  • 7/28/2019 CSE-B 2nd Unit Assignment Questions



    Assignment Questions1. Draw the projections of a straight line AB, 50mm long, in the following positions:

    (i) Parallel to both the HP and VP and 25mm from each.

    (ii) Parallel to and 25mm above the HP and in the VP.(iii) Parallel to and 25mm in front of the VP and in the HP.

    (iv) Perpendicular to the HP, 20mm in front of the VP and one end 15mm above the HP

    (v) Perpendicular to the VP, 35mm above the HP and one end in VP

    2. (a) Draw the projections of a line 70 mm long when it is parallel to both the HP and VP.

    The line is 20mm from both HP and VP.

    (b) Draw the projections of a line 50mm long when it is perpendicular to VP and parallel to

    HP and 20mm above HP. One end of the line is in VP.

    3. (a) Draw the projections of a line 70 mm long while it is perpendicular to HP and parallel to

    VP and 15 mm in front of VP. The end nearer to HP is 20mm above it.

    (b) Draw the projections of a 75 mm long straight line, inclined at 300 to VP with its one end

    20mm in front of it. The line is parallel to and 20mm above the HP.

    4.(a) A line AB 70mm long has its end A 20mm above HP and 20mm infront of VP. It is

    perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP. Draw its projections.

    (b) A 60mm long line DE has its end D 10mm above HP and 10mm infront of VP. The line is

    inclined at 300 to VP and parallel to HP. Draw its projections.

    5. (a) Draw the projections of a 100 mm long straight line, in the following positions.

    (i) Parallel to both the H.P. and the V.P. and 40 mm in front of the V.P. and 20 mm above

    the H.P.

    (ii) Inclined at 60o to the H.P. and its one end 20 mm above it; parallel to and 40 mm in

    front of the V.P.

    (b) The length of the top view of a line parallel to the V.P. and inclined at 30 degrees to the

    H.P. is 50 mm. one end of the line is 20 mm above the H.P. and 30 mm in front of the

    V.P. Draw the projections of the line and determine its true length.

  • 7/28/2019 CSE-B 2nd Unit Assignment Questions



    Assignment Questions

    6. (a) The front view of a 100 mm long line measures 60 mm. The line is in the horizontalplane and one of its ends is 30 mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections of the line

    and determine its inclination with the V.P.

    (b) Draw the projections of 90 mm long straight line in the following positions.

    (i) inclined at 60 degrees to the H.P. and its one end is 15 mm above the H.P; parallel to

    and 20 mm in front of V.P.

    (ii) inclined at 30 degrees to the V.P. and its one end is 10 mm in front of it; parallel to

    and 25 mm above the H.P.

    7. (a) A line AB, 80 mm long, is parallel to and 20 mm above the H.P. Its end A is 20 mm in

    front of the V.P. and the line makes an angle of 30 degrees with the V.P. Draw the

    projections of the line.

    (b) Draw the projections of a 120 mm long line for the following positions.

    (i) Perpendicular to the V.P., 40 mm above the H.P. and its one end in the V.P.

    (ii) Parallel to and 50 mm in front of the V.P. and in the H.P.

    8. (a) Draw the orthographic projection of four points P, Q, R and S about a single reference

    line, keeping the projections 20 mm apart.

    (i) P in the horizontal plane (H.P.) and 20 mm in front of the vertical plane (V.P.)

    (ii) Q 15 mm above the H.P. and 20 mm in front of the V.P.

    (iii) R 25 mm below the H.P. and 40 mm behind the V.P.

    (iv) S 30 mm below the H.P. and 25 mm in front of the V.P.

    (b) A 100 mm long line is parallel to and 40 mm above the H.P. Its two ends are 15 mm and

    50 mm in front of the V.P. respectively. Draw its projections and its inclination with the


    9. (a) Draw the projections of a 80mm long line AB perpendicular to HP with its end

    point A 20mm below HP. The line is 30mm in front of VP and the end B is above


    (b) A 60mm long line PQ is in HP with end P 20mm in front of VP and inclined at

  • 7/28/2019 CSE-B 2nd Unit Assignment Questions



    Assignment Questions300 to VP. What is the distance of Q in front of VP?

    10. (a) Draw the projections of a 80mm long line AB, when it is parallel to both HP and

    VP and 20mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP.

    (b) A point P is on HP and 20 mm in front of VP. Another point Q is also on HP and

    behind VP. The distance between their end projectors is 60 mm. Draw its

    projections if the line joining P and Q makes an angle of 600 with reference line.

    Also find the position of point Q.

    11. (a) Draw the projections of a 75mm long line AB lying in First Quadrant and

    perpendicular to HP. End A of the line is 10mm above HP and in VP.

    (b) Draw the projections of a 90mm long line PQ when it is lying in both HP and VP.

    12. (a) Draw the projection of points given below on a common reference line with

    distance between the projectors as 20mm.

    Point A is 10 mm above HP and 25 mm in front VP

    Point B is 10 mm above HP and on the VP.

    Point C is 25 mm below HP and 20 mm behind VP

    Point D is 20 mm below HP and 20 mm in front of VP

    (b) A 100mm long line AB is parallel to and 20mm in front of VP. End A is 15mm

    above HP while end B is 55mm above HP. Draw the projections of the line and

    inclination of the line with HP.

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