  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Consumer Research Process

    Define the Research Objectives

    List the Information Needed

    Design Data Collection Project

    Select the Sample Type

    Determine the Sample Size

    Carry Out the Field Work

    Analyze Data and Prepare Report

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    1. Specifying Research


    What is the purpose of this study?

    What are the objectives of this research?

    Managers biases

    Put research objectives in written form- can be discussed& agreed upon(for appropriate research design) later by

    the manager and researcher.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    An objective statement helps in deciding:

    Type of information needed

    Level of information needed

    The type of study to be conducted

    The research design for study

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Errors in Research Objectives

    Can take a research to a wrong direction

    Can be avoided by: Careful selection of sample type & size

    Careful design of questions

    Clear understanding of managersperspective, needs and decision making

    Working together with the manager

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    2. Listing the Information needed

    Content of list is determined by the research objectives and

    the situation leading to research request

    Managers often leave listing the information needed to the


    Variance between the researchers list and managers list

    major source of error in service marketing research

    Error can be avoided by working together and foreseeing

    future events(if-then)

    Clarity on use of findings of research helps in deciding list

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    3. Data Collection

    After first two steps, researcher should determine whether:

    The data is already available(in company record or

    from outside)

    Secondary Data Collection

    Not available

    Primary data collection from the field

    *Primary data collection should be pursued only after sufficient secondary data review

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Primary Data Secondary Data

    1. More detail and specific

    information for the problem at


    1. Data already collected for a

    problem other than the one at


    2. Data collection is costly and

    time consuming

    2. Lesser cost and time required

    3. Yields a more accurate picture

    than studies based on secondary

    data alone

    3. Sufficient in most cases for

    problem solving and provides clues

    and direction for primary research

    Primary Data vs. Secondary Data

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Primary Data Collection

    If the information needed is not available through secondary

    sources, researcher will have to collect it from the field.

    Sources of error in designing a primary data collection


    Poor or inappropriate research design

    Improper selection of respondents

    Asking unclear or ambiguous questions Wrong scale of study (large or small scale study)

    Poor experimental design

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Avoiding errors in primary data collection:


    a) Should the research be exploratory or conclusive?

    b) Who should be interviewed and how?

    c) Should only a few cases be studied or a large sample?

    d) How should the data collection form be designed?

    Type of questionnaire (PI, telephone interview, mail survey)?

    Content and wording of each question?

    Type of questions?

    Sequence of questions?

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Secondary Data Collection

    The data that have already been collected for

    purposes other than the problem at hand.

    Secondary data help to: Identify the problem

    Define the problem better

    Develop an approach to the problem

    Formulate an appropriate research design

    Answer certain research questions & test some hypotheses

    Interpret primary data more insightfully

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Criteria Issue Remarks



    Data collection method, Response rate,

    Quality of data sampling, technique,

    Sample size, Questionnaire design, Fieldwork data analysis

    Data should be reliable, valid,

    and that can be generalized to

    the problem at hand



    Examine errors in approach, Research

    design, Sampling, data collection, Reporting

    Assess accuracy by comparing

    data from different resources

    Currency Time lag between collection andpublication, frequency of updates

    Census data is periodically

    updated by syndicated firms



    Why were the data collected? Definition of

    key variables, units of measurement,

    Categories used- relationships examined

    The objectives will determine

    the relevance of data to the

    problem at hand

    dependability Expertise, Credibility, reputation and

    trustworthiness of the source

    Data should be obtained from

    the original source rather thanacquired source

    Criteria for Evaluation of Secondary Data

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Research Process


    Classification of Secondary Data




    Ready to use

    Need further





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