Page 1: Current Issue Project

Current Issues Project

A major objective for this class is to improve your ability to find and evaluate information in order to make an informed decision about current issues. This project will let you practice the necessary steps with a topic that interests you. You may work on your own or in groups of up to 3 people.

TopicChoose a biological topic of interest to you that has been in news recently (last 12

months) and about which there may be disagreement in our society. For this class, an issue is a topic about which informed people may disagree. Topics may include global issues, local issues, conflicts between wildlife management and human use, dilemmas presented by biological technology, or many other possibilities. The text points out some interesting issues; many media have daily reports on issues related to biology. You should be able to phrase the topic as a short question, such that people on either side of the issue would agree with the wording.

Your choice of topic and a list of at least 2 valid references (complete citations only, not the articles themselves) you have consulted must be submittedf to me. DUE _______

If it is not a suitable topic, I will suggest other possibilities. Note that this topic submission is worth 10 pts. Do not miss this deadline. Topics may be changed after submission, with my approval.

Content – There should be 5 parts to the project. The title can be the short question posed by the issue, phrased such that people on either side of the issue would agree with the wording.

A. Identify the issue and explain why it matters. What is the impact of this issue on humans? on other organisms? B. Explain the biological concepts and facts needed to understand this issue. Be careful to use information from reliable sources and to attribute these facts (use reference numbers) to its source in the reference list.

C. Present and describe opposing points of view. Describe the scientific evidence for each opinion. This part should consist of two sections, one for each opposite point of view.

D. State your opinion on the issue. Cite evidence that supports your view. Discuss why you think your view offers the best approach to the issue. If authors of a group project disagree on this part, then include each person’s opinion and thinking.

E. References – List all resource material you used, including any information obtained from internet sources, using APA standards for citations. Citations for internet sources must include date of posting AND your date of access, as web sites can change at any time.

PosterAssemble your project as a poster that includes title, text sections and any visual material

that helps to explain the issue. Arrange the information to make it easy to read and learn about the issue. Fancy presentations cannot substitute for content, however. Put most of your effort into good research and writing. Edit and proofread carefully.

AssessmentEach project will be presented by the author(s) to the class during the last month of the term.

This brief oral presentation (10 minutes max) is a great way to stimulate class discussion on current issues. Grading is based on the written project. Value: 15% of course grade.

Page 2: Current Issue Project

Assessment Rubric

Is the issue clearly stated? Does it explain why this issue matters? (5 pts)

Is the biological basis explained well? Is evidence presented to clarify the issue? (10 pts)

Are different opinions presented, each with supporting evidence? Does it discuss the reliability of the scientific evidence for each side? (20pt)

Is the author’s opinion clearly stated? Is the basis for that opinion discussed? (10 pts)

Is the reference list complete and presented correctly? (5 pts)

Page 3: Current Issue Project

Project ____________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________________

Is the issue clearly stated? Does it explain why this issue matters? (5 pts)

Is the biological basis explained well? Is evidence presented to clarify the issue? (10 pts)

Are different opinions presented, each with supporting evidence? Does it discuss the reliability of the scientific evidence for each side? (20pt)

Is the author’s opinion clearly stated? Is the basis for that opinion discussed? (10 pts)

Is the reference list complete and presented correctly? (5 pts)

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