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  • 8/21/2019 Curent Affairs 9&10



    9th & 10th , 2015

    World’s first solar powered aircraft on global journey- Solar Impulse 2 

    successfully landed in Ahmedabad, Gujarat !he aircraft was piloted by Swiss

    pilots "ertrand #iccard and Andre "orschberg from its first halt $uscat, %man

    Senior &ongress leader and 'ormer (nion $inister $r $ )eerappa $oily will

    recei*e the Saraswati Samman 2+ for his .annada poem /0amayana

    $ahan*eshanam’ !he award would ma1e $r $ )eerappa $oily the second

    .annada author to recei*e the honour after S "hyrappa 32++4

    %n + $arch 2+5, 6th 0aising 7ay of &entral Industrial Security 'orce 3&IS'4

    was obser*ed

    8th edition of India-9epal &ombined :;ercise Surya .iran )III concluded on 8

    $arch 2+5 at Salijhandi in 9epal

    $aharashtra go*ernment has launched "hagyashree scheme for girls !he

    scheme replaces state go*ernment’s pre*ious Su1anya scheme Actress

    "hagyashree is the brand ambassador of the scheme (nder the Su1anya

    scheme, the state go*ernment was to earmar1 an amount of 0s 2,2++ for each

    girl child born in a "elow the #o*erty ine 3"#4 family While the "hagyashree 

    scheme aims at pro*iding one la1h rupee on maturity after the girl completes 8

    years of age

    9orth :ast India’s first .isan &all &entre 3.&&4 was opened in Agartala, !ripura It

    was launched by !ripura &hief $inister $ani1 Sar1ar

    #rime $inister 9arendra $odi on < $arch 2+5 launched the first indigenously

    de*eloped and manufactured 0ota*irus *accine- 0ota*ac !he *accine will boost

    India’s efforts to combat infant mortality due to diarrhoe

    #a1istan on < $arch 2+5 successfully conducted the first test of surface-to-surface Shaheen-III ballistic missile off the Arabian Sea !he missile, also called

    White 'alcon-III in :nglish has been de*eloped by #a1istan’s Space and (pper

    Atmosphere 0esearch &ommission 3S(#A0&%4 and 9:S&%$ along with its

    subsidiary 97&

    .erala !ourism has won sil*er pri=e in the prestigious Golden Gate Award at the

  • 8/21/2019 Curent Affairs 9&10



    9th & 10th , 2015

    Internationale !ourismus-">rse "erlin 3I!"-"erlin4 ? 2+5

    (nion 0ailway $inister Suresh #rabhu on 26 'ebruary 2+5 presented the

    0ailway "udget 2+5-6 in the #arliament

    "elow are the highlights of this "udget@

    0ailway 'ares 9o new hi1e in passenger fares While, the 'reight fares ha*e been

    raised incase of urea by +, iron and steel by +8, 1erosene and coo1ing gas

    by +8, coal by 6B and cement by 2C

    0ailway 'inances #lan "udget is gone up by 52 percent 0s +++ crore for

    financial year 2+5-6 compared to 0s 65C8< crore in 'D 2+-5

    'or ne;t fi*e year en*isaged in*estment for railways is 0s 85 la1h crore rupees 

    'unds for railways will be raised from pension, institutional and multilateral

    agencies In order to impro*e passenger amenities, $#s reEuested to use part of

    their $#A7 funds

    0ailways to set up an infrastructure fund and holding company to raise long-term


    #assengers Amenities

     2+ days in ad*ance tic1et boo1ing facility for passengers instead of earlier 6+


     0ailways is aiming to mo*e towards paperless tic1eting

    %peration 5 minutes- #assengers can buy railway tic1ets within fi*e minutes

    S$S updates to inform passengers about any change in schedule of trains

    %pen wi-fi facility at ++ railway stations

     $obile charging units will be installed

     'or women safety &&!)s to be installed in selected trains and suburban trains

     'ood ordering facility food while boo1ing tic1ets through I0&!& website Water-

    *ending machines to be set up at stations

     B8 will be a nationwide 2FC helpline number for railway-related Eueries While,

    82 will be a toll-free number for security-related issues

  • 8/21/2019 Curent Affairs 9&10



    9th & 10th , 2015

    %n-board entertainment in Shatabdi :;pres

    Infrastructure !rac1 capacity will be increased by + to B8 la1h 1m Speed of

    passenger trains on < corridors will increased to 6+-2++ 1mh from +-B+ 1mh

     Wagon-ma1ing scheme will be re*iewed in order ease pri*ate in*estment "y

    in*iting open bids, station rede*elopment policy will be re*amped + satellite

    railway terminals will be de*eloped in major cities in 2+5-5

    ### cell of Indian 0ailways will be re*amped 'easibility report of high-speed

    train between $umbai and Ahmedabad e;pected by mid-2+5

     &onnecti*ity to 9orth-:ast India will be impro*ed In H. rail connecti*ity will be

    on focus

     !ourism 0ailways will promote Gandhi circuit in order to mar1 centenary year of

    $ahatma Gandhi’s return from South Africa

     Special tra*el scheme .isan Datra for farmers for farming and mar1eting

    techniEue centres

     (nder Incredible India, Incredible 0ail will be launched

    Analysis@ A $odest 0ailway "udget 




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