduction door panels would be eligible as they are specific to a vehicle over 25 years old, but tires that fit both a TR6 and a 2011 Ford would not.

Cont’d on next page

50th Anniversary 1970-2020 ! 50ème anniversaire 1970-2020!

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 2

On the brokerage/handling fee issue, Canada Post will collect a fee of $9.95 as a handling fee, if duties and/or taxes were collected on the shipment. On shipments with a value of up to $2500, there are ways to avoid the brokerage fees charged by UPS, Fedex etc, by clearing the shipment yourself. There are 2 ways to do this: 1. Prior to receiving your shipment, you can contact the courier company and inform them of your wish to self-clear any shipments that are addressed to you and on which brokerage fees are applicable. The company will explain their procedures to you. 2. As an alternative, when a casual shipment is delivered to you, you can refuse delivery and advise the cou-rier company of your intention to self-clear directly with the CBSA. In this case, please ensure that you take note of the unique shipment identifier number on the package, as the shipment will be returned to the couri-er’s warehouse. With both options, you will need to visit your local CBSA office to complete a B15 (Casual Goods Account-ing Document) and provide them with specific details, including the courier’s name, the unique shipment identifier number, a description of the goods and their value so that the CBSA can correctly assess the goods. This information is usually indicated on the shipment’s invoice, which will be provided to you by the courier company. When you have paid the applicable duties and/or taxes to the CBSA, you will be given an official receipt indicating that the goods have been accounted for. You will need to present this receipt to the courier’s warehouse where your shipment is stored, in order for the courier to release your shipment to you. Despite what you may be told by the courier, you have the right to do this and clear the goods your-self. See and in particular paragraph 56. Thank you to NAACC vice president Wilfred Moase PEI for doing the research and bringing this infor-mation to all of us. The NAACC appreciates your continued support. Please social distance and stay safe during these trying times. Warmest regards, John Carlson, President, NAACC

Continued on next page

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 3

National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada Special Report—Summer 2020

NAACC Members & Friends Ladies and Gentleman, Great news for all of us. The National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada has completed some of the developmental stages for providing scholarship opportunities for the education of younger adults. These scholarship opportunities will help with the cost of tuition and living expenses so that students have an opportunity to attend the best Automotive Trade and Res-toration schools in North America. McPherson College is a prime example They are one of several targeted schools. We also have targeted schools in Canada including (BCIT) British Columbia Institute of Technology and Ontario’s I am very pleased to announce that the NAACC has formed official Strategic Partnerships with (AAT) LeMay Americas Automotive Trust. (RPM) RPM Foundation and (TFF) TechForce Foundation. These three groups are world leaders and innovators in the promotion of skill training for the collector car hobby in North America. The NAACC has been a Strategic Partner with (ACM) LeMay America’s Car Museum since it opened on June 2, 2012. The NAACC also has a strong working relationship with SEMA/SAN -SEMA Action Net Work.

CEO Jennifer Maher informed me two weeks ago that the NAACC is now officially partnered with all four organizations. NAACC Webmaster Cam Hutchins will be placing all of their logos on our website very soon. They in turn will be displaying the NAACC logos to promote us. As NAACC members you might ask---why is this important in Canada? You might also ask how this will affect and benefit the NAACC and the car hobby in Canada? Both of these questions are very reasonable. Once you understand what each group does and how each Group relates to the Collector Car Hobby in North America you will understand much more clearly. I urge you to do some homework—

please see the websites listed below. As an aside, sometimes we forget how important the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada Corporation is for the hobby on both sides of the border. I feel that sometimes we in Canada take what we have es-tablished and accomplished for granted. Our relationship with SEMA/SAN is a good example. We are very privileged to have a strong bond with SEMA/SAN. Frankly, I feel the same way about the NAACC and all of its relationships and strategic partnerships. Never forget that these groups are also very fortunate to have all of us helping them and the collector car hobby as well.

Cont’d on next page

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 4

2020, marks the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada 50th Anniversary. Many of the accomplishments for the NAACC over these past 50 years are momentous! Looking back—a very brief view of some of our many accomplishments and ongoing efforts.

Establishing a strong working relationship with every Canadian Province and their car clubs so that the hobby stays united as a country.

Having Representatives from every Province in Canada so that we can communicate, interact, provide guidance and help each other.

Providing collector vehicle support to all Provinces in Canada. (7 of the 10 Provinces rely on us completely as they do not have an SVA)

Organizing, Funding and Lobbying to do away with all related Customs Duties on vehicles and parts 25 years old

and older. (Done ) Maintaining the continued use of restoration materials at the Federal Government level. ( i.e. Lacquer based paint

etc. (Done )

Ensuring the continued use of leaded racing fuel for competition vehicles until it is no longer needed. (Done ) Defeating Federal Bill 241 which would have taken all 1978 and older vehicles off the public highways. (Done

) Helping with Provincial Motor Vehicle legislation updates and re-writes. (Ongoing) Maintaining and promoting Collector Car Appreciation Day with SEMA/SAN. (2020 is our 11th consecutive year

of working together) Promoting July as Automotive Heritage Month (Canada wide our 11th consecutive year) Establishing Strategic Partnerships to insure continued support for Education and the protection of the hobby.

(Ongoing) In closing, I want to say thank you for your support. By being an NAACC member you are part of the voice that speaks for the hobby at the Federal Government level including many Provinces. Stay safe and informed, John Carlson President/CEO National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada Corp.

Related Links:

TechForce Foundation: Resources for Future Auto Technicians TechForce Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) that champions students to and through their education and into careers as pro-fessional technicians. Donate Now & Apply For Scholarships. Inspiring the Next Generation of Hands-On Heroes. Learn More. Industry Connects with Future Techs. RPM Foundation: Home The RPM Foundation supports restoration and preservation training programs for the next generation of automotive, motorcycle and marine craftsmen. America's Automotive Trust: Securing America's Automotive ... America's Automotive Trust is a not-for-profit corporation committed to promoting and securing America's automotive heritage. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ America's Car Museum | Automobile Exhibits | Tacoma, WA Celebrating America's love affair with the automobile. In my opinion, The best ‘interactive’ collector vehicle museum in North America.

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 5

July 10, 2020 Marks 11th Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day

Collector Car Appreciation Day (CCAD) will be celebrated this year on July 10, 2020. At the request of the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration of historic and classic cars is an im-portant part of preserving the technological achievements and cultural heritage of the United States.” States, local governments and Canadian provinces have adopted similar commemorative declarations, making it an international recognition of the collector-car hobby and the millions of individuals who support it.

As in years past, a wide range of automotive festivities are planned to commemorate the occasion. With an understanding that this summer may not allow in-person events to take place safely, adjustments to the CCAD online tools are underway to accommodate web-based celebrations. Those planning to pay tribute with a virtual gathering (online event, livestream, digital gallery, etc.) are welcome to provide details for inclusion on the SAN website. As always, the SAN welcomes any level of participation throughout the month of July and encourages everyone to spread the word about honoring the classics of the past and the future. CELEBRATE THE HOBBY YOUR WAY!

ATTEND an official vehicle-inspired event or web-based celebration.

HOST your own safety-minded gathering, club meeting or online gallery.

Promote a HOLIDAY SALE at your business in-store or online.

INVITE partnerships with nearby enthusiast-related groups if possible.

DRIVE your special ride—new or old—whatever the destination.

Whether public or private, plan and submit your automotive-inspired July event at no cost. Locate an offi-cial listing near you and more on Participating organizers will be awarded a copy of the Congressional resolution for display at their registered event. Download the official logo and flyer from the homepage and help promote this special day.

Submit your event here

Click on the Driving Force logo to view the latest issue of Driving Force. NAACC encourages you to sign up for SEMASAN for free at

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 6

Any NAACC member clubs that sends in pictures of their Automotive Heritage Month (AHM) Events that happened in July 2020 NAACC will send them a NAACC certificate commemorating their event. You need to send the following information information * Name of Club * Name of Event * Date of Event * COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS * Minimum of 4 pictures of the event Please Email to: [email protected] Subject: NAACC Automotive Heritage Month

- NAACC asks all hobbyist to follow their Provincial Governments COVID19 Physical distancing & gathering rules for any events they are planning

Page 7: Cruisin Canada · the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration

Steve Williams (right) and Fraser Field (left) volunteering at the Toys for Tots Christmas 2019 fundraising in

Abbotsford, BC. $42,200.00 and 17,000 toys raised from 6am to 9am. Both of us are members of the Central Fraser Valley Vintage Car Club. We are retired Paramedics and do volunteering in the community. The 1952 Chevrolet ambu-lance is owned by me, Steve has a 1957. Together we had 70 years of service with the British Columbia ambu-lance service and we are members on the executive of the BCAS 10-7 Society.

A picture of two of Fraser Field’s cars that participated in a 7:00pm thank you parade tin April to honour the workers at the Abbotsford BC hospital. Fifty cars took place with my 52 Ambulance leading the parade. After warm welcome and cheers from the hospital staff we proceeded to do a drive through at a seniors residence, all along the route people cheered and banged pots and pans. A great tribute. Fraser

Thanks to Fraser Field for submissions on next three pages—Ed

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 8

Fraser Field writes 32 Vintage, Classic and Modified cars from several local car clubs took part in an appre-ciation tour in front of the Mission Hospital Emergency in May 2020. This was a great boost to the Staff as they as-sembled outside the Emerg entrance and applauded our group. We then proceeded to several Senior Care homes and other facilities spreading cheer and thank you's to the Staff and residents. Along our route people lined the streets banging pots, making noise and doing the 7:00 PM THANK YOU

Page 9: Cruisin Canada · the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration

Today is the first outing for the 1952 Chevy Ambulance in weeks. The Antique plate requires a Club func-tion and the appreciation tour to the local Hospital is the perfect reason to take the old girl for a much deserved drive. I pull out the Cuban Cab from the bunker and as I get out and close the car door I hear a thunderous crash. Dorothy, al-ways the great helper, got in the 52 and neglected to put her foot on the clutch. She normally drives the other 52 which has an automatic. A turn of the key and that car starts and is gone. Well it was parked in front of my car hauler trailer and hit square on the hitch. This impaled the two month old re-chromed grill that was installed and looked fantastic, the last item on my restoration list. A tender hug and some kind words assured her it was alright and it was only a car and they can be fixed. Other than ego Dorothy was totally unscathed. Now this is part one. Off we go to the Hospital appreciation event, this was a huge success with many cars from different local clubs attending. We depart the hospital and about a block later I notice clouds of smoke coming from my car. I quickly pull to the side of the road and flag others past. Upon opening the hood for a diagnostic look I see the clutch linkage has hooked the oil line and pulled it out. The oil has sprayed on the hot exhaust causing a James Bond smoke screen. As it happens a mechanic lives across the street and hurries over to assess the situation, goes home and returns with the nec-essary tools to rectify the problem. A fellow car buff and tour participant hands me a litre of oil. In ten minutes, back on the road and head for home. Just another old car day.

Fraser Field Coordinator/Wagonmaster Canadian Coasters 2022 Tour

Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 9

Page 10: Cruisin Canada · the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration

Thanks to NL NAACC Director Bobby Ford for the photo submissions of Cars and Coffee. Since we won’t have any Car show photos from 2020 the next couple of pages display some photos from the Cars and Coffee display at Cobble Beach Concours d’ Elegance 2019. Cars and Coffee displays these very fine cars from the local area of Owen Sound, Ontario. Enjoy ! Can you guess what they are ? -Ed

Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 10

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Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 11

Page 12: Cruisin Canada · the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration

Car show information from the Maritimes listed here at There are also a number of Car Clubs listed on this site as well.

Some upcoming events 2020

A tt e n ti o n C o l l e c t o r C a r W o r l d i n C a n a d a

T h e N a ti o n a l A s s o c i a ti o n o f A u t o m o b i l e C l u b s o f C a n a d a u r g e s y o u t o c a n c e l

a l l o f y o u r a c ti v i ti e s a n d m e e ti n g s u n ti l f u r t h e r n o ti c e .

The COVID-19 Virus concern is very real.

Please call up the following website to receive the latest updates.

h tt p s : / / w w w . c a n a d a . c a / e n / p u b l i c - h e a l t h / s e r v i c e s / d i s e a s e s / c o r o n a v i r u s -d i s e a s e - c o v i d - 1 9 . h t m l

Check the websites below to get the latest developments re there events

Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 12

50th Anniversary Barrie Flea Market Sept 10-13th,2020 click here for more details Carlisle Fall flea Market Sept 30-Oct 4,2020 click here for details Hershey Fall Flea Market Oct 7-10th, 2020 CANCELLED click here for details

Cobble Beach Concours d’ Elegance Cancelled for 2020 due to the Covid –19 The Concours will resume Sept 18-19 2021 Details

Page 13: Cruisin Canada · the SEMA Action Network (SAN), this holiday has been marked each year since 2010 by a U.S. Congres-sional Resolution recognizing that the “collection and restoration

National directors: John Carlson —–—----BC Fraser Field ———-BC Morley McDonald —–BC Don McDonald—–-AB Warren Rogalsky——-AB Paul Martin ———MB Doug Keith– ———— SK Tom Woodhouse—SK Bill Armstrong—–—– ON Doug Greer —–—-ON Len Langlois —–——- ON Gilbert Bureau– —QC Ron Haines —–——-- NB Conrad LeLièvre —NS Bob Ford —–———- NL Bobby Ford —–— NL Wilfred Moase——— PEI Rudy Croken Historian Dr. JJ Carlson Director of Media Relations Rob McLesse Director of Central Canada Media

L’Association nationale des clubs auto-mobiles du Canada


The National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada will strive to act as the unified voice of the automo-tive hobbyist in Canada by promoting and encour-aging the preservation of the automobile, its histor-ic lore, and its associated items. The NAACC will encourage a cooperative working relationship be-tween governments, at both the federal and pro-vincial level to prevent restrictive legislation.

President John Carlson

Vice President Wilfred Moase

Secretary Tom Woodhouse

Recording Secretary Conrad LeLièvre

Treasurer Doug Keith

Membership /Facebook Bob Ford / Bobby Ford

NAACC (aka National)

Website : Cam Hutchins /John Carlson

Newsletter Wilfred Moase

To submit newsletter items send to

Wilfred Moase: [email protected]

Don’t forget to :

****Latest NAACC Judging guidelines ****

For the complete copy of the latest NAACC Judging standards please download from this link.

Volume 5 Issue 4 Cruisin’ Canada June 2020 Page 13

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