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Project co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for

the 5G Media industry

D1.4 - Project Periodic Report (final) Work Package: WP1 - Management and Coordination

Lead partner: ENG


Pasquale Andriani, Giuseppa Caruso [ENG], Stamatia Rizou [SiLO], David Griffin [UCL], Javier Serrano [UPM], Gordana Macher [IRT], Francesca Moscatelli [NXW], Nikolaos Zioulis, Alexandros Doumanoglou [CERTH], Ugur Acar [NET], George Agapiou [OTE], Giulia Pastor [IINV]

Delivery date (DoA): February 29th, 2020

Actual delivery date: April 29th, 2020

Dissemination level: Public

Version number: 1.0 Status: Final

Grant Agreement N°: 761699

Project Acronym: 5G-MEDIA

Project Title: Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry

Instrument: IA

Call identifier: H2020-ICT-2016-2

Topic: ICT-08-2017, 5G PPP Convergent Technologies, Strand 2: Flexible network applications

Start date of the project: June 1st, 2017

Duration: 33 months

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Revision History Revision Date Who Description

0.1 February 3rd, 2020

Pasquale Andriani [ENG]

Document creation

0.3 April 8th, 2020 UCL, NET, IINV, ENG First draft of Explanation of the work carried out per WP for WP1, WP3, WP5, WP7; Milestone and deliverables tables, first draft of follow up to recommendations.

0.6 April 13th, 2020 SiLO, ENG, UCL, UPM, OTE

Added Explanation of the work carried out per WP2, WP4, WP6. First draft of Follow up to recommendations.

0.7 April 17th, 2020 ENG Integration of further revision. 0.8 April 21st, 2020 ENG Final version for quality review.

Quality Control

Role Date Who Approved/Comment

WP6 Leader April 21st, 2020

George Agapiou (OTE)

Minor adjustments

WP7 Leader April 24th, 2020

Giulia Pastor (IINV) Minor edits

WP2 Leader and technical manager

April 27th, 2020

Stamatia Rizou (SiLO) Minor adjustments

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Disclaimer This document may contain material that is copyright of certain 5G-MEDIA project beneficiaries and may not be reproduced or copied without permission. The commercial use of any information contained in this document may require a license from the proprietor of that information. The 5G-MEDIA project is part of the European Community's Horizon 2020 Program for research and development and is as such funded by the European Commission. All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubts, the European Commission has no liability with respect to this document, which is merely representing the authors’ view.

The 5G-MEDIA Consortium is the following:


number Participant organisation name


name Country
















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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 8


THE PROGRESS .................................................................................................................... 9 1.1. OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................. 9

1.1.1. Technical: Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3 .............................................................................. 9 1.1.2. Business Innovation: Objective 4, Objective 5 ............................................................................... 12 1.1.3. Impact creation: Objective 6, Objective 7 ...................................................................................... 13

1.2. EXPLANATION OF THE WORK CARRIED OUT PER WP ........................................................................................ 18 1.2.1. WP1 – Management and Coordination ......................................................................................... 18 1.2.2. WP2 – Architecture, Analysis and Tools ......................................................................................... 21 1.2.3. WP3 – Operation and Configuration Framework .......................................................................... 23 1.2.4. WP4 – 5G-MEDIA Open Repository of Networks Apps .................................................................. 26 1.2.5. WP5 – 5G-MEDIA APIs and SDK Tools ........................................................................................... 31 1.2.6. WP6 – 5G-MEDIA Use Cases, Scenarios and Validation ................................................................ 34 1.2.7. WP7 – Impact, Dissemination and Exploitation ............................................................................. 40

1.3. IMPACT ................................................................................................................................................. 47


APPLICABLE) ..................................................................................................................... 47

3. UPDATE OF THE DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN (IF APPLICABLE) .................................... 47


(IF APPLICABLE) ................................................................................................................. 48

5. DEVIATIONS FROM ANNEX 1 AND ANNEX 2 (IF APPLICABLE) ..................................... 48 5.1. TASKS ................................................................................................................................................... 48 5.2. USE OF RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................. 48

6. DELIVERABLES AND MILESTONES .............................................................................. 48

7. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 57

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List of Tables

Table 1 - Objective 1 (technical) ................................................................................................ 9

Table 2 - Objective 2 (technical) .............................................................................................. 10

Table 3 - Objective 3 (technical) .............................................................................................. 10

Table 4 - Objective 4 (business innovation) ............................................................................. 12

Table 5 - Objective 5 (business innovation) ............................................................................. 12

Table 6 - Objective 6 (impact creation) .................................................................................... 13

Table 7 - Objective 7 (impact creation) .................................................................................... 14

Table 8 - List of project meetings (over the second period M14-M33) ................................... 19

Table 9 - Deliverable submitted along the whole project (ordered by WP, date) ................... 49

Table 10 - Milestone achieved along the whole project (ordered by WP, date) ..................... 51

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Definitions and acronyms

5G-PPP 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership

A3C Asynchronous Actor-Critic Agent

AAA Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

CI Continuous Integration

CD Continuous Delivery

CNO Cognitive Network Optimizer

DoA Description of Action

EC European Commission

FaaS Function as a Service

GPU Graphics processing unit

GUI Graphical User Interface

IPR Intellectual Property Rights

KPI Key Performance Indicator

MANO Management and Orchestration

MAPE Monitoring, Analysis, Planning and Execution

MS Milestone

NFV Network Function Virtualization

NFVI Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure

NFVO Network Function Virtualization Orchestrator

NS Network Service

NSD Network Service Descriptor

O-CNO Overarching Cognitive Network Optimizer

OSM Open Source MANO

QoS Quality of Service

PNF Physical Network Function

PoP Point of Presence

QoE Quality of Experience

RL Reinforcement Learning

SDK Service Development Toolkit

SO Service Orchestrator

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SS-CNO Service Specific Cognitive Network Optimizer

SVP Service Virtualization Platform

UC Use Case

VIM Virtual Infrastructure Manager

VNF Virtual Network Function

VNFM Virtual Network Function Manager

VNFFG Virtual Network Function Forwarding Graph

WG Working Group

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Executive summary

This deliverable represents the final project periodic report (with Public dissemination level as an extract of the Technical Report - Part B) whose aim is to outline the progress and outcomes achieved in the second period of the 5G-MEDIA workplan (M14-M33 / July 2018 - February 2020). It has to be noted that a more extended version of the content with confidential details (i.e. Follow-up of recommendations and comments from previous reviews(s), Use of resources) is presented in the Periodic Technical Report – Part B, following the EC template.

Main achievements along the whole project duration are summarized by the following facts:

• 29 deliverables have been submitted; • 20 milestones have been achieved; • Beyond the Steering and Technology Boards, during the second period, an active

participation in 5G PPP activities is in place in 6 Working Groups (with main contributions to Architecture WG, Software Network WG, SME WG, Trials WG and COMMS WG);

• 11 technical publications (in the second period) have been produced in journals and conferences and 11 non-peer reviewed publications and white papers. Another journal paper is currently under review and further journal publications are currently in preparation and are expected to be submitted soon after the formal end of the project.;

• 1 project GitHub organization containing all software module released as Open Source software;

• 24 events have been attended in this second period (54 events from M1) and, in most of them, one or more presentations of the project results has been given. Among the most relevant ones: EuCNC 2017, NEM Summit 2017, IEEE Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2018, EuCNC 2018, Mobile World Congress 2019, EuCNC 2019, IBC2019 and FITCE 2019;

• Significant presence in social media: 1400+ followers in Twitter, 421+ followers in LinkedIn and 26000+ views of project website

• 15 videos (in total, 6 in RP2) have been produced and published on YouTube with the objective to make more accessible the activities and demos of the project with 2085+ views.

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1. Explanation of the work carried out by the beneficiaries and Overview of the progress

1.1. Objectives

In this section 5G-MEDIA project objectives are presented which are divided into three different categories (technical, business innovation and impact creation), as per DoA [5G-MEDIA_DOA][5G-MEDIA_DOA], and progress achieved in the second period (M14-M33).

1.1.1. Technical: Objective 1, Objective 2, Objective 3

Table 1 - Objective 1 (technical)

OBJ 1: Support the full application lifecycle management (ALM) of development, testing, deployment and operation, hiding the complexity of the network management and orchestration from developers In order to increase the agility and productivity of skilled developers and operators and also reduce the entry barriers for new developers (especially SMEs) aiming to build new media applications and services, 5G-MEDIA platform will:

• Define a suitable programming model and provide a set of well-integrated open source networking-related and media-specific tools in an SDK toolbox, assisting the function, application and service development, emulation, testing and validation process, prior to the deployment phase.

• Support the 5G-MEDIA Service Virtualization Platform owner and the NFVI providers via a Development & Operations (DevOps) toolbox enabling efficient network function and service deployment, edge-to-cloud resource orchestration and management as well as media-related policies establishment (e.g. caching strategy). Being in the centre of interest of 5G-MEDIA partners, the serverless computing approach will be also followed, extending available DevOps tools that have been developed within 5G-PPP phase 1 projects.


• 5G-MEDIA SDK will support microservice-based application development for both hypervisor-based and containerized approaches, specifically supporting at least Docker, unikernel, and LXC.

• 5G-MEDIA platform will integrate innovative and open source tools related to serverless computing (e.g. OpenWhisk), to reduce development time in the order of 5 minutes.

• Re-use and/or extend at least 4 major components or platforms from at least 3 5G-PPP phase 1 projects (e.g. SDK toolbox, Repository, MANO framework, monitoring system, etc.).

• Integrate at least 3 different NFVIs/VIMs to 5G-MEDIA platform, according to partners’ business interests (e.g. OpenStack, VMware, Kubernetes, etc.).

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Table 2 - Objective 2 (technical)

OBJ 2: Develop new VNFs and media-related functions and extend existing ones to support media-oriented use case scenarios The amount of time to develop a media and entertainment application is critical and its drastic reduction is a clear target of the 5G-PPP initiative. Therefore, 5G-MEDIA aims for the provisioning of media applications related building blocks and virtualized network functions, packaged as "network apps" to be easily utilized and extended according to developers’ needs.

During the project lifetime, a large set of network services and functions will be developed, and existing ones (especially those developed in the 5G PPP phase 1 projects) will be enhanced to fulfil the requirements of 5G-MEDIA use case scenarios (Immersive Media and Virtual Reality, smart production integrating user-generated content, and UHD content distribution over enhanced CDN). Most importantly, following a clear open source strategy, the consortium will provide network functions as open source to the developers’ community.

One of the strategic decisions of the consortium is to open the platform to EU projects and programs, external to 5G-PPP, and in particular the Celtic-Plus Eureka projects and EIT-ICT-Labs for liaison and further uptake of the project impact.

KPIs • Reuse and/or extend at least 3 virtual network functions already available as open source. • Develop at least 5 open source VNF implementations. • Develop or extend at least 6 media components related to 5G-MEDIA use case requirements.

Table 3 - Objective 3 (technical)

OBJ 3: Support and move beyond edge computing paradigm via dynamically defined and orchestrated VNF Forwarding Graphs 5G-MEDIA will automatically discover the nodes that are in close network proximity, create dynamic VNFFGs and select the most appropriate ones (based on beyond state-of-the-art path computation algorithms) that take into consideration various parameters, such as required and available resources, processing and networking load and delay.

In this way, 5G-MEDIA will enable critical, time-sensitive data and real-time multimedia interactions to be processed on virtualized network edges, while less time-sensitive data and less intensive processing tasks may be transferred to the “central cloud” for further processing and/or long-term storage.


• Path prolongation between automatic VNFFG and optimal forwarding path will not exceed 15%.

• The platform will take into consideration at least 5 supported networking parameters and performance metrics for VNFFG selection.

Progress towards the Objectives during Period M14-M33

OBJ1: During the second reporting period, the consortium has worked on a tighter platform integration harmonizing various VNF concepts and supporting end-to-end life-cycle management of network services with its programming tools and service virtualisation platform.

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More specifically, the tools offered by the 5G-MEDIA SDK have been extended to support the life-cycle management of the services deployed in the SVP with tools such as i) the CNO Training tool facilitating developer in configuring a training model based on reinforcement learning and testing its training performance and ii) the SVP Runtime Advisor, which gives feedback to the developer on how their services are working in the operational environment. The latter tool is necessary to compensate for differences between the offline emulation environment and the actual operational environment conditions and workloads. Therefore, the resulting SDK constitutes a toolkit supporting continuous corrective service development throughout the service lifecycle.

The SVP has been also refined during the second reporting period. The 5G Apps and Services Catalogue has been finalized to provide an automated translation and mapping from the ETSI NFV standard TOSCA based VNF Descriptor and NS Descriptors (used to model and describe the 5G-MEDIA media services) to the ETSI OSM specific data models, being OSM the reference NFV MANO tool in the project. One step further, the AAA portal has been updated to provide a centralised and simplified view to administrators of resource utilisation and the associated costs for services running on the platform. At its core, SVP encompasses the 5G-MEDIA service MAPE and the 5G-MEDIA service orchestration components. These components support the orchestration and optimization of Network Services based on VM-based VNFs as well as those based on serverless functions (FaaS VNFs). Traditional VM-based NSs are instantiated and subsequently invoked by the users in two distinct phases. Serverless functions are short-lived service components that are instantiated on-demand at session invocation epochs without requiring the pre-instantiation phase required by VM-based NS. For both types of VNFs, the 5G-MEDIA service MAPE component caters for the continuous optimization of media services during and after deployment.

OBJ2: The project has delivered a set of 8 VNFs (2 for UC1, 5 for UC2 and 1 for UC3). that support the three 5G-MEDIA use cases. These components are available as open source implementations within the project GitHub repository, providing a rich legacy for future projects and relevant stakeholders wishing to re-use or extend the VNF capabilities. More details about these are provided in D7.7 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.7] chapter 3 and chapter 4.

OBJ3: During the second period, a complete revision of the 5G-MEDIA service MAPE component took place providing a two-level optimization approach that can be generalized to different hierarchical models, depending on the distribution of resources and the control layer scheme. The two-level optimization approach of 5G-MEDIA platform ensures that both local and global optimal solutions are considered. In this line, joint orchestration across multiple services is a fundamental part of the optimization process in the planning stages, but also during runtime. Finally, with respect to the 5G-MEDIA Service Orchestration, the concept of serverless VIM was extended to serverless Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM), and serverless Service Orchestration – resulting in a full serverless management and orchestration stack in the Service Virtualization Platform.

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1.1.2. Business Innovation: Objective 4, Objective 5

Table 4 - Objective 4 (business innovation)

OBJ 4: Enable a directly exploitable solution through the orchestration and placement of media services over heterogeneous nodes belonging to different administrative domains or infrastructure owners/operators 5G-MEDIA aims to step from innovation to a truly exploitable solution. 5G-MEDIA platform will not only enable efficient microservice development, management and orchestration, but it will pioneer innovative Streaming as a Service (StraaS) business models, over nodes that belong to different administrative domains. 5G-MEDIA network applications will enable fully transparent, seamless and scalable traceability of each individual microservice instantiation throughout its lifetime and monitor the execution time and resources consumed at each node. Another novel feature of the services is the ability to modify, at any time, the permissions granted or the SLA negotiated during initial deployment, with a new set of permissions or new SLAs, or revoke service or VNF execution permission.


• Full traceability of the microservice components throughout their lifecycle even when placed/migrated to nodes administered by different actors.

• Automatic negotiation and monitoring of specific SLA between different actors. • New business models, based on StraaS innovative concept in the edge-to-cloud fabric.

Table 5 - Objective 5 (business innovation)

OBJ 5: Evaluate and demonstrate the 5G-MEDIA platform through extensive test-bed experimentation and large-scale trials conducted by the 5G-MEDIA consortium, and developer communities 5G-MEDIA will evaluate its solutions for building an open, integrated and service-enabling networking media ecosystem through extensive test-bed experimentation and large-scale trials, consisting of heterogeneous nodes and covering a gamut of different media-related applications.

Furthermore, the 5G-MEDIA consortium, following an open innovation approach will offer the platform as well as the developed VNFs and network services to selected SMEs and developers’ community for validation, testing and experimentation, attracting interested stakeholders of the media and entertainment application domain.

The validation of StraaS concept on real conditions and infrastructures will offer the opportunity to attract stakeholders from the 5G community and open new revenue streams and business models that 5G-MEDIA partners and the broader ecosystem can take advantage of.


• The 5G-MEDIA platform will be demonstrated to at least 3 large events such as international workshops, conferences and industry fairs.

• At least 3 open source communities, 3 Celtic-Plus Eureka projects to participate on the 5G-MEDIA platform validation.

Progress towards the Objective during Period M14-M33

OBJ4: During the second reporting period the project has considered multi-NFVI scenarios enabling the deployment of NSs in more than one administrative domain. In addition, the project has extended its billing services to support application-specific cost estimation. The billing services provide a tool for resource cost analysis that allows to measure the CNO optimisations in terms of better QoE or lower resource usage, then highlight and compare

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similar configurations to help shape the penalties one service provider might want to pay that are proportional to the additional resources necessary to bring a service to the minimal agreed QoE. At the same time, such reports allow a first estimation of the charging to cover the resource costs and penalties in a pay per use model.

OBJ5: The 5G-MEDIA platform has been tested in three different media-related use cases validating the capabilities of the platform to flexibly develop, deploy and optimize media service applications. All use cases have been demonstrated live in large events and conferences. Use Case 1 “Immersive applications and Virtual Reality” was demonstrated live at the 5G-MEDIA booth during EuCNC 2019 and FITCE 2019 events, and it was presented during the IEEE 5G and IoT Thessaloniki Summit 2018, Training School on Emerging Technologies for 5G and Internet of Things. Use Case 2 “Remote and Smart Media Production Incorporating User-generated Content” has been presented at the 5G-MEDIA booth during EuCNC2019, at the Jornada de la RAI: “5G en el sector audiovisual”, at the “5G in RTVE” series of events (held in Valencia, Salamanca and Malaga) and it was demonstrated live during the UC2 Live Event held in Madrid on December 3rd 2019. Use Case 3 “Dynamic and Flexible UHD Content Distribution over 5G CDNs” has been presented at the 5G PPP booth during the ICT2018 event, at the 5G-MEDIA booth during EuCNC2019 and at the 5G Day (8th OSM Hackfest): “From Data-centers to the Edge with OSM”, and it was demonstrated live at the 5G IA booth during the MWC2019 and at the Tata Elxsi booth during the IBC2019 event. In addition, the project has considered two cross-cutting scenarios mixing more than one session of the same use case or different use cases running on the same infrastructure. Cross-cutting scenarios have been tested in NFVIs provided by the project and their execution has been recorded to produce additional dissemination material for the platform assessment.

1.1.3. Impact creation: Objective 6, Objective 7

Table 6 - Objective 6 (impact creation)

OBJ 6: Actively promote widespread adoption, impact creation & standardization

The 5G-MEDIA results will be widely disseminated through major national and international activities, such as EuCNC, Global 5G Event, Mobile World Congress, etc. In order to further facilitate the widespread adoption, we will provide an open, experimentation infrastructure that can be used by developers, while the 5G-MEDIA platform will become publicly available. Moreover, a set of proof-of-concept applications will be implemented to demonstrate the 5G-MEDIA platform under real-operational conditions. Moreover, impact creation is foreseen by collaborating with the rest of the EU-funded projects under the 5G-PPP initiative through the existing Working Groups.

Finally, we will also monitor and aim at linking and synchronizing the 5G-MEDIA activities with the OPNFV Pharos testbed and the OpenStack Magnum and Tacker projects to create worldwide impact. In parallel, contribution to ETSI NVF, MANO and MEC, to IETF ANIMA, IRTF SDNRG and NFVRG, and to ISO/IEC MPEG via established partners’ activities and links will be addressed.


• Contribution of at least 3 new drafts in IETF/IRTF • Participation in at least 3 ETSI and ISO/IEC working groups. • Contribution to at least 2 open source projects and initiatives. • Active participation in at least 5 different 5G-PPP existing Working Groups. • Contribute to at least 2 position and white papers issued by the 5G-PPP.

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Table 7 - Objective 7 (impact creation)

OBJ 7: Promote the commercial exploitation of the results A complete 5G-MEDIA platform will be available as open source. Yet, the companies involved in the project will form the critical mass to establish the 5G-MEDIA concept in the SDN/NFV and media & content markets while the RTD partners will also be involved in the market activities through future commercial collaborations with the companies. By the end of the project, SILO, NETAS, OTE, RTVE, NXW and ENG are targeting to provide 5G-MEDIA-based services, which will be the first commercial exploitation of the results, while IBM, IRT and BIT plan to experimentally utilize the platform in several settings, ranging from crowded events (IRT, BIT), to Internet of Things networks.

KPIs • Commercial exploitation through participation and demonstration to at least 5 major

European or International events. • Promote 5G-MEDIA offerings to at least 50 B2B customers of the consortium partners.

Progress towards the Objective during Period M14-M33

OBJ6: Throughout the second period of the project, 5G-MEDIA has achieved the key relevant milestones towards the wide outreach and technology transfer of the activities and outcomes from this Innovation Action. In the particular case of 5G-MEDIA, there are two domains that require a specific focus: the 5G technology field and its impact in the media vertical industry. The project has gained traction in Europe as one of the frontrunners in the use of 5G capabilities to boost a vertical market such as the media. Some key results that underline such position of 5G-MEDIA are:

Dissemination & Communication

• Participation in 24 events, including some of international relevance and participation in workshops from M14 (54 events during period M1-M33);

• Organisation of the Coding Event at UPM premises; • An audience of 1380+ followers in Twitter, 420+ followers in LinkedIn and 25000+ visits

in our website; • 23 technical publications in journals and peer-reviewed conferences have been

published since the beginning of the project with another journal paper currently under review. Six further journal publications are currently in preparation and are expected to be submitted soon after the formal end of the project.

• Live demonstration of UC1 and UC3 in several events as described in D7.6 Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.6];

• Live Proof of Concept of UC2 in December 2019; • Beyond the Steering and Technology Boards, during the second period, an active

participation in 5G PPP activities is in place in 6 Working Groups (i.e. Architecture WG, Software Network WG, SME WG, Trials WG, NetMgmt & QoS WG and COMMS WG). The collaboration with 5G PPP Phase 2 projects is remarkable and 5G-MEDIA has also contributed to several 5G PPP-wide outcomes:

o 5G PPP's European 5G Annual Journal 2019 o Contribution to WGs White Papers (see technical dissemination table) o 5G PPP Vertical Cartography and Golden Nuggets

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o Contribution to the new 5G PPP Stakeholder map • 6 new videos have been produced with the objective to make more accessible the

activities and demos of the project.

OBJ7: In addition to this, the project promoted the commercial exploitation of the results, by presenting and promoting the project results to their customers both using internal or project channels. The main results are reported in the D7.6 Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.6]. The 5G-MEDIA participation to events and demonstrators give the possibility to meet several companies in different sectors focusing to reach both telecommunication and media domains achieving the project goals. Events such as EUCNC which attracts more than 600 delegates each year, or ICT2018 which had an international audience of around 5000 delegates and the Mobile World Congress, where the project actively participated by demonstrating live UC3 and presenting the project results, gave the opportunities to meet relevant potential customers in the ICT domain. While events such as: the Jornada de la RAI: "5G en el sector audiovisual", the “5G in RTVE” series of events (held in Valencia, Salamanca and Malaga), the EBU Production Technology seminar, and the UC2 proof of Concept enabled to meet the Media business stakeholders.

The project results have been made available at the GitHub open repository ( as open source as it is reported in the D7.7 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.7].

Since the work in RP2 has built upon the prototype developed and activities performed in the first reporting period, it fulfils the expected KPIs in a great extent. However, to keep the document self-contained, we provide a complete list of the status of KPIs from M1 to in the table below.

OBJ 1: Support the full application lifecycle management (ALM) of development, testing,

deployment and operation, hiding the complexity of the network management and

orchestration from developers

KPI Status

Support microservice-based application development for both hypervisor-based and containerized approaches…

Achieved during RP1. Support VM, Docker and unikernels.

Integrate innovative and open source tools related to serverless computing…

Achieved during RP1. Integration with OpenWhisk to support FaaS.

Re-use and/or extend at least 4 major components or platforms from at least 3 5G-PPP phase 1 projects…

Achieved during RP1. The 5G-MEDIA platform relies on the following projects: CogNet for MAPE design, SELFNET for Catalogue, SONATA for SDK emulator, Michelangelo/UniK.

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OBJ 1: Support the full application lifecycle management (ALM) of development, testing,

deployment and operation, hiding the complexity of the network management and

orchestration from developers

KPI Status

Integrate at least 3 different NFVIs/VIMs …

Achieved during RP1. The 5G-MEDIA platform supports the following VIMs: OpenStack, OpenNebula, Kubernetes/OpenWhisk

OBJ 2: Develop new VNFs and media-related functions and extend existing ones to

support media-oriented use cases

KPI Status

Reuse and/or extend at least 3 VNFs already available as open source.

Partially achieved during RP1 and finalized in RP2. The project has delivered a set of 8 VNFs (2 for UC1, 5 for UC2 and 1 for UC3). that support the three 5G-MEDIA use cases. These components are available as open source implementations. Some of the VNFs were implemented on background open source components, e.g., vCompression (based on FFmpeg); Speech-to-Text (based on Mozilla DeepSpeech); MPE (Media Process Engine) based on voctomix; vCache (based on Apache Traffic Server).

Develop at least 5 open source VNF implementations. Develop or extend at least 6 media components related to use cases.

OBJ 3: Support and move beyond edge computing paradigm via dynamically defined and

orchestrated VNFFGs

KPI Status

Path prolongation between automatic VNFFG and optimal forwarding path will not exceed 15%.

Partially achieved during RP1 and finalized in RP2. CNO considers network metrics including network load, CPU and memory utilization and packet loss to ensure network delay close to optimal.

The platform will take into consideration at least 5 supported networking parameters and performance metrics for VNFFG selection.

Partially achieved during RP1 and finalized in RP2. Monitoring functions have been extended to cover metrics coming from network, computational and application sources, including a new QoE probe, developed in WP4 since the first review, which automatically reports on performance as perceived by the media application users.

OBJ 4: Enable a directly exploitable solution through the orchestration and placement of

media services over heterogeneous nodes belonging to different administrative domains

or infrastructure owners/operators

KPI Status

Full traceability of the microservice components…

Partially achieved during RP1 and finalized in RP2. The monitoring module allows full traceability of the running VNFs in terms of network and application metrics. In this

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OBJ 4: Enable a directly exploitable solution through the orchestration and placement of

media services over heterogeneous nodes belonging to different administrative domains

or infrastructure owners/operators

KPI Status

Automatic negotiation and monitoring of SLA between actors…

line, the billing module has been extended in RP2 to store estimated QoE values and the related resource consumption from the edge nodes and the measured QoE from the end-user devices in order to build a relation and have an estimation of the expected QoE given the resource consumption on the edge.

New business models, based on StraaS innovative concept…

The project has defined in the context of WP7 the innovative business models arisen by the use of 5G-MEDIA platform. Details are provided in D7.7 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.7].

OBJ 5: Evaluate and demonstrate the 5G-MEDIA platform through extensive test-bed

experimentation and large-scale trials conducted by the 5G-MEDIA consortium, and

developer communities

KPI Status

The 5G-MEDIA platform will be demonstrated to at least 3 large events such as international workshops, conferences and industry fairs.

Partially achieved during RP1 and finalized in RP2. The project has demonstrated its results in several events, including EuCNC 2017, NEM Summit 2017, IEEE Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB) 2018, EuCNC 2018, Mobile World Congress 2019, EuCNC 2019, IBC2019 and FITCE 2019.

At least 3 open source communities to participate on the 5G-MEDIA platform validation.

Achieved during RP1. The project has strong interactions with key open source communities such as OSM, OpenWhisk, ETSI NFV.

Objective 6: Actively promote widespread adoption, impact creation & standardization

KPI Status

Contribution of at least 3 new drafts in IETF/IRTF

Due to the timing of the availability of project results, the key findings, related to 5G-MEDIA Apps Service Catalogue, Cognitive Network Optimiser and Serverless computing design may constitute a future contribution managed individually by specific partners after the project more than a drafts contribution during the project. In the D7.6 - Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2) there are further explanation about these activities.

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Objective 6: Actively promote widespread adoption, impact creation & standardization

KPI Status

Participation in at least 3 ETSI and ISO/IEC working groups

Achieved collaborating with 3 ETSI groups: NFV, MEC and OSM, for example with contributions of white papers as mentioned in D7.6 or actively participating in OSM Hackfest.

Contribution to at least 2 open source projects and initiatives.

Achieved at M15. Activities continued to be performed in Period 2 as indicated in the Summary and in D7.6.

Active participation in at least 5 different 5G-PPP existing Working Groups.

Achieved at M15. Activities continued to be performed in Period 2 as indicated in the Summary and in D7.6

Contribute to at least 2 position and white papers issued by the 5G-PPP.

Achieved at M15. Activities continued also in Period 2 as indicated in the Summary and in D7.6

OBJECTIVE 7: Promote the commercial exploitation of the results

KPI Status

Commercial exploitation through participation and demonstration to at least 5 major European or International events.

KPI achieved at M15. The consortium continued to work in this direction also in Period 2, by demonstrating project results in major European or international events, as described in the summary and in D7.6

Promote 5G-MEDIA offerings to at least 50 B2B customers of the consortium partners

KPI achieved at M15. The consortium continued to work in this direction also in Period 2, by promoting 5G-MEDIA offerings in events like MWC, ICT, EBU Technology seminar, RTVE and 5G events etc, as described in the summary and in D7.6

1.2. Explanation of the work carried out per WP

1.2.1. WP1 – Management and Coordination

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[WP1 Leader: ENG, Participants: OTE]

The main objectives of WP1 are to provide the internal project management and the overall coordination activities, to plan, monitor and control the usage of resources, to monitor and control the project progress according to the work plan and to manage eventual Contract Amendment and associated changes to the DoA. Two reviews have been held during the second period and a contract amendment extending the project of three months have been granted.

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T1.1 - Project Management and Administration

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: ENG]

During the second period, the first review meeting has been held in Bruxelles on September 27th, 2018. Moreover, a technical review has been held in RTVE premises in Madrid on May 29th, 2019 as per EC requests, where initial 5G-MEDIA platform and Use Cases demos have been successfully demonstrated. With the main objective to address all the recommendations received during the technical review held in Madrid, the 5G-MEDIA General Assembly and the Project Management Board asked for a contract amendment requesting a three months extension of the project duration so to have a 33 months overall project duration. Main technical reasons for the three months extension request are summarised as follows:

• To demonstrate and evaluate the project’s platform in a live remote and smart multi-camera HD production for RTVE in December 2019 in the Spanish testbed.

• To validate the platform in a multi-NFVI scenario in the joint testbeds of OTE and NCSRD. This involves the integration of additional hardware components to provide a richer mixture of GPU and CPU- based computational resources.

• To enable the further integration of the platform components developed by different WPs. In particular:

o Integration of resource accounting/billing components (WP3-WP4), with particular focus on quantifying and demonstrating system efficiency

o CNO-SDK integration (WP3-WP5), to provide the hooks for application providers to tailor optimisation algorithms

o Deeper integration between the SDK and the Catalogue/MANO functions (WP4-WP5), to automatically configure the computational resource flavours assigned to the media service VNFs.

Besides the WP1, the different WPs have been extended in the following way: • Three months extension to WP2, to enable the results of the evaluation undertaken

in the extension to be reflected in the final system architecture specifications. • One-month extension to each of WP3, WP4 and WP5, to enable the integration of

extensions of the software prototypes in the testbeds. • Three months extension to WP6, to enable system evaluation of the enhanced

project prototypes. • Three months extension to WP7, to enable additional scientific publications and

software packaging of the newly validated features for exploitation purposes.

Communication tools such as project mailing lists, telco bridges, a project collaborative space made by a Wiki system and an Alfresco content management system have been maintained to facilitate the collaboration among consortium partners. The full list of project meeting is presented in Table 8.

Table 8 - List of project meetings (over the second period M14-M33)

Meeting Location Dates Rehearsal Meeting for Review Preparation

Bruxelles (Belgium) 25th-26th September 2018

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Meeting Location Dates 1st Review Meeting Bruxelles (Belgium) 27th September 2018 5th Plenary Meeting Haifa (Israel) 13th-15th November 2018 6th Plenary Meeting Munich (Germany) 5th-7th March 2019 Rehearsal Meeting for 2nd Review preparation

Madrid (Spain) 27th – 28th May 2019

2nd Review Meeting Madrid (Spain) 29th May 2019 7th Plenary Meeting (including Coding Days)

Madrid (Spain) 23rd – 27th September 2019

8th Plenary Meeting Rome (Italy) 16th – 18th December 2019 9th Plenary Meeting Thessaloniki (Greece) 19th – 21st February 2020

T1.2 - Project IPR & Risk Management

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: OTE, Participants: ENG]

During this period there was an effort by both OTE and ENG partners on analysing IPR issues inside the project based on open source approaches. The main scope of this task was to identify mostly software creations/additions that were invented and produced by the partners of the consortium. In general, the intellectual property grants exclusive rights to the owner of the software. The exclusivity allows the owner to hold IP assets for its software, and, consequently, to grant third parties the rights, more or less extended, to exploit them. Licensing is a fundamental means of exploiting IPR. When granting a license, licensors are free to determine the extent of exclusive IPR granted on the assets concerned and conversely the rights reserved for themselves. During the project, partners identified their developed software outcomes which were mostly extensions and or additions on existing open source software. These extensions are fruitful outcomes that can be used by other developers so that they can be also to be part of the IPR group inventors. Guidelines were produced to inform partners on the IPR options for their software assets produced during the course of the project. The partners deciding to follow an open source approach, their reserved rights were fallen within the framework of “none” or “some” exclusive IPR reserved (according the specific chosen Open Source license). A full section about Intellectual Property Management is provided in D7.7 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.7] describing:

• the followed methodology • the IPR analysis of tangible exploitable results, describing background, foreground

information and access rights in terms of software license for each of the project results

• the Business dependency diagrams visualizing the relationships between different project tangible exploitable results (useful for checking the rights for the reuse of the project results), with the assumption that, in an network services based approach, the services which include other sub-service (components) cannot be considered as a “derivative work” but each sub-service, is regarded as single software part, keeps its independence from the other parts.

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1.2.2. WP2 – Architecture, Analysis and Tools

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: SiLO, Participants: ENG, IBM, OTE, RTVE, UCL, TID, UPM, IRT, NXW, CERTH, NET, BIT]

The main objectives of WP2 have been: i. to define the use cases and extract the user and system requirements (Task 2.1)

ii. to design a reference architecture of the 5G-MEDIA platform (Task 2.2) iii. to setup the tools necessary for the development and testing of the platform (Task


All WP2 tasks started in parallel as a technical common ground for the definition of the implementation for the WP3, WP4 and WP5. During the second reporting period (M14-M33), the project has worked on the design of the platform architecture (initial version reported in D2.3 - 5G-MEDIA Platform Architecture [5G-MEDIA_D2.3] and final version reported in D2.4 - Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and Specification) [5G-MEDIA_D2.4] used as a common reference for the WP3-WP6 activities. In addition, the system requirements and use cases have been refined and their updates have been documented in the deliverable D2.4 - Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and Specification) [5G-MEDIA_D2.4]. Moreover, this work package catered for the finalization of the CI/CD tools and their operational support to guarantee the continuity of service and provide the new configurations required by the project. Finally, during the Period M14-M33, WP2 aimed to align the progress and ensure consistency across WP2-WP6. In this line, regular bi-weekly calls were scheduled to discuss progress in technical implementation. T2.1 – Use Case Assessment and Requirements Specification

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: UCL, Participants: ENG, IBM, SILO, OTE, RTVE, TID, UPM, IRT, NXW, CERTH, NET,


During the reporting period M14-M33, the use cases and the 5G-MEDIA system requirements, as documented in the first reporting period in D2.2 – 5G-MEDIA Requirements and Use Case Refinement [5G-MEDIA_D2.2], were refined based on feedback from the use case design and implementation activities in WP6. In particular:

The role of the MAPE components in the three use cases was refined, with emphasis on the optimisation functions, providing more clarity on the responsibility of platform-wide optimisation versus service-specific optimisation for the individual services in each use case scenario. Additional monitoring metrics were identified to provide the data required for management and optimisation functions, including metrics obtained from service-level VNFs the underlying computational and communications infrastructure, as well as on the QoE received from the service users.

The role of FaaS and serverless orchestration for on-demand service instantiation was elaborated in each of the three use cases: for serverless 3D media transcoding in UC1, on-demand instantiation of speech to text and image recognition functions for augmenting

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reports from mobile journalists in UC2 and on dynamic instantiation and teardown of serverless vCaches in UC3 to overcome congestion issues and improve QoE.

The additional requirements on the 5G-MEDIA SVP raised by the elaboration of the use cases through the reporting period resulted in updates to the 5G-MEDIA architecture as documented in D2.4 - Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and Specification [5G-MEDIA_D2.4].

T2.2 – 5G-MEDIA Platform Architecture

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: SILO, Participants: ENG, IBM, UCL, TID, UPM, IRT, NXW, CERTH, NET, BIT]

The outcomes of this task is documented in D2.4 – Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and Specification [5G-MEDIA_D2.4], which is the reference point for the design of the platform architecture and it has been updated to depict latest developments in the project. During the Period M14-M33, the partners have refined the platform specifications. Major architectural changes relate to the following parts: i) the extension of the Service Development Kit (SDK) with tools for the media service facilitating the testing of optimization algorithms in emulation environment and the continuous corrective sizing of resources required after the media service deployment by establishing a continuous feedback between operational and development environment; ii) the introduction of a multi-hierarchical cognitive network optimizer catering for the continuous optimization of media services during and after deployment supporting service specific and cross-services (overarching) optimization; iii) the enhancement of the auxiliary platform services, the 5G-MEDIA Service Catalogue and the AAA mechanisms to facilitate the media service management as well as accounting and billing mechanisms; and iv) the enablement of traditional as well as serverless orchestration allowing event-driven orchestration of services at run time. All these changes have been thoroughly presented and discussed in D2.4 – Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and Specification [5G-MEDIA_D2.4] and have also led to a joint publication summarizing the main technical design principles of the platform.

T2.3 – 5G-MEDIA Operation Support Tools

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: ENG, Participants: IBM, SILO, NET]

The outcome of this task consists in the finalisation of the CI/CD tools and the operational support to guarantee the continuity of service and provide the new configurations (users, Gitlab projects, permissions on the tools such as Alfresco, Gitlab, Jenkins etc.) required by the project. A common image repository for plain VM and unikernel ISOs has been setup. In addition, in the context of this task, the DevOps workflow (Gitlab, Jenkins etc.) has been tested for unikernel and docker packaging in SDK environment. In particular, the DevOps workflow has been tested for generating a Jenkins task to build the docker image of the remote repo through a UI in the SDK

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1.2.3. WP3 – Operation and Configuration Framework

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[WP3 Leader: UCL, Participants: ENG, IBM, SiLO, OTE, UPM, IRT, NXW, NET, BIT]

The main objective of WP3 was to design and implement the 5G-MEDIA Service Virtualisation Platform: a flexible management and orchestration framework for media services over 5G-enabled NFVI platforms and communications infrastructures, integrating a serverless computing framework and employing state-of-the-art optimisation techniques. The main results of WP3 over the reporting period are outlined in the task-level summaries below and are documented in detail in:

• D3.2 - Specification of the 5G-MEDIA Serverless Computing Framework [5G-MEDIA_D3.2]

• D3.3 - Specification of the 5G-MEDIA QoS Control and Management Tools [5G-MEDIA_D3.3]

• D3.4 - 5G-MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform [5G-MEDIA_D3.4]

T3.1 – MANO Framework and NFVI Interoperability

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: SILO, Participants: ENG, IBM, OTE, UCL, IRT, NXW, NET]

T3.1 has designed and implemented the 5G-MEDIA service virtualisation platform, incorporating and extending service orchestration MANO components with the 5G-MEDIA MAPE and integrating them with the catalogue and AAA components developed in WP4 and with the serverless computing framework developed in T3.2. The project’s SVP has been extended to interwork with multiple types of NFVIs and PoPs including OpenStack, OpenNebula, Kubernetes and unikernel-based virtual execution environments. The project followed OSM developments and upgraded its SVP (AAA, catalogue, OpenNebula and FaaS VIM, MAPE services) to support OSM R5. In addition to supporting the orchestration and management of NSs in multiple types of NFVI, this task has also designed the way NSs may be instantiated and managed over multiple, geographically distributed NFVI instances. The project has focussed on the practical testing and evaluation of two concrete multi-NFVI scenarios. Firstly, in the context of UC1, the OTE and NCSRD testbeds have provided a distributed environment consisting of two OpenStack NFVIs for the instantiation of components of the immersive 3D media service. Secondly, in the context of UC2, the TID and NCSRD testbeds have been used to investigate options for selecting between geographically diverse edges for executing serverless functions in the mobile contribution use case. In the latter, scenarios have been investigated to evaluate algorithms for the dynamic selection of edges based on the occupancy and current utilisation of available hardware features. This allows run-time performance trade-offs to be made between CPU and GPU-based instances of cognitive services for speech and image detection in streams from mobile journalists. More details on the scenarios and the multi-NFVI environments are contained in D6.2 - 5G-MEDIA Immersive Media Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.2] (related to UC1) and D6.3 - 5G-MEDIA Mobile Contribution, Remote and Smart Production Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.3] (related to UC2).

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T3.2 – Integration of Serverless Computing Framework

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: IBM, Participants: SILO, UCL, BIT]

T3.2 has designed and implemented the 5G-MEDIA serverless computing framework through innovative enhancements to the ETSI NFV MANO architecture. In D3.2 - Specification of the 5G-MEDIA Serverless Computing Framework [5G-MEDIA_D3.2], we presented our initial approach to supporting serverless functions through a serverless Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM). We implemented the Serverless VIM as a plugin to OSM R5 using Apache OpenWhisk and Kubernetes as serverless NFVI. In the final iteration of the 5G-MEDIA serverless computing framework, we took a bolder approach and extended the concept of the serverless VIM to a serverless Virtual Network Function Manager (VNFM) and serverless Service Orchestration (SO) based on Argo Workflows and Argo Events CNCF projects, resulting in a full serverless management and orchestration stack in the project’s SVP. D3.4 - 5G-MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform [5G-MEDIA_D3.4] documents the specification and implementation of the SO and its integration with ETSI MANO to form the 5G-MEDIA Orchestration Engine. The 5G-MEDIA SO is a novel orchestration mechanism that is fully interoperable with ETSI MANO and with the adopted open-source OSM software. It complements NFVO functionality for handling non-standard events requiring service specific orchestration, thus allowing the full potential of a serverless computing paradigm for media applications. The main challenge to achieve this integration was that ETSI MANO does not support optimisation steps within its standard flows, neither does it provide the hooks to integrate optimisation functions naturally in any part of service lifecycle management. The SO allows a complimentary service-level control and orchestration plane to be bundled together with the service itself, and which automatically interoperates with OSM upon service instantiation. The SO has facilitated the integration of the hierarchical SS-CNO/O-CNO optimisation approach with the rest of the SVP architecture by allowing optimisation functions to be triggered at the required stages of the service lifecycle management. It should be noted that the approach of augmenting the general NFVO with service-specific NFVO capabilities is not limited to orchestrating serverless VNFs. Rather it can perform arbitrary complex orchestration and control tasks within the same NFVI or across NFVIs. The term serverless is retained even for S-NFVOs for VM-based VNFs to underline the fact that the orchestrator is provided on demand, on a per service instance basis and operates in an event driven manner for the duration it is required. The SO approach has been applied across each of the three use cases and in the multi-UC scenario, integrating UC1 and UC2. In UC3 we have shown how the SO can work across serverless and VM-based NFVIs for multi-NFVI media services where some VNFs are deployed in OpenStack while others are deployed in a serverless manner in Kubernetes in response to the transient network conditions.

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T3.3 – Quality of Service Control Management

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: UCL, Participants: ENG, IBM, SILO, OTE, UPM, IRT, NXW]

During this reporting period the project has finalised the specification, design and implementation of its QoS control and management algorithms. Following the recommendations of the first review and second reviews the project has emphasised the development of MAPE functions and, in particular, machine learning algorithms in the Cognitive Network Optimiser (CNO), that are specific to media applications. Monitoring functions have been extended to cover metrics coming from network, computational and application sources, including a new QoE probe, developed in WP4 since the first review, which automatically reports on performance as perceived by the media application users. This feedback is an important component of reinforcement learning techniques where actions taken by the CNO can be evaluated against the received QoE, amongst other network and computational metrics. The monitoring system and associated visualisation tools have been enhanced to cover and homogenise a wide range of metrics from OpenStack and OpenNebula cloud computing environments, Kubernetes management platforms, OpenWhisk FaaS framework, Virtual execution environments based on unikernels and from the application domain through interfaces exposed by the VNFs, including vTranscoders in UC1, vCompressionEngines in UC2 and vCaches in UC3. Communications between the services constituting the MAPE component is through a publish/subscribe broker implemented by an Apache Kafka bus. A new aspect of the monitoring system is the provision of feedback towards the VNF vendors or developers based on the performance of their VNFs in the context of operational conditions of the deployed NSs in the production environment. The project has refined the design of its CNO as a hierarchical model to allocate and distribute resources across multiple services. The two main aspects of the hierarchy consist of: the overarching CNO (O-CNO) which is responsible for optimising the use of underlying resources for all services on the platform; and the service-specific CNO (SS-CNO) which undertakes finer-grained optimisation decisions on the resources utilised by a single service. The SS-CNO should be considered as part of the service itself, even though it is executed by the SVP operator on behalf of the service provider. 5G-MEDIA provides an event-driven message passing pub/sub mechanism to enable seamless SS-CNO/O-CNO communication. The O-CNO is further split into two roles: a predictive optimiser which plans resource allocation based on forecasted demand and an arbitrator algorithm which handles on-line coordination and prioritisation of resource access by the lower level SS-CNOs. The predictive optimiser in the O-CNO has been implemented with an evolutionary algorithm which aims at optimally allocating the computational and communications resources under the control of the SVP to services based on their predicted resource consumption/demand. The project has developed a range of SS-CNO algorithms for the services considered in the three use cases. Two reinforcement learning algorithms have been evaluated for the dynamic adaptation of media content to available network and computational resources: an offline-trained RL algorithm based on Asynchronous Actor-Critic Agents (A3C) and an online-trained RL algorithm based on Q-learning. In use case 1 the algorithms aim to adjust 3D media compression levels to dynamically available network and computational resources for both players and spectators of the 3D immersive media. In use case 2 they adapt video compression

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levels for edited video streams being transmitted from remote venues back to the broadcaster, maximising the quality across multiple streams being transmitted over shared network resources based on their relative priority driven by the broadcaster-specified quality profiles. The A3C algorithm focuses on adjusting compression levels/quality to network resource availability and performance, the Q-learning algorithm additionally includes computational resource metrics as state inputs. In use case 3, the project has adopted two machine learning algorithms: a supervised learning algorithm for anomaly detection to scale-out vCaches under high network load, and a deep learning algorithm which responds to vCache hit rates and computational load. Both algorithms aim to scale-out vCaches and configure the DNS/load balancer so that users connect to the new vCache instances, resulting in improved video performance and, hence, QoE, for the users under conditions of high network and/or computational load on the vCDN. The MAPE execution service was extended to enable day (0, 1, 2..) configuration of running services. To support this, the integration of the MAPE component with the G-NFVO was extended considering the OSM R5 features and, in parallel, the integration with the serverless orchestration (S-NFVO) flows.

1.2.4. WP4 – 5G-MEDIA Open Repository of Networks Apps

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: UPM, Participants: ENG, SiLO, OTE, UCL, IRT, NXW, CERTH, BIT]

The objectives of WP4 are:

• The implementation, operation and refinement of the framework that will facilitate the access to the 5G-MEDIA Network Apps released by T4.2 and T4.3, including interfaces, integration with SVP, front-end client and security framework. (Task 4.1).

• Design and implementation of VNF packaging tools capable of 5G functionalities. Design and implementation of the generic network functions for the platform. (Task 4.2).

• Implementation of media applications within the 5G-Media framework specific media packages. (Task 4.3).

All partners finished their work on these tasks within second reporting period. On this period the focus was on:

• Second Catalogue release on MS15 Project Milestone. • Final Catalogue release on MS18 Project Milestone. • Authentication, Authorization and Accounting mechanisms. • Enhancements and finalisation of final set of generic and media specific network


D4.1 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue APIs and Network Apps [5G-MEDIA_D4.1] and D4.2 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue Portal and Network Apps [5G-MEDIA_D4.2] releases.

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T4.1 – Catalogue Setup and Operation

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: UPM, Participants: ENG, SILO, IRT, NXW, CERTH, BIT]

The activities performed in task T4.1 for the first reporting period are reported on D4.1 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue APIs and Network Apps [5G-MEDIA_D4.1]. On the first reporting period the task T4.1 was in charge of the design and initial implementation of a light version of the 5G-MEDIA Apps & Services Catalogue, as well as the design of the initial mechanisms for the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) mechanisms.

On second reporting period (M14-M33), the following activities were performed:

• Second release of the 5G Apps & Services Catalogue (MS15): this release contains the NSD and VNF Package management interfaces implemented according to ETSI GS NFV SOL005 v2.4.1, refinement and finalization of NSD and VNFD data models according to ETSI GS NFV SOL001 v2.5.1, implementation of PNFD data model according to ETSI GS NFV SOL001 v2.5.1, implementation of TOSCA CSAR parsing and validation according to ETSI GS NFV SOL004 v2.5.1, integration of OSM R4 & R5 southbound plugins and corresponding translator modules for properly onboarding descriptors into the OSM inner catalogue.

• Third release of the 5G Apps & Services Catalogue (MS18): this release contains extensions to the NSD management interface for supporting PNFD management operations according to ETSI GS NFV SOL005 v2.4.1, while the support for VNFs’ monitoring descriptors and configuration files has been implemented into CSAR package. A VIM plugin, targeting OpenStack versions from Ocata to Queen, has been developed and integrated into the Catalogue as well as the OSM R6 southbound plugin and the corresponding translator module for adapting descriptors and packages to the OSM format and properly onboarding them. The OSM R6 plugin supports OSM versions from 4 to 6. Catalogue R3 is fully integrated with the All In One SDK and provides a finalized version of the catalogue-to-catalogue plugin for communication (onboarding and loading of descriptors and packages) between public and private catalogue instances. Moreover, the final version is also fully integrated with the 5G-MEDIA AAA for regulating descriptors and packages visibility on per-project based views and authorizing operations according to service providers’ policies. Finally, the Catalogue portal (GUI) has been extended for exporting descriptors and packages to the public Catalogue (if configured as a private instance) and dynamically instantiating MANO plugins and managing them (enable, disable and delete operations available).

• Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) mechanisms: Integration of OIDC protocol on OSM R4 & R5 with Keycloak 4.5 as and OIDC Identity server, extension of AAA portal to support different MANO and VIM resources (OSM R4 & 5, OpenStack and Keycloak 4.5).

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T4.2 – Generic Network Apps and Functions

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: NXW, Participants: ENG, SILO, OTE, UCL, BIT]

The task T4.2 main outcomes for the second reporting period (M14-M33) are the following:

• Finalization of the inventory of generic network applications and functions in the 5G-MEDIA ecosystem, including their specification and requirements for being deployed in the 5G-MEDIA SVP:

o LoadBalancer: based on HA Proxy and BIND9 software packaged together with a REST agent (designed from scratch) performing the dynamic configuration/reconfiguration of the application, e.g. adding a new instantiated vCache to the LoadBalancer poll and configuring accordingly the DNS for mapping properly the vCache fqdn. The final implemented version of the LoadBalancer, with respect to the previous ones, allows to dynamically assign a weight to each individual cache so that it is preferred or penalized in traffic redirection. Moreover, the vCache configurable parameters against the LoadBalancer have been extended, introducing the possibility of dynamically remap ports and domains for supporting FaaS vCaches. The LoadBalancer was also integrated into the UC3 scenario “My screen follows me” and demonstrated in a live demo during MWC 2019 and IBC 2019.

o vVideoQoEProbe: function that delivers a QoE metric for the video output of a workflow. It uses the following open access tools: ffmpeg, SITI and OpenCV. The analysis performed contains a correction of the bitrate of the streaming, depending on its spatial and temporal complexity

o A Traffic Manager and Traffic Generator was also deployed as part of the testbeds to facilitate testing and CNO training in a controlled environment. These functions allow to create a testbed where there’s control over the network capabilities affecting the media stream.

• Finalization of VNF Packages standardized structure based on ETSI GS NFV SOL004 v2.5.1 specification for VNF Packages based on TOSCA CSAR. The final structure includes the management of configuration scripts and application monitoring descriptors in compliance with ETSI GS NFV SOL004 v2.5.1.

T4.3 – Media Network Apps and Tools

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: IRT, Participants: SILO, UCL, UPM, CERTH, BIT]

The list of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) and Physical Network Functions (PNFs) has been provided in D4.1 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue APIs and Network Apps [5G-MEDIA_D4.1] (chapter 7.3.2) in the first reporting period (M6-M14). In this first reporting period, the focus of task T4.3 was on the identification and definition of the needed media network apps and on the initial implementation of the VNFs and PNFs used in the first review pilot demonstrations.

In the second period (M14-M33) the VNFs and PNFs implemented for the second review pilot demonstrations and described in D4.1 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue APIs and Network Apps [5G-

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MEDIA_D4.1] have been refined or updated and new VNFs have been added. These VNFs were presented in the second review pilot demonstrations in M14. The VNFs were enhanced and finalized for the final review pilot demonstrations and additional VNFs like the vSplitter and GPU-based Cognitive Services for the Mobile Contribution Scenario were developed. They have been provided in D4.2 - 5G MEDIA Catalogue Portal and Network Apps [5G-MEDIA_D4.2] (chapter 7.2.1). In the following period the VNFs stated into D4.2 have been refined or updated and finalized in the context of the final pilot demonstrations. Moreover, new VNFs like vSplitter have been added. All the updates regarding the VNFs are reported on the activity descriptions below:

• vTranscoder3D CPU/GPU, a VNF that re-encodes incoming 3D media traffic in an online manner and which was developed from scratch within the 5G-Media project, was further updated in this period in order to support the changing and maturing developments of UC1. Therefore, the following activities were performed:

o Transitioned vTranscoder architecture towards a pure-serverless approach that more faithfully respects the single responsibility principle. Each instance of vTranscoder lambda function is dedicated to transcode a 3D media stream to a single quality (instead of producing multiple qualities per same instance)

o To respect the pure-serverless paradigm, the input interface of the vTranscoder was changed in order to consume traffic from a specified topic in the vBroker, instead of having a direct input streaming from a TCP socket. This allows the 3D media source to stream once, and then each vTranscoder will consume the 3D media traffic from vBroker for better scalability.

o In the new pure-serverless paradigm, the instantiation of vTranscoders would happen by CNO on-demand through the bootstrap VNF dedicated to the network service. vTranscoders are no longer started immediately with the instantiation of the network service. For this to work, vTranscoders were made to take a quality parameter in their day-0 configuration, which indicates their compression transcoding profile.

o The transcoding profiles were fine-tuned to better match realistic conditions. • vBroker: a VNF that packages a broker as serverless OpenWhisk (OW) action that can

be deployed on a per session basis and act as the traffic broker to facilitate the use-case inter-component communication and 3D-media stream delivery. This VNF has not been changed since the previous reporting period.

• vBuffer, a VNF that was developed in the second period (M23-M30) in order to facilitate the realization of the Replay functionality in UC1. In particular, the players’ 3D Streams are buffered in memory in a temporal sliding window buffer. Upon a game high-light, the vBuffer is signalled from the Game Server to flush the contents of its in-memory buffer to specific topics in vBroker. The data flushed to the vBroker will later facilitate replay clip playback at the spectators’ side. The vBuffer is provided as dockerized image which can be deployed as FaaS via OpenWhisk and is active since the instantiation of the Network Service.

• vReplay, a VNF that synchronizes the received 3D media segments and the game state stream in order to deliver a standalone replay clip to the application’s spectators. The instantiation of vReplay and its orchestration with respect to vBuffer is managed by the application game server. The vReplay VNF is provided as dockerized image. It can

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be deployed as FaaS via OpenWhisk and instantiated on-demand via the bootstrap VNF dedicated to the network-service session.

• vCompressionEngine (vCE): a VNF that compresses and encodes/decodes A/V content. This VNF is based on the open source tool FFmpeg. In this second period, a RESTful API for control and configuration in an initial version was added and refined. Additional research and tests with the vCE using H.265 compression mode was made.

• Media Process Engine (MPE): a VNF that switches/mixes A/V signals and serves as a video switcher. This VNF is based on the open source project voctomix. In this second period the MPE was refined and updated to support three video sources. Furthermore, IPv6 support was implemented and tested. Through the addition of a vUnpacker inside this VNF the support of SMPTE standard ST2110 could be achieved (see bullet point “vUnpacker” below).

• Speech-to-Text Engine: a VNF that recognizes the audio signal of A/V material and decodes it into text. One version of this VNF is based on the open source tool Mozilla DeepSpeech and another version on Google Cloud Speech. In this period, a second output video format was added, and the reliability was improved. A HW-based (GPU) Speech-to-Text Engine VNF was developed to support the “Mobile Contribution” scenario. Additionally, a support for VNF repositioning (i.e. migration) between heterogeneous computing nodes (i.e. CPU to GPU and GPU to CPU) for the Speech-to-Text Engine VNF was added to support the “Mobile Contribution” scenario.

• Image/Face Recognition: a VNF that detects objects within the A/V material with a context-aware text-based output. This VNF is based on open source tools FFmpeg for ingress, OpenCV for detection and TensorFlow for recognition. In this period, an initial version was developed. A HW-based (GPU) Image/Face Recognition VNF was developed to support the “Mobile Contribution” scenario. Additionally, a support for VNF repositioning (i.e. migration) between heterogeneous computing nodes (i.e. CPU to GPU and GPU to CPU) for the Image/Face Recognition VNF was added to support the “Mobile Contribution” scenario.

• vDemonstrator: a VNF that receives an A/V stream regardless of the transport protocol (UDP, TCP, RTP, etc.) and displays that stream with minimal latency in a browser-based user interface.

• vSplitter: a VNF that separates exactly one A/V input stream into its constituent parts audio, video and image and provides these at its output as independent audio, video and image streams. The encoded and extracted output streams are directly forwarded to their endpoints without buffering. To ensure that the transmission path to the input and the input itself cause minimal delays as well, the Splitter supports the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT). This VNF was integrated in the UC2 FaaS-based “Mobile Contribution” scenario for decoupling the resource intensive de-/encoding aspects from the actual tasks of the cognitive services and to reduce the costs (payload) by pre encoding the requested media streams to their consumers (Speech-To-Text, Image /Face Recognition, Broadcaster). The vSplitter was completely developed in the second period.

• vUnpacker: a VNF that enables the support of UDP protocol and the IP SMPTE standard ST2110. This VNF is based on the open source tool FFmpeg. In this second period, this VNF was integrated in the UC2 workflow through refinements.

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• 5G-MEDIA App: a PNF used to stream the captured content over the 5G-MEDIA Platform to the broadcaster and enabling the enrichment of the content by using Cognitive Services during this process.

• 5G-MEDIA Gateway: a PNF used to convert incoming SDI signals from cameras or video servers to IP to make use of them inside the network or vice versa converting those signals back to SDI. In this period the PNF was used to perform different ST2110 tests.

• UHD Origin Streaming Server: a PNF that transmits live streams from external sources and video on demand from media libraries according to user profiling and preferences. It can be eventually replicated and serves as the root for vCache/vTranscoder hierarchies. This PNF is based on Plex Media Server and Nextworks Symphony client. In this interim period the plex configuration was fixed and application level monitoring was added.

• vCache: a VNF that deploys a cache server to which the user is connected to, according to a hierarchy of mid/edge caches orchestrated/managed by the vCDN, in order to serve the media content near to the end user, reducing latency and offering a better QoS/QoE. This VNF is based on the open source project Apache Traffic Server. In this interim period, it was further updated in order to enhance the application level monitoring for collecting new media-related metrics.

• FaaS vCache: dockerized version of the vCache VNF, suitable to be deployed through the Serverless Orchestrator that is coupled with ETSI OSM. Like the vCache VM-based VNF, the FaaS vCache is still based on Apache Traffic Server.

1.2.5. WP5 – 5G-MEDIA APIs and SDK Tools

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: NET, Participants: ENG, IBM, SiLO, UPM, CERTH]

The work that have been carried out within the scope of WP5 aimed at providing application/service developers with an open environment for the creation of new network applications. After finalizing the definition of the programming tools in Istanbul meeting, in the second review period (M14-30), most of the work effort has been concentrated in the development of the 5G-MEDIA Service Development Kit (SDK) that supports the NFV-based service development and provides a set of well-integrated open source media specific packaging tools, development tools such as validator, editor, emulator, benchmarking, monitoring. Furthermore, in the second reporting period, the WP5 includes activities that aim at developing and integrating serverless concept into the SDK, including the development of the FaaS-vim to emulate FaaS applications. Moreover, WP5 includes development of 5G-MEDIA SDK tools that support end-to-end life-cycle management of network services such as cognitive network optimizer (CNO) training graphic user interface (GUI) and SVP Runtime Advisor. The 5G-MEDIA SDK has been designed to help developers conceive, build and deliver innovative solutions in a faster pace, thus all developed tools are accessible through a unified all-in-one user interface. Furthermore, the activities in this work package also include developing REST and WEB APIs, as well as preparing tutorials and code samples so that any developer can reuse them in their own applications. The main objectives of WP5 are:

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• To implement easy to use, user-friendly SDK that any developer can understand without any specific knowledge about running infrastructure in the backend or any other complicated protocols;

• To provide detailed instruction about SDK installation and setup; • To implement REST and WEB APIs that support microservice based applications; • To provide tutorials and code samples so that any developer can easily reuse tools

and APIs in their own applications.

The main results of WP5 over the reporting period are outlined in the task-level summaries below and are documented in detail in:

• D5.1 - 5G-MEDIA Programming Tools [5G-MEDIA_D5.1] • D5.2 - 5G-MEDIA Rest API, Tutorials and Code Samples [5G-MEDIA_D5.2] • D5.3 - 5G-MEDIA Web API, Tutorials and Code Samples [5G-MEDIA_D5.3] • D5.4 - Packaging and Integration Tools evaluation and setup [5G-MEDIA_D5.4]

T5.1 – Programming Tools

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: NET, Participants: ENG, SILO, UPM, CERTH]

T5.1 has aimed at working on the evaluation of the open source tools and the implementation of SDK that facilitates the development of media-intensive network applications. Main activities have included the development of tools such as validator, editor, emulator, service monitoring and benchmarking tools. The validator tool has been developed to help developers validate descriptors against both TOSCA-based and OSM-IM based schemas. It has been provided in a very easy-to-use web user-interface, which can run in any web browser. The validator has also been connected to the private catalogue so that developers can upload service and VNF descriptors after successful validation. The emulator within the 5G-MEDIA SDK has been developed to support the developers to emulate their services in realistic multi-PoP environments incorporating VIMs for FaaS and non-FaaS applications. The benchmarking tool has been developed to equip developers to perform traffic loads to benchmark their applications while service monitoring tool has been developed to help them monitor their applications’ performance metrics. In addition to these tools, T5.1 task has also included activities to develop tools to support end-to-end life-cycle management of services, such as cognitive network optimizer (CNO) training graphic user interface (GUI) and SVP Runtime Advisor. Developing the CNO Training GUI, the developer has been equipped to build a training model based on reinforcement learning and deploy it in the SVP to optimize the network service in the production environment. The SVP runtime advisor, another tool that has been developed to support life-cycle management of network services, then feeds back to the developer about the behaviour of their applications in the production environment and recommends the developer with necessary changes in their descriptors. The tools implemented in T5.1 are reported in deliverable D5.1 - 5G-MEDIA Programming Tools [5G-MEDIA_D5.1].

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T5.2 – API Development by using Serverless Computing Framework

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: NET, Participants: IBM, SILO]

T5.2 has aimed at implementing the open source state-of-the-art alternatives of the serverless computing and implement the integration of this approach. In this task, a low footprint of Apache OpenWhisk (OW) which is called Lean OW has been developed and integrated into the SDK. The main benefit from this approach is that third party developers do not need to care about the low-level details related to the infrastructure and operation specificities, thus drastically reducing development time and maintenance effort. The designed APIs help third party developers conceive, build and deliver innovative solutions, in a faster pace. In the scope of APIs, this task has included activities of developing the REST APIs and the WEB APIs all of which can support developers with microservice-based application development. The REST APIs which are utilized in development of both the SDK and the SVP such as serverless framework, monitoring, emulating, CNO training, authentication as well as some OSM MANO related REST APIs and private catalogue REST APIs are reported in deliverable D5.2 - 5G-MEDIA Rest API, Tutorials and Code Samples [5G-MEDIA_D5.2], providing some tutorials with code samples about how to exploit them. In addition to REST APIs, this task has also included activities to develop WEB APIs which are JavaScript wrappers for the REST APIs. The WEB APIs have been utilized in the development of number of tools in both SVP and SDK. The WEB APIs, together with some code samples that help developers easily utilize them have been reported in the deliverable D5.3 - 5G-MEDIA Web API, Tutorials and Code Samples [5G-MEDIA_D5.3]. T5.3 – Packaging and Integration Tools

[M6-M30, reporting period M14-M30]

[Leader: ENG, Participants: SILO, UPM, CERTH, NET]

T5.3 has aimed at evaluating state-of-the-art packaging and integrating open source tools as well as setting up and operating them as part of the SDK in a seamless manner. Following a DevOps model, these tools collect all the necessary software artefacts (e.g. required libraries) and generate software packages to be uploaded in the Catalogue and VNF images on the VIMs. Within this task, different packaging options have been considered to equip SDK to neatly harmonize various VNF concepts such as traditional plain ISO-based, unikernel-based and container-based VNFs. The packaging through CI/CD of runtime-based unikernels has been developed within the 5G-MEDIA SDK and presented in an easy-to-use user interface (UI) which provides a dedicated interface to push code on Gitlab, then to use templates to define the name and type (Java, Python, Node) of the unikernel project that invokes a custom CI/CD service. This CI/CD service has been developed to configure (and run) the Jenkins building task that ends up producing the unikernel image in the central image repository. Similarly, CI/CD services allow the production of Docker-based and plain ISO images. The activities within the T5.3 have also contained the specification for the tools used for the packaging, validation and onboarding of serverless (FaaS) and regular (non-FaaS) VNF/NS descriptors using the SDK such as information model specifications, and packaging specifications of the VNFs descriptors based on CSAR format. Furthermore, T5.3 has also contained activities for the specification of the tools to enable the development, testing and emulation of VNF in a local environment,

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that comprehends FaaS, plain ISO and unikernel images to allow the developers to quickly test their features before uploading them on the VIMs. Activities within this task have been reported in D5.4 - Packaging and Integration Tools evaluation and setup [5G-MEDIA_D5.4].

1.2.6. WP6 – 5G-MEDIA Use Cases, Scenarios and Validation

[M10-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[WP6 Leader: OTE, Participants: SiLO, RTVE, UCL, TID, UPM, IRT, NXW, CERTH, BIT]

The main scope of WP6 is to design and implement the three use cases which are extensively described in D2.2 - 5G-MEDIA Requirements and Use Case Refinement [5G-MEDIA_D2.2]. These use cases are implemented by using advanced SW modules and their initial set-up and their underlying network are described in D6.1 – 5G-Media Use Case Scenarios and Testbed [5G-MEDIA_D6.1] in month M15. The main results of WP6 are outlined in the following Tasks 6.1-6.3.

T6.1 – Immersive Media Environments and VR Pilot

[M10-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: CERTH, Participants: SILO, OTE, UCL, TID, UPM, NCSRD]

The focus of this task is on the validation of the 5G-MEDIA platform for use case 1 and the integration and interoperation of the respective VNFs and software platforms by utilizing the testbeds in ENG, OTE/NCSRD. UC1 primarily focused on the exploitation of the serverless and FaaS capabilities offered by the 5G-MEDIA platform. Further, UC1 is applied in the context of next-generation immersive media and tele-presence, and as a result, focused on the optimization of small (i.e. finite duration and low user count) sessions. Activities performed in this final reporting period are:

• Transitioned the UC1 service architecture towards a pure serverless design aiming to take advantage of the finer-grained billing schemes offered by FaaS. In this updated design, the single responsibility principle is more faithfully followed, with each transcoding function encoding a single profile during its lifecycle. This provides the optimization logic with finer grained options about the underlying service. Integrated the updated versions of the CPU/GPU 3D media transcoder functions were delivered publicly on the project’s Docker Hub.

• Implemented an on-demand media computing action functionality that capitalizes on the integration of serverless which offers built-in automatic scaling. In the context of UC1, this is connected to a highlight mechanism triggered by the application. The service then dynamically adapts by registering a replay clip function, which upon terminating its job is seamlessly destroyed. In this way, irregular and unorganized events that manifest during the lifespan of a session can be efficiently handled. For the aforementioned replay functionality, a number of new VNFs were developed that complement the original serverless adaptive streaming service. The orchestration of these functions is partially controlled by the application and by the components’ interactions.

• The UC1 application components were updated according to the horizontal service changes mentioned above. The produced media are now streamed directly to the

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vBroker instead of the vTranscoders, while the vTranscoders are configured to produce and consume traffic to and from the vBroker respectively. This decoupling enabled the pure serverless architecture design update. The game server and clients were updated to orchestrate the replay functionality, as well as consume replay media clips.

• A small session based service optimization was designed and developed that aims at optimizing revenue against costs, while preserving the overall QoE of the service’s consumers. Initial experiments demonstrated significant cost savings and thus, increased revenues while offering highly approximate resulting QoE. More elaborate experiments that modelled consumer churning rates and took into account various consumer populations showcased marginally worse profit but cost reductions ranging from marginal up to 50% for specific cases, while approximately preserving the overall QoE. This highlights the potential for revenue optimization that small sessions can benefit from when adopting serverless architectures, as well as the importance of integrating them in 5G MANO layers, the route that the 5G-MEDIA platform followed.

• The UC1 service specific optimization was integrated into the 5G-MEDIA platform’s CNO framework as well as with the 5G-MEDIA MAPE and was made to interoperate with the overarching CNO. To that end, a demonstration with two service tenants (UC1 and UC2) under a competing resources scenario validated its operational status.

• Participation in EuCNC 2019, where a live demonstration of UC1 was delivered, with the conference participants at Valencia used VR headsets to spectate live sessions commencing at Thessaloniki, with the service deployed in the OTE/NCSRD testbed in Athens.

• Coordination and writing of deliverable D6.2 - 5G-MEDIA Immersive Media Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.2], which contains a comprehensive overview of all the UC1 activities performed in the context of T6.1.

T6.2 – Mobile Contribution, Remote and Smart Production Pilot

[M10-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: IRT, Participants: SILO, OTE, RTVE, UCL, UPM, BIT, NCSRD]

The focus of this task is on the validation of the 5G-MEDIA platform for use case 2 (UC2) and the integration and interoperation of the respective VNFs and software platforms by utilizing the testbeds in ENG, TID and NCSRD/OTE. Therefore, different demos in a “Remote Production” and “Mobile Contribution” scenario were set up in UC2. Three of the four cornerstones of the “Remote Production” scenario in UC2 were realized in this final reporting period: 2) “Remote Production” Scenario 1c with different refinements on VNFs (CS1.2), 3) Proof of Concept of the “Remote Production” with ultra-low latency (CS1.3), and 4) “Remote Production” Multi-Instance-Scenario 1c in one Edge (CS1.4). Therefore, the following activities were performed:

• “Remote Production” scenario with SMPTE ST 2110 (2nd Cornerstone, CS1.2) A “Remote Production” Scenario demo with SMPTE ST 2110 was set up. Therefore, the following activities were performed in this final reporting period:

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o The VNFs used in Use Case 2 were refined, extended and updated to support SMPTE ST 2110 (cf. D6.3 - 5G-MEDIA Mobile Contribution, Remote and Smart Production Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.3], chapter 4.2.2).

o The vCompression Engine was extended with a RESTful API that supports seamless bitrate switching in order to support the work of the CNO.

o The “vUnpacker” VNF was developed to finalize the MPE ST 2110. o Based on technical production guidelines, different production profiles and

compression levels were defined for the Cognitive Network Optimizer (CNO) during this period.

o Different test graphs were created for CNO training purposes. o Continuous update of the TID architecture to be able to run IPv6 VNFs. o Installation of the Nevion Virtuoso IP Production Platform as gateway and to

bring the SDI-Signal to IP. o Installation of two Sony PDW-F1600 video players and a BlackMagic Micro

Studio Camera 4K. o The TID Testbed was connected to the SVP to close the 5G-MEDIA MAPE loop.

This makes it possible to § use the Cognitive Network Optimiser (CNO) support to achieve a better

performance and § collect metrics.

o Implementation of logging parameters in MANO. o A vCompression Engine (vCE) dashboard was installed to monitor the vCE

metrics. o A Traffic Manager dashboard was installed to monitor the CNO metrics.

• “Remote Production” - Proof of Concept (3rd Cornerstone, CS1.3) To approve the “Remote and Smart Production Pilot” scenario of UC2 and their goals, UC2 made a live event field test as proof of concept (PoC) (CS1.3). Therefore, the following activities were performed in this final reporting period:

o Selection of a live event. For our PoC this was the radio show “La Radio es Sueño” organized by Radio 3 (RNE & RTVE).

o Installing the needed VNFs in Telefónica’s testbed OnLife [OnLife] at Peñuelas. o Set-up of a floor layout of Cineteca’s Matadero Cutltural Space with camera and

audio positions. o Installation of the three cameras (two PMW-500 and one PDW-700 from Sony)

and wiring at Cineteca de Matadero (Madrid). o Set-up of the TV cameras synchronization by a TriSync sync signal, choosing one

of the TV cameras as master and slaving the others in a daisy chain configuration.

o Set-up of a multipurpose technical room in RTVE’s headquarter Torrespaña with servers, a ~70 inch screen working as multi-camera viewers monitor, a couple of auto-amplified loudspeakers to feed the audio into, and a regular qwerty keyboard as video switcher panel.

o Measuring of the monitoring delay in preparation and for the KPI approvement. o Performing an Audio-Video-lip-sync test.

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o Installation of two double input HD-SDI to SMPTE ST 2110 IP Embrionix SFP gateways attached to a Cisco 9300 Catalyst switch in order to aggregate traffic towards a 10 Gbps copper port. This port was linked to the Telefónica´s router converting the signal to XG-SPON FO to Peñuelas.

o A survey with five questions regarding these remote productions was created to gather the experiences and impressions of the TV Directors during the event. This questionnaire was performed with the TV Director Mr. Jorge Alonso after the production.

• “Remote Production” – Multi-Instance-Scenario (4th Cornerstone, CS1.4) An “Remote Production” Scenario demo from the perspective of a broadcaster who is looking on multi-instance scenarios in one edge was set-up. Therefore, the following activities were performed in this final reporting period:

o Set-up of the VNFs of Production 1 and Production 2 in Telefónica’s testbed OnLife [OnLife]in one edge in Boecillio.

o Installation of GStreamer as video player for this demo. o Extension of the vCE dashboard to a Multi Productions (UC2) dashboard,

showing for each production the “Productions” uuids, “Production Profile”, the “Actual bitrate”, and the “Target bitrate”.

o The data produced for the UC2 was used for the cost analysis/billing, as described in the D2.4 - Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and Specification [5G-MEDIA_D2.4], and to help define the best QoE ranges for standard and premium users for a possible simple commercial offering shaping. Based on Production Profiles (cf. D6.3, chapter, the benefits of applying the CNO optimisation to a scenario with one standard and one premium user were measured.

The two cornerstones of the “Mobile Contribution” scenario in UC2 were realized in this final reporting period: 1) “Mobile Contribution” Scenario 2.b – General Demo Workflow (CS2.1), and 2) “Mobile Contribution” scenario — Multi-Use Case scenario in one Edge (CS2.2). Therefore, the following activities were performed:

• “Mobile Contribution” scenario — General Demo Workflow (1st Cornerstone, CS2.1)

o Set-up of the involved VNFs in “DEMOKRITOS” testbed of the National Center for Scientific Research (NSCRD) and Telefónica’s (TID) testbed OnLife [OnLife].

o Development of Cognitive Service VNFs that support GPU usage. o Development of the vSplitter VNF to support the “Mobile Contribution”

scenario. o Design of a 5G-MEDIA App as source for the “Mobile Contribution” scenario. o Development of the Edge Selector Web Service to support the “Mobile

Contribution” scenario. o Development of a “Safe-Local” endpoint. o Installation of “Safe-Local” endpoints at IRT and RTVE. o Creation of the network service descriptors for the “Mobile Contribution”

scenario. o Performing of several tests to approve the general demo workflow of the

“Mobile Contribution” scenario.

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• “Mobile Contribution” scenario — Multi-Use Case scenario (2nd Cornerstone, CS2.2)

o Integration and testing of the CNO in the Multi-Use Case scenario with UC1 to approve the different CNO algorithms.

o Performing of several tests to approve the Multi-Use Case scenario.

Furthermore, following activities were performed in this final reporting period: • Regular weekly Task 6.2 telephone conferences were prepared and held. • Coordination and writing of deliverable D6.3 - 5G-MEDIA Mobile Contribution, Remote

and Smart Production Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.3], which contains a comprehensive overview of all the UC2 activities performed in the context of T6.2.

T6.3 – High Demanding UHD over Open CDNs Pilot

[M10-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: NXW, Participants: SILO, OTE, RTVE, UCL, TID, UPM, IRT, NCSRD]

The focus of this task is on the validation of the 5G-MEDIA SVP for Use Case 3 and the integration and interoperation of data-plane and control-plane components, including the vCDN VNFs and software tools related to their LCM. The demonstrations have been performed mainly in the ENG testbed and over a portable testbed set-up by NXW for the UC3 live showcasing at relevant events. The task T6.3 main outcomes in the final reporting period are the following:

● Refinement of UC3 topology through the integration of a vCDN LoadBalancer component with the vCDN Networks Service (NS). The LoadBalancer is a PNF placed outside the scope of the NS and connected to the edge level of vCaches through an external virtual link. Moreover, in the context of T4.2 activities, the LoadBalancer APIs and configurations has been refined for supporting the vCDN multi-NFVI scenario, i.e. enabling the remapping of user requests towards the FaaS edge vCache and implementing a weighted mechanism for prioritize the usage of selected vCaches.

● Participation in MWC 2019 with a UC3 live demo, which includes the following activities:

○ Set up and configuration of a portable testbed for running the live demo: ■ Control node: Lenovo laptop (CPU 8, RAM 32GB) hosting OSM R4 +

OpenStack + vFW ■ Core server: Intel NUC i7 (CPU 8, RAM 32GB) hosting the monitoring

stack (Elasticsearch + Kibana), the infrastructure bus based on Kafka, the 5G Apps and Services Catalogue, the vCDN Lite Service Orchestrator (SO) for day1/day2 service configuration/reconfiguration upon metrics monitoring, the OriginServer and the vCache mid in the vCDN hierarchy.

■ Edge server: Intel NUC i7 (CPU 8, RAM 32GB) hosting the vCaches dynamically instantiated in the edge of the network.

○ Integration of the UC3 data-plane and control-plane (SVP) components into the portable testbed.

○ Extensions to the Lite vCDN Service Orchestrator (SO) for the automated scale-out/scale-in of edge vCaches at the edge. The Lite vCDN SO implements a simple algorithm and mechanisms for scaling out/in vCaches at the edge and simultaneously configuring the new instantiated instance and reconfiguring the

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LoadBalancer. The scale-out/in operation triggered upon application level metrics variation.

● Participation in IBC 2019 with a UC3 live demo, which includes the following activities: ○ Update the set up and configuration of the MWC 2019 portable testbed for

running the live demo: ■ Control node: hardware characteristics remain the same with respect

to the MWC demo, OSM updated at R6 + OpenStack + vFW. ■ Core server: same hardware characteristics as well as the monitoring

stack, the infrastructure bus and the vCDN Lite SO. The 5G Apps and Services Catalogue has been updated to the latest stable version at that time (v2.4,

■ Edge server: same hardware characteristics for hosting the vCaches dynamically instantiated in the edge of the network.

○ Update the set-up of the UC3 data-plane and control-plane (SVP) components into the portable testbed, i.e. deployment of SVP updated components such as OSM R6, the 5G Apps and Services Catalogue, vFW with an updated configuration, new version of the vCaches with enhanced monitoring support.

● Finalized integration of UC3 with the 5G-MEDIA MAPE for the optimization of the vCDN NS based on network conditions. Two different algorithms, detailed in D3.4 and D6.4, have been integrated and validated. The performed optimization consists into the automated scale out/in of vCaches at the edge and service reconfiguration, including the LoadBalancer.

● Implementation of a UC3 vCDN multi-NFVI scenario, where the vCDN service is composed of both VM-based and FaaS vCaches. In particular, in this scenario the optimization of the service is performed through an automated scale out/in of FaaS vCaches at the edge for mitigating the predicted occurrence of short-term flash crowd events.

● Finalized integration of UC3 with the 5G-MEDIA SDK for the DevOps stage, including:

○ vCache VNFs benchmarking and descriptors management via SDK editor and private/public 5G Apps and Service Catalogue instances.

○ CNO training procedures for fine-tuning the vCDN optimization actions.

● Measurements of 5G-MEDIA UC3 KPIs with respect to what was reported in D6.1 - 5G-MEDIA Use Case Scenarios and Testbed [5G-MEDIA_D6.1]. Results and the correlated analysis in available in D6.4 - 5G-MEDIA High Demanding UHD over Open CDNs Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.4].

● QoE aspects evaluation, with respect to frames distortions, in video streaming via UC3 vCDN service. Results are available in D6.4 - 5G-MEDIA High Demanding UHD over Open CDNs Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.4].

● Coordination and writing of deliverable D6.4 - 5G-MEDIA High Demanding UHD over Open CDNs Pilot [5G-MEDIA_D6.4], which contains a comprehensive overview of all the UC3 activities performed in the context of T6.3.

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1.2.7. WP7 – Impact, Dissemination and Exploitation

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[WP7 Leader: IINV, Participants: ENG, IBM-IL, SiLO, OTE, RTVE, UCL, TID, UPM, IRT, NXW,


WP7 was in charge of coordinating the overall impact of the project, assessing the most adequate market access, promoting its ongoing results and driving the collaboration with those ecosystems with a position to contribute or benefit from the initiative. The activities carried out in this Work Package include the exploitation and impact assessment of the project (Task 7.1); community building, dissemination and communication strategies (T7.2); overall visibility and cooperation within the 5G PPP community (Task 7.3); and liaison with open source and standardisation communities (Task 7.4). T7.1 – Sustainable Business Models

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: ENG, Participants: IBM, SILO, OTE, RTVE, TID, NET, IINV, BIT]

The activities of this task from M14, have focused on the consolidation of the value propositions defined for the project results, the identification of appropriate business models to be applied to those value propositions, the definition of potential business scenarios as roadmap for the exploitation of the project results. The results of those activities are available in the D7.5 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 1) [5G-MEDIA_D7.5] submitted at M15 and the D7.7 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.7]. In particular the D7.5 covers the following main topics:

● The description of the exploitable assets starting from the project results; ● Un updated version of the market analysis taking into account the potential market

segments of the project results; ● A detailed description of the identified potential value propositions using the value

proposition canvas models approach by Osterwalder; ● An analysis of existing business models relevant for project results and the mapping

with the identified 5G-MEDIA value propositions; ● The update individual exploitation plans.

The D7.7 has extended and updating the D7.5 including as main new parts the following topics: ● three main potential business scenarios as future steps for the exploitation of the

project exploitable assets; ● the proposed joint exploitation;

● The final version of individual exploitation plans.

The identification of the following potential business scenarios starts from the consideration of the project main results and on the value proposition so far described in the D7.5. Currently two main modalities for the offering of the project results are envisaged:

1. To provide the SW results as Software.

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2. To provide the 5G-MEDIA platform as a whole or part of it as a service following the

XaaS approach.

Those ways are not alternative. It is in fact possible to follow both approaches at the same time. Considering those ways for offering the project results different business potential scenarios can be considered, the main three are below explained:

● 5G-Media platform or part of it embedded inside the Media Companies with the support of ICT/technology companies deploying it on their infrastructure (or using an external infrastructure).

● 5G-Media platform or part of it embedded inside infrastructure owner/provider (IP)

on which they will be able to offer innovative virtualization services (as Service Virtualization provider (SVP) operator) following a XaaS approach

● Adoption of the 5G-Media platform by independent actors that willing to become a

SVP operator/s who can deploy it in one or more independent infrastructures (for instances Amazon) for providing visualization services to media companies (the value proposition is described better in the D7.5 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 1) [5G-MEDIA_D7.5]).

Each partner has explained how is going to exploit their specific results in their individual exploitation plan according their core business/interests and taking in consideration the business scenarios where they can play different roles. In addition, the partners owners of the developed tangible outcomes have decided to make available their results as open source software tools, to 5G and developer communities. The provisioning of the 5G-MEDIA assets as an open source software aims to enable a virtuous cycle for the potential adoption and improvement by thirty parties, both Media organisation or who is going to become a Service Virtualisation Platform operator, enabling in same way the envisaged business scenarios. In this perspective, a GitHub project has been created ( containing main documentation about the project, results and how to use them; a link to the GitHub organisation is also provided in the official project web site at

T7.2 – Dissemination, Communication and Community Building

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: IINV, Participants: ENG, IBM, SILO, OTE, RTVE, UCL, TID, UPM, IRT, NXW, CERTH,


Task 7.2 was the activity in charge of extending the outreach of the project through three main drivers: community building, dissemination and communication. The objectives foreseen for Year 2 were described in D7.4 - Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 1) [5G-MEDIA_D7.4], released at M15 and the final activities were reported in D7.6 - Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.6]. These documents described how 5G-MEDIA established and followed highly effective dissemination, communication and community building activities to support the project outreach. This

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included guidelines and tools to coordinate the activities among the partners to work more efficiently and the plan for the second year of the project. The activities of this task from M14 have focused on i) demonstrating the technical achievements in several European and international events; ii) producing technical publications; iii) implementing our dissemination and communication activities and tools and; iv) consolidating our presence on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube). Some key results resulting from such strategy throughout this period are listed below and fully reported in D7.6:

● Participated in 24 events (listed in D7.6 - Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.6]) disseminating its activities and demonstrating its results in relevant events (the consortium participated in 54 events from M1)

● Organised the Coding Event at UPM premises; ● Demonstrating live UC1, UC2 and UC3 in the following events:

○ UC1: EuCNC2019 and FITCE 2019; ○ UC2 Proof of Concept organised in Matadero/Torrespana involving a wide

range of stakeholders from the media/broadcaster sector; ○ UC3: MWC2019 and IBC2019

● Had the opportunity to perform a survey during the EBU Production Technology Seminar which helped the consortium to gather meaningful feedback on our concepts from experienced industry stakeholders. The questionnaire was filled in by 19 persons. They came from backgrounds like broadcasting (63 %), media equipment manufacturing (11 %), media companies (5 %), and others (21 %). The participants were asked to rate the objectives of the 5G-MEDIA project according to their importance. The result was as follows: "Enhance the Quality of User Experience (QoE) while optimizing the resources required from the 5G network" (53 %), “Validate the outcomes in real-world scenarios crucial to the multimedia industry" (26 %), "Hide the complexity of managing the full lifecycle of media applications" (5 %), and no rating at all (16 %). The participants also were asked if their company would use functions as described in 5G-MEDIA. No one answered with no, six persons (32 %) answered “maybe”, nine persons (47 %) answered yes, and four persons (21 %) gave no answer at all.

● Produced eleven technical publications in journals and conferences and eleven non-peer reviewed publications and white papers. Another journal paper is currently under review and further journal publications are currently in preparation and are expected to be submitted soon after the formal end of the project.

● Consolidated our presence on social media: 1 Twitter account, with 1400+ followers and 400+ tweets, 1 LinkedIn account, with 421 and 1 Discussion Group, 1 YouTube channel, with 2085 views and 15 videos published from M1 (6 videos published in period 2) and published a newsletter underlying the project’s final achievements (;

● Produced a common layout for all graphical material (UCs images, video sequences, gadgets distributed at MWC19, EuCNC2019 and Coding Event) and a set of PR material (posters, brochures, one-pagers).

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T7.3 – Collaboration with 5G PPP Working Groups and Projects

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: IINV, Participants: ENG, SILO, OTE, UCL, TID, NXW]

Task 7.3 aimed at coordinating and stimulating the exchange of technical, business, economic, and societal impacts within the 5G ecosystem, and in particular with the other 5G PPP Phase 2 projects. One of the main means for this activity was to participate in the 5G PPP Working Groups. 5G-MEDIA had a permanent representation in:

● 5G PPP Steering Board: Through the Steering Board, 5G-MEDIA project coordinator was informed about the overall 5G initiatives in order to be aligned with programme objectives and ensure a global consistency across the 5G PPP projects. Collaborative activities as well as co-located events for more than one 5G Actions also initiated in this context to reach a larger group of interests.

● 5G PPP Technical Board: Provided consolidated view on key technical aspects of the 5G PPP projects (e.g. technical specifications, architecture design) with the goal to find common ground for potential synergies among 5G PPP projects. Share knowledge about technical evaluation of the 5G PPP projects and define technical KPIs for 5G PPP projects. Oversee the technical work in different 5G PPP WGs, ensure complementarity and effectiveness of their activities.

5G-MEDIA targeted some specific Working Groups that were of relevance for the activities of the project. Consortium partners are involved in the following 5G PPP Working Groups (WG): Architecture WG

● One white paper produced: "5G Architecture WG White Paper v3.01", published in June 2019 and One workshop organised at EuCNC: "International Workshop on 5G Architectures", June 2019

● Periodic conference calls Software Networks WG

Two white papers produced: ● "From Webscale to Telco, the Cloud Native Journey2", July 2018 ● "Verticals in the Cloud-Native Era3", August 2019 Two workshops organised at EuCNC:

15G Architecture WG White Paper v3.0:

2 From Webscale to Telco, the Cloud Native Journey: 3 Verticals in the Cloud-Native Era:

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● "From cloud ready to cloud native transformation: what it means and why it matters4", June 2018

● "Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services5", June 2019 Bi-weekly conference calls Network Management & QoS WG

● Periodic conference calls [Mandate deemed completed and Working Group suspended October 2019]


● Continuous update on the KPI that are used to evaluate the performance of the use cases. Special effort is considered for explaining the way to measure the KPIs.

● periodic Conference calls SME WG

● Periodic conference calls Besides the formal Working Groups, 5G-MEDIA is also participating in the “COMMS Group” dedicated to promotion and communication activities at 5G PPP level. This group has been coordinated and supported by the To-Euro-5G CSA first and then by the Full5G CSA. In addition to the participation in these groups, it is worth noting other relevant contributions from the project in this period:

● 5G PPP's European 5G Annual Journal 20196; ● 5G PPP new stakeholder map7;

Information on latest progress and news from the 5G Infrastructure Association and the 5G PPP has been regularly forwarded whenever relevant to the 5G-MEDIA partners, thanks to the 5G IA Board members involved in the project (i.e. Nicola Ciulli from NXW and Jacques Magen from IINV).

5G-MEDIA maintained active communication channels with the majority of Phase 2 projects and the 5G PPP’s CSAs (To-Euro-5G and Full5G projects), collaborating in initiatives such as the organization and participation of workshops, or mutual promotion in social media. Such collaboration was often driven by the meetings in the Steering and Technical Boards and also facilitated by 5G-MEDIA partners that are part of other 5G PPP projects’ consortium.

The collaboration with other 5G PPP projects from M1 to M6 and from M7 to M15 is covered respectively in D7.2 - Dissemination, Communication and community building plan [5G-

4 From cloud ready to cloud native transformation: what it means and why it matters: 5 Cloud-Native and Verticals’ services: 6 5GPPP's European 5G Annual Journal 2019: 7 5G PPP stakeholder map:

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MEDIA_D7.2] and D7.4 - Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 1) [5G-MEDIA_D7.4].

In this second period of the project, there are 2 collaborations to be highlighted in terms of impact:

1. EuCNC2019 – Co-organization of:

● Workshop “From Cloud-ready to Cloud-native transformation” 8 Organised by: 5G-PPP Software Networks Working Group/NGPaaS with 5G EVE,


● Special session “5G Trials for Vertical industries9”, organized by a group of 5G PPP projects working towards the realization and validation of vertical applications enabled by 5G technologies, including NRG-5, 5GCity, 5G-MEDIA and 5G Essence

2. Jornada de la RAI 201910 “5G in the audiovisual sector”

Our colleagues from RTVE participated, together with 5G-Xcast, 5G-Tours and 5G-Genesis at the Jornada de la RAI 2019, to present the 5G-MEDIA activities and to share visions about 5G technologies applied to media. As already highlighted, the cooperation with the Phase 2 and Phase 3 projects To-Euro-5G/Full5G, the CSA in charge of the overall coordination of the 5G PPP in support to the 5G IA and the EC, has been happening since the beginning of the project, especially through the COMMS group and via the Steering Board and Technical Board. 5G-MEDIA participated, together with other Phase 2 projects, at the 5G PPP booth at ICT2018 in Vienna and has been selected to take part of the 5G IA booth at MWC19 in Barcelona, to showcase its results and demonstrate UC3.

In addition to this, 5G-MEDIA has contributed since the first period to the joint 5G Working Group established between two European Technology Platforms, the New European Media (NEM) Initiative11 and NetWorld202012. 5G-MEDIA provided inputs to the paper “5G Media slice definition”. Nine media&content use cases have been identified by the group that cover most of the common media&content situations from production to consumption. From these 9 use cases the group has identified 12 parameters that should be used to adapt the network to the application requirements, such as: Latency, Reliability, Data rate, Mobility, User density, Positioning, User Equipment speed. The objective of this paper was to provide proposals and reference material to standardisation organisations in order to contribute to the design and specification of 5G Media Slices.

8 From Cloud-ready to Cloud-native transformation: 9 5G Trials for Vertical industries: 10 11 Cf. 12 Cf.

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T7.4 – Collaboration with Open Source and Standardization Communities

[M1-M33, reporting period M14-M33]

[Leader: TID, Participants: ENG, IBM, SILO, OTE, UCL, NXW, IINV]

The focus of this task during Period 2 has been on 5G-MEDIA partners participation in Open Source initiatives –and project’s outcomes with respect to Standardization bodies (e.g. ETSI NFV/MEC and IETF WGs). The “5G Apps and Services Catalogue”, developed in the context of WP4, can be considered a significant contribution to both NFV standardization and Open Source communities as well as the Cognitive Network Optimizer (WP3) and its related optimization functionalities. A summary of the activities is reported below and more detailed

information is available in D7.6 - Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2) [5G-MEDIA_D7.6].

Contribution Open Source Communities during Period 2

• Participation in the Open Connect’19 Congress organized by ONF the 10th to 13th of September in Silicon Valley.

• Participation in the Broadband World Forum the 15th of Oct’19, where was show how to redefine the central office of the operators with SDN, virtual functions and cloud functions in an agile way, making possible new disruptive use cases like

• Participation in OSM Hackfests (5th Hackfest, Barcelona, February 2019; 8th Hackfest, Lucca, November 2019)

• Technical contribution with an open speech-to-text engine

Standardisation activities during Period 2

Due to the timing of the availability of project results, the key findings, related to 5G-MEDIA Apps Service Catalogue, Cognitive Network Optimiser and Serverless computing design may constitute a future contribution managed individually by specific partners after the project more than a drafts contribution during the project, as follows:

• Open source release (Apache 2 Licence) of the “5G Apps and Services Catalogue” developed in the context of WP4. The 5G Apps and Service Catalogue framework contributes also to NFV standardization as it implements the adaptation and co-existence of the ETSI NFV SOL001 TOSCA data model with the de-facto standard ETSI OSM opensource data models.

• Cognitive Network Optimizer functionalities as suitable candidates for contributing to the ETSI NFV ISG and to the recently formed IETF MOPS WG13.

• Serveless computing suitable for a SIG PoC The project contributed to ETSI white paper “Developing Software for Multi-Access Edge Computing14”

13 IEFT Media OPerationS (MOPS) Working Group: 14 ETSI white paper No. 20 “Developing Software for Multi-Access Edge Computing:

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1.3. Impact

In this period 5G-MEDIA has continued to contribute to the expected impact as foreseen by the Description of Action.

Open environments for creation of network apps

Development of the SDK as reported in WP5 progress and documented in D5.1 - 5G-MEDIA Programming Tools [5G-MEDIA_D5.1], D5.2 - 5G-MEDIA Rest API, Tutorials and Code Samples [5G-MEDIA_D5.2] and D5.3 - 5G-MEDIA Web API, Tutorials and Code Samples [5G-MEDIA_D5.3].

Open repository of network apps that may be validated and leveraged by third party developers

Within WP4 activities, in this period, 5G-MEDIA has released the final version of the 5G-MEDIA App and Service Catalogue, as an open repository of network apps designed to be NFV MANO platform-agnostic in terms of formats and syntax for NS descriptors and VNF Package information model. Final version is documented in D4.2 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue Portal and Network Apps [5G-MEDIA_D4.2]. Moreover, consortium has organised a Coding Event in Madrid held in UPM premises in Autumn 2019 with participants mostly from consortium partners, yet external to the project (students, young researchers, PhD) in order to let them experiment with the 5G-MEDIA platform and VNFs and obtain feedback from them with respect to ease of use of the platform to create, validate and deploy new VNFs.

Validation at scale of the VNF aggregation capability of the proposed environment

Pilot experimentation has continued through the development of the three use cases in WP6. In this period, particular focus has been put on the integration of a QoE model for each of the case to enable a proper automation provided by MAPE/CNO cognitive optimization framework of the 5G-MEDIA platform.

2. Update of the plan for exploitation and dissemination of result (if applicable)

Not applicable.

3. Update of the data management plan (if applicable)

The project’s publications are all publicly available either through institutional repositories or Zenodo which is automatically indexed by OpenAIRE.

The datasets used by the project for training its ML algorithms as well as the evaluation results have been published as open source, publicly available data on the 5G-MEDIA GitHub repository ( ).

The O-CNO service placement algorithm was evaluated using the Geant network topology. Over this network core, we simulated a set of problem instances, by generating synthetic user demands, server costs and latency requirements. The datasets and algorithm code are available from the 5G-MEDIA GitHub repository at .

The SS-CNO algorithms were trained using a mixture of real and synthetic traffic traces, as outlined below.

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The reinforcement learning algorithms in UC2 were trained using combined traces from [Mao_2013] which is retrieved from a broadband dataset provided by the FCC [Federal_2016] and a 3G/HSDPA mobile dataset collected in Norway [Riiser_2013]. For our synthetic data we analysed several real video contents provided by the consortium partners and implemented several statistical probability distributions (e.g. Gaussian and random distribution) to generate video traffic. Additionally, our custom written training tool allows a neural network model to be simply trained with different background traffic models generated through diverse statistical distributions (e.g. random, normal and exponential distribution). Our CNO per-session reinforcement learning training simulator and all datasets are publicly available from the project’s github repository at .

In UC3 the supervised machine learning algorithm for anomaly detection was trained and tested on a traffic trace which is a combination of real video traffic generated by the CDN’s origin server during the tests of UC3 and synthetic background anomaly traffic. The datasets, synthetic traffic generator code and ML algorithm code are publicly available from the project’s github repository at .

Github repositories 5g-media/CNO15 and 5g-media/cno-rl16 have been also published as open dataset under Zenodo, assigned a DOI and indexed in OpenAIRE.

4. Follow-up of recommendations and comments from previous review(s) (if applicable)

This section will be provided only the Periodic Technical Report (Part B).

5. Deviations from Annex 1 and Annex 2 (if applicable)

5.1. Tasks

The tasks were performed as planned, all milestones are achieved, and all deliverables submitted.

5.2. Use of resources

This section will be provided only the Periodic Technical Report (Part B).

6. Deliverables and Milestones

Table 9 presents the list of deliverables submitted along the whole project.

15 5g-media/CNO: 16 5g-media/cno-rl:

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Table 9 - Deliverable submitted along the whole project (ordered by WP, date)

Deliverable number

Deliverable Title WP number

Lead beneficiary

Type Dissemination Level

Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release

D1.1 Quality Plan WP1 ENG Report Public M6 January 11th 2018 D1.2 Data Management Plan WP1 OTE ORDP:

Open Research Data Pilot

Public M6 Dec 6th 2017

D1.3 Project Periodic Report (intermediate) WP1 ENG Report Public M13 August 21st 2018 D1.4 Project Periodic Report (final) WP1 ENG Report Public M33 April 29th, 2020 D2.1 APIs and Tools for Operation Support WP2 ENG Other Public M6 Dec 1st 2017 D2.2 5G-MEDIA Requirements and Use Case

Refinement WP2 UCL Report Public M11 April 30, 2018

D2.3 5G-MEDIA Platform Architecture WP2 SiLO Report Public M15 August 2nd, 2018 D2.4 Final Report on Architecture,

Requirements and Specification WP2 SiLO Report Public M33 April 3rd, 2020

D3.1 Initial design of the 5G- MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform

WP3 SiLO Report Public M9 Resubmitted on Dec 12th, 2018 after addressing experts’ comments

D3.2 Specification of the 5G-MEDIA Serverless Computing Framework

WP3 IBM Report Public M15 August 31st, 2018

D3.3 Specification of the 5G-MEDIA QoS Control and Management Tools

WP3 UCL Report Public M15 August 31st, 2018

D3.4 5G-MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform

WP3 UCL Dem. Public M30 December 13th, 2019

D4.1 5G-MEDIA Catalogue APIs and Network Apps

WP4 UPM Other Public M15 August 31st, 2018

D4.2 5G-MEDIA Catalogue Portal and Network Apps

WP4 UPM Other Public M30 November 29th, 2019

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Deliverable number

Deliverable Title WP number

Lead beneficiary

Type Dissemination Level

Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release

D5.1 5G-MEDIA Programming Tools WP5 NET Other Public M15 Resubmitted on December 19th, 2018 after addressing experts comments

D5.2 5G-MEDIA Rest API, Tutorial and Code Samples

WP5 NET Other Public M30 November 29th, 2019

D5.3 5G-MEDIA Web API, Tutorials and Code Samples

WP5 NET Other Public M30 November 29th, 2019

D5.4 Packaging and Integration Tools evaluation and setup

WP5 ENG Other Public M30 November 29th, 2019

D6.1 5G-MEDIA Use Case Scenarios and Testbed

WP6 OTE Report Public M15 September 12th, 2018

D6.2 5G-MEDIA Immersive Media Pilot WP6 CERTH Demonstrator

Public M33 March 11th, 2020

D6.3 5G-MEDIA Mobile Contribution, Remote and Smart Production

WP6 IRT Demonstrator

Public M33 April 9th, 2020

D6.4 5G-MEDIA High Demanding UHD over Open CDNs Pilot

WP6 NWX Demonstrator

Public M33 March 26th, 2020

D7.1 5G-MEDIA Website WP7 ENG Website Public M2 August 3rd 2017 D7.2 Dissemination, Communication and

community building plan WP7 IINV Report Public M6 Dec 6th 2017

D7.3 5G-MEDIA Impact and Exploitation Plan WP7 ENG Report Public M9 March 8th, 2018 D7.4 Report on dissemination,

communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 1)

WP7 IINV Report Public M15 August 22nd, 2018

D7.5 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 1)

WP7 ENG Report Confidential M15 August 31st, 2018

D7.6 Report on dissemination, communication and community building activities and updated plan (version 2)

WP7 IINV Report Public M33 March 6th, 2020

D7.7 5GMEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation (version 2)

WP7 ENG Report Confidential M33 March 26th, 2020

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Table 10 presents the Milestone achieved along the whole project. Table 10 - Milestone achieved along the whole project (ordered by WP, date)

Milestone number Milestone title Lead

beneficiary Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release Explanation

MS1 Project kick-off ENG M1 June 19th -20th 2017 Kick-off meeting has been held in Rome on June 19th – 20th 2017


APIs and Tools baseline for Operation Support

SiLO M3 August 31st 2017 Setup of the software development tools, provisioning to the partners and release of the first draft of the deliverable D2.1 with the description of the available tools.

MS3 Initial 5G-MEDIA Architecture SiLO M5 October 31st 2017 Draft Architecture is in place through a draft version of D2.2.


Initial coordination in place with 5G-related projects and initiatives

IINV M6 November 30th 2017

Wide participation in 5G PPP Ecosystem in place: Steering Board, Technology Board, Working Groups and Phase 2 projects.


Specification of 5G- MEDIA Catalogue and Network Apps

UPM M9 February 28th, 2018 Specification of the Catalogue has been presented agreed and presented in Istanbul meeting.

MS6 5G-MEDIA Programming Tools defined

NET M9 February 28th, 2018 Definition of the programming tools has been finalized has presented in Istanbul meeting.

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Milestone number Milestone title Lead

beneficiary Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release Explanation


End of the first implementation and integration cycle of the Operations and Configuration Platform

UCL M15 August 31st, 2018

The first round of implementation has been completed - the NFVI VIMs have been deployed in the project testbeds at ENG, OTE and TID. The FaaS VIM has been designed and the initial implementation has taken place at IBM. FaaS has been deployed in the OTE testbed as part of use case 1. The MAPE system has been developed and deployed in the premises of SiLO and UCL and has also been integrated into the project testbeds at the ENG cloud for executing the prototypes of use case 3. Deliverables D3.2 and D3.3, released at the end of August 2018, report on the status of the design and implementation of the 5G-MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform.


End of the first implementation cycle of the 5G-MEDIA Catalogue and Apps

UPM M15 October 17th, 2018

By the end of august of 2018, the core of the catalogue has been implemented, as well as the MANO plugin and the NB interfaces in order to perform the onboarding and instantiation of applications and Network Services, all of them following a standardized information model. An initial security framework has been developed. Finally, a first set of generic and media specific network functions have been developed.


End of the first implementation and integration cycle of the 5G-MEDIA APIs

NET M15 August 31th, 2018

All SDK tools (editor, validator, emulator, service monitoring etc.) are accessible through a unified user interface, called all-in-one-ui. Serverless emulation tool(lean-ow) is integrated to SDK tools and accessible through all-in-one-ui. A serverless VNF (i.e vTranscoder) or a regular VNF in use-cases can be pre-onboarded, onboarded, instantiated, and verified through simulating traffic towards emulated environment in SDK on developer's PC.


Testbed design and scenarios for the 5G-MEDIA PoCs ready

OTE M15 July 31th, 2018 The testbed design at NCSRD for UC1, telefonika for UC2 and ENG for UC3 have been completed and initial demonstrations were performed. First results have been obtained and more scenarios will be considered to be run in the testbeds.


Interim coordination in place with 5G-related projects and initiatives

IINV M15 August 31th, 2018 Active collaboration with 5G PPP community, participating in Steering and Technology Boards, and 8 Working Groups. Maintaining an active communication channels with the majority of the Phase2 projects and the CSA To-Euro-5G.

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Milestone number Milestone title Lead

beneficiary Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release Explanation

MS12 First project review ENG M16 September 27th,

2018 First review has been successfully held in Bruxelles on September 27th, 2018 in Bruxelles.

MS13 Update on 5G-MEDIA Requirements

SiLO M18 February 29th, 2020

The consortium has worked on a refinement of the technical architecture documented in the Deliverable D2.4. To avoid information duplication, updates on the final use case requirements and benefits are reported in the deliverables D6.2, D6.3 and D6.4.


End of the second implementation and integration cycle of the 5G-MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform

UCL M21 February 28th, 2019

The second phase of implementation has been completed - the NFVI VIMs have been updated in the project testbeds at ENG, OTE, NCSRD and TID. The implementation of the FaaS VIM has been enhanced for each of the project’s use cases and integrated with the AAA system. A distributed federation protocol for OpenWhisk to support multi-NFVI scenarios has been implemented. The MAPE system has enhanced with refined monitoring mechanisms to retrieve data from multiple NFVIs (including K8s and OpenNebula). The implementation of the CNO has been extended to cover all three use cases, with a range of ML algorithms being deployed.


End of the second implementation and integration cycle of the 5G-MEDIA Catalogue and Apps

UPM M21 February 28th, 2019

The catalogue second release contains the NSD and VNF Package management interfaces implemented according to ETSI GS NFV SOL005 v2.4.1, refinement and finalization of NSD and VNFD data models according to ETSI GS NFV SOL001 v2.5.1, implementation of PNFD data model according to ETSI GS NFV SOL001 v2.5.1, implementation of TOSCA CSAR parsing and validation according to ETSI GS NFV SOL004 v2.5.1, integration of OSM R4 & R5 southbound plugins and corresponding translator modules for properly onboarding descriptors into the OSM inner catalogue. A second set of generic and media specific apps is released.


End of the second implementation and integration cycle of the 5G-MEDIA APIs

NET M21 February 28th, 2019

The SDK tools have been further tailored for developers’ needs to provide greater efficiencies such as presenting the validator as an easy-to-use web user-interface, using TOSCA-based schemas to make the tool MANO agnostic and connecting it to the private catalogue to automate the process of onboading the descriptors to the MANO. The benchmarking tool has been extended to support all 5G-MEDIA use-cases.

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Milestone number Milestone title Lead

beneficiary Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release Explanation


End of the final implementation and integration cycle of the 5G-MEDIA Operation and Configuration Platform

UCL M30 January 31st , 2020

The final development and integration of the 5G-MEDIA Operation and Configuration Platform has been completed. The platform has been extended to interwork with multiple types of NFVIs and PoPs including OpenStack, OpenNebula, Kubernetes and unikernel-based virtual execution environments. The final iteration of the serverless computing framework extended the concept of the serverless VIM to a serverless VNFM and serverless orchestrator resulting in a full serverless management and orchestration stack in the project’s SVP. The monitoring system and associated visualisation tools have been enhanced to cover and homogenise a wide range of metrics from the supported NFVIs. The project has refined the design of its CNO as a hierarchical model to allocate and distribute resources across multiple services. The project has developed a range of ML algorithms for the services considered in the three use cases. The software has been released as open source through the 5G-MEDIA GitHub repository.

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beneficiary Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release Explanation


End of the final implementation and integration cycle of the 5G-MEDIA Catalogue and Apps

UPM M30 January 31st, 2020

The catalogue final release contains extensions to the NSD management interface for supporting PNFD management operations according to ETSI GS NFV SOL005 v2.4.1, while the support for VNFs’ monitoring descriptors and configuration files has been implemented into CSAR package. A VIM plugin, targeting OpenStack versions from Ocata to Queen, has been developed and integrated into the Catalogue as well as the OSM R6 southbound plugin and the corresponding translator module for adapting descriptors and packages to the OSM format and properly onboarding them. The OSM R6 plugin supports OSM versions from 4 to 6. Catalogue R3 is fully integrated with the All In One SDK and provides a finalized version of the catalogue-to-catalogue plugin for communication (onboarding and loading of descriptors and packages) between public and private catalogue instances. Moreover, the final version is also fully integrated with the 5G-MEDIA AAA for regulating descriptors and packages visibility on per-project based views and authorizing operations according to service providers’ policies. Finally the Catalogue portal (GUI) has been extended for exporting descriptors and packages to the public Catalogue (if configured as a private instance) and dynamically instantiating MANO plugins and managing them (enable, disable and delete operations available). The final set of generic and media specific applications is available.


End of the final implementation cycle of the 5G-MEDIA APIs

NET M30 February 29th, 2020

The WEB APIs have been created to support third-party developers so that they can easily integrate 5G-MEDIA SDK tools in their applications. Both REST APIs and WEB APIs are documented in Deliverable 5.2 and Deliverable 5.3, respectively. The packaging tools which have been reported in Deliverable D5.4 have been developed to complement the SDK Tools and APIs to collect all the necessary artefacts and generate the software packages to be uploaded on the 5G-MEDIA Catalogue. Following the extension of the project, two new lifecycle-support tools have been added to the SDK, namely CNO Training GUI and the SVP Runtime Advisor. While CNO Training GUI equips developers to build CNO training models based on Reinforcement learning and deploy it to the SVP, the SVP runtime advisor feeds the developer on how their application behaves in the production environment and provides them recommendations to update their descriptors.

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Milestone number Milestone title Lead

beneficiary Due Date (in months)

Actual date of release Explanation

MS20 Final project review ENG M33 May 8th, 2020 Final review is planned for May 8th, 2020.

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7. References

[5G-MEDIA_DOA] 5G-MEDIA Description of Action. Grant Agreement number: 761699

[5G-MEDIA_D1.1] 5G-MEDIA – D1.1 - Quality Plan. Available at:


[5G-MEDIA_D1.2] 5G-MEDIA - D1.2 Data Management Plan. Available at


[5G-MEDIA_D1.3] 5G-MEDIA – D1.3 Project Periodic Report (intermediate). Available at


[5G-MEDIA_D2.1] 5G-MEDIA – D2.1 - APIs and Tools for Operation Support. Available at:


[5G-MEDIA_D2.2] 5G-MEDIA – D2.2 - 5G-MEDIA Requirements and Use Case Refinement.

Available at:


[5G-MEDIA_D2.3] 5G-MEDIA – D2.3 - 5G-MEDIA Platform Architecture. Available at


[5G-MEDIA_D2.4] 5G-MEDIA – D2.4 - Final Report on Architecture, Requirements and

Specification. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D3.1] 5G-MEDIA – D3.1 - Initial design of the 5G-MEDIA Operations and

Configuration Platform. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D3.2] 5G-MEDIA - D3.2 - Specification of the 5G-MEDIA Serverless

Computing Framework. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D3.3] 5G-MEDIA - D3.3 - Specification of the 5G-MEDIA QoS Control and

Management Tools. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D3.4] 5G-MEDIA - D3.4 - 5G-MEDIA Operations and Configuration Platform.

Available at:

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[5G-MEDIA_D4.1] 5G-MEDIA - D4.1 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue APIs and Network Apps.

Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D4.2] 5G-MEDIA - D4.2 - 5G-MEDIA Catalogue Portal and Network Apps.

Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D5.1] 5G-MEDIA - D5.1 - 5G-MEDIA Programming Tools. Available at:


[5G-MEDIA_D5.2] 5G-MEDIA - D5.2 - 5G-MEDIA Rest API, Tutorials and Code Samples.

Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D5.3] 5G-MEDIA - D5.3 - 5G-MEDIA Web API, Tutorials and Code Samples.

Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D5.4] 5G-MEDIA - D5.4 - Packaging and Integration Tools evaluation and

setup. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D6.1] 5G-MEDIA - D6.1 - 5G-MEDIA Use Case Scenarios and Testbed.

Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D6.2] 5G-MEDIA - D6.2 - 5G-MEDIA Immersive Media Pilot. Available at:


[5G-MEDIA_D6.3] 5G-MEDIA - D6.3 - 5G-MEDIA Mobile Contribution, Remote and Smart

Production Pilot. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D6.4] 5G-MEDIA - D6.4 - 5G-MEDIA High Demanding UHD over Open CDNs

Pilot. Available at:



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[5G-MEDIA_D7.1] 5G-MEDIA - D7.1 - 5G-MEDIA Website. Available at:


[5G-MEDIA_D7.2] 5G-MEDIA - D7.2 - Dissemination, Communication and community

building plan. Available at:



[5G-MEDIA_D7.3] 5G-MEDIA – D7.3 - 5G-MEDIA Impact and Exploitation Plan. Available



[5G-MEDIA_D7.4] 5G-MEDIA - D7.4 - Report on dissemination, communication and

community building activities and updated plan (version 1) . Available




[5G-MEDIA_D7.5] 5G-MEDIA - D7.5 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation

(version 1).

[5G-MEDIA_D7.6] 5G-MEDIA - D7.6 - Report on dissemination, communication and

community building activities and updated plan (version 2) . Available





[5G-MEDIA_D7.7] 5G-MEDIA - D7.7 - 5G-MEDIA Report on Impact and Exploitation

(version 2).

[OpenWhisk] Apache OpenWhisk -

[OnLife] Telefonica OnLife Network


[OSM] ETSI Open Source MANO -

[Federal_2016] Federal Communications Commission. 2016. Raw Data - Measuring

Broadband America. (2016).


[Riiser_2013] H. Riiser et al. 2013. Commute Path Bandwidth Traces from 3G

Networks: Analysis and Applications. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM

Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys). ACM.

[Mao_2013] Mao, H., Netravali, R. and Alizadeh, M., 2017, August. Neural adaptive video streaming with pensieve. In Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (pp. 197-210).

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