  • 8/2/2019 Daily Faith Confession


    $ Monday $

    Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory; that yourhand be with me and that you would keep me from evil.

    Fear of the LordI trust in you, O Lord;I say, You are myGod. My times are inyour hands; howgreat is you

    goodness, which youhave stored up forthose who fear you,which you bestow inthe sight of men onthose who takerefuse in you. In theshelter of yourpresence you hideme from the intriguesof men; in your

    dwelling you keep me

    safe from accusingtongues.The fear of the Lordis the beginning ofwisdom; all who

    follow his perceptshave goodunderstanding. Tohim belongs eternalpraise. The fear ofthe Lord leads to life;then one restscontent, untouchedby trouble. Humilityand the fear of theLord bring wealth and

    honor and life.Righteousness & HolinessAnd this we pray,that our love mayabound still more andmore in knowledgeand all discernment,that we may approvethe things that areexcellent, that wemay be sincere and

    without offence tillthe day of Christ,being filled with thefruits of

    righteousness whichare by Jesus Christ, tothe glory and praiseof God.Who can discern hiserrors? Forgive myhidden faults. Keepyour servant alsofrom willful sins; may

    they not rule overme. Then will I beblameless, innocentof great

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    transgression. Maythe words of mymouth and themeditation of myheart be pleasing inyour sight, O Lord,my rock and myredeemer. This is our prayer:that we may be filledwith the knowledgeof his will in allwisdom and spiritualunderstanding; thatwe may have a walkworthy of the Lord,fully pleasing him,being fruitful in everygood work andincreasing in theknowledge of God;

    strengthened with allmight, according tohis glorious power,for all patience andlongsuffering with joy; giving thanks tothe Father who hasqualified us to bepartakers of theinheritance of thesaints in the light. He

    has delivered us fromthe domain of darkness andtranslated us into the

    kingdom of the Sonand his love, in whomwe have redemptionthrough his blood,the forgiveness ofsins.Now may the Lord ofpeace himself sanctify uscompletely; and mayour whole spirit, soul,and body bepreserved blamelessat the coming of ourLord Jesus Christ. Hewho calls us isfaithful, who also willdo it. For the grace ofGod that bringssalvation hasappeared to all men.

    It teaches us to sayNo to ungodlinessand worldly passions,and to live self-controlled, uprightand godly lives in thispresent age, whilewe wait for theblessed hope theglorious appearing ofour great God and

    savior, Jesus Christ,who gave himself forus to redeem us fromall wickedness and to

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    purify for himself apeople that are hisvery own, eager to dowhat is good.As the elect of God,holy and beloved, weput on tendermercies, kindness,humbleness of mind,meekness, long-suffering; bearingwith one another,and forgiving oneanother, if anyonehas a complaintagainst another;even as Christforgave us, so wealso must do. Butabove all thesethings we put on

    love, which is thebond of perfection.We let the peace ofGod rule in ourhearts, to which alsowe were called in onebody, and we are

    thankful. We let theword of Christ dwellin us richly in allwisdom, teachingand admonishing oneanother in psalmsand hymns andspiritual songs,singing with grace inour hearts to theLord. And whateverwe do in word ordeed, we do all in thename of the Lord Jesus, giving thanksto God the Fatherthrough Him.Now, there is in storefor me the crown ofrighteousness, whichthe Lord, the

    righteous judge, willaward to me on thatday and not only tome, but also to allwho have longed forhis appearing.

    In the name of Jesus, I declare that my prayersare earnest and heartfelt. They connect me to

    the supernatural power of God. I seek after Him

    and experience His power in my life. In faith Ihumble myself, pray continually and turn fromwickedness. I am confident that when I pray

    according to God's Word, I am praying in line with

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    His will and that He hears me. I believe I receivethe manifestation of my confessions now!

    $ Tuesday $

    Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlargemy territory; that your hand be with me and that

    you would keep me from evil.Health & Strength

    Gods grace issufficient for me, forhis power is madeperfect in myweakness. I willalways have hope; I

    will praise you moreand more. My mouthwill tell of yourrighteousness, ofyour salvation all daylong, though I knownot its measure. I willcome and proclaimyour mighty acts, Osovereign Lord; I willproclaim your

    righteousness, yoursalone. Since myyouth, O God, you

    have taught me, andto this day I declareyour marvelousdeeds. Even when Iam old and grey, donot forsake me, O

    God, till I declareyour power to thenext generation, yourmight to all who areto come.I can do all thingsthrough the one whoempowers me within. The Lord will givestrength to hispeople; the Lord will

    bless his people withpeace. You areawesome, O God, in

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    your sanctuary; theGod of Israel givespower and strengthto his people. Praisebe to God!I believe that youcreated my innermost being and mybrain is fearfully andwonderfully made byyour hands.In the name of Jesus,I declare that Icultivate temperanceby subjecting mymind and body toGod's Word. I castdown every negativethought about myappearance thatattempts to exalt

    itself against theknowledge of Godand His will for mylife. I exhibit self-

    control, diligence,wisdom and patienceregarding myexercise regimen andwhat I eat. I walk inthe Spirit and not inthe flesh. I put todeath the unhealthydesires of my body.Jesus is Lord over myeating habits. I ammore than aconqueror, and I cando all things throughChrist Who empowersme. I release mostholy faith to bringthese things to passin my life and chargemy angels to carryout each assignment.

    My words havecreative ability, andin the name of Jesus,I have what I say.

    Guidance, Protection and Preservation The Lord will keepme from all harm, hewill watch over mylife; the Lord willwatch over mycoming and going

    both now andforevermore. TheLord is my light andmy salvation; whom

    shall I fear? The Lordis the stronghold ofmy life of whom shallI be afraid? When evilmen advance againstme to devour my

    flesh, when myenemies and my foesattack me, they willstumble and fall.

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    Though an armybesieges me, myheart will not fear;though war break outagainst me, eventhen will I beconfident. One thing Iask of the Lord, thisis what I seek: that Imay dwell in thehouse of the Lord allthe days of my life, togaze upon the beautyof the Lord and toseek him in histemple. For in theday of trouble he willkeep me safe in hisdwelling; he will hideme in the shelter ofhis tabernacle and

    set me high upon arock. Then my headwill be exalted abovethe enemies whosurround me; at histabernacle will Isacrifice with shoutsof joy; I will sing andmake music to theLord.Lord is sending an

    angel ahead of me toguard me along theway and to bring meto the place he has

    prepared. Lord willtake away sicknessfrom me and nonewill miscarry or bebarren in my land. Hewill give me a full lifespan. He will send histerror ahead of meand throw intoconfusion everynation I encounter.He will make all myenemies turn theirback and run.I trust in the Lordwith all my heart, anddo not lean on myown understanding;in all ways Iacknowledge him andhe directs my path. I

    am not wise in myown eyes; I fear theLord and depart fromevil. It will be healthto my inward partsand strength to mybones. The Lord is good, arefuge in times oftrouble. He cares forthose who trust in

    him. I will not die butlive and will proclaimwhat the Lord hasdone. I will have no

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    fear for Lord is withme; I will not bedismayed for he ismy God. He willstrengthen me, yes,he will help me, andhe will uphold mewith the right hand ofhis righteousness.The Lord will deliverme from every evilwork and preserveme for his heavenlykingdom. To him beglory forever andever. I was pushedback and about tofall, but the Lordhelped me. The Lordis my strength andmy song, he has

    become my

    salvation. Shouts of joy and victoryresound in the tent ofthe righteous: theLords right hand hasdone mighty things.The Lords right handis lifted high.For it is by grace Ihave been saved,through faith and thisis not from ourselves,it is the gift of God not by works, so thatno one boast. For weare Godsworkmanship,created in Christ Jesus to do goodworks, which Godprepared in advance

    for us to do.

    Lord, I thank You that I know the plans You havefor me; plans for good and not for evil, plans toprosper me and not to harm me, to give me a

    future and a hope.

    $ Wednesday $

    Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlargemy territory; that your hand be with me and that

    you would keep me from evil.Testing and trials

    But thanks be to Godwho gives me the

    victory through myLord Jesus Christ.

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    Therefore, I amsteadfast,immovable, alwaysabounding in thework of the Lord,knowing that mylabour is not in vainin the Lord.I consider it pure joy,whenever I face trialsof any kinds, becauseI know that thetesting of my faithdevelopsperseverance. But Imust letperseverance finishits work so that I maybe mature andcomplete, not lackinganything.

    I will extol the Lord atall times; his praisewill always be on mylips. My soul willboast in the Lord. Isought the Lord andhe answered me; hedelivered me from allmy fears. In all things

    I am more thanconqueror throughhim who loved me.For I am persuadedthat neither deathnor life, nor angels,nor principalities, norpowers, nor thingspresent, nor things tocome, nor height, nordepth, nor any othercreated thing, shallbe able to separateme from the love ofGod which is in Christ Jesus my God.Therefore I submit toGod; I resist the deviland he will flee fromme.I believe God. I

    believe he is workingin me no matter whatI may feel or how thesituation may look.The Lord has begun agood work in me andhe will bring it to fullcompletion.

    God resists the proud

    but gives grace tothe humble. Therefore I humblemyself under the

    might hand of God,

    that he may exalt mein due time, havingcast all my care uponhim, for he cares for

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    me. God of all grace,who called me to hiseternal glory byChrist Jesus after Ihave suffered a whilewill perfect, establish,strengthen and settleme. To him be theglory and thedominion forever andever.Bless the Lord, O mysoul and all that iswithin me, bless hisholy name. Bless theLord, O my soul andforget not all hisbenefits; whoforgives all myiniquities; who healsall my diseases; who

    redeems my life fromdestruction; whocrowns me withloving kindness andtender mercies; whosatisfies my mouth

    with good things sothat my mouth isrenewed like theeagles. I haveknown and believedthe love that God hasfor us. God is loveand he who abides inlove abides in Godand God in him.May the God of peace, who throughthe blood of eternalcovenant broughtback from the deadour Lord Jesus, thatgreat shepherd of thesheep, equip us witheverything good fordoing his will andmay he work in us

    what is pleasing tohim through Christ Jesus. To him beglory forever andever.

    Mental and emotional stabilityMay the God of hopefill me with all joyand peace as I trustin him, so that I may

    overflow with hopeby the power of theHoly Spirit; theweapons of my

    warfare are mighty inGod. With them I pulldown strongholdsthat Satan has built

    in my mind. You willkeep me in perfectpeace because mymind is stayed on

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    you and I trust inyou. I have greatpeace because I loveyour law and nothingshall offend me. Godhas not given me aspirit of fear, but ofpower and of loveand of a sound mind.I am anxious fornothing but ineverything by prayerand supplication,with thanksgiving, Ilet my requests bemade known to god

    and the peace of Godwhich surpasses allunderstanding, willguard my heart andmind in Christ Jesus.Finally, whateverthings are true,noble, just, pure,lovely and are ofgood report, if thereis any virtue and ifthere is anythingpraiseworthy, Imeditate on thesethings.

    For as the rain comes down, and the snow fromheaven, and do not return there but water theearth and make it bring forth and bud, that itmay give seed to the sower and bread to the

    eater; So shall my word be that goes forth frommy mouth; it shall not return to me void, but itshall accomplish what I please, and it shall

    prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

    $ Thursday $

  • 8/2/2019 Daily Faith Confession


    Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlargemy territory; that your hand be with me and that

    you would keep me from evil.Serving God

    And God is able tomake ALL graceABOUND to us so thatin ALL things at ALLtimes; having ALLthat we need, we willABOUND in EVERYgood work.I will be strong and ofgood courage and doit; I will not fear norbe dismayed for theLord God will be withme. He will not leaveme nor forsake me,until I have finishedall the work for the

    services of thehouses of the Lord.As for me and myhouse, we will servethe Lord.I have been crucifiedwith Christ; it is nolonger I who live, butChrist lives in me andthe life which I livenow in the flesh, I live

    by faith in the son ofgod who loved meand gave himself for

    me. I work out mysalvation with fearand trembling; for itis God who works inme both to will and todo for his goodpleasure. I do allthings withoutgrumbling andarguing, that I maybecome blamelessand innocent,children of Godwithout fault in themidst of crookedgeneration amongwhom I shine as

    lights in the world,holding forth theword of life. God isable to doexceedinglyabundantly above allthat I ask or think,according to thepower that works inme. I have boldnessto preach the word of

    God; I am notashamed to preachthe gospel.

    The exchange made at the cross

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    Jesus was punishedthat I might beforgiven; Jesus waswounded that I mightbe healed. Jesus wasmade sin with mysinfulness that Imight be maderighteous with hisrighteousness. Jesusdied my death that Imight receive hiseternal life. Jesus wasmade a curse that Imight enter intoblessings. Jesus

    endured my povertythat I might share hisabundance. Jesusbore my shame that Imight share his glory. Jesus endured myrejection that I mighthave his acceptancewith the father. Jesuswas cut off by deaththat I might be joinedto God eternally. Myold man was put todeath in him that thenew man might cometo life in me.

    Confidence in Gods protectionMy body is a templefor the Holy Spirit,redeemed, cleansedand sanctified by the

    blood of Jesus. Mymembers, the partsof my body areinstruments of righteousness yieldedto god for his serviceand for his glory. Thedevil has no place inme, no power overme, no unsettledclaims against me. All

    has been settled bythe blood of the Jesus. I overcomeSatan by the blood of

    the lamb and by theword of mytestimony, and I donot love my life to

    the death. My body isfor the Lord and theLord is for my body.Through the blood ofJesus I have boldnessto enter into thepresence of God. Theblood of Jesus criesout continually toGod in heaven on mybehalf.

    No weapon that isformed against meshall prosper andevery tongue that

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    arises against me in judgment I docondemn. This is myheritage as a servantof the Lord and myrighteousness is fromyou, O Lord of hosts.If there are thosewho have beenspeaking or prayingagainst me, orseeking to harm meor who have rejectedme, I forgive them.Having forgiventhem, I bless them inthe name of the Lord.Now I declare, OLord, that you andyou alone are myGod and beside you

    there is no other; ajust God and a savior,the Father, the sonand the spirit and Iworship you. I submitmyself afresh to youtoday in unreservedobedience. Havingsubmitted to you I doas your word directs.I resist the devil: all

    his pressures, his

    attacks, hisdeceptions and everyinstrument or agenthe would seek to useagainst me. I do notsubmit. I resist him,drive him away fromme and exclude himfrom me in Jesusname. Specifically Ireject and repel:infirmity, infection,pain, inflammation,malignancies,allergies, viruses,every form of witchcraft and everytype of stress.Finally, Lord I thankyou that through thesacrifice of Jesus on

    the cross, I havepassed out fromunder the curse andentered into theblessings of Abrahamwhom you blessed inall things: exaltation,health,reproductivness,prosperity, victory,Gods favour and

    Gods friendship.

    In the name of Jesus, I declare that I am carefullyand wonderfully made in God's image. My

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    physical appearance is a reflection of His glory. Iam virtuous, holy, presentable and acceptable inGod's sight. I identify with the beautiful image ofHis Word and will increase from one level of gloryto the next. I am blessed, prosperous and in goodhealth. And I believe I receive the manifestation

    of this confession now!

    $ Friday $Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlargemy territory; that your hand be with me and that

    you would keep me from evil.Worry & fear

    I am the body ofChrist, and Satan hasno power over me. Iam of God and haveovercome Satan.

    Greater is he that isin me than the onewho is in the world. Iwill fear no evil forthou art with me.Lord, your word andyour spirit, theycomfort me. I am farfrom oppression. Andfear does not comenear me. Whatsoever

    I do, I will prosper;formed like a treethat is planted by therivers of water. I am

    delivered from theevils of this presentworld for it is the willof God concerningme. No evil will befall

    me; neither shall anyplague will comenear by my dwelling.For the Lord hasgiven his angelscharge over me. Andthey keep me in allmy ways and in mypathways lie. There isno death. I am doerof the word of God

    and I am blessed inmy deeds. I amhappy in those thingswhich I do because I

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    am doer of the wordof God. I take theshield of faith. Christhas redeemed mefrom the curse of thelaw; therefore I forbidany sickness ordisease to comeupon this body. Everydisease, germ, everyvirus that touches mybody dies instantly inthe name of Jesus.Every organ, everytissue, every systemof my body functionsin the perfection towhich God created tofunction. And I forbid

    ill function in mybody in the name of Jesus. The word ofGod is forever settledin heaven therefore Iestablish his wordupon this earth.Great is the peace ofmy children for theyare taught of theLord. They areprotected, they arewealthy, they arehealthy, they areanointed, wholeness,nothing missing,nothing broken in thelife of my children.

    Weight and weight controlI dont desire to eat

    so much. I presentmy body to God. Mybody is the temple ofthe Holy Ghost whichdwells in me. I amnot my own. I ambought with theprice. Body, settle

    down in the name of

    Jesus and conform tothe word of God. I ammodified, put todeath the desires ofmy body. I commandit to come in the landwith the word of Godnow.

    Material needs

    Christ has redeemedfrom the curse of thelaw. Christ hasredeemed me from

    poverty. Christ hasredeemed me fromsickness. Christ hasredeemed me from

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    spiritual death. Forpoverty he has givenme wealth. Moneycomes after me. I ammoney-man. Myneeds are met. I haveplenty more to put itstore. I amprosperous, I am rich,I am wealthy. Mymoney is on its way,it is on its way now. Ihave promotion now;I have increase nowin the name of Jesus.Money come after menow. For sickness, hehas given me health.I am healed,protected my healthfrom sickness and

    disease. I will live andnot die; with long lifeI am satisfied with.And I know God isgreat. For death hehas given me eternallife. I have eternal lifewith God; I amanointed to live along, prosperous,healthy, wealthy,

    whole life. It is trueunto me according toword of God. I delightmyself in the Lord

    and he gives medesires of my heart. Ihave plenty more toput it store. I havegiven and it is givenunto me goodmeasure, pressdown, shakentogether and runningover. With whatmeasure I give, it ismeasured unto me. Isow therefore I reap.I give cheerfully. MyGod is able to makeALL grace ABOUND tome in ALL things atALL times; havingALL that I need, I willABOUND in EVERYgood work. There is

    no lack. For my Godsupplies all my needsaccording to hisriches in glory. TheLord is my shepherdand I do not want.Jesus was made poor;that I haveabundance. And Ihave receivedabundance of grace

    and the gift of righteousness toreign as king in lifeby Jesus the anointed

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    one. Abrahams blessings are on myhand.

    Wisdom and guidance The spirit of truthabides in me andteaches me allthings. And he guidesme in all truth;therefore I confess Ihave perfectknowledge of everysituation and everycircumstance that Icome up against. ForI have wisdom of Godnow. I trust in theLord with all myheart. I lean not onmy ownunderstanding. In allmy ways I

    acknowledge him.And he directs my

    path. The Lord willprotect that whichconcerns me. I let theword of Christ dwellin me richly. In allwisdom I do followthe good shepherd.And I know his voice. The voice of astranger I do notfollow. Jesus hasmade unto me thewisdom,righteousness,sanctification,redemption;therefore I confess Ihave the wisdom of


    Jesus is the High Priest of our confession. Webelieve; we receive it. We have what we say. We

    can not be denied.

    $ Saturday $Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlargemy territory; that your hand be with me and that

    you would keep me from evil.In the anointing ofJesus, I am filled with

    the knowledge ofLords will, in allwisdom and spiritualunderstanding. I am

    a new creation inChrist. I am his

    workmanship createdin Christ Jesus.Therefore wisdom ofGod is formed within

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    me. I have put off theold man and put onthe new man; whichis renewed in theknowledge after theimage of him thatcreated me. I havereceived the spirit ofwisdom andrevelation in the

    knowledge of him. The eyes of understanding aremy light. And I amnot conformed to thisworld. But I amtransformed by therenewal of my mind.My mind is renewedby the word of God.

    FamilyGod's favor causesmy family to increasemore and more.(For the Wife to say):My husband isblessed and highlyfavored among menbecause God is withhim. He sits in placesof authority among

    other leaders. Myrelationship with myhusband is good;together we haveobtained the favor ofthe Lord.My children areblessed and wellfavored of God. Theyare skillful and wise,and they stand

    before kings. Like Jesus, my childrenincrease in wisdom,

    stature and favorwith God and men.In the name of Jesus,I will not let anycorruptcommunicationproceed out of mymouth, but only thatwhich is good foredification. I am

    quick to listen andslow to speak. Mywords are acceptableto the Lord. I will puta guard on my mouthand keep the door ofmy lips shut fromspeaking anythingungodly. I will lovemy mate withaffectionate words

    and genuine concern.I aim for and ameager to seekharmony in my

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    marriage by buildingup my spouse. Amen!

    Concerning Total Life Prosperity: Jesus is the Apostleand High Priest overmy profession andwhat I profess is theWord of Godconcerning favor overmy life. The Lordhelps me to guardthe door of my mouthand trains me not tospeak against Hisfavor at work in mylife. I will not allowany corruptcommunication toproceed out of mymouth. Instead, I willspeak only that which

    is good, full of graceand edifying toothers. As therighteousness of God,I declare that I amfavorable in God'ssight. Like Joseph, Iprosper wherever Igo and in everysituation I am inbecause the Lord is

    always with me. I tooexperiencepreferentialtreatment. I am

    blessed and highlyfavored. I associatewith those who areblessed and highlyfavored so that I mayincrease in everyarea of my life. Ioperate in integrity;as a result, I obtainfavor from God. Iactively seek and liveby God's wisdom;therefore, I am highlyfavored andesteemed in the sightof God and men. Ideclare that God'sfavor promotes and

    causes me toincrease daily. TheLord takes pleasurein my total lifeprosperity. Because Iam God's "favorite," Iprosper in every areaof my life-spiritually,physically,financially, sociallyand mentally.

    Because the favor ofGod shields me, nosickness or diseasehas a right to live in

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    my body. Wealth andriches are in myhouse because I am

    empowered with Hisanointing and favorto draw wealth.

    Confidence and strengthI am increasing in theknowledge of Lord. Iam strengthenedwith all mightaccording to hisglorious power. I amdelivered from thepowers of darkness.And I am translatedinto the kingdom ofhis dear son. I amborn of God and Ihave overflowingfaith. Greater is hethat is in me than theone who is in theworld. I will do all

    things through theanointed one. The joyof the Lord is mystrength. The Lord isthe strength of mylife, the peace ofGod, the shalom ofGod, the wholenessof God which possessall understandingkeeps my heart and

    my mind throughChrist Jesus. Thingswhich are good andpure and perfect and

    lovely and of goodreport; I think onthese things. I let nocorruptcommunicationproceed out of mymouth. I grieve notthe Holy Spirit ofGod. I speak the truthof the word of God inlove and I grow up inthe Lord Jesus Christin all things. No mancan take me out ofhis hands for I haveeternal abundant life.I let the peace of

    God, the wholenessof God, shalom ofGod rule in my heart.And I refuse theworry aboutanything. I cast mycare on God becauseGod cares for me.Care; go now, in thename of Jesus. I willnot let the word of

    God depart from myeyes. For it is life tome; for I have found

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    in it health, healingto all my flesh.

    I refuse to be discouraged. I refuse to becondemned. Father, the Bible says that you dontcondemn me. You sent Jesus to die for me. Ill be

    fine; today will be a great day. You help mechoose right and positive thoughts today.

    $ Sunday $Oh, that you would bless me indeed and enlargemy territory; that your hand be with me and that

    you would keep me from evil.Confidence & strength

    God is on my side.God is in me. Whocan be against me?He has given untome all things. Therefore I am

    partaker of his divinenature. I am believerand not a doubter. Iam believer andthese signs do followme in the name of Jesus. I cast out alldemons; I speak withnew tongues; I layhands on the sick andsick do recover. I am

    anointed. Jesus gaveme the authority touse his name. Thatwhich I bound on

    earth is bound inheaven. That which Iloose on earth isloosed in heaven. Therefore in thename of Jesus I

    bound theprincipalities, thepowers, the rulers ofdarkness of thisworld. I cast downthe spiritualwickedness. Go now,bring forth myharvest. Go now,bring forth mypromotion. I walk in

    the favor of God andin the comfort of theHoly Ghost. Favorcometh, promotion

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    cometh, prosperitycometh, abundantlife cometh. Now,angels go, harkensby the words that I

    have spoken. I amcomplete in Jesuswho is head of allprincipalities andpowers.

    I give thanks to Lord,I will sing to the Lordfor he has been goodto me. I have set theLord always beforeme, becausehe is at my righthand; I shall not beshaken. And I knowthat all things worktogether for good tothose who love God;to those who arecalled according tohis purpose. I am

    strong andcourageous and Iobserve to doaccording to the law;I will not turn from it;thus I will prosperwherever I go and Iwill have goodsuccess. Lord, youhave kept me as theapple of your eyes

    and hide me underthe shadow of your

    wings. And I will dwellin the house of theLord forever. He isgood and his mercyendures forever.Arise, shine; for mylight has come andthe glory of the Lordhas risen upon me.The abundance of thesea has turned tome; the wealth of thegentiles has come tome. I put on thewhole armor of Godthat I may able to

    stand against thewiles of the devil. Therefore as theelect of God, holyand beloved; I put ontender mercies,kindness,humbleness of mind,meekness,longsuffering,bearing with one

    another and forgivingone another. Lord,you are wonderful,counselor, mighty

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    God, everlastingfather and prince ofpeace. The peace ofGod which surpassesall understanding willguard my heart, mindand thoughts throughChrist Jesus. I amchosen generation, a

    royal priesthood, aholy nation, a personfor Gods ownpossession; so that Imay proclaim theExcellencies of himwho has called meout of darkness intohis marvelous light.

    For the word of God is living and powerful,sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing evento the division of soul and spirit, and of joints andmarrow and is discerner of thought and intents of

    the heart.

    Personal Prayer & Proclamations:

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