
Bachelor of Quantity Surveying


Construction Supply Chain Management

(QSB 2433 / MGT 60803)

Group Members: Teoh Zi Wei

Tan Jit Kim

Tan Vin Nie

Vivian Tay Huey Shuen

Yeoh Sin Yuen

Intake: Semester 3 March Intake 2017

Lecturer: Ms Tay Shir Men


Content Page

1.0 Introduction to BIM 3

2.0 3 Dimension of BIM - Visualization 4-6

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Available Software for 3D Model

2.3 How 3D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

2.4 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

3.0 4 Dimension of BIM - Phrasing 7-10

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Available Software for 4D Model

3.3 How 4D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

3.4 Advantage of 4D

3.5 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

4.0 5 Dimension of BIM - Estimating 11-15

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Available Software for 5D Model

4.3 How 5D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

4.4 Advantage of 5D

4.5 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

5.0 6 Dimension of BIM - Sustainability 16-19

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Available Software for 6D Model

5.3 How 6D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

5.4 Advantage of 6D

5.5 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

6.0 6 Dimension of BIM - Sustainability 20-23

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Available Software for 6D Model

6.3 How 6D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

6.4 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

6.5 Recommendation for 7D

7.0 Recommendation 24-25

8.0 Conclusion 26

9.0 Reference List 27


1.0 Introduction to BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process for creating and

managing information on a construction project across the project life cycle

which is the process of initiation, planning & design ,execution and closure.

BIM system is a revolutionary building design and construction

technology that allow the professions in construction field to create an

accurate virtual construction model to optimize their action and assist in

decision making. BIM provide high efficient work flow by simplify the work

procedure and it is very useful in every of the construction stages. In the

design & planning stage , a design intent model is created though BIM system

and detail that allow all object to be manufacture , install or construct will be

added into this model and turn into Virtual Construction Model (VCM).

BIM is useful in constructor visualizing, which is a process of simulation

before the true construction work started. With this kind of simulation , the

contractor , architect and engineer can identify any existential risk and

danger , operation issues and come out with solution to minimize the risk to

prevent accident to happen.BIM also provide with various recommendation

changes to the original design to create a safer and risk free construction


There are various dimensions of BIM ranging from 3D to 7D ,each of

them serve different servicing addition and guideline to the construction

flow.3D representing visualization model , 4D representing time model , 5D is

cost management model , 6D is energy model and 7D representing facilities



2.0 3 Dimension of BIM - Visualization

2.1 Introduction

BIM revolves around comprehensive data model for several

stakeholders such as Architects, Civil and Structural Engineers, MEP System

Engineers, Builders, Manufacturers and Project Owners. It allows architectural

firms to review design elements with respect to other building systems and

services on any project. 3D visualization and 3D rendering services allow

stakeholders involved in the construction process to share project image can

help to minimize errors and omission of the design. 3D BIM models, using a

wide array of inputs including design contents, contract drawings,

specification sheets and hand sketches.

3D BIM's visualizations capabilities enables participants to not only see

the building in three dimensions before ground is ever broken, but also to

automatically update these views along the project life cycle, from earliest

conception to demolition. BIM 3D helps participants to manage their

multidisciplinary collaboration more effectively in modelling and analysing

complex spatial and structural problems. Furthermore, because of accurate

data can be collected along the project life cycle and stored in the Building

Information Model, new value can be added to predictive models allowing to

resolve issues proactively.

Other than displaying the building in three dimensions, a simple

schedule of timeline and initial outlook of different stage of the project can be

visualised through 3D modelling. In term of model walkthroughs, discussion

on the buildability can be carried out among the contractors and designers.

Through the 3D model, project team can observe the site condition of the

project without the real time exploring the site. Furthermore, the model has


clash detection function which enables early detection of clash of the building

system during design stage. The early detection can prevent the conflicts and

delay happened during the construction stage. In additional, a prototype can

be building for a clearer picture on the large projects. The construction of

virtual mock up models enhance the understanding of the building functions.

3D modelling enables the mock up being tested and revised according to cost

by the employers

2.2 Available Software for 3D Model

Autodesk revit

Graphicsoft ArchiCAD

Bently micro station





Allplan Architecture

4MSA IntelliCAD

CADSoft Envisioneer

2.3 How 3D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain


BIM allows for better planning of design to avoid any dissatisfaction

during construction time and it also let the designers to figure out potential

problems in advance and fix them in good time. Besides, it provides a better

visual of the project and enables greater understanding of all its elements.

BIM also has capability to provide accurate detailed taking off that will be

useful in early phase of the procurement process of the construction supply

chain management. BIM systems allows the designers to track and monitor

the resources, hence can minimize the waste of material for reduce overall


project cost. With the use of BIM, it is faster to incorporate any changes.

Furthermore, BIM’s able to detect and avoid conflicts prior to construction

reduces unbudgeted construction changes and can save entire value of a

construction project when compared to a non-BIM project. BIM technology

effectively reduces rework, cost overruns and missed schedules during

construction. BIM’s sophisticated modelling capabilities also enable builders

to make much greater use of prefabricated materials and pre-assembled

components, which have well-documented productivity and quality


3.4 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

3D Modelling is implemented at the initial phase of the construction

project, covering procurement and design phase. The implementation of 3D

BIM resulted increase in time spent in the design phase due to revision of

model to reduce error. To be effective it need all major members of design

team on significantly earlier than is often the case. Besides, it need new

protocol to manage information transfer and commenting, potentially new

roles such as BIM Coordinators which is much more than a document

handler. Furthermore, it might incompatibility with partners due to BIM is not

yet universally used in construction industry. Thus it is always possible that

one of the partners or subcontractors may not use BIM and may not be able

to use your models. High cost in purchasing software, BIM software requires a

substantial investment in new technology. The advantages usually make the

investment worthwhile, but only if software is used to its full capacity. There

are lack of experts working in the field due to relative newness of BIM. The

software purchase may require an additional investment in training and



3.0 4 Dimension of BIM - Phrasing

3.1 Introduction

+ =


4D BIM is the up and coming era of venture administration, which

including venture arranging and scheduling, information investigation, and

administration. 4D truly includes vision. It coordinates nitty gritty spatial

information from the BIM show. The capacity to envision your venture and

dissect dynamic spatial information on your PC before you get things started

makes a training field for the conveyance group that is exceptionally

captivating and productive.

However, there are various diverse advancements available that give

shifting levels of genuine 4D reconciliation. Professions should search for an

instrument that keeps up the uprightness of their project designs, where

proficiency and time reserve funds are boosted by mimicking ventures

continuously, and changes can be made without the need to re-include

information to dissect diverse methodologies. Numerous frameworks are

minimal more than films that assistance recount the account of the venture

through the 4D procedure, yet these techniques have little an incentive as an

administration devices since they don't make or keep up the trustworthiness of

the venture designs and timetables.


Furthermore, the development sequences can be assessed as a

progression of issues utilizing 4D BIM, empowering clients to investigate

alternatives, oversee arrangements and upgrade comes about. It empowers

development item advancement, communicant and straightforward project

usage, collaborating with the inventory network and generation of segments.

Besides that, the stimulation uncovered points of interest such as out-of-

sequence work, booking clashes between numerous exchanges, "imagine a

scenario in which" situations, and full scale level construction staging

methodologies – all with a specific end goal to accomplish the streamlining of

the development plan.

Therefore, with the help of schedule visualization, participants will be able

to make sound decisions and changes to the projects based on multiple

sources of accurate real-time information. 4D BIM show the critical path and

the dependency of project sequences in chart form. When there is some

changes happened in the project design, advanced BIM model will

automatically identify all the chances that will affect the critical path and will

indicate what the corresponding impact will be on the overall delivery of the


3.2 Available Software for 4D Model

Synchro Professional Software


Vico Control Software





3.3 How 4D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

With 4D BIM, groups are sitting together to survey an ongoing recreation of the

venture. Everybody has a similar vision rapidly and productively, thoughts are talked

about, and information and experience are shared. Changes can be made in a split

second, unique methodologies can be tried for effects, and conflicts can be found right

on time simultaneously. 4D representation is changing the whole conveyance prepare,

yet programming alone doesn't change an association; individuals and procedures must

be at the focal point of this exertion. In development, organizers and schedulers are at

the focal point of the procedure. They are a key achievement factor of the conveyance

group and should assume a key part in innovation basic leadership. Extraordinary

outcomes originated from participation between all colleagues, from the officials to the


3.4 Advantages of 4D

There are more benefits by integrating of 4D BIM:

Enhanced connection with stakeholders with better understanding

Preparatory investigation of movement streams, occupant staging, development


Bolster improvement of development sequencing choices

Enhanced sub-temporary worker coordination

Diminished number of RFIs and COs

Point by point investigation of developments sequencing

3.5 Disadvantages and Costs involved

Albeit one of the upsides of utilizing a BIM demonstrate is that progressions can

be made rapidly, BIM can upset the general obtainment and development handle when


requesting things that require a long lead time. For instance, a contractual worker may

need to arrange material in view of the measurements of the plan. Requesting this

material may take weeks or months. In the event that the measurements change, as

may happen when various contractual workers are contributing data into a model

consistently, the temporary worker might be left with deficient time to arrange the

material. Another difficulties of actualizing BIM is to oversee asset and data, after the

entire usage of BIM and system based reconciliation. The organization that is

actualizing BIM needs to guarantee that the providers and subcontractors stick to this

same pattern. This inclusion and execution of BIM by providers and subcontractors will

prompt administration of more data. Additionally, mapping and administration of assets

is as yet done customarily. New lawful and construable procedures are to be set up for

the effective execution of BIM. The firm needs to choose an accomplished and talented

accomplice that can bolster with capability, information, experience and assets.


4.0 5 Dimension of BIM- Estimating

4.1 Introduction to 5D BIM

BIM is a process for creating and managing all of the information on a project

before, during and after construction, producing digital descriptions of every aspect of

the built asset. This software has proven its worth by enhancing the productivity of

architects, engineers, and construction firms. BIM consist of many dimensions, namely,

2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D and 7D. With that being said, what is 5D BIM?

The fifth Dimension of Building Information Modelling (5D BIM) is the process of

applying costs to the model where model objects including specification data and other

properties which can be directly used for pricing construction work. From this

dimension, material quantities are able to be automatically generated from the data

within the model. This model is normally utilized by the Quantity Surveyors or estimators

for tasks such as quantity take-offs, estimation and cost management, budget tracking

and cost analysis related activities, in a collaborative project environment. As BIM

workflows become more established within the construction industry, QS & estimators

will require the ability to deal with these models and know how estimating from the

model fits in with the BIM supply chain.

5D takes BIM to the next level. It adds cost and time into the equation, helping a

project come in on budget, on time and be consistent with what a design began with.

This makes the lives of Architects and Quantity Surveyors easier. 5D BIM also

demonstrates completely valued parametric building components inside a virtual model

in real time. With 5D BIM, it is possible to generate models which show how


modifications with materials, layouts, square footage and other design elements that

influence the display of a facility as well as the cost and schedule of construction.

The 5D layer of a project allows for more detailed cost information so that

stakeholders can evaluate the price of the project and the cash flow needed for each

phase of construction. 5D BIM includes estimates based on the design and timeline

costs for each part of the project, including labour and materials which helps in creating

a budget. It also includes a detailed schedule showing the costs when the project has

begun, which can help with managing monthly cost reporting.

As the BIM objects are real products that are configured and specified inside the

BIM model, very accurate estimations can be done. BIM users can export detailed

material requirements and the details of the components with the correct set of

properties at this stage. This will help the estimator and designer to make as detailed

cost estimation as possible. The ability also will cover bill of materials of non-geometric

objects and sub components. At this stage, costs can also be calculated based on

rental equipment for the site. Objects can have additional properties like step-by-step

time to add a more detailed accuracy on quantity estimations.

Integrating BIM with 5D simulation models enables the development of more

efficient, cost-effective and sustainable constructions. It can also result in a greater

accuracy and predictability of project's estimates, scope changes and materials,

equipment or manpower changes.


4.2 Available Software for 5D Model

Autodesk Revit



Vico Cost explorer

Trimble SketchUp


VectorWorks Architect




4.3 How 5D BIM Improves Construction Supply Chain Management

5D BIM is the process of process of applying costs to the model where model

objects including specification data and other properties. 5D Estimation improves

budgeting, provides cost-loaded schedules, and displays multiple interactive forecasts

to make agile comparisons. When the design is changed, cost adjustments are

calculated in real time. This enables general contractors to help the owner improve

design with value-engineering decisions. Nonetheless, there are many ways a 5D BIM

can improve Construction Supply Chain Management.

One of the ways it improves Construction Supply Chain Management is that 5D

BIM understands the scope of the projects in a more superior manner with its visual and

data modelling capabilities. Its cost function are driven by formulas on every building

system on the basis of the certain design, materials, site conditions, phasing and other

parameters with reference to the owner’s timeline. It is very accurate and reliable. With

this, the project team members will be able to easily understand the projected design,


assumptions and cost drivers. This ensures them to obtain a transparent and perfect

description of scope, cost and schedule upon which funding decisions are taken.

Besides, data obtained is achieved in real time once the model is developed or

modified. While owners and project teams can get the cost and other data disclosed

instantly, they can also easily search for substitute perceptions. It reduces design and

estimation cycle time. Its overall efficiency is enhanced with the authentic and perfect

updates. Moreover, the construction costs are also modified automatically in real-time

with the alteration in the model. “What-if’s” turns to be productive and captivating

solution missions for the project team members, specifically the owner.

Moreover, its databases allow for a leveraging historical data as well as industry

experience. Data can be used from particular sectors like a healthcare or distribution

centre construction. Likewise, all the interested parties associated with the project can

visualize the end product and properly understand what’s comprised in the budget.

4.4 Advantages of 5D

Some of the advantages are:

More accurate estimates

Improving building design and performance

Increase in efficiency

Save cost and labour

Higher quality product

Improving visualization of construction details

Earlier risk identification

4.5 Disadvantages or Cost Involve

Although 5D BIM provides a lot of advantages, there are also perceived barriers

to 5D BIM implementation within the construction industry.


One of it is prohibitive set-up costs. As we all know, Building Information

Modelling (BIM) is quite an expensive software to install. Only larger or richer

construction companies are able to afford it according to its budget. Moreover, even if

they have the software, updating it to 5D BIM with its database might be even costlier.

This makes user feel hesitant to buy and update the software. Besides, cost of training

people to use the software is also high. Specialized training is required in order for

users to fully master the software.

Besides, it also has lack of software compatibility. 5D BIM is relatively new nature

of the market. Software manufacturers may be doing something different with its

software. This interoperability challenge would make it difficult for projects to function if

different team members own different software packages. Newer version of programs

may also have interoperability issues too.

Furthermore, it also has a lack of protocols for coding objects within building

information models and lack of integrated models which are an essential prerequisite for

full interoperability, and hence collaborative working, in the industry. Further research is

recommended to find solutions to overcome these barriers to facilitate the cost

modelling process.


5.0 6 Dimension of BIM - Sustainability

5.1 Introduction

The final BIM model is not only priceless in design and construction stages, but

also during operation and maintenance. A 6D model is a comprehensive model of a

built structure with all attributes to be used for monitoring and planning maintenance

and rehabilitation works.

The BIM model includes all elements and materials related to the information

provided by the subcontractors installing them. During maintenance, the BIM model

foresees all effects of a replacement or rehabilitation of elements on the structure, such

as changes in geometry and cost of maintenance works or rehabilitation required.

6D-BIM helps perform energy consumption analyses. The utilization of 6D-BIM

technology can result in more complete and accurate energy estimates earlier in the

design process. It also allows for measurement and verification during building

occupation, and improved processes for gathering lessons learned in high performance


The 6D model is usually delivered to the owner when a construction project is

finished. The "As-Built" BIM model is populated with relevant building component

information such as product data and details, maintenance/operation manuals, cut

sheet specifications, photos, warranty data, web links to product online sources,

manufacturer information and contacts, etc. This database is made accessible to the

users/owners through a customized proprietary web-based environment. This is

intended to aid facilities managers in the operation and maintenance of the facility.

6D provides the information required by Facility Management to persist for the

lifecycle of a facility. Data for operations and maintenance starts in design model, it


attributes for spaces rooms components and materials. Next, “As-Designed” attributes

are refined and replaced in the procurement, fabrication and assembly processes during

construction. “As-Constructed” attributes in digital format usable by a computerized

Maintenance Management System (CMMS).

5.2 Available Software for 6D Model

Autodesk Ecotect Analysis

Autodesk Green Building Studio

Graphisoft EcoDesigner

IES Solutions Virtual Environment VE-Pro

Bentley Tas Simulator

Bentley Hevacomp



5.3 How 6 dimension of BIM improves the Construction Supply

Chain Management

At delivery phase, 6D enables design teams to consider their impact of their

proposals over a built asset’s lifecycle, simulating outcomes and anticipated costs. But

the ultimate value, lies in the use of that data to support the operational phase.

At handover, project teams can pass their complete data set (known as an Asset

Information Model or AIM from that point) over to the end-user. The digital model offers

them a more controlled, accessible and easily navigable way of managing their

information. It’s much more practical than the bundles of lever arch folders that are

handed over traditionally.

With this data on maintenance, lifespans and energy performance to hand,

operators can determine the costs of those activities and create spend profiles over a

built asset’s life, pre-planning maintenance activities years in advance. It helps them

adopt a completely planned and pro-active approach to facility management and

operation as opposed to a reactive one when unexpected events and costs can crop up

at any moment.


5.4 Advantages of 6D

This dimension takes the model past the construction phase, into the operations

of the built facility. It integrates the model with the built facilities brilliant data-driven

operations. It also helps perform the analysis on the energy consumption. It has

provided several advantages:

● Efficient and energy-saving consumption

● Proper asset management

● Provides a lifetime virtual building model

● Provides a localized container for facility design, construction and operation


5.5 Disadvantages and Cost Involve

6 Dimension is not yet universally used among construction professionals. There

is always the possibility that one of the subcontractors may not use BIM and may not be

able to use your models. It is also critical for operators and facility management to read

and study the models using the BIM software, since they do not undergo significant

training. Problems may occur if the drawing design and the related information are not

precise and accurate.

Besides, various information which comes from various phases of the building’s

lifecycle should be available to operate and maintain the many complex energy systems

used by buildings’ occupants. However, the building information is fragmented, which is

created by different teams with different objectives and stored in different system.

Therefore, this identifies that lack of integration of information is the barrier for energy

managers in using BIM 6D.

The software used are usually cost intensive and not easy to use. This means,

specialized training is necessary to use them. Other than that, a contractor may need to

upgrade its computer system to effectively use the BIM software.


6.0 7 Dimension of BIM – Model

6.1 Introduction

After a few updates of dimension, the 7D model of BIM have finally introduced to

the industry. From each of this every update, BIM system offer a tools for a better

control and different specific standard for different categories of work in the construction

industry. 7D model is also known as the facilities management model, which serve the

purpose of operation and maintenance of facilities of a building throughout its life cycle.

It serve various functions that will allow the user to extract & track relevant asses data

such as component status (condition of facilities& building components) , specification

(specification of components size ,period of maintenance , components price & etc),

maintenance operation manuals ,warranty data & else.

After reading through a few online forums , I noticed that some of the

professional people in construction industry think that the 6D & 7D models are

unnecessary, as they are too advance to be archive and is an exaggeration of the

principles of physic But will 7D model (facilities management model) will really work well

and cope with the realistic ?

Software for 7D modeling can be used to track the operation & condition of

facilities, upon the completion date till the end of the facilities life cycle. For an example,

software of 7D in BIM system can use to track the condition of the ongoing using lift, its

maintenance period , type & size of parts and the location of its parts which will result in

easier and quicker parts replacement ,optimized compliance & a streamlined asset life

cycle management overtime.

7D model of BIM express the specification to prepare the O & M manual

(sometimes known as building owner’s manual), this manual is prepared by contractor

and give to the owner as a part of handover procedure (usually attach to tender


documents). O & M manual content mechanical & electrical services specification, date

of maintenance of asset & facilities and else .If there is any confusion or lost of owner’s

manual, contractor can always use the BIM system to track back the needed

information for every each of components in the building

Last but not least, 7D model serve as a guild line to prepare life cycle of BIM

strategies, Cobic data population, BIM maintenance plan and serve for file hosting


6.2 How 7D model improve the construction supply chain


The components of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in construction industry

including the process of planning & design, development (outsourcing), make

(construction & production delivery), deliver & finally facility management & assets

control (post construction stage). 7D model is extremely important in the last stage

which is facility management & assets control.

7D is the “as built” BIM model which is very important as part of the handover

process to the building owner. This model is the fundamental part of the Return of

investment (ROI) for BIM by providing accurate facilities management (FM) and asset

management (AM).With the accurate calculation, owner or contractor can estimate and

expecting how much to spent on maintaining the facilities of a building and, include the

amount into the building of quantity (BQ).

6.3 Available Software for 7D Model

Bentley facilities

Onuma System



Facility Management interact

6.4 Disadvantages and Cost Involved

7D model of BIM system is new to the industry, which means the facilities

manager may not be familiar with the function and working method on the software for

7D model, situation get worse when frequent update and changes of information are

inserted into the modeling in the post-construction stage. Poor management of

modeling will cause overload of work to the program operator, misplace of information

and incur more costs.

As 7D model is consider to be a “not yet mature” model , more than one party will

be involve in the process of updating information & reparation the facilities , this is

because the building management office or the owner are not expert in managing the

BIM system .For an example if a lift of the building break down , the building

management office or the owner will need to refer back to the contractor for the part’s

detail , reparation method & maintenance period , this will somehow increase the

complexity of work and give additional work load onto facilities management and owner.

Furthermore , each of the individual or company have different preferred software

application and system, which cause large number of data exchanges ,conversion and

updating is require for every times of maintenance.

6.5 Recommendation for 7D

Research have found out that , only 2 out of 10 of the developer is using 7D

modeling system , as the system is not mature and stable enough. This happen

because there is no standard or rules and regulation to be follow by different parties in

construction industry.


CIDB or others government bodies should come out with list of standards,

construction rules and standardize the software application to prevent unnecessarily

work such as conversion of file hosting format between different software and system.

Furthermore, CIDB should provide with 7D modeling software training classes,

this will effectively encourage the usage of 7D modeling software in the industry.


7.0 Recommendation

After doing several research, we found that BIM offers an easy platform for

quantity surveyor to measure with greater accuracy and higher speed. However, some

of the QS profession feel that design information within models not being structured

correctly or, poorly designed models deter the QS from using a BIM model in carrying

out their role. They also strongly reflect a lack of understanding and skills in BIM. To

solve this problem, we recommended to organize a program in order to offer the

required support, training and guidance for Quantity Surveyors in Malaysia. BQSM

should arrange some Training Seminars and Workshops on BIM to increase their

knowledge and use of BIM amongst QS members.

Next, we recommended to use Clash Detection during constructability process.

In current practice, many conflicts (steel, ductwork, conduits, piping, etc.) are not

discovered until the shop drawing and coordination process has been initiated by the

contractor. At this point, these conflicts could result in design changes which may

ultimately lead to claims due to field required re-work. In addition, and as is current

practice, many of the designers who for months maintained intimate knowledge of the

project, may have been assigned to new projects and are not available months down

the road to assist when these issues come up.

Besides, BIM files should be provided to bidders for estimation purposes. By so

doing, quantity variation will be lessened as all bidders would be basing their costs off

the same information. The BIM files should be better able to represent the intent of the

design and by reducing misunderstandings of this nature and therefore lower contractor

contingencies should result.

These recommendations help to develop a strong awareness among the

construction industry players and increase the effectiveness of BIM. The relative

newness of BIM means that there are limited numbers of experts working in the field.


Some actions should be taken so that people could have a chance to contact with this

software and slowly introduce BIM to the market.


8.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, BIM is a handy tool to support Architecture, Engineering and

Construction (AEC) industries in order to let the construction process become more

efficient and effective. There are few different of dimension of BIM, each of the

dimension are develop for different purpose and services. The future of the construction

industry is digital and BIM is the future of design and long term facility management.

Government play a vital role in led and drive the industry by using this future technology

and implementing change across all industries. As hardware, software and cloud

applications herald greater capability to handle increasing amounts of raw data and

information, use of BIM will become even more pronounced than it is in current projects.

With the implementation of using BIM, the future of construction industry will more

efficient and effectively.


9.0 Reference List

(2016, December 30). What Is 5D BIM And Its Benefits. Retrieved July 09, 2017, from

5D BIM Explained. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from


BIM 3D,4D, 5D, 6D & 7D. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from

M. A. (2016, April 8). Why 4D, 5D and 6D BIM need real manufacturers’ BIM objects

hosted on a professional cloud solution. Retrieved from


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