
Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

CSC 1700 – Analysis of Algorithms:Introduction

Professor Henry CarterFall 2016

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Greatest Common Divisor

• Problem: Find gcd(m,n), the greatest common divisor of two nonnegative, not both zero integers m and n

• Ex.: gcd(60,24) = gcd(10,50) = gcd(47,0) =

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Euclid’s Algorithm

• Euclid’s algorithm is based on repeated application of this equality

• gcd(m, n) = gcd(n, m mod n)

• Ex.: gcd(60,24) =

• while n ≠ 0 do r ← m mod nm← n n ← r return m

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

What is an algorithm?

• An algorithm is a sequence of unambiguous instructions for solving a problem, i.e., for obtaining a required output for any legitimate input in a finite amount of time.

• Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi – 9th century Islamic mathematician

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

What is an algorithm?


“computer” input



Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

This course ...

• This course is a theory course covering basic algorithm analysis and design principles. We will investigate a series of specific algorithms designed to solve common problems and consider their broader applicability. Topics will include:

‣ analysis of recursive and nonrecursive algorithms; design techniques: brute force, greedy, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, backtracking, branch-and-bound, space and time tradeoffs; NP-completeness; approximation algorithms; computational problems: sorting, searching, string processing, graphs, arithmetic, linear algebra.


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Who cares about algorithms?

• Computer Scientists

‣ Foundational theory for the field

• Computer Engineers/Developers

‣ Significant impact on application performance and correctness

• Logistical planning in general

‣ Scheduling? Sorting? Routing? Puzzles and games?

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

You need to understand ...

• Basic programming and data structure concepts

• Discrete math and logic

• Logical proofing techniques


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Should you take this course?

• Students without the necessary background.

• Students who are not willing to put forth significant effort.

• Students who are not interested in learning.


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences


• My goal: to provide you with the tools to analyze algorithms and use common techniques to build programs.

‣ Speed/Space/Correctness/Optimality analysis

‣ Common techniques for search, sort, etc.•This is going to be a hard course. The key to success is

sustained effort. Failure to keep up with readings and homework will likely result in poor grades, and ultimately little understanding of the course material.

•Pay-off: A strong knowledge of algorithm design is among the most desirable abilities for anycomputer scientists

•Technical interviews test precisely this!!!


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Course Materials

• Website - I am maintaining the course website at


• Course assignments, slides, and other artifacts will be made available on the course website.

• Course textbook

‣ Anany Levitin, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 3rd edition


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Course Calendar

• The course calendar as all the relevant readings, assignments and test dates

• The calendar page contains electronic links to assignments and online papers assigned for course readings.

• Please check the website frequently for announcements and changes to the schedule. Students are responsible for any change on the schedule (I will try to make announcements in class).


6/20/2016 CSC 8301 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms - Professor Henry Carter

file:///Users/carterh/Sites/csc8301/f16/schedule.html 1/1


Below is the calendar for this semester course. This is the preliminary schedule, which may need to be alteredas the semester progresses. It is the responsibility of the students to frequently check this web­page forschedule, readings, and assignment changes. As the professor, I will attempt to announce any change to theclass, but this web­page should be viewed as authoritative. If you have any questions, please contact me(contact information is available at the course homepage).

Date Topic Assignments Due Readings/Discussions (do readings before class) Slides

08/25/16 Introduction Course syllabus (link)

Textbook, chapter 1

Assignment #0 ­ Introductions

08/30/16 Algorithm Analysis Assignment #0 Textbook, Chapter 2.1­2.2

09/01/16 Nonrecursive Analysis Textbook, Chapter 2.3

09/06/16 Recursive Analysis Textbook, Chapter 2.4­2.5

09/08/16 Brute­force Textbook, Chapter 3.1­3.2

09/13/16 Exhaustive Search Textbook, Chapter 3.4

09/15/16 Tree Searching Textbook, Chapter 3.5

09/20/16 Insertion and Topological Sort Textbook, Chapter 4.1­4.2

09/22/16 Binary Search Textbook, Chapter 4.4

09/27/16 Variable Decrease Algorithms Textbook, Chapter 4.5

09/29/16 Merge and Quick Sort Textbook, Chapter 5.1­5.2

10/04/16 Further Divide­and­conquer Textbook, Chapter 5.3­5.5

10/06/16 Mid­term Exam10/11/16 Fall Break ­­ No Class10/13/16 Fall Break ­­ No Class10/18/16 Presorting and Gaussian Elimination Textbook, Chapter 6.1­6.2

10/20/16 Balanced Search Trees Textbook, Chapter 6.3

10/25/16 Representation Change Textbook, Chapter 6.4­6.5

10/27/16 Problem Reduction Textbook, Chapter 6.6

11/01/16 String Matching Textbook, Chapter 7.1­7.2

11/03/16 Dynamic Programming Textbook, Chapter 8.1­8.2

11/08/16 Dynamic Programming Textbook, Chapter 8.3­8.4

11/10/16 Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithms Textbook, Chapter 9.1­9.2

11/15/16 Dijkstra's and Huffman's Algorithm Textbook, Chapter 9.3­9.4

11/17/16 Iterative Improvement Textbook, Chapter 10.1­10.2

11/22/16 Iterative Improvement Textbook, Chapter 10.3­10.4

11/24/16 Thanksgiving ­­ No Class11/29/16 Lower Bound Arguments and Decision Trees Textbook, Chapter 11.1­11.2

12/01/16 P, NP, NP­Complete and Numerical Algorithms Textbook, Chapter 11.3­11.4

12/06/16 Backtracking and Branch and Bound Textbook, Chapter 12.1­12.2

12/08/16 Approximating NP­Hard Problems Textbook, Chapter 12.3

12/17/16 Final Exam ­ 8:00am ­ 10:50am

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences


• Grading in this class will be distributed as follows:30% Mid-term Exam 40% Final Exam25% Quizzes5% Class Participation

• You need to average above 50% across both exams to pass

• You get the grade that you earn, so be surethat you earn a grade you like.


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences


• Homeworks are designed to be difficult

‣ Expect to sweat

‣ Preparation for the exams

• Collaboration is allowed

‣ Talk to your fellow students and me!


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences


• There are a large amount of readings in this course covering various topics. These assignments are intended to:

‣ Support the lectures in the course (provide clarity)

‣ Augment the lectures and provide a broader exposure to security topics.

• Students are required to do the reading!

• The material covered in class is not enough to fully understand the complex concepts of algorithm design and analysis. The reading is necessary to gain a complete understanding of the material and to do well on the homework and exams!


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences


• 10 minute quizzes will take place every Friday

• Your 10 best quiz grades will determine 25% of your final grade

• These quizzes will be quick, so practice beforehand is critical to success

Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

A Note on Academic Integrity

• As scientists and engineers, we must trust each other to make progress.

• Numerous examples exist to show the consequences of this breakdown.

‣ Jan Hendrik Schon...

• Academic dishonesty, whether from cheating, copying, or through any other dishonest practice will not be tolerated.

‣ I take this very personally - you should too.


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Assignment 0 - Introduction

• Your first assignment is to write a one-page summary about yourself. Details can be found on the course webpage.

• A PDF of your write up is due on Blackboard on Monday.


Villanova University Department of Computing Sciences

Next Time...

• Levitin Chapter 2.1

‣ Remember, you need to read it BEFORE you come to class!


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