Page 1: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Special Acknowledgement

This volume was first created by John L. Wood and has been embellished by Robert J. Stout to further enhance Bible Prophecy study with respect to the original owner of this material. The Scriptural references are based on the New International Version., The King James Version.

Page 2: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others
Page 3: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Deepest Appreciation

My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others in this marvelous Revelation Story through the years. Also to Marty, Suzy and Shelley for upholding this truth in Daniel & Revelation’s story and sending hundreds of thousands of books to different countries of the world, so that the honest in heart can learn of these eternal truths. To John Woods for his latest book on the Timeline of Daniel and Revelation and the prophetic pictures he had drawn by Jerry at Emerson Studios. To my friends Sandi & Tom Koscak for helping me complete this photo prophecy booklet in its entirety. My mother Elenore Stout for sharing her wisdom and encouragement to complete this booklet. Lastly and more importantly, the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit which these prophetic pictures are dedicated for their honor and glory. May the Lord use these prophetic pictures to reach millions of sincere and honest Bible students is my prayer.

Bob Stout

January 2011

Page 4: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others
Page 5: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The Timeline of Daniel and Revelation Picture Index & Table of Contents

The Timeline of Daniel and Revelation – Cover Page


1. The Great Image of Daniel 2:31-35 Kingdoms

2. The Great Image of Daniel 2:31-35 Metals

3. The Way God Treats The Kings and Inhabitants of Earth

4. Daniel 2:34. A Rock Was Cut Out, But Not Buy Human Hands

5. The Rock [Christ] Struck The Statue On Its Feet

6. Daniel 2:34. …And Smashed Them Like Chaff In The Wind

7. Daniel 2:45 The Great God Has Shown What Will Happen In The Future

8. Daniel 2:35 …[The Rock – Christ] Became A Huge Mountain And Filled The Earth

9. Four Winds Are A Global Event

10. Babylon – 605 B.C.

11. Medo-Persia - 538 B.C.

12. Greece – 331 B.C.

13. Pagan Rome – 168 B.C.

14. Papal Rome – 538 A.D. – 1798 A.D.

15. Daniel 7:9, 10 Courtroom Scene

16. A Restraining Order By The Father Against The Little Horn In 1798 A.D.

17. Judgment Of The World – 1844 A.D. Christ As Our Judge

18. Jesus Starting The Judgment Of Mankind With Abel Being First

19. Horn Boasts Again About The Future Great Tribulation

20. Jesus Burns The Beast Which Is Satan at His Second Coming

Page 6: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others


21. Abel In Genesis 4. The Beginning Of Sacrifices And Offerings To God

22. Abraham As God The Father & Isaac As Jesus The Son Of God

23. God’s Original Plan

24. Israel’s Leaders Murdered The Son Of God

25. The Birth Of Jesus & The Dragon In 4 B.C. Devil’s Attempt To Kill Jesus

26. 30 A.D. Christ’s Ascension To God’s Throne

27. 1,260 Years Of Papal Persecution 538 – 1798 A.D.

28. Napoleon Put The Pope In Prison In 1798 A.D. Persecution Ended

29. 30 A.D. War In Heaven

30. 30 A.D. Satan And His Angels Were Cast Out Of Heaven To The Abyss

31. The Jailhouse Of The Abyss

32. 33 A.D. Stephen Stoned, Early Christian Persecution

33. 538 – 1798 A.D. Papal Persecution – Early Roman Catholic Church

34. 1500’s – Saints Fled To The New World – America

35. In 1798 A.D The dragon [Lucifer] Planned To Make War Against The Saints

III BOOK OF LIFE AND CORONATION OF JESUS 36. Before Creation & Sin – God Wrote The Book Of Life

37. Name Of All The Living During The Entire History Of Mankind

38. God The Father Blotted Out The Lost From The Book Of Life

39. God The Father Sealed The Book Of Life With Seven Seals

40. Michael/Jesus Began Creation Of Earth

41. The Coronation Of Jesus In 1798 A.D.

42. Jesus Found Worthy To Break Open The Seven Seals Of The Book Of Life

Page 7: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

43. There Stood A Lamb Before The Father As If It Had Been Slain


44. The First Seal Was Opened In 1798 A.D.

45. The Second Seal Was Opened In 1814 A.D.

46. The Third Seal Was Opened In 1844 A.D.

47. Jesus Christ As Our Intercessor

48. A Group Asking For Forgiveness –Corporately

49. The Priest Put The Blood On The Horns Of The Altar, A Prayer Of Intercession

50. Individual Forgiveness

51. Individual & Corporate Forgiveness

52. Antitypical Day Of Judgment

53. Sprinkling The Blood On The Atonement Cover

54. Putting blood On The Horns Of The Golden Altar, Cleansing It

55. Putting Blood On The Horns Of The Altar Of Burnt Offerings, Cleansing It

56. The Priest Grabs The Horns Of Azazel, Confessing All Israel’s Sins

57. A Man Of Good Report Leads The Goat Into The Desert To Die

58. The Judgment Of The World, The Cleansing Of The Sanctuary

59. The Judgment Of The Dead

60. The Judgment Of The Living

61. Human Righteousness

62. Eternal Life

63. Sealing Of The 144,000 Servants Of God

64. Living In The Present ‘Delay’

65. And Another Angel [Jesus] came And Stood At The Golden Altar

66. In 1994 Four Angels Were Sent To Earth To Sound Their Trumpets

Page 8: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

67. Stop – First We Need To Seal God’s 144,000 Servants - Prophets

68. Four Angels Standing At The 4 Corners Of The Earth, Holding Back The 4 Winds

69. The Sounding Of The First Four Trumpets, And The Opening Of The Fourth Seal

70. In 1994, Seven Angels Were Given Seven Trumpets In Heaven

71. Jesus intercedes at the Golden Altar in Heaven

72. Jesus Terminates Corporate Intercession


73. The First Four Angels Sound Their Trumpets

74. Burning Hail On Wicked Cities Of The World

75. Burning Asteroid Causes Tsunamis Wave That Inundates The World’s Coastal Cities

76. One-Third Of The Oceans With Ships Traveling Worldwide Destroyed

77. Asteroid That Impacts A Continent Poisons One-Third Of The Water

78. One Third Of The Sky Is Darkened By Simultaneous Volcano Eruptions

79. Global Crisis Caused By The First Four Trumpets

80. The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

81. The Ministry Of The 144,000 Servants Prophets Of God

83. The First Angel’s Message In Reality

84. The Analogous scene Of The Leopard-Like Beast, Babylon

85. The Seven Religious Heads (Systems)Of The World

87. Global Crisis Of The First Four Trumpets

88. The Church Given Civil Power To Rule

89. The Deadly Would Is Healed

90. Global Governments Of Church And State

91. The Church With Civil Power

92. The Fifth Angel Sounded His Trumpet, The Appearing Of Satan And His Demons

Page 9: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

93. Satan, The Little Horn, Great As The Prince Of The Hosts, God Almighty

94. I Am God Almighty, The Great Prince – There Shall Only Be One Religion

95. It Satan [ The Little Horn] Sets Himself Up To Be As Great As The Prince Of Hosts

96. It Satan [The Little Horn] Took Away The Daily Sacrifice, 97. Satan, King Of The North

98. A Part Of The World Represents The Whole World

99. And [Satan] Will Greatly Honor Those Who Acknowledge Him As God Almighty

100. Satan, Masquerading As God On Earth, Will Make Those Who Acknowledge Him Rich

101. The Keys To The Bottomless Pit

102. There Arose Smoke From The Pit – The Release Of The Devil And His Demons

103. And Out Of The Smoke Came Demons From The Abyss That Looked Like Locusts

104. The Non-Religious Wicked Will be Tormented For Five Months

105. The Non-Religious Wicked Will Be Tormented For 5 Months With Unbearable Pain

106. Men Will Seek death But Cannot Die

107. Death Shall Flee Them Because God Is In Control To Give Them One Last Chance

108. Satan Says, Worship Me Or Die

109. Jesus Says, I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life

110. The Literal View Of The Fifth Trumpet

111. Satan’s Demons Torture The Unsealed Non-Religious Wicked

112. Satan’s Demons Torture The Wicked And Say, Worship Us Or Die

113. Jesus Reveals Himself As The Savior From Death

114. The Fallen Angels Look Like Horses That Say To The Wicked, Worship Us Or Die

115. The Locust Looking Horses

Page 10: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others


116. Satan Masquerades As The Savior Of The World

117. Beware of False Prophets, Which Come To You In Sheep’s Clothing, But Are Ravenous Wolves

118. Lucifer the Devil As The Lamb-Like Beast, Use The Same Identity

119. He [Satan] Disguised Exercised All The Authority Of The First Beast On His Behalf, And Made The Earth and Its Inhabitants Worship The First Beast, Whose Fatal Wound Had Been Healed

121. The Seven Religious Systems Of The World Are Told By Satan To Worship The Beast Whose Deadly Wound Was Healed

122. And He Satan Performed great and Miraculous Signs, Even Calling Fire To Come Down From Heaven To Earth In Full View Of Men

123. The Ten-Day Week imposed by the Devil

124. Satan Rules The World

125. The Devil Is Ruling Babylon, And All The Religious Leaders Are Teaching Evil Doctrines

126. The Mark Of The Beast

127. Literal Mark On The Right Hand Of The Number - 666 – Tattooed

128. Everyone Must Have The Mark To Buy And Sell

129. Taking The Mark Of The Beast

130. Warning Against Taking The Mark Of The Beast

131. The Third Angel’s Message

132. Don’t Be Marked, Or You Will Die Eternally

133. Satan The Murderer

134. Because Of The Rebellion, The Daily [Intercession Of Jesus] Sacrifice [Supplied] Were Given Over To [Satan]

135. It [Satan] Prospered In Everything He Did, And Truth Was Thrown To The Ground

136. The Opening Of The Fifth Seal, That Is The Time Of The Martyrs

Page 11: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

138. Caught In The Middle, The Time Of The Sixth Trumpet

138. After The War Of The North And South Is Over, Some Saints Are Martyred And Some Scattered

140. The War Between The North And The South Is Global

140. The King Of The North Is Satan With His Armies Of Demons, And Religious Wicked

141. Satan’s Image, Worship Or Die

142. Reality View – The Entire World Worships The Devil Except God’s Saints

143. Counterfeit Wrath Of God, The Sixth Trumpet

144. The Analogy Of Global Death By The Four Angels – North, South, East, And West At The Euphrates River

146. Two Hundred Million War Horses Lead By The Lion King Of beasts With Followers as Seductive Poisonous Snakes That Kill With Fire And Brimstone

146. A Third Of Mankind Was Killed By The Plagues Of Fire, Smoke And Sulfur That Came Out Of Their Mouths

148. The Slaughter Of The Sixth Trumpet Creates A Vortex That Reduces The Population Of The World Into Two Groups – Saints And The Wicked

148. He Satan Will Oppose And Will Exert Himself Over Everything That Is Called God Or Is Worshipped, So That He Sets Himself Up In God’s Temple, Proclaiming Himself To Be God

149. The Torment Of The Two Witnesses

150. Party Time – Special Resurrection

151. But Whoever Blasphemes Against The Holy Spirit Will Never be Forgiven, He Is Guilty Of An Eternal Sin

152. But After 3 ½ Days [1,264th ] Day, A Breath Of Life From God Entered Them [144,000] And They Stood On Their feet And Terror Struck Them Who Saw Them

153. Glory To God, The 144,000 Are Resurrected Right Before The Eyes Of The Wicked That Murdered Them Three And Half Days Prior

154. 144,000 Singing In Heaven Before The Father, Son, Holy Spirit And The Heavenly Host

Page 12: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

155. The Declaration Of The Seventh Trumpet

157. 7th Trumpet – Wrath Without Mercy

157. The 7th Trumpet Sounds, Legally Declaring That Judgment For The World Is Over

159. The 144,000 Standing On The Sea Of Glass Before God


159. Intercession Finished – Wrath Without Mercy Begins

160. The Two Harvests

161. Swing Your Sickle And Gather The Harvest – Now Salvation’s Offer Is Gone Forever

161. Grace Is Over For The Whole World

163. The Great Winepress Of God’s Wrath

165. The First Three Bowls Of God’s Wrath – 1,265th Day

166. Go, Pour Out The Seven Bowls Of God’s Wrath On The Earth

166. The First Bowl Is Sores For Taking The Mark Of 666 On The 1,265th Day

168. The Second Bowl Of Death For Life – 1,275th Day

168. The Third Bowl To Drink Blood For The Murderers – 1,285th day

169. The Abomination Of Desolation Is The Fourth Bowl

170. The Abomination Is Set Up – But Never Executed On The 1,290th Day

170. Fourth bowl – 1,295th Day – The Sun Scorches The Wicked With Fire

172. The Fifth Bowl – Darkness For Light – 1,305th Day

174. Preparation For Armageddon, Satan’s Kingdom Collapses – 6th Bowl 1,315th Day

174. Satan Is Unmasked By His Inability To Stop The Plagues

176. And I Saw Three Unclean Spirits Like Frogs Come Out Of The Mouth Of The Dragon, And Out Of The Mouth Of The Beast, And Out Of The Mouth Of The False Prophet

176. The Dragon Seduces The Kings With A Pack Of Lies

Page 13: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

178. Satan, The Lamb-Like Beast Seduces The Kings With A Pack Of Lies

178. Satan, Unmasked As The False Prophet Tells A Pack Of Lies And Deceives The Kings Into Joining Him to Fight God By Changing Blood Back Into Water

180. The Global Picture

182. The Seventh Bowl – Armageddon

184. Babylon Burns, The Seventh Bowl – 1,3325 Day To 1,335th Day

186. The Torment Of The Wicked – 1,325th Day to 1,335th Day

188. The 144,000 Shouting Praises to God

189. The Winepress Of God’s Wrath

191. Armies Of The World gathered To Make War Against Lord Jesus And His Angelic Hosts

192. The Wrath Of God, The Second Coming On The 1,335th Day

194. The Seven Religious Heads – The Eighth Head Is Satan The False Prophet And All Were Burned Alive In Burning Sulfur At The Second Coming

196. The Sixth Seal- The Wrath of the Lamb

197. The Wrath Of The Lamb Occurs Sometime After The 1,335th Day

199. Seventh Millennium – Questions, Forgiveness, And Judgment

201. The Great White Thrown Scene, The Seventh Seal

202. The End Of The Seventh Millennium

204. One Half Hour Of Silence, 7th Seal

204. Seventh Seal – The One Half Hour Expired

205. And Fire Came Down From God Out of Heaven, And devoured The Wicked With Satan And His Angelic Hosts

207. A New Heaven And A New Earth

209. The End Understood

210. One Thousand Years Later

212. Worship of God – Eternal Security

Page 14: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

214. Price of Redemption

217. Judgment Seat of Christ - God’s Eternal Law The Ten Commandments

220. The Second Coming of Jesus

224. Jesus Christ – King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Page 15: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The storyimage is represen

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605 BC withf a man. ‘Thl the kingdom

h Daniel a che great imams of the wo

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abylon. Danman is the foe Second Co

niel’s first droundation ofoming of Jes

ream of the f the story. Isus.

great It is a

Page 16: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

God usesand endindegeneraThe kingWhat is t

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show the valn mixed withand financia

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arting with gAs time pass

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gold, which ses the kingdless as iron

world just befwith clay?

is very precdoms of the mixed with fore Jesus co

cious; earth clay.


Page 17: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The GreThe way loves and

eat Image ofGod treated

d disciplines

f Daniel 2:3d the kings an all His child

1:35 is a ‘pand inhabitandren in the e

art’ of the wonts of the Meentire world.

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resents ‘the area represe

whole worldents how Go

d.’ od

Page 18: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

This phrJesus, the

rase means te Rock, will

the end of tbring this w

he world, buworld to an en

ut the end wnd.

will not occurr by the handds of people.

Page 19: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The RockRevelatiomixed wi

k represents on 19:11, to ith clay. The

Jesus, the Ksave the sain

en Jesus sets

King of Kingnts and destr up His ever

gs and Lord oroy all earthyrlasting king

of Lords comy kingdoms


ming on His that are wor

white horserthless as iro

, in on

Page 20: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The RockRevelatiomixed wi

k represents on 19:11, to ith clay. The

Jesus, the Ksave the sain

en Jesus sets

King of Kingnts and destr up His ever

gs and Lord oroy all earthyrlasting king

of Lords comy kingdoms


ming on His that are wor

white horserthless as iro

, in on

Page 21: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Daniel 2human hgreat Gointerpreta

2:45 This is ands – a roc

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the meaninck that broke

wn the king wtworthy.

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The dream

ntain, but nold to pieces

m is true an

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Page 22: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

[Christ’smeans threligions Great Tri

s kingdom ihat all the d

and politicsibulation, wh

is global] Thdifferent kins. The beast ohich is a com

he ‘Rock’ bngdoms will of Revelatio

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ment of the f

This tions, future

Page 23: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Daniel 7winds ofdifferent

7:2 Daniel saf heaven [gt from the o

aid: “In myglobal] churothers, came

y vision at nrning up the up out of t

night I lookehe great seathe sea [man

ed, and thea. Four greny people].

ere before meat beasts [

me were thekingdoms],

four each

Page 24: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

“The firsuntil its wlike a ma

st was like awings were an, and the

a lion [Babytorn off anheart of a m

ylon 605 BC]d it was lift

man [like Ki

], and it haded from theing Saul] wa

d wings of ae ground so as given to i

an eagle [fasthat it stoo


st]. I watched on two fee

ed et

Page 25: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

“And thewas raisetold, ‘Ge

ere before med up on onet up and ea

me was a secne of its sideat you fill of

cond beast, es, and it haf flesh!’

which lookd three ribs

ked like a bes in its mout

ear [Medo-Pth between

Persia 538 BCits teeth. It

C]. It was

Page 26: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

“After th[Greece 3heads [fo

hat, I looked331 BC]. Anour generals

d, and therend on its bac], and it wa

e before me ck it had fos given auth

was anotheur wings likhority to rul

er beast, oneke those of ale.”

e that lookea bird. This

ed like a leop beast had f

pard four

Page 27: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

“”After Rome 16the legs owas left.Rome 47

that, in my 68 BC] –terof the image It was diff

76 AD].

vision at nirifying and

e]; it crushedferent from

ight I looked frighteningd and devouall the othe

ed, and therg and very ured its victer former b

re before mepowerful. I

tims and traeasts, and i

e was a fouIt had largeampled undit had ten h

rth beast [Pe iron teethderfoot whathorns [divisi

Pagan [like

tever ion of

Page 28: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

“While I[papal Ruprooteda mouth

I was thinkRome 533 Ad [538 AD] that spoke

king about AD], which

before it [thboastfully [

the horns, came up a

hree kingdom[ruled for 1,2

there befoamong themms]. The ho260 years 17

ore me was m; and throrn had eyes798 AD].”

another hoee of the fs like the ey

orn, a littlefirst horns yes of a man

e one were

n and

Page 29: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

“As I looclothing with firehim. ThoThe cour

oked, “thronewas as white, and its wh

ousands uponrt was seated

es were set ie as snow; thheels were an thousands d, and the bo

n place [in 1he color of hall ablaze. Aattended himoks were op

1798 AD], anhis head was

A river of firm; ten thousapened.

nd the Ancies white like wre was flowiand times te

ent of Days wool. His thring, comingn thousand s

took his seatrone was fla

g out from bstood before

t. His aming before e him.

Page 30: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The scenthe papacwatched,Days camwhen the

ne is dated bcy against th, this horn wme and proney possessed

y the Ancienhe saints thatwas raging wounced judg

d the kingdom

nt of Days pt lasted 1,26war against gment in favm.”

passing a res60 years [Da

the saints aor of the sai

straining ordaniel 7:25]. Land defeatingints of the M

der to stop thLook at Dang them, unt

Most High, an

he persecutiniel 7:21-22 il the Anciend the time

on of “As I

ent of came

Page 31: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Beginnincleansed life. Thecenturies

ng in 1844 Jfrom the san

en Jesus opes of time seal

esus reviewnctuary becaened the boling some w

ed the life oause he had fooks of the

with eternal li

of Abel, the faith in the Snext person

ife and cond

first person Savior; thus n’s life and demning othe

to die, and Abel was seso forth do

ers with eter

Abel’s sins ealed with etown through

rnal death.

were ternal h the

Page 32: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The datewas set bthe date finish rebsanctuarythe altars

e that God cby God befoof Medo-Pebuilding Jeruy. As each ps in the heav

hose to judgore the worldersian King, usalem. The

person is forgenly sanctua

ge each persd began in 1Artaxerxes,

e judgment ogiven througary.

son and clea1844 AD or , signed the of the worldghout their li

anse the santwo thousadecree to re

d is done by ives – all of

nctuary of eaand there hunelease Israelthe process

f their sins ar

ach person’sndred years l to go homes of cleansinre transferr

s sins from

e and ng the red to

Page 33: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Satan, thSatan, mgreatest pworship each pers

he little hormasquerading

possible conGod are savson makes.

rn of Danielg as God on ntrast betweeved; therefor

l 8:11, appeaearth, to cas

en truth and lre the cleans

ars physicalst Truth to thlies. Those ting of the sa

lly, masquerhe ground fothat worship anctuary com

rading as Jesor the purpos

Satan are lomes to an en

sus. Jesus ase of creatinost and thosend by the ch

llows ng the e who hoices

Page 34: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The storywith the plague of

y of apocalyburning of

f sulfur bom

yptic prophethe beast in

mbs, just prior

ecy begins wn the first lakr to His Seco

with the Kinke of fire, thond Coming

ngdom of Bahat is create

g [Revelation

abylon in 60ed by Jesus n 19:11-21].

05 BC, and with the sev

ends venth

Page 35: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

All the sacrificinfor the sicompleteMessiah’

examples ong his son Isins of the woely lost the ’s death.

of Abel, Nosaac, was to orld – to pay

meaning o

oah, Abrahateach Israel

y the debt ofof the even

am sacrificithat God wa

f sin, which ing and mo

ing lambs, as going to sis death. Byorning sacri

and the stosend His So

y the time ofifice that fo

ory of Abron to give Hif Jesus, Israeoreshadowed

aham is life el had d the

Page 36: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

All the sacrificinfor the sicompleteMessiah’

examples ong his son Isins of the woely lost the ’s death.

of Abel, Nosaac, was to orld – to pay

meaning o

oah, Abrahateach Israel

y the debt ofof the even

am sacrificithat God wa

f sin, which ing and mo

ing lambs, as going to sis death. Byorning sacri

and the stosend His So

y the time ofifice that fo

ory of Abron to give Hif Jesus, Israeoreshadowed

aham is life el had d the

Page 37: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Jesus wawould hathe worldtears strewould haworld.

as born to reave voluntard. The Higheaming dowave been ra

eveal the lovrily walked ih Priest wou

wn his face aaised from th

ve of the Fatinto the tempuld have beeas he piercehe dead, an

ther and to ple on Passoen in agony ed the throatd Israel wo

die to redeeover, giving

– his eyes t of Jesus. T

ould have ta

em the worldHis life freewould haveThen on the

aken the gos

d from sin. ely for the sie been fillede third day spel to the e

Jesus ins of

d with Jesus entire

Page 38: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

It was notruth. Ththey rejeredeemedsupremacof Jesus churchesSaviour o

ot God’s plahey had becocted the altod from sincy – they wa

and His an today. Jerusof the world

an for Israeome so self-rogether love. They wananted to be thnointing becsalem was d, their Creato

el’s leaders trighteous in ly character nted moneyhe ones rulincause they

destroyed in or.

to murder Htheir own eof Jesus. Th

y, power, png, and not twere teachi70 AD beca

His Son. Buteyes they hahey were noprosperity, fto be ruled. Ling the tradause Israel ha

t the Jewish ad no need oot interested fancy houseLiteral Israeditions of mad rejected a

leaders hateof a Saviour;

in truth or bes, and natl missed the

men just likand murdere

ed the ; thus being tional birth e the

ed the

Page 39: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

This propthough Mthe womwoman ranticipatiand doubconcernin

phecy of ReMary was ch

man clothed wrepresents ning Christ’s bt created byng Lucifer’s

evelation 12:hosen by Gowith the glornot only Gobirth. The l

y the intruders accusations

:1-6 begins iod to bring Jry of God reod’s churchlife of Jesus r of sin. Lucs against God

in 4 BC. A pJesus into thepresents muh on earth,

has saved mcifer’s hideoud.

picture is whe world, theuch more thbut the chu

millions of uus behavior

worth a thouse glorious, c

han the mothurch of the

unfallen worhas answere

sand words. cosmic pictuher of Jesus e entire unirlds from theed their ques

Even ure of – the

iverse e fear stions

Page 40: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

After theby His lifa perfect race from

e ministry of fe and deathlife while b

m eternal dea

f Jesus, He ash on the crosseing tempted

ath by His de

scended backs as the secod as a man. Jeath on the c

k to heaven ond Adam. JeJesus paid thcross.

in AD 30. Jeesus redeemhe price nece

esus had defmed Adam’s fessary to red

feated the defailure by liv

deem the hum

evil ving man

Page 41: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The RomPapal Roshows whcivil pow[Daniel 7

man Catholicome you didhat the worl

wer. God allo7:25].

c Church ruld it at the risld was like wowed Papal

led with cruek of being t

when religioupersecution

el and absoltortured and us leaders coto continue

lute power. Ithen burned

ontrolled woe for 1,260 y

If you daredd at the stakorship of Goyears to keep

d to disagreeke. This propod with the up the church

e with phecy use of h pure

Page 42: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The perseby Danie

ecution endeel 7:25 which

ed when Jesuh inflicted a

us sent Napodeadly woun

oleon to put nd upon the

the pope in pRoman Cath

prison in 17holic Church

98 as predich.


Page 43: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiagainst tnot; neitJesus asc[Lucifer]time, butheavenly

on 12: 7-8 the dragon;ther was thecended back. Lucifer hat had regain

y counsel [Jo

“And ther; and the dreir place fouk to heavenad been prevned access toob 1].

re was war ragon [Lucifund any mo

n and war bviously cast o heaven by

in heaven: fer the devilore in heave

broke out beout of heav

y causing A

Michael [Jl] fought anen.” On resetween Michven over fouAdam to fall

Jesus] and hnd his angelsurrection mhael [Jesus]

ur thousand l and taking

his angels fols, and prev

morning in 30] and the dryears before

g his place i

ought vailed 0 AD ragon e this in the

Page 44: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

After Jesthat Jesuout of heon deathoverthrow

sus was resurs had created

eaven the sech row for tw the govern

rrected in 30d for a servicond time, btheir executinment of Go

0 AD He retuce of love. Tbut this timeion. They w

od and instig

urned to heaThen Jesus [e they were were all guating the mu

aven and fou[Michael] thrcast into the

uilty of highurder of the S

ught Lucifer,rew Satan ane prison of th treason foSon of God.

the angel ofnd his evil athe Abyss tofor attemptin

f hate angels o wait ng to

Page 45: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The prisoJob 1, thAfter 30 Catholic AD it peCatholic at the staJesus sen

on of the Abhe New Test

AD Satan Church rec

ersecuted theChurch did

ake. The persnt Napoleon

byss limits Stament, and corrupted theived total s

e Protestantsnot allow a

secution conto put the po

Satan’s activother books

he apostolic sovereignty s that worshianyone to disntinued for 1ope in prison

vities compas, but he is church intofrom Emperipped God asagree with ,260 years en in 1798 AD

ared to his pstill allowed

o the Romanror Justinian

according to its teachingnding just asD.

previous powd to tempt mn Catholic Cn over all th the Holy Bs on penaltys Daniel 7:2

wers displaymen into sinChurch. Aftehe matters in

Bible. The Roy of being bu5 predicted w

yed in nning. er the n 533 oman urned when

Page 46: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The fourspiritual they loveHe gave by the teJesus. ThIsrael’s s

r hundred annation, but t

ed God. TheIsrael the se

estimony of he stoning ofsacred oppor

nd ninety ythey failed be leaders rejeecond half oHis resurrecf Stephen in rtunity.

ears of Danbecause the lected the Mef the seventi

ction. They f33 AD was

niel 9:24 waleaders of Isressiah and mieth week tofought God the end of th

as Israel’s larael loved th

murdered himo repent fromHimself by he seventiet

ast opportunhe worship om, but God wm the murde

persecutingth week and

nity to becoof men morewas mercifu

er of their Crg the followed the end of l

ome a e than ul and reator ers of literal

Page 47: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

By 538 ACatholic automati[Mark 7]alone. ThThe perswhere hethose tha

AD Satan haChurch. Catcally forgav]. The Protehis greatly usecution agae died. Thenat keep the C

ad totally cotholicism tau

ve sins of adestants were undermined inst Protestan Satan wen


orrupted the ught salvatiodultery, liespersecuted the authorit

ants ended int off in a ragnts of God a

early apostoon by works, etc., similafor teaching

ty of the Roin 1798 AD ge to plan hand hold the

olic church is and sold inar to the Phg that salvat

oman Church when Napo

his next war testimony o

into what bendulgences fharisees in ttion comes h and reducoleon put thin our near

of Jesus in th

ecame the Rofor money, wthe time of by faith in ed their rev

he pope in pfuture again

heir heart.

oman which Jesus Jesus

venue. prison nst all

Page 48: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Satan frovicious kAfter 149put into prefused tyears endwhich wi

om his unseekilling mach92 AD the dprison by Nao stay in secded in 1798ill occur in o

en spirit worhine, hiding evil’s plans apoleon endclusion, but a; so the dragour near futu

rld of the dratheir murd

began to endding persecutafter Americgon [Luciferure.

agon turned erous charad and he wention. Satan wca was foundr] goes back

the religiousacter under tnt into a ragwas doing sod, the Papacy

k to his War

s leaders of the clock of

ge in 1798 who well killingy that ruled Room to pl

the papacy if religious phen the popeg ProtestantEurope for lan his next

into a piety. e was s that 1,260 War,

Page 49: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Then [in to make command

1798 A.D.] war [to pla

dments and h

The dragonan future whold to the t

n [Lucifer] wwar] against testimony of

was enraged wthe rest of

f Jesus.

with the womher offsprin

man [the saing. Those w

ints] and wenwho obey G

nt off God’s

Page 50: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The Boobegan mowas writtthe worland otheperson iseven thouThe Bookdid not uproves th

ok of Life wore than six ten before thld. Some belrs are blottes determinedugh God’s fok of Life wi

use His powehe freedom o

was written athousand ye

he first beinglieve that theed out as thed by each inforeknowledgll prove to eer to determiof choice.

and sealed wears ago. It ig was createde Book of Liey are condendividual’s ge is perfect

everyone in tine who wou

with seven ss still sealedd. The Bookife is openedemned, but choices or bt, each persothe universe uld be saved

seals by Godd shut – it hak of Life is nd from time this is not

behavior. Thon is judged

that even thd or who wou

d the Fatheras never beenot used in to time and true. The j

he Book of by the choic

hough God isuld be lost. T

r, before creen opened sinthe judgmenames are audgment of Life proves

ces he/she ms all powerfuThe Book of

eation nce it ent of added f each s that

makes. ful He f Life

Page 51: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The Bookcreation b

k of Life is abegan.

a record of GGod’s perfecct foreknowleedge of everry living beinng written before

Page 52: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

God sawevery pelife. Godwith sevsixth milentire unas those t

w it all beforson, but He

d blotted ouen seals. Evllennium. Wiverse will sthat choose l

ore He begae foresaw th

ut the namesveryone is ju

When the Bosee that God life instead o

an creationhat no mattes of all the ludged by th

ook of Life foresaw it a

of death.

n. He did ever what He dlost before che books theis opened at

all. Everyone

verything Hedid some wocreation bege angels rect the end ofe will see Go

e could do tould choose

gan and thencorded beforf the seventhod loved the

to save eache death insten sealed the re the end oh millenniumlost just as m

h and ead of

book of the m the much

Page 53: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The Booreally is. God’s Wjudgmentreveals thtrumpets The fifthand theirsixth seafor perseBook of see that G

k of Life sea The first se

Word and the t of the worhe authoritythat destroy

h seal is the r faith in Jesual is the climecuting and kLife, the booGod foresaw

aled with seeal is Jesus aBible given

rld, which isy of Jesus. Jey one-third ofaith of Jesuus. The saint

max of the sekilling the saok is opened

w it all and th

even seals wiannouncing

n to the entires the cleansiesus sends j

of the earth aus is revealedts would ratheven bowls oaints and pr

d for the firsthey will see t

ill demonstrHimself as Se world throng of the saudgments u

and kill twend by the sainher die than of wrath thaophets. Whet time since the Righteou

rate the reveSaviour of th

ough bible soanctuary [Daupon the eartnty-five percnts giving thbreak any o

at is God’s ven the sevenbefore creat

usness and Ju

elation of all he world. Tocieties. Theaniel 8:14]. th by soundcent of the gheir lives for f God’s com

vengeance agnth seal is retion. The enustice of Go

that Jesus CThe second se third seal The fourth

ding the firstglobal popula

the word ofmmandmentsgainst the wemoved from

ntire universeod.

Christ eal is is the

h seal t four ation. f God s. The icked m the e will

Page 54: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Many pethe SecoMichael.worship Prince ofthe King name thabut after everythin

ople see Jesond member Michael [fGod their Cf the host, thof Kings, th

at Jesus usesHe ascende

ng that exists

sus a son of Gr of the Gofully God] wCreator. Thehe Great Prinhe Rock, thes in heaven. ed back to hs.

God like sonodhead humworshipped Second Mence, the Chr

e Saviour, thMichael bec

heaven Jesus

ns on earth, mbled Himse

before God ember of therist, the Son he Lamb of Gcame the hums is called M

but this is nelf to the pd the Father e Godhead of God, Im

God, and theman called J

Michael agai

not so. Beforposition of t

to show this called Mi

mmanuel, thee list goers oJesus while in. Jesus is

re Creation bthe angel nhe proper wichael, Jesus Prince of P

on. Michael He was on ethe One cre

began amed ay to s, the

Peace, is the earth, eating

Page 55: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Daniel 7man, cominto his and menwill not king in 1most. Jesbefore Hthe twentSpirit, Jeof seven seal Jesuchildren

7:13-14 “In ming with tpresence. H

n of every lpass away,

1798. The csus had been

He is crownedty-four elder

esus the Lamseals [Book

us removes fas possible t

my vision athe clouds o

He was giveanguage woand his kinoronation ofn in submissd King in thrs redeemed

mb of God, ank of Life] anfrom the Boto the end of

at night I loof heaven. Hn authorityorshiped hingdom is onf Jesus is sosion to the Fhis scene. Thd from the eand a myriad d to set the ok of Life rf the world.

ooked, and He approac

y, glory andm. His domne that will o understateFather for athose present arth, the fourof angels. Jstage for beg

reveals the s

there beforched the An

d sovereign minion is an

never be ded and humbt least five th

in the thronr living creaJesus is founginning the

steps Jesus t

re me was oncient of Dapower; all

n everlastingdestroyed.” ble that it gohousand eigne scene areatures that rend worthy tojudgment of

takes to save

one like a soays and wapeoples, nag dominionJesus is crowoes unnotice

ght hundred : God the Faepresent the o receive the f the world. e as many o

on of as led ations n that wned ed by years ather, Holy book Each

of His

Page 56: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The SecoHe first hcovering cast out Michael son of hbrother. sisters plHis Son, finish theone.

ond member humbled HimCherubim. Aof heaven. Hthe arch ang

humanity. ThAfter His dleading His sthe son of h

e plan of sal

of the Godhmself as MicAfter LucifeHe became gel humbledhe Almighty

death and resshed blood fhumanity, thlvation by th

head agreed chael the arcer sinned by the ruler of

d Himself agy God left tsurrection Jefor the forgi

he King of Khe process op

to give His lch angel wor

coveting thef the world bgain by becothe universeesus continuveness of si

Kings and Lopening the s

life for this wrshiping the e position beby causing ooming ‘a hue of indescrued intercedin. In 1798 tord of Lords seals on the

world beforeFather with elonging onlour first paruman,’ the Sribable gloryding for all the Ancient and He wasLamb’s Boo

e Creation bLucifer the

ly to God, heents to sin.

Son of God ay to becomeHis brothersof Days crows found wortok of Life on

egan. other e was Then and a e our s and wned thy to ne by

Page 57: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiseals, betribe andthe final possible.

1. 1in

2. 23. 34. 4t

se5. N

se6. 5t

tr7. 6t


8. 7t


on 5:9 “Andcause you wd language steps Jesus

st Seal – Jesun 1798 AD innd Seal – Jesrd Seal – Jesth Seal – In teven billion

Near End oecond cominth Seal – Jesruth that cauth Seal – Jehousand ye

wicked and foth Seal – At he wicked dexplains eveemons, the w

d they sangwere slain, aand people takes to fin

us revealed Hn Europe thasus made thesus began thethe near futuliving peoplf 4th Seal

ng of Jesus asus, as a last ses their deaesus punishear gap of tor billions ofthe end of t

ead since thrything He wicked, and

g a new songand with yoand nation

nish the plan

Himself as tat had gone oe Word of Ge judgment oure Jesus wille in the wor[5th trumpe

and tortures tditch effort,

ath. es the wickime is givenf people to athe seventh e beginning did to sav

the earth to

g: “You areour blood yon.” The follon of salvatio

he Saviour oon for 1,260od availableof the dead sll create a glorld. et] – Satan,those who re sends His v

ked for killin for the saask Jesus abomillennium of time; the

e each lost ashes.

e worthy to ou purchaseowing is an oon, saving th

of the world 0years. e to the entirestarting withobal crisis fo

, impersonatefuse to worvery best sain

ing the sainaints to deterout their lostJesus return

en God silenperson. Th

take the scred men for outline of thhe greatest n

by ending P

e world in 1h Abel in 184for the purpo

tes Jesus, crship him intnts to give te

nts and the rmine the put loved onesns to earth ances the entihen God bur

roll and opeGod from e

he seals; it snumber of p

Papal persecu

814 AD. 44.

ose of judgin

counterfeitingto submissioestimony to

prophets. Aunishment o.

and God raisire universe.rns the devi

en its every shows eople


g all

g the n. the

A one of the

es all God il, his

Page 58: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiof the fowhite hor1798 to hundred {papacy}Revelatiofreedom.His soveHe prediRevelatio

on 6:1 I waour living crse is an anabring papalyears by the

}. Papal peon 12:16 by The end ofreignty in th

icted in Danon 19:11.

atched as threatures sa

alogy of the bl persecutione terrible morsecution be

y the discovf papal persehe affairs of niel 7:25; so

e Lamb opeay in a voicbattle foughtn to an endonster {Romegan relent

very of Ameecution is ‘a f men by end

Jesus will e

ened the fire like thundt and won by

d. Papal peme} with iro

because Gerica. The Ppart’ repres

ding the 1,2end the war

rst of the sevder, “Comey Jesus our Sersecution haon teeth and God opened Protestants fsenting ‘the w60 years of against the

ven seals. Te!” “A whSaviour. He ad gone on the little hothe mouth

fled to the lwhole.’ Justpapal persesaints on th

Then I heardhite horse –sent Napolefor over tw

orn of Danieof the ear

land of relit as God revecution exacthe white hor

d one – The eon in welve el 7:8 rth in gious

vealed tly as rse of

Page 59: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

‘A largethe world10:34-36bring peagainst hthe mem

sword – thd by the Am6 “Do not sueace, but a her mother,

mbers of his

he large swomerican Bibleuppose thatsword. For, a daughterown househ

rd is the Woe Society, tht I have comr I have comr-in-law agahold.”

ord of God. he British Bime to bringme to turn ainst her mo

In 1814 Jesible Society

g peace to th‘a man agaother-in-law

sus gave the, and many he earth. I ainst his fatw – a man’s

e printed Bibothers. Matdid not com

ther, a daugs enemies w

ble to tthew me to ghter

will be

Page 60: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

‘Holdingbalances wanting.for the bbeginninArtaxerxof the twrebuildinIsrael woburnt offThe procthe Day and the a

g a pair of and found

.’ The pair obeginning thg two thou

xes signed thwenty-first jng the templould have acfering on Pacess of the juof Atonemen

altar of burnt

scales in hwanting: Da

of balances ishe judgment usand three he decree in 4

ubilee cyclele and the wccepted the Massover. Israudgment of tnt in Levitict offering.

his hand’ –aniel 5:27 ‘s the judgmeof the worhundred y

457 BC (Dae that was o

walls of JeruMessiah theel would hathe world iscus 16. Two

– King of BYou have bent of the world is undersyears (Danieaniel 9:24) toon a Sunda

usalem to ma High Priest

ave participa understood altars were

Babylon Belsbeen weigheorld beginnistood by theel 8:14) afto release Israay year as rake preparatt would havated in finishd by the pries

cleansed of

shazzar wased on the sng in 1844. e cleansing

fter the Meael in the firrecorded in ation to greeve killed Jesuhing evangest cleansing f Israel’s sin

s weighed incales and fThe date of of the sancdo-Persian rst month (NEzra 7 to f

et the Messiaus on the altelizing the w

the sanctuan: the golden

n the found

1844 ctuary

King Nisan) finish ah. If tar of

world. ary on n altar

Page 61: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

In order sanctuarypiece of fit. The twoffering different occasionrevealingand Eve ends the

to understay is God’s cfurniture in two altars in is for indivitimes the

. The evenig that Jesus osinned in thecontinuous i

and prophecourt room. Gthe sanctuarthe sanctuaridual forgivaltars have ng and mornour intercesse Garden of intercession

y it is neceGod’s sanctuy tells us whry reveal tw

veness, and tdifferent m

ning intercessor has been

f Eden. The sat the golde

essary to unuary or courhat Jesus is d

wo different lthe golden a

meaning depssion of the n pleading Hstory of propen altar (the

nderstand hort room has adoing, depenlevels of atoaltar is for cpending on priest on ear

His blood forphecy tells ue evening an

ow God deaan order of snding on the onement. Thcorporate fothe time, thrth was a livr this world us what hapd morning in

als with sin.service, andtime He is d

he altar of borgiveness, bhe date, andving puppet ever since Apens whenntercession)

. The d each doing burnt but at d the show

Adam Jesus .

Page 62: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

After thealtar, a gsins. Thewas veryEach perpriest wowould takblood onforgiventwo comsecond isthe table the Mostfurniture in 1437 Bthe curtai

e priest has kgroup of peoey would briy valuable anrson would pould catch soke some of t

n the horns ness}. The Tempartments d

s the Most Hof showbre

t Holy Place that contain

BC after Israin.

killed and bople would cing a youngnd killing it place his hanome blood inthe blood intof the gold

ent of meetiivided by a

Holy Place. Tad, and the gwhere the A

ned the origiael left Egyp

burned the mcome to the

g bull to kill was a finan

nd on the buln a vessel. Tto the Tent oden altar, ang is a tent curtain. TheThe first roogolden altar Ark of the Cinal Ten Copt. The pries

morning lambe sanctuary t

showing thncial loss; thll’s head andThe bull wouof the Meetinand the grouwhere severe first compom of the Teof incense.

Covenant wasommandmenst put the blo

b and intercto worship G

hey really whus showing d then one peuld be burneng {the Holup of peoplral pieces ofartment is cent of meetiA curtain ses kept. The

nts that God ood on the g

ceded for IsrGod and ask

wanted to be their resolv

erson would ed on the altay Place} and

le were forgf furniture arcalled the Hoing contains eparates the Ark was a bgave Moses

golden altar

rael at the gok to forgive forgiven. A

ve to be forgkill the bull

ar; then the pd put some ogiven {corpore kept and ioly Place anthe candlesHoly Place

beautiful pies on Mount that stood b

olden their

A bull given. l. The priest of the orate it has

nd the ticks, from

ece of Sinai


Page 63: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Once a yyear. WhThe sanccorporatmaking rworld He

year on the Dhen we confectuary reveately, with threstitution. Te hears the p

Day of Atoness of our sinals that Godhe condition The sanctuary

rayers of a s

nement the sns God forgd so loves tthat they acy also revealsingle person

sanctuary wives us becathe world thknowledge tls that even tn {the indivi

was cleansed ause Jesus gahat He is wtheir sins bythough thereidual}.

of all the siave His life willing to foy confessione are billions

ins for the was our subst

orgive the wn, repentances of people in

whole titute. world e, and n this

Page 64: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

When anthat reprethen cut thus the would tatransferridistinguiatonemen

n individual wesented the fthe lamb’s tsins were tra

ake some of ing the indsh the differnt) and sins c

went to the sfuture deaththroat, killinansferred to

f the blood adividual’s sirence betwecommitted b

sanctuary to h of Jesus. Thng the lamb a

the lamb, reand put it ons to the a

een how Godby a single p

ask for forghe person laas he confesepresenting n the horns altar of bud deals witherson {indiv

giveness, he aid his hand ssed his sinsJesus dyingof the alta

urnt offerinh sins commvidual atonem

was requireon the head

s, and his sing in his placear of burnt ng. It is vemitted by a gment}.

d to bring a d of the lambns were forge. Then the poffering the

ery importagroup {corp

lamb b and

given; priest ereby

ant to porate

Page 65: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The undunderstanseal the Revelatiocontinuesintercessintercedinintercess

erstanding onding of thewords of thon 8:2-6 ‘cos. Daniel neion. In this ng or termion by time.

of corporate story of prhe prophecy.orporate inteever uses th

great storyminating inte.

e and indivophecy, and. When Jesuercession’ enhe word ‘altay when Danercession, a

vidual forgivd human ignus terminatesnds for the ear,’ he uses

niel uses theand know w

veness is onnorance is ons His intercentire world the words e word ‘daiwhether it

ne of the mne of God’s cession at thd, but indivi‘the daily,’

ily’ you knis corporat

major keys tmethods us

he golden altidual interce’ which refeow that Jeste or indiv

o the sed to tar in

ession ers to sus is vidual

Page 66: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The wordan actingthe set timfrom our

The Firs

The priesIsrael.

d ‘antitypicag out, like ‘ame by cleanlives and is

st Two Steps

st chooses on

al’ means ‘ina puppet shownsing the san

able to treat

s: Choose T

ne goat for S

n place of.’ w’ using livnctuary. Thet us as thoug

Two Goats a

Satan (Azaze

The Day ofe people to

e cleansing ogh we never

and Slay the

el) and the o

f Atonementexplain how

of the sanctusinned.

e Lord’s

ther goat for

t in the earthw God will juuary is how

r the Lord to

hy sanctuaryudge the woGod remove

o die for all

y was orld at es sin

Page 67: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Third St

The prieblood onThe Law

tep: Sprinkl

st takes the the atoneme

w of God is sa

ling the Blo

blood and ent cover waatisfied ‘for

od on the A

sprinkles it as saying, ‘Hthe wages o

Atonement C

on the atonHere is the blof sin is dea


nement covelood – the de

ath’ (Romans

er. The act ebt is paid; ss 6:23).

of sprinklinsinners are d

ng the dead.’

Page 68: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Four Ste

Then thecleansingthanking usisealed; thof life an

ep: Put Bloo

e priest woug Israel corp

Him for Hy so that the A. Israel did ning real peoherefore this

nd death etern

od on the Ho

uld go into porately for

His goodnesAtonement fnot understaople to expls show that tnally.

orns of the

the Holy Pr the entire ys and forgivfor Israel waand that thisain what Gtook place e

Golden Alta

Place and puyear. The peveness, andas accepted. s service waod would d

every year w

ar Cleansin

ut blood on eople would

d praying thThe Day of s only ‘a typ

do for REALwas very seri

ng It.

n the horns d be outsidehat the priesf Atonement pe’ of judgmL. The booious to them

of golden a praying to

st did everywas very se

ment, or a puok of Daniel

m, that is, a m

altar, God,

ything erious uppet l was


Page 69: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Fifth Ste

Then theburnt off{individuHoly or burnt off

ep: Putting B

e priest woulffering, cleanual forgiventhe atoneme


Blood on th

ld go out ofnsing the sness}. Note:ent cover, {2

he Horns Alt

f the Tent ofsins of ever: the three th2} the Tent

tar of Burn

f Meeting anry individuahings that Aof Meeting

nt Offering C

nd put bloodal that cameAaron made

or the golde

Cleansing It

d on the hore in askingatonement fen altar, and


rns of the altg for forgivfor {1} the d {3} the alt

tar of eness Most tar of

Page 70: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Leviticu[atonemeoffering]goat andand put

s 16:20,21 ‘ent cover], t, he shall br

d confess ovthem on the

‘When Aarthe Tent ofring forwarver it all thee goat’s hea

on has finisf meeting o

rd the live goe wickednes


shed makinor the [goldoat. He is toss and rebe

ng atonemenden altar] ano lay both hellion of the

nt for the Mnd the alta

hands on thee Israelites –

Most Holy Par [altar of e head of the– all their s

Place burnt e live

sins –

Page 71: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

When wperpetuatloves sineternal dSpirit to are sealehave no dtogether choice an

e confess antor of sin. H

n, so God ladeath. All th

living withid with the ndesire for sinlovely chara

nd we will h

nd repent ofHe has led mays all the sose who dien their heart

nature of Jesun. Sin will bacter that waave perfect h

f our sins Gmillions to rebsin of the we in Christ, hts, are cleanus. When eabe absolutelyas given so hatred for sin

God forgivesbel against G

world upon hhaving livedsed of all th

ach of us waky horrible tofreely to Adn.

s us becauseGod over thhim, with ald a life of dheir sins, inckes up on th

o us. Jesus wdam. Everyo

e Satan is thhe history of ll its conseqdaily prayer,cluding the che resurrectiowill have recrone will hav

he originatorf the world. Squences, whi asking the

carnal natureon of life wereated us wi

ve the freedo

r and Satan ich is Holy

e, and e will ith all om of

Page 72: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

We havealso learnsaved bythe sanctand neglbe lost. Tsins was date the finish rebdie, and Abel wasforth dowwith eter

learned thatned that noth

y faith in Jesutuary to be cect or reject

The date thatset before tMedo-Persi

building JeruAbel’s sins s sealed withwn through trnal death.

t our sins arehing you havus alone. W

cleansed. If yt the pleadint God chose the world beian King, Ausalem. Begiwere cleans

h eternal lifethe centurie

e forgiven bve done in y

We also learneyou live care

ng of the Hoto judge eac

egan as 1844Artaxerxes, s

inning in 18sed from thefe. Then Jesus of time se

ecause Jesusyour life hased that as welessly thinkly Spirit thach person an4 AD or twosigned the d44 Jesus reve sanctuary bus opened thealing some

s died as ours any merit i

we confess ouking you areat leads evernd cleanse tho thousand tdecree to relviewed the libecause of h

he books of with eternal

r substitute. n saving youur sins they e just as goodryone to repehe sanctuarythree hundrelease Israel ife of Abel, this faith in tthe next perl life and co

You shouldu. Each persare transferrd as the nexentance, you

y of each pered years fromto go home

the first persthe Saviour;rson’s life anondemning o

d have son is red to xt guy u will rson’s m the e and son to ; thus nd so others

Page 73: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Acts 17:3by the m[Jesus] fability to

31 “Becauseman whom from the deo do any mor

e He has apHe has ordead.” A perre good or ev

ppointed a ddained. He hrson is judgvil.

day which hhas given a

ged after he

e will judgeassurance of

dies becaus

e the world f this to all se death end

in righteouby raising

ds each per

sness Him


Page 74: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Jesus cacharactertheir fellsteal, andperfect. Tthat trustcleansingthat haveGod thatChrist, buhas his ow

uses the Grr of each perowmen, shad kill to surThe life andt in Him theg each persoe died since tt was freely ut still has twn unique p

reat Tribularson, like devaring what thrvive. Every d death of Jee record of on of the carthe time of rgiven to Adheir individu

personality, e

ation to judgveloping filmhey have; tru

person thatesus is each His life to trnal nature. Wrighteous Abdam. Each pual personalexcept there

ge the livingm. During thusting in Got worships G

believer’s stheir accounWhen Jesus

bel, they comperson wakeslity. Just as eare no thorn

g. The crisishe tribulationod to save thGod falls shsubstitute. T

nt and His a wakes up th

me forth froms up with theach rose is ns.

s of the tribun good peophem, but evi

hort in his daThis means Jaltogether lohe billions o

m their gravehe altogether

unique to it

ulation reveaple will be kiil people wiaily life of bJesus gives vely nature;of sleeping ses in the imar lovely natutself, each p

ls the ind to ill lie, being those ; thus saints age of ure of erson

Page 75: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Many peEvery avWhen thgood as hagainst thall no onanyone bgoodnessrighteousweep usentirely dyou tellinthe answlife – eveis nothinover the Jesus is i

eople believeverage citizene average pher there’s ghe bad, and

ne’s perfect –based upon ts as filthy ra

us acts are ls away. Madismissed orng me that G

wer is ‘yes.’ erybody is sg we do to elife and dea

infinitely mo

e that whenn that lives aerson looks going to be athen, out of

– well excepthe good deegs. Isaiah 64like filthy rany that readr disbelieved

God looks upThe good thaved by faitearn salvatioath of His Soore valuable

they die, tha good life bat the life o

a lot of peopf mercy, winpt for One. Geds of huma4:6 All of uags; we all

d this verse d or we are pon all the rihings we do th in Jesus. Gon. Furthermon. The paythan million

hey go to hebelieves he iof Sister Terple in hell. Tnks at the baGod does notans. The Bibs have becoshrivel up are so psychinsulted. S

ighteous deehave no me

God gives thmore it is an yment for eans of worlds.

eaven if theis just as gooresa, they thThese peoplead and lets tht wink like wble teaches thome like one

like a leaf,hologically

Some argue eds of Sistererit in God’she righteousninsult to Go

ach of us far.

ey have beenod as his nexhink if everye think God he person inwe do, and hthat God looe who is unc

and like thblown awaywith the bib

r Teresa as fs decision toness of Jesuod to offer ar exceeds the

n a good pext door neigyone has to

weighs the nto heaven –he does not joks upon ourclean and alhe wind oury, that it is eble and say, filthy rags?’o grant us etus as a gift. Tan ‘improveme bill. The li

erson. ghbor. be as good

– after judge r best ll our r sins either ‘Are

’ And ternal There ment’ ife of

Page 76: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Ephesianfrom youGod’s wadvance sacrificinseeing thbeyond hhim to slworks wemost peowas askinwas willi

ns 2:8-10 Furselves, it

workmanshifor us to d

ng his son Ishe Messiah ahis own emolay his onlyere proof thaople. God ding Abrahaming to slay Is

For it is by is a gift of

ip, created o. Abrahamaac. If Abrah

and growingotions and h

y son, but hat he trustedid not ask A

m to return thsaac believin

grace you hf God – not

in Christ m chose to fo

ham had refug spiritually. human reasohe believed id God more tAbraham to khe life back ng God woul

have been sby works, Jesus to dllow and wo

fused to obeyAbraham ob

oning. Abrahin God. Abthan his ownkill his son. to God. Abrld raise him

saved, throso that no

do a good worship God my God, he wbeyed God bham did notbraham was n thoughts, aLife of Isaa

raham trustefrom the de

ough faith –one can bo

works, whimany years ould have lobecause he tt understandnot saved b

and way beyac came fromed God so coad.

– and this ioast. For weich preparebefore his te

ost his blessitrusted Him,

d why God aby works, buyond the limm God, andompletely th

s not e are ed in est of ing of , way asked ut his

mits of d God hat he

Page 77: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiforehead144,000 can remeliteral? Joonly 144comes, bby most.saved whthe timeevangelisworld. Tkilled bythat no mtribulatiolive to setake the billion kndon’t kn144,000 Great Trharvest;

on 7:3-4 ‘Dds of the serfrom all theember, alwayohn said, ‘I

4,000 that arbut this is so Then the g

hen Jesus com of Adam. sts. They ar

Their messagy this wickedman can numon and sees ee Jesus comgospel to thnow anythin

now and maservants fro

ribulation ththus the ma

Do not harmrvants of oue tribes of Isys ending abheard the ne sealed tha

o few compagreat multitumes; so mosThe 144,0

e the servanges are put id world beca

mber is the haJesus come

me without sehe world. Onng about ourany of themom every naat will begin

ain harvest is

m the land our God.” Thsrael. The subout the samnumber.’ Soat this is the ared to the seude that no st people bel00 are sealnt – prophetinto their mause of theirarvest of thein the cloud

eeing death. nly about onr wonderful

m don’t reallation in the n very soons a mirror of

or the sea ohen I heard ubject of the

me as it starto what is thetotal numbeeven billion man can nu

lieve this is tled before tts that give

mouths by Gr testimony teir labor. Thds of heaven In a nutshee-third of thl God and Hly want to world to fin

n. The 144,0f the 144,000

or the treesthe number

e 144,000 hated with mae problem? Mer of the livi people livin

umber seemsthe total of ththe Great Tthe four ang

God Himself to the Word

he great multn. There are ell literal Isr

he seven billHis Son Jesu

know! Jesunish the wo000 servants0.

s until we pr of those was been discuany questionMany think bing people sng on earth s like too mthe people saTribulation bgel’s messag

f and they wof God. Th

titude goes t over one birael and the lion or a littlus, and the ous is personork of evangs are firstfru

put a seal onwho were seussed as long

ns. Is the 144because ther

saved when that it is rej

many people aved goes babegins as Gges to this d

will be hatedhe great multthrough the eillion peopleGentiles faille more thanother five b

nally pickinggelism durinuits of the

n the ealed: g as I 4,000 re are Jesus ected to be

ack to God’s dying d and titude entire e that led to n two

billion g His

ng the main

Page 78: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiof the lipower todelay] whalting thtime of eseven trufrom releA.D. wasthey are v

on 7:2-3 Thving God.

o harm the le put a sealhe four angeextra grace cumpets in preasing the fos planned bevery close to

hen I saw anHe called

land and thl on the forels from hurcalled the ‘dreparation toour winds thaefore the fouo the beginni

nother angeout in a lo

he sea: “Do neheads of se

rting the eartdelay.’ In 19o hurt the eaat were abouundation of ting of the Gr

el [Jesus] comud voice tonot harm thervants of oth occurred

994 A.D. sevarth, sea, andut to blow ththe earth to ireat Tribulat

ming up froo the four ahe land or thour God.” Tin 1994. W

ven angels id trees, but

he first four tintentionallytion.

om the eastangels who he sea or thThe ‘Delay’

We are presenin RevelationJesus halted

trumpets. Thy let the last

, having thehad been g

he trees untiJesus create

ntly living in 8:2 were gd the four a

he ‘delay’ in generation k

e seal given il [the ed by in the given

angels 1994 know

Page 79: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Jesus wasaints, onwith the court] froare petitichildren

as at the altarn the goldenprayers of thom the angelioning God wat the same t

r of Incense,n altar [that he saints [thel’s hand. Thwhen Revelatime, as relig

, He was givstands] bef

eir petitionse Bible saysation 8:3-5 ogiously dive

ven much incfore the thro], went up b

s that “all” ooccurs. The

erse as we ar

cense to offeone. The smbefore God [aof the saints only thing te, is a globa

fer, with the moke of the

a very sweet(God’s childthat could m

al crisis.

prayers of aincense, togt aroma filledren everyw

move all of G

all the gether ed the

where) God’s

Page 80: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

So, the fknow theoccurred ThereforRevelatio

four angels iey are waitin

at any timee, the four on 8:3-5 to o

in Revelationg because e in history,angels in R


on 7:1-3 hav(a) the five , and (b) the

Revelation 7

ve been waitphenomena

e first four t7 are patient

ting to hurt a described itrumpets judtly waiting

Earth for sin Revelatiodgments havfor the serv

everal yearson 8:3-7 havve not yet favice describ

s. We ve not fallen. ed in

Page 81: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

In 1994 Ato releaseto the anland or tThe destfinish thegrace tha

A.D. the firse the four wngels who hthe sea or thtruction by te job that boat can end at

st four of thewinds to blowhad been gihe trees untthe first fourth Israel andt any time.

e seven angelw the first foven power

til we put a r trumpets w

d the Gentile

ls that had bour trumpetsto harm thseal on the were delayees failed to d

been given ths when Jesushe land and foreheads o

ed to seal thdo; thus we a

he seven trums ‘called outthe sea: “d

of the servanhe 144,000 sare living in

mpets were at in a loud vdo not harmnts of our Gservants thatan extra tim

about voice

m the God.” t will me of

Page 82: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

If Jesus hover, butdeath woMoses, E144,000 as Jesus third of o{Daniel 1

had started tt the numberould be no Elijah, and servants of finishes seaour earth w12:11-12}.

the Great Trr of people more and wEnoch in heGod that wi

aling the 144arning the i

ribulation insaved would

we would beaven. So nill evangelize4,000 servaninhabitants t

n 1994 A.D. d have been e enjoying

now we are e the entire nt-prophets tthat God is

the tribulatifar less. Soeternal life waiting for

world in thrthe first foushutting this

ion would horrow, diseas

like the twr Jesus to free and a haur trumpets ws world dow

have already se, suffering

wenty-four elfinish sealinalf years. As will destroywn in 1,335

been g, and lders, g the soon

y one-days

Page 83: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The first soundingdaily’ intEden aftewhich ca{Revelatyour own

890 days og off the firsttercession ofer Adam andauses death tion 8:7-12}n eyes.

f God’s earlt four trumpf Jesus at thed Even sinneto twenty-f

. This will n

ly wrath begpets. It will be golden altaed. When Jefive percent not be seen

gins with thebegin in the ar that beganesus termina

of the woron televisio

e opening onear future

n six thousanates ‘the dairld’s populaton – you wi

f the fourth e with the ternd years agoily’ the fourttion in less ill witness t

seal – this irmination of

o in the Gardth seal is opthan thirty

these events

is the f ‘the

den of ened, days


Page 84: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

God begsometimetrumpets of seventweek repArtaxerxThe 2,30B.C. to 1date of 1great day

gins His newe during oursometime d

ty ‘weeks’ ipresenting ‘txes decree in00 years of D1844 A.D. th1844 forces ty ending in 1

w year at ther March/Aprduring that yn Daniel 9:2he whole we

n 457 B.C. toDaniel 8:14 hat began ththe Jubilee C

1994 A.D.

e first full mril. In 1994 tyear. 1994 is24. The seveeek.’ There

o the Exoduscontinues t

he cleansing Calendar to

moon after the seven ans establishedenty ‘sevensare exactly t

s of Israel in he countingof the sanctcontinue do

the vernal engels of Revd by the unds’ of Daniel two great da

n 1437 B.C. og of time frotuary or the

own through

equinox in tvelation 8:2 wderstanding o

9:24 is ‘a pays countingor nine hundom Artaxerxe judgment oh the centuri

the spring thwere given sof ‘the greatpart’ of the g backwards dred eighty yxes decree inof the worldies to the sev

hat is seven t day’ great from

years. n 457

d. The venth

Page 85: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiwas givethe throbefore Gthe altarand an ethem. Thsame timcould eruThis warfood, cloquickly bconsequesafety.” praying f

on 8:3-6 Anen much incone. The smGod from thr, and is one p

me, namely, upt and quicr could affe

othing, buildibecome a feaences wouldIn other wofor God’s int

nother angecense to offe

moke of thehe angel’s hed it on the . Then the spossibility thnuclear wakly escalate ct our struging materialarful event fd be far reacorlds, a nucltervention.

el, who had er, with the

e incense, tohand. Then earth; and seven angelhat could cauar. Here is a

into a nucleggling econos, and comm

for most peopching – the lear exchang

a golden cee prayers ofogether witthe angel tothere came s who had tuse all of G

a possible scear exchangeomy and immerce of all kple on Earthwhole wor

ge could bri

enser, camef the saints,th the prayook the cen peals of ththe seven tr

God’s saints tcenario. One. Tens of m

mmediately akinds. If natih. If such a wrld would cring all of G

e and stood , on the goldyers of the nser, filled iunder, flashrumpets preto pray the s

ne day, simmmillions coulaffect the diions joined i

war occurredry out (dem

God’s people

at the altarden altar bsaints, wen

it with fire hes of lighteepared to ssame thing amering hostild die in thisistribution oin, this war cd – and the g

mand) “peacee to the poi

r. He efore

nt up from ening ound at the ilities s war. of oil, could

global e and int of

Page 86: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatiwas givethe throbefore Gthe altarand an ethem. Thsame timcould eruThis warfood, cloquickly bconsequesafety.” praying f

on 8:3-6 Anen much incone. The smGod from thr, and is one p

me, namely, upt and quicr could affe

othing, buildibecome a feaences wouldIn other wofor God’s int

nother angecense to offe

moke of thehe angel’s hed it on the . Then the spossibility thnuclear wakly escalate ct our struging materialarful event fd be far reacorlds, a nucltervention.

el, who had er, with the

e incense, tohand. Then earth; and seven angelhat could cauar. Here is a

into a nucleggling econos, and comm

for most peopching – the lear exchang

a golden cee prayers ofogether witthe angel tothere came s who had tuse all of G

a possible scear exchangeomy and immerce of all kple on Earthwhole wor

ge could bri

enser, camef the saints,th the prayook the cen peals of ththe seven tr

God’s saints tcenario. One. Tens of m

mmediately akinds. If natih. If such a wrld would cring all of G

e and stood , on the goldyers of the nser, filled iunder, flashrumpets preto pray the s

ne day, simmmillions coulaffect the diions joined i

war occurredry out (dem

God’s people

at the altarden altar bsaints, wen

it with fire hes of lighteepared to ssame thing amering hostild die in thisistribution oin, this war cd – and the g

mand) “peacee to the poi

r. He efore

nt up from ening ound at the ilities s war. of oil, could

global e and int of

Page 87: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The first four judgtheir starwill chantheir wakteam of oby the timthe first feveryonewar and not be a of wrath unified re

four trumpegments couldrted order. Fonge the thinkke will be inonly four angme the fourtfour trumpet

e’s attention,the defiancetemper tantris carefully

esponse from

ets will comed fall over aour distinctivking and princalculable, gels! It is a gth trumpet juts will speak, He will sene of skepticsrum. Jesus wy designed tm mankind.

e in a group a period of ave blows wiiorities of mand amazin

gross undersudgment hask volumes. nd a display s. Keep in mwill not smaso accomplis

of four rapiabout sixty dll produce u

mankind overngly, all of statement to s been execuJesus has mof power an

mind that Jesush and trash sh many obj

id-fire judgmdays. These unimaginablernight. The this global usay the who

uted. If actiomuch to say nd destructious display o

h the world injectives and

ments. I undefour judgmee death and ddeath and dupheaval wiole world wions speak loto this diver

on that will sof power andn a random one of them

erstand that ents will occdestruction. destruction lill be cause ill be in shamouder than wrse world. Tsilence the dd destructionway. His di

m is to prom

these cur in They eft in by a

mbles words, To get din of n will isplay mpt a

Page 88: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Trumpethailstoneover the crops andmany oth

t #1. Shortles will rain

world and d vegetationhers will suff

ly (perhaps down from the accompa

n within a fefer and die d

30 days) aftthe sky. Meanying wind

ew days. Of during this “r

ter the first eteoric firesdstorms willcourse milli

rain of terror

global earthstorms will il destroy bilions of peopr.” (Revelati

hquake, showignite unquellions of acrple will be lion 8:7)

wers of whitenchable fireres of trees, left homeles

te-hot es all food

s and

Page 89: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Trumpethorrific acontinentinundate for their will be frable to cr

t #2. A fewasteroid impt. (Revelatiocoastal citieimmoral beh

frightened anross the ocea

w days after tpacts. The fon 8:8-11) Tes around thehavior, will

nd distressedan and men w

the meteoricfirst asteroidThe first ime perimeter ocompletely

d by the angrwill be powe

c showers ofd will impa

mpact will cof the oceandisappear wry tossing oferless to do a

f burning haact an oceancreate a sern. Seaports awith overwhef the sea. (Lanything abo

ail, Earth wiln; the seconries of tidal and coastal celming loss

Luke 21:25) out the churn

ll experiencend will imp

waves thatities, well knof life. SurvShips will nning of the d

e two pact a t will nown

vivors not be deep.

Page 90: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Trumpethorrific acontinentinundate for their will be frable to cr

t #2. A fewasteroid impt. (Revelatiocoastal citieimmoral beh

frightened anross the ocea

w days after tpacts. The fon 8:8-11) Tes around thehavior, will

nd distressedan and men w

the meteoricfirst asteroidThe first ime perimeter ocompletely

d by the angrwill be powe

c showers ofd will impa

mpact will cof the oceandisappear wry tossing oferless to do a

f burning haact an oceancreate a sern. Seaports awith overwhef the sea. (Lanything abo

ail, Earth wiln; the seconries of tidal and coastal celming loss

Luke 21:25) out the churn

ll experiencend will imp

waves thatities, well knof life. SurvShips will nning of the d

e two pact a t will nown

vivors not be deep.

Page 91: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

TrumpetThe impaimpact wchemicalrivers wiRevelatio

t #3. The seact will cont

will fracture gls and other gll become coon predicts th

econd asterotaminate wageologic stragarage burieontaminatedhat many pe

oid will impaater supplies ata for thoused in the Eard and they weople will die

act one of Eaand cause e

sands of squarth will seep

will carry theie of drinking

arth’s continextensive deare miles. Seinto undergir deadly mig poisonous

nents with deeath. Groundewage, dead

ground aquifeixture for thowater.

evastating red waves fromdly bacteria, fers. Undergrousands of m

esults. m the toxic

round miles.

Page 92: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

TrumpetHundredpowerfulbe great soot arouthis phenEarth (thWorldwieffect radwill becoRevelatioThink abpercent o

t #4. Shors of powerl and cause gdarkness. (R

und the wornomenon in he breadbasde famines diating into ome scarce on, 25% of bout this. Thof seven billi

rtly after theful violent great damagRevelation 8rld in dense

recent timeket of the will begin. every aspecover-night

Earth’s popue populationion is one bi

e second asvolcanic er

ge. Millions 8:12) The je

clouds that es. The exteworld) willIn short, the

ct of life. Illand the mi

ulation will n of Earth cullion seven h

steroid imparuptions wilof people wt stream wilcause comp

ended absenl prevent sue first four jness of all kisery index perish from

urrently is aphundred fifty

act, the worll occur. Th

will perish. Rll carry megplete darkne

nce of sunligurviving crojudgments wkinds will ap

will be “om these four pproaching 7y million peo

rld will hearhese will bRevelation pgatons of voess. Scientisght over theops from rewill create a ppear. Clean

off the scalejudgments.

7 billion peoople!

r a terrible e numerous

predicts thereolcanic ejectats have obse

e middle thieaching mat

horrible don water and e.” Accordin

(Revelationople. Twenty

roar. s and e will a and erved ird of turity. omino

food ng to n 6:8) y-five

Page 93: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The firsoccurs bewere givrefused tthey are the Fatheis no furt

t four trumecause Jesus

ven many opto repent bectoo weak to

er for individther atoneme

mpets of dess has ended pportunities tcause they lo go throughduals at altaent for the w

struction arepleading Histo repent, buoved sin. Jeh the Great r of burnt o

world corpora

e targeted ats blood for tut like the inesus also puTribulation.

offering; thiately at the g

t wicked citthe world conhabitants ofut some of H Jesus contis is the seco

golden altar.

ties all overorporately. Tf Sodom and

His children inues His inond level of a

r the world. The people kd Gomorrahto sleep bec

ntercession batonement. T

This killed

h they cause

before There

Page 94: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

John 16and righregard tand in rhave muTruth, conly whataking wThat is wHoly Spito repenthave alwsupernatucontinuesconvictiothe 1,260blasphemSpirit is violatingthe truth

:8 When hehteousness ao righteousnregard to juuch more tocomes, he wat he hears

what is minewhy I said irit brings stt of their sinways been tural convictis until the on to the hea0th day of themed the Holyunpardonabl

g their free wh than any

e [Holy Spirand judgmeness, becauudgment, bo say to you

will guide yo, and he wie and makithe Spirit wrong convic

ns from the the Law ofing power oend of the

arts of every e Great Triby Spirit – anle because th

will {Mark 3:y other ge

rit] comes, hent: in regase I am goinecause the u, more tha

ou into all trill tell you wing it knowwill take froction to peop

very beginf God and of the Holy

1,260th dayunrepentantulation the c

nd committehere is noth:29}. God gieneration, b

he will convard to sin, bng to the Faprince of t

an you can ruth. He wiwhat is yet t

wn to you. Aom what is ple in every nning of the

the ministrSpirit begin

y of the Gret sinner to thconviction ened the unpardhing left thatives the finabut the wi

vict the worbecause meather, wherethis world nnow bear.

ill not speakto come. H

All that belomine and mtongue, nati

e Great Tribry of the Hns at the opeeat Tribulati

he point of ‘mnds. Everyodonable sin.t God can doal generationicked love

rld of guilt en do not be you can senow standsBut when h

k on his owe will bringongs to the make it knoion, and coubulation. Th

Holy Spirit. ening of theion. The Homental tormone who refu. The blaspho to save the

n more light asin and

in regard tbelieve in mee me no lons condemnehe, the Spir

wn; he will sg glory to m

Father is mown to you

untry in the whe two witn

The awee fourth seaoly Spirit b

ment’ and theused to repenhemy of the e wicked wiand convictihate the

to sin me; in

nger; ed. “I rit of speak me by mine. . The world nesses esome al and brings en on nt has Holy

ithout ion to truth.

Page 95: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatito proclasaid in acome. WThe firstmessagesmessageshand-pickGreat Trithe Holyheard theheart andHoly Spinothing m

ion 14:6-7 Taim to thosea loud voice

Worship himt angel’s ms of the 144s are not froked by Jesuibulation beg

y Spirit. Eve convictingd therefore Hirit is not grmore that Go

Then I saw e who live oe, “Fear Gom who mademessage begi4,000 are poom men – thus out of evegan. The ser

ven though Gg voice of thHe knows juieved {blaspod can do for

another angon the earthd and give e the heaveins during tortrayed by hey are fromery nation ofrvant propheGod uses Hihe Holy Spirust what to sphemed} becr the person

gel flying inh – to every

him glory, ens, the eartthe first 89angels beca

m God. The f the world ets proclaim is servants trit. The Holysay and do, cause He is without vio

n midair, annation, tribbecause theth, the sea 90 days of ause God w144,000 servto globally the gospel w

to proclaim y Spirit knowhich is farinsulted – Hlating his/he

nd he had thbe, languagee hour of hand the spthe Great

wants the wovant – prophpreach the gwith the conthe gospel,

ows what is r beyond hu

He is grieveder freedom o

he eternal ge and people

his judgmenrings of waTribulation.

orld to knowhets of God gospel befornvicting pow

no one hasin each per

uman abilityd because thof choice.

ospel e. He

nt has ater.” . The w the were

re the wer of s ever rson’s y. The ere is

Page 96: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

World’s Infrastructures Destroyed – According to the time periods given in the books of Daniel and Revelation, the first four catastrophic events could occur during a very short period, perhaps 30 to 60 days. The magnitude, extent and rapidity of these horrible events will catch everyone by surprise and they will cause every survivor to ask three questions. First, ‘What does God want?” In ages past God has sent warning judgments mixed with mercy in an attempt to awaken people to their true condition. (Ezekiel 6; Zephaniah 2) In this sense, the seven trumpets will be no different. By gaining the attention of the world through His wrath, God will put His servants, the 144,000, in an authoritative position to present the terms and conditions of salvation. The overwhelming evidence of God’s wrath will be obvious to religious, as well as non-religious minds. Through a sequence of carefully designed events, God will ultimately separate the survivors of Earth into two categories – those who are willing to submit to His authority and those who defiantly stand in rebellion. The second question that will come to the forefront of people’s minds will be, “Why is God so angry?” Great terror will fill the hearts of those who survive the first judgments of God. Every infrastructure will be broken and demolished. Because the Holy Spirit will empower the 144,000 to proclaim God’s Word powerfully, the world will clearly hear why God is angry. Everyone everywhere must hear why God’s anger has boiled over. In this painful setting, a third question will rise: “What is coming next?” The first four events will cause many to think that God has decided to destroy Earth ‘a piece at a time.” The rich and the poor, the arrogant and the humble, the educated and the uneducated, the powerful and the powerless will be dumbfounded. Depression, anxiety and grief will render many survivors dysfunctional. Few people are mentally or spiritually prepared to cope with the coming tribulation, and physical preparation to save ourselves from God’s wrath is useless. Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:37-39) If the Bible teaches anything about God’s wrath, it reveals that God always takes action when a majority of people violate His laws and do evil. The bible speaks of the flood in Noah’s day, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the destruction of Jericho, the destruction of Jerusalem, and at the end of the age, the destruction of Earth. Revelation predicts that Earth will receive a series of 14 deadly blows. By the time the Great Tribulation has ended, God will have destroyed every defiant person on Earth. These three questions and man’s attempt to answer them – will produce the human response that Revelation predicts.

Page 97: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others
Page 98: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelatia beast [[leaders]religionsfeet like Nebuchaauthorityall the naforming RevelatioRevelatiopersecutigolden aBegins: Tof Revelpersecuteterminat

on 13:1-2 A[kingdom] co, with ten c]. The beastthose of a b

adnezzar of By. Very rapiations of thea global cr

on 13:1-2. on 13:5 fromion is easily ltar and souThe nations lation 13:1-2es the saintstes corporat

And the dragoming out ocrowns on ht [governmebear [cruel lBabylon]. Thidly within te world willrisis govern

Time: Bym when the calculated,

und the first of the world2} after thes for forty-tte intercessi

gon [devil] sof the sea [phis horns, aent] I saw relike Medo-Phe dragon gthe first fiftyl respond to

nment that iy subtractinpersecutionwhich is fiftfour trumpe

d need time t destructiontwo months ion {Daniel

stood [authopeople]. He and on eachesembled a

Persia] and agave the beay days after the global

is describedng the lengthn ends on thfty days afterets {There ato form the c

n of the firsor 1,240 d

12:11, Reve

ority] on the had ten horh head a blleopard [fa

a mouth likeast his powethe destructdestruction

d by John ath of the pehe 1,290th dar Jesus term

are 29.53 daycrisis governst four trumdays that enelation 8:3-4

shore of thrns [kings] alasphemous

ast like Greee that of a ler and his ttion of the fiof the first

as the leopaersecution oay of the be

minates His inys to a monnment {the l

mpets. The lends 1,290 d


he sea. And Iand seven hs name [apoece], but hadlion [dictatothrone and gfirst four trumfour trumpeard-like beaof 1,240 dayeginning pointercession a

nth}. Perseculeopard-like eopard-like days after J

I saw heads ostate d the

or like great mpets ets by ast of ys of int of at the ution beast beast Jesus

Page 99: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The leopmarshal lpolitical like anciethis timereligious animal thconfusioncontrolleare all inuse of civof prisoncivil pow1798 is h

pard-like belaw is worldauthorities ent Papal Roe the deadly

laws. As inhat is fightinn. This is wd by the hea

n apostasy. Wvil power, b

n and death {wer to enforchealed – the p

east is a glodwide. The s{Revelationome. Papal Ry wound is hn any animang for survi

why John callad. This goveWe know thbecause those{Revelation ce religious lpapacy is ba

obal crisis goseven heads

n 17:12}. ThRome is the healed and

al the head cival. It has sls it Babylonernment has e religious le who refuse13:7 & 10}.laws like it d


overnment oare religiou

he leopard-lihead that wthe papacy

controls the seven headsn. And just lseven religi

laws passed e to obey its This governdid during th

of church/staus systems anike beast is

was woundedagain has cbody. This

s that controlike any animious heads thby this gov

s religious lanment gives he Dark Age

ate; thus demnd the ten ha religious/

d by Napoleocivil authorigovernment

ol the body; mal the hornhat control thvernment areaws will pay

the little hoes; thus the

mocracy is ghorns are kin/political dicon in 1798, bity to enforct behaves likthus it is fu

ns are pointedhe body, bute enforced by with the peorn of Daniel

deadly wou

gone; ngs or ctator but at ce its ke an ull of d and t they

by the enalty l 7:11

und of

Page 100: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The first four trumpet judgments will produce death and destruction on a biblical scale that exceeds human calculation. These four judgments will ruin Earth to the extent that recovery will be impossible. I have indicated that the first four trumpets will occur during a period of about sixty days. Even though the Bible does not explicitly declare the timing of the first four trumpets, there is some indication they will happen in a rapid-fire sequence after the censer is cast down. Please consider the following: The Bible predicts that mankind will quickly respond to the first four trumpets by setting up a crisis government called “Babylon.” Of course, world leaders will not call their new creation “Babylon.” The Bible calls this coming government “Babylon” because its behavior will parallel the ancient kingdom of Babylon, both in arrogance and ignorance. The Bible also indicates Babylon will persecute God’s saints for forty-two months. (Revelation 13:5) Because the Great Tribulation will last approximately forty-five months (1,335 days, Daniel 12:11,12), Babylon has to form within ninety days after the Great Tribulation begins in order to persecute the saints for forty-two months (forty-five months minus forty-two months leaves ninety days). Since Babylon has to begin persecuting the saints within ninety days after the censer is cast down, this suggests that the first four trumpets will come in a rapid-fire sequence. Here is why: A rapid-fire sequence of judgments on notably wicked places will silence the argument that these horrible events were random acts of nature. If the first four trumpets were months apart, these judgments could be interpreted as random acts of nature and the argument favoring a random string of “natural disasters” would be difficult to silence. Moreover, if the first four trumpets were months apart, nothing else could move diverse religions and nations to unite and form Babylon so that the persecution of God’s people all over the world can begin within ninety days. If the first four trumpets were months apart, it would be impossible to get people to thoughtfully consider the gospel presented by the 144,000. (The 144,000 will begin their work on the day the censer is cast down.) Until religious paradigms are shattered and a theological vacuum is created, people will not listen to a gospel that is contrary to their current beliefs. If the first four trumpets do fall within a short period on notably wicked places, this would force reasoning people to admit that (a) God is on the warpath against wickedness, and (b) something must be done quickly to appease God or He may destroy everyone. If the first four trumpets occurred in a rapid-fire sequence, the resulting shock and awe would totally overwhelm the whole world. Panic and trembling would be so great that a war involving nuclear exchanges would end. Panic and fear of “the Living God” would bring leaders (religious and political) into a humble union. United by terror and motivated by fear, they would move quickly to appease God. Man’s fear of more wrath explains sudden formation of Babylon. Everyone will conclude that God is angry. Of course, extreme circumstances require desperate solutions, and the bible predicts that man’s solution to appeasing God’s wrath will be extreme (otherwise unthinkable).

Page 101: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others
Page 102: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Babylonsea. Babgovernm“sea” fro(Revelatithe first fsubmit to“… Andtribe, pebe a “mgovernmwill ceaspolitical destructioGod’s depeople, aand our darkness well-inteangry winations. Tone famiwill be reis anxiou

is represenbylon’s repr

ment with a siom which Baion 17:15) Infour trumpeto the authorid he [Babyleople, langu

monster-sizedments of the wse. Today, it

leaders wilon caused bevastating walmost every

accountabilof the four

nded, but foith all mankTherefore, reily to appeaseduced. Perh

us to please H

nted in Reveresents manimple objectabylon will n other wordts turn the wity of Babyllon, the leopage and nat

d” church-stworld are gogoes beyon

ll submit toby the first fwrath on notyone will havlity to Him th trumpet, oolish plan tkind and theligious leadse Him. “If whaps He willHim and our

lation 13:1-n’s responsetive: Babylonrise represe

ds, Babylon world upside lon. The Bibpard-like betion.” (Reveate governm

oing to procend compreheo the dictatfour trumpetably wickedve a dramatiwill becom

the religiouto appease G

hat degeneraders will conwe do this, tl have mercyr sincerity is

8 as a leopae to God’sn will appea

ents ‘peopleswill arise frodown, the p

ble predicts east] was givelation 13:7,ment. Babyleed in their nsion to saytes of a onets is unimagd places andic change in

me topics ofs leaders ofGod. They w

ate behavior nclude that athey will sayy on the whoglobal.”

ard-like mons wrath. Baase God so ths, multitudeom within thpolitical leadthis amazingven [the gif, insertion anlon’s leadersefforts to ap

y that a timene-world relginable, tood smells then their thinkif greatest c

f the world wwill unanim

has provokall nations any,” our chanole world wh

nster that wiabylon willhat His wrates, nations he nations ofders of the wg turnover wft of] authond italics mis will dictappease God e is coming wligious goveo. When the e stench of 1ing about G

concern. Duwill convene

mously agreeked God’s wnd all religio

nces of offenhen He sees

ill rise out ol be a relith will ceaseand languaf the world.

world will huwith these wority over eine) Babylonate how the so that His wwhen the woernment, bu

world witn1.75 billion

God. His authuring the gloe and conce

e that one Gwrath againons must un

nding God fus that all man

of the gious

e. The ages.” After

umbly words: every n will

civil wrath orld’s ut the nesses

dead hority oomy eive a

God is nst all nite as urther nkind

Page 103: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The headthe RomaEurope bineffectiv(Daniel 7(1789-17put in prdictator, the right Accords and moreaccountaCatholic the extrasignificanat the Wdemonstrnations (wound wsovereign

d that was an Catholic began with ve until A.D7:25, Revela

799) fatally wrison (FebruBenito Musto exist as aor Treaty. Te importantl

ability to anyChurch has ordinary popnt political f

White House rating the C(170 at this

will not be hen governmen

wounded anChurch. TheEmperor Ju

D. 538). The ation 12:6, wounded theuary 1798). ssolini, on bea sovereign sThis event grly, the pope

y nation. Forbeen steadi

pularity of Pforce in the w

(hosted byChurch has r

writing) haealed until tnts.

nd “had bee authority o

ustinian’s deChurch’s au14) When te authority o

One hundrehalf of Kinstate. This granted the poe was set frr the past eigly growing t

Pope Paul II,world. Pope

President Gregained a

ave ambassathe Roman C

en healed” of the Cathocree in Maruthority overthis prophetiof the Churchred thirty-onng Victor Emgrant to the Cope sovereigree to directghty years, ththroughout t, 1920-2005Benedict’s

George Bushposition of dors assigneCatholic Chu

when Babylolic Church orch, A.D. 53r the kings oic period enh when Pop

ne years latemmanuel IIICatholic Chugn rulership t and lead the religious the world. In

5), the Romareception anh on April internationa

ed to the Vurch once ag

lon rises to over the king33 (but the of Europe landed, the Fre Pius VI wer, on June I, grated the urch is knowover the Sta

the Catholicand politica

n recent yearan Catholic Cnd extravaga16, 2008) i

al respect anatican. Howgain exercis

power repregs and natiodecree rem

asted 1,260 yrench Revol

was dethroned7, 1929, ItCatholic Ch

wn as the Laate of the Vac Church wial influence ors (largely dChurch has hant birthday is a recent nd power. M

wever, the dses authority

esents ons of ained years. lution d and talian hurch ateran atican ithout of the due to had a party event Many eadly

y over

Page 104: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

When wamazing recognizidestroyedfamily toless” lawThis couconcludeperson toGod’s wrGod’s wrwill knowleaders wchoice buAll natiopossibly Political directionof the wcouncil, pope wilwound hthe worldbelieves wound wboastfullychosen to

world leaderdecisions w

ing the religd a third of t appease Go

ws must be euncil will ale that anyoneo suffer for wrath. They wrath against w that God’will acquiescut to accept ns will partibreak out aleaders wil

ns will quickworld unders

something lil be selectedas been ongd through itsa church-sta

will be healey after 1844o lead Babyl

rs convene will come ou

ious diversitthe world, thod so that Hienacted and elso agree the defying lawwrong doingwill conclud

the world’s’s anger wasce to the suthe responsicipate in thi

against the wl be in the

kly resolve thtand that evike the Secud as the leadgoing since 1s diplomaticate is the be

ed (Revelatio4 (Daniel 7:1lon.

during the ut of this emty of mankinhis emergencis wrath willenforced or hat God muws that honog than for a

de that enfors decadence s directed atuggestions oibility of ens endeavor b

whole world position of

he awful crisvery governiurity Councilder of Babyl1929. Secondc relations west form of on 13:3) and1). These fo

fourth trumergency mee

nd and givency council wl cease. The God’s ange

ust be respeor God shoul

whole worlcing high stwill stop. S

t notably wiof religious acting and ebecause worl

if any parthaving no csis that existing body rel of the Unitlon for four d, the Catho

with 170 natigovernment

d the little hour reasons l

mpet to creaeting of Chu

n the obviouswill agree thcouncil will

er will continected and wld be punisheld to suffer tandards of cSecond, becaicked placesexperts. Po

enforcing lawld leaders beof the worl

choice but tts between G

equires qualited Nations reasons. Fir

olic Church iions. Third, t. Finally, th

horn of Danilead me to c

ate Babylonurch & States fact tat all nationl agree that anue to burn

worshiped. Ted because iadditional dconduct is tause everyo

s all over theolitical leadws to reduceelieve that Gld family fato go alongGod and manified leaderswill be crearst, the healiis uniquely pthe Roman

he Bible preiel 7 (the paonclude that

n, I believe e. First,that one Godns must unitea number of against man

This councilit is better fodestruction dthe only wayone at the coe world, pol

ders will have sinful beha

God’s wrath cails to particig with Babyn. Third, leship. A Supated. I believing of the dprepared to Catholic Ch

edicts the dapacy) will st the pope w

three after d has e as a f “sin-nkind. l will or one due to y that ouncil litical ve no avior. could ipate.

ylon’s eaders preme ve the eadly serve hurch eadly speak

will be

Page 105: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

During tmartial lwhateverenergy repeople crglobal crnation wpermit thtimes. Thdemandsfew citizover therestrictivworshipinwill be rfocal poithe beasthat wasThe Ten topic of seventh dagainst thcarnal na“The sincontrolle

the first fouaw can be r it takes to meserves willrazy. Extremrisis like the ill be set fre

hem to enacthe declaratio of Babylon

zens will come nations ofve. Remembng God. Latrequired. Maint of persecut – all whoss slain from

Commandmworship wilday Sabbathhe fourth coature is confnful mind ised by the sin

ur trumpetsenacted. Givmaintain con be scarce.

me situations first four tru

ee of their cot and enforceon of martian’s clergy. Gmplain – at f the worldber, laws wter on, thesean’s efforts ution. The bse names ha

m the creatioments, especll become v

h with claritymmandmentfronted withs hostile to Gnful nature

, each nationven the sizentrol. Food aHunger andrequire desp

umpets. Theonstitutionale laws they

al law will mGiven the fac

first. After d, Babylon’

will be enacte laws will b

to appease ible predicts

ave not beenon of the wcially the fouvery importay and compet. It is man’

h the demanGod. It doescannot plea

n will be fore and scope and water sud thirst will perate solutie crisis will bl obligationswould have

make it veryct that somet

Babylon bes laws wil

ted demandibe amended

God’s wrats, “All inhabn written in

world.” (Revurth comma

ant. The 144elling powers natural hosds of God’ss not submiase God.” (R

rced to susp of God’s w

upplies will bdrive millio

ions. Earth’be so huge ts almost immbeen strong

y easy for lawthing must begins to funcl become iing that eveand mandatoth explains bitants of th

n the book ovelation 13:8andment will4,000 will prr. There is ostility towars law, hostilit to God’s Romans 8:7,

pend their cowrath, worldbe rationed. ons of dazeds populationthat politicalmediately. Tgly opposed wmakers to

be done to apction as a reincreasingly eryone set aory worshiphow worshi

he earth wilof life belong8, insertion l be constanresent the honly one reard God’s autlity is the relaw nor can,8)

onstitution sod leaders wiMedical card and bewildn has never sl leaders in e

This freedomto during nocomply wit

ppease God,eligious auth

oppressiveside one da

p on specificip will becoll worship [oging to the and italics m

ntly debatedholiness of Gason for rebethority. Wheesult. Paul wn it do so. T

o that ill do re and dered seen a every

m will ormal th the , very hority e and ay for days

ome a obey] lamb mine) . The

God’s elling en the wrote, Those

Page 106: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Satan is After the890th dayGod’s wmasqueraduring thsave thosthe greatthose thaSatan anGod’s wtwo-thirdgives struappearancertainty allowed tof God’s890 days

kept in thee ministry ofy to unmask

wrath at the ading as Gohe fifth and se who that atest possibleat love the trnd the saints wrath becausds. God giveucture to the

nce of the dethat there a

to appear uns wrath is nes.

e prison of f the 144,000k him. Satafifth trumpe

od on earth rsixth trumpare deceivede contrast bruth to make

worship Gose it is two-tes most of the story. I canevil proclaimre exactly 1ntil the fifthear the end o

the Abyss f0 comes to a

an appears, met after two-reveals his hets. Jesus re

d, but love thbetween the e an intelligeod. This segthirds of the he time to Hnnot say witming himsel,335 days to trumpet at of the Great

for two-thirda stall, then masqueradinthirds of the

hideous chareleases Satanhe truth. Satatruth of Jesu

ent decision.gment uses 8

1,335 days His servants tth all certainf as God on

o the length othe latter tit tribulation

ds of the timJesus releas

ng as Jesus e first six truracter by hisn at the fifthan is releasedus and the li. The wicke890 days toand four truthe 144,000

nty that theren Earth. Butof the Greatime of God’or after two

me to maximses the devilChrist, at thumpets haves lies and mh trumpet tod at the fifthies of the deed that hate to represent thumpets out o to save soue are exactlyt this author t Tribulation’s wrath. Ano-thirds of th

mize saving sl at the end ohe latter time sounded. S

murderous deo unmask hih trumpet to mevil. This enthe truth wohe early timof six trumpuls. The 890y 890 days t

can say win and Satan ind the latterhe time, whi

souls. of the me of Satan, esigns im to make

nables orship me of pets is days to the th all is not r time ich is

Page 107: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Daniel 9exceedin[global]. ThessaloGod. Thethe puzzAntichrisborn of ahave supevil andcommandfaced kinBillions fact, Lucbecome Aphysical will be gdestructiothe appe(Revelati(Revelati

9:9 And oungly great, t

The cominnians 2 Corey present a le. The follost: The comia woman. Tpernatural pod destructiveding in appeng, that is, hof powerful

cifer is the mAnti-Christ. form visible

granted authoon. Lucifer w

earing of theion 17:8) – ion 1:7, 19:1

t of one oftoward the ng Antichrisrinthians, Darather startliowing comming Antichrihe coming Aowers that fae beyond cearance, but he will not sl demons sermost powerf

The Bible pe to the humority to maswill mimic Ce devil willonly to be e


f them [norsouth, and

st will not aniel and Ring picture oments are a ist will not bAntichrist ca

far exceed anomprehensiodeadly in m

show mercy rve him. Th

ful and the gpredicts that

man race. Jussquerade as Christ’s returl be the moeclipsed by

rth wind] cad toward th

be human Revelation haof the comin

brief synthbe a mere mannot be kilnything menon. The co

manipulationunless temp

he coming Agreatest anget God will ast as Jesus bGod so thatrn and appeaost spectacuthe brighter

ame forth ahe east, and

when the barmonize beg Antichrist

hesis of whamortal. The clled by men.n can do. Thoming Anticn. The cominporal mercy

Antichrist is el God even

allow Luciferbecame a mat he can quicar with cloudular event er and more

a little hornd toward thbooks of Isecause they t by adding vat these boocoming Antic. The cominhe coming Achrist will bng Antichrisy facilitates h

the ancient n created. Her and his anan to save thckly lead thds of angels.

ever viewed glorious app

n, which whe pleasant saiah, Ezekiare the Wo

valuable piecks say abouchrist will n

ng AntichristAntichrist wbe dazzlingst will be a shis evil schefoe of Chri

e was the fingels to appehe world, Lue wicked to . You can be

by human pearing of J

waxed land

iel, 2 ord of ces to ut the not be t will

will be g and stern-emes. ist. In irst to ear in ucifer their

e sure eyes


Page 108: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

During believersside, butamong m“God” Hamong mthe end obecome ato resist wants an“the manwill be ca(A theocrFor reasoBecause Resistancsuffered will seek(Revelati

the five mos through det a problem men? How c

Himself lives men? How cof the fifth a “stern-faceor stop him

nd whatever n of lawlessnarried out. Hracy is a chuons beyond he will be “ce to Luciferwas like th

k death, buion 9:5, 6)

onths of theception. Wo

will soon acan Jews, Mamong men

an nations rtrumpet, the

ed” dictator. m. There wil

the devil coness.”) The dHe will demaurch-state gothe scope o

“king of kingr’s demands

hat of a stingut will not

he fifth truorld leaders arise. How

Muslims, Chn? How can remain sovere devil will He will ma

ll be no lawommands widevil will deand a theocraovernment wof this studygs and Lord will be sileng of a scorpfind it; the

umpet, the dwill be delis religious

hristians, andnations remreign when abruptly chke horrible

w except the ll be law. (H

emand an endacy be establwhere God ruy, I believe L

of lords,” wnced by Lucion when it ey will long

devil will slighted that diversity pd Hindus de

main sovereig“God” is so

hange his tacdemands anlaw of this

Hence the ded to religioulished and hules as KingLucifer will

who can resiscifer’s demot strikes a mg to die, bu

steadily gain“Almighty

possible wheefend oppos

gn when “Goovereign ovectics and de

nd mankind ws demon. Whescriptive teus diversity ahis commandg of kings an change thest anything hons. “… Andman. Duringut death wi

n a followinGod” is on en “God” dsing views wod” Himself er all nationemeanor. Hewill be powehatever the rm used by and his commd will be honnd Lord of loe day of worhe wants or d the agonyg those daysill elude th

ng of their

dwells when

f lives s? At e will erless devil Paul, mand

nored. ords.) rship. says?

y they s men hem.”

Page 109: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

The hornheavens, tramples authorityRevelatiohis physiangels, wHe will ithe devilintroduceover the Washingdisplays working display omask. (R

n power frothen it throwthem. This

y among theon reveals mical work on

will come domitate Chrisl to be visibed to the Anpopulated c

gton D.C., Mof power anpowers to

of power wilRevelation 14

om the Nortws them dows language e inhabitant

more about thn Earth withown out of thst’s Second Cble to the wntichrist at ocities of Ear

Moscow, Sydnd glory. Luconvince pell be amazin4:9, 10)

th starts smawn. The hornindicates th

ts of Earth his process thh local appeahe sky in blComing withwhole worldone event. Hrth. Great ci

dney, Beijingucifer will apeople that hg, the saints

all, but it gron power fromhe stern-facuntil he is han Daniel. arances. Theinding cloudh two obviou

d at one timHe will grow

ities of the g, Calcutta, Hppear in varihe is God. (s will not be

ows until it rm the North ced king wi

exalted abRevelation

e devil, alonds of light aus differenc

me. So, the pw in populari

world such Houston andious places a(Revelation

deceived. T

reaches the starts small,

ill grow in bove all godindicates the

ng with his eat specific loes. First, Gopeople of Eity as he app

as Mexico d others, wiland he will 13:14, 15)

They know w

starry host o, but it growrecognition

ds! The booe devil will benormous ho

ocations on Eod will not pEarth will npears in the City, Jerusa

l see magnifexercise mirEven thoug

who is behin

of the ws and n and ok of begin ost of Earth. permit ot be skies alem, ficent racle-

gh his nd the

Page 110: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Daniel 8away theThese veas a supmasqueraoverwhelthe majo‘Who neSatan, msanctuaryor by thevortex thcounterfeworld. Sathe wickethe grounsends Sasends thegleaning between worship that bring

8:11 It [Satae daily sacrerses describpernatural bading as Jesulms the inha

ority of the peeds the Bibl

masqueradingy, Jesus, thee 1,040th dayhat forces eits the Secoatan and theed to kill mind in Danielatan knowinge saints to the last few

the lies of ththe devil or gs the judgm

an] set itselfrifice from hbes Satan appbeing. Satanus; this is th

abitants of thpeople comple or prayer

g as God on Bible, the t

y. So, Jesus everyone to

ond Coming e wicked hatillions of sail 8:12 is loog he will lietheir death w souls. Jeshe devil and God by the

ment of the w

f up to be ahim [Jesus],pearing out n, the little he time periohe Earth withpletely forg, God is herEarth draws

truth, and brsends the w

o make a of Jesus by te the truth jints that loveked upon ase and murdeas they wri

sus uses thethe truth –

eir own free world to an en

as great as , and the plof nowhere horn, is o

od of the fifth his supernaet about prare – we cous the attentiorings the intewicked their choice…eithhis supernatjust like thee the truth tos a very bader the saintsite their teste death of tthere are nochoice. Thend.

the Prince lace of his s{the wind}

on Earth foth trumpet {atural appearayer and rep

uld never undon of the peoercessory w

r god at a laher worshiptural appeara

e Pharisees to unmask S

d thing by ms casting thetimony to ththe martyrs o gray shadese cleansing o

of the hostsanctuary w, which give

or five monRevelation 9rance as an apentance. Pederstand theople away frork of Jesus

atter time of p the devilances and dethat killed JeSatan. The tr

many, but thie truth to thhe truth in to create a

s. Everyone of the sanctu

t [Jesus]; it was broughtes him credinths {150 d9:1-11}. Satangel of ligheople are sae Bible anywrom the heavs very low bf wrath creat or God. Seceives the eesus. God aruth being cas is not so.

he ground. their own b

a great coneither choos

uary is finish

took t low. ibility days} tan so ht that aying, way?’ venly

before ting a Satan entire llows ast to Jesus Jesus blood

ntrast ses to hed –

Page 111: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Daniel 1every goHe will determinnorth, deGod on Ehigh posdiscard treligions

1:36 The kiod and will be successf

ned must taestroying thEarth confiscitions to thoheir ancientof the world

ing [Satan] wsay unhear

ful until theake place. Thhe world fincating all theose who ackt religions {td into One W

will do as herd-of things e time of whis scene alsnancially at e land in theknowledge htrampling o

World Religi

e pleases. Hagainst the

wrath [trumpso begins on

the time of world and s

him. In Danon the starron called th

He will exalt e God of gopets] is com

n the 890th daf the fifth trselling it to t

niel 8:10 Satry host}; thehe god of for

and magnifods [2 Thmpleted, foray with Satarumpet. He the highest btan demandsen Satan conrtresses.

fy himself ahessalonians r what has an, the king oexalts himsebidder and gs that the lensolidates a

above 2:4]. been

of the elf as

giving eaders all the

Page 112: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Instead obetween going onand draw9:5 & 10the lambONE WOgod of fothe whorSpirit inblasphemand scarin her ha

of them, he the 890th da

n simultaneouwing people t0 are torturin-like beast oORLD RELIortresses, orre that sits o

nto a desert.mous namesrlet and wasand, filled w

will honor ay to the 1,0usly. 1. Satato himself an

ng the non-reof RevelationIGION – ther the consolion the beast. There I sas and had ses glittering

with abomin

a god of for040th day Satan is exaltingnd away froeligious wickn 13:11, is me image of thdation of allt: Revelationaw a womaneven heads with gold, p

nable things

rtresses [a otan is settingg himself asm God and ked people inmasqueradinhe beast. 4. Sl the religionn 17:3,4 Thn sitting onand ten hor

precious sto and the filt

one world reg up his kins the Prince repentance. nto submiss

ng as the SavSatan, the kins of the wohen the ang

n a scarlet brns. The woones and peth of her ad

ligion] – durngdom. Ther

of the host i2. His demoion to worsh

vior of the wing of the no

orld into a ongel carried beast that woman was dearls. She hedulteries.

ring the 220re are four scin Daniel 8:ons in Revelhip him. 3. Sworld settingorth, is creatne world relime away in

was covered dressed in pueld a golden

0 days cenes 9-11 lation Satan, g up a ting a igion, n the with

urple n cup

Page 113: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Satan, thTribulatiabove evrespect fexalts himSatan cre‘the god that acknwildest dattack SaSatan looscale. Ontake back

he king of thon. The kin

very god anfor any of thmself aboveeates ‘the goof fortress,’

nowledge hidreams. Theatan the kingoted the won the 1,040th

k their land a

he north, phng of the nord every reli

he ancient ree them all. Sod of fortres which is anim, he honoe south, the g of the nortorld. The souh day a globaand money.

hysically apprth ‘here’ migion in the eligions of JuSatan, as Goss’ by consonother nameors with golnon-religiouth. This waruth ‘here’ mal civil worl

pears as Godmeans Satan

world just udaism, Isla

od on Earth, olidating all

for ‘image ld and silveus wicked, or is a global means the nold war will b

d on Earth ois a global as he did i

am, Catholicconfiscatesthe religionof the beast

er – making organize them

civil war oon-religiousbegin by the

on the 890th destroyer. H

in Daniel 8:cism, Protests all the weans of the wot’ in Revelat

them wealtmselves all over land and

s atheistic we south attac

day of the GHe exalts him:9-12. He hatantism, etc.alth of the world in one ction 13:15. Tthy beyond over the word money bec

world on a gcking the nor

Great mself as no – he

world. called Those

their rld to cause

global rth to

Page 114: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Satan, thTribulatiabove evrespect fexalts himSatan cre‘the god that acknwildest dattack SaSatan looscale. Ontake back

he king of thon. The kin

very god anfor any of thmself aboveeates ‘the goof fortress,’

nowledge hidreams. Theatan the kingoted the won the 1,040th

k their land a

he north, phng of the nord every reli

he ancient ree them all. Sod of fortres which is anim, he honoe south, the g of the nortorld. The souh day a globaand money

hysically apprth ‘here’ migion in the eligions of JuSatan, as Goss’ by consonother nameors with golnon-religiouth. This waruth ‘here’ mal civil worl

pears as Godmeans Satan

world just udaism, Isla

od on Earth, olidating all

for ‘image ld and silveus wicked, or is a global means the nold war will b

d on Earth ois a global as he did i

am, Catholicconfiscatesthe religionof the beast

er – making organize them

civil war oon-religiousbegin by the

on the 890th destroyer. H

in Daniel 8:cism, Protests all the weans of the wot’ in Revelat

them wealtmselves all over land and

s atheistic we south attac

day of the GHe exalts him:9-12. He hatantism, etc.alth of the world in one ction 13:15. Tthy beyond over the word money bec

world on a gcking the nor

Great mself as no – he

world. called Those

their rld to cause

global rth to

Page 115: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelati[Lucifer star wasopened tfurnace.[millionscame dothe earthremaininforeheadonly to tAnd the During tlong to d

on 9:1 Thethe devil] th

s given the the Abyss [ The sun an

s of fallen anwn upon eah. 4. They w

ng vegetationds [unsaved torture them

agony theythose days mdie, but deat

e fifth angehat had fallkey [Jesus

[prison for dnd sky [coungels] from arth and wewere told n

n is safe], bunon-religiou

m [like the twy suffered wmen will seeth will elude

l sounded hlen from threleased the

demons], smunterfeit seco

the Abyss. re given pow

not to harmut only thoseus wicked]. wo thieves o

was like thatek death [tere them [Jesu

his trumpethe sky [into]e demons] t

moke rose frond advent o3. And out wer like tha

m the grass e people wh5. They w

on the cross]t of a sting orror & pain ius saves].

t [on the 89] the earth to the shaftrom it like of Jesus] we of the smoat of scorpioof the earth

ho did not hawere not giv] for five moof a scorpiois terrible], b

90th day], an[the Abyss i

t of the Abythe smoke

ere darkeneoke [analogyons [to paralh or any plave the seal

ven power tonths [lengton when it sbut will not

nd I saw ain 30 A.D.].yss. 2. Whefrom a gig

ed by the smy for destruclyze with pailant or treel of God on to kill themth of 5th trumstrikes a mafind it; they

a star . The en he gantic moke tion], in] of e [2/3 their

m, but mpet]. an. 6. y will

Page 116: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelati[Lucifer star wasopened tfurnace.[millionscame dothe earthremaininforeheadonly to tAnd the During tlong to d

on 9:1 Thethe devil] th

s given the the Abyss [ The sun an

s of fallen anwn upon eah. 4. They w

ng vegetationds [unsaved torture them

agony theythose days mdie, but deat

e fifth angehat had fallkey [Jesus

[prison for dnd sky [coungels] from arth and wewere told n

n is safe], bunon-religiou

m [like the twy suffered wmen will seeth will elude

l sounded hlen from threleased the

demons], smunterfeit seco

the Abyss. re given pow

not to harmut only thoseus wicked]. wo thieves o

was like thatek death [tere them [Jesu

his trumpethe sky [into]e demons] t

moke rose frond advent o3. And out wer like tha

m the grass e people wh5. They w

on the cross]t of a sting orror & pain ius saves].

t [on the 89] the earth to the shaftrom it like of Jesus] we of the smoat of scorpioof the earth

ho did not hawere not giv] for five moof a scorpiois terrible], b

90th day], an[the Abyss i

t of the Abythe smoke

ere darkeneoke [analogyons [to paralh or any plave the seal

ven power tonths [lengton when it sbut will not

nd I saw ain 30 A.D.].yss. 2. Whefrom a gig

ed by the smy for destruclyze with pailant or treel of God on to kill themth of 5th trumstrikes a mafind it; they

a star . The en he gantic moke tion], in] of e [2/3 their

m, but mpet]. an. 6. y will

Page 117: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelati[Lucifer star wasopened tfurnace.[millionscame dothe earthremaininforeheadonly to tAnd the During tlong to d

on 9:1 Thethe devil] th

s given the the Abyss [ The sun an

s of fallen anwn upon eah. 4. They w

ng vegetationds [unsaved torture them

agony theythose days mdie, but deat

e fifth angehat had fallkey [Jesus

[prison for dnd sky [coungels] from arth and wewere told n

n is safe], bunon-religiou

m [like the twy suffered wmen will seeth will elude

l sounded hlen from threleased the

demons], smunterfeit seco

the Abyss. re given pow

not to harmut only thoseus wicked]. wo thieves o

was like thatek death [tere them [Jesu

his trumpethe sky [into]e demons] t

moke rose frond advent o3. And out wer like tha

m the grass e people wh5. They w

on the cross]t of a sting orror & pain ius saves].

t [on the 89] the earth to the shaftrom it like of Jesus] we of the smoat of scorpioof the earth

ho did not hawere not giv] for five moof a scorpiois terrible], b

90th day], an[the Abyss i

t of the Abythe smoke

ere darkeneoke [analogyons [to paralh or any plave the seal

ven power tonths [lengton when it sbut will not

nd I saw ain 30 A.D.].yss. 2. Whefrom a gig

ed by the smy for destruclyze with pailant or treel of God on to kill themth of 5th trumstrikes a mafind it; they

a star . The en he gantic moke tion], in] of e [2/3 their

m, but mpet]. an. 6. y will

Page 118: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelati[Lucifer star wasopened tfurnace.[millionscame dothe earthremaininforeheadonly to tAnd the During tlong to d

on 9:1 Thethe devil] th

s given the the Abyss [ The sun an

s of fallen anwn upon eah. 4. They w

ng vegetationds [unsaved torture them

agony theythose days mdie, but deat

e fifth angehat had fallkey [Jesus

[prison for dnd sky [coungels] from arth and wewere told n

n is safe], bunon-religiou

m [like the twy suffered wmen will seeth will elude

l sounded hlen from threleased the

demons], smunterfeit seco

the Abyss. re given pow

not to harmut only thoseus wicked]. wo thieves o

was like thatek death [tere them [Jesu

his trumpethe sky [into]e demons] t

moke rose frond advent o3. And out wer like tha

m the grass e people wh5. They w

on the cross]t of a sting orror & pain ius saves].

t [on the 89] the earth to the shaftrom it like of Jesus] we of the smoat of scorpioof the earth

ho did not hawere not giv] for five moof a scorpiois terrible], b

90th day], an[the Abyss i

t of the Abythe smoke

ere darkeneoke [analogyons [to paralh or any plave the seal

ven power tonths [lengton when it sbut will not

nd I saw ain 30 A.D.].yss. 2. Whefrom a gig

ed by the smy for destruclyze with pailant or treel of God on to kill themth of 5th trumstrikes a mafind it; they

a star . The en he gantic moke tion], in] of e [2/3 their

m, but mpet]. an. 6. y will

Page 119: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelati[Lucifer star wasopened tfurnace.[millionscame dothe earthremaininforeheadonly to tAnd the During tlong to d

on 9:1 Thethe devil] th

s given the the Abyss [ The sun an

s of fallen anwn upon eah. 4. They w

ng vegetationds [unsaved torture them

agony theythose days mdie, but deat

e fifth angehat had fallkey [Jesus

[prison for dnd sky [coungels] from arth and wewere told n

n is safe], bunon-religiou

m [like the twy suffered wmen will seeth will elude

l sounded hlen from threleased the

demons], smunterfeit seco

the Abyss. re given pow

not to harmut only thoseus wicked]. wo thieves o

was like thatek death [tere them [Jesu

his trumpethe sky [into]e demons] t

moke rose frond advent o3. And out wer like tha

m the grass e people wh5. They w

on the cross]t of a sting orror & pain ius saves].

t [on the 89] the earth to the shaftrom it like of Jesus] we of the smoat of scorpioof the earth

ho did not hawere not giv] for five moof a scorpiois terrible], b

90th day], an[the Abyss i

t of the Abythe smoke

ere darkeneoke [analogyons [to paralh or any plave the seal

ven power tonths [lengton when it sbut will not

nd I saw ain 30 A.D.].yss. 2. Whefrom a gig

ed by the smy for destruclyze with pailant or treel of God on to kill themth of 5th trumstrikes a mafind it; they

a star . The en he gantic moke tion], in] of e [2/3 their

m, but mpet]. an. 6. y will

Page 120: · Deepest Appreciation My sincere thanks to Larry Wilson for the thousands of hours of prophetic Bible study and guidance he has shown me and others

Revelati[Lucifer star wasopened tfurnace.[millionscame dothe earthremaininforeheadonly to tAnd the During tlong to d

on 9:1 Thethe devil] th

s given the the Abyss [ The sun an

s of fallen anwn upon eah. 4. They w

ng vegetationds [unsaved torture them

agony theythose days mdie, but deat

e fifth angehat had fallkey [Jesus

[prison for dnd sky [coungels] from arth and wewere told n

n is safe], bunon-religiou

m [like the twy suffered wmen will seeth will elude

l sounded hlen from threleased the

demons], smunterfeit seco

the Abyss. re given pow

not to harmut only thoseus wicked]. wo thieves o

was like thatek death [tere them [Jesu

his trumpethe sky [into]e demons] t

moke rose frond advent o3. And out wer like tha

m the grass e people wh5. They w

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