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    Dale Carnegie Course

  • Copyright 2014 Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. 290 Motor Parway Hauppauge,NY 11788

    Dale Carnegie Quertaro All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. ISO-404-PD-PM-0883-TR1076-V2.0.1

  • Dale Carnegie Course Dale Carnegie Course

    Tabla de Contenidos

    1. Objetivos y Beneficios ..........................................................................................................

    2. Temario .....................................................................................................................................

    3. Desarrollo y Recursos ..........................................................................................................

    4. Anlisis de Inversin

    5. Quienes Somos ........................................................................................................................

    6. Porque Dale Carnegie Training ...................................................................................

    7. Registro de xitos. ..................................................................................................................

    8. Referencias

    Inspirando Grandes Acciones

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course Dale Carnegie Course Dale Carnegie Course Dale Carnegie Course

    Habilidades Esenciales para el xito Objetivos del Programa:


    Volvernos ms efectivos en nuestra vida profesional comienza con el proceso de vivir una vida ms

    intencional, mientras miramos hacia el futuro y definimos la persona que queremos ser, el fijar

    metas toma un nuevo sentido

    Los xitos individuales o empresariales no suceden por casualidad, ocurren

    intencionalmente; cuando haya completado este entrenamiento, recordar este proceso como uno

    de los ejes en su vida profesional

    Los lderes efectivos comienzan con ellos mismos, tienen una imagen clara sobre el lugar en donde

    estn y a donde van, que pasos deben lograrse para llegar ah y Se comprometen al proceso!

    En este programa nos enfocaremos en desarrollar los 5 impulsores del xito y ms importante an

    a ponerlos en prctica fuera del saln de clase en su vida profesional y personal, similar a la

    habilidad atltica, la mejora solamente viene por la prctica consistente.

    En este programa reforzaremos y desarrollaremos las actitudes y habilidades en las siguientes


    Liderazgo, Auto responsabilidad, Actitud, Relaciones Interpersonales, Adaptabilidad,

    Conciencia Externa, Manejo del Estrs y Preocupaciones, Resolucin de Conflictos,

    Comunicacin efectiva y asertiva , Visin , Orientacin a Resultados, , Profesionalismo ,

    Influencia, Auto Confianza, Auto Direccin.

    1. 1.-Desarrollar Mayor Auto confianza 2. 2.-Fortalecer las Relaciones Interpersonales

    3. 3.-Incrementar las Habilidades de Comunicacin 4. 4.-Desarrollar Habilidades de Liderazgo

    5. 5.-Reducir el Estrs y Mejorar nuestra Actitud

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course

    ndice de Contenido:

    Sesin Uno

    A. Desarrollar la Base para el xito

    B. Recordar y Utilizar Nombres

    Sesin Dos

    A. Desarrollar nuestras Habilidades para la Memoria y Fortalecer


    B. Incrementar nuestra Auto-Confianza

    Sesin Tres

    A. Poner el Estrs en Perspectiva

    B. Fortalecer Relaciones y Motivar a los dems

    Sesin Cuatro

    A. Comunicar con Energa

    B. Expresar nuestras Ideas con Claridad

    Sesin Cinco

    A. Disentir en forma Agradable

    B. Ganar Cooperacin Entusiasta e Influir en los Dems

    Sesin Seis

    A. Controlar el Estrs

    B. Desarrollar mayor Flexibilidad

    Sesin Siete

    A. Fortalecer a los dems por medio del Reconocimiento

    B. Inspirar a los Dems

    Sesin Ocho

    A. Demostrar Liderazgo

    B. Celebrar el xito y Renovar la Visin

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course

    Temario :

    Sesin Uno

    A. Desarrollar la Base para el xito

    Aprender mtodos para conectar con otros

    Familiarizarse con los cinco propulsores del xito

    Reconocer nuestra capacidad para lograr avances

    B. Recordar y Utilizar Nombres

    Enfocarse en las personas como individuos

    Crear una primera impresin positiva

    Aprender mtodos para recordar nombres

    En esta sesin nos familiarizaremos con nuestra metodologa y los propulsores del xito.,

    examinaremos las oportunidades que tenemos de mejorar, fijaremos objetivos individuales para romper

    barreras en lo profesional e individual, crearemos una visin para liderarnos a nosotros mismos,

    conoceremos como generar confianza y una primera impresin positiva cuando conocemos a alguien,

    adems de construir las bases para tener xito en las relaciones profesionales y personales, practicando

    los principios bsicos para construirlas.

    Sesin Dos

    A. Desarrollar nuestras Habilidades para la Memoria y Fortalecer Relaciones

    Aprender a aplicar un proceso para mejorar la memoria

    Familiarizarse con los principios para mejorar las Relaciones Humanas

    Identificar oportunidades para mejorar las relaciones

    B. Incrementar nuestra Auto-Confianza

    Utilizar nuestras experiencias para comunicar con ms confianza

    Desarrollar una comunicacin clara y concisa

    Descubrir cmo las experiencias pasadas influyen en el comportamiento

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course

    Ser capaces de establecer y mantener relaciones proactivas nos permite aprender ms efectivamente

    de los dems y lograr resultados que no podramos lograr solos; en esta sesin conoceremos y

    practicaremos los principios fundamentales para construir una red de amigos y socios profesionales,

    adicionalmente saldremos de nuestra zona cmoda y realizaremos cambios en nuestros hbitos de

    pensamiento que sean una barrera para nuestro crecimiento y xito, impactando positivamente en

    nuestra auto confianza

    Sesin Tres

    A. Poner el Estrs en Perspectiva

    Reconocer el impacto negativo que el estrs tiene en nuestros resultados y efectividad

    Aplicar conceptos y principios que nos permitan controlar mejor el estrs

    Descubrir que como profesionales podemos prepararnos para afrontar los desafos ms


    B. Fortalecer Relaciones y Motivar a los dems

    Comunicarse persuasivamente de modo claro y conciso para motivar a las personas hacia

    la accin

    Ver como la aplicacin consistente de los Principios de Relaciones Humanas mejora los


    Descubrir cmo las relaciones nos ayudan a avanzar hacia nuestras metas

    Las situaciones inesperadas con las que nos encontramos pueden representar oportunidades

    significativas para hacer contribuciones nicas. Al responder a estas , tambin tenemos la opcin de

    elegir como vamos a responder a situaciones estresantes. Nuestras decisiones pueden afectar como

    actuamos, pensamos y sentimos y afectar nuestro desempeo, salud, felicidad, y la interaccin con los

    dems, en esta sesin conoceremos formas de controlar el estrs y ponerlo en perspectiva

    impactando en nuestra forma de reaccionar.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course

    Sesin Cuatro

    A. Comunicar con Energa

    Reconocer que poniendo accin en nuestra comunicacin nos liberamos de los nervios

    Volvernos ms naturales cuando nos comunicamos con otros

    Como comunicar para contagiar e involucrar a otros

    B. Expresar nuestras Ideas con Claridad

    Comprender la importancia de ser claros cuando damos instrucciones

    Aprender a presentar la informacin en una secuencia lgica

    Reforzar el valor de las demostraciones cuando explique informacin

    Alguna vez se encontr completamente cautivado cuando alguien le relataba una historia? El

    expositor tenia la habilidad de hacerlo sentir y conectar con la historia? Capturo su atencin?, en esta

    sesin desarrollaremos habilidades de comunicacin de manera que seamos entendidos como

    queremos y adems mover a otros a la accin.

    El entusiasmo, es el pequeo secreto del xito, el poder que impulsa nuestra mente, el motor que nos

    lleva a la realizacin de nuestros objetivos. Nos permite exceder nuestras expectativas sobre nosotros

    mismos. En este mdulo veremos principios para vivir con entusiasmo y ser proactivos en lugar de


    Sesin Cinco

    A. Disentir en forma Agradable

    Aprender un proceso para organizar nuestros pensamientos en situaciones no previstas

    Comunicar nuestras ideas efectivamente an cuando no estamos de acuerdo

    Fortalecer nuestras opiniones personales con evidencias

    B. Ganar Cooperacin Entusiasta e Influir en los Dems

    Influir en las personas por medio de la confianza y el respeto

    Lograr la cooperacin entusiasta

    Descubrir el poder de encontrar puntos de acuerdo con otros

    Descubrir cmo hacer Coaching y mejorar el desempeo

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course

    Los lideres efectivos amplan su esfera de influencia y crean sinergia, logrando que las personas

    trabajen juntas.

    En esta sesin aprenderemos un proceso para comunicar nuestras ideas cuando no estamos de

    acuerdo con la otra persona en forma amigable, organizando nuestros pensamientos y comunicar con

    un impacto positivo .

    Adicionalmente conoceremos y practicaremos los principios que nos permitirn conseguir

    cooperacin entusiasta y de un lder.

    Sesin Seis

    A. Controlar el Estrs

    Incrementar la habilidad para controlar la preocupacin y el estrs

    Aprender de los dems cmo confrontar los miedos

    Reconocer que podemos triunfar sobre al adversidad

    B. Desarrollar mayor Flexibilidad

    Incrementar nuestra confianza personal

    Comprender el poder de tomar riesgos

    Estar ms abiertos al cambio y a las oportunidades

    Nuestras decisiones y opciones de cmo respondemos a situaciones que generan estrs, afectan

    nuestro desempeo, salud y felicidad; en esta sesin conoceremos como sobreponernos al estrs e

    inspirar a los dems, llevar una vida ms equilibrada .

    Hoy en da las organizaciones operan en un ambiente de velocidad y cambio continuo, estos cambios

    impactan de forma interna y externa, adaptarse a este ambiente es todo un desafio en donde la

    flexibilidad se vuelve un factor importante para adaptarnos haciendo ms , mejor ,ms rpido y con

    menos, en este mdulo veremos como la flexibilidad comienza en nosotros para actuar en congruencia

    con nuestro exterior.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course

    Sesin Siete

    A. Fortalecer a los dems por medio del Reconocimiento

    Concentrarse en las fortalezas de los dems

    Desarrollar habilidades para dar y recibir retroalimentacin

    Descubrir el valor del aprecio sincero

    B. Inspirar a los Dems

    Comunicar con pasin

    Relacionarse con las personas a un nivel emocional

    Inspirar a otros a pensar y/o actuar de manera diferente

    A medida que interactuamos con los dems, generalmente nos encontramos distrados o demasiado

    ocupados como para mostrar genuino aprecio. El reconocer los puntos fuertes de los dems requiere

    de un esfuerzo consciente , en esta sesin veremos como realizar el reconocimiento y como los

    beneficios son asombrosos.

    Sesin Ocho

    A. Demostrar Liderazgo

    Influir positivamente en las actitudes de los dems

    Utilizar enfoques positivos cuando damos coaching a otras personas

    Tratar los errores de manera efectiva

    B. Celebrar el xito y Renovar la Visin

    Reconocer los logros significativos que resultaron de este entrenamiento

    Inspirar y motivar a otros compartiendo nuestras visiones

    Comprometerse para la mejora continua

    Reflexionar sobre el progreso hacia nuestra visin nos da la evidencia del crecimiento y la confianza en

    nuestro potencial. Renovar nuestra visin y compromisos fija la direccin y el camino para la mejora

    continua en nuestra vida profesional y personal.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course


    Formato espaciado: Se desarrollara en 8 sesiones una sesin semanal de 3.5 hrs. c/u, en el horario de 6 a 9:30 pm, la sede ser el hotel Fiesta Americana en Quertaro .

    Beneficos del formato espaciado

    Semana Uno

    Semana Dos

    Semana Tres

    Semana Cuatro


    Aplicacin Aplicacin

    Nuevos Habittos

    Nuevas ideas


    Nuevas ideas

    Practica Nuevas


    Practica Nuevas



    Assign acin

    O rien T acin

    Assign acin


    Report e

    Report e



    Crecimiento Crecimiento


  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Anlisis de Inversin (Antes, durante y despus del programa)

    Consultora y resumen ejecutivo antes de iniciar ( para entender sus necesidades y direccionar su coaching)


    Bienvenida ( se enva una semana antes para conocer datos de logstica)


    Material del participante que incluye: Manual del participante Libro de Oro Libros:

    Como hacer amigos e Influir en las personas Como suprimir las preocupaciones y disfrutar de la vida El camino fcil y rpido para hablar en pblico

    suplementos: Viva con Entusiasmo Recuerde Nombres Hable Eficazmente


    Diploma certificado por Dale Carnegie Training Incluida Reconocimientos Incluida Proyecto ROI ( para medir sus resultados ) Incluida Recursos Monto de Inversin por participante en grupo abierto :

    $ 14,063 ms IVA

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Course Consideraciones de Contratacin

    Cada seminario ser impartido por 1 Trainer certificado por DC & Associates

    La sede ser proporcionada por Dale Carnegie Training en grupo abierto

    Contaremos con una evaluacin aplicada de manera annima en un formato

    preestablecido por Dale Carnegie Training que mide el desempeo de los Trainers, diseo

    del programa, material utilizado e impacto y relevancia en su organizacin.

    Los programas incluyen un Diploma Internacional Certificado por Dale Carnegie Training.

    En las prximas paginas encontrars algunos hechos y beneficios de participar en nuestros

    programas y de trabajar con nuestra metodologa.

    Cualquier comentario o pregunta, puedes tener la confianza de contactarnos

    Judith Green CEO Dale Carnegie Quertaro Cell: 414 219 6684 Oficina: 414 291 53 83 Nextel 442 444 4615 [email protected]

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    Who We Are

    Founded in 1912, Dale Carnegie Training has evolved from one mans belief in the power of self-improvement to a performance-based training organization with offices worldwide. It focuses on giving people in the public and private sector the opportunity to sharpen their skills and improve their performance to build positive, steady, measurable results.

    Headquartered in Hauppauge, New York, Dale Carnegie Training is represented in all 50 of the United States and in over 65 countries, and is dedicated to serving its clients throughout the world.

    Dale Carnegie Training serves the public and private sectors in 160 locations worldwide and provides its clients with the resources of 2,700 trainers and consultants. Each has undergone rigorous training to become certified in the Carnegie Process. Each is also required to take re-certification training annually. These expert practitioners shape the Carnegie body of knowledge into tools you and they can use to co-create the high performance, customer oriented teams you desire.

    Over seven million individuals have participated in Dale Carnegie Training, many of whom participated specifically to strengthen their ability to:

    Build teamwork

    Enhance customer focus

    Develop leadership

    Generate enthusiastic cooperation from others

    Motivate others to peak performance

    Communicate persuasively

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    We support the growth of successful organizations by creating successful individuals through training and development solutions.

    More than seven million graduates worldwide

    Training implemented in over 400 of the Fortune 500 corporations

    Flexible projects with condensed or space learning format

    In business since 1912 and financially sound

    Proven system for developing high quality trainers

    Expertise from local and global resources

    Over 2,700 carefully selected professional trainers in more than 75 countries

    Programs in more than 25 languages

    We thrive on customizing our products to fit your needs

    Management involvement in application reinforcement

    ISO 9001 CertifiedContinuous Improvement processes to ensure quality

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    Global Network

    Partial Listing of Worldwide Locations:

    Africa & Middle East

    Bahrain Egypt Israel Kuwait Lebanon Morocco Qutar South Africa United Arab Emirates

    Asia, Australia & Pacific

    Australia Brunei China Guam Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Macau Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan, R.O.C. Thailand


    Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey

    Central & South America

    Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Ecuador Guyana Paraguay Surinam Uruguay Venezuela

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    The Carnegie Performance-Improvement Advantage

    At the core of the Dale Carnegie Training Process is a four-phase approach that coaches participants through a performance improvement cycle.

    Attitude Change Top performers possess the right attitude and skills. We will continuously motivate your employees to strive to surpass their goals. We will assist your employees to envision what they can become, thus creating a positive, enthusiastic attitude.

    Knowledge We provide participants with information, tools, and strategies for success. The Dale Carnegie Training Principles and Drivers of Success lay a strong foundation for development.

    Practice We will immerse your people in real-world challenges. Participants will stretch their comfort zones to include results-producing skills, activities, and tasks. We encourage and teach individuals to apply their newly acquired skills in real-world situations.

    Skill We will adapt to the needs of the class participants, observing their growth along the way. Then, we teach them to put it all together to breakthrough performance.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    The Dale Carnegie Methodology

    The Cycle of Performance-Improvement creates a culture for learning and behavior change:

    Participative: Adults learn by doing. Active involvement, rather than lecture-based training produces optimal results. Dale Carnegie Training will emphasize skills over knowledge. Knowledge is important as an entryway to skill development, but for success, we must practice new skills. Its not so much what we know, but what we can do with what we know, and our attitude toward doing it!

    Positive: Research has shown that adults learn quicker, are more likely to position themselves for breakthroughs, and enjoy longer lasting results in a positive environmentan environment where we can try new things and build off of our strengths. Dale Carnegie firmly believed that a person is made up primarily of strengths. For some of us, this may be a welcome change!

    Permanent: Training is conducted over a period of time resulting in new habits that will remain with you long after the training is complete.

    Practical: Instead of role-playing, participants apply the training tools to their current business reality. Some participants say, If I get one idea from this seminar, it will be worth my time. It is not enough! Great things will happen in the classroom, but what really matters is what we apply in the real world to produce real breakthroughs! The principles well be working with have been tested. They work. They have been proven!

    Pushes the Comfort Zone: What comes to mind when you hear the term comfort zone? We define it as the mental home in which we live. Most of us prefer to associate with people who are within five years of our age, similar socioeconomic background, work, values, etc. The challenge is that opportunities often lie outside our comfort zone.

    We may know something is outside of our comfort zone when we hear that voice in the back of our heads say, Oh! I could never do that! The single most limiting factor in an adults life is often the size of their comfort zone. Our goal is to gently and persistently stretch our comfort zone by developing more confidence/flexibility, so that we can take advantage of new opportunities. A breakthrough is typically far outside our comfort zone.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    Why Dale Carnegie Training?

    At a certain point in the evolution of your business, it is beneficial to seek outside resources to introduce new ideas as well as experience and the expertise that may not exist in your organization in particular areas of training.

    Dale Carnegie Training from a Business Perspective We have established experience in the training of organizations that seek to bring out the best in their employees. In large and small companies, in various industry segments, we are the trainer of choice when it comes to assisting companies in creating competitive advantage through the development of their greatest resourcetheir people.

    Dale Carnegie Training from a Learning Perspective We understand adult learningit is our specialty. It is very important to combine theory with practice and personal accountability or you will not get the desired results. We recommend a hands-on working environment in every session. Our techniques will keep your people attentive and motivated. Each participant will be held accountable in a variety of ways to increase their leadership skills and improve interactions with others.

    Dale Carnegie Training draws from its extensive classroom experience to facilitate learning in a variety of contexts. Participants are encouraged to make connections between classroom learning and professional interaction at work. We emphasize the business relevance of training concepts, which facilitates understanding and behavior change.

    We excel in translating learning concepts into everyday business issues. Building competency in leadership, teamwork, and communication in a hands-on environment allows individuals to analyze these skills from a new perspective. By facilitating the transfer of training, participants are better poised to change related behaviors and improve performance.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    Dale Carnegie Training Is Experiential Our experience has taught us that to be effective, training must be interactive and participatory. Skills are learned through practice. They are not learned by listening to lectures and tapes or by reading books and magazines.

    Our Training Solution is interactive and participatory. Participants are assumed to be actively working so they can apply the training concepts learned in the classroom with their clients and prospects in the field.

    Trainers will use a balance of presentation, practice, coaching, open discussion, and real-life experiences to help the participants to improve their skills in the moment. In this environment, participants apply the training and can produce results. Participants are held accountable for results in a positive way. Best practices are shared. New habits and skills are developed over time.

    Dale Carnegie Training Is Consultative and Relationship-Focused For more than 90 years, the focus of all Dale Carnegie Training has been on improving relationships by focusing attention on others.

    Underlying Dale Carnegie Training programs are the 30 human relations principles as described in How to Win Friends and Influence People. These time-tested principles help individuals build relationships by focusing on the needs, concerns, and interests of the other party.

    This focus on others is the key to building meaningful professional relationships as well as maximizing productivity and business opportunities for the organization.

    Dale Carnegie Training Produces Exceptional Results Your employees stretch beyond their comfort zones to become leaders in the industry. Participants will learn to develop new management skills, express themselves with confidence and clarity, contribute more productively, and above all become better leaders! Their newly acquired skills will make a significant impact on their working environment maximizing their contribution to the organization.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    Track Record of Success Dale Carnegie has successfully partnered with thousands of organizations to positively impact their business results. Here are a few of the diverse organizations that have seen bottom line improvement due to partnering with Dale Carnegie to develop their people: ADP Investor Communications Services Allfiber in Rochester, NY Allied Insurance American Express Amtrak Bailey Telecom Bell South Bell Atlantic Boeing Charles Schwab & Co. Concord Communications Cox Communications Deutsche Financial

    Digital Communications Services Eastman Kodak Ericsson Messaging Hewlett Packard Home Depot IBM International Paper Lucent Technologies Mercedes Benz Merrill Lynch MetLife Microsoft Motorola

    Oracle Progress Telecom PSiNet Saks Fifth Avenue Smith Kline Beacham State Farm Insurance Subaru Sun Micro Systems Target Time Warner Cable Toyota Turner Broadcasting Verizon Wal-Mart

    A variety of organizations from a range of industries, and in each case, Dale Carnegie provided a training solution to fit the needs and objectives of each organization. Our clients can be confident that a partnership with Dale Carnegie will produce the required results as it has with many other organizations.

    High Customer Satisfaction All Dale Carnegie programs are assessed by Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. Areas that are measured include:

    Relevance of the training to the participants job Whether or not the training has helped the participant increase their ability to perform

    their job Quality of the trainers Overall satisfaction with the training experience

    For the last four years, Dale Carnegie Customized Training programs were rated by participants over 83% exceeding expectations. This track record of satisfaction means that the feedback from our clients will be positive and you will get measurable results with Dale Carnegie Training.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    Our Credentials

    Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) Dale Carnegie Training has been accredited by ACCET and, as a result, graduates can each receive Continuing Education Units (CEU) for our standard courses. The term CEU is a term used to identify a nationally-recognized unit of achievement which may be used as evidence of increased performance capabilities and for job advancement. ACCET accredits Dale Carnegie Training through an audit and review of the organization, its training processes, content, and results.

    AccreditationAmerican Council on Education (ACE) Dale Carnegie Training programs are in compliance with the rigorous control standards required by ACE and, as such, are considered college level quality. ACE determined that Dale Carnegie Training processes, quality of instruction, and results were of the highest quality in the training industry. In view of this, ACE is recommending to colleges and universities throughout the United States that Dale Carnegie Training graduates receive transfer college credits.

    Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education (AIPE) Dale Carnegie & Associates and all ACCET accredited sponsors are listed in the ACE directory of Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education (AIPE). The AIPE directory is used by many corporations as a reference in determining eligibility for corporate tuition support. An advantage of being listed in the AIPE directory is that our listing recognizes our training as being on par with the most prestigious colleges and universities. An additional advantage of being listed in the AIPE is the distinction this gives us over our competitors.

  • Inspirando grandes acciones

    Dale Carnegie Training

    ISO Certification Dale Carnegies Product and Trainer Development management systems have been ISO 9001 certified since 1998 through the Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI). BVQI is an internally recognized and well respected ISO registrar that provides objective third party review through semi-annual audits. The scope of our ISO 9001 certification includes our Product Development, Assessment and Measurement, Carnegie UniversityTrainer Development and Certification, Internal Sales Training, Product Customization, and Internal Consulting Systems.

    Quality of Delivery Dale Carnegie Trainers are experienced professionals with real-world experience. In order to become a Dale Carnegie Trainer, candidates are rigorously coached and trained in order to reach the Dale Carnegie Training standard. In order to be qualified, a trainer must have significant experience in front of groups delivering presentations, as well as completed a rigorous certification process. This means that the Dale Carnegie Trainers will be of the highest standard in the training industry.

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