Page 1: Csi intertextual reference

Torches are common in thrillers as usually the lighting/tone of the film is quite dark. They create fear of the unknown and also sets an uneasy feel.

Claustrophobic spaces create a sense of nightmare and confusion which adds to the fear and tension.

Cowboy boots suggest a red-neck personality – someone to be feared? The leather suggests she is strong and undefeated even in this terrible situation.

Diegetic sound s created through ‘The Bride’s’ heavy, distressed breathing. This adds worry into the audience captivating them and making them want to watch on and find out what happens.

Page 2: Csi intertextual reference

Close ups build a relationship between the character and the audience which makes them feel sympathetic. Close up signify detail and intensify the action.

Again, similar to ‘The Bride’ in ‘Kill Bill Vol.2’ claustrophobic spaces make everything seem intense. Adds worry, nightmare and fear.

This is a superb shot of ‘Nick’ trapped. It represents him being completely alien to his surroundings as he does not know how he got there. It intensifies the situation as the audience know he hasn’t got long to live in the box. The use of a low angle shot makes the situation look massive. ‘Nick’ is made to look isolated surround by feet and feet of just mud.

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