  • 8/16/2019 CW3 Mind Control.doc


    Case Analysis on Mind Control Case

    Dela Rea, Kimmi F. Mapua Institute of Technology

    School of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila

    [email protected]

    Abstract - This paper is a Case Analysis on Mind ControlCase. The case was below and the problems are on thefollowing:

    You – an ECE engineer are leader of a team of !ilipinodrone e"perts and engineers. Your team de#eloped auni$ue way to control drones through brain wa#etechnology %#ery uni$ue at this time& and monitor themthrough #oice technology %$uite rare but few competitors&.The safety issues with these new technologies are un'nownbut e"pedient product to mar'et timing is critical – meaning you ha#e to be ahead of competitors.

    You want to de#elop manufacture and sell the technology%not actual drones&. You don(t ha#e money – you need)*** including wor'ing capital to de#elop prototypes.

    +, /EM ):

    +repare a 0-minutes presentation with a target audiencecomprised of angel in#estors and #enture capitalists to gi#eyou all the money needed to finance the pro1ect. Yourclassmates are the potential in#estors. You must be able tocon#ince them the concept is e"tremely profitable. 2dentifyalso your target mar'et or customers.

    +, /EM 3:

    /ist the rights and obligations of all sta'eholders: you thefinanciers design team customers4 citing rele#antreference as much as possible. Again: it is the technologyand not the drones that is your ma1or concern.


    Drones are known as an aircraft without its pilot. It is a flyingrobot. The aircraft may be remotely controlled or can flyautonomously through software controlled flight plans in their embedded systems working in con!unction with "#$. Theseare most often been associated with military but they are alsoused for search and rescue% sur&eillance% traffic monitoring%weather monitoring and firefighting% among other things.

    Other applications include drone sur&eillance and drone !ournalism% because drones can often access locations thatwould be impossible humans to go to.

    'our brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons%which use electricity to communicate with each other. Thecombination of millions of neurons sending signals at once

    produces an enormous amount of electrical acti&ity in the brain% which can be detected using sensiti&e medicale(uipment )such as an **"+% measuring electricity le&els o&er areas of the scalp.

    The combination of electrical acti&ity of the brain iscommonly called a rain!a"e pattern% because of its cyclic%,wa&e like, nature.

  • 8/16/2019 CW3 Mind Control.doc


    -oice recognition implies only that the computer can takedictation% not that it understands what is being said.Comprehending human languages falls under a different fieldof computer science called natural language processing.

    N$/*R$ TO #RO01*2$

    nswer to #roblem 34

    2y target audiences are my classmates which will be my potential in&estors. The presentation will be how thetechnology makes things easier. Drones are aircrafts without

    pilot. It can also access locations that are difficult humans togo to. /ith the use of drone% it will be easy. 0ut with our newtechnology using brain wa&es and &oice recognition% it will beeasier for the owner to use it without using remote controllers./ith !ust the use of the brain wa&es% you can control your drones. 5or others that want to control their drones with

    personal use% they can use their own &oice. -oice recognitionwill be simulated on the software of the drone that only theowner will be able to use it and pre&ents thie&es from using iton other purpose. 5or the in&estors% it will be the firsttechnology that will be implemented to our country and firsttechnology that will be using worldwide. The said technologyis affordable due to its (uality that it will be doing and it will

    be the first technology that will use brain wa&es and &oicerecognition that are rare.

    nswer to #roblem 64

    The stakeholders are the founder% financiers% design team% and

    customers. fter a potential in&estor in&ests to the newtechnology% I should gi&e rewards to my employees for making the pro!ect successful. It is under rticle No. 7839%Rule - : Incenti&es and Rewards $ystem% $ec. 3% ;Incenti&esand rewards shall be granted to officials and employees whoha&e demonstrated e It is a must that I will gi&e incenti&esand rewards to my employees and partly the share of themoney the in&estors in&ested to it.


    3. . Rouse. Definition of Drone ?online@http4AAinternetofthingsagenda.techtarget.comAdefinitionAdrone

    6. IRR 7839 http4AAwww.dole.go&.phAfilesAIRR B6 7839.pdf

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