
Enclosure (1)

CURRICULUM VITAE Perla Sassn-Henry, Associate Professor. United States Naval Academy: Date of Associate Professor Rank: 08/01/2007

Doctor of Arts in Humanistic Studies, State University of New York at Albany, May 2000. Profesora de Ingls a Nivel Universitario Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1990. 2011-Present: Professor for the Module Digital Narratives from Master Literature in the Digital Age, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. 2007- Present: Associate Professor, United States Naval Academy

Research and Membership: Hermeneia Research Group: Literary Studies and Digital Technologies. Researcher (2010-Present). CLCWEB: Comparative Literature and Culture, Member of the Advisory Board & Associate Editor (Dec 2006-present). Asociacin Argentina de Hispanistas (Argentine Association of Hispanic Studies). Electronic Literature Organization. Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies. Member of the Executive Council (Spring 2007-present)

Books (Peer Revieed), Essays and Articles in Peer Reviewed Volumes: Borges 2.0: From Text to Virtual Worlds, Peter Lang Publishing Group. Fall 2007. 170 pages.From Hypertexts to Blogs: El primer vuelo de los Hermanos Wright and Ms respeto que soy tu madre [From Hypertext to Blogs: The Wright Brothers First Flight and More Respect, I am your mother] in Literatures in the Digital Era: Theory and Praxis, Eds, Dolores Romero Lpez and Amelia Sanz Cabrerizo London: Cambridge Scholars Press. Fall 2007. p. 319-327.Proyeccin de la Obra Borgeana en la Literatura Hipertextual del Siglo XXI (Projection of Borgess Work in the Hypertextual Literatura of the XXI Century) Hispanismo en Argentina: En los portales del Siglo XXI (Hispanism in Argentina at the beginning of the Twenty-First Century) Instituto de Investigaciones Lingsticas y Filolgicas Manuel Alvar, Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Vol IV (2002): 85-89. Jorge Luis Borges: Pionero de la tecnologa del nuevo milenio (Jorge Luis Borges: Pioneer of the Technology of the New Millennium) Hispanismo al Final del Milenio (Hispanism at the end of the Millennium) Asociacin Argentina de Hispanistas, Vol III (1999): 1447-1452. Golpe de gracia (Coup de Grce): Beyond the plot. Refereed papers in the Proceedings of the XVIII Symposium of the Spanish Association of Spanish and Comparative Literature, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain. September 9-11, 2010. Vol. Ciberliteratura y Comparatismo, Rafael A. Ferrer and Francisco Chico (Eds.), Universidad de Alicante, 2012, 315-325. Golpe de gracia (Coupe de Grce) : A Search for Justice and Independence Latin American Essays, Volume XXIV ( 2010): 65-71. Metamorfosis Literaria en la Era Digital: El primer vuelo de los hermanos Wright. [Literary Metamorphosis in the Digital Age: The Wright Brothers First Flight] in a special volume dedicated to digital literature by Cuadernos de Literatura (. Journal published by the Department of Literature, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot Colombia, pp.142-152.Chaosmic Libraries: Jorge Luis Borges's The Library of Babel and Stuart Moulthrop's Cybertext Reagan Library Revisited. The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature Vol 60, No 2 (FALL 2006): 11-22. Also published on line at

2005 - 2006. Nominated by the Language Studies Department, USNA, for the Apgar Award for Excellence in Teaching.1

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