
E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 8 4

Travel Arrangements by: Thomas P. GohaGan & ComPany u Eleven South LaSalle Street u Second Floor u Chicago, Illinois 60603-1240 u (800) 922-3088




sanTa Clara

Viñales Valley


Gulf of Mexico



Pinar del río


Caribbean Sea

Atlantic Ocean

Air Routing

UNESCOWorld Heritage Site




hoTel naCional de CubaCentrally located with sweeping views of Havana, Cuba’s most historic and iconic grande dame hotel has played a key part in the city’s history and identity since the 1930s, having hosted world leaders such as Winston Churchill and Kofi Annan and Cuban and international luminaries.

meliá Cohiba hoTelLocated on the waterfront in Havana’s downtown Vedado district, the Meliá Cohiba hotel provides comfortable amenities and service.

meliá las ameriCasIn the Meliá las aMeriCas, located near culturally rich Matanzas, your guest room will feature a balcony.

hoTel ameriCaLocated in the heart of Santa Clara, this small hotel has a distinctive Cuban feel.

OctOber 18 tO 26, 2015

meals and aCCommodaTions u One night in the Hilton MiaMi airport Hotel with included breakfast.

u Round-trip Miami/Havana, Cuba flights.

u All accommodations in Cuba included, featuring the historic Hotel nacional de cuba, the Meliá las aMericas Hotel, the Hotel aMerica and the Meliá coHiba Hotel.

u All meals included while in Cuba. u Wine or beer and soft drinks included with lunch and dinner; coffee and tea with all meals.

exClusive loCal PeoPle‑To‑PeoPle hosTed exCursions and CulTural enriChmenTs

u Informative introduction to student life in Cuba at Havana University.

u Walking tour of Old Havana, a UNESCO World Heritage site, with local architects.

u People-to-People homestyle lunch to be shared with an organic farmer’s family.

u Transfer in private antique automobiles to dinner in an authentic paladar, a family-run private home restaurant.

u Visits to the 16th-century Plaza de Armas, the Antique Automobile museum in Old Havana.

u Interaction with local artists in the Muraleando Community Project, an art district in Havana.

u Visit to a school of arts in Matanzas to meet students.

u In Matanzas, visits to the 19th-century Triolet family pharmacy and to the Ediciones Vigía Publishing Collective, where books are still handmade.

u Classical music concert in Ermita de Monserrate and opportunity to meet musicians and directors.

u Conversation with elder Cubans in a typical community senior citizens’ center, Casa de Abuelos, in Santa Clara.

u Visit to the History Museum of the Revolution, Santa Clara.

u Hosted tour of Santa Clara’s grand colonial Teatro de la Caridad.

u Visit to the Afro-Cuban museum, Guanabacoa and discussion with followers of the Santería religion.

u Visit to the icon of La Virgen de Regla, patron saint of fishermen in historic Regla.

u Excursion into the UNESCO World Heritage-designated Viñales Valley, discussion with a tobacco farmer and a cigar-rolling demonstration.

u Visit to a community project for young people with Down Syndrome to interact with volunteers.

u Visit to the home and studio of renowned Cuban artist José Rodríguez Fuster.

u Music performance by and discussion with musicians from the Cuban Institute of Music.

u Spanish language introduction of Cuban dialect basic phrases and pronunciation.

From $4995 per person, double occupancy (approximate land with air Miami/Havana/Miami pricing only)

Send to: Temple University Alumni Association c/o Thomas P. Gohagan & Company Eleven South LaSalle Street, Second Floor Chicago, IL 60603-1240

o Please send me/us a detailed 2015 Cuba brochure.

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Enclosed is my/our check(s) for $________________ as deposit ($800 per person).

Make check(s) payable to Thomas P. Gohagan & Company. Deposits can also be made by credit card.

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Tour No. 132-10/18/15-220

CUBAan exTraordinary “PeoPle‑To‑PeoPle” oPPorTuniTy

TemPle universiTy alumni assoCiaTion

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