
CustomerHub Next Migration Guide

Hello there!

We embarked on the CustomerHub journey in August of 2008 (or thereabouts) and have seen the product through many ups and downs since. We acknowledge the many success and failures that have combined to bring us to this point. We also honor the many contributions YOU have made to CustomerHub along the way. Ultimately, we know that this new chapter of CustomerHub would not have been possible without you. So, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. With that being said, we are thrilled to now offer to you CustomerHub Next. This new platform makes it significantly easier for you to publish and sell professional digital products. It’s already awesome, and what the product offers now is only the beginning of our grand vision. We’re excited for you to migrate to CustomerHub Next, and this guide was created to assist you in that process if and when you choose to do so. Finally, please know that we’re here to help. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, we look forward to hearing from you at [email protected]. Thanks again, and we look forward to serving you for many years to come! To your success, Kyle Leavitt CEO & Co-founder, CustomerHub

The who and the why

This guide is intended for CustomerHub Classic application owners and their teams. The purpose of the guide is to provide a step-by-step process to follow to support you in successfully migrating to the new platform, CustomerHub Next.

Glossary of terms Before getting into the ‘nitty-gritty’, we thought it might be helpful for you to review some new terms so that you can follow along with the specialized language used throughout this guide. CustomerHub Classic (or “Classic) – our original CustomerHub product (the one you are migrating from). CustomerHub Next (or “Next”) – the innovative new CustomerHub platform, which was officially released in 2021 (the one you are migrating to). Admin – an administrator who accesses the “back-end” of CustomerHub to create content. This may include you and others in your business who are involved in the migration in some way. User – an end user who accesses the “front-end” CustomerHub website to consume your content. This may include your customers, members, students, etc. product (little p) – the traditional definition for product; something produced and/or marketed and sold as a commodity. Product (big P) – a digital product that is created in CustomerHub Next and delivered as a digital experience in the end user website. Product template – a template that combines an intentionally designed set of page templates, best practices, and advanced settings to produce an intended type of digital product experience.

Migration overview

Migrating to a new course or membership platform is a big deal. While we have been intentional in our design and planning to ensure that your migration from CustomerHub Classic to Next is as easy as possible, it will still require careful planning and strong execution to ensure success. In order to give you a sense of everything that will be involved, please review the following summary of all six phases of migration process: Each phase of migration is comprised of sequential steps that are placed in an intentional order to ensure the process is efficient and clean. We strongly advise you to follow this order. Also, the amount of time and work required for your migration will depend on the amount of content and number of users you are migrating as well as the depth of customizations you wish to make to your theme design and site. However, as a general rule, you should roughly plan on spending about one hour per Product that you migrate from Classic to CustomerHub Next.

Phase 2: Lay the foundation

Implement the foundation to support your content and desired customer experience.

Phase 1: Migration planning

Create a plan to move forward with clarity and confidence. Define product and content structure.

Phase 4: Prepare your site

Create your business brand, apply it to your theme, and make any required site modifications.

Phase 3: Create products

Create your products, add pages, and migrate content for all required products and pages.

Phase 6: Launch

Notify your customers, grant user access, and promptly respond to any feedback.

Phase 5: Test and tweak

Test the end-to-end customer journey for all products. Make adjustments as necessary.

Phase 1 – Migration planning Let the migration process officially begin! 🚀 As with any project that involves any level of complexity, a proper plan is key to victory. So this first phase is all about investing that hour or two of planning upfront that will save you countless problems down the road. Let’s do this, shall we?

Step 1-1: Product inventory

This first very important thing to understand as it pertains to migrating from Classic to Next is that the new platform organizes your content in an entirely different way. In Classic, pages are the primary content organization structure. By contrast, CustomerHub Next introduces Products as the primary content organization structure. This new approach not only makes it easier for you to deliver a professional experience to your users, but it also makes it easier for your users to consume what you’re offering. Win/win. Given this change, the first step in formulating your migration plan is to take inventory of the products you are currently delivering via Classic and determine which of them you’d like to migrate to Next, discontinue, or leave right where they are. Use the example below as a guide to complete your product inventory worksheet on the following page. Make additional copies of the worksheet as needed.

Product inventory worksheet example Possible Types: mini course, online course, video training, video series, membership, product bundle, digital download, audio program, or custom Possible Actions: migrate (to Next), leave (in Classic), or discontinue

Product name Type Action

SURFING 101 Mini course Migrate

SURFING 201 Mini course Migrate

SURFING 301 Mini course Migrate


BILLABONG BUNDLE Product bundle Leave

2020 GO BIG SURF CAMP Video series Discontinue

Product inventory worksheet Possible Types: mini course, online course, video training, video series, membership, product bundle, digital download, audio program, or custom Possible Actions: migrate (to Next), leave (in Classic), or discontinue

Product name Type Action

Great job! Now that you’ve completed your product inventory worksheet and are clear on which products you’ll be migrating to CustomerHub Next you can move on to your product map.

Step 1-2: Create your product map

The goal of your product map is to articulate the page components of the products in Classic that you plan to migrate to Next in a way that works with the new platform architecture and makes the migration as clean and easy as possible. This should be pretty straightforward if in fact you’ve created your main pages in Classic in a 1:1 sort of relationship with the products you sell (this is often but not always the case). However, if you’ve organized your products a different way then your product map will require a little more work. If you sell memberships or product bundles then you’ll complete an additional map for those. And if you have more products and/or memberships than space provided on the worksheets simply make additional copies of the worksheets. Review the product and membership examples below then proceed to complete your own product maps. Please ignore the box on the right side of the product title row for now.

Product map examples

(product map example) (membership or bundle map example)


Pages (Classic) Pages (Classic) Products


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5




Surfing 101

Surfing 201

Surfing 301

Product map

Pages (Classic) Pages (Classic) Pages (Classic)

Pages (Classic) Pages (Classic) Pages (Classic)

Membership & bundle map

Pages (Classic) Products Pages (Classic) Products

Pages (Classic) Products Pages (Classic) Products

Phase 2 – Lay the foundation Nice work, now that you’ve completed the all-important planning phase it’s time to get your hands dirty by getting the foundational pieces in place. High five! 🤚

Step 2-1: Activate your app

You can’t really do much migration work until you’ve got your new application. If you already have a CustomerHub Next app, go ahead and mark this step complete and move on. However, if you don’t yet have a CustomerHub Next app, you can activate your CustomerHub Next application by completing the signup form here. If you have questions about activating your app please email us at [email protected] and we’ll be back in touch in a jiffy. Once you’ve created your new application and successfully logged in you can proceed.

Step 2-2: Connect to Keap

Okay, now let’s get your shiny new CustomerHub Next app connected to Keap. Start by navigating to SETTINGS > CONNECTORS, then click the CONNECT button on the Keap connector card, then toggle on all of the available connector options and click CONNECT.

The final step will require you to authenticate with your Keap application using your Keap ID. Once you’ve successfully connected to Keap magic will start happening and you can move to the next step.

Step 2-3: Download your Classic multimedia

Are you ready for a download party?? 🎉 Good, cause that’s what’s about to go ‘down’ (no pun intended). In preparation for migrating your multimedia from Classic to Next, you’ll first create a tidy folder structure on your computer, cloud drive, or other storage device that mirrors your product and page structure so you can keep everything neat and tidy in the process of downloading all of your multimedia from Classic and subsequently uploading it to Next. Start by creating a master folder called ‘customerhub-migration’, then within that master folder you will create a folder for each product and a sub-folder for each page in that product. Here is what the folder structure would look like for Surfing 101 in our example product map (also note we are only doing this for the products we’re migrating):

Please note that in order to be super tidy, we’ve also numbered each page folder with a number to correspond with the order in which it belongs (this ensures they same order they will show up in the app).

Think you’re special?

If, by some rare anomaly, you are one of the ultra-organized people who already has your multimedia downloaded and organized in the manner described above, please: 1) skip to the next step, and 2) consider launching a new ‘digital awesomology’ mini-course.

After creating the folder structure above, you can open a new browser tab and log in to your CustomerHub Classic app, then navigate to the corresponding product and page in the Classic app (i.e. Surfing 101 > Welcome) from which you will download multimedia first. You can now break out your favorite caffeinated beverage and proceed to download every multimedia file in your Classic app that is utilized in every page of every product you will be migrating to Next (refer to your Product Map). 🥤 The following type-specific media download instructions may be of service in the process:

• Images – double right click on the image while in the page editor view in Classic, then select ‘Save Image As’ and save in the relevant page folder you just created

• Audio, Video, or Files – hover over the LIBRARY main nav dropdown, then middle click

AUDIO, VIDEO, or FILES to navigate to the corresponding library in a new browser tab:

Then SEARCH for the multimedia file in the media library using the name of the of audio, video, or files as displayed in the corresponding page merge code in Classic.

Example: for the file below you’d search for “big-wave-motivation” in the audio library

After locating the correct multimedia file, click the blue download button on the right of the multimedia file row and save it in the corresponding page folder:

Once you’ve finished the download party, do a happy dance for that investment of time you just spent downloading files that one might argue would have more enjoyably spent watching Netflix. But you pushed through like the gritty entrepreneur you are and did it anyway…and now you can move forward like a champ! 🕺

But what about all of my schnazzy partials and action links?

You don’t need ‘em anymore. Seriously. We’ve done a lot of research on this, so if you ever find use case for partials or action links that we haven’t already accounted for in the new platform you should tell us about it at [email protected].

Phase 3 – Create products Now the real fun begins…time to create your Products in CustomerHub Next! This is by far the meatiest phase of the migration and will take the most time and effort, but it’s also the most fun in our humble opinions. 😉 Start by pulling out your handy-dandy product map and navigating to the PRODUCTS page in your CustomerHub Next app, then you will choose a single product from your map to begin with and complete each step in this phase just for that product. Then you’ll repeat the process for each remaining product until you have completed all of them (please note we have added a checkbox to the right of each product title in the product map to help you track your progress). And one helpful hint: save memberships and product bundles for last (this will save you some time down the road).

Step 3-1: Choose a product template

The first step in creating a Product is to choosing a Product template to begin with. Start by adding a product using the button on your PRODUCTS page. You’ll then be asked to choose which Product template you want to start with (i.e. mini-course, online course, video training, etc) as pictured below:

Don’t worry if you don’t see a perfect match, just choose the one that’s closest. Depending on the Product template you select, certain Product pages will automatically get created and settings will be automatically configured (unless you choose ‘start from scratch’). Once you’ve created your new Product by giving it a name and description, you can navigate to the SETTINGS tab.

Step 3-2: Configure product settings

Before diving into the Product pages, let’s make sure all of the Product settings are correct.

For a more comprehensive overview of Product settings please read this article. If you aren’t sure about some of the advanced options, we recommend sticking what the defaults (after all these were specifically chosen based on the product template you selected). After configuring your Product settings, you can finally start working on the content. Yay!

Step 3-3: Organize your product pages

Goal number one with your Product content is getting your page structure locked in. Luckily, you’ve already defined all of these details your product map. Depending on the Product template you selected in Step 3-1, your PAGES tab will likely already include one or more pages (and possibly some sections too).

The idea here is that you start with a set of pages (and page templates) that represent best practice in terms of page organization and design for the specified product type. We know this won’t always be perfect, but it should give you a great head start. With that being said, go ahead and make changes to any of the default pages until you’ve got the exact list of pages for this product that are reflected in your product map. This of course may include adding new pages or removing existing ones as well. Once you’ve got your page structure locked in you can move on to the next step.

Step 3-4: Add your page content

Okay, now it’s time to start building your Product pages. 👷

Start by clicking on the first page of the product to navigate to the new PAGE BUILDER.

In order to learn the basics of our new page builder please watch this video before doing anything else. Then, review the following nuggets of builder wisdom 💎:

• There are eleven standard page templates included in your application. These have been designed with best practice in mind so we highly recommend them as a great starting point in your page creation and design efforts. Here is a list of them: Blank page, Welcome, Course overview, Course summary, Lesson, Video, Video series, Audio, Audio

Hooray, a modern builder is here!

For the purposes of this guide, we’re not going to pontificate about all of the hotness of the new page builder. What we WILL say is that we’re excited for you to experience a massive upgrade from the builder in Classic in virtually every quantifiable way.

series, Download, Download series

• If you feel you can’t use (or you do not like) any of the built-in page templates, you can always create your own. For instructions on how to create your own page templates read this article.

• Focus on the layout of your page first, and the content afterwards. This will help you minimize the risk of wasting time.

• Upload and merge in your multimedia as you go. The handy-dandy page folders you created during your download party in Step 2-3 hold all of the multimedia you need for each page right at your fingertips. Shazam! 💥

• Keep your CustomerHub Classic app open in another tab. You will need to copy/paste text from your Classic pages. Everything else (video, audio, and files) can be merged in from your files.

• CustomerHub Next does offer user merge fields as well go here to learn more.

• Set each page to LIVE mode when it is completed. This will save you time later and also serve as a visual queue of where you’re at if you need to step away at any point and come back later.

There, now that you’ve got all the builder wisdom you’ll need you can run wild with adding page content for every page in the Product you’re working on. So whaddya say...are you ready to start building pages like a rockstar? Ready, set, go!

Step 3-5: Set your Product to live mode

Once your products have been created, configured, organized, and finalized with content (including all pages being set to live mode), you can do one final review of all of the details for the entire product and then set it to LIVE mode.

Don’t worry, doing this alone will not make your products visible to anyone unless you have users with login access to the site…which you don’t yet.

Step 3-6: Repeat all previous steps for all products

Now that you’ve completed a single product from beginning to end you’re ready to rinse and repeat. Choose the next product you want to work on, then head back to Step 3-1 and repeat all subsequent steps for every remaining product in your product map. Then, after ALL of your products have been created, configured, organized, and finalized with content, you’ll be ready to move on to the next phase. Do you like the feeling of being on the downhill slope side of the mountain? Positive vibes! ⛰

Phase 4 – Prepare your site

Step 4-1: Add navigation links (optional)

The first step in prepping your user site is adding navigation links, if applicable. Navigation links show up at the top of your user site as pictured below.

As you consider adding links to your navigation, please keep in mind that your site navigation should look drastically different in Next than it did in the Classic. This is because you don’t need links in the site navigation for your products (these are already dynamically listed in the product library) or product pages (these are dynamically created in each product’s menu) anymore. So if you don’t need Products in the navigation anymore then what does belong? We’d recommend adding navigation links for general pages that you want to show up for all of your users. Here are some examples to consider:

• Welcome – a general welcome page that provides a ‘soft landing spot’ for new users of the site. This may include a welcome video, guidance about how to use the site, or other resources that might be useful to new users.

• Help – a general help or support link that provides information and/or instructions to users about how to get help, create a ticket, or otherwise engage with your support team.

• Non-product resources – any resources that you don’t consider ‘products’ that you want to be available to your users in the main site navigation.

• Other external links – links to external sites or resources that are not contained in your user site. It may make sense to add a link to your online store, Facebook group (or other discussion forum), public website, etc.

Now in reality, you technically can add links to your products in your site navigation and hide them from non-qualifying users, however these should only be used for advanced use cases and we recommend not worrying about those right now. To get all the details on navigation links please read this article. Once you’re done with your site navigation you can start pushing some pixels around. 🎨

Step 4-2: Set up your brand

If you’re a lover of colors and typography then you’ll like this part. Let’s start over in the BRAND CENTER by setting up your foundational brand assets including your logo, favicon, colors, and fonts.

If you need some additional guidance on any of the details please check out this article.

Also, of special note in our hearts, we’ve expanded our integration with Google fonts to include their full library of 1,043 fonts (last we checked). If you want to peruse the full Google font library you can check it out here. Ka-ching! 💰

Step 4-3: Personalize your theme

Now that you’ve got your brand all set to go it’s time to personalize your theme. Navigate to SETTINGS > THEMES to browse and edit an available theme. Once you are in the theme editor, you can apply your brand assets to the theme. This is done by clicking the APPLY button and selecting BRAND as pictured below.

Applying your brand will import and map your brand colors and fonts into the theme via a pre-designed theme mapping (this should get you 90-100% of the way there in terms of having a beautiful and branded theme). Feel free to review the color and typography mappings and make any adjustments if necessary. You may also notice some additional tabs in the theme designer (i.e. CSS, Javascript, Components, and Layouts). These are advanced theme options that should only be edited by experienced web developers. So if that does not describe you, please keep your hands to yourself and move it on out Bucko! You can now finish by SAVING your theme changes, and clicking PUBLISH to get your site up live on the internet (don’t worry, no one can see it until you give them access). 🥳

Phase 5 – Test and tweak Okay, so you’ve got your content all ready to go and your site all branded and pretty. Are you ready to test drive this baby or what?! 🏎

Step 5-1: Create a test user

In order to do a thorough test drive, you’ll need first create a test user login. Since CustomerHub is now a standalone platform, you can do this right in the admin interface by going to the user list and clicking the button to create a new user:

Once you have created the new test user, an email will immediately be sent to the user with a special link to create a password and access the site (subject line: your new account). Let the testing begin!

Step 5-2: Test your products

To begin testing your products, you need to first grant your new test user access to whatever products you want to be tested. This can be done simply by adding products to the permissions field on the user record as pictured below.

As you’re reviewing your product experiences take special notice of anything that may be confusing, misleading, or not useful to your from your user’s perspective. Simple is almost always better. Page changes you make will be updated in real-time, however changes to user access or Product settings will require the user to log out and then log back in in order to see the updates. Get all your I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed, then proceed.

Step 5-3: Test your Keap connector

You may have also noted in the image on the previous page that your Keap connector has already been hard at work creating connections and syncing data. If you’d like to learn more about everything the Keap connector does read this article. For now, all you really need to know is that your connector syncs the necessary user data bi-directionally between CustomerHub Next and Keap. Changes made in CustomerHub Next are immediately synced to Keap. Changes made in Keap are also synced to CustomerHub Next, however the data coming in this direction usually takes a few minutes so don’t be alarmed if the changes aren’t immediately reflected (2-5 min average).

Test applying and removing CustomerHub product tags in Keap to/from any contact in Keap and ensure the changes are reflected in Next. Once you understand and are comfortable with how the Keap connector works, you can move to the final step of this illustrious phase.

Step 5-4: Make final adjustments

There’s not really a pre-defined step-by-step process for this step, but you will know what needs to be tightened up based on all of the testing you’ve done in the previous three steps. Here’s a high-tech box to make a list of anything else you want to do before launching:

Stuff to do to be ready for launch

Once you’ve got all your ‘stuff to do’ done there’s only one more thing to do…LAUNCH!!!

Phase 6 – Launch to users

Step 6-1: Notify your Classic users

The last thing you’ll want to do before officially adding your current Classic end users over to the CustomerHub Next experience is give them a heads up about the changes coming. The bare minimum communication we’d recommend is sending a couple of broadcast emails, however the more channels you can mix in to support this the better. Here are a couple of swipe email templates that may be helpful to you in this process:

Initial announcement

Subject membership site/online course/etc upgrade coming soon


Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, We’re thrilled to announce that we’re launching an upgraded membership site/online course/etc experience and will be rolling out the new changes on date! Action required You’ll be receiving an email on this date from CustomerHub Next app name with the subject line your new account. You will need to click a special link in this email in order to login to the new site and continue accessing your digital products moving forward. What is changing? We’re upgrading our platform to deliver the best possible experience to you. The upgrades include a new site design, searchable product library, more intuitive content organization, progress tracking, enhanced mobile responsiveness, and much more. Please reply to this email if you have any questions or needs. Sincerely, Your business team

Day of reminder / request

Subject REMINDER: upgrade happening today


Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, We’re going live with our membership site/online course/etc upgrade today! Action required You’ll be receiving an email shortly from CustomerHub Next app name with the subject line your new account. You will need to click a special link in this email in order to login to the new site and continue accessing your digital products moving forward. Important note It may take several hours for you to gain access to all of your digital product experiences after you receive the email invitation mentioned above. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this process. Why did we make this change? We’re upgrading our platform to deliver the best possible experience to you. The upgrades include a new site design, searchable product library, more intuitive content organization, progress tracking, enhanced mobile responsiveness, and much more. Please reply to this email if you have any questions or needs. Sincerely, Your business team

Once you’ve adequately informed your customers about this change can begin the final step in the migration.

Step 6-2: Add your users to CustomerHub Next

The only thing left for you to do now is add your users to CustomerHub Next.

This is done by applying the appropriate CustomerHub Next product tags to your contacts in Keap. You will apply these tags one product at a time until all contacts have been tagged with the appropriate access tags for the new platform. Here’s an example of what that process might look like:


1. Pull up list of contacts in Keap that had access to your Surfing 101 product in Classic (typically under the category CustomerHub-classicappname).

2. Apply the new Surfing 101 tag created by CustomerHub Next (under the category CustomerHub) to control access to the Surfing 101 Product to these contacts.

3. Repeat the process for all products. Once you’ve completed this tagging transition, you are officially be DONE with your migration from CustomerHub Classic to CustomerHub Next!!!

CONGRATS AND WELL DONE! We look forward to serving you for many years to come with CustomerHub Next— a truly “next level” course and membership platform. Stay tuned for many upcoming product improvements, and if you have any questions please email us at [email protected]. Thanks again and enjoy!

Important note

Don’t worry about your contacts receiving multiple email invitations if they are given access to multiple Products in CustomerHub Next. The system will automatically detect whether they are already created in the system and will not send another invitation.

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