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Leaders of music: Spanish-speaking and English-speaking musiciansLeaders of the spoken word: Leader 1 proclaims in Spanish

Leader 2 proclaims in EnglishLanguage: Spoken by Leader indicated in red letters (Translation of spoken word indicated in parenthesis) The translation of the spoken word is portrayed on PowerPoint (or PrePresenter) slides.

Imagery: PowerPoint or ProPresenter

To begin: musicians enter stage, lights are turned low. Small table has been placed in front-between the stage (sanctuary) and assembly.

Leader 1 & Leader 2 process in with lit candles in silence.

Leaders place candles on table, then nter stage, place on table.

Leaders proceed to microphones & sing refrain a cappella, slowly.

As the refrain concludes, the tempo is picked up.

Leaders indicate “stand” to the assembly.

All sing Somos el Cuerpo

Imagery: NASA image of the

world Peoples gathering

in prayer from across many cultures and places.

Leader 1: Suba nuestra oración hacia ti, Señor.2

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(Translation: Let our prayer rise to you, O Lord.) A member of the

assemble process forward with a lit candle in silence.

As the assembly member reaches the table, he or she turns to face the assembly.

He or she lifts the candle to reverence the assembly, then turns back to the table and places the candle upon it.

As the assembly is reverenced, the musicians begin, Lord, Let my Prayer Arise.

Imagery: Peoples gathering

in prayer from across many cultures and places.

Misty scenes from nature

Leader 2: Hear our prayer, O God.

(Translation: Escucha nuestra oración, oh Dios.)Leader 1 La paz es un don de Dios que hoy también deberá encontrar los

corazones dispuestos a recibirla y trabajar para ser constructores de la reconciliación y la paz.

((Translation: Peace is a gift of God, which today too must find hearts willing to receive it and to toil to be builders of reconciliation and peace.

(19 July 2013)Leader 2: Who will receive God’s peace? Who will go out (as a builder of

reconciliation and peace? Who will go? ¿Quién irá? Who will go?

(Translation: ¿Quién recibirá la paz de Dios? ¿Quién saldrá a construir la reconciliación y la paz? ¿Quién irá? Who will go? ¿Quién irá?)


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(Leader 1 & Leader 2) sing verse, the assembly responds with the refrain

Imagery: Peoples serving

the body of Christ – in churches, in the community.

Silence / SilencioLeader 1: Cristo no tiene cuerpo sino el tuyo, No tiene manos, ni pies en la tierra sino los

tuyos. Tuyos son los ojos con los que la compasión de Dios mira al mundo. Tuyos son los pies con los que Él camina para hacer el bien. Tuyas son las manos, con


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las que Él bendice a todo el mundo.

(Translation: Christ has no body now but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion must look out on the world. Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.)

(St. Teresa de Ávila)Leader 2: Who will go? Is not the “I” who goes really the Body of Christ?

You and I together – the Church?

(Translation: ¿Quién irá? Acaso no es el “yo” quién va verdaderamente el Cuerpo de Cristo? ¿Tú y yo, juntos – la Iglesia?)


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Imagery: Peoples gathering

in prayer from across many cultures and places.


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Leader 2:

Imagery: Suffering people,

people in war and in strife, interwoven with images of the Sacred Heart.

We are gathered into the peace of Christ and called to be peacemakers. What is the ground of our peacemaking? Is it not the HEART OF Christ? This heart that empties itself in love of God and love of neighbor? Only rooted in him, only by sharing in his self-emptying can we be bearers of a peace that the world cannot give.

(Translation: Nos reunimos en la paz de Cristo y somos llamados a obrar por la paz. ¿Cuál es la tierra en dónde hacemos la paz? ¿Acaso no es el CORAZÓN DE Cristo? ¿No es este el corazón que se entrega plenamente en amor a Dios y amor al prójimo? Es sólo enraizados en él, es solo en el compartir de esta entrega plena, que podemos ser portadores de esa paz que el mundo no puede dar.)

Leader 1: Sigan este camino: la oración, los pobres y la paz. Al caminar por este sendero incrementarán la compasión del corazón de la sociedad – ésa es la verdadera revolución, la revolución de la compasión y la ternura – el hacer la amistad crecer en el lugar de los fantasmas de la animosidad y la indiferencia.)

(Translation: Follow this path: prayer, the poor and peace. Walking this path you will increase compassion in the heart of society -- that is the real revolution, the revolution of compassion


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and tenderness -- to make friendship grow in the place of the phantoms of enmity and indifference.)

(16 June 2014)Imagery: As the song

comes to a close, image of the Sacred Heart returns to the screen.

Leader 1:Music begins as Leader 1 finishes

Alabemos a Cristo quien nos une en afinidad con él mismo y con nuestro prójimo.

(Translation: Let us praise Christ who draws each of us into kinship with him and each other.)


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Imagery: Individuals,

families, and communities in church, prayer and in the world.

Leader 2: Let us attend to God’s holy Word.

(Translation: Escuchemos la Palabra sagrada de Dios.)Leader 1 & Leader 2:

The Leader reads in one language, the community responds in the other language.

Beatitudes (Matthew 5.2-9)

Leader : Blessed are the poor in spirit,

Response : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Leader : Blessed are they who mourn,

Response : for they will be comforted.

Leader : Blessed are the meek, Response : for they will inherit the

land. Leader : Blessed are they who

hunger and thirst for righteousness, Response : for they will be

satisfied. Leader : Blessed are the merciful, Response : for they will be shown

mercy. Leader : Blessed are the clean of

Felices los que tienen alma de pobres,

Porque a ellos les pertenece el REino de los Cielos.

Felices los afligidos,

Porque seran consolados.

Felices los pacientes.Porque recibirán la tierra en herencia.

Felices los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia.Porque seran saciados.

Felices los misericordiosos,Porque obtendrán misericordia.


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heart, Response : for they will see God. Leader : Blessed are the

peacemakers, Response : for they will be called

children of God.

Felices los que tienen el corazón puro,

Porque verán a Dios.

Felices los que trabajan por la paz,Porque seran llamados hijos de Dios.

Leader 2:

Imagery: NASA of the world

Leader 1:

Let us raise our gaze to the Suffering Servant of God, the Christ, who stands in solidarity with all who suffer and who says to our broken world: “Peace be with you.”

(Translation: Alzemos nuestra mirada al Siervo Sufriente de Dios, el mismo Cristo que está en solidaridad con todos los que sufre y quien dice a un mundo roto: “La paz esté con ustedes”.)

Al fijar nuestra mirada en el Crucificado, unimos nuestro corazón con nuestros hermanos que sufren por todo el mundo, con nuestras hermanas que lamentan cerca y lejos, y con todos los que obran por la paz.

(Translation: As we gaze on the Crucified One, we join our hearts with brothers who suffer everywhere, with sisters who lament near and far, with all who work for peace.)

Leader 1 will call out the invocation in Spanish; Leader 2 will complete the petition in English. (Note: this may be switched, should it better serve the assembly to do so.)

The assembly will respond by singing the refrain to Cristo Saname between each petition.

At the conclusion of the petitions, verse 1 of Cristo Saname will be sung, followed by the refrain.

Imagery: People, families,


Señor, abre nuestros ojos… (Translation: Lord, open our eyes…)… that we may see each person who crosses our path as brother or sister.(Translation: … que podamos ver a cada persona que encontramos como nuestro hermano o hermana…)

Señor, abre nuestros oídos… (Translation: Lord, open our ears… )

…. to the plea of our citizens who entreat us to turn our weapons of war into implements of peace. (Translation: ... a la plegaria de nuestros cuidadanos que nos ruegan convertir las armas de guerra en instrumentos de paz.)

Señor, abre nuestro corazón… (Translation: Lord open our hearts…)

….. and keep alive within us the flame of hope so that we may seek dialogue and reconciliation. (Translation: ….y enciende en nosotros la llama de la esperanza para buscar el diálogo y la reconciliación.)


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communities in strife

As the petitions conclude, return to NASA image of the world.

Señor, abre nuestras mentes… (Translation: Lord open our minds)

… that we may defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. (Translation: … para que desactivemos la violencia de nuestras lenguas y manos.)

Leader 2: We have tried so many times and over so many years to resolve our conflicts by our own powers and by the force of our arms. Now, Lord, come to our aid! Grant us peace, teach us peace; guide our steps in the way of peace.

(Translation: Hemos intentado numerosas veces y por tantos años resolver nuestros conflictos utlizando nuestro propio poder y la fuerza de las armas. ¡Ahora, Señor, ven en nuestra ayuda! Concédenos la paz, enséñanos la paz; guía nuestros pasos por el camino de la paz.)

Leader 1:

Imagery: Our Lady of


A María, encomendemos nuestra jornada de fe, los deseos de nuestro corazón, nuestras necesidades y las de todo el mundo, en especial de aquellos que tienen hambre y sed de justicia y de Dios.

(Translation: To Mary, let us entrust our journey of faith, the desires of our heart, our needs and the needs of the whole world, especially of those who hunger and thirst for justice and peace, and for God.)

1 January 2014


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Silence.Music quietly begins

Images: People in prayer,

people in serviceLeader 1 & 2 together:

Pertenecemos el uno al otro. / We belong to one another.

Leader 1: Pertenecemos el uno al otro; somos hermanas y hermanos, todos. Y ahora somos enviados como el Cuerpo de Cristo.

(Translation: We belong to one another; we are sisters and brothers, all. And now, we go forth as the Body of Christ. )

Leader 2: Let us go forth now as peacemakers, in our homes, our places of work, our communities.

(Translation: Vayamos en paz como personas comprometidas a hacer la paz, en nuestros hogares, nuestros lugares de trabajo, y en nuestras comunidades.)

Leader 1: Vayamos en la paz de Cristo.

(Translation: Let us go forth in the peace of Christ.)


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Imagery: Sacred Heart,

Mary, interwoven with NASA images

End with NASA image of the Word.


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