Page 1: Daniel's 3-Layered Shavua Prophecy _ Prophecy and the Last 42 months

Daniel's 3Layer Shavuot Prophecy

Timeline of the Last Days - Daniel's 3Layer Shavuot ProphecySunday, 15 June 2008 06:42

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Table of Sabbath and Jubilee Years (Table 1a)

Table of Months and Festivals (Table 1b)

Timeline of the Last Days (Table 1c)

The Three Layers of Daniel's Prophecy

Layer #1 - 70 Weeks of Years or 490 Years | Did this layer predict the first and second

coming of Yeshua?

Layer #2 - 70 Weeks or 490 Days | 70 week ministry of Yeshua.

Layer #3 - 70 Years | 70 Shavuot | Did this layer of 70 years begin on the Shavuot of May

16th following the Israeli Declaration of Independence on May 15th 1948?

Daniel 9:24-27:

24) Seventy weeks [shavuim/shavuots/sevens] are decreed for your people and for your set-apart

city, to put an end to the transgression, and to seal up sins, and to cover crookedness, and to bring

in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the Most Set-apart. 

25) Know, then, and understand: from the going forth of the command to restore and

build Yerushalayim until Messiah the Prince is seven [Shiva] weeks [shevua] and sixty-

two weeks [shevua]. It shall be built again, with streets and a trench, but in times of affliction. 

26) And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off and have naught. And the people of a

coming prince shall destroy the city and the set-apart place. And the end of it is with a flood. And

wastes are decreed, and fighting until the end. 

27) And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. And in the middle of the week he

shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering. And on the wing of abominations he shall lay

waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays


 Supporting Articles:

How do we know the Shmita (Sabbath) and Yobel (Jubilee) Year Cycle?

When will Eliyahu (Elijah) come?

Ministry of Yeshua (Jesus) 3.5 years or 70 Weeks (490 days)?

Traits of End-Time Babylon(s)

When will 10-Israel AND Jew-dah return to Zion?

What follows is an abbreviated table of past and future Sabbatical (Shmita/Shmittah) and

Jubilee (Yovel/Yobel) Years and how they 'may' relate to Daniel's Prophecy of the Last-Days

(including the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Messiah) found further below in

the Timeline of the Last Days (Table 1c).

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Understanding how significant Sabbatical and Jubilee years were in key events in antiquity, lends

credible insight into their profound role in yet unfulfilled Biblical prophecy.

Table of Sabbath and Jubilee Years

Double years shown because of biblical year overlap of Gregorian years.

Dates based upon an Aviv (Nissan) reckoning, not a Tishrei year reckoning.

Dates in red obtained from the book The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle by R. Clover (Qadesh La

Yahweh Press).

Sabbath years at back-to-back 7 year increments (abbreviated list).

Jubilee years at 49 back-to-back year increments (not 50 year increments). Each 50 year Jubilee is the same as year 1 of each repeating 49 year cycle (hence each Jubilee is year 1 and year 50).


Sabbath (Shmita) Years Jubilee (Yobel) Years Notes

995/994 BC 994/993 BC

946/945 BC 945/944 BC

897/896 BC 896/895 BC

848/847 BC 847/846 BC

799/798 BC 798/797 BC

750/749 BC 749/748 BC

722/721 BC * Samaria sacked. Northern Kingdom falls to Assyria.

715/714 BC

708/707 BC

701/700 BC 700/699 BC Unsuccessful siege of Jerusalem.

652/651 BC 651/650 BC

603/602 BC 602/601 BC

596/595 BC * Appr. time of 1st Jewish deportation.

589/588 BC 587, Temple destroyed by Babylon.

582/581 BC * Appr. time of 3rd Jewish deportation.

575/574 BC

568/567 BC

561/560 BC

554/553 BC 553/552 BC

547/546 BC

540/539 BC * Babylon conquered by Persia

533/532 BC

526/525 BC

519/518 BC

512/511 BC

505/504 BC 504/503 BC

456/455 BC * 455/454 BC Decree of Artaxerxes.

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407/406 BC * 406/405 BC Walls of Jerusalem rebuilt.

358/357 BC 357/356 BC

309/308 BC 308/307 BC

260/259 BC 259/258 BC

211/210 BC 210/209 BC

162/161 BC 161/160 BC

134/133 BC

113/112 BC 112/111 BC

85/84 BC

71/70 BC

64/63 BC 63/62 BC

57/56 BC

50/49 BC

43/42 BC

36/35 BC

29/28 BC

22/21 BC

15/14 BC 14/13 BC

8/7 BC

1 BC/1 AD There is no year "0".

7/8 AD

14/15 AD

21/22 AD

28/29 AD  * (Yeshua) Messiah Yehoshua "cut off".

35/36 AD 36/37 AD

42/43 AD

49/50 AD

56/57 AD

63/64 AD

70/71 AD * 2nd Temple destroyed by Romans.

84/85 AD 85/86 AD

133/134 AD 134/135 AD

140/141 AD

1897/1898 AD 1898/1899 AD

1904/1905 AD

1911/1912 AD

1918/1919 AD World War I ends. 15 million dead.

1925/1926 AD Mein Kampf published. Mussolini's police state formed.

1932/1933 AD DJIA's lowest level of GD. Hitler's becomes Chancellor.

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1939/1940 AD World War II begins. 70 million to die.

1946/1947 AD 1947/1948 AD * Decree by the UN. Jewish nation formed.

1953/1954 AD

1960/1961 AD

1967/1968 AD Jerusalem captured by Israel

1974/1975 AD

1981/1982 AD

1988/1989 AD

1995/1996 AD 1996/1997 AD

2002/2003 AD

2009/2010 AD (Last) Last Shmita year.

2016/2017 AD (1947+70) Next Shmita year.

2023/2024 AD

2030/2031 AD

2037/2038 AD

2044/2045 AD 2045/2046 AD (Next) Our next Yobel year.

Feel free to leave any comments, correction requests, or insights at the bottom of page.

Table of Months and Festivals

Table 1b        

Biblical Babylonian Gregorian  Festivals Notes

1-First (Aviv) Nisan/Nissan Mar/Apr

 - Passover: 14th (not a festival)

Spring Festivals - Fulfilled by Messiah during His first coming as the Suffering Servant

 1.) Unleavened Bread: 15th-21st   

 2.) First-fruits: falls on weekly Sabbath during Unleavened Bread

2-Second (Ziv) Iyar/Iyyar Apr/May  

3-Third Sivan/Siwan May/Jun   3.) Pentecost: Falls on Sunday 50 days after First-fruits (falls 6th-12th)

4-Fourth Tammuz Jun/July

   5-Fifth Av July/Aug

6-Sixth Elul Aug/Sept

7-Seventh (Eitanim) Tishrei/Tishri Sept/Oct

 4.) Trumpets: 1st    

Fall Festivals - Will be fulfilled by Messiah in the Last Days

 5.) Atonement: 10th    

 6.) Tabernacles: 15th-21st  

 7.) Last Great Day: 22nd

8-Eighth (Bul) Cheshvan Oct/Nov


9-Ninth Kislev/Chislev Nov/Dec

10-Tenth Tevet/Tebeth Dec/Jan

11-Eleventh Shevat Jan/Feb

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12-Twelfth Adar Feb/Mar Purim: 14th -15th (Jewish Tradition - not found in Leviticus 23)

See also: Karaite Korner - Biblical Holidays


Timeline of the Last Days - Daniel's 3Layer Shavuot Prophecy

The following time-line has been developed with insights gathered from numerous sources (listed

below), which seem to corroborate or closely corroborate on different levels. Where there is not

agreement, reconciliation has been made with my own reasoning's from the Scriptures. However, I

readily admit I may be wrong in my reckonings and the input from others may also be wrong. There

is no "Thus saith the LORD" on this page. There are many difficult questions and a multitude of

opinion. Where this time-line is concerned, scholarly disagreement occurs most frequently on the 49

or 50 year Jubilee increment and on the Aviv or Tishrei year reckonings. Regardless, every individual

should be encouraged to be a good Berean and search the Scriptures and confirm all matters for


No one should do anything to harm him/herself or others because of what this time-line projects

and/or calculates as POSSIBLE fulfillments of End-Time prophecies.

Even though there are many doubts and questions about what happens prior to and during Daniel's

70 Week, there is significant evidence the 70th Week (Shavuot) itself will indeed coincide with a

Shmita cycle (see Table 1a). Hence, IF the 70th Week does not start on this coming Shmita cycle

(2010-2016), then we should watch for Zechariah's Nuclear War and Elijah's arrival before or during

the early parts of the next Shmita cycle (e.g. 2017-2023, 2024-2030, etc). If the next cycle

progresses past mid-week (i.e. 2013/2014) without seeing the Altar rededicated and "Abomination of

Desolation" setup in Jerusalem, then we can reasonably adjust all pertinent future "projected" dates

incrementally by adding seven years. Note: astronomical sightings and the 70 year countdown from

Israel becoming a nation (1947/1948) will of course be a moot point on the time-line in any future

Shmita cycle and will be removed from this page.

If you see any major or minor errors or would like to share any important insights, please leave a

comment at the bottom of this page.

Table 1c  

722/721 BC - SHMITA YEAR Samaria, capital of Northern Kingdom, conquered by Assyria.

456/455 BC - SHMITA YEAR Decree of Artaxerxes I (Daniel 9:25) to "return" and "rebuild" - Began 69 Weeks of Years count to Messiah  (69 x 7 = 483 ). 456 CE + 483 years = 28 CE.455/454 BC - YOBEL YEAR


3 BC - Hanukkah Messiah conceived on Festival of Light (Hanukkah).

3 BC - Tishrei 15 (Sukkot) Messiah born on Festival of Sukkot (Tabernacles/Tents/Shelters).

3 BC - Tishrei 22 (Last Great Day) Messiah circumcised on the Last Great Day.

27 AD - Shevat 19Messiah baptized by John, beginning 70 week ministry… culminating with Messiah baptizing disciples with Holy Spirit and fire at Shavuot (Sivan 8). 

28/29 AD - SHMITA YEAR Messiah reads Isaiah 61:1-2, "year of favor" (Luke 4:16-21)

28 AD - Aviv 10 Messiah enters Jerusalem on a Donkey - Lamb is inspected four days.

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28 AD - Aviv 14 - Passover Messiah is "cut off, but not for Himself"

28 AD - Sivan 8Disciples baptized with Messiah's Set-Apart Spirit at Shavuot. 490 Days (70 weeks) after baptism by John (another layer of Daniel's Seventy-Sevens). 


300 AD (approx) to present1st Seal (Rev 6:1-2) - White Horse, a counterfeit of Rev 19's White Horse. Likely the Roman Catholic Church, which has conquered many nations with a religious system of mixed-worship not intended or prescribed by Messiah Yeshua.

600 AD (approx) to present2nd Seal (Rev 6:3-4) - Red Horse, given a Great Sword. Likely represented by the sword of Islam and the red of Communism and Nazism. 

1000 AD (approx) to present3rd Seal (Rev 6:5-6) - Black Horse, with a pair of scales. Likely the development of international banking which has effectively enslaved mankind. 

1300 AD (approx) to present4th Seal (Rev 6:7-8) - Pale-Green Horse, named Death and sent to destroy 1/4th of the world population.  The Bubonic Plague (Black Death) is estimated to have killed about 75 million worldwide, easily a fourth of mankind. There have been ongoing plague, famine, and disease ever since.

????5th Seal (Rev 6:9-11) - Martyrs wake up in Heaven, told to go back to sleep for a little while longer. Not the start of persecution because such has already been happening. An event in Heaven, not necessarily visible to us on Earth.


Nov 29, 1947 - SHMITA YEAR

Israel proclaimed (decreed) as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations. 

Began 70 year count to Messiah? 1947 + 70 = 2017?

May 15, 1948 - YOBEL YEAR

Act of Independence became effective one minute after six o'clock on the evening of 14 May 1948, Washington time (May 15th in Israel). Judah's tents saved first (Zechariah 12:7). Modern nation of Israel re-established 49th Day of the Counting of Omer (next day was Shavuot/Pentecost), "A nation born in one day" (Isaiah 6:8).  Coast shall be for the remnant of Jew-dah (Zeph 2:7).

10-Israel (Ephraim) "remnant" of nations/peoples not re-gathered yet.



Eliyahu (Elijah) should appear anytime between now and before the 6th Seal, considered by many to be the start of "the great day of YHWH's wrath" (Rev 6:17; Malachi 4:5) or at least preceding the time of Wrath in rapid succession, since the time between the 6th Seal and the 1st Trumpet Judgment will likely be very short if all the events are directly related to the passing of Wormwood/Planet X.


2008Last year of Ephraim's (10-Israel) punishment. 390 x 7 = 2,730 years (Ezekiel 4:1-6; Leviticus 26:14-46).

2008 - 1st of Av  Total Solar Eclipse  (Aug. 1, 2008)

2009 - Aviv 1 (Mar/Apr) - SHMITA YEAR

62nd year (from 1947/1948). The 7th year of the last Shmita cycle. Eliyahu will appear anytime between now and "before the Great and Dreadful Day of YHWH" (Malachi 4:5) - fulfilling the need for the Remnant to have a righteous Judge and Leader to begin to unite and call them out of Mystery Babylon (Zechariah 2:6-8) and the four corners of the Earth to Zion (Israel). Eliyahu may be one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11, especially noting the historic parallel ability to "shut the heavens, that

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it rain not" during the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation (Rev 11:6). 

2009 - 1st of Av  Total Solar Eclipse  (July 22, 2009)

70th WEEK OF DANIEL 9 "I shall make mortal man scarcer than fine gold… I shall make the heavens tremble, and the earth shall shake from her place..." (Isaiah 13:12-13)

2010 - Aviv 1 (3-17-2010) 63rd year (from 1947/1948). New year and new 7-year Shmita cycle begins.

2010 - Aviv 14 (Passover)Another possible time-frame for Eliyahu to appear (drinking from his cup foretold by traditional Passover meals?), as or with the Two Witnesses, prompting massive Israeli-national change, but also prompting a strong Arab/Muslim world alliance with the goal of Israel's destruction.

2010 - 1st of Av  Total Solar Eclipse  (July 11, 2010)

2010  - Tishrei 1 (Yom Teruah) - 7th Month (Sept/Oct)

6th Seal (Rev 6:12-17) - Great Earthquake. Sun becomes black and moon becomes like blood. Predicted Solar Eclipses may be disrupted. Heavens depart like a rolled up scroll and every mountain and island are moved from their place. Possibly caused by a Geographic Pole Shift/Galactic train wreck? Solar system passing through Galactic plane? Wormwood/Planet X approaching or passing Earth? "Earth shall stagger like a drunkard" (Isaiah 24:20). 

Arab/Muslim alliance attacks Judah-Israel (Psalm 83) - Zechariah's Nuclear War - 10 days of Awe begin, an "overflowing scourge" - Kingdom of Jew-dah "like a melting pot" destroys her attackers with fire (Zech 12:1-6). Damascus becomes a ruinous heap (Isaiah 17:1).

2010 - Tishrei 10 (Yom Kippur)

"Confirmation of the Covenant" (Daniel 9:27)? Ark of the Covenant revealed? (much controversy on who by and who for this covenant is confirmed).

Anti-Messiah makes hidden (non-public?) pact with 10 kings/leaders, "Confirmation of the Covenant" (Daniel 9:27)? Together, the Beast and 10 leaders plan to destroy the USA, Mystery Babylon #1 (daughter) with fire  (Rev 17:1-18; Jer 51:12; Zech 2:7).

2010 - Tishrei 15 (Sukkot)The 144,000 of Rev 7 and "the Woman" of Rev 12 gathered at Jerusalem for the Festival of Tabernacles made possible by preceding events and Eliyahu. 

20107th Seal (Rev 7:1-8:6) - Winds of Wrath restrained for "half an hour" until the 144,000 are sealed from each tribe of Israel. 

2010 - Tishrei (First Fruits) The 144,000 sealed in Jerusalem. First Fruits of Elohim (Rev 14:1-5). 

2010 - Kislev 25 (Hanukkah) Eight-day altar dedication begins (Rev 11; 2Thess 2:4)

2010 - Tevet 3  Sacrifices begin - 2300 evening and morning = 1150 days (Dan 8:13-14).

2010 - Adar II 7 months to cleanse the land before next Passover.

2011? - Sivan (Shavuot)

Once fully empowered by the Spirit during the Festival of Pentecost, the 144,000 leave Jerusalem and go 2 by 2 as witnesses to all nations/peoples (Rev 14:6). Will parallel Acts 1-2 events and they will fulfill the "great commission" of Matt 24:14. Possibly the last warning before the 7 Trumpet judgments? 

2011 - 2012? 1st Trumpet - Hail and fire - burn 1/3 of trees and fire (Rev 8:7)

2nd Trumpet - Asteroid hits ocean (Rev 8:8). Tsunamis?

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3rd Trumpet - 1/3 of rivers and lakes become bitter (Rev 8:10-11). Debris from Wormwood star?

4th Trumpet - 1/3 of sun, moon, and stars darkened (Rev 8:12). 

World Undone, making way for broad acceptance of the False-Messiah (who will become identifiable at the 5th Trumpet in the "middle of the week").

2012 - 2014?

Nuclear World War III - Russia (and China?) destroy what is left of the USA - Mystery Babylon #1 "is fallen" (Rev 14:8). Wings plucked (Dan 7:4), Mother Babylon is humiliated at her Daughter's destruction (Jer 50:12).

The Beast (Anti-Messiah) campaigns "publicly" to bring order with hard-to-resist solutions to solve world crisis. He also prepares to devour Messianic Israel (Rev 12:12-17).

2013 - Tevet 15 (Dec/Jan)

"The blessing of 'coming to the 1335 days' is still uncertain, but since it is 45 days before the Abomination when Jesus said to absolutely flee by, it could be the timing of when the righteous leave as a group in plenty of time rather than last minute upon seeing the Abomination.“ -KTF, McHyde p.103 (Dan 12:12)

The Righteous will know "the Desolation" is near because the armies of Mystery Babylon (the Mother) will be surrounding Jerusalem (Luke 21:20).

2013 - Adar 15 (Feb/Mar) - PurimSacrifices stopped by "Haman", 1290 Days until Tabernacles/Marriage Consummation (Dan 9:27;11:31;12:11; Mark 13:14; Matt 24:15).

GREAT TRIBULATION (3.5 years)Time of "Jacob's Trouble" (Jeremiah 30:1-11). Birth pains reach their climax (Rev 12:1-4; John 16:16-22).

2014 - Aviv 1 (Mar/Apr)67th year (from 1947/1948). 5th Trumpet. Reign of Anti-Messiah (42 months) begins.  Two Witnesses begin frustrating Anti-Messiah from Jerusalem for 1260 days (Rev 11:3). 

2014 - Aviv 10

"Abomination of Desolation" setup in the Holiest Place by the False-Messiah and "the Woman" is given wings to flee to Edom  (modern-day southern Jordan). The Beast is enraged by her escape and turns to those which didn't (Dan 9:27;11:31;12:11; Mark 13:14; Matt 24:15-16; Rev 12; Zeph 2:1-3). 

The Beast begins to consume Jacob, 10-Israel (multitude of nations-Gen 48:19), and Judah (the Jews), those still IN the nations who are NOT counted with the 144,000 or "the Woman". Mortal man scarcer than fine gold (Isaiah 13). "…cities will be ruins without inhabitant" (Jer 4:7).

2014 - Aviv 151335 day countdown to dedication of Millennial Temple (see Rood's Calendar)? Is the "Blessing" that they live to see the New Temple? (Daniel 12:12)

2014 - Aviv 15 (Passover) Blood-red moon (4/15/2014) - technically Unleavened Bread.

2014 - Tishrei 14 (Erev Sukkot) Blood-red moon (10/8/2014)

2015 - Aviv 15 (Passover) Blood-red moon (4/4/2015) - technically Unleavened Bread.

2015 - Tishrei 15 (Sukkot) Blood-red moon (9/28/2015)

2015?6th Trumpet - World War IV - China and Russia alarmed at the Beast's thirst for blood and power... "tidings from the north and east" - 1/3 of mankind dies in following war (Rev 9:13-21; Dan 11:44).

2016/2017 - Aviv 1 - SHMITA YEAR 69th year (from 1947/1948). 7th Year in 2010-2016 Shmita Cycle.

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2017, Elul 28 (Sept/Oct)Two Witnesses put to death 3.5 days before Feast of Trumpets (the 7th Trumpet), the start of the next year and Shmita cycle (Rev 11:7-12).

2017/2018 - Tishrei 1 (Sept/Oct) - Festival of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)

70th year (from 1947/1948). 7th Trumpet (the Last Trumpet) - Messiah appears in the sky - Two Witnesses raised to life - Resurrection of the Righteous - Ezekiel 37's Dry dead bones come to life - Rapture of the Elect

2017/2018 - Tishrei 10 thru 22

Gog-Magog War I - Mystery Babylon #2 (mother) "is fallen" (Rev 18:2). 

Ha-Satan bound for 1000 years (Rev 20:1-3; Jude 1:6).

Beast and False prophet cast into Lake of Fire (Rev 20:10).

Messiah reigns for 1000 years (Rev 20:4).

1st Resurrection, Messianic martyrs reign with Messiah (Rev 20:4-5).

Re-marriage celebration of Remnant "surviving" Israel (Joseph and Judah) and their "Companions", a Mixed-Multitude (Ezekiel 37; Jeremiah 31:31; Rev 19:7).

2017/2018 - Kislev 25 Dedication of Messiah's Millennial Temple?


3017/3018Ha-Satan (the-Adversary) released for short period before the Gog-Magog War II. Given time to deceive the nations/peoples once more (Rev 20:3,7-11). 

30?? The Last Great Day2nd Resurrection, Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:5,11-15). Ha-Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire forever (Rev 20:10).

???? New Heaven and New Earth No more pain, mourning, or death. Former matters passed away (Rev 21:4).

???? New Jerusalem established Jerusalem and the 12 Gates restored for the Bride of the Lamb, Remnant Israel  (Rev 21:9-27)

Sources of Insight:

The Astronomically & Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Calendar  by Michael Rood

The Jonah Code and the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel  by Michael Rood (see via YouTube)

Know the Future  (5th Printing/Edition) by Tim McHyde

The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle  by R. Clover (Qadesh La Yahweh Press)

The Feasts of the Lord  by Mark Biltz

Blood-Red Moons  by Bill Koenig

NASA: Lunar Eclipses - 2011-2020

NASA: Solar Eclipses - 2001-2010

America the Babylon  by R.A. Coombes

60 Reasons Why Iraq Can Not be Mystery Babylon  by R.A. Coombes

America: Daughter of Babylon  by Yosef ben Ruach (has a very different time-line


Bracing for Tomorrow  by The Horizon Project

Temple at the Center of Time  by David Flynn

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(Steve W., Five Doves)

There is no other date by which you can count the 7 weeks, thus no other date for Christ's return other than Sept. 23, 2015. Of course, we can always add our own spin to things by attempting to count from May 14, 1948 when Israel became a nation, or maybe guessing the Jubilee year, but this is not logical. You can't use May 14, 1948 as a starting point because the 7 weeks of Dan 9:24-27 was to commence from the command to restore and build Jerusalem, not when Israel became a nation. As for the Jubilee, it has to be based on something concrete. We can't just pull it out of thin air. And the most reliable source for determining the Jubilee is to consider the Shmita year which is currently observed by Rabbis in Israel. As it turns out, the past 2 Shmita's were 2000-01, 2007-08, and the next one is 2014-15....with the next year most likely being that 50th year starting September 23, 2015! and running through to the day before Atonement 2016. If you do not believe the date of September 23,2015 as when Christ returns, what other date is there? The date  has to be based on something. The Jubilee , 7 weeks, (or 49 [360 day] years) or 17460 days from Jerusalem being captured by Israel on June 7, 1967,  takes us to feast of Atonement September, 23, 2015!  As it turns out, based on the current counting of Shmita, the 49th year ends on Sept. 22, 2015, making September 23, 2015 the first day of Jubilee... and lasts into 2016. As Madman, Ron Reese, Scuggers and many others have stated, no other date seems to fit. Lets now look at Atonement 2018 as some have speculated Christ may return. September 19, 2018 (Atonement) minus 17460 days and we come to November 30, 1970. What happened on this date... absolutely nothing!  This is where we must start to think outside of what we have been taught, specifically, a seven year tribulation. If you will allow scripture to interpret itself, you will see the tribulation being 3.5 years, or 42 months not seven years. Ultimately, the only time, and truly as I see it, the ONLY time you can apply the 7 weeks of Daniel, which start from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince comes, is when you use June 7, 1967 as a starting point... and you end up 17460 days later at the feast Atonement Sept 23, 2015. It all fits logically, perfectly and scripturally.

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Dan 9:26-27 and how significant is the "he"?

Some mentioned the other day about how an interpretation of Dan 9:25-26 rested on the use of "he".  This is a great example of how one needs to read from the original language, and not rely on English, particularly when it comes to an interpretation that rests on grammar because grammar does not always translate well from one language to another.  The inclusion of a pronoun was actually the choice of the translators. Let me try and translate Dan 9:25-26 as literally as possible and preserve as much of the original ambiguity as I can.  

ים   כו Wש Wים ש Wע ב] רי הש[ bאח eואין לו; eיח ו Wש רת מ[ נים, יכ[ eושיד Wג ית עם נ[ Wח eש יש sד tהק eיר ו Wע ה[ eועד קץ eף, ו sט sצו בש Wק eא, ו הב[ת שtממות sצ sר ח{ sה, נ מ[ ח[ eל Wמ.

26 And after 62 SHAVUIM, the Messiah will be cut off but not for himself/him/it. And the city and the Holy Place shall be destroyed by the people of the prince who will come, but his end shall be with a flood; and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

בוע  כז ים, ש[ Wרב ית ל[ Wר eיר ב Wב eג Wה eו ית Wב eבוע יש י הש[ Wצ bד; וח ח[ sא

27a And a covenant for many will be strengthened for one SHAVUA / "Seven".  And for half of the SEVEN the

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בח sז  sacrifice and the offering shall be caused to cease. 

Now most translations read "he shall confirm the covenant " and "he shall cause ", but there is no explicit personal pronoun in the Hebrew text.  "ית Wב eיש" is read as "he shall cause to cease" but it doesn't explicitly say that any one person will cause it.  That's being interpreted into the grammar.  Perhaps that interpretation is wrong. We can't conclusively conclude that either the Messiah or the "prince who will come" will be the direct personal cause of either of the events in Dan 9:27.  Dan 9:27 is only saying that these two events will happen, not that the 'prince' will be personally involved in accomplishing it. What is a "SHAVUA"?  Most English translations translate this as "week" or "Seven".  Most of us consider this a 7 year period (or 7x7= 49 day omer count Shavuot).  However in Omer Midrashim, on page 386 in the latest publication of it, it says that a "שבוע" is "שמיטה של שבע שנים" or a "Shmitta of 7 years".  Or in other words, a Sabbatical year.  Thus, not just any 7 year period, but one being measured according to the Sabbatical cycle of years. Lev.23:15 And you shall count to you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete: 16 Even to the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall you number fifty days; (the omer count) and you shall offer a new meat offering to the LORD.

I found that while reading from Omer Midrashim for something else.  That is one of the great things about learning to read Hebrew without the need for an English translation; not only will you not rely on the translators for the Bible, but you get to read OTHER stuff never translated into English that can help you interpret what the text is saying as well.

Shalom, Joe Jovial (Five Doves)

Check out the excellent reckoning by Pineman for 2012-2019, very nice! His post is here,

Page 13: Daniel's 3-Layered Shavua Prophecy _ Prophecy and the Last 42 months Pineman, Thanks for the astute research!


thanks for all the posts over the years... we are nearly there now

where is Daniel's 70th week?

final exodus

hidden ones of psalm 83

Bill Clinton white horse rider

the benchmark for the real time-line

If you believe in a prophecy of a sabbatical week of seven that doesn’t have a March 25, 2013 midpoint and an October 4, 2016 end point, it is a prophecy of ‘naught’ because on that day the ‘turned back’ 15 years end...  I spent a lot of time on time and  and had to go back 244 years before I found a 14 Nisan that fell on March 24, 1766 to and including a 1 Tishri on October 3, 1769 that counted out exactly 1290 days!

In my humble opinion, I believe great error has been made in a January 28, 2012 or April 11, 2012 "sudden destruction/rapture" event not only because of the 1290 day error but Daniels "time, times and half time" prophecies are breached along with Revelation 12:14-17! 


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We must ask ourselves if the “6000 years of man” ended on 9-17-2001, why are we about to go into the year 6012? Is it because the 15 more years the LORD added to Hezekiah’s life in 700BC when He TURNED BACK the circuit of the sun, the elliptic 10 degrees are now circuiting the elliptic? I believe those 15 years are the years we are living in today and are circuiting the elliptic and being repeated so the next millennia or “third day” can begin at the APPOINTED TIME pre-ordained it at creation.  So as to allow the “many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth TO AWAKE, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt” Daniel 12:2 I believe all 120 Jubilee cycles that cover the 6000 years of the 'time of man' as written in Genesis 6:3 have come to the full and were ACCOUNTED FOR on September 17, 2001.                                        A 1940 PLANNED GLOBAL THEOCRATIC STATE Believe it or not, September 17, 2001 was planned 72 years ago to be the start date of a “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”! In 1939, eight years BEFORE ISRAEL was given authority by the UN to apply for statehood on November 29, 1947, ‘Destiny Magazine’, a British Israel World Federation Movement publication wrote an article showing different timelines to a date yet 62 years IN THE FUTURE. That date identified September 17, 2001 as THEIR TARGET DATE for the beginning of their planned global theocratic state -- a “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth." Click link That article in turn brought about a proceeding and debate hearing on the Senate floor on August 19, 1940. When the 76th Congress of the US Senate 

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met, a Congressman EXPOSED PLANS for a ‘British Union, World State bringing International strife’! The year 6000 was breached on September 30, 2000, fulfilling the following text, Genesis 6:3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days SHALL BE 120 years." A 120th Jubilee year IS NOT INCLUDED in the cycle because IT IS the yet to be fulfilled ONE YEAR, the seventieth, SEPARATED FROM the other sixty-nine years of Daniel 9:24-27. It is separated because Jubilee #66 the first year of fifteen, 700-686BC, that were turned back by God are now repeating in reverse order as the circuit of the elliptic brings the ‘Hezekiah 15’ back with the separate number ‘66’! It is the ‘literal 70th year’ of the literal, sixty two + seven + one prophecy that totals the seventy years of Daniel’s prophecy THAT COULD NOT BE FULFILLED until those years “were determined” on November 29, 1947! They began on 1 Tishri, September 15, 1947, and include the fifteen years with its separated, ‘Great Year of Jubilee’ that begins on October 4, 2016.  The ‘Destiny Magazine’ attempted timelines couldn’t figure in the “15 years” because Israel had not declared statehood.   The reason the literal, sixty two + seven + one prophecy that totals the seventy years of Daniel’s prophecy includes the “15 years” is that Daniel received his vision some 100 years AFTER Hezekiah died. Therefore the years were included naturally in all of Daniel’s prophecy’s given to him by the angel Gabriel. The repeating of these 15 years began on the following day, September 18, 2001 and DOES NOT DISANNUL the “120 years of man” prophecy of Genesis 6:3. 

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SO THE SUN TURNED BACK 10 DEGREES Isaiah 38:5 "Go and say to Hezekiah, Thus says the LORD, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will add fifteen years to your life. “Isaiah 38:8 Behold, I will make the shadow cast by the declining sun on the dial of Ahaz turn back ten steps." So THE SUN TURNED BACK on the dial the ten steps by which it had declined. What is so amazing about this prophecy is the fact that Sennecherib, whose initial campaign against the cities of Judah was such an overwhelming success, brought ‘arrogant boasts’ to Hezekiah through his messengers that he lifted those threats up to the LORD in prayer which proved to be his downfall.  A year before the “15 years” were added to his life and Hezekiah was diagnosed with terminal illness in 701 BC, the fourteenth year of his reign the LORD answered the above prayer and told Isaiah that “He would put a hook in Sennecherib’s nose and a bridle on his lips and turn him back by the way which he came. What makes the ending of 120 cycles on September 17, 2001 ring so true is the fact that the years 701/700BC just happened to be the end of the 49/50 year Sabbatical/Jubilee cycle, which was the 66th since creation! Here’s the text; Isaiah 37:30 "And this shall be THE SIGN FOR YOU: this year(701BC) you shall eat what grows of itself, and in the second year (700BC) what springs from that. Then in the third year (699) sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat their fruit. 31 And the surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward. 32 For out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. 33 "Therefore thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: He shall not come into this city or shoot an arrow there or come before it with a shield or cast up a siege mound against it. 

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The fact that a Jubilee cycle ending in the text, IS A “SIGN” to those with eyes to see and ears to hear today. It is time to rethink everything we’ve been told if a prophecy doesn’t have a March 25, 2013, midpoint and an October 4, 2016 end point, it is a thing of ‘naught’. I believe without a doubt we are living out the 15 years the LORD turned back the elliptic so the ‘Great Resurrection’ would come on its appointed day. This is telling us get our houses in order and prepare for the ‘destruction’ of this nation, read Jeremiah 50 and 51 for details and instructions. Sometime in early August 2012, I believe Russia/Iranian missiles will destroy our cities, on a ‘Day of Islam’, clearing the way for their future Gog/Magog confrontation with the Set Apart God of Israel. However I don't believe this will occur before the “tempest of the LORD” of Psalm 83:15, Jeremiah 23:19-20 and Isaiah 28:2 clears out Syria and the other regional enemies of Israel so the ‘second Exodus’ can occur and the remnant from the nations can settle in those lands.   It’ll be at this time Satan and his angels come to earth while God is bringing the remnant into the wilderness in His ‘angels hands’ during Passover March 22-27, 2013. Psalm 91:10-14, Isaiah 11:10-16, Jeremiah 31:1-9, Jeremiah 32:37-41, Ezekiel 20:33-38 and Revelation 12:14-17  Giving Him the glory, an Ezekiel 33:6 watching one

We will get it right... 

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see also...  (probably the most accurate assessment)

Pieter time-line for Ron... file, save as,

Duration calculation results

From and including: Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To and including: Tuesday, July 2, 2019

It is 2423 days from the start date to the end date, end date includedOr 6 years, 7 months, 20 days including the end date

(hint: there could still be a 7-year trib from 2013 thru 2019... 2016 the 50 year jubilee could be the mid-point... we could have another year to wait but nearly there now

The Jubilee,

Lev.25: 8 And you shall number seven Sabbaths of years to you, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be to you forty and nine years. 9 Then shall you cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. 10 And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all

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the land to all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee to you; and you shall return every man to his possession, and you shall return every man to his family. 11 A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be to you: you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of your vine undressed. 12 For it is the jubilee; it shall be holy to you: you shall eat the increase thereof out of the field. 13 In the year of this jubilee you shall return every man to his possession. 14 And if you sell ought to your neighbor, or buy ought of your neighbor's hand, you shall not oppress one another: 15 According to the number of years after the jubilee you shall buy of your neighbor, and according to the number of years of the fruits he shall sell to you: 16 According to the multitude of years you shall increase the price thereof, and according to the fewness of years you shall diminish the price of it: for according to the number of the years of the fruits does he sell to you. 17 You shall not therefore oppress one another; but you shall fear your God: for I am the LORD your God. 18 Why you shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and you shall dwell in the land in safety. 19 And the land shall yield her fruit, and you shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety. 20 And if you shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase: 21 Then I will command my blessing on you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years. (year 49, 50 and 51)22 And you shall sow the eighth year (50th), and eat yet of old fruit until the ninth year (51st); until her fruits come in you shall eat of the old store.

 One DETERMINING FACTOR (application of omer Shavuot)... or the Jonah Code is alive and well

Daniel 9:24-27 was "determined" on November 29, 1947 when the UN 'proclaimed' that Israel had the right of statehood! On May 14, 1948, which was still in the same Hebraic year, 5708, David Ben Gurion declared Israel's “statehood”! The full 70 week (Shavuot years) prophecy is an equation that looks like this "62" + "7" + "1" = 70 weeks and is broken down like this; (Shavuot runs Sivan 6 to Sivan 6)

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A) The "62" weeks (Shavuot years of 50 day omer counts) run from May 14, 1948 to May 29, 2009

B) The "7" weeks (again, Shavuot years) run from May 29, 2009 to June 12, 2016

C) The "1" week (one Shavuot) or the "70th" includes the part of the jubilee year and runs June 12, 2016 to May 31st, 2017.

  Now by using the instructions we are given in Leviticus 25:18-22, let’s add some commentary to the graph below in the “7” and “1” week columns of the ‘Seventy Weeks” prophecy.

The ‘seventh’ and last Sabbatical Week began on October 9, 2008 during these first three and a half years the world will incrementally face economic hardships, violence and famine. That'll open the eyes to those with "eyes to see" who will prepare mentally, physically and spiritually to hold out while 'HIDDEN' for the three days of darkness, until our "redemption" into the wilderness comes in the 'midst of' the fourth year, 2011.  It is He "Who will cover us with His feathers, and under His wings we shall take refuge; His truth shall be our shield and buckler" Psalm 91:4 "No evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. 11 For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:10-13 THE 7th SHMITAH AND JUBILEE CYCLE of our recent time... --63. 10-9-2008 to 9-28-2009--- “in the first year you are to consider it forbidden” (preparation)--64. 9-28-2009 to 9-18-2010--- “in the second year you are to consider it forbidden”(preparation)--65. 9-18-2010 to 10-8-2011--- “in the third year you are to consider it forbidden”(preparation)--66. 10-8-2011 to 9-26-2012--- “in the fourth year all its fruit will be holy” (our 'Passover' redemption)

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--67. 9-26-2012 to 9-14-2013--- “in the fifth year you may eat its fruit”.--68. 9-14-2013 to 10-4-2014--- “in sixth year God sends such a blessing that yields three years of produce” *69. 10-14-2014 to 9-23-2015--- the 49th year, “first year of no sowing or gathering” --70. 9-23-2015 to 10-12-2016--- “Jubilee 50th year" 2nd year of no sowing or gathering” (year one of Shmitah cycle ends Tishri 1) --71. 10-12-2016 to 9-30-2017--- the 51st year (or 3rd year of yielded produce...)

23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine, for you are strangers and sojourners with me. 24 And in all the land of your possession you shall grant a redemption for the land. ... 55 For to me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

From: (Lauren @ Five Doves)Subject: Lauren on the 15 years of Hezekiah roll-backDate: Wed, 28 Dec 2011

This is another witness to my old watcher forum and five dove posts on the 'Embolismic Years' and my benchmark test for any 42 month prophecy. That being, you must have a 1290 day count between a 14 Nisan and a 1 or 2 Tishri end date because that is the ONLY DAY sacrifices are offered, which is the 'evening' before Passover. 

2014 and 2015 fall short along with 2017-2019, but counting back from October 4, 2016 to 14 Nisan or March 25, 2013 is 1290 days. Thanks again and stay safe

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433 BC – (Nehemiah 5:14 & 6:15 & 13:6) Governor of Judah, Nehemiah, had prepared material and people and in the 32nd year of King Artexerxes starts rebuilding wall, completing the wall in 52 days on Elul 25 and then returning to King Artaxerxes the same year.

More details

: of Age Watch - Watching for the Rapture, Second Coming, and End of this

Rev. Ch. 4 :  John's entrance and initiation into the events.Rev. Ch. 5-6 : Tribulation Account # 1 (The 7 Seals)

Rev. Ch. 7  : intermittent  (sealing of the 144, 000) 

Rev. Ch. 8-11 : Tribulation account # 2  (The 7 Trumpets) Chapter 10 is intermittentRev. Ch. 12-14 : Tribulation account # 3  (reign of anti -Christ)Rev. Ch. 15 -20 : 3 : Tribulation account   # 4  (The 7 Vials) and the destruction of Babylon the great

Rev. Ch. 20 : 4 :  Millennial Reign of ChristRev. 20 : 5 - 15  : Final War and White thrown judgment

Rev. Ch. 21 - 22 : 5  Dispensation of the Fullness of Times ... New heaven and new earth. New Jerusalem

Rev. Ch.  22 : 6 - 21 retrospect and instruction

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