

Cycling Ulster AGM 2016



Agenda. 2.

Standing Orders. 3.

Minutes of 2015 AGM. 4.

Minutes of 2015 EGM. 9.

Certified financial statement to December 2015. 12.

Membership levy proposal. 13.


Chairman`s report. 13.

Secretary`s report. 17.

Road Commission report. 19.

Off-Road Commission report. 20.

Track Commission report. 23.

Women`s Commission report. 24.

Youth Academy report. 27.

Technical Officers report. 28.

Elections. 30.

Motions. 31.

Close of business. 31.


Cycling Ulster AGM Saturday 22nd October 2016 at 12 Noon.


1. Chairman`s welcome.

2. To adopt the standing orders for the orderly conduct of the AGM.

3. To consider the Minutes of the AGM on 24th October 2015.

To consider the Minutes of the EGM on 7th December 2015.

4. To receive the certified Financial Statements for the year ended 31st

December 2015.

5. To fix the Cycling Ulster levy for 2017

6. To receive the following reports -

Chairman`s report.

Secretary`s report

Road Commission report

Off-Road Commission report.

Track Commission report.

Women`s Commission report.

Youth Academy report.

7. Election of Officers.

To elect the following officers to the Executive –

An Honorary Secretary. (This post is for 3 years)

A Lead Safeguarding Officer. (This post is for 2 years)

4 Officers to the Executive. (These posts are each for one year.).

8. Motions.


Item 2. To adopt the standing orders for the orderly conduct of the AGM.

(Excerpts from the Cycling Ulster Constitution.)


Honorary Chairperson

The Honorary Chairperson shall have the right to preside at all meetings and shall have

power to decide points of order, priority of speakers and his decisions upon these

matters and the rules of debate shall be final. In the absence of the Honorary

Chairperson those present may elect one of their members to preside, such temporary

Chairperson must, on the arrival of the Honorary Chairperson, vacate the Chair.

The Honorary Chairperson (or temporary Chairperson) shall be permitted to take part in

discussions but shall only have a casting vote in the event of equal voting. He may

vacate the chair for purposes of making a motion and for the period of the matter under

discussions. The Chairperson shall not have power to adjourn any meeting without the

consent of the meeting.


No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum be present

when the meeting proceeds to business. If within half an hour from the time appointed

for the meeting a quorum be not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same

day in the next week at the same time and place or such other day in such other place

and time as the Chairman may determine. If at such adjourned meeting a quorum as

above defined be not present within fifteen minutes from the time appointed for holding

a meeting, the members present shall be a quorum.

A Quorum shall consist of for – - Council Meetings: 20% of Cycling Ulster Clubs

- Executive meeting: one-half of the total members eligible to be present

- Commissions: one-half of the total members eligible to be present.

Voting Voting in general shall be by show of hands. For election of Officers, where there is more than one

candidate, a secret ballot may be taken. A secret ballot shall also operate at the request of one-third

of delegates present. Tellers may only count the votes of those present. When a two-thirds majority is

required, it shall be deemed to be two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote when the vote is

being taken.

Conduct of Debate and Competent Amendments The mover and seconder may speak but any subsequent amendment must be moved, seconded

before discussion is allowed. Members shall be permitted to speak only once. The right of reply shall

be held by movers of motions and amendments following which the motion shall be put. Such replies

shall be confined to answering previous speakers and shall not introduce new matter into the

discussion. On points of order, the Honorary Chairperson's decision shall be final, but he shall not

refuse to consider such same.

Competent amendments are :-

To amend the motion.

To adjourn the debate.

To put the question.

To move to the next business.


Item 3. To consider the Minutes of the AGM on 24th October 2015 & Minutes of the

EGM on 7th December 2015.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Cycling Ulster 2015.

Quinn’s Corner, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone.

Saturday 24th October 2015 – 12 Noon

Executive Officers Present: Tommy Lamb, Marian Lamb, Oliver Hunter, Anthony

Mitchell, Maurice McAllister, Lisa Millar, Jason McHugh, Carl Fullerton

Apologies: Martin Grimley, Patrick McAleavey, Bronagh and Brendan Kirk, Denis

Toomey, Geoff Liffey, Biran and Natalie McComb, Dermot Hughes, Dany Blondeel

Club Members

Ards CC Colin Wilson

Ballymoney CC Maurice McAllister

Banbridge CC Maurice Mayne, Aaron Wallace, Jonathon Buller, Neil Teggart,

Simon Curry, Paul Hannigan

Bann Valley RC Oliver Hunter, Carmel Hunter

Carn Wheelers Aidan Higgins

Clann Eireann Mickey Murray

Cookstown CC. Carmelanne Hunter

Dromara CC Lisa Millar

Donegal Bay CC Ed Wiazewicz

Emyvale CC Gabriel Bell, Michael McKenna

Errigal CC Jim Maguire, James Harkin

Four Masters Jason McHugh

Harps CC Peter Field

Island Wheelers James McLaughlin, Noel McLoughlin, Brian McAllister

Maryland Wheelers Phil Holland

North Down Anthony Mitchell

North Pole Carl Fullerton, Paul Scott, Kieran Eccles, Cathal Wilson

Phoenix CC Tommy Lamb, Marian Lamb

Powerhouse Sport Garth Young

Smugglers CC Gary O’Donnell

Strabane-Lifford Colin Boyle

Unattached Jack Watson, Paul Devenney

A quorum of members had not been reached by 12 noon so the meeting was

recalled for 12-30pm and the AGM proceeded.


Chairman’s Address:

Tommy Lamb began his address by calling for a minute’s silence to honour those

members who had died during the year. He made mention in particular to Patsy

McIlHatton, Gordon Scott and Adrian Mullen. He noted the continued growth of

cycling in the province with CU now having 132 clubs and over 8000 members.

He thanked the Executive for their work throughout the year especially Patrick

McAleavey who was stepping down as Safeguarding Officer. He went on to pay

tribute to the outgoing secretary, his wife, Marian to whom he attributed much of the

success of Cycling Ulster in terms of professionalism and bringing the Executive up

to speed with good governance.

He also paid tribute to all the clubs and volunteers who had given so much to the

sport over the year.

To Adopt the Standing orders for the orderly conduct of the AGM

Proposed Paul Hannigan, Banbridge CC : Seconded Mickey Murray Clann Eireann –

Standing Orders Adopted

Ordinary Business:

Consider the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 22nd November 2014

Proposed Carmelanne Hunter CCT : Seconded Mickey McKenna Emyvale CC –


Minutes Accepted. No matters arising

Treasurer’s Report:

Oliver Hunter presented the accounts for the year ending 31st December 2014 and

the balance sheet from 31st December 2014 to 31st August 2015. He explained that

each commission was given a maximum budget of £10,000 which may not be

sustainable because that amount along with the normal spend on other areas is

more than the income. If it gets to a point where it is becoming unsustainable the

Executive may consider reinstating the race levies. J Maguire asked if unspent

money was carried over and was told that it was not. Each budget amount is an

annual budget although consideration would be given to increase that in special

circumstances. Neil Taggart mentioned that there was a healthy balance and that it

might be worthwhile for CU to set a reserve amount and then consider increasing


The accounts were then accepted on a proposal from Jim Maguire seconded by Neil


To Fix the Cycling Ulster Membership Levy for 2016:

Cycling Ulster Propose that the membership levy remain at €10 per senior rider

Proposed Cycling Ulster, Seconded Aaron Wallace. Motion was carried unopposed.

To Receive Officer’s Reports:

Reports were printed in the AGM booklet from the Secretary, Road Commission, Off-


Road Commission, Track Commission, Safeguarding Officer, Women’s Commission

and the Youth Academy.

Secretary’s Report – The report provided detailed information on the membership

growth, breakdown by clubs and gender breakdown. M Lamb said it was heartening

to see that membership by women and girls was now 18%. She also provided a

breakdown and thanks to the major event promoters throughout the year and paid

tribute to Omagh Wheelers and their excellent promotion of the National


There were no questions for the Secretary but Mickey McKenna thanked M Lamb for

her 12 years of hard work and this was echoed by the floor who gave a round of

applause. The report was proposed by Carmelanne Hunter and Seconded by Mickey


Road Commission Report

Jason McHugh gave a brief overview of the commission’s work with Juniors in

particular throughout the year., There was a short discussion on the fact that no

team was sent to the Junior Tour of Ireland. J McHugh said he did not feel it

appropriate to send a weaker team to the event. The Commission also sent a senior

team to the Beaumont Cup. Some discussion centred around the Nicholas Roche

Team and riders having pride in riding for Ulster.

Proposed by Neil Teggart : Seconded by Simon Curry.

Track Commission Report

A Mitchell talked about the addition of a second training night which proved popular.

The commission are still struggling to get improvements to the track and will continue

to lobby Belfast City Council

Jim Maguire congratulated the coaches on the successes throughout the year.

Proposed by Aaron Wallace : Seconded by Garth Young.

Off Road – Lisa Millar delivered the Off Road Report in the absence of M Grimley

who was attending a International Commissaires Course in Budapest. She said Off

Road had grown in recent years and numbers were now very good. The youth

events were also well attended.

James McLaughlin said he was very encouraged by the number and quality of the

events for youth and that it was the only way to go with youth. M Lamb also paid

tribute to the team that went to the NPS series in Britain. She mentioned Jeff

Ballantine in particular as his accounting was excellent and always had requests for

funding in well in advance of the event. O Hunter echoed this sentiment and said

others could learn from him as he always reconciled his advance and sent in receipts

within ten days of the event finish.

Proposed by Maurice Mayne : Seconded by Simon Curry.

Safeguarding Report


This was delivered by M Lamb in the absence of P McAleavey whose mother was in


There were a lot of questions following the report and delegates wanted information

about both AccessNI and Garda Vetting and any changes that were happening. M

Lamb said that questions relating to Garda Vetting should be directed to Rachel

Omrod who was the National Garda Vetting Officer. She explained the differences

between the two processes. She also said that it was up to clubs to lobby their local

authorities for more Designated Officer Course. M Mayne said the though there were

some coming up in Banbridge and he would see what he could find out.

Proposed by Maurice Mayne : Seconded by Phil Holland

Cycling Ulster Women’s Commission

This was delivered by Lisa Millar who gave an overview of the work of the

Commission and the various leagues they ran throughout the year. She mad

particular mention of the fact that the Commission were able to field a five person

team for Rás na MBan this year which acquitted themselves very well. Increased

fields also in the CX with a separate women’s race at Lady Dixon for women. This

was the first time this has happened and Denis Toomey came up to present the


Proposed by Gabriel Bell : Seconded by Mickey Murray

Cycling Ulster Youth Academy Report

This was delivered by Maurice McAllister who outlined the competitive events

attended by Ulster Youth Riders in 2015. He said it was great to see increased

numbers at youth events.

Some discussion flowed and there was a call for more volunteers to help out with


Proposed by Mickey Murray: Seconded by James McLaughlin

Technical Officer’s Report

Aaron Wallace provided an overview of his work as Technical Officer. Despite

organising a commissaire course early in the year further comms are required to

cover all events. He would like to see another course soon. He has also set up an

online facility so the Comms can see what events are on then they can slot in where

they can cove. He said it is essential that the calendar co-ordinator keep him

informed of any cancellations or new events as there were some of these during the

year which caused problems.

To Elect a Chairman

Maurice McAllister was proposed by Ballymoney CC and Clann Eireann and since

there was no other candidate he was duly elected. The position will be for three



To Elect a Secretary

Carl Fullerton was proposed by Four Masters The position will be for three years. At

this point Paul Scott of North Pole queried the nomination by Four Masters. He said

he had spoken to three members of the Four Masters Committee who were unaware

of the Four Masters agreeing to nominate Carl Fullerton. He Asked M Lamb if she

had the nomination form with her and she said she had not but that she had no

reason to query its validity. He also wondered why Carl had not asked his own club

to nominate him. T Lamb said he had been speaking to Liam Tinney (Four Masters)

the previous evening and that Four Masters had no problem with the nomination. T

Lamb said that the matter would be investigated further by the new Executive. Jack

Watson then proposed that the secretary be nominated from the floor The floor was

in agreement with the proposal. At that point Colin Boyle of Strabane Lifford

proposed Carl Fullerton as Secretary of Cycling Ulster. Colin Wilson (Ards CC)

seconded the proposal. T Lamb asked for further nominations or objections. There

were none forth coming and Carl Fullerton was duly elected by Council as Secretary

of Cycling Ulster. The position is for three years.

To Elect a Treasurer

Oliver Hunter was proposed by Bann Valley and since there was no other candidate

he was duly elected. The position will be for three years.

To Elect a Safeguarding Officer:

Lisa Millar was proposed by Dromara CC and since there was no other candidate

she was duly elected. The position will be for two years.

To Elect Officers to the Executive:

Four nominations were received by the due date for the four available Executve

Positions and the following were declared elected:

Anthony Mitchell nominated by North Down CC

Martin Grimley nominated by Dromara CC

Jason McHugh nominated by Four Masters CC

Eileen Burns nominated by Ballymena CRC

Tommy Lamb then vacated the chair and wished the new Executive the best of luck

in their new positions. He then invited Maurice McAllister to close the meeting.

The meeting ended at 3.00pm

(Following the meeting M Lamb left boxes of Corporate clothing and Cycling Ulster

Kit, mostly large and above. These were taken charge of by Oliver Hunter. She also

left many boxes of medals for the Awards night. The smaller medals are for the U14

downs while the large medals are for the U16’s and Juniors. She is unaware of who

took these home.)


Minutes of the Cycling Ulster EGM on 7th December 2015.

White Water Hotel, Toome. 7pm. (Minutes taken by Garry Nugent and supplied by Cycling Ireland CEO, Geoff Liffey.)

Cycling Ulster EGM Monday 7th December @ 7.45pm, White Water Hotel Toomebridge Geoff Liffey (GL) called the meeting to order, explaining the quorum had not been meet but he had waited the necessary 15 and the meeting will now go ahead. GL explained the reason for the meeting and the running order and outlined the posts up for election. The Elections would start with the Chairperson, followed by the Secretary, Treasurer, Lead Safeguarding Officer and the Executive. GL informed the floor Garry Nugent (GN) was taking the minutes for the evening, no one disapproved. Order of Elections, GL suggested we move the Post of Lead Safeguarding Officer first as there was no contest and Lisa Millar (LM) was duly elected. As Lisa was duly elected GL asked the meeting to approve Lisa as an observer for the vote counting, no one disapproved. The votes will be counted by GN and Frank Keenan (FK) and observed by GL and LM Patrick Withers has withdrawn in writing as a candidate for the Honorary Secretary Position and an Executive Post and Jason McHugh has withdrawn in writing as a candidate for an Executive Post. GL called Carl Fullerton, a candidate for Honorary Chairperson, to address the floor. Carl was allowed 5 minutes to speak and was reminded when he had 1 minute left. During Carl’s address he informed the floor of his decision not to contest any positions during the course of the evening. GL confirmed that Carl would take no further part in the election process. GL called Maurice McAllister, a candidate for Honorary Chairperson, to address the floor. Maurice was allowed 5 minutes to speak and was reminded when he had 1 minute left. GL deemed Maurice McAllister the new Honorary Chairperson. Anthony Mitchell was elected the new Honorary Secretary and he also deemed Oliver Hunter the new Honorary Treasurer. Election of 4 Executive Officer posts. GL advised the floor to indicate with an X the person they wish to vote for and any


ballot paper with more than four votes would not be counted but if you wish you could vote for less than four people. GL advised the floor to remove the candidates who had withdrawn from the process, Jason McHugh, Patrick Withers and Carl Fullerton. Anthony Mitchell and Maurice McAllister were also removed as he was previously elected. The voting was counted and Martin Grimley, Aaron Wallace, Andrew Duncan and Peter McBride were all duly elected onto the Executive of Cycling Ulster.

Position Name

Chairperson Maurice McAllister

Secretary Anthony Mitchell

Treasurer Oliver Hunter

Lead Safeguarding Officer Lisa Millar

Executive Officer Martin Grimley

Executive Officer Aaron Wallace

Executive Officer Andrew Duncan

Executive Officer Peter McBride GL gave the floor to Maurice McAllister. GL closed the meeting.


Cycling Ulster EGM 7th December 2015.

Attendees by Club.

AAA Cycling. (6).

Ballymoney CC. (6).

Banbridge CC. (6).

Bann Valley RC. (4)

Bann Wheelers. (1).

Caldwell Cycles. (5).

Carn Wheelers. (2).

CCT. (1).

Church Island Cycling. (1).

Clann Eireann CC. (2).

Donegal Bay CC. (1).

Dromara CC. (2).

Dromore CC. (1).

Dunloy CC. (2).

Errigal CC. (3).

Foyle CC. (1).

Island Wheelers. (5).

North Down CC. (5).

North West CC. (1).

Northern CC. (1).

Phoenix CC. (2).

Powerhouse Sport. (1).

Spires CC. (5).

Team Madigan CC. (4).

Tir Chonaill Gap CC. (1).


Item 4. Financial Statement 2015.

Cycling Ulster Income & Expenditure Account year ended 31st December 2015.

Income. £ €

Awards night income. £1796.00

Participant levy. £520.00

Radio Hire. £50.00

Executive Expenses return. £66.80

Bank Fees returned. £7.60

Cycling Ireland Capitation & levies. €87,074.00

Total Income. £2,440.40. €87,074.00


Accountant. £675.00

Awards night expenses. £2431.95.

Bank Fees. £208.74. €181.09

Coaching & Development. £3346.83. €1262.00

Commissaire`s Courses. £1123.10.

Competitive Opportunities. £22956.16. €1170.00

Corporate Clothing. £772.56.

Equipment upkeep. £638.65.

Event grants. £3250.00

Executive travel & expenses. £2678.33.

Marketing & Publicity. £1773.24.

Miscellaneous. £60.00.

Prizes & Awards. £1972.09. €500.00.

Safeguarding & Access NI. £909.03.

Team Leisure Clothing. £1859.98.

Youth Academy. £9131.43.

Equipment Purchased. £6123.99.

Employment. €11005.80.

Total Expenses. £59,911.08 €14,118.89

Surplus/Deficit -£57470.68 €72955.11*

*Conversion to Sterling using average for year £52,965.40

Nett overall Deficit for year. -£4505.28

Represented by Bank Current Accounts. Sterling. Euro.

Opening Balance 1st January 2015 £105276.98 €10,038.04

Deficit for year. -£54470.68.

Surplus for year. €72,955.11

Closing Balance at 31st December 2015. £47,806.30 €82,993.15*

*Euro Account converted to Sterling @31st Dec. £61,058.86

Figures certified by Accountant September 2016


Item 5. To fix the Cycling Ulster membership levy for 2017.

Cycling Ulster propose that the membership levy remains at €10 per senior rider.

Item 6. Reports.

Chairman`s report 2016.

Cycling Ulster - “A work in Progress”

Having been a cyclist for most of my lifetime and getting the opportunity to be the

chairperson of Cycling Ulster the provincial governing body for the sport that I have

followed for so long is an unspeakable honour!

Anything that you can do while in this role to help the sport to progress can only be

described as a labour of love.

And that is exactly what the past months have been.

This is our first AGM and it has been arranged to sit within the national

structure, coming before the Cycling Ireland AGM.

Albeit we had some challenges to face following the handover, these challenges

were met with an air of enthusiasm by us all, seeing our monthly executive meetings

well supported. The matters requiring tidied up were faced every month and our

internal affairs sorted out as we were keen to see a clean slate to get started from.

Our first task was to see that you the members were awarded for your

efforts that year, and this was done by holding a celebratory awards

dinner that saw the biggest turn out by members in many years.

Like the cyclists we are we are always striving to get that PB (Personal best) and

myself and the executive were no different always looking to go that extra mile and

try to make our words good that got us into the positions we were elected to hold. I

have always wanted to be sure that anything we do is open and accountable. You

the members can have the confidence in knowing that you only have to ask and you

will be answered with unabated candour. To keep up to speed with the development

of present day banking, and the responsibility that this carries, Oliver Hunter remains

steadfast at the helm as our treasurer. We set up,


Online banking and a Cycling Ulster PayPal account has been set in

place to facilitate the ease of use in making transactions.

It gives me a deep satisfying pleasure to see the progress that our youth are

making, our juniors, seniors and recently our woman, on road and off road. At the

recent National Youth Championships Ulster riders have returned with a clutch of

gold, silver and bronze medals. This gives a great rise for optimism and the future.

The growth of mountain biking and cyclo-cross continues to flourish, this pays

testament to the work of Martin Grimley and his team. The track at Orangefield sees

Anthony Mitchell and a dedicated few others consistently week in week out keep the

gates open, hosting events and championships despite the challenges of a fast

decaying track surface. Anthony does this amongst a very full programme not only

as a director on the board of Cycling Ireland but the outgoing secretary of CU.

Teams were represented from Ulster in the UK at the Beaumont Trophy and at

the Junior Tour.

I had the pleasure of accompanying the Ulster team manager Peter McBride for the

6 days in Co. Clare where Ulster riders mixed it up every day.

In my first year as chairman of Cycling Ulster, I was keen to see my own club at

Ballymoney CC, enter a 5 man team in the prestigious UCI ranked 2.2 An Post Ras

8 day stage race. Doing this gave me a great insight into what it will require as we

plan to enter Cycling Ulster teams in this race over the coming years. This Ras

project was all very time consuming in my first 5 months of 2016.

To lie back on past achievements and to not plan for the future is an

unacceptable complacency, it lies with me and the members Cycling Ulster to set out

going into year 2 a clear set of plans and a timeline to see plans for progress

implemented. Our riders need to know where they are in provincial and national

scene so that they can plan ahead with confidence in knowing that Cycling Ulster

has a pre-planned programme of events for them to attend the following season. I

am very keen to have a database of members willing to look after these teams with

managers, drivers and mechanics.

I have used our “New” Cycling Ulster website to ask for volunteers and

am delighted to say that the response has been nothing less than I

would expect from you the members. This means that we can now plan

over the off season to hold seminars and brainstorming events.


Teaching our new members by using the experience we have already

built from the past.

I am determined to see members given the opportunity to get involved in the

organising of events, the overseeing of trips away with teams. This is an opportunity

to utilise the talent bank we have already untapped amongst our members.

It is my goal that we have a brand that inspires a sense of pride in our member’s

and our riders. That brand is “Cycling Ulster” and to represent and ride for it, will be

the pinnacle to achieve in provincial cycling. To be selected and offered a place on

the “Ulster Team” should and will be made a pride of place highlight in anyone’s

cycling life.

We as an executive have been very much aware of the efforts of race organisers

and the clubs who support our events from February to September. The pride that it

gives clubs to see their teams represented at local events.

Cycling Ulster will no longer field Ulster teams in domestic events giving

a freedom for clubs to have themselves represented.

To have events run smoothly and safely has been ongoing with the CU technical

officer Aaron Wallace set up the distribution of race radios and the overseeing of

race commissaires at events every week. This goes along with Aaron organising with

his own club the prestigious one-day events they promote and recently the Irish

National Criterium Championships 2016. Not many more hours are left in a day, but

they say if you need a job done ask a busy man?

Cycling Ulster is very much in its infancy when it comes to structure, objectives,

goals plus long and short term plans. Key to development is a clear concise vision

for the future, this was the task undertaken by former cyclist, event organiser and

businessman Andrew Duncan. Andrew along with his other activities took on pulling

together a Structure document, with these early draft parts currently available for

anyone interested to see. Further work will be put on hold until after this AGM when

we can resume further having it added to and expanded by the incoming executive

going into 2017 and beyond. All this will be done in consultation and in step with you

the Cycling Ulster members.


This new Structure Document is an exciting challenge and another

example of what is indeed a giant step forward to develop and

consolidate the future of our sport here in the nine counties.

I have always been very aware that the sport of cycling that we are involved in at

times allows a few people to do a terrible lot of work. This only ends up in burn out

and drives others away as they would not have the time in their busy lives to do the

jobs that some have been allowed to do now for years. The overlapping of tasks will

always happen but the involvement of others has to be encouraged. We need to

remember that a lot of people doing a little work is so much easier and can bring

more ideas and plans from the wealth of talent we have in our members that I

mentioned earlier. Team work is the only way that we can achieve these things to

make our sport and our province of Ulster the number one in Ireland.

Again thank you for allowing me to undertake these challenges, I am inviting you to

join in and help us make these plans not just dreams but reality in the years to come.

Maurice McAllister.


Secretary`s report 2016.

Cycling Ulster membership figures.

Category 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Restricted comp 1025 1043 1324 1674 1724

Full Comp 1025 777 914 1019 1122

Leisure members 1160 1382 1559 1709 4820

Non Comp 1290 1579 2290 2720

Youth U8 0 162 177 205

Youth U10 208 122 131 146

Youth U12 120 172 239 212

Youth U14 152 162 193 184

Youth U16 105 142 148 136

Junior 97 102

4500 5366 6847 8107 8651

The Executive Committee elected at the EGM on 7th December 2015 was –

Chairman. Maurice McAllister.

Secretary. Anthony Mitchell.

Treasurer. Oliver Hunter.

Lead Safeguarding Officer. Lisa Miller.

Executive Officer (1). Andrew Duncan.

Executive Officer (2). Martin Grimley.

Executive Officer (3). Peter McBride.

Executive Officer (4). Aaron Wallace.

The Executive has met 10 times since then with a good attendance at all meetings,

which often included the Cycling Ireland Board Rep to the Province, Jack Watson.

There were a lot of issues to cover, and debate was constructive and at times frank

and heated, which perhaps highlighted different peoples approach to tackling various


Attempts were made to have all Commissions and relevant Officers submit written

reports in advance of Executive meetings in order to streamline meetings.

There was at times a feeling that goals were not being achieved, however there was

a large amount of detailed work being dealt with, and the overall outcome for 2016

should be viewed as a positive one.

The Executive were hampered by having limited documentation and information from

the previous administration, and a large amount of time was spent catching up,

ensuring things are in place for the future administration of the organisation.


For 2016 we put in place a structured race-grant process; regulations around Ulster

Championship events, and are to look in to future regulations around Time Trials etc.

Cycling Ulster also endorsed an Ulster Enduro Championship for 2016, catering for

Senior and Master Categories and our Off-Road Commission continues to liaise with

those administering the BMX discipline, who also promoted Ulster Championships

for the first time in 2016.

In June our Lead Safeguarding Officer stood down, with the responsibility for this

temporarily passing to Chairman Maurice McAllister, who holds the Safeguarding

remit for the Youth Academy; and Martin Grimley. The introduction of a National

Safeguarding Officer should reduce the bulk of the burden in this area going forward.

The executive have completed a large amount of work on a new structure document,

which will help serve what is a volunteer-led organisation in future years. This gives

guidance on Executive and Commission make-up and roles and responsibilities

going forward.

As per our obligations to Cycling Ireland, our annual budget was drawn up,

submitted and approved early in the year, and this included operational costs for the

organisation to include the various Commission projections.

Our membership has once again grown and now stands at over 8 ½ thousand;

almost double the figure of four years ago.

The bulk of the growth has been in leisure and non-competition members, and the

evidence is in the packed calendar of Leisure events which take place on an almost

weekly basis.

In communication, we eventually got a new Cycling Ulster web-site up and running,

complimented by a new Facebook page, both of which continue to be our main

communication platforms.

The coordination of the competitive calendar continues to be a large body of work,

with all events applied for in Ulster to be approved, and any date clashes resolved

where possible.

There are plans to introduce a confirmed start date to the competitive calendar and

at the time of writing the Cycling Ireland calendar window is open (until the end of

October) whereupon the calendar coordinator will look at all 2017 event dates

applied for.

A. Mitchell. Honorary Secretary.


Ulster Road Commission Report 2016.

The 2016 Road Commission comprised –

Maurice McAllister. Anthony Mitchell. Aaron Wallace. Andrew Duncan. Peter

McBride & Garth Young.

The Road Commission met on four occasions in 2016; 27th January, 23rd February,

16th May & 4th July.

Plans were put in place for an increased Junior programme; a review of Ulster

Championships, and a `soft` re-launch of both the Ulster Road Series and a Time

trial Best All Rounder competitions.

A sub-group comprising A Duncan, M McAllister and A Mitchell were tasked with

overseeing the Ulster Race Grant programme, with new criteria drawn up and

administered throughout the year.

Competitively we continue to be affected by event suitability and rider availability*.

Some plans for the year failed to materialise for different reasons, however when

Ulster teams were fielded they performed extremely well, including our Juniors

performing well and taking 3rd in the category at the Ras Donegal (Marc Heaney), a

senior team recording their best result in taking the King of the Hills award (Chris

McGlinchey) at the UCI 1.2 Beaumont Trophy event, and fielding two teams in the

Junior Tour of Ireland.

At Youth level we once again saw our riders top the podium in one of the events at

the Sainsbury`s School Games, where the boys squad won the Team Time Trial


Additionally we gave support to Youth Academy preparations for the Errigal Youth

Tour and the Women`s team for the Ras na mBan.

In Provincial championship level, Ballymoney CC hosted the Youth Championships,

where the awards criteria has been aligned with the National structure, in that

medals are awarded for single-year categories.

Foyle CC hosted the Ulster Road Championships and put on an excellent event, won

by Marcus Christie. They also promoted the 10m TT Championship, while other

clubs took on the promotion of Ulster Championships, such as, 25m, 50m, 100m and

Team Time Trials, for which Cycling Ulster are extremely grateful.

2016 has been a trying year in many areas from availability of kit to event

management; defined roles and responsibilities etc., with much clearer guidelines

required going forward.

*One Executive decision in 2016 which will perhaps impact on Ulster squads is that no Cycling Ulster

teams will be entered in events which take place in Ulster.

A Mitchell. For the Ulster Road Commission.


Ulster Off-Road Commission report 2016.

The Cycling Ulster Off-road commission (CUORC) has three members, Lisa Millar,

Mark Harvey and Martin Grimley. We have had another busy year of off-road cycling

across all disciplines.

MTB Cross-Country (XC) Races 2015 – The cross-country season kicked off in

February with the first of 3 rounds of the Xmtb McConvey Cycles Spring series at

Ormeau Park in Belfast. Instead of running 3 weeks in a row as in previous years,

the host club spread the dates with a round in March and the final round in April.

Attendance figures shown below.

Event Date Total Youth* Female

Xmtb Spring Series Round 1 28/02/2016 203 129 45

Xmtb Spring Series Round 2 20/03/2016 194 125 50

Xmtb Spring Series Round 3 10/04/2016 184 117 44

*Youth - Under 6s up to Under 16s

The 2016 Ulster Cross-country mountain bike series started with 5 rounds but, with

one of the National Point Series (NPS) rounds being cancelled, Carn Wheelers

stepped up to run an event at Davagh Forest. This was Round 5 of both the Ulster

and NPS series. The series kicked off with Apollo CT moving their Craigavon race

from the traditional September date to Round 1 on the 13 March. Dromara Cycling

Club then ran their race at Tollymore Forest Park in April. It was back up to

Limavady to Ballykelly forest in May where Caldwell Cycles hosted Round 3. The

Lady Dixon race doubled up as Round 3 of the NPS series and seen the biggest turn

out of the year for the event expertly ran by Xmtb McConvey Cycles. As mentioned

above, Carn Wheelers stepped up to fill the gap in the all-Ireland calendar by putting

on a race at Davagh. The late addition to the calendar and being a post National

Championships event may be a factor in the lower than expected turned out. Island

Wheelers took on the final XC race this year at a new venue of Drumcairne Forest

on the outskirts of Stewartstown. A great venue and a great day, but the turnout was

very poor.

Event Date Venue Total Youth* Female

Ulster XC Round 1 13/03/2016 Craigavon 252 128 59

Ulster XC Round 2 24/04/2016 Tollymore 228 130 50

Ulster XC Round 3 08/05/2016 Ballykelly 213 109 48

Ulster XC Round 4 22/05/2016 Lady Dixon 307 162 56

Ulster XC Round 5 14/08/2016 Davagh 171 90 33

Ulster XC Round 6 04/09/2016 Drumcairne 130 87 35

*Youth - Under 6s up to Under 16s

National XC Championships

The Cross-country National Championships took place at Bellurgan Park Dundalk on

17 July 2016. Ulster riders were well represented on the podiums:


Gareth McKee won the Senior men’s race with James Curry second, Ciara

MacManus won the Women’s race, Dean Harvey won the U14 boys race, Scott

Roberts won the U12 boys race, Aine Doherty won the U12 girls race.

British XC Series – Cycling Ulster team

The Cycling Ulster Off-road Commission selected a team of riders to compete at the

5 British Cycling XC races in 2016. Four riders from a pool of 6 were chosen with

Cycling Ulster covering 75% of the cost, just over half of the off-road budget. Many

thanks to Simon Curry and Gareth McKee for managing the team. In the Junior

men’s category John Buller finished 7th overall and Sean Bradley finished 12th. In

the Experts James Curry finished 9th.

Ulster Cyclo-cross (CX) – The last AGM report was submitted in the middle of the

2015 Cyclo-cross series which was held over 9 rounds by 9 clubs. Kinning Cycles

ran a pre-season event on a Friday evening at Orangefield Park, incorporating the

outdoor track which was well attended. The Ulster Championships was held by Carn

Wheelers at the former high school in Maghera. Average attendance for the 2015

Ulster CX season was 303, up from an average of 286 in 2014 (210 in 2013).

The 2016 National Cyclo-cross championships were held in January 2016 at

Tollymore Forest Park by Dromara Cycling Club. A great event with lots of positive

feedback about the course design and facilities at the forest. Roger Aiken was

crowned national cyclo-cross champion in the senior men category, Des Woods took

the M50 category.

The 2016 cyclo-cross season has got off to a great start. Kinning Cycles have

stepped up to run 4 events with the first event taking place at Orangefield Track with

floodlights. The Ulster Cyclo-cross calendar has 10 rounds not including the Ulster

CX Championships.

Ulster Downhill riders

Ulster riders attended the British Downhill series as well as the World Cup rounds.

On the Irish scene Round 2 of the IDMS took place in Kilbroney, Rostrevor. Colin

Ross took the win in the Elite men’s category. Chris Cummings won the Juvenile

category. The Irish DH National Championships took place at Carrick Mountain, Co.

Wicklow in July. Ulster riders were on the podiums with Michael Cowan winning the

M40 race, Chloe Cummings won the women’s race and James MacFerran winning

the Elite men’s race.

Ulster BMX

Lisburn BMX club hosted the second round of the Irish BMX series at the newly

opened BMX track in Lisburn in May. 135 competitors attended from across Ireland.

A great track and great to see BMX racing back in Ulster. The club then went on to


run the Ulster BMX championships in August.

Ulster Enduro- Glyn O’Brien organised five rounds of the Vitus First Track Enduro

series which included the first Ulster Enduro Championships which was held at

Kilbroney on Sunday 3 July.

Davagh Youth Enduro

The Davagh Youth Enduro took place on the Saturday with the main enduro taking

place on Sunday. 42 youth riders took part over 3 stages (U8 and U10) or 6 stages

(U12 and U14).

Enduro – Emerald Enduro – Carrick, Co. Wicklow

In May the Enduro World Series came to Ireland for the second time. Ulster riders

were able to compete against top internationals riders.

Other off-road events in 2016 –

Inter-regional MTB championships – Four riders were selected to represent Ulster at

the Inter-regional MTB championships which took place at the Commonweath

Games venue of Cattkin Braes in Glasgow on the last weekend in July.

The final team that went were Craig McCarthy, Thomas Creighton, Lee Harvey and

Dean Harvey. The team competed well but were up against strong opposition.

Team Manager: Martin Grimley, Coach: Mark Harvey

World XCO Championships - Gareth McKee and James Curry competed in the

World XCO Championships in the Czech Republic. They were supported by Simon

Curry and Graham Boyd. With a lack of UCI points the riders started from the back

of the grid.

World CX Championships – In January David Montgomery had the opportunity to

race at the World Cyclo-cross championships in Zolder Belgium. David was

supported by Simon Curry and Andy Layhe.

Red Bull Fox Hunt – The Fox Hunt took place in October at Kilbroney Park,

Rostrevor. Around 400 riders set off trying to get to the bottom of the mountain

before the professional world downhill champion Gee Atherton could catch them.

Off-road training – The Commission ran a series of six “Youth Camps” on Monday

evenings during July and August. These are aimed at Under 12s and are held at

various locations. Many thanks to my fellow coaches Mark Harvey and Steven


Report compiled by Cycling Ulster Executive Member – Martin Grimley


Ulster Track Commission Report 2016.

The 2016 Track Commission comprised –

Anthony Mitchell. Nicola McKiverigan. Gary McKeegan. Paul Dixon. Scott

Armstrong. Shenna McKiverigan.

2016 was a mixed year for Ulster in terms of Track. At Orangefield, across the two

sessions per week we hosted over 30 Track sessions, with over 60 different people

accredited and competing.

We reintroduced the Ulster Championships for Youths in 2016, and are reviewing

Senior Championships and a Track League for 2017.

Our younger Youth categories were perhaps the best supported throughout the year,

however the Under 16 ranks saw a drop off in interest and commitment, which was

reflected in fewer than usual national titles for Ulster`s Youths, and also resulted in

us withdrawing from the UK Inter-Regional Youth Championships in September.

Orangefield once again hosted the National Youth Inter-Provincial Championships,

where we retained for the third year in a row, whilst nationally and internationally our

Juniors were the stand-out category in 2016.

In April Shenna McKiverigan (Powerhouse) took a clean sweep of all Junior

Women`s track titles, whilst in the Male category Harvey Barnes (East Tyrone) won

the Sprint; Xeno Young (Powerhouse) the Pursuit and Luke Smyth (NRPT) the

Scratch & Time trial. Shenna carried her good form in to June, winning the Duane

Delaney GP in Dublin.

The Powerhouse pair of Young and McKiverigan then went on to set national

records and represent Ireland at the European and World Junior Track

Championships during the summer.

In terms of facilities, little has changed in our position at Orangefield, and we are still

lobbying and campaigning for improved or replacement facilities for a 60 year-old

Track which is long overdue an upgrade.

We continue to forge links with the indoor facilities in GB, and took a small squad

across to Glasgow to compete in early March, where our riders were extremely

competitive in their respective categories. We have further opportunities available

over the coming months.

A Mitchell. On behalf of the Ulster Track Commission.


Ulster Women’s Commission report 2016.

Women’s Cycling Ulster was formed in January 2014 and our mission is to

encourage and promote women's cycling. We are delighted to have had another

successful year.

The Commission members are: Maria O’Loan, Lisa Millar, Eileen Burns, Toni

Armstrong, Gillian Orr and Judith Russell.


Our Facebook page has over 1,300 followers and our website is also attracting

significant traffic. Both are excellent resources and the WCU committee works hard

to ensure that relevant and interesting events, information, race reports and news

stories are shared.

If you would like any information about club events shared on these pages such as

road races with a women's category, time trials or sportives please contact a

member of the Commission and we will happily publicize and support any event

which women are actively encouraged to participate in.

WCU Leagues

The Commission supported two leagues this year:

WCU Road Race League sponsored by Chain Reaction Cycles. The road race league consisted of 13 rounds with 48 women participating across the league. Katharine Smyth (Team Madigan) was the overall winner with Claire O’Neill (Square Wheelers), Lorraine Mullarkey (Emyvale CC), Maeve McKenna (Clougher Valley Wheelers) and Christen O’Neill (Velo Café Magasin) completing the top 5 places.

WCU Time Trial League sponsored by Slane Cycles again had 13 rounds and was supported by 26 women. The time trial league winner was Eileen Burns (Ballymena RC) with Judith Russell (Phoenix CC), Joanne Regan (Termoneeney CC), Karen Hull (Phoenix CC) and Gillian Orr (North Down CC) completing the top 5 places.

Note: no Trilogy was run this year as there were insufficient A4 races to target that did not clash with either National Series events or our own RR League events.

We are pleased to report that we continue to see new faces at the league events

since they were re-introduced in 2014, emphasizing the importance of continuing to

run the leagues to encourage women either into the sport or to try the competitive

side of the sport.

We would ask each club who hosts a women's race to please assist us in promoting

your events by helping prepare race reports by taking a photograph of the sign in

sheet for women, providing any pictures and a short report. We are a very small

Commission and it is very difficult for us to attend each and every race.


Rás Na mBan

We were delighted to be able to support and fund an Ulster team again this

year. The team was chosen on ability and results during the start of the season

rather than seeking expressions of interest. This meant that the most talented and

capable riders who were committed to the event were selected. The selection was

carried out early enough in the season to allow the team to race together at a

number of events prior to the Rás.

Josh Murray (Maryland Wheelers) volunteered to manage the team and did an

excellent job in doing so, setting out the objectives of the team as follows:

1st Best county team

2nd Best county jersey

3rd Stage win

The team consisted of:

Claire McIlwaine (Phoenix CC)

Eileen Burns (Ballymena RC)

Katherine Smyth (Team Madigan)

Claire O’Neill (Square Wheelers)

Heather Foley (Maryland Wheelers) – last minute replacement for Orla Montague (Dublin Wheelers) who had to pull put due to illness

The team’s results were proof that the selection, training, and management of the

team was our greatest success to date:

Best county team and 4th team overall

Claire McI 13th on GC and the green jersey of best county rider

Katherine 27th on GC and 2nd county rider

Heather 29th on GC and 3rd county rider

Eileen 56th on GC and 9th county rider

Claire O’N 97th on GC and 16th county rider

The Commission would like to extend its sincere thanks to Josh who did a

tremendous job as Team Manager. His organizational skills and experience of racing

events meant that the team could focus solely on racing knowing that everything else

was taken care of. We would also like to thank Jason Burns, who gave up his time to

act as team mechanic, Conor McIlwaine as soigneur, as well as Josh’s parents

Mickey and Nuala Murray who provided much needed support with cooking, laundry,



Within our remit of promoting cycling to women and encouraging greater

participation across the sport from women we felt that it was important that any team

have a positive experience of the race and this in turn would act as an inspiration

and encouragement to other women to try racing.


We continue to work with the Off-Road Commission to encourage and build on the

successes of previous years to develop both MTB and Cyclocross. Following the

success of the first women’s only race in the Irish CX calendar in 2015 (hosted by

Phoenix CC), the Ulster CX series now has a separate women’s race in the schedule

for each round of the series. The popularity of the sport is growing, with women

transitioning from other cycling disciplines including road racers, to extend their

racing season.

Educational / Social

WCU held an informational evening in February with sponsorship from Chain

Reaction Cycles. The event was the launch of the 2016 WCU leagues, but also

provided workshop demonstrations, advice on bike fitting, as well as a Q&A session

with guest speaker David McCann. The event was well-attended and feedback

afterwards was very positive.


The majority of our expenditure this year has been in respect of Rás na mBan, which

was funded in full by the Commission. We also pay a nominal fee for the website

hosting and domain, and purchase trophies for the top 5 for each league.

We have continued to be successful in attracting support and sponsorship from local

businesses, which has enabled u to limit our expenditure.

Women’s Commission Cycling Ulster . 04/10/2015


Cycling Ulster Youth Academy Report 2016 The Cycling Ulster Youth Academy comprised of the following - Garth Young (Chairman) Paul Dixon (Secretary) Gary Rafferty Con McGeever Maurice McAllister (Safeguarding Officer) Brian McComb James Maguire Enda Harpur Shenna McKiverigan Mickey McKenna Mickey Murray The CUYA set out this year to support two main events, being the Youth Tour of Scotland and Errigal 3 day. Both events saw our youth perform well at these major events, with Ulster winning a number of team events in Errigal as well as the overall U16 winner, Breandan Flannigan. There was confusion regarding team selections etc., particularly, in the run up to Errigal and perhaps we need clearer direction in this regard for next year. We reduced the number of races in the CUYA league this year and this resulted in the league being completed (previous years it never finished with clubs not running the last round etc.). This was well attended, with all age groups although there was a drop off in U16 support. We note that we aren’t the only section of youth racing to see this. To help encourage many of our riders to try different disciplines, we successfully arranged for a number of training days including, road, track and off road. These events have been well attended, in particular off road, and so far this season we have seen phenomenal numbers at the Ulster Cyclo Cross races. We intend ending the season with a day out for the kids at Boulderworld (rockwall climbing). We will also hold our league presentations at this event and Brian McComb will be giving the first of a series of winter off bike training talks. 2016 has not been plain sailing, but I believe we have managed to deliver a better program than in previous years and hope to build on this in 2017. Paul Dixon. Secretary UYA.


Technical Officer`s report 2016.

The 2016 season started off on a positive for Commissaires in Ulster with the

confirmation of approval for a number of newly qualified National Grade B

Commissaires by the Cycling Ireland College of Commissaires. Those Trainee

Comm’s approved for upgrade included;

Jim Adams, Gabriel Bell, Bryan Gaffney, Kevin Hughes, Marcus Lamb, Jim Maguire, Tommy McCague, Peter McGrattan, Andrew Wills

In addition to the upgraded Commissaires we also had Dominic McCann qualifying

as a newly appointed Trainee Commissaire. With any luck we will be able to

announce a new batch of Grade B Commissaires ahead of the 2017 road season.

Unfortunately we have also lost a number of Ulster Commissaires through illness,

injury, or other means.

Brendan Kirk formally stepped down as a CI Commissaire after 11 years’ service

ahead of the 2016 season. Brendan is a familiar sight to everyone at local road

races as a Commissaire and provided an excellent service to race promoters and

riders alike. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Brendan on behalf of all those in

Cycling Ulster and I’m delighted to see he’s also getting a few miles in on the bike

himself and even participating competitively again.

I do intend to advertise a notice of interest for a Trainee Commissaire course for

road racing in the near future and would be keen and interested to hear from any

potential new trainees.

With regards to event coverage, Ulster Commissaires were able to provide cover for

all advertised and CI approved road races in the 2016 season. Additional coverage

would have been preferred and at times necessary for a number of events where

numerous races are hosted on the same day, but with a limit on volunteer numbers

this is not always possible.

We also intended to cover Ulster open Time Trial events, with the intention to

standardise the regulations being applied to these events. Despite the planning and

attendance at a number of TT’s this year unfortunately it quickly became apparent

we simply did not have the voluntary resource to cover all TT events, which are most

often promoted on week evenings and can be approved and advertised at short


Fortunately we have been able to attend and officiate at a number of TT events

where national record attempts have taken place and a number of these have been

submitted to Cycling Ireland for approval and ratification. I believe Andrew Wills set a

new personal record for the number of national record attempts personally submitted

to CI in any one season!


Continued thanks to all Ulster Commissaires and CI Commissaires who have

supported and assisted Ulster event in 2016. Their voluntary time is invaluable to

the local racing scene.

We are also exploring the possibility of hosting a workshop to facilitate the training of

Chief Timekeepers and Chief Judge roles for road races as this is often identified as

an area of shortcoming in open events, and an area where improvement would be of

great benefit to race promoters and their events. This is likely to take place ahead of

the 2017 race season and details will hopefully be announced via the Cycling Ulster


In additional to managing Commissaire appointments I have also attempted to take

on the management of the Cycling Ulster Race Radio equipment in 2016, with mixed

success. Initially only taking bookings for the equipment I now have responsibility for

the storage and maintenance of the equipment.

The management of the race radio equipment has been the subject of debate at

Executive level and with a few different management processes discussed and

trialled, a single point of contact has proved the most successful with a greater level

of control on inventory.

Charging fees for the CU race radio equipment were revised for the 2016 season

and there is now a hire cost of £50 per event which is collected by and payable

directly to Cycling Ulster. This fee can be used to maintain or replace equipment

when and where necessary. Expenses for delivery and/or collection is not included

in this fee, however many race promoters are happy to organise their own collection

and delivery of equipment to keep costs at a minimum.

Online invoicing and payment has also been introduced during the year which is

available via PayPal or credit/debit card. It is intended to introduce pre-payment for

radio equipment bookings in 2017 to avoid the need to chase race promoters for

payment following events.

Where Cycling Ulster members feel I may be of benefit, whether it be for assistance

and advice on race promotions, technical regulations or any other related items

please do feel free to contact me directly via [email protected] . I may not

always have the answer directly at hand, but I will make an effort to source it and

assist in resolving any queries or issues who may have.

Aaron Wallace

Technical Officer – Cycling Ulster

[email protected]


Item 7. Election of Officers.

The Officers to be elected at the 2016 AGM are –

1. Honorary Secretary. (A 3-year position).

Nominees – Carl Fullerton (By North Donegal CC)

2. Lead Safeguarding Officer. (A 2-year position.)

Nominees – No nominees.

3. Executive Officer. (A 1-year position.)

Nominees - Andrew Wills (By Ballymena Road Club.)

4. Executive Officer. (A 1-year position.)

Nominees – Carl Fullerton (By North Donegal CC.)

5. Executive Officer. (A 1-year position.)

Nominees – No nominees.

6. Executive Officer. (A 1-year position.)

Nominees – No Nominees.


Item 8. Motions.

From North Donegal CC.

That in regards to all Ulster Championship events that the rules regarding medal

allocation revert to that in place prior to 2016. This means that there will be NO

minimum number of entries in order for medals to be awarded. In other words if there

is one entrant only gold will be awarded. If there are two/three or more then

silver/bronze will be awarded.






ALL categories will be subject to the Cycling Ireland Tech regulation in relation to medals presented –

6 or more riders/teams entered - Gold, Silver, bronze. 4 or 5 riders/teams entered - Gold & Silver medals only. 3 or less riders/teams entered - Gold medal only.

However, should only 1 or 2 entries be received for any category, there will be no Gold medal awarded, and the rider(s) will be allocated to the next youngest category catered for in the event.

Individual medals. The three fastest riders on the day (irrespective of age category or gender) will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze medals.

Each rider Master Women/M40 and above will also qualify for the age category medal as shown on their licence.

Team Medals. The team category is open to clubs/teams registered in Ulster. The medals will be awarded to the riders with the fastest aggregate time for 3 members of said club/team.




ALL categories will NOT be subject to the Cycling Ireland Tech regulation in relation to medals presented and the following Cycling Ulster rules will apply

3 or more riders/teams entered. Gold, Silver, bronze medals will be awarded

2 riders/teams entered Gold and Silver medals will be awarded

1 rider. Team entered Gold medal awarded

However, should only 1 or 2 entries be received for any category, there will be no Gold medal awarded, and the rider(s) will be allocated to the next youngest category catered for in the event. REMOVED

Individual medals. The three fastest riders on the day (irrespective of age category or gender) will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze medals.

Each rider Master Women/M40 and above will also qualify for the age category medal as shown on their licence.

Team Medals. The team category is open to clubs/teams registered in Ulster. The medals will be awarded to the riders with the fastest aggregate time for 3 members of said club/team.

Close of business.

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