
Katerina Krstevska Savovska

Curriculum Vitae: 01.01.2018

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Date of birth: 13.07.1978

Place of birth: Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Nationality: Republic of Macedonia

Mother language: Macedonian

Address: “1” Kolonija - Idrizovo no. 2A, 1000 Skopje (office)

Telephone: +389 (0)2 2546 211, ext. 105 (office)

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

•EDUCATION: Primary: “Vera Ciriviri - Trena” - Skopje

Period: 1985-1993

Secondary: “Orce Nikolov” - Skopje

Period: 1993-1997

University: University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” - Skopje

Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” - Skopje

•Law studies - graduated lawyer

•Admitted first year 1997/98

•Graduated 20.09.2001

•Average grade 8,86

Period: 1997-2001



University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” - Skopje

Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” - Skopje

•Criminal Law and Criminology

•Average grade 9,67

•21.12.2007 - defended Master thesis, subject: “The legal limitations of the police

powers in the relation to the protection of the human rights and freedom”

•Master’s degree in legal sciences (Criminal Law)



University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” - Skopje

Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” - Skopje

•Institute of Criminal Law

•14.09.2011 - defended Doctoral dissertation, subject: “The role of the European

Committee for the Prevention of Torture in protecting persons detained by the Police”

•PhD in Legal Sciences

Mediator: Ministry of Justice of RM

•Successfully finished Training for Mediators (04.-08.07.2011)

•Member of the Chamber of Mediators

•Registered into the Directory of Mediators

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•LANGUAGE SKILLS: •English, FCE course

•Italian, in progress

•COMPUTER SKILLS: Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express, Internet, Lotus Notes


•WORK EXPERIENCE: 1. Institution: Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM

Bureau for Public Security

Office for Criminal Police

Sector NCB INTERPOL - Skopje

Job position: Intern

Job description: •Organizing and execution of extradition

•Posting and withdrawing international notices

•Combating organized crime

•Identification of persons and objects

Period: 01.07.2002-24.07.2003

2. Institution: Ministry of Finance of RM

Department of affairs immediately related to the Minister

Cabinet of the Minister of Finance

Job position: Senior Associate

Job description: •Receiving, reviewing, classifying and presenting the Minister’s mail

•Informing the heads of departments and the directors of affiliated institutions оf their

duties given by the Minister and taking care for its timely execution

•Organizing Minister’s participation in various conferences, forums, round tables etc.,

in the country and abroad

•Organizing visits of foreign delegations and representatives of the international

institutions, organizations etc.

•Executing the duties that refer to: organizing meetings of the working bodies within

the Ministry (commissions, committees, working groups etc.), organizing Minister’s

meetings and receptions

•Receiving and arranging the materials of Assembly’s and Government’s sessions

•Organizing press conferences and preparing announcements for the media

•Updating the Ministry’s web-site with a new contents

Period: 25.07.2003-30.09.2005

3. Institution: University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola

Faculty of Security - Skopje (former Police Academy - Skopje)

Job position: •2005-2012 - Teaching Assistant in “Criminal Law” and “Criminal Procedure Law”

on the study program “Criminalist” and the joint study program “Security and

financial control” organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and

Hospitality - Ohrid

•since 26.01.2012 - Assistant Professor in Scientific area Criminal Law

•since 02.09.2016 - Associate Professor in Scientific area Criminal Law

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Job description: •Conducting lectures and tutorials for the subject “Criminal Procedure Law”

according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) on first cycle of studies on

the study program “Criminalist”, study program “Security”, study program

“Criminology and criminal policy” and joint study program “Security and financial

control” organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality -


•First member of the Commission for conducting lectures for the subject

“Suppression of contemporary forms of criminality - a procedural and legal aspects”

according to the ECTS on the study program “Criminalist” on second cycle of studies

•Second member of the Commission for conducting lectures for the subject “Criminal

law and International criminal law” according to the ECTS on the study program

“Criminalist” on second cycle of studies

•Second member of the Commission for conducting lectures for the subject

“International criminal law and suppression of the contemporary forms of crime”

according to the ECTS on the study program “International security” on second cycle

of studies

•Second member of the Commission for conducting lectures for the subject “Criminal

law - a material and procedural aspects” according to the ECTS on the study program

“Forensic Science” on second cycle of studies

•Chief’s Assistant of the Department of Criminal and Legal Affairs and Criminology

(DCLAC) (December 2005 - September 2016)

•DCLAC’s Coordinator for implementation of the ECTS (December 2005 -

September 2016)

•ECTS Coordinator of the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since September 2016)

•Member of the Teaching and Scientific Council (since February 2012)

•Member of the Teaching Council for the second cycle of studies (February 2012 -

September 2017)

•Deputy member of the Teaching Council for the second cycle of studies (since

September 2017)

•Member of the Editorial Board of the International scientific publication “Yearbook

of the Faculty of Security - Skopje” for 2013 and 2014

•Member of the Publishing Council (November 2008 - November 2010; November

2012 - November 2016)

•Member of the Commission for admission of students for the first cycle of studies

for the academic year 2013/2014

•Mediator who mediates between the parties in order to resolve the disputed relation

according to the Law on Protection from Workplace Harassment

•Member of the Working group assigned to prepare Draft - Decision on classification

of the scientific fields, areas and disciplines of research and on affiliation of the

teaching disciplines to a certain scientific areas

•Mentor and member of Commissions for assessment and defense of graduate papers

•Member of Commissions for eligibility of master thesis’s subject

•Member of Commissions for evaluation and defense of master thesis

•Reviewer of papers (International scientific journal UKLO “Horizons”; International

scientific publication “Yearbook of the Faculty of Security - Skopje”; International

scientific conferences of the Faculty of Security - Skopje)

•Official mediator person for implementation of the right to free access to public

information available to the Faculty of Security - Skopje as a holder of information

•Deputy member of the Commission for admission of students for the first cycle of

studies for the academic year 2014/2015

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Period: Since 03.10.2005 - on the Scientific area Criminal Law by the Teaching and

Scientific Council:

•25.07.2005 - elected for Junior Teaching Assistant

•01.07.2008 - elected for Teaching Assistant

•21.04.2011 - elected/re-elected for Teaching Assistant

•26.01.2012 - elected for Assistant Professor

•02.09.2016 - elected for Associate Professor

•MEMBER (working groups, committees, projects): 1. Member of the Working group assigned by the Ministry of Justice of RM for preparation of a Law on Criminal

Procedure in the part of the Pre-trail Procedure (2008-2010).

2. Member of a several working groups within the Project “Criminal Law Reform and the Respect of Human

Rights in the Republic of Macedonia” of the Association of Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia (2008-


3. Member of the Macedonian research team of International FP7 project founded by the European Commission

“COMPOSITE: Comparative Police Studies in the EU” (2010-2014).

4. Member of the Team of national trainers (national consultants / experts) in the 1st Phase “Training for the

trainers” within the Project “Strengthening the Human Resources Management and Development Structure within

the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the

Implementation of the new Law on Criminal Procedure”, conducted by the Training Center of the Ministry of

Internal Affairs of RM and the Police Development Department of the OSCE Mission to Skopje (November 2011

- December 2013).

5. Member of the Organizing committee of the 3rd International conference of experts on combating drugs

“Criminal Drug Organizations Situation in EU with special focus on Balkan area”, organized by the Ministry of

Internal Affairs of RM and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) (16.-


6. Member of the Associate team of the Scientific project “Position of the convicted persons in the penitentiary

institutions in the Republic of Macedonia”, conducted by the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since September


7. Member of the Steering committee for the implementation of the Twinning project “Support to the National

Police and Criminal Law Reform” - IPA 2009, conducted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM and founded

by EU (November 2012 - December 2013).

8. Member of the Research team of the Scientific project “Survey of the public opinion about the corruption in

the Republic of Macedonia”, conducted by the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since November 2012).

9. Member of the Organizational board of the International scientific conference “Gender Equality and Gender

Perspectives in the Defence and Security”, organized by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Macedonia,

in cooperation with the Faculty of Security - Skopje and Faculty of Philosophy - Skopje (since December 2012).

10. Member of the Research team of the Scientific project “Implementation of the practice of the European Court

of Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia: Strasburg at home or Macedonia in front of Strasburg”,

conducted by the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since February 2013).

11. Member of the Working group assigned by the Ministry of Justice of RM for preparation of a Law on changes

and amendments of the Law on Criminal Procedure (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No.

150/2010 and 51/2011) (since July 2013).

12. Member of the Team of national trainers (national consultants / experts) in the 2nd Phase “Training for the

trainers” within the Project “Strengthening the Human Resources Management and Development Structure within

the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Strengthening the Capacity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the

Implementation of the new Law on Criminal Procedure”, conducted by the Training Center of the Ministry of

Internal Affairs of RM and the Police Development Department of the OSCE Mission to Skopje (March 2014 -

July 2014).

13. Educator included within the List of educators for preparing databases of questions and databases of case

studies for the bar exam (preparing questions and case studies in the field of Criminal Law), determined by the

Steering committee of the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM “Pavel Shatev” (since May 2014).

14. Member of the Organizational board of the Round table dedicated to the Public discussion concerning the

Draft - Amendments of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, proposed by the Government of the

Republic of Macedonia, organized by the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since August 2014).

15. Member of the Organizational board of the International scientific conference “Criminalistic education,

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situation and perspectives - 20 years after the death of Prof. Vladimir Vodinelic”, organized by the Faculty of

Security - Skopje, in cooperation with the Faculty of Detectives and Security within the FON University - Skopje

(since August 2014).

16. Educator included within the List of educators of the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM

“Pavel Shatev”, determined by the Steering committee of the Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM

“Pavel Shatev” (since September 2014).

17. Member of the Organizational board of the Scientific discussion “The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia

about the corruption”, organized by the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since May 2016).

18. Member of the Organizational board of the International scientific conference “Ss. Clement messages for

ethics, morality and values”, organized by the Faculty of Security - Skopje (since May 2016).

19. Member of the Organizational board for celebrating 40 years of the existence of the Faculty of Security -

Skopje (since January 2017).

•PUBLICATIONS: 1. Paper: “Legal execution of police powers - precondition for higher respect and protection of human rights and

basic freedoms in the Republic of Macedonia”, Yearbook of the Police Academy - Skopje for 2007, Skopje,


2. Master thesis: “The legal limitations of the police powers in the relation to the protection of the human rights

and freedom”, Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” - Skopje, 2007.

3. Report: “Annual Report of the Human Rights Support Project (01.11.2006-31.10.2007): The Police and the

human rights”, Skopje, 2008, co-author.

4. Paper: “European Committee for the Prevention of Torture “versus” Republic of Macedonia”, Yearbook of the

Police Academy - Skopje for 2008, Skopje, 2008.

5. Research: “Rearrangement of the Pre-trail Procedure in the Republic of Macedonia”, within the Project

“Criminal Law Reform and the Respect of Human Rights in the Republic of Macedonia”, Macedonian Review

for Penal Law and Criminology, Year 15, No. 2-3, Skopje, 2008, co-author.

6. Paper: “Public Attorney of the Republic of Macedonia as a guardian of human rights and freedoms - Particular

notice to his “fight” against unlawful police acts”, Pravni život - Journal for legal theory and practice - subject:

“Law and International integrations, 21st Year of Kopaonik School for Natural Law”, Association of Serbian

Lawyers, No. 10, tom II, Belgrade, 2008.

7. Paper: “The roll of the Sector for Internal Control and Professional Standards in combating unlawful police

acts”, Horizonti - Scientific journal of the University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola, Year III, No. 3, Bitola,


8. Research: “The treatment of the vulnerable groups in the police station and extending the rights of the victim in

the criminal procedure”, within the Project “Criminal Law Reform and the Respect of Human Rights in the

Republic of Macedonia”, Macedonian Review for Penal Law and Criminology, Year 16, No. 1, Skopje, 2009, co-


9. Paper: “Dealing with the impunity - standards of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and

situation in the Republic of Macedonia”, within the Project “Harmonization of the legal of Republic of

Macedonia with the law of the European Union”, Proceedings of the Scientific discussion “European standards

for human rights and their implementation in the legal system of the Republic of Macedonia”, Book 4, Skopje,

2009 (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, 18.11.2008).

10. Paper: “The designation of the Public Attorney as a national mechanism for prevention of torture and the

necessity of its reform”, within the Project “Harmonization of the legal of Republic of Macedonia with the law of

the European Union”, Proceedings of the Scientific discussion “Reform of the institutions and its significance for

the development of the Republic of Macedonia”, Book 5, Skopje, 2009 (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and

Arts, Skopje, 18.12.2008).

11. Paper: “The expertise - mean of evidence in the draft version of the new Macedonian Code of Criminal

Procedure”, CD compilation of papers of the 1st Scientific meeting with international participation “Law and

Forensics in Criminology”, Belgrade, 2009 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Kragujevac,


12. Paper: “Measures for securing the defendant’s presence in the criminal procedure - Particular notice to the

police powers in the Draft version of the new Code of Criminal Procedure”, Yearbook of the Faculty of Security

- Skopje for 2009, Skopje, 2009.

13. Paper: “The application of means of coercion according to the Macedonian legislation”, Pravni život - Journal

for legal theory and practice - subject: “Law and Time, 22nd Year of Kopaonik School for Natural Law”,

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Association of Serbian Lawyers, No. 10, tom II, Belgrade, 2009.

14. Paper: “The search of a person in the Macedonian legal system and its need to be precisely defined”,

Horizonti - Scientific journal of the University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola, Year V, No. 5, Bitola, 2009.

15. Paper: “The expertise as a mean of evidence”, NBP - Journal of Criminalistics and Law, No. 2, Year 2009,

Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 2009.

16. Paper: “Counsel’s Role in the Pre-trial Procedure”, Yearbook of the Faculty of Security - Skopje for 2010,

Skopje, 2010.

17. Paper: “National preventive mechanism for prevention of torture - a new role of the Macedonian Public

Attorney”, Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific conference with international participation “Law and Forensics in

Criminology”, Belgrade, 2010 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Kragujevac, 15.-


18. Paper: “Legal framework of the criminal acts against cultural heritage”, Proceedings of the Round table

“Protection of the cultural heritage in Republic of Macedonia”, Skopje, 2010 (Faculty of Security - Skopje,

Skopje, 12.11.2010).

19. Paper: “Public statements of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture - with a special reference to

Turkey”, Horizonti - Scientific journal of the University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola, Year VI, No. 5, Bitola,


20. Paper: “Reform of the Macedonian Police - introduction of the career system”, Thematic proceedings of the

International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Volume II, Belgrade, 2011 (Academy of

Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 03.-04.03.2011).

21. Paper: “Impact of information and communication technology in the contemporary policing in Republic of

Macedonia”, Proceedings of the International scientific conference “Security in the Post-conflict (Western)

Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia”, Skopje, 2011, co-author (Faculty of

Security - Skopje, Ohrid, 27.-28.05.2011).

22. Paper: “Crimes against human health - Articles 215 and 216 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of

Macedonia” - to be published (presented at the 2nd International conference of experts on combating drugs

“National Drug Strategy - Pillar: Supply reduction”, organized by Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM and the

Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Ohrid, 15.-17.06.2011).

23. Paper: “Violation of Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights - four

judgments regarding Republic of Macedonia”, Proceedings of the International scientific conference “Crime

Suppression within the Framework of International Police Co-operation”, Belgrade, 2011 (Academy of

Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Tara, 28.-30.06.2011).

24. Doctoral dissertation: “The role of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture in protecting

persons detained by the Police”, Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” - Skopje, Skopje, 2011.

25. Paper: “Criminal report”, Horizonti - International scientific journal of the University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski”

- Bitola, Year VII, No. 7, Bitola, 2011.

26. Research: “Police Knowledge Sharing Capabilities (WP3.3)”, Research within the Project COMPOSITE,

2011, co-author.

27. Research: “ICT Trends in European Policing”, Research within the Project COMPOSITE, Draft of a public

deliverable to the European Commission (D4.1 Analysis of technology trends for policing), 2011, co-author.

28. Paper: “The new concept of the Macedonian Law on Criminal Procedure and the need to train the employees

of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, Thematic proceedings of the International scientific conference “Archibald

Reiss Days”, Volume II, Belgrade, 2012 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 01.-


29. Paper: “The Special investigative measures in the new Macedonian Law on Criminal Procedure”, Proceedings

of the International scientific conference “Crime suppression and European integration, with a reference to the

high-tech crime”, Laktaši, 2012, co-author (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic of Srpska - Directorate for

Police Education, Laktaši, 28.-30.03.2012).

30. Paper: “Connection between narco-crime and contemporary terrorism: the concept of narco-terrorism” - to be

published, co-author (presented at the 3rd International conference of experts on combating drugs “Criminal Drug

Organizations Situation in EU with special focus on Balkan area”, organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

of RM and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Ohrid, 16.-18.10.2012).

31. Paper: “Implementation of the Schengen Action Plan”, Best Practices in European Policing - A Selection of

Case Studies (Editors: Leslie N. Graham, Kathryn A. Betteridge, Rebecca Casey, Arjen van Witteloostuijn),

Durham University, 2012, co-author.

32. Paper: “Criminal acts against public traffic safety - with а special focus to the articles related to endangering

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traffic safety of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia”, Proceedings of the 8th International conference

“Road safety in local community”, Valjevo, 2013, co-author (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies -

Belgrade, BBN Congress Management, and others, Valjevo, 18.- 20.04.2013).

33. Paper: “Cyber attacks and their real threat to modern world”, Proceedings of the International scientific

conference “The Balkans Between Past and Future: Security, Conflict Resolution and Euro-Atlantic Integration”,

Volume I, Skopje, 2013, co-author (Faculty of Security - Skopje, Ohrid, 05.-08.06.2013).

34. Research: “The role of macro context for the link between technological and organizational change policing

opportunities and threats in Europe”, Research within the Project COMPOSITE, Journal of Organizational

Change Management (2012 Impact Factor: 0.535), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013, co-author.

35. Research: “Policing opportunities and threats in Europe”, Research within the Project COMPOSITE, Journal

of Organizational Change Management (2012 Impact Factor: 0.535), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013,


36. Paper: “The means of evidence in the new Macedonian Law on Criminal Procedure”, Proceedings of the

International scientific conference “Criminalistic and criminal-procedural aspects of the evidence and proving”,

Sarajevo, 2013, co-author (International Association of Criminalists - Banja Luka, Sarajevo, 10.-11.10.2013).

37. Paper: “Criminal acts against sexual freedom and sexual morality in the Macedonian Criminal Code - with a

special focus to the children as victims” - to be published, co-author (presented at the 5th International symposium

on children at risk and in need of protection “Children and Violence: Children under the Pressure of Social

Violence”, organized by the Center for Criminological Research of Turkish National Police Academy, Antalya,


38. Paper: “Unlawful deprivation of liberty - with a special focus to the Republic of Macedonia”, Thematic

proceedings of the International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Volume III, Belgrade, 2014

(Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 03.-04.03.2014).

39. Research: “The opinion of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia about the corruption”, co-author, Faculty

of Security - Skopje, 2014.

40. Paper: “Right to a fair trial - with a special focus to the Case of Papadakis v. Republic of Macedonia” - to be

published (presented at the 4th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences - ICHSS 2014,

organized by the Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research - MCSER and Faculty of Philosophy

- Nikšic, University of Montenegro, Budva, 31.05.-01.06.2014; Abstracts of the 4th ICHSS 2014 - published in

Book od Proceedings).

41. Paper: “Corruption and public administration in Republic of Macedonia”, Proceedings of the International

scientific conference “Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the World War I - Security and Euro-

Atlantic integrations”, Volume I, Skopje, 2014, co-author (Faculty of Security - Skopje, Ohrid, 03.-05.06.2014).

42. Paper: “Regional Police Cooperation Through the MARRI Projects”, The Police Chief Magazine, Vol.

LXXXI, No. 8, August 2014, International Association of Chiefs of Police, 515 North Washington Street,

Alexandria, VA 22314 USA, co-author.

43. Paper: “Knowledge sharing practices and issues in policing contexts - A systematic review of the literature”,

European Journal of Policing Studies, Maclu-Online, Online first, Maklu Publishers nv, Antwerpen, Belgium, co-


44. Paper: “The evidentiary procedure at the main hearing according to the new Macedonian Law on Criminal

Procedure”, Thematic proceedings of the International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Volume I,

Belgrade, 2015 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 03.-04.03.2015).

45. Paper: “Police powers: ‘Identification’ - comparative analysis of the Macedonian and English legal system”,

Proceedings of the 4th International scientific and professional conference “Police College Research Days In

Zagreb”, Zagreb, 2015 (Police Academy - Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, 23.-


46. Paper: “The opinion of the Macedonian citizens about the corruption, with a special note to the preparedness

and determination to fight against corruption and the system’s development to fight against corruption”, Thematic

proceedings of the Scientific and professional conference with international participation “Countering

Contemporary Forms of Crime - Analysis of the Current Situation, European Standards and Measures for

Improvement”, Volume II, Belgrade, 2015 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Tara, 26.-


47. Paper: “Criminal acts against intellectual property encompassed by the Macedonian Criminal Code”,

Thematic proceedings of the International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Volume I, Belgrade,

2016 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 10.-11.03.2016).

48. Research 2013-2015: “The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia about the corruption”, co-author, Faculty of

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Security - Skopje, 2016.

49. Paper: “Case of El-Masri v. Republic of Macedonia - with a special focus to the violation of the Article 3 of

the European Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms”, Thematic proceedings

of the Scientific and professional conference with international participation “European Integration: Justice,

Freedom and Security”, Volume II, Belgrade, 2016 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade,

Tara, 24.-26.05.2016).

50. Paper: “Domestic violence in the Republic of Macedonia - with a special focus to the legal aspects of its

prevention and combat”, Programme and Abstracts book of the 2nd International Women and Justice Summit

“Speak up for Justice”, Istanbul, 2016 (KADEM - Women and Democracy Association and Ministry of Family

and Social Policies of the Republic of Turkey, Istanbul, 25-26.11.2016).

51. Paper: “Pariski principi i nacionalne institucije za ljudska prava”, Pravni život - časopis za pravnu teoriju i

praksu, tematski broj “Pravo i društveni imperativi, 29 godina Kopaoničke škole prirodnog prava”, Udruženje

pravnika Srbije, br. 12, tom IV, Beograd, 2016.

52. Research: “Implementation of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in the Republic of

Macedonia: Strasburg at home or Macedonia in front of Strasburg”, co-author, Faculty of Security - Skopje,


53. Paper: “Republic of Macedonia and the fight against terrorism”, Thematic proceedings of the International

scientific conference “Combating Radicalization and Terrorism”, Sofia, 2017 (Academy of the Ministry of

Internal Affairs of Bulgaria, Sofia, 20.-22.04.2017).

54. Paper: “20 years after the ratification of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman

or Degrading Treatment or Punishment - what has Republic of Macedonia achieved?”, Thematic proceedings of

the Scientific and professional conference with international participation “Police and Judiciary as Guarantees of

Freedom and Security in a Legal State”, Volume I, Belgrade, 2017 (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies

- Belgrade, Tara, 23.-25.05.2017).

55. Paper: “Republic of Macedonia and smuggling of migrants - legal framework and preventive action” - to be

published (presented at the 2nd International Conference on Immigration and Security “Immigration and

Integration”, organized by the Center for Research on Immigration and Border Security of Turkish National

Police Academy, Antalya, 12.-14.10.2017).

56. Paper: “The sentence bargaining in the Macedonian criminal legislation”, Thematic proceedings of the

International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days”, Volume I, Belgrade, 2017 (Academy of Criminalistic

and Police Studies - Belgrade, Belgrade, 07.-09.11.2017).

•LECTURER / PRESENTER / MODERATOR: 1. Round table: “Recommendations of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture which address to the

Macedonian Ministry of Internal Affairs” (Helsinki committee for human rights of RM, Ministry of Internal

Affairs of RM; 24.04.2008).

2. Workshop: “New Pre-trail Procedure, the special investigation measures and the protection of the personal

data” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje,

OPDAT, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia; 10.-11.06.2008).

3. Scientific discussion: “European standards for human rights and their implementation in the legal system of the

Republic of Macedonia” (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts; 18.11.2008).

4. 21st Meeting of the Kopaonik School for Natural Law: “Law and International integrations” (Kopaonik School

for Natural Law; 13.-17.12.2008).

5. Scientific discussion: “Reform of the institutions and its significance for the development of the Republic of

Macedonia” (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts; 18.12.2008).

6. Workshop: “Right to a fair trial and the position of the victims in the new criminal procedure” (Association for

Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje, Foundation Open

Society Institute Macedonia, Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM; 22.12.2008).

7. 1st Scientific conference with international participation: “Law and Forensics in Criminology” (Academy of

Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade; 16.-18.09.2009).

8. 2nd Scientific conference with international participation: “Law and forensics in crime investigation” (Academy

of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade; 15.-17.09.2010).

9. Round table: “Protection of the cultural heritage in Republic of Macedonia” (Faculty of Security - Skopje;


10. International scientific conference: “Archibald Reiss Days” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies -

Belgrade; 03.-04.03.2011).

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11. 2nd International conference of experts on combating drugs: “National Drug Strategy - Pillar: Supply

reduction” (Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces -

DCAF; 15.-17.06.2011).

12. International scientific conference: “Crime Suppression within the Framework of International Police Co-

operation” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade; 28.-30.06.2011).

13. 3rd International conference of experts on combating drugs: “Criminal Drug Organizations Situation in EU

with special focus on Balkan area” (Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM, Geneva Centre for the Democratic

Control of Armed Forces - DCAF; 16.-18.10.2012).

14. Regional conference for the representatives of the Public Relations Divisions within the Ministries of Internal

Affairs: “Public Relations in Modern Policing” (Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM, OSCE-Skopje, School for

Journalism and Public Relations; 16.-17.11.2012).

15. Expert discussion: “Suppression of the environmental crime in the Republic of Macedonia” (Faculty of

Security - Skopje; 26.03.2013).

16. International scientific conference: “Criminalistic and criminal-procedural aspects of the evidence and

proving” (International Association of Criminalists - Banja Luka; 10.-11.10.2013).

17. Trainings: 1st Phase “Training for the trainers” within the Project “Strengthening the Human Resources

Management and Development Structure within the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Strengthening the Capacity of

the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Implementation of the new Law on Criminal Procedure” (Ministry of

Internal Affairs of RM, OSCE-Skopje; November 2011 - December 2013).

18. International conference: “Prevention and Suppression of Transnational Organized Crime in Southeast Europe

- Convergence of Theory and Practice” (Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM, Centre for the Democratic Control of

Armed Forces - Ljubljana - DCAF; 09.-11.12.2013).

19. International scientific conference: “Archibald Reiss Days” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies -

Belgrade; 03.-04.03.2014).

20. Promotion of the Research: “The opinion of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia about the corruption”

(Faculty of Security - Skopje; 05.05.2014).

21. Trainings: 2nd Phase “Training for the trainers” within the Project “Strengthening the Human Resources

Management and Development Structure within the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Strengthening the Capacity of

the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Implementation of the new Law on Criminal Procedure” (Ministry of

Internal Affairs of RM, OSCE-Skopje; March 2014 - July 2014).

22. International scientific conference “Criminalistic education, situation and perspectives - 20 years after the

death of Prof. Vladimir Vodinelic” (Faculty of Security - Skopje, in cooperation with Faculty of Detectives and

Security within FON University - Skopje; 24.-25.10.2014).

23. 5th International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies -

Belgrade; 03.-04.03.2015).

24. 4th International scientific and professional conference “Police College Research Days In Zagreb” (Police

Academy - Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia; 23.-24.04.2015)

25. Scientific and professional conference with international participation “Countering Contemporary Forms of

Crime - Analysis of the Current Situation, European Standards and Measures for Improvement” (Academy of

Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade; 26.-29.05.2015).

26. 6th International scientific conference: “Researching security - approaches, concepts and policies” (Faculty of

Security - Skopje; 02.-03.06.2015).

27. 1st Macedonian conference: “Assessment - problems, dilemmas and practice in the Republic of Macedonia”

(Chamber of Assessors of the Republic of Macedonia; 05.-11.06.2015).

28. 6th International scientific conference “Archibald Reiss Days” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies -

Belgrade; 10.-11.03.2016).

29. Scientific and professional conference with international participation: “European Integration: Justice,

Freedom And Security” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade; 24.-26.05.2016).

30. Promotion of the Research 2013-2015: “The Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia about the corruption”

(Faculty of Security - Skopje; 14.06.2016).

31. 2nd International Women and Justice Summit: “Speak up for Justice” (KADEM - Women and Democracy

Association, Ministry of Family and Social Policies of the Republic of Turkey; 25.-26.11.2016).

32. 29th Meeting of the Kopaonik School for Natural Law: “Law and Social imperatives” (Kopaonik School for

Natural Law; 13.-17.12.2016).

33. International science and research conference: “Combating Radicalization and Terrorism” (Academy of the

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bulgaria; 20.-22.04.2017).

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34. Scientific and professional conference with international participation: “Police and Judiciary as Guarantees of

Freedom and Security in a Legal State” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies - Belgrade; 23.-


35. 8th International Scientific Conference: “Security concepts and policies - new generation of risks and threats”

(Faculty of Security - Skopje; 04.-05.06.2017).

36. 2nd International Conference on Immigration and Security: “Immigration and Integration” (Turkish National

Police Academy; 12.-14.10.2017).

37. 7th International scientific conference: “Archibald Reiss Days” (Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies

- Belgrade; 07.-09.11.2017).

•EVENTS (conferences, seminars, trainings, workshops...): 1. Meeting: “1st Meeting of the working group for combating financial and computer crime” (SECI Regional

Center for Combating Transborder Crime, Ministry of Finance of RM, Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM;


2. Seminar: “The necessity for changes and additional work on the Criminal Code” (Advocate Bar Association of

RM, ABA/CEELI; 14.-15.03.2003).

3. Seminar: “The necessity for changes and additional work on the Code of Criminal Procedure” (Advocate Bar

Association of RM, ABA/CEELI; 28.-29.03.2003).

4. Round table: “3rd Round table with the Government of RM” (Economist Conference; 16.-17.03.2004).

5. Conference: “Ministerial conference and 4th Meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Center of Excellence in

Finance” (Center of Excellence in Finance, Ministry of Finance of Slovenia; 21.05.2004).

6. Workshop: “Financial sector in the Southeastern Europe” (Ministry of Finance of RM, City College - SEERC,

Sheffield University; 10.06.2004).

7. Seminar: “Coordinating the activities between the bodies authorized for conducting the measures and activities

regulated with the Law for preventing money laundering and other proceeds of crime” (Office for preventing

money laundering and financing terrorism, Council of Europe; 06.09.2004).

8. Seminar: “Introduction of the public finance management” (Ministry of Finance of RM, Center of Excellence

in Finance; 14.-18.03.2005).

9. Meeting: “5th Meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Center of Excellence in Finance” (Ministry of Finance

of RM, Center of Excellence in Finance; 06.05.2005).

10. Meeting: “Meeting of the Dutch Constituency of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank”

(Ministry of Finance of Georgia, International Monetary Fund, World Bank; 11.-12.06.2005).

11. Course: “Combating trafficking in persons” (International Organization for Migration, Council of Europe -

European Commission CARDS Police; 20.-24.03.2006).

12. 3rd Working meeting of the Expert group of the Project “Fight against the organized crime in RM”

(Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia; 10.05.2006).

13. Training: “Financial investigation and confiscation of proceeds of crime” (Council of Europe - European

Commission CARDS Police; 26.-27.06.2006).

14. Round table: “External control of the law-enforcement bodies (coordinative meetings)” (OSCE-Skopje;

04.12.2006, 03.05.2007, 14.06.2007).

15. Training: “Proceedings of the Public Prosecutor’s office in the registered cases of a police abuse” (Human

Rights Support Project; 12.05.2007).

16. Round table: “Regulations for conducting the matters of the Sector for Internal Control and Professional

Standards” (Human Rights Support Project; 28.05.2007).

17. Workshop: “Strategy for reform of the criminal legislative” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology

of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje; 21.07.2007).

18. Round table: “Legal regulations for the use of weapons and means of force by the authorized personnel of the

Ministry of Internal Affairs” (Human Rights Support Project; 17.10.2007).

19. Workshop: “Alternative measures and the mediation in the criminal legislative” (Association for Criminal

Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje; 20.11.2007).

20. Round table: “Louder than the scream - Protection of women from violence” (Ministry of Labor and Social

Policy of RM, OSCE-Skopje; 22.11.2007).

21. Round table: “Public Prosecutor’s role during the investigation” (Association of the Public Prosecutors in

RM, OSCE-Skopje; 29.11.2007).

22. Training “Organized crime” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of

Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje, OPDAT; 17.-18.12.2007).

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23. Workshop: “New relations among the Police, Public Prosecutor’s office and the courts in the Pre-trail

Procedure” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-

Skopje, OPDAT, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia; 28.-29.02.2008).

24. Event: “Prohibition of torture” (Forum - Center for strategic research and documentation; 10.-11.03.2008).

25. Event: “The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture (OPCAT): An Important new era for

torture prevention in Macedonia” (United Nations Country team - Macedonia, Association for the prevention of

torture, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; 13.03.2008).

26. Workshop: “Simplified and speedy criminal procedures - comparative and in Republic of Macedonia”

(Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje,

OPDAT, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia; 14.03.2008).

27. Workshop: “Rearrangement of the system of a legal remedies” (Association for Criminal Law and

Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje, Foundation Open Society Institute

Macedonia, Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM; 29.05.2008).

28. 1st Public debate within the Project “Establishing an independent mechanism for external control of the law-

enforcement bodies - Strengthened roll of the Public Prosecutor’s office” (Public Prosecutor’s office of RM;


29. Panel discussion: “26th of June - International day of the United Nations against torture and ill-treatment” (EU

Mission in RM; 26.06.2008).

30. Workshop: “Review of the indictment, rearrangement of the main hearing and imposition of the sanctions

within the legal frames” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of

RM, OSCE-Skopje, OPDAT, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, Academy of Judges and Public

Prosecutors of RM; 01.-02.07.2008).

31. 9th Annual conference: “Economic crime and the actual reform of the Criminal Law and the Criminal

Procedure” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-

Skopje, OPDAT, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of

RM; 25.-27.09.2008).

32. Conference: “Reform of the criminal legislation and the respect of the human rights” (Association for

Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Ministry of Justice of RM, OSCE-Skopje, Foundation Open

Society Institute Macedonia; 26.12.2008).

33. Workshop: “Criminal provisions in the laws which refer to the protection of the environment” (Faculty of

Security - Skopje, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of RM; 03.02.2009).

34. Public discussion: “The new Code of Criminal Procedure” (Ministry of Justice of RM; 05.-06.03.2009).

35. Round table: “The new Law of Internal Affairs from the aspect of a legal state” (Helsinki committee for

human rights of RM; 22.05.2009).

36. Round table: “Institutional efficiency for protection of the citizens who complain about police abuse”

(Coalition “All for fair trials”; 03.06.2009).

37. Public discussion: “Introduction of a system of career in the new Law on Internal Affairs” (Police Union,

Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM; 06.08.2009).

38. Workshop: “The role of the National Preventive Mechanism in monitoring the situation in correctional and

educational-correctional institutions” (Public Attorney - Ombudsman of RM, OSCE-Skopje; 21.10.2009).

39. Workshop: “The role of the National Preventive Mechanism in monitoring the situation in police stations”

(Public Attorney - Ombudsman of RM, OSCE-Skopje; 22.10.2009).

40. Train the trainers for prevention of violence and injures: “Capacity building for prevention of violence

through (TEACH VIP), training, education, health promotion, teaching programs for prevention of violence and

injuries for high education of the World Health Organization” (World Health Organization, Regional Office for

Europe, Country Office Skopje; 03.-05.11.2009).

41. Seminar: “Swedish Presidency with the European Union - Crime, Police and Justice in the 21st Century”

(European Police College - CEPOL, Swedish National Police Academy; 15.-16.12.2009).

42. Workshop: “Application of the new solutions regarding the special investigation measures” (Association for

Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, Academy of

Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM; 21.12.2009).

43. Workshop: “Criminal responsibility of the legal persons” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of

Macedonia, Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM;


44. Conference: “History and Apocrypha - demythologization of 2001” (Foundation Open Society Institute

Macedonia; 20.-21.01.2010).

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45. Conference: “International conference of experts on combating drugs” (Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM,

Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces - DCAF; 10.-11.06.2010).

46. Discussion: “Amended Criminal Code of the Republic of Macedonia” (Faculty of Law “Justinianus Primus” -

Skopje; 29.06.2010).

47. Conference: “Regional consultation with civil society organizations for the draft model of the Regional

Commission to identify and publicly stating the facts about the war crimes and other serious violations of human

rights committed in former Yugoslavia (RECOM)” (Coalition for RECOM, Humanitarian Law Centre - Kosovo;


48. Lecture: “Regional cooperation of the Western Balkans counties” (MARRI Regional Centre - Skopje,


49. Scientific debate: “The new Law of Criminal Procedure” (Macedonian Young Lawyers Association,

Westminister Foundation for Democracy; 28.09.2010).

50. Workshops: “Processing and presentation of data for preparation of papers published in international journals

with impact factor” (University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola; November - December 2010).

51. Event: “Friends of MARRI” (MARRI Regional Centre - Skopje; 17.02.2011).

52. Lecture: “NATO - past, present, future” (Faculty of Security - Skopje; 09.05.2011).

53. Seminar: “Designing and implementing a National Qualifications Framework for the Higher education”

(University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola; 13.05.2011).

54. International scientific conference: “Security in the Post-conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and

challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia” (Faculty of Security - Skopje; 27.-28.05.2011).

55. Workshop: “Recognition of torture in detention” (Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM, TAIEX

Instrument of EU; 30.-31.05.2011).

56. Training: “Training for Mediators” (Ministry of Justice of RM; 04.-08.07.2011).

57. Workshop: “Relationship between Public Prosecutors and Police” (Council of Public Prosecutors, Academy

of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM, TAIEX Instrument of EU; 05.-06.09.2011).

58. Round table: “Security, safety and role of the Police in Macedonian society” (Ministry of Internal Affairs of

RM; 27.09.2011).

59. Seminar: “Implementation of the Law on Juvenile Justice” (Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of

RM; 29.09.2011).

60. Round table: “Comparative experience in the field of deprivation of liberty and the role of Ombudsmen

institutions” (Public Attorney - Ombudsman of RM; 06.-07.10.2011).

61. Conference: “Regional Security Dynamics in the Western Balkans” (Analytica Think Tank, Konrad Adenauer

Foundation; 17.11.2011).

62. Conference: “Usage of detention as a measure - Macedonian reality and international standards” (Friedrich

Ebert Stiftung - Office Skopje, PROGRESS Institute for Social Democracy, Olof Palme International Center;


63. Consortium meeting of the project “COMPOSITE” (Consortium of the International FP7 project

“COMPOSITE: Comparative Police Studies in the EU”; 29.05.-01.06.2012).

64. 21st Summer course: “International Protection of Human Rights - Protection of National Minorities” (Poznań

Human Rights Centre, Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences; 03.09.-12.09.2012).

65. Training: “Overstepping of the authorities by applying torture” (Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of

RM; 07.11.2012).

66. Training: “Techniques for examining and interviewing” (Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM,

Association of the Public Prosecutors in RM, OPDAT, INL; 11.-13.12.2012).

67. Study visit to the Police of Northern Ireland within the Twinning project “Support to the National Police and

Criminal Law Reform” - IPA 2009 (Ministry of Internal Affairs of RM, NI-CO - Northern Ireland Co-operation

Overseas; 01.-04.12.2013).

68. Round table: “Scientific thought aimed to improve the road traffic safety” (Faculty of Security - Skopje;


69. Promotion of the Research: “The position of the convicted persons in the penitentiary institutions in the

Republic of Macedonia” (Faculty of Security - Skopje; 09.05.2014).

70. International scientific conference: “Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the World War I -

Security and Euro-Atlantic integrations” (Faculty of Security - Skopje; 03.-05.06.2014).

71. Round table dedicated to the Public discussion concerning the Draft - Amendments of the Constitution of the

Republic of Macedonia, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (Faculty of Security -

Skopje; 18.09.2014).

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72. Scientific and professional round table: “Euro-Atlantic challenges of the Republic of Macedonia: problems,

political realities, future solutions and opportunities after the NATO summit in the UK 2014” (Faculty of Security

- Skopje; 18.11.2014).

73. Scientific debate: “Political and security crisis in the Republic of Macedonia and the strategic approaches for

systemic solutions” (Faculty of Security - Skopje; 24.06.2015).

74. Scientific and professional debate: “The views of the employees in the penitentiary institutions in the

Republic of Macedonia on issues related to the institutions’ tasks and situation” (Faculty of Security - Skopje;


75. Scientific debate: “Further strengthening of the independence of the judiciary” (Macedonian Academy of

Sciences and Arts; 03.11.2015).

76. Public debate and presentation of the results of the Survey titled “Media presentation of crime in the daily

newspapers in the Republic of Macedonia” (Faculty of Security - Skopje; 22.12.2015).

77. Training: “Practical implementation of the Law on Criminal Procedure: Examination of suspect, witness,

expert-witness” (Academy of Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM; 15.04.2016).

78. Training: “Bargaining about criminal sanction / Admission of guilt / Accelerated procedures” (Academy of

Judges and Public Prosecutors of RM; 05.05.2016).

79. Training: “Opening and closing statements / Direct and cross-examination” (Academy of Judges and Public

Prosecutors of RM; 10.05.2016).

80. International scientific conference: “Contemporary trends in social control of crime” (Faculty of Security -

Skopje; 30.-31.05.2016).

81. International Road Safety Conference (Republic Council on Road Traffic Safety; 29.09.-01.10.2016).

82. Scientific and professional round table: “Functioning of the security system of the Republic of Macedonia in

crisis and complex security situation - managing and dealing with crises (Faculty of Security - Skopje;


83. International scientific conference: “The dialogue among civilizations and the challenges of tolerance in the

digital era” (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts; 16.11.2016).

84. Conference: “Access to information and personal data protection - challenges and opportunities” (Analytica

Think Tank; 18.11.2016).

85. Scientific and professional debate: “Judicial determination of the sentences and practical application of the

alternative measures into the Macedonian legislation” (Association for Criminal Law and Criminology of

Macedonia, Association of Judges of RM, IRZ - German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation;


86. International scientific conference: “Ss. Clement messages for ethics, morality and values” (Faculty of

Security - Skopje; 05.12.2016).

87. Info day for presentation and promotion of grants for individual researchers provided by European Research

Council, within the Mobility Programme - Marie Skłodowska-Curie (Horizon 2020) (Ministry of Education and

Science of RM, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, European Commission; 24.03.2017).

88. Promotion of the Faculty of Security - Skopje before the high school graduates - future students through

participation in the “UKLO - Open Day” (University “Ss. Kliment Ohridski” - Bitola; 12.05.2017).

89. Workshop: “Awareness Raising on the Right to Access Public Information” (Commission for Protection of

the Right to Free Access to Public Information, TAIEX Instrument of EU; 08.-09.06.2017).

90. School of Public Policy “Mother Teresa” - generation 2017/2018 (series of continuous activities - weekly

lectures and weekend sessions) (Center for Research and Policy Making; First weekend session; since June


91. Info day for presentation of EU COST Programme (Ministry of Education and Science of RM, Macedonian

Academy of Sciences and Arts, European Commission; 15.09.2017).

92. Round table and promotion of comparative study: “Doubt in favour of the defendant, guilty beyond

reasonable doubt” (Association of Criminal Law and Criminology of Macedonia, OSCE-Skopje; 06.10.2017).

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