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Year 2



An outline of Curriculum and Grade Expectations

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YEAR OVERVIEW 2018This is an outline of the educational experiences planned for Year 2 this year. Our units of work will take an integrated approach, with literacy and numeracy links across all Key Learning Areas.

GRADE EXPECTATIONSWe encourage Year 2 children to develop:

basic skills in numeracy and literacy at their individual ability level an interest in the society, culture and environment around them personal work habits and skills both in class work and homework personal independence by being organised for their school day including the delivery

of information to and from school independence in care of personal property

ENGLISH The English syllabus has a strong focus on the appreciation and study of quality texts (books, screen, visual, films etc), thinking about how English changes according to audience, purpose and context. Students will learn how to use appropriate grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and spelling to respond to and compose a wide variety of spoken, written and multimodal texts.

Speaking and ListeningClass activities encourage the children to develop different ways of communication to a range of people. They will be encouraged to speak clearly, listen attentively, follow instructions and contribute actively to class and group discussions. At the start of each term, children will be given a list of News Topics to prepare for their News day each week. Children will only be expected to speak for 1-2 minutes. Please help your child to prepare suitable material for presentation and encourage aspects of speaking well, including volume and clarity of voice. Practice at home will help your child to feel more confident when speaking to the class, but please do not write the news for them. At times, News work will be displayed around the classroom, so please assist your child to experiment with the computer and develop their research skills.Reading and ViewingReading strategies will be taught through modelled and guided reading activities.Children will read both fiction and non-fiction books incorporating a variety of text types including information reports, recounts, expositions, explanations, poetry, narratives and personal responses. These text types will be taught within the categories of imaginative, information and persuasive texts as set out in the new English syllabus. Reading strategies will incorporate the comprehension skills of predicting, visualising, connecting, monitoring, questioning and summarising. Children will work in groups for guided reading. Home Reading is an opportunity for a shared reading experience for both parents and children. All Year 2 children are encouraged to borrow books at their level to read each night. The reading levels of the children are assessed on an ongoing basis. Monitoring incorporates oral reading as well as comprehension. When children reach 26+, they will also borrow extra age-appropriate books from the library for reading enjoyment.Literature themes for each term relate to topics covered in other Key Learning Areas.

SpellingWeekly word lists consist of Year 2 Core Spelling words, phonic word families and topic words related to themes being taught. These words will be covered in class lessons and revised in weekly homework and spelling quiz activities.Writing and Representing

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The children will jointly and independently construct written texts. They will learn to vary their writing styles to suit the purpose and audience. Strategies used in the writing process will include planning, drafting, editing and publishing. The focus will be on narrative, personal response, explanation and exposition, and these styles of writing will incorporate elements derived from the new English Syllabus. Students will be encouraged to write across all Key Learning Areas.Handwriting & Digital TechnologiesChildren will practise using consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style Handwriting. Neatness is encouraged in all written work, including homework.Grammar, Punctuation & VocabularyStudy of grammatical concepts is integrated into all English lessons. The grammar focus will include nouns, noun groups, verbs, verb groups, adjectives, adverbs, compound words, contractions, phrases and clauses.

MATHEMATICSThe Mathematics Syllabus across K-6 provides students with knowledge, skills and understanding in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The students will learn a range of strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems as an essential component of students’ preparation for life. A focus of the new syllabus is for students to develop their problem-solving skills, mathematical reasoning and communication.Number and Algebra Students count, order, read and write two- and three-digit numbers and use a range of strategies and recording methods. They use concrete materials and mental strategies such as the jump and split strategies to add, subtract and solve problems. Skip counting, repeated addition and subtraction, arrays and grouping with concrete materials are used to develop multiplication and division skills. Students model and describe objects and collections divided into halves, quarters and eighths. They associate collections of Australian coins with their value. They use place value to partition numbers. Students describe and continue a variety of number patterns and build number relationships. They relate addition and subtraction facts for sums to at least 20. Measurement and Geometry Students estimate, measure, compare and record using informal units for length, area, volume, capacity and mass. They recognise the need for formal units of length and use the metre and centimetre to measure length and distance. They use a calendar to identify the date and name, and order the months and the seasons of the year. Students use informal units to compare and order the duration of events and tell the time on the half- and quarter-hour. They identify, describe, sort and model particular three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes. Students represent and describe the position of objects and interpret simple maps. Statistics and Probability Students collect, organise, display and interpret data using lists, tables and picture graphs. They recognise and describe the element of chance in everyday events.

Working Mathematically In all content strands, students ask questions and use known facts, objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems and develop mathematical fluency. They link mathematical ideas and use appropriate language and diagrams to explain strategies used.

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MathleticsAll children in year 2 will receive log in details for Mathletics. This is an at home computer program that supports the mathematical learning that will occur in the classroom across the school year. Please keep details safe at home.

Science and TechnologyIn Science, students build on their working scientifically skills through structured activities.Term 1: Paddock to PlateStudents will identify how plants and animals are grown for food, clothing and shelter, researching how different groups of people use plants and animals.Term 2: HabitatsStudents will explore how habitats provide for the needs of their living things with a particular focus on penguins. Term 3: Push and Pull Students will describe the effect that push and pull forces have on different objects they encounter in everyday life.Term 4: CommunicationStudents will focus on familiar information sources and technologies, and use them to communicate with other members of the community.

INTEGRATED UNITS –HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHYStudents focus on past and present life. This topic provides a study of the local history in the area. The Year 2 history unit includes:

stories from the past language to describe time local history, heritage and historical sites changing technology over time.Students will develop an understanding of time, change, different perspectives and any historical significance.

Students will develop an understanding of the significance of places and what they are like. This unit will investigate people’s connection and access to local and global places.For example, compare location and features of local places to other places in the world. In Geography, they will learn to pose geographical questions, collect and record data and present their findings in a range of ways.

CREATIVE AND PRACTICAL ARTS In Music, children will explore the musical concepts (structure, tone colour, dynamics, pitch, duration) through a range of activities including singing, music & movement, learning an instrument or playing percussion, learning about musical notation, organising sound and developing an understanding of a range of musical styles. Students are assessed through a variety of assessments that are conducted primarily through observation and practical assessment. Students will also be given the opportunity to participate in various vocal, choral, instrumental and concert programs over the school year. Throughout the year students will enjoy visiting performances. Visual Arts, Dance and Drama activities will be linked to the integrated units and literature topics.

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT / HEALTH / PHYSICAL EDUCATIONThe P.E. program aims to encourage each child to participate in regular physical activity. The class teachers will provide a weekly PE lesson incorporating fitness and skill development activities, in Term 1 and Term 4. Children also enjoy the Year 2 Dance

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program and other physical class activities. In Term 2 the children will participate in the SportsPro Program and in Term 3 the Gymnastics program at the Epping YMCA.The Personal Development program Term 1- focus on social skills including, choices, responsibilities and consequences. The Behaviour Management ladder will be incorporated in their everyday learning. A represents Anarchy, B Bullying/Bothering, C Conformity and D Democracy. Term 2 – Road Safety & Water SafetyTerm 3 – Child Protection Term 4 – Drug Education

We encourage you to support the lessons in Personal Development by discussing key concepts with your child and reinforcing the strategies taught at school. It is compulsory for all Year 2 students at EWPS to attend the DET Swim School in Semester 2.

General Information

Absent notesIf your child is absent due to sickness or leave they are required to bring a note to the teacher as soon as they return to explain the absence as the teacher needs to record this information on the class roll. This is a legal requirement. Extended long absences during the school term may need permission from the Deputy Principal.

ASSESSMENT Assessments are on-going throughout the year. A formal report is prepared twice a year.

Climbing EquipmentThis is to be used as per the school roster with teacher supervision and is not to be used before or after school by any students or siblings. All children have been taught the rules for safety.

CommunicationPlease read the Newsletter and all notes carefully. To subscribe to the newsletter go to the school’s website at Password is Aurora96! (case sensitive and requires the ! at the end). There is also an app to download for iPhones and Android. Return notes/money on the dates stated on the note, to the teacher or organising teacher. Money should come in an envelope clearly marked with child’s name, class and purpose.

HatsAll children need to bring their hat to school every day. The school policy is ‘No Hat, No Play and sit in the shade.’

HOMEWORKHomework bridges the gap between learning at school and learning at home.A basic rule of homework is that it is appropriate for each student’s age and ability.Homework in Year 2 consists of spelling practice, language exercises, mathematics revision, preparing for their news topic for the week and home reading.

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ICTTechnology is integrated into class teaching and learning activities. Students have opportunities to use iPads, word-processing tools and educational software in order to develop essential skills in the use of digital tools.

Lateness/Early LeaversParents please try to be on time. If your child arrives late, you must accompany your child to the school office to collect a partial absence slip, which you will then hand to the teacher as you take your child to class. If your child needs to leave school early, you must report to the office for a partial absence slip before collecting your child from the classroom. Ten minutes after the afternoon school bell, children who are still waiting for parents are taken to the office to ring the parents and wait to be collected. Epping West After School Care provides a service to mind your child after school if you are unable to pick up your child at bell-time. Arrangements must be made ahead of time directly with the coordinator, Mrs Kuti. A fee is charged for this service. If there are any changes of arrangements for pick-up of an afternoon, please inform your child and your class teacher to avoid any confusion.

Library Students will explore literature, authors and learn library procedures with the librarian in their library time. Students will need to have their library bag on their allocated library day so that they are able to regularly change their books. Please take care of all library books. Any lost or damaged books will have to be paid for.

Lunch Orders The Yummy Bears Kiosk/canteen uses an online ordering system called Flexi Schools. All orders can be done in advance and need to be received by 9am to ensure your child receives their lunch order. You may also order over the counter before school or use the express box. Menu can be located on the students website.Easy, Online Registration• Go to• Click REGISTER• Enter your email• You will be emailed a link to an online form - follow the link• Choose a username and password and complete the form• Add each student and their class• Top-up the account - VISA or Mastercard - preferred.Place lunch orders from your iPhone, iPad or mobile device! For help call 1300 361 769 and flexischools.

Medicines/ Health Care PlansAll medicines must be delivered to the office – where written instructions must be provided. Medications must be labelled with the student’s name, dosage and administrating time and instructions. No child is permitted to administer medicines or have them in their bags. Please also advise the class teacher if medication needs to be administered and when.

Paint Shirts Please send in a paint shirt for your child. Long sleeves are preferable to ensure uniforms are completely covered.

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Parent ParticipationOpportunities exist across the school year for parents to assist with activities such as excursions, class parties and walkathon. Please refer to your class teacher for more information.

PhonesIf your child is bringing a mobile phone or another electronic device please ensure they hand it into the office at the start of the day and collect at the end of day. These devices will be locked away securely during school hours.

Sick ChildrenIf your child is sick, it is always best to keep them at home to be monitored by you and not pass infections on to others. When your child is ready to return to school an absence note is required. If your child becomes sick during the school day they will be sent to the office and you will be contacted to collect your child as soon as possible.

Extra Curricular Activities Activity Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayLibrary All Year 2Dance All Year 2

Music 2M 2A, 2G, 2V, 2K, 2C, 2J, 2L

Sport All Year 2Scripture All Year 2Choir All Year 2

Computer 2C 2M, 2V, 2A, 2K, 2G, 2L, 2J

Banking All Year 2Homework Due

All Year 2(every second


If you have any questions or concerns, please use the ‘request for an interview’ form to make an appointment with your child’s classroom teacher.

Year 2 TeachersMiss Michelle Kendall Assistant Principal


Mrs Claudette Gonzalez 2GMrs Rachel Allen 2AMiss Natalie Chan 2CMiss Jessica Saliba 2JMs Maria Galluzzo 2LMrs Victoria Soumboulidis & Mrs Vivienne Stewart


Miss Mila Maksimovic & Mrs Patricia Mormanis


EAL/D: Miss Ai Vee Tan

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LaST: Mrs Fiona Wiltshire

Reading InformationHow to help your child?

Read with your child every day Set aside a quiet time and place Make the reading a fun experience Home Reading books are usually set at an easier level than guided readers

in the classroom Reading at home is for enjoyment and practice Before Reading – ask your child to predict the story by looking at the front

cover During Reading - assist your child to sound out and decode unknown

words, look for known sight words and picture clues After Reading - ask questions that recall information about the story – for

example Who? What? Where? When? How? etc Ask questions that infer meaning Re-read the story – this will help develop confidence, fluency and

expression Regularly borrow other books from the school/local library Develop you child’s confidence and ask them to read to grandparents,

siblings etc Praise your child during the reading of each book Encourage quality reading not quantity at this stage Refer to the pages in the Kluwell Home Reading log for more tips

Students need to understand the meaning from the print not just read the words

Reading Assessments Teachers will regularly monitor students in class in literacy sessions.

Assessments will take place in-line with term/grade overviews, timetabling and school policy.

Assessments ensure all reading criteria has been fulfilled for accuracy and understanding

Teachers will be assessing areas such as decoding, self-correcting, recalling facts, comprehension, inferring, fluency, expression, consistency, independence

Students will progress when accuracy and understanding have been achieved at the students instructional level

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Teachers will ask student’s questions about the passage at the end of the reading to gauge their understanding. The questions will include recalling of facts and inferred meaning.

Assessments will take place on a one-to-one basis between class teacher and student

Teachers are trained professionals in the administration of the assessments

The assessment is an accurate and consistent measure of students abilities Assessments cannot be requested. Assessments are not comparable with outside agencies It is not uncommon for students to plateau during the year or need revision

in skill development after a holiday period.

A students ability in reading is based on an individual basis and is not comparable to other student’s levels

InferringTo make an inference students need the confidence to make an educated guess based on their knowledge and experiences to what they have just read in their book. Usually there are no wrong answers as long as their answers relate to the question asked and the answer relates to the story that has been read. If their answer is feasible and makes sense in context it will be correct. Often students feel if the answer to the question was not written in black and white in the story they do not want to have a go as they do not want to be wrong. An inference is different from just recalling a fact. It is reading between the lines of the story, absorbing the meaning and then the question is then answered using logic, deduction, prior knowledge and reasoning. Please encourage your students to have–a-go.Example questions Predict what might happen now –once the story has now finished? Why?How do you think the character was feeling? Why/How do you know? Was it a good decision that the character made? –Why/Why not? Explain.

Learning to read is not a race

One only learns to read by reading

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Page 11: CURRICULUM HANDBOOK - eppingwest …  · Web viewStudents will learn how to use appropriate grammar, ... Children will only be expected to speak for 1-2 ... Practice at home will
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Parents can help their children by:- being positive about the new school and

new language. maintaining and valuing the first language reading to or with your child in English for a

short time each day. taking your child out to interesting places at

the weekend and talking in English for a little while about what you did.

helping your child prepare ‘news’ for school for their designated day.

joining a local sporting team or group. inviting an English-speaking friend home.

Prepare and plan special days-multicultural and harmony, Lunar New Year.

Monitor excursions across school- EAL/D groups are included where appropriate.

The EAL/D team provides support for students with English as an additional

language, who need some English language assistance in order to cope with their school work. Inclusion in the program is based on need as assessed

by the EAL/D staff.

New Arrival assessment for EAL/D support.

Ongoing assessment and reports for all targeted EAL/D students.

The EAL/D team support classroom teachers by working collaboratively and collegially in the delivery of lessons across all

Key Learning Areas. They encourage Multicultural Learning through the Multicultural Public

Speaking Competition held annually.

Prepare materials for teacher/student for in class and independent support

Teach and prepare for students- from survival English

Teach and prepare for withdrawal and in class support lessons for EAL/D students

Attend, plan and present EAL/D input to:- Parent meetings- Staff and grade meetings - EAL/D team meetings- Network meetings- Staff development sessions

New arrival surveys, Annual survey, New Arrival Supplementation applications and EAL/D progression.

EAL/D Maintain updates. Timetabling for EAL/D


EAL/D TEACHERSKim Hudson, Janelle Ingham, Emma Rollason, Margaret Ryan, Liz Calf, Colleen Featherstone, Ai Vee Tan, Tracey Hutcheson and Jenny Song Janelle Ingham.

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