Download - Cyberspace

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Everyone knows what it is ……. but can you define it? …… can you even explain it?

It describes something very large, complex and difficult to grasp …..but say it and people know what you mean.

A word for the 21A word for the 21stst Century Century

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A potential new word for

Ecosystem services?

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naturegain…what nature does for us and how we can help

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and 3 acres


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Naturegain per week: 6.5 tonnes of oxygen released12 tonnes of carbon captured … and then there’s the biodiversity that underpins a whole range of additional naturegain

Little Hamlet Local Nature Reserve

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“…. the naturegain of those fields in winter is about 3 miles worth of river when it floods. That saves the Hopkins’ house cellar from flooding about 3 times a year? Naturegain is quids in for the Hopkins, ….. worth thousands I would say.”

Farmer Giles

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“the Minister talks in a grandious way about the economic benefits of this badly thought out transport plan but I ask him, where is the Naturegain?”

Shadow transport secretary

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Predicted Naturegain loss if business as usual

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National / South Downs Art


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Naturegain 2012 ~a celebration

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A new word for ecosystem services?

Started by Sustainable Sussex Forum in General discussions

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