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NOTICEThe information presented is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice.

This publication is presented for information purposes, to increase the public knowledge of developments in the fi eld of strength and conditioning. The program outlined herein should not be adopted without a consultation with your health professional.

Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise program.

Use of the information provided is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this or any other exercise program.

You now have in your possession a very important training piece of Crunchless Core that should not be deleted or thrown away. This Exercise Exchange could be your lifeline to help you properly manage and safely execute the Crunchless Core training program.

If modifi cations need to be made to the prescribed exercises within the program this Exercise Exchange manual will be your go-to training tool so keep it handy just in case.

When working with a training program like Crunchless Core there will always be that exercise that seems to be

impossible. There could even be a dozen exercises that you can’t do but don’t lose hope.

We went ahead and solved this problem for you. This is why this manual was created to allow you access to a complete list of alternate exercises you can do to parallel the main program in the event you cannot perform an exercise.

The top 5 reasons why you should


substitute an exercise:

1. Too diffi cult 2. Injury or limitation 3. Lack of strength 4. Unfamiliar with exercise5. No access to a certain piece of


If you have a reason to swap out an exercise, do it. Don’t jeopardize your health by choosing to ‘push through the pain’ in order to complete a particular exercise given. Even the most advanced participants will struggle doing this program and there’s a reason for that.

Most individuals, even professional athletes, will fi nd their kryptonite when training.

Knowing what challenges you is a sign of growth. If nothing is challenging to you, you aren’t training hard enough OR you aren’t using the right training method. Whatever your case may be just know that it’s okay to swap out an exercise or two in order to safely and properly complete a workout.

The last thing I want to happen to you is you give up or worse get injured. So please proceed with Crunchless Core

with caution. Yes, work hard obviously but don’t be stupid. Use your judgment and listen to your body.

For example, if you have a bum knee, maybe from a skiing accident a few years ago, box jumps might need to be avoided and replaced with the exercise we suggest. Or if pull-ups are too diffi cult for you, we have an alternate movement that will target the same muscle groups used so you aren’t missing out too much from doing a different exercise.

The alternate exercises we have within this manual will parallel that of the original exercise written in the main program. Again, you won’t be missing out or doing something not as benefi cial just because you’re doing a different exercise.

Like I said earlier there will be movements that you should avoid or hold off doing if you have a reason to. When you’ve increased your strength, an injury has gone away, or you are just more confi dent in your fi tness level then and only then should you return back to the original exercise.

Below you will fi nd nearly every exercise that’s in the main program put in alphabetical order for your convenience. You will see the original exercise FIRST followed by the exercise that could be used as your ‘exchange’.

Certain exercises are unique and won’t exactly have a direct replacement.

However we have placed a movement that targets the same muscle group. Last, if you are still unable to perform either exercise due to pain from an injury please move forward and skip this particular exercise.

It’s your job to stay committed to this program and by doing so you will see the results that you want. Don’t let a little speed bump slow you down from achieving greatness. Work hard and you’ll be glad you did.

Move Well, Look Well, Live Well.

Coach Brian Klepacki

Exercise Exchange Exercise Exchange Directory Directory

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one-Arm Dumbbell Flat Pressone-Arm Dumbbell Flat Pressàà Push – Up Push – Up

one-Arm Dumbbell Incline Pressone-Arm Dumbbell Incline Press ààone-Arm Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Pressone-Arm Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Get into a high plank position. Place your hands fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders but slightly wider than shoulder width. Begin to lower your body—keeping your back fl at and eyes focused about three feet in front of you to keep a neutral neck—until your chest touches the fl oor. Push back up into the starting position.

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Start by having the dumbbell in one hand with your arm fully extended to the side using a neutral grip. Your feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. Now slowly lift the dumbbell up until you create a 90-degree angle with your arm. Note: Your forearm should be perpendicular to the fl oor. Continue to maintain a neutral grip throughout the entire exercise. Slowly lift the dumbbell up until your arm is fully extended. This the starting position. While inhaling lower the weight down until your arm is at a 90 degree angle again. Feel the contraction for a second and then lift the weight back up towards the starting position while exhaling. Remember to hold on to the incline bench and keep your feet positioned to keep balance during the exercise. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. Switch arms and repeat the exercise. startstart

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one-Arm KB Swing one-Arm KB Swing àà one-Arm KB Deadlift one-Arm KB Deadlift

one-Arm Standing Cable Row one-Arm Standing Cable Row ààtwo-Arm Standing Resistance Band Rowtwo-Arm Standing Resistance Band Row

Begin in a standing position with a kettlebell held with one hand. Ensure that your back is straight and stays that way for the duration of the exercise. Allow your arm to hang perpendicular to the fl oor, with the wrist pronated and the elbows pointed to your sides. This will be your starting position. Initiate the movement by fl exing your hips, slowly pushing your butt as far back as you can. This should entail a horizontal movement of the hips, rather than a downward movement. The knees should only partially bend, and your weight should remain on your heels. Drive your butt back as far as you can, which should generate tension in your hamstrings as your hand approaches knee level. Maintain an arch in your back throughout the exercise. When your hips cannot perform any further backward movement, pause, and then slowly return to the starting position by extending the hips.

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Stand on the fl oor facing the anchor point where the band is attached. Loop the band around a bar, hook, or column in front of you and hold one handle in each hand. With your legs slightly bent and your arms straight in front of you, pull the handles back so you bend your elbows and your hands meet your chest. Return to the starting position.


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one-Arm T-Spine Twist one-Arm T-Spine Twist àà one-Arm Dumbbell Side Raise one-Arm Dumbbell Side Raise

Battle Rope Russian Twist Battle Rope Russian Twist àà Russian Twist w/o Battle Rope Russian Twist w/o Battle Rope

Choose a dumbbell and stand up straight with your feet at around shoulder width apart. Hold the dumbbell with your left arm fully extended down by the side of your body. Use an overhand grip (palms facing in). This is the starting position. Begin by raising your left arm straight out to your side away from your body with your palm facing the fl oor. Keep a slight bend in your elbow. Moving only at the shoulder and keeping your body as still as possible, continue raising the dumbbell out from your side until your arm is just above parallel to the fl oor. Pause for a brief moment at the top of the movement, and slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for desired reps, and then repeat the movement with your right arm.

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Sit down on the fl oor placing your feet in front of you. Your legs should be bent at the knees. Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. Your arms should be fully extended in front of you perpendicular to your torso and with the hands clasped. This is the starting position. Twist your torso to the right side until your arms are parallel with the fl oor while breathing out. Hold the contraction for a second and move back to the starting position while breathing out. Now move to the opposite side performing the same techniques you applied to the right side. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

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BB/Ab Wheel Roll Out BB/Ab Wheel Roll Out àà Plank Buzzsaw Plank Buzzsaw

Bicycle Kick Bicycle Kick àà Bird Dog Bird Dog

Lie face down on the fl oor with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Keeping your spine neutral with legs extended lift your hips up so that your entire body is parallel with the fl oor. Once in plank position gently rock forward to where your shoulders are now overtop of your wrists and then rock back into the starting position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions or length of time.

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Get on all fours and tighten your stomach muscles, keeping your spine and neck in a neutral position; you should be looking at the fl oor. Slowly extend your left leg behind you without rotating your leg while reaching your right arm forward as far as you can. After fully extending the reaching limbs, pull your elbow and your knee underneath the stomach and tap the elbow to the knee. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement with the opposite limbs.

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Bird Dog Bird Dog àà one-Arm/Leg Bird Dog one-Arm/Leg Bird Dog

BOSU Dead Bug BOSU Dead Bug àà Dead Bug w/o BOSU Dead Bug w/o BOSU

Similar to the Bird Dog, get on all fours and tighten your stomach muscles, keeping your spine and neck in a neutral position; you should be looking at the fl oor. Slowly extend your left leg behind you as far as you can without rotating your leg forward. After fully extending the reaching leg, pull your knee underneath the stomach and attempt to reach the elbow with the moving leg. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement with the opposite leg. It can also be done with one arm while keeping both knees on the fl oor.

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Lie on your back with your arms extended in front of your shoulders. Bend your hips and knees to a 90-degree angle. Tighten your abs and press your lower back into the fl oor. Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, slowly extend your left leg toward the fl oor and bring your right arm overhead. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement with the opposite limbs.

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BOSU Plank BOSU Plank àà Plank w/o BOSU Plank w/o BOSU

BOSU Side to Side Rock BOSU Side to Side Rock àà Push – Up Position Hold Push – Up Position Hold

Lie face down on the fl oor with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Keeping your spine neutral and with legs extended lift your hips up so that your entire body is parallel with the fl oor and hold this for the recommended amount of time.

Get into a high plank position. Place your hands fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders but slightly wider than shoulder width. Hold this position not allowing the hips to lower for the recommended amount of time.

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Box Jump Box Jump àà Bodyweight Squat to Overhead Reach Bodyweight Squat to Overhead Reach

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat, engage your core and stand up quickly reaching your arms as high as you can. When you reach as high as you can begin to lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep.

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DB Pull OverDB Pull Over àà Resistance Band Resistance Band Straight Arm Pull DownStraight Arm Pull Down

Stand facing the resistance bands and grab the handles with an overhand grip that’s about shoulder-width apart. Taking a few steps backwards to create tension on the band, keep your knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale and pull the handles down to your thighs. Your arms should remain straight, elbows locked. Slowly return back to starting position and then repeat.

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Cross Body MB Slam Cross Body MB Slam àà Bodyweight Bodyweight Squat Twist to Overhead ReachSquat Twist to Overhead Reach

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat lowering your upper body to one side reaching down with both arms to the outside of one foot. Engage your core and stand up quickly reaching your arms as high as you can. When you reach as high as you can begin to lower your body back into the squat position to begin the movement again but now on the other side of the body.

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Cat/CowCat/Cow àà Glute Bridge Glute Bridge

Lie on the fl oor with your feet fl at, knees bent, and head down. Execute the movement by driving through the heels, lifting your hips upward and raising your glutes off of the ground. Lower back down and repeat.

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Deadlift Deadlift àà Single KB Single KB Deadlift OR Bodyweight SquatDeadlift OR Bodyweight Squat

Stand directly over the kettlebell. Hip-width stance, toes out 15°. Grab the handle. Bend your knees. Lift your chest and keep your back straight. Don’t drop your hips. Take a big breath, hold it and stand up. Keep the kettlebell close to your legs. Don’t shrug or lean back at the top. Slowly lower the kettlebell back to the fl oor and repeat.

Bodyweight Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart maintaining a tall upright spine looking forward. Start by doing a regular squat lowering your body down pushing your butt back as far as it can go while keeping your chest up. Once at the bottom stand back up and return to starting position.


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Double Whip Across Body Double Whip Across Body àà Standing Medicine Ball Twist Standing Medicine Ball Twist

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width keeping a slight bend in both knees. Holding a medicine ball in your hands in front of your body begin to twist the upper body bringing the ball across the body as far as your body allows. Then twist back to the other side bringing the ball across. Return back to center to complete one repetition.

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Dead BugDead Bug àà Single Leg Glute Bridge Single Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on the fl oor with your feet fl at, knees bent, and head down. Raise one leg off of the ground and extend it over the hips. Execute the movement by driving through the heel, lifting your hips upward and raising your glutes off of the ground. Lower back down and repeat.

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Elbows to Hands Plank Elbows to Hands Plank àà Front Plank on Elbows or Hands Front Plank on Elbows or Hands

Get into a front plank position either on hands or elbows. Place your hands/elbows fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Hold this position not allowing the hips to lower for the recommended amount of time.

ElbowsElbows HandsHands

Double Whip Rope Slam Double Whip Rope Slam àà Whip Rope Slam w/ ONE-Rope Whip Rope Slam w/ ONE-Rope

To start, stand facing the anchor with feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp one end of the rope in one hand. Bend knees slightly, brace your core by leaning forward slightly, and move the arm up and down rapidly, creating a wave in the rope. Make sure you have just enough slack in the rope before beginning or you won’t be able to make the ripple effect that you need. Do the recommended number of reps on one side before moving to the other side.

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Floor to OH Plate Press Floor to OH Plate Press àà Bodyweight Bodyweight Squat Twist to Overhead Reach Squat Twist to Overhead Reach

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat lowering your upper body to one side reaching down with both arms to the outside of one foot. Engage your core and stand up quickly reaching your arms as high as you can. When you reach as high as you can begin to lower your body back into the squat position to begin the movement again but now on the other side of the body.

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Flutter Kicks Flutter Kicks àà Bent Knee Leg Raise Hold Bent Knee Leg Raise Hold

Get into a front plank position either on hands or elbows. Place your hands/elbows fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Hold this position not allowing the hips to lower for the recommended amount of time.

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Hand Bird Dog Hand Bird Dog àà Kneeling Bird Dog Kneeling Bird Dog

Get on all fours and tighten your stomach muscles, keeping your spine and neck in a neutral position; you should be looking at the fl oor. Slowly extend your left leg behind you without rotating your leg while reaching your right arm forward as far as you can. After fully extending the reaching limbs, pull your elbow and your knee underneath the stomach and tap the elbow to the knee. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement with the opposite limbs.

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Hand Plank Single Whip Hand Plank Single Whip àà Kneeling Hand Plank Single Whip Kneeling Hand Plank Single Whip

To start, with your knees on the fl oor get in push-up position over top the end of the ropes facing the anchor with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place both hands on the ends of the rope so that your palms face down. Brace your core and tuck your chin in. Lift one arm up and out and move up and down rapidly, creating a small ripple in the rope. Make sure you have just enough slack in the rope before beginning or you won’t be able to make the ripple effect that you need.

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Hand Side Plank Knee Tuck Hand Side Plank Knee Tuck àà Kneeling Hand Side Plank Knee Tuck Kneeling Hand Side Plank Knee Tuck

Lie on your right side and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Prop your upper body up on your right hand, keeping a straight line from head to feet. With your core contracted, lift your hips off the fl oor, maintaining the line. Keep your hips square and your neck in line with your spine. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder, hand directly under your elbow. Lift the top leg and fl ex the hip bringing the leg in to the upper body then extend back out and repeat. The opposite arm can be lifted away from the body or placed on the side of the body to maintain balance.

Hi/Lo Cable Chop Hi/Lo Cable Chop àà Resistance Band Hi/Lo Chop Resistance Band Hi/Lo Chop

Set up the resistance band to the highest position possible. With your side to the anchor point, grab the handles with both hands and step away from the anchor point. With your feet positioned shoulder width apart. Your arms should still be fully extended. In one motion, pull the handle down and across your body to your front knee while rotating your torso. Keep your back and arms straight and core tight while you pivot your back foot and bend your knees to get a full range of motion. Maintain your stance and straight arms. Return to the neutral position in a slow and controlled manner. Then, reposition and repeat on the opposite side.



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Hollow Roll Hollow Roll àà Superman Superman

Lie face down on your stomach with the arms extended out in front of you and the legs extended behind you. Keep your chin tucked in to your chest and in one movement lift the arms and legs up towards the ceiling making a U shape in your back. Make sure that you do not lock out the limbs and keep the core as still as possible.

In/Out Squat Jumps In/Out Squat Jumps àà Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks

Set up the resistance band to the highest position possible. With your side to the anchor point, grab the handles with both hands and step away from the anchor point. With your feet positioned shoulder width apart. Your arms should still be fully extended. In one motion, pull the handle down and across your body to your front knee while rotating your torso. Keep your back and arms straight and core tight while you pivot your back foot and bend your knees to get a full range of motion. Maintain your stance and straight arms. Return to the neutral position in a slow and controlled manner. Then, reposition and repeat on the opposite side.



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Jump Slam Jump Slam àà Standing MB Slam Standing MB Slam

Hold a medicine ball with both hands and stand with your feet at shoulder width. This will be your starting position. Initiate the countermovement by raising the ball above your head and fully extending your body. Reverse the motion, slamming the ball into the ground directly in front of you as hard as you can. Receive the ball with both hands on the bounce by squatting down with the legs, stand up and then you may repeat the movement.

Jumping Jack Jumping Jack àà Bodyweight Squat Bodyweight Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. You can place your hands behind your head or cross your chest. Begin the movement by fl exing your knees and hips, sitting back with your hips. Continue down to full depth if you are able, and quickly reverse the motion until you return to the starting position.

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Kneeling Hi/Lo Cable Chop Kneeling Hi/Lo Cable Chop àà Resistance Band Kneeling Hi/Lo Chop Resistance Band Kneeling Hi/Lo Chop

Set up the resistance band to the highest position possible. With your side to the anchor point, grab the handles with both hands and step away from the anchor point. With your side to the band, kneel down. Your extended arms should be aligned with the band. With your knees positioned hip width apart, in one motion, pull the handles down and across your body to your front knee while rotating your torso. Keep your back and arms straight and core tight. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat.

L-Sit Pull-Up L-Sit Pull-Up àà Straight Pull-Ups OR Straight Pull-Ups OR Resistance Band Pull-DownsResistance Band Pull-Downs

Grab the bar with your palms facing away from you and pull yourself up bringing your upper chest to the bar letting your legs to hang freely underneath you. Once chin is above the bar slowly lower yourself down to the starting position.

For the resistance band pull-downs attach the center of the band to an object above your head. Start with your arms out in front of you, elbows straight and hands above head level. Bend your elbows and pull your hands back to chest level. Slowly return to the starting position.

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Landmine Press Landmine Press àà one-Arm Standing one-Arm Standing Dumbbell Shoulder PressDumbbell Shoulder Press

Start by having the dumbbell in one hand with your arm fully extended to the side using a neutral grip. Your feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. Now slowly lift the dumbbell up until you create a 90-degree angle with your arm. Note: Your forearm should be perpendicular to the fl oor. Continue to maintain a neutral grip throughout the entire exercise. Slowly lift the dumbbell up until your arm is fully extended. This the starting position. While inhaling lower the weight down until your arm is at a 90 degree angle again. Feel the contraction for a second and then lift the weight back up towards the starting position while exhaling. Remember to hold on to the incline bench and keep your feet positioned to keep balance during the exercise. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions. Switch arms and repeat the exercise.

Leg Lift Hold Leg Lift Hold àà Front Plank Hold Front Plank Hold

Get into a front plank position on elbows. Place your elbows fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Hold this position not allowing the hips to lower for the recommended amount of time.

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Leg Lift to Hip Raise Leg Lift to Hip Raise àà Glute Bridge Glute Bridge

Lie on the fl oor with your feet fl at, knees bent, and head down. Execute the movement by driving through the heels, lifting your hips upward and raising your glutes off of the ground. Lower back down and repeat

Lateral Lunge Cable Twist Lateral Lunge Cable Twist àà Resistance Band Torso Twist Resistance Band Torso Twist

Wrap the resistance band around a beam or post and adjust the resistance band where the handles are even with your chest. Stand perpendicular to the band. Initially stand tall with your feet together, arms clasped in front of the body holding the handle. Take a large step away from the post while lowering the hips to the ground and bending the knee of the lead leg, keeping the trail leg as straight as possible. Twist the upper torso bringing both arms straight across the body in a twisting movement keeping the head in line with the spine. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement.



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Lo/Hi Cable Chop Lo/Hi Cable Chop àà Resistance Band Lo/Hi Chop Resistance Band Lo/Hi Chop

Set up the resistance band to the lowest position possible. With your side to the anchor point, grab the handles with both hands and step away from the anchor point. With your feet positioned shoulder width apart. Your arms should still be fully extended. In one motion, pull the handles up and across your body to your front knee while rotating your torso. Keep your back and arms straight and core tight while you pivot your back foot and bend your knees to get a full range of motion. Maintain your stance and straight arms. Return to the neutral position in a slow and controlled manner. Then, reposition and repeat on the opposite side.

Lunge Hold to one-Arm Row Lunge Hold to one-Arm Row àà Kneeling Lunge one-Arm Row Kneeling Lunge one-Arm Row

Adjust the cable pulley where the handle is in the highest position. Stand facing the pulley. From the starting position, lunge forward with your left foot, dropping down through your back knee and thigh making sure the back leg is bent with the knee on the fl oor. Your left foot should be pointing at the pulley. In a kneeling position, lift your chest forward and up engaging your core and keeping your shoulder blades together and back fl at. Grab the handle with one hand and perform a powerful row, bending your right elbow as you pull it quickly straight up and back towards your ribcage. The pulling arm is the same side as the leg that is back.

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Lunge Twist Lunge Twist àà Forward Step Twist Forward Step Twist

Stand with your feet together. Stabilize your spine by keeping your core/abs tight. Step forward and fi nd your balance as you would when taking a step walking. Avoid driving your hips forward. Lower your body to a comfortable position or until your front thigh is diagonal with the fl oor and your shinbone is in a slight forward lean. During the movement, slightly bend forward at your hips. Keep the back straight and gently twist your upper body to the side of the body with the forward leg. Twist back into the forward position and fi rmly push off with the front leg to return to your upright, starting position.

Lunge Twist Hold Lunge Twist Hold àà Forward Step Twist Hold Forward Step Twist Hold

Stand with your feet together. Stabilize your spine by keeping your core/abs tight. Step forward and fi nd your balance as you would when taking a step walking. Avoid driving your hips forward. Lower your body to a comfortable position or until your front thigh is diagonal with the fl oor and your shinbone is in a slight forward lean. During the movement, slightly bend forward at your hips. Keep the back straight and gently twist your upper body to the side of the body with the forward leg and hold this for the required time focusing on contracting your stomach muscles during this hold. Hold for the recommended amount of time. Relax and now twist back into the forward position and fi rmly push off with the front leg to return to your upright, starting position.

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MB Leg Lift MB Leg Lift àà Leg Lift w/o MB Leg Lift w/o MB

Lying on your back, head resting on the fl oor, arms by your side, keep your legs as straight as possible. Engage your core and push your lower back down to the fl oor before you lift your legs. Once your lower back is pushed down, raise your legs perpendicular to the fl oor. Then lower your legs back down to the fl oor but do not touch the ground until your set is complete.

MB Plank Hold MB Plank Hold àà Hand Plank w/o MB Hand Plank w/o MB

Get into a high front plank position on hands. Place your hands fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Hold this position not allowing the hips to lower for the recommended amount of time.

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MB Side Toss MB Side Toss àà MB Russian Twist MB Russian Twist

MB Russian Twist MB Russian Twist àà Russian Twist w/o MB Russian Twist w/o MB

Sit on the fl oor with your knees bent and your heels on the ground. Lean back so your torso is at a 45-degree angle to fl oor, making sure to keep the spine straight and not rounded. Place your arms straight out in front of your chest holding a medicine ball with both holds. Raise your core and slowly rotate round to the right as far as you can, pause then reverse this movement all the way round to the left as far as you can.

Sit on the fl oor with your knees bent and your heels on the ground. Lean back so your torso is at a 45-degree angle to fl oor, making sure to keep the spine straight and not rounded. Place your arms straight out in front of your chest with one hand on top of the other. Raise your core and slowly rotate round to the right as far as you can, pause then reverse this movement all the way round to the left as far as you can.



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MB Underhand Toss MB Underhand Toss àà MB Squat to Front Raise MB Squat to Front Raise

Start in a standing position with the ball at waist level. Drop into a full squat position lowering the ball between the knees. Keeping the back straight, as you are standing up and with arms staying extended lift the MB up until the arms are parallel with the fl oor and the MB is in front of the chest. Repeat this movement.


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MB Slam MB Slam àà MB Squat to Press MB Squat to Press

Stand with your feet in squat stance, holding a medicine ball at your chest with both hands. As you begin to squat down, using your hips and arms lower the MB to the fl oor. The MB should tap the fl oor at the same time you are at the bottom of the squat. Once at the bottom, reverse the movement and begin to stand up. As you are standing up, begin to the press the MB over head. It should look like you are picking something up off the fl oor and placing it on an overhead shelf.

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Mountain Climber Mountain Climber àà Mountain Climber Slowed Down Mountain Climber Slowed Down

Begin in a pushup position, with your weight supported by your hands and toes. Flexing the knee and hip, bring one leg until the knee is approximately under the hip. This will be your starting position. Slowly reverse the positions of your legs, extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and supported by the toe, and bringing the other foot up with the hip and knee fl exed. This is done slow and controlled.

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MB V-Hold MB V-Hold àà V-Hold w/o MB V-Hold w/o MB

Sit on the fl oor with your knees bent and feet on the fl oor in front of you. Lift your feet off the fl oor, keeping your legs slightly bent at the knees. Keeping your chest fl at, lean back slightly with your shoulders pulled back creating the letter ‘V’ in your torso and your thighs. Only your butt will be on the fl oor, with your legs in the air.

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Negative Dragon Flag Negative Dragon Flag àà Leg Lift Leg Lift

Lying on your back, head resting on the fl oor, arms by your side, keep your legs as straight as possible. Engage your core and push your lower back down to the fl oor before you lift your legs. Once your lower back is pushed down, raise your legs perpendicular to the fl oor. Then lower your legs back down to the fl oor but do not touch the ground until your set is complete.

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Mountain Climber Kick-Out Mountain Climber Kick-Out àà Mountain Climber Alternating Tucks Mountain Climber Alternating Tucks

Begin in a pushup position, with your weight supported by your hands and toes. Flexing the knee and hip, tuck one leg under the body until the knee is approximately under the opposite hip. The path of movement is knee to opposite elbow. This will be your starting position. Explosively reverse the positions of your legs, extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and supported by the toe, and bringing the other foot up with the hip and knee fl exed.

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Plank Pull Plank Pull àà Kneeling Plank Hold Pull Kneeling Plank Hold Pull

Lower the cable pulley handle to the lowest position. Then get on the fl oor face down slightly further than arms reach away from a cable handle. Perpendicular to the handle with a wide stance with your feet, grab the handle with an overhand grip. At this point, the arm with the handle will be fully extended out. With your opposite elbow bent, rest your weight onto your knees and your forearm. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles, in a front plank position. Tuck your chin to your chest and pull your shoulders back but make sure you engage your core by sucking your stomach into your spine to have a fl at back. Once in this position, pull the handle to your chest keeping your pulling elbow close to the body. When pulling, do not rock your hips or round your back. Extend back out all the way and repeat.

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Plank March Plank March àà Front Plank Hold Front Plank Hold

Get into a front plank position on elbows. Place your elbows fi rmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Hold this position not allowing the hips to lower for the recommended amount of time.

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Push-Up to Renegade Row Push-Up to Renegade Row àà Kneeling Push-Up to Renegade Row Kneeling Push-Up to Renegade Row

In push-up position with the knees on the ground and dumbbells in the hands lower your body to the fl oor, pause, then push yourself back up. Once you’re back in the starting position, row one dumbbell to the side of your chest, keeping your elbow close to your ribs. Pause, then lower the dumbbell back down, complete a push-up and repeat the rowing with your left arm.

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Prisoner Squat Prisoner Squat àà Bodyweight Squat Bodyweight Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointed out. Place your hands across your chest. Begin the movement by fl exing your knees and hips, sitting back with your hips. Continue down to full depth if you are able, and quickly reverse the motion until you return to the starting position.

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Renegade Row to Twist Renegade Row to Twist àà Kneeling Renegade Row to Twist Kneeling Renegade Row to Twist

Place two dumbbells on the fl oor about shoulder-width apart. Start in the top position of the push up position with your hands on the weights, palms facing each other, knees on the found about hip width apart. Pull one weight up towards the side of your body while balancing on your other hand and both knees. When the weight is pulled in rotate your hips and pulling shoulder up to allow your torso to twist. When twisting, pull the weight further back while maintaining balance and control. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement with the opposite limb.

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Push Up to Shoulder Tap Push Up to Shoulder Tap àà Kneeling Push-Up to Shoulder Tap Kneeling Push-Up to Shoulder Tap

Start with your chest on the fl oor, hands slightly wider than shoulder width inline with your pecs, looking down, legs straight with your knees on the fl oor. Push-up. As you are completing a push-up, at the top of the repetition take one hand and quickly tap the opposite shoulder and then place it back on the fl oor in your original position to complete the lowering portion of the movement. Next repetition use your opposite hand to tap your other shoulder.

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Seated Single Whip Seated Single Whip àà Standing Single Whip Standing Single Whip

To start, stand facing the anchor with knees slightly bent feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp one end of the rope in each hand so that your palms face each other. Brace your core by leaning forward slightly, and move arms independently up and down rapidly, creating two uneven waves in the rope. Make sure you have just enough slack in the rope before beginning or you won’t be able to make the ripple effect that you need.

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Scissor Kick Scissor Kick àà Front Plank March Front Plank March

Start on the fl oor face down with your elbows bent and rest your weight onto your toes and your forearms, not on your hands. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles. Tuck your chin to your chest and pull your shoulders back but make sure you engage your core by sucking your stomach into your spine to have a fl at back. Once in this position, lift one leg a few inches off the fl oor and then begin to march in place, quickly tapping the fl oor one foot at a time for the required time.

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Shoulder Taps Shoulder Taps àà Kneeling Shoulder Taps Kneeling Shoulder Taps

Start in push-up position with your knees on the fl oor and hips elevated. Take one hand and quickly tap the opposite shoulder and then place it back on the fl oor in your original position and then take the other hand and tap the opposite shoulder. This completes one repetition.



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Seated Russian Twist Seated Russian Twist àà Standing Torso Twist Standing Torso Twist

Stand with knees slightly bent feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Lean slightly forward but making sure to keep the spine straight and not rounded. Bend your arms and keep them by your side. Flex your core and begin to twist your midsection to the right as far as you can, pause then reverse this movement all the way round to the left as far as you can. Keep the head in line with the spine as your twist.

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Single Leg Glute Bridge Single Leg Glute Bridge àà Double Leg Glute Bridge Double Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on the fl oor with your feet fl at, knees bent, and head down. Execute the movement by driving through the heels, lifting your hips upward and raising your glutes off of the ground. Lower back down and repeat.

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Side Hand Plank Side Hand Plank àà Kneeling Side Hand Plank Kneeling Side Hand Plank

Lie on your side, in a straight line from head to feet; stack your feet on top of each other, resting on your hand. With your core contracted, lift your hips off the fl oor, while keeping your knees down. Keep your hips square and your neck in line with your spine. Your elbow should be directly under your shoulder, hand directly under your elbow. The opposite arm can be lifted away from the body or placed on the side of the body to maintain balance.

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Slider Pike Slider Pike àà Hanging Leg Raise Hanging Leg Raise

Hang from a pull-up bar. When still, fl ex your hips while keeping your knees extended lift up your legs until they are parallel with the fl oor. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement. If this is still too challenging, bend the knees and lift your knees as high as you can without swaying. This is a strict movement and momentum should not be used.

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Slider Mountain Climber Slider Mountain Climber àà Mountain Climber w/o Slider Mountain Climber w/o Slider

Begin in a pushup position, with your weight supported by your hands and toes. Flexing the knee and hip, bring one leg until the knee is approximately under the hip. This will be your starting position. Explosively reverse the positions of your legs, extending the bent leg until the leg is straight and supported by the toe, and bringing the other foot up with the hip and knee fl exed.

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Stability Ball Supine Twist Stability Ball Supine Twist àà Standing Resistance Band Torso Twist Standing Resistance Band Torso Twist

Wrap the resistance band around a beam or post and adjust the resistance band where the handles are even with your chest. Stand perpendicular to the band. Stand tall with your feet wider than shoulder width, arms clasped in front of the body holding the handle. Take a large step away from the post. Keep knees slightly bent, arms extended, chin tucked in and twist the upper torso bringing both arms straight across the body in a twisting movement keeping the head in line with the spine. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement.

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Slider Push / Pull Slider Push / Pull àà Kneeling Slider Push / Pull Kneeling Slider Push / Pull

Start in a kneeling position and place both hands on sliders (if sliders are not available use a t-shirt or thin towel on an smooth non-stick surface). With core engaged, slide one arm forward trying to get your chest as close to the ground as possible. Pull arm back in toward chest while pushing with the non-moving arm and repeat with the other arm.

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Straight Arm Pull Down Straight Arm Pull Down àà Dumbbell Pullover Dumbbell Pullover

Take a seat on a fl at bench while holding one dumbbell securely with two hands. With the feet planted on the fl oor, lie back on the bench bringing the dumbbell to your chest. Keep both palms pressed against the underside one of the sides of the dumbbell. This will be your starting position. Straighten your arms lifting the weight over your chest. While keeping your arms straight, lower the weight slowly in an arc behind your head while breathing in until you feel a stretch on the chest. At that point, bring the dumbbell back to the starting position using the arc through which the weight was lowered and exhale as you perform this movement.

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Stacked Leg to Reach Stacked Leg to Reach àà one-Leg Reach one-Leg Reach

Lying on your back, head resting on the fl oor, arms by your side, lift one leg upright and keep the other leg bent with the foot on the fl oor. Engage your core and push your lower back down to the fl oor. Once your lower back is pushed down, raise your arm that is on the opposite side as the lifted leg and reach up as high as you can, lifting the shoulder of the reaching arm off the fl oor towards the foot that is up. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement.

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Superman Superman àà Alternating Superman Alternating Superman

Lie face down on your stomach with the arms extended out in front of you and the legs extended behind you. Keep your chin tucked in to your chest and in one movement lift one arm and the opposite leg up towards the ceiling. Make sure that you do not lock out the limbs and keep the core as still as possible. Lower the arm and leg and repeat the movement using the other limbs.

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Suitcase Carry Suitcase Carry àà Stationary Suitcase Hold Stationary Suitcase Hold

Grab a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell and hold it like a suitcase by your side, keeping your shoulders square and upright. With a wide stance, maintain that posture as you hold the weight at your side for the recommended amount of time. Then put it down, pick it up with your other hand and repeat.

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Toes to Bar Toes to Bar àà Hanging Knee Tuck Hanging Knee Tuck

Hang from a pull-up bar. When still, bend your legs and pull your knees up until your thighs are parallel with the fl oor. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement.

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Squat Jump to Reach Squat Jump to Reach àà Bodyweight Squat to Overhead Reach Bodyweight Squat to Overhead Reach

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat, engage your core and stand up quickly reaching your arms as high as you can. When you reach as high as you can begin to lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep.

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Suspension Roll Out Suspension Roll Out àà Dumbbell Pullover Dumbbell Pullover

Take a seat on a fl at bench while holding one dumbbell securely with two hands. With the feet planted on the fl oor, lie back on the bench bringing the dumbbell to your chest. Keep both palms pressed against the underside one of the sides of the dumbbell. This will be your starting position. Straighten your arms lifting the weight over your chest. While keeping your arms straight, lower the weight slowly in an arc behind your head while breathing in until you feel a stretch on the chest. At that point, bring the dumbbell back to the starting position using the arc through which the weight was lowered and exhale as you perform this movement.

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Suspension Knee Tuck Suspension Knee Tuck àà Hanging Knee Tuck Hanging Knee Tuck

Hang from a pull-up bar. When still, bend your legs and pull your knees up until your thighs are parallel with the fl oor. Reverse the movement, return back into starting position and then repeat the movement.

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Windmill Windmill àà Standing Torso Bend Standing Torso BendStand up straight while holding a dumbbell on the left hand (palms facing the torso) as you have the right hand holding your waist. Your feet should be placed at shoulder width. This will be your starting position. While keeping your back straight and your head up, bend only at the waist to the right as far as possible. Breathe in as you bend to the side. Then hold for a second and come back up to the starting position as you exhale. Tip: Keep the rest of the body stationary. Now repeat the movement but bending to the left instead. Hold for a second and come back to the starting position. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions and then change hands.

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Wall Sit Hold Wall Sit Hold àà Bodyweight Squat Hold Bodyweight Squat Hold

Assume a squat stance. Feet shoulder width apart, feet turned out slightly, chest up, back fl at. Lower your hips down by bending your knees and hold this position for a set amount of time. Do not round the back or place the hands on the knees to support the upper body.

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About the About the AuthorAuthor

Brian Klepacki has over 15 years of experience and education in the fi tness and athletic world. He holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and holds numerous highly recognized certifi cations that have set his expertise and training above most others. Brian has learned that in order for you to achieve your max performance, a multitude of training regimes must be implemented to stimulate all systems of the body.

As a competitive triathlete and a Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Brian knows how crucial it is to sort through fact and fi ction when it comes to athletic training and human performance. His philosophy is simple, PURPOSE OVER PREFERENCE. He is not about those big box cookie cutter programs and he doesn’t prescribe a random workout that has no purpose. His logic is specifi c. His training has a purpose.

Brian currenly resides in St. Petersburg, FL with his wife and their two boys.He is the Owner of Optimax

Performance Training, Consults as the Core Training Advisor for and is the creator of the wildly popular Crunchless Core Program.

Facebook: Optimax Performance TrainingInstagram: @optimaxpt

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