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    CS (MAIN) EXAM, 2015

    1 - A

    GENERAL STUDIES (PAPER 1 A)India and World Geography and Indian Society

    QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION(Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions)There are TWENTY-FIVE questions divided in two Sections and printed both in HINDI and inENGLISH.All the question are compulsory.The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it.Asnwers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which mustbe stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the spaceprovided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorizedone.Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.Any page or portion of the page left black in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must beclearly struck off.


    Maximum Marks : 250Time Allowed : Three Hours

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    Answer all the questions in NOT MORE than 200 words each.Content of the answer is more important than its length. All questions carry equal marks:


    1. 1. Give an account of the direct and indirect sources which tell us about the conditions and structure of interior of the


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    2 (a). ? l2 (a). In the context of seismic waves inside the earth, what is a shadow zone? Also state the significance of this zone.

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    (b). l(b). Enumerate various intrusive and extrusive volcanic landforms with suitable diagrams.

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    3. l

    l l3. Accelerated pace of resource utilisation with the help of modern technology has created ecological imbalance in the

    world. Hence, a better understanding of physical environment and engaging in practices which are in harmony with thenature are absolutely essential for sustainable development. Comment.

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    4. l l l

    4. The geographical phenomena change over time as a result of the interactive processes between ever changing earth anduntiring and ever-active human beings. Human is an integral part of nature and nature has the imprints of human.Discuss.

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    5 (a). l |

    5 (a). With suitable diagrams describe the configuration of ocean floor. Briefly describe the features of mid-oceanicridges.

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    (b) l

    (b). Briefly explain the theory of seafloor spreading and also explain how it is different from the continental drifthypothesis of Wegener.

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    6. l l

    6. Discuss some social and cultural determinants of infant mortality rate. Give your suggestions to prevent girlinfanticide.

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    7. l l

    7. Demographic dividend can be converted into actual growth only if the rise in the working age group is accompanied byincreasing levels of education and employment. Comment.

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    8. l l8. Landslides have become frequent hazards in the Himalayan regions. Examine the causes of these landslides and

    measures needed to mitigate them.

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    9. l9. Make an account of effects of soil erosion on the environment and also enumerate the methods used in soil conservation.

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    10. ? ?10. What do you understand by Western Disturbances? How do they originate and what effect they have on Indias

    economy? Discuss.

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    11. l , l

    11. Depleting groundwater levels is said to be the biggest threat to rural livelihoods and food security in India. Examine thecauses of groundwater depletion, its effects and remedies to halt its further depletion.

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    12. , | |

    12. In India the incidence of heat wave is on the rise mainly due to anthropologically induced climate change and relatedfactors. What measures should be taken to deal with the adverse effects of it?

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    13. - l13. Discuss the influence of socio-cultural factors on family planning in India and on the declining sex-ratio in some states

    of India.

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    14. l l

    14. The tide of women empowerment can sweep across India not by shouting slogans but only when it originates in theIndian households. Analyze the statement.

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    15. - - l

    l15. Civil society in India seeks to find remedies for the citizens aggrieved from prevalent ills in the socio-economic-political

    sphere, but in the recent times it has been facing questions on its legitimacy and credibility. Analyze critically.

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    16. ? l

    16. What are the factors which influence the climate of India? Also explain the mechanism and characteristics of IndianMonsoon.

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    17. l - ?

    17. Tertiary and quaternary industries will play crucial role in making India a global economic power. What are thelocational factors in the growth of tertiary and quaternary industries?

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    18. l ?

    18. In the recent times India has seen a rapid growth and development of automobile industry. What are the possible factorswhich have caused this growth? Explain.

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    19. , ,

    | ? 119. The constitutional safeguards for the minorities in India have ensured that they feel at par with the majority groups, but

    the Indian society in general has still not presented itself as a protector of the minorities. Do you agree with thestatement? Give your views.

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    20. l l

    20. Explain with suitable diagram/s the process of formation of Northern Plains of India. Briefly explain its divisions and itsimportance to Indias economy.

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    21. , l |

    21. Arctic ocean is the reservoir which has the potential to solve the resource crisis of world. Critically examine the potentialimpact of exploring various resources under the melting Arctic ice.

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    22. - l

    |22. Chronic underdevelopment complemented by ethnic and cultural diversity has fuelled the peril of regionalism in India.

    Giving in to the demands of supporters of regionalism has serious effects on the socio-political structure of India.Critically analyze.

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    23. , , l

    ? l23. In recent times civil society has been demanding the criminalization of marital rape but popular opinion considers it not

    in the Indian context due to illiteracy, poverty, social customs, religious beliefs, and other factors. Do you agree with thisview? Critically analyse.

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    24. - l ? - l

    24. Despite the significant changes in Indian society with modernity, it is an irony that there is an emergence of Godmen andGod-women not only in rural areas but also in urban metropolitan centres. What are the reasons behind thisphenomenon? Also enumerate its socio-economic consequences.

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    25. l l

    ?25. The reservation policy has been used in the State mainly in vote bank politics played around the castes and has failed in

    including the people at the bottom in the mainstream economy and society. Critically analyze. What can be the measuresto make it inclusive and more effective?

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