
Service learning

Over 20 transfer programs

Over 250 transfer classes

Coopera�ve educa�on work experience

Student art exhibits, musical performances, literary and arts

magazine, curriculum newsle�er

Statewide agreement with the 16 UNC ins�tu�ons





Why do 3,400 students start their four-year degree at CFCC?







We hope this guide will enhance your educational experiences as you transition from CFCC to the institution of your choice.

Good Luck!


Ms. Jackie Foster, Counselor, CFCCMs. Linda Kasyan, Director of Enrollment Management, CFCC

Ms. Vivian Boykin, Director of Counseling, CFCCMs. Ann Marie Beall, Associate Director of Transfer Admissions, UNCW

Ms. Rebecca Egbert, Senior Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions, UNC-CHMs. Karen Brown, Communication Instructor/Service Learning Coordinator, CFCC

Ms. Lynn Benson, Facilitator, Learning Lab, CFCCMr. Phil Farinholt, Registrar, CFCC

Ms. Jo-Ann Craig, Financial Aid Director/Veterans Coordinator, CFCCMs. Gwen Morris, Assistant Coordinator, Disability Support Services, CFCC

Ms. Robin Hardin, Huskins and Cooperative Education Program Coordinator/Instructor, CFCCDr. Larolyn Zylicz, Chair, Distance Learning, CFCC

Mr. Robert Puckett, Chair, Social and Behavioral Sciences, CFCCMs. Subi Rajendra, Learning Lab Coordinator, CFCC

Ms. Orangel Daniels, Dean of Arts and Sciences, CFCC


Gree�ngs, Students,

Welcome to CFCC!

What could be more rewarding than an opportunity to pursue a dream! For some of you, this is a first chance; for others, another chance. Appreciate your struggle and those who are cheering you to victory. Be your own cheerleader: stay focus, apply yourself, sacrifice, expect to earn your grade, and learn how to learn.

Here are some �ps to help you accomplish your goals:

1. Expect the work to be more challenging than your work in high school 2. Adapt to various teaching styles and ask ques�ons when in doubt 3. Take notes in class and review them a�er the class ends 4. Learn the name of your instructor and read the first-day handout, observing a�endance policies,

deadlines for submi�ng work, etc. 5. Expect no study guides or extra credit assignments 6. Expect to read, research, write, work in groups, do homework, and give oral presenta�ons 7. Take advantage of free tutoring by visi�ng the Learning Lab 8. Read your catalog/handout and learn school policies and procedures 9. Keep all school-related receipts, copies of graded assignments, and a record of your a�endance 10. A�end classes on �me, do not exceed your absences, know the dates you may withdraw from a class

without penalty (refer to the school catalog), and remember to complete a withdrawal form and submit the form to the Registrar’s Office for processing

11. Read your CampusCruiser email and stay informed about important school-related ac�vi�es/announcements

12. See your personal advisor each year, learn and follow your program requirements, register early, and pay your tui�on on �me so that your classes are not purged.

The faculty and staff of CFCC look forward to seeing you at your gradua�on. You will find us in a special sec�on of the Schwartz Center—smiling, clapping, and beaming with pride--just cheering you on to greater accomplishments. Soon it will be your turn to help others li� themselves.

Now, this is what I expect from you at the transfer ins�tu�on: establish a good grade-point average and maintain it. Your academic performance impacts CFCC’s reputa�on and many resources for students who want to follow in your footsteps.

Lead the way and thank you for choosing CFCC!


Orangel DanielsDean, Arts and [email protected]. #: 910-362-7129Room S201E

College Transfer Programs at CFCCThe college transfer/university-parallel programs at CFCC are designed for students planning to enroll in an Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Fine Arts degree and ultimately transferring to a four-year North Carolina college or university that endorses the statewide Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (explained later in the guide). This guide focuses mainly on two program completers —Associate in Arts and Associate in Science—but includes information that benefits all transfer students.

The Associate in Arts ProgramsThe Associate in Arts: General Studies program is recommended for students who need a strong liberal arts background. CFCC also offers special transfer tracks or premajors for certain liberal arts majors, like Psychology. Students may earn Associate in Arts degrees in 20 premajors. The intent of the premajors is to help students transfer as juniors in the majors. In reality, the premajors are generic and may not satisfy all the requirements of the respective majors at the 16 UNC institutions. Therefore, CFCC has attempted to parallel its premajors (as much as possible) to the respective majors at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW), the primary transfer institution of CFCC students.

The Associate in Science Program

This program requires more math and science and is recommended for majors like Biology/Biology Education, Math/Math Education, Chemistry, Computer Science, and Engineering. Compared to the Associate in Arts programs, the Associate in Science requires more math and science courses; fewer humanities/fine arts and social science courses; a two-course sequence in general biology, general chemistry, or general physics; and a higher level math in the general education core.

The Associate in Fine Arts (AFA) ProgramsThe Drama premajor enables students to concentrate in one of three areas: Acting for the Stage, Acting for Television and Film, and Technical Theatre. Unlike the other transfer programs, the AFA has only 28 hours of the general education core but 36-37 electives. Students are advised to contact the senior institution early to find out if they will be required to take additional general education courses after transfer. If additional core courses are required, students may use the core courses to fulfill some free elective requirements in the AFA program.

The Music and Music Education premajor is another AFA program.


Business Administration, Accounting, Economics, Finance, and Marketing A1010B

Business Education and Marketing Education A1010C

Communication/Communication Studies A10100O

Criminal Justice A1010D

Elementary Education A1010R

English A1010E

English Education A1010F

History A1010H

Information Systems A1010V

Mass Communication/Journalism A1010W

Middle Grades Education A1011A

Nursing A1010I

Political Science A1010K

Psychology A1010L

Social Work A1010Q

Sociology A1010N

Special Education A1010Z


Music and Music Education A1020D

ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE General Studies A10400

ASSOCIATE IN ARTS General Studies A10100 1

Campus Life


CampusCruiser is a web-based portal that links all aspects of campus life to create a community environment. It provides services to every student such as email, campus

announcements, personal file space, and class web space. WebAdvisor is integrated directly in CampusCruiser, so that students can search, register, and pay for classes, check on finacial aid arrangements, update addresses, and more. Students are encouraged to check CampusCruiser on a regular basis to receive important college information. A link to CampusCruiser is on CFCC’s website at

Stay Connected!

Program Codes

Eff ective now, CFCC off ers two transfer diplomas. The

diplomas are one-year programs and consist of 44-47 hours: 44-46 hours of the general education core and 1 optional elective. Reminder: Most math “general education core” courses and all foreign language “general education core” courses require labs. When you register for these courses, always select the lab section that corresponds with the lecture section.

The transfer diploma may be awarded to students who complete the 44-hour general education core of an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science program and who plan to transfer without an associate degree. Students must earn at least a grade of “C” or better in each course, earn an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or above, and obtain acceptance. Reminder: A senior institution may require a higher grade-point average, and students must comply with all admission requirements. Completion of the diploma means that all basic studies requirements have been met.

The diploma requirements are

1. Associate in Arts Diploma

A total of 44-46 SHC from the general education core, consisting of

6 SHC of English composition

12 SHC of humanities/fi ne arts (One of the following courses is required to substitute for 3 SHC of humanities/fi ne arts: COM 110 or 120 or 231. COM 231 is recommended.)

12 SHC of social/behavioral sciences

6 SHC of mathematics

8 SHC of natural science.

Transfer Core Diploma Programs A total of 44-46 SHC from the general education

core, consisting of

6 SHC of English composition

9 SHC of humanities/fi ne arts (One of the following courses is required to substitute for 3 SHC of humanities/fi ne arts: COM 110 or 120 or 231. COM 231 is recommended.)

9 SHC of social/behavioral sciences

20 SHC of natural sciences and mathematics, which includes a minimum of 6 SHC of mathematics and 8 SHC of natural sciences.

REQUIREMENT: All diploma candidates must demonstrate basic computer competency.

OPTIONAL FOR EACH DIPLOMA PROGRAM: A transfer elective or a non-college transfer course of one (1) semester hour, like ACA 122- College Transfer Success or COE 111 -Co-op Work Experience, may be included as long as the course is listed in the two-year program. This credit hour is optional. Depending on the course selection, a student’s total credit hours may be more than 44 hours since all foreign language core courses and many math courses require labs.


Online Associate in Arts: General Studies Degree

Distance Learning (DL) provides CFCC students the opportunity to earn an Associate in Arts: General

Studies degree online. All students follow the same CFCC application process and then choose online

courses to fulfi ll the degree requirements. For general information about DL, go to You will also fi nd specifi c information about this online

degree at:


The Learning Lab provides the following services to enhance your college success:

• One-One-Tutoring † Englsih † Math † Chemistry † Physics † Biology † Anatomy & Physiology † Psychology † Sociology † Accounting † Microbiology † Microbiology † Marine Science † Spanish † Computer Applications

• Reading & Writing Center

• Online Tutoring

• Computer use for all students, including students with special needs (hearing- & sight-impaired students)

• Study, test-taking, and note-taking skills

f r e eT U T O R I N G

Wilmington CampusL 218 (L Building)

Phone: (910) 362 - 7137

North CampusI 113 (in the Library)

Phone: (910) 362 - 7554

2. Associate in Science Diploma

To enroll in any senior institution in the University of North Carolina (UNC) System, students whose high school class graduated in 1990 or later should have completed the following high

school requirements (Students who graduated from high school prior to 1990 may receive special considerations and should contact the receiving institution for this information.):

Four (4) units of English (emphasizing grammar, composition, and literature) Two (2) units of a language other than English (for students who graduate from high school in

2003-04 and beyond) Four (4) units of mathematics in any of the following combinations: Algebra I and II and geometry and one unit beyond Algebra II, or Algebra I and II and two units beyond Algebra II, or Integrated Mathematics I, II, and III and one unit beyond Integrated Math III (The fourth unit

of mathematics aff ects applicants to all UNC institutions except the North Carolina School of Arts. The mathematics courses with Algebra II as a prerequisite that meet the new UNC Minimum Course Requirement are AP Calculus; AP Statistics; Pre-Calculus, formerly Advanced Math; Discrete Mathematics; IB Mathematics IV; and Advanced Functions and Modeling.)

Two (2) units of social studies (including one unit of US history) Three (3) units of science (including a unit of life or biological science, a unit of physical

science, and at least one laboratory course).

If a student is defi cient in just one of the above MCR requirements, the student is considered defi cient in MCR and must choose one of the following ways to remove the defi ciency:

1) Obtain an Associate in Arts degree or an Associate in Science degree or an Associate in Fine Arts degree

2) Obtain the 44-hour general education core or the Transfer Core Diploma (off ered in the Associate in Arts: General Studies and in the Associate in Science: General Studies program.) Recommendation: Take two math courses with M-A-T prefi xes unless you contact the senior institution and learn that it accepts the CIS 110 as the second math. All senior institutions are supposed to accept the CIS 110, according to the CAA, but they do not.

3) Obtain the 66666 (must be general education core courses listed in the college transfer programs; just refer to the core in the Associate in Arts: General Studies program (refer to pages 65-67 of the CFCC 2007-08 Catalog/Handbook):

a) 6 hours of freshman composition (ENG 111 and 112 or 113 or 114). ENG 112 is the standard second composition.

b) 6 hours of a foreign language sequence

c) 6 hours of social and behavioral sciences

d) 6 hours of math (select the math that is required for your intended major)

e) 6 hours of natural sciences

In many cases, an MCR defi ciency has occured because a student did not take Algebra II in high school.

Support Services at CFCCFinancial Aid

Transferrring from another college/university?Once you are certain that you will attend CFCC, be sure to contact the Financial Aid Offi ce at your current school to decline any fi nancial aid that is in process for you to receive there. It is recommended that this step be done prior to July 1 for fall semester and prior to December 1 for spring semester.

Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and designate CFCC as the school to which the results should be sent by providing CFCC’s federal school code (005320). Financial aid does not automatically transfer from one school to another. If you have already completed a FAFSA and did not originally include CFCC, you must add CFCC’s federal school code. You may electronically complete an initial application or revise an existing application at

An award status notifi cation will be sent to you once you have been accepted to CFCC and your FAFSA data has been received and reviewed.

Veterans Benefi ts for Transfer StudentsOnce you are certain that you will attend CFCC, please call Ms. Rachel Cavenaugh, CFCC’s Veterans Benefi ts Advisor, at 910-362-7317, to schedule an appointment.

Additional fi nancial aid and veterans benefi ts information are available at naid.

The Minim

um Course Requirem

ents (MCR)

for Undergraduate A

dmission to U

NC Institutions


Transferring from CFCC to another institution?Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and designate the school(s) you wish to attend as the school(s) to which the results should be sent. You may electronically complete an initial application or add a new school to an existing application at Financial aid does not automatically transfer from one school to another.

Contact the Financial Aid Offi ce at the school(s) you wish to attend to determine applicable deadline dates and application materials required in addition to the FAFSA, if any.

Once you are certain you will attend a school other than CFCC, contact the Financial Aid Offi ce at CFCC to decline any fi nancial aid that is currently in process.

Disability Support Services (DSS)CFCC off ers disability services at both campuses to ensure ADA compliance and provide access to reasonable curriculum accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Possible types of disabilities served include physical; visual; hearing or mobility impairments; learning disabilities; medical conditions such as seizure disorders, brain injuries, HIV/AIDS, or cerebral palsy; and mental health conditions such as depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Accommodations help provide students complete access to and full participation in the educational process. It is the responsibility of the student to make timely disclosure of a disability, provide documentation of the disability, and register with Disability Support Services (DSS). Instructors will not provide accommodations for students without the appropriate paperwork from DSS. Student diability records are treated as confi dential information and are not a part of the academic records in the Registrar’s Offi ce.

For additional information, you may contact Disability Support Services Offi ce (A215), telephone numbers (910)362-7158 or (910) 362-7012.


Student Activities

Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the total educational programs at CFCC and fulfi ll the College’s mission by providing a variety of activities that enrich students’ lives:

Athletics, Clubs and Organizations• Athletics and Intramural Activites � Women’s and Men’s Soccer � Golf � Basketball � Volleyball• Student Governent Association• Jazz• Spanish • Drama• Bible• Nursing• Phi Theta Kappa and many more...

To make it easier for students to transfer between the 58 North Carolina community colleges and

the 16 institutions in the University of North Carolina System, the North Carolina General Assembly mandated the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA). In addition, 23 private colleges and universities in North Carolina endorse the agreement. The CAA is like an insurance policy, offering protection to community college students if they meet certain criteria and ensuring that their courses will transfer.

The agreement applies to students who are pursuing an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree and provides guidance to those who are pursuing an Associate in Fine Arts degree. The Associate in Arts and the Associate in Science degrees consist of a general education core of at least 44 semester hours and 20-21 semester hours of electives. Since the Associate in Fine Arts degree contains only 28 semester hours in the general education core, students may still be required to complete the core or the basic studies requirements of the receiving institution.

The core provides opportunities for students to understand the philosophy, literature, institutions, and art of their own culture and other cultures; to understand math and science; to communicate with others and develop a sense of community. The core also helps students demonstrate competencies in the following: reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and the basic use of computers. The electives or “Other Required Hours” provide opportunities for students to explore other areas of interest.

In the North Carolina Community College System, transfer courses are classified as “general education core” or as “electives” (listed in the CFCC catalog as “Other Required Hours”). Under CAA guidelines, general education courses may be used as electives, but electives may not be used to fulfill general education requirements.

Students must meet the receiving university’s foreign language and/or health and physical education requirements, if applicable, before or after transfer to the senior institution. Only 64 semester hours are guaranteed to transfer.

To receive maximum benefit from the CAA, students may transfer as juniors if they follow these guidelines:

• Earn an Associate in Arts degree or an Associate in Science degree.

• Earn a grade of “C” or better in all CAA courses.

• Earn an overall grade-point average of a “C” or a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale at the time of transfer. (Note: The 2.0 is based on CFCC’s calculation; however, once a student is admitted to a UNC institution, a student’s GPA may be recalculated before the student is admitted into a major. If the receiving institution requires a higher GPA for admission, the student must comply with the higher GPA.

• Obtain acceptance at the UNC institution.

If students elect not to obtain an associate degree but opt to obtain a Transfer Core Diploma, they may still transfer their general education core (44 semester hours) provided that they have earned a “C” in each CAA course, earned an overall grade-point average of a “C” (or the grade-point average specified by the senior institution), and obtained acceptance. These students will need to file “an Intent-to-Graduate” (form housed in Student Development); the filing dates are

listed in the CFCC catalog.

If students do not complete an associate degree (minimum of 64 semester hours) or the general education core (minimum of 44 semester hours), receiving institutions will evaluate the transfer credits on a course-by-course basis; and students will come under the basic studies requirements of the receiving institution.

The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (Date of Implementation: Fall of 1997)


Under the CAA, no student is guaranteed admission to the UNC institution of his/

her choice or to any specific program or professional school in the institution.

Admission is a competitive process!

Top 10 Things a College Transfer Student Should Know(from Phil Farinholt, the Registrar)

1. Our classes are as challenging as those at four-year institutions. Please attend class, allow time for studying, and remain current with your assignments. You can do it!

2. CLEP exams (you may take them at UNC-W) are the only way to test out of college transfer courses. CLEP scores are nationally recognized.

3. Check your CampusCruiser daily! It’s the best way for you to be informed about campus news, including important emails from your instructors and college staff.

4. Use WebAdvisor to view your own academic records, register online, receive grades, and track progress towards graduation.

5. Register early! This is the only way to help ensure you’ll get the classes and times you need. You can register early without having to pay right away.

6. It is never too early to visit the college you plan to attend after Cape Fear Community College. Let the faculty/staff of your transfer institution know that you are serious about attending their institution and seek their advice on courses to take while with us.

7. Plan to complete your AA, AS, or AFA degree with us before transferring. It makes transferring so much easier and favorable for you. Reminder: you will get the maximum CAA benefit if you complete a transfer degree; you will get the minimum CAA benefit if you complete a transfer diploma.

8. Properly withdraw from classes and receive grades of “W” or “WP.” If you stop coming to a class and you don’t complete a withdrawal form, you may receive a grade of “F.” Please avoid any punitive grades! Federal aid funds (Pell Grant, Academic Competitiveness Grant, SEO Grant, Stafford and PLUS Loans) may need to be returned to the Federal Government if you withdraw from ALL classes before the end of the semester. This will result in your owing a balance to CFCC and/or the U.S. Department of Education.

9. Plan to graduate? Are you in your last semester? Make sure to complete an Intent-to-Graduate; this form is housed in the Registrar’s Office. Be sure to apply before you register for your final classes so the Registrar’s Office can furnish you an exact list of what you need to graduate.

10. Send final transcripts. Be sure to request that a transcript be sent to your four-year college after your final grades are posted and after your graduation information is posted. Sometimes students are waiting to hear if they have been accepted from a receiving institution while the receiving institution is waiting to receive the student’s final transcript.

The Transfer Assured Admission Policy (TAAP)(Implementation date: Fall 2005)

Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree students are now assured of admission to one of the 16 UNC institutions. The language of this policy is outlined as follows:

• Admission is not assured to a specifi c campus, program, or major.

• Students must have graduated from a North Carolina community college with an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree.

• Students must meet all requirements of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.

• A student must have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, as calculated by the college from which he or she graduated, and a grade of “C” or better in all CAA courses. (For acceptance into the senior institution, the GPA of a student will be based on CFCC’s calculation and not on the receiving institution’s recalculation. However, the GPA of a student may be recalculated before the student is allowed to enter a particular major.)

If a student is denied admission to a UNC institution, he or she should receive a letter from that institution directing him/her to the College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) website. At this website (, the student will be presented with the conditions of the TAAP. If these conditions are met, the student will be given information regarding space availability and contacts within the UNC system. The student should contact those institutions to get specifi c information about admissions and available majors.In the rare instance that the previous steps do not result in admission to a UNC institution, the student should then contact the CFNC Resource Center at 1-866-866-CFNC.

Bilateral AgreementsIn addition to the CAA, CFCC graduates may benefi t from three bilateral agreements:

• Agreement with UNC-Wilmington (UNCW)—UNCW has a special agreement with fi fteen North Carolina community colleges, including CFCC. Students are assured of admission to UNCW if space is available and if the students meet the following criteria:

a. Earn a grade of “C” or better in all CAA courses

b. Earn an overall grade-point average of 3.0

c. Complete the admission process

Students should plan to enroll in the summer or the fall because UNCW does not accept transfers in the spring.

• Agreement with UNC-Pembroke

• Agreement with Fayetteville State University


New in College TransferTransfer credit for courses that originate at a UNC institution or independent college or university that is part of the CAA is acceptable as part of a student’s successfully completed general education core or associate in arts or associate in science program under the CAA. Twenty-four (24) of the thirty-six (36) independent colleges and universities in North Carolina endorse the CAA.

Transfer courses that do not originate at a North Carolina community college may be used under the CAA with the following stipulations:

1. Courses must be granted from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.

2. Courses must meet the general education core requirements

3. Courses may total no more than 14 semester hours of credit of the general education core

4. For courses not originating at a North Carolina community college, if the courses are used to complete the associate in arts (AA) or associate in science (AS) degree or the general education core (44 hours), the course will be taken as a complete package. Otherwise, the receiving UNC institution will consider the courses on a course-by-course basis.

All transfer courses in the CAA must transfer as a general education core or a premajor course or an elective.

• Students must be academically eligible for re-admission to the last institution attended.

• Students must meet judicial requirements of the institution to which the student applies. (Example: If a student has a 4.0 GPA but presents a safety concern, the student may be denied admission.)

• Students must meet all application requirements at the receiving institution, including the submission of all required documentation by stated deadlines.

at the receiving institution, including the

The University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW) B.S. in Clinical Research (CLR) degree prepares

individuals for participation in the science and business of developing health care products, such as drugs, biologics, and devices. In 2004, UNCW admitted its inaugural class to the Clinical Research Program within the School of Nursing. The B.S. in Clinical Research degree was developed in partnership with Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc., to address the growing need for skilled professionals in the biopharmaceutical industry. UNCW is the only public university in North Carolina that off ers a B.S. in Clinical Research.

The B.S. in Clinical Research is a non-nursing, four-year degree. The degree is also not a laboratory bench science degree, and it is ideal for individuals seeking to establish or enhance their careers in the biopharmaceutical industry. The curriculum includes instruction regarding clinical trial protocol development, data management, clinical trial monitoring, regulatory aff airs, regulatory compliance, scientifi c writing, and biopharmaceutical marketing. The UNCW B.S. in Clinical Research degree may be completed completely on-line. This web-based format benefi ts not only traditional students but also industry professionals with the opportunity to pursue the degree while continuing their employment.

Degree Requirements (125 total credits)

• 64 semester credit hours of prerequisite courses and Basic Studies with a required minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA

• 61 semester credit hours of Clinical Research Core courses (i.e., third- and fourth-year courses), including 12 hours of Internship in the senior year.

R����������� ��� A�������� �� ��� B.S. �� C������� R������� P������ ��� O���� R�����������

Admission to the Clinical Research Program is contingent upon the following:

• Admission to UNCW• Completion of Basic Studies and prerequisite

courses with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher• Minimum of “C” (2.0) or higher in all required

CLR prerequisite courses (refer to the Clinical Research Degree Requirements at

• Completed application to Clinical Research Program accompanied by applicable fee

Transfer and Returning Students/SalaryTransfer credits are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to assure relevance and consistency across the curriculum. Students transferring science course credit more than ten years old will be evaluated by the Clinical Research faculty for relevance.

Senior internship requirements

• Current immunizations (including TB and Hepatitis)• CPR certifi cation• Professional liability insurance• Verifi cation of health insurance• Negative drug screen

Graduates of the Clinical Research Program average between $40,000 and $47,000 per year, and UNCW’s fi rst-year graduates have been experiencing 7% to 15% raises/promotion after one year in the industry.

A����������, T������, ��� F���

For more information regarding the B.S. in Clinical Research Program, including application and deadlines, refer to the CLR link on the UNCW School of Nursing web site located at or please contact:

Kris Walters, MSM, Ph.D.Director, Clinical Research Program

Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Wilmington601 South College Road

Wilmington, N.C. 28403-5995Teelphone: (910) 962-3640

Fax: (910) 962-7656E-mail: [email protected]

Curriclum worksheets for the Clinical Research program are available in the Arts and Sciences carousels, which house the worksheets for all College Transfer programs.

At UNC Chapel Hill

• You are expected to complete your four-year degree in eight (8) semesters (summers excluded in the total). If you don’t, you must meet with an advisor to petition additional semesters!

• Effective fall of 2008, transfer students must have at least 60 transferable hours to have junior standing. If a student is classified as a junior, the SAT scores are not required.

• You are advised to take courses in the different disciplines and to have a diverse curriculum. CH would like for transfers to complete their foreign language requirement at a community college before entering CH if the transfers started the language at the community college. All CH majors require a foreign language at level 3 (example: SPA 211); some majors require a foreign language at level 4. If students with an associate degree have taken only the elementary foreign language sequence (SPA 111 and 112), students would not have met the foreign language requirement for CH. SPA 211 and/or 212 is needed.

If students transfer with only SPA 111 and/or 112, students are strongly encouraged to take a foreign language placement exam at CH.

• When you repeat courses at CH, all grades are used in the GPA calculation. No tossing the lowest grade away!

D i d y o u k n o w t h a t . . .

At UNC-Wilmington

• A 2.5 grade point average (GPA) is required to be considered for admission! (If students have not obtained the 2.5, they should remain at CFCC, take additional classes to raise their GPA, and re-apply or seek admission at another UNC institution that accepts less than a 2.5 GPA.) In addition to GPA and hours completed, UNCW will consider the following:

1. Individual grades received in courses and the academic rigor of courses completed.

2. Declared major and courses completed toward that major.

3. Essay, extra curricular activities, and work experience.

4. High school GPA and coursework, if student is applying with fewer than 24 semester hours completed.

• Students need to decide their major early and take the appropriate courses at CFCC.

• Grades of “D’s” and “F’s” earned at CFCC are red flags; students should show progress in their academic performance.

• UNCW Admissions will be reviewing transfer transcripts to see how close students are to completing their general education core and/or preparing for their major.

• UNCW freshmen are required to write an essay; this requirement has been in place for five years. Effective fall of 2008, transfer students will also be required to write an essay.

• Transfer students must declare a major at the time of application to UNCW. “Undecided” is not an option!

• If students who are awarded the Transfer Diploma earn more than the maximum 47 credit hours, UNCW will evaluate the extra courses on a course-by-course basis.

• Effective fall of 2007, UNCW is offering three new scholarships dedicated exclusively to transfer students and two others which can be awarded to transfer students if there is no eligible freshman candidate. These merit-based scholarships are awarded to community college students and are renewable each year provided the student maintains a 3.0 or better cumulative GPA at UNCW.

In addition to the GPA, transferable hours, major, geographic location, awards/honors, and community service will be considered for the scholarship.

Ann Marie Beall Associate Director

Transfer Admissions, UNCW Wilmington, NC 28403

7 6

E n r i c h i n g E d u c a t i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e s . . .

Cooperative Education Work Experience: Work-Based Learning Opportuni�es for College Transfer Students

The Cooperative Education at CFCC allows students to earn college credit for on-the-job learning. Students in this program participate in semester-long internships, paid or unpaid, that help them to learn and master skills related to their educational and careers goals.

Area employers who have provided internships for college transfer students include WWAY TV3, The Wilmington Star News, and CFCC offices. Several other area organizations and employers are interested in setting up internships for our college transfer students, including New Hanover County Schools and other local television and radio stations.

Eligible college transfer students will be at least 18 years old, will have a minimum GPA of 2.0, and will have completed at least nine semester hours in one of the following programs:

• Associate in Arts: General Studies

• Associate in Arts: Business Administration, Accounting, Economics, Finance, and Marketing

• Associate in Arts: Communication Studies

• Associate in Fine Arts: Drama.

Beginning Fall 2009, students in other college transfer programs will be eligible to participate in cooperative education.

To learn more about this program, visit our website at or contact Robin Hardin, Coopera�ve Educa�on Coordinator, at 362-7115 or [email protected].

Service Learning Experience A Time to Serve, A Time to Learn

Academic service learning is a pedagogical model that intentionally integrates learning and relevant community service. It combines community service with classroom instruction, focusing on critical and refelctive thinking as well as personal and civic resposiblity. This model involves students in activities that address local needs while developing students’ academic skills and commitment to their community.

Opportunity to:

√ Obtain real hands-on experience

√ Develop leadership skills

√ Learn outside the classroom

√ Make a difference in the community and society

√ Enhance your knowledge and understanding of course material

√ Provide insight into future careers

For more information, please contact: Karen Brown

Service Learning Coordinator/Instructor Phone: (910) 362-7236

email: [email protected]

“I think I learned more from this project than I could have from a book. You can tell someone that society or people do certain things and why, but until you observe it or interact in it, it is difficult to grasp.”

“I learned that I am a born educator. I absolutely loved it. This experience made me feel really good about myself because the children respected me and made me feel really good about helping them. I loved it so much that I got a permanent job as a teacher’s assistant.”

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