Page 1: Daricia Wilkinson*, Paritosh Bahirat, Moses Namara, Jing ...€¦ · Paritosh Bahirat: Clemson University, E-mail: Moses Namara: Clemson University, E-mail:

Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ; 2020 (2):416–435

Daricia Wilkinson*, Paritosh Bahirat, Moses Namara, Jing Lyu, Arwa Alsubhi, Jessica Qiu, PamelaWisniewski, and Bart P. Knijnenburg

Privacy at a Glance: The User-Centric Designof Glanceable Data Exposure VisualizationsAbstract: Smartphone users are often unaware of mo-bile applications’ (“apps”) third-party data collectionand sharing practices, which put them at higher riskof privacy breaches. One way to raise awareness ofthese practices is by providing unobtrusive but perva-sive visualizations that can be presented in a glance-able manner. In this paper, we applied Wogalter et al.’sCommunication-Human Information Processing model(C-HIP) to design and prototype eight different visual-izations that depict smartphone apps’ data sharing ac-tivities. We varied the granularity and type (i.e., data-centric or app-centric) of information shown to usersand used the screensaver/lock screen as a design probe.Through interview-based design probes with Androidusers (n=15), we investigated the aspects of the dataexposure visualizations that influenced users’ compre-hension and privacy awareness. Our results shed light onhow users’ perceptions of privacy boundaries influencetheir preference regarding the information structure ofthese visualizations, and the tensions that exist in thesevisualizations between glanceability and granularity. Wediscuss how a pervasive, soft paternalistic approach toprivacy-related visualization may raise awareness by en-hancing the transparency of information flow, thereby,unobtrusively increasing users’ understanding of datasharing practices of mobile apps. We also discuss impli-cations for privacy research and glanceable security.

Keywords: privacy, user, design, qualitative, mobile

DOI 10.2478/popets-2020-0034Received 2019-08-31; revised 2019-12-15; accepted 2019-12-16.

*Corresponding Author: Daricia Wilkinson: ClemsonUniversity, E-mail: [email protected] Bahirat: Clemson University, E-mail:[email protected] Namara: Clemson University, E-mail:[email protected] Lyu: Clemson University, E-mail: [email protected] Alsubhi: Clemson University, E-mail: [email protected] Qiu: Clemson University, E-mail: [email protected] Wisniewski: University of Central Florida, E-mail:[email protected]

1 IntroductionIn the United States, 77% of the population owns

a smartphone [14]. Mobile phone users heavily rely onmo-bile applications (or “apps”) to perform everydaytasks, ranging from cultivating social relationships [12],getting to places they want to go [52], to managingtheir personal productivity [6]. To take advantage ofthese conveniences, users often have to trust these appsenough to give them access to their personal informa-tion, such as their personal contacts, physical location,and calendar events [64, 70]. While there are definitebenefits to sharing personal information with mobilesmartphone apps [41], there are also concerns as towhether apps collect more information about users thanneeded [77] and whether this information harvesting isethical and transparent to users [22].

To add to this problem, developers often leveragethird-party libraries to improve user engagement, ana-lytics, and advertising [7]. These libraries often serve asaggregator services that centralize personal informationgathered across multiple apps [16, 20, 59], which is thensold for profit [2]. This data could potentially be used tomake inferences about users’ behavior, socio-economicstatus, and even their political leanings [11]. While thishas direct consequences for smartphone users’ onlineprivacy, users have a difficult time knowing who hasthis data and what is being done with it [2], since thereare no visual cues that indicate if or when this data isbeing shared.

In response to this problem, researchers have de-veloped means to identify applications that leak Per-sonally Identifiable Information (PII) and methods tohelp reduce risk exposure (e.g., [4, 29, 57, 59, 66]). Thiseffort contributes significantly to an academic under-standing of privacy leaks and violations in the mobileecosystem; yet, most of these existing solutions tend tofocus on the accuracy of detection, without considering

Bart P. Knijnenburg: Clemson University, E-mail:[email protected]

Page 2: Daricia Wilkinson*, Paritosh Bahirat, Moses Namara, Jing ...€¦ · Paritosh Bahirat: Clemson University, E-mail: Moses Namara: Clemson University, E-mail:

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whether users actually understand what is being pre-sented. Moreover, even a comprehensively usable solu-tion to this problem would have to rely on users’ mo-tivation to access the information and take subsequentaction regularly. Given the well publicized gap betweenusers’ stated privacy concerns and their subsequent ac-tions [18, 47], one can predict that all but the mostprivacy-concerned users are likely to avoid the requiredeffort to do this in a way that is sustainable over time.

Arguably, users could become more aware of thedata sharing practices of their smartphone applicationsif privacy information were to be provided in a perva-sive but unobtrusive manner, for instance, by addingthis information to their screensaver or lock screen. Thegoal of our work is to develop pervasive but unobtru-sive visualizations that enhance users’ understanding ofthe real-time data-sharing practices of apps installed ontheir mobile devices. We conduct a user study evaluat-ing different design prototypes of these visualizations toinvestigate the following research questions:

RQ1: Are users able to understand the purpose ofthe privacy visualizations and the data flows depicted bythe visualizations at-first-glance? If so, what contributesto or hinders their understanding?

RQ2: Does a more prolonged inspection of the pri-vacy visualizations increase users’ understanding of datasharing practices? If so, what contributes to or hinderstheir understanding?

RQ3: Do users prefer more “application-centric”or “data-centric” designs? If so, why?

To answer these research questions, we administereda design probe and interviewed 15 participants who eachevaluated two of our eight different design prototypesthat varied by information structure (i.e., “app-centric”versus “data-centric”) and the granularity of informa-tion. Our main contribution is a series of glanceabledata exposure visualizations that communicate data ex-posure. By manipulating the structure and granularityof the information, we gained insights into users’ prefer-ence regarding these aspects, as well as the effect theseaspects have on participants’ understanding of the visu-alizations and the information they contain. We foundthat our participants’ preference of information struc-ture depended on their perceptions of privacy bound-aries as characterized by Petronio’s theory of Commu-nication Privacy Management (CPM) [53]; participantswho considered apps to be appropriate co-owners oftheir personal information preferred the app-centric de-signs, whereas those who were more focused on the in-formation being shared (regardless of the app) preferredthe data-centric designs. These findings imply that there

is an opportunity for the design of attention-sustainingvisualizations that are aligned with users’ specific per-ceptions of privacy boundaries.

This study contributes to privacy literature by tak-ing a novel approach to visualizing data flows in auniquely pervasive, yet unobtrusive way, while explor-ing the effect of the content of such visualizations onusers’ understanding of the privacy risks posed by theirmobile apps. Focusing on U.S. Android users, this studyprovides insight into how developers and researchers canbetter inform mobile users about their privacy in an un-obtrusive manner.

In the following sections, we begin with our back-ground motivation and study methodology, followed bya description of our design rationale and details of ourin-person user study. We conclude by discussing the po-tential implications of our findings and plans for futurework.

2 Motivation and BackgroundIn this section, we discuss the existing literature

from various perspectives. We begin by discussing gen-eral concerns associated with privacy in Android smart-phones and different approaches researchers have takento understand user awareness, mental models, and at-titudes towards managing privacy on Android smart-phones. Furthermore, we discuss research on detectingdata leaks and on alternative means of presenting dataleak information to users. Finally, we discuss literatureabout glanceable designs from whence we draw our mo-tivation of glanceable privacy.

2.1 Informed Consent, Awareness andRisk Communication

Online privacy can be viewed as the right to limitaccess to one’s personal information [65]. However, inan era of hyper-connectivity and the massive collectionof very detailed information (e.g., their location, theirInternet searches they make, their heart rate), it be-comes difficult for users to understand and manage thedata collection and sharing practices of the apps on theirphones [21]. The main motivation of this work is to ex-amine the beliefs, expectations, and concerns of users tounderstand the relationship between them and the dataeconomies they interact with.

Page 3: Daricia Wilkinson*, Paritosh Bahirat, Moses Namara, Jing ...€¦ · Paritosh Bahirat: Clemson University, E-mail: Moses Namara: Clemson University, E-mail:

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Smartphone owners have a great responsibility to beattentive to risk communications. Apps usually providelists of requested permissions—a summary of what typeof data the app will be collecting. However, research sug-gests that these permissions are ineffective because usersdo not pay attention to them [9]. Particularly, in onestudy only 17% of users reported having paid attentionto permission lists when downloading an app while 42%of users were not aware of permission lists in general[21]. Studies have shown that smartphone users sim-ply click through notifications or warnings [10, 12, 15–17]—a clear sign of habituation—which negatively af-fects their awareness of possible risks. Research also in-dicates that even when Android users read through thepermissions presented by the app developers, they maynot necessarily understand what these permissions re-ally mean [33].

In sum, users are often inattentive to risk commu-nication, and it may be difficult for them to understandand make informed decisions about potential privacyrisks that are communicated to them by the app de-veloper [3]. Worse yet, research has demonstrated thatthere exist many risks to users’ privacy that are notcommunicated by the developer. For example, Zang etal. [78] found that 73% of 110 popular free Android appsshared personal information such as email addresseswith third parties, and a significant number of thoseapps are not required to notify users when they sharesuch data with third parties.

Many apps mention their data collection policies intheir privacy policies, but studies have shown that thesepolicies are often dense, not easily understood, and ig-nored by users [32, 73]. Thus, researchers have exploredprivacy awareness tools aimed at educating users aboutdata collection. Previous studies have explored usingprivacy nudges [72], privacy facts displayed as nutritionlabels [32] and visual cues that serve as a warning ofsuspicious activity [55]. Researchers have also examinedchanges to the permission interface on Android’s GooglePlay Store by using simplified language [34] or more de-tailed explanations about information disclosure [37].

Although there have been considerable strides inworking towards usable privacy solutions in this do-main, there are several significant limitations. Typically,users are not permitted granular control to manage dataaccess, use, or sharing. Rather, their control is limitedto broad source types such as “contacts” or “photo al-bum”. Moreover, when such broad strokes permissionsare granted, users are not notified about what infor-mation is actually transmitted to outside servers, whenthis happens, and which app transmits this information.

More recent work has explored different techniques forproviding more comprehensive, granular, real-time de-tection of such “privacy leaks” [4, 20, 29, 57, 58, 66].A full coverage of the technical details is outside thescope of this paper—an overview of the techniques usedin these detection apps can be found in [47].

2.2 Data Leaks and Privacy Visualizations

User research pertaining to privacy aspects of An-droid OS and associated applications revolves aroundunderstanding how users perceive permission requests.For example, Fu et al. [23] conducted a user study toexplain the gap between user understanding of location-related permissions and the actual data collection byan app. They found that users varied greatly in theirunderstanding of ‘Approximate’ location as opposed to‘Precise’ location.

Other research on Android OS privacy employsMachine Learning methods to support users’ decision-making regarding privacy permissions. For example,Liu et al. conducted an analysis of user decisions todevelop profiles that can assist in simplifying permis-sion requests [45]. Liu et al. also developed a personalprivacy assistant to assist users with decisions relatedto Android permissions [44]. Oglaza et al. propose arecommender-based privacy management system whichlearns from users’ privacy preferences to propose autho-rization rules in order to manage permissions [50].

Researchers have also proposed architectures thatgive Android users more flexibility in managing theirprivacy permissions and that help them in understand-ing the frequency and timing of data access by variousapplications on their phones [61, 62]. Their work hasfocused on the detection of privacy leaks and on im-proving end-user awareness of privacy leaks, but stilllacks significantly when it comes to presenting this cru-cial information to the end user in an understandableway.

In this regard, researchers acknowledge that thereare several ways of presenting the information and thatthe optimal presentation should be investigated [30, 73].Indeed, research aimed at understanding users’ privacybehavior to develop usable privacy-setting interfacesthat present information in an appropriate manner hasbeen proven helpful in social networking (specificallyFacebook). Notable work in this area includes Lipfordet al. who developed an “audience view” that tells usershow their profile will appear to other users based on thesettings which have been applied [43].

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2.3 Glanceable Design to Enhance UserEngagement

Current privacy control and awareness solutions,primarily rely on user motivation to first open an app,review the information being accessed and subsequentlytake action if they are uncomfortable with the finding[39, 57, 66]. Unfortunately, research shows that despiteexpressing interest in full control over their private in-formation users are less motivated to actually act ontheir concerns [18, 49]. To motivate users, some "nudge"or "trigger" should be employed to urge them to inves-tigate whenever there is a significant number of privacyleaks.

On smartphones, the most common trigger mech-anism is a notification. Prior work on smartphone us-age finds that usage is heavily dominated by “checking”habits that regularly act as “gateways to other applica-tions and opening portals to dynamic content” [51, 69].However, providing notifications every time a piece ofdata is shared can be perceived as intrusive or annoy-ing by the users and eventually leads to inattention orhabituation [54, 74].

Similarly, research on activity trackers, finds thatglanceable behavioral feedback interfaces can enhanceuser engagement and have a positive impact on user be-havior [25]. Specifically, Gouveia et al. [24], found thatthe use of activity trackers is dominated by brief 5-second glances i.e., users call on an application to checkup on their current activity levels without any furtherinteraction. Subsequently, they leveraged this finding toexplore designs that would increase the frequency ofglances to positively impact user physical activity, andpromote moments of exploration and learning with ac-tivity trackers. Likewise, Klasnja et al. [35] also showedthat presence of glanceable displays enables users tokeep themselves engaged in physical activities. In ourcurrent work, we leverage these findings such as “brief5-second glances” to examine visualization designs of“glanceable” displays that disclose ongoing data sharingpractices to motivate users to take actions that wouldlimit app access to their private information as theydeem necessary. We posit that these kind of visualiza-tions would leverage glances to positively motivate usersto safeguard their privacy.

In the subsequent sections, we discuss the user-centric design and evaluation of a potential solution tousers’ lack of awareness about data exposure caused byAndroid apps in the form of pervasive and unobtrusivedata exposure visualizations. These visualizations lever-age glanceable design to motivate smartphone users to

manage their privacy and to empower them to makeinformed privacy decisions. We also discuss how our vi-sualizations can be leveraged in mobile devices by inte-grating them into users’ screensavers or lock screens.

3 Communication-HumanInformation Processing as aModel for Privacy DesignThe purpose of presenting warnings or notices to

users about their privacy is to influence their behavior:if users are warned about apps that engage in unwantedinformation sharing, they may restrict their permissionsor even remove those apps altogether. However, the in-formation presented in warnings or notices has to gothrough several stages before it can influence a user’sbehavior [38]. Prior work in cognitive psychology andthe science of warnings provides useful information onhow people process and react to warnings [63]. Specifi-cally, Wogalter et al.’s Communication-Human Informa-tion Processing Model (C-HIP) [76] for risk communica-tions gives insight into how people process informationin terms of noticing it, understanding what is presented,determining its significance and if action is needed (seeFigure 1). Our designs are influenced by each stage ofthis framework as described below.

Fig. 1. Communication-Human Information Processing Model(C-HIP)

Channel: This is related to the way information istransmitted from the source to the receiver [76]. Ex-

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isting solutions for privacy risk communication includepush notifications or visualizations within an applica-tion [55, 59]. As noted in the related work section, no-tifications can be intrusive, and users may not be suf-ficiently motivated to access any in-app visualizations.To resolve these downsides, our “glanceable” approachsuggests the use of a background channel that allows theinformation to be unobtrusively but pervasively trans-mitted (e.g., via the phone’s screensaver or lock screen).

Attention: At this stage, the design and placementof the interface should be salient to ensure users areaware of what is being presented. Once they have no-ticed the communication, their attention needs to bemaintained for a period long enough to gather infor-mation [76]. We argue that using a background chan-nel gives users the opportunity to passively gather in-formation periodically. This gives users a “backgroundawareness” of the information-sharing practices of theirsmartphone apps. As such, any unexpected change inthe presented visualization (e.g., a sudden surge ofunauthorized data leakage) can serve as a meaningfulcue to grab users’ attention and inform them when im-mediate action may be needed.

Comprehension: After receiving the users’ atten-tion, the information needs to be presented in a waythat aids comprehension. In this regard, there are dif-ficult tradeoffs between concise and comprehensive no-tices which may have significant effects on users’ under-standing of what is being communicated [76], especiallyin the field of privacy. In fact, Nissenbaum argues thatit is impossible to create sufficiently comprehensive pri-vacy notices that are also concise enough to be under-stood [48]. Therefore, our designs account for varyinglevels of detail, and our study evaluates whether thesedifferent levels of granularity aid or hinder comprehen-sion.

Attitudes and Beliefs: A notice that is understoodby a user still runs the risk of being ineffective if itdoes not influence their attitude towards the notice [76].Specifically, for users to act upon a notice, they mustjudge it to be accurate and important. Such attitudescan be influenced by persuasive content and presenta-tion. Note, though, that the persuasiveness (and there-fore the effectiveness) of a certain notice may dependon what people value: if the persuasive aspects of thenotice do not align with the user’s beliefs about whatis important, they may not be motivated to act. There-fore, our data exposure visualizations vary in terms ofthe type of content on which the information design iscentered, and our study evaluates which type of presen-tation elicits the strongest attitudes.

Motivation: Once users’ attitudes towards a noticeare favorable, the final hurdle is to motivate them toact. In this final stage, it is important to design noticesthat do not overwhelm nor underwhelm users, as thiscould affect their behavioral intention [76].

In the following section, we describe how we appliedthe design recommendations derived from the C-HIPmodel to the design of our data exposure visualizations.Note that for the evaluation presented in this paper,we focus on users’ attention, comprehension, and atti-tudes/beliefs. The integration of the visualizations intoa background channel (e.g., Android’s screensaver orlock screen) and their effect on users’ motivation andbehavior requires a live deployment of the visualizationand will, therefore, be covered in future work.

4 Study Setup

4.1 Prototype design

We adopted an iterative design process to createpervasive and unobtrusive visualizations of the datasharing practices of mobile applications. These proto-types were developed with the explicit goal of increasingusers’ attention, awareness and comprehension. Prior toconducting our user study with high-fidelity prototypes,we created low-fidelity wireframes during seven monthsof design iterations. Initial evaluations were conductedduring bi-weekly lab meetings with an average of 15HCI researchers and Ph.D. students, Skype presenta-tions with collaborators and HCI experts, and throughinformal conversations with friends and acquaintancesto garner feedback from a diverse subset of potentialusers. Earlier designs featured graphs and tables, whichproved to be difficult for users to interpret, and wereredesigned over time into the final versions (see Ap-pendix).

Ultimately, we created eight designs, manipulatedalong two design dimensions to address our researchquestions (See Table: 1). Depending on the specific ver-sion, the visualizations presented the following informa-tion: what type of information was shared, which appshared the information, and when that information wasshared. To reduce the complexity of the visualization,we limited it to display at most 6 apps and 6 data types(we envision that in the final implementation of our de-signs, users can choose which apps and data types todisplay, and that the number of “slots” in the designmay dynamically be set to larger or smaller than 6,

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depending on the screen size and interface magnifica-tion). Sample screens for each manipulated dimensionare shown in Figures 2-5. Below we describe our moti-vation behind the design manipulations.

4.1.1 Four levels of Granularity

In his description of the C-HIP model, Wogalter etal. acknowledges the trade-off between interfaces thatare comprehensive and concise, and their effect on usercomprehension [76]. In line with this, we varied ourdesigns on four levels of granularity: low, moderate,high, and very high. Designs with a low granularity sim-ply communicated the total number of times data wasshared (broken down by either app or data type; firstrow of Figure 2). Designs with a moderate granularityshowed which app shared what type of information butoffered no insight as to when the data sharing occurred(second row of Figure 2). At the high level of granu-larity, designs also showed roughly when each app lastshared each type of information (represented by its posi-tion on a circle; third row of Figure 2). At the very highlevel of granularity, designs showed the total number oftimes data was shared and the exact time each app lastshared the information to allow normative comparisons(using a clock-like visualization; last row of Figure 2).

While the designs with higher levels of granularityshow more detailed information, their complexity maynegatively impact the Comprehension step of the C-HIPmodel and reduce the “glanceability” of the design.

4.1.2 App-centric vs. Data-Centric Visualization

Wogalter et al. also acknowledges that users mayonly develop an actionable attitude towards a risk no-tice if its persuasive aspects align with the user’s beliefsabout what is important [76]. Prior research on visual-ization of data disclosures focused on the relationshipbetween the data attribute that was disclosed and theentity disclosing it [1, 5, 22, 79]. Our glanceable designswere centered around either one of these two aspects:our designs are either app-centric (i.e., focused on who issharing the data; examples: Skype, Dropbox, Facebook,Instagram, WhatsApp, and Google Plus) or data-centric(i.e., focused on what is being shared; examples: loca-tion, camera, contact, browser activity, microphone, andcall log). Arguably, a user’s beliefs may be more alignedwith one of these two presentations, in which case thatdesign will be more effective in the Attitudes and Be-

Presentation GranularityApp-Centric Low Moderate High Very

HighData-Centric Low Moderate High Very


Table 1. Description of the design dimensions.

liefs step of the C-HIP model (which is a prerequisitefor motivating users to act).

4.2 User Study Design

We used the eight designs as a probe in our semi-structured interviews to investigate the glanceabilityand understandability of our data exposure visualiza-tions. To participate in our study, participants had to beover 18 years old and currently own an Android phone.We began recruitment in February 2018 and completeddata collection in April 2018. Flyers were placed in pub-lic places around a large US university campus andadditional participants were recruited from local coffeeshops. Participation was incentivized with $5 Starbucksgift cards upon completion of the interview. Data werecollected from a total of 15 participants (10 male, 5 fe-male; age ranges: 18-24 (9), 25-34 (4), 35-44 (2); levelsof education: high school degree only (3), some collegebut no degree (7), bachelor’s degree (1), master’s de-gree (4)). Table 2 summarizes participant demographics,their preferred structure of information (app-centric ver-sus data-centric) and their preferred granularity (low,moderate, high, very high).

Before each interview, participants were asked toreview a consent form. The researcher would then askthe participant to imagine having downloaded an appwith an accompanying screensaver with a visualizationthat helps them track the data sharing practices of ap-plications on their phone. The app would allow themto choose six apps and six data types that they wouldlike highlighted in this visualization. In the study, wechose to hold the apps and data types constant betweenparticipants to avoid possible confounding effects andto reduce variability. Popular apps and data types wereselected to increase the chance that participants wouldbe familiar with them.

Each participant was shown two of the eight dataexposure visualizations on their personal mobile phones:one app-centric and the other data-centric (in random-ized order to control for ordering effects), at two differ-ent randomly selected levels of granularity. Each par-

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Fig. 2. Annotated Designs: Designs varied in their level of granularity (low, moderate, high, very high) and the presentation style (app-centric versus data centric) with a total of eight designs. For each design shown, there is an identical design with the same level ofgranularity but different presentation style. From top to bottom: "Low granularity, app-centric presentation", "Moderate granularity,data-centric presentation", "High granularity, app-centric presentation", "Very High granularity, data-centric presentation".

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Participant Gender 1st Design Shown 2nd Design Shown Presentationpreference


P1 F App-centric, Moderate Data-centric, Low A MP2 F Data-centric ,Moderate App-centric, Low D MP3 M Data-centric, Very High App-centric ,High A HP4 F App-centric, Very High Data-centric, High D HP5 M App-centric, Moderate Data-centric, Low A MP6 M Datcentric, Moderate App-centric, Low D MP7* F App-centric, High Data-centric, Very High D HP8 F Data-centric, High App-centric,Very High N HP9 M App-centric, Moderate Data-centric, Very High A MP10 M Data-centric, Low App-centric, High N HP11* M App-centric, Moderate Data-centric, Very High D MP12 M App-centric, High Data-centric, Low A HP13 M Data-centric, High App-centric, Low D HP14 M Data-centric, Moderate App-centric, High A HP15 M Data-centric, Very High App-centric, Low A L

Table 2. Participant demographics. Presentation preference: [A]pp-centric, [D]ata type-centric, or [N]o preference/context-dependent.Granularity preference: [L]ow, [M]oderate, [H]igh, [V]ery [H]igh. *preferred a mix-match of the presentation and granularity shown.

ticipant (n=15) saw both presentation styles and eachgranularity type was seen by at least six participants.Given our focus on glanceability and comprehensionrather than interaction, we presented the visualizationsas static image-based prototypes. After the introduc-tion, we used a 5-second test (5ST) to gather initialimpressions and evaluate glanceability [27]. This us-ability technique is commonly used to evaluate users’understanding and first impressions of an interface. Inthe study, participants were shown each design for fiveseconds in the initial stage then a longer period for aprolonged inspection time. The researcher would thenask follow-up questions focused on participants’ under-standing of the visualizations as well as their compre-hension of the data sharing situation depicted in thevisualization.

After participants’ first impression was captured, wegave them the opportunity to view each design for 2-5minutes. We asked them what they thought the visu-alization was trying to display. Then we asked prob-ing questions to gather additional insights about boththeir understanding of the visualization and their com-prehension of the information depicted therein. Partic-ipants were asked about their thoughts about both de-signs if their preference did not come up naturally afterinspecting both designs. Finally, we invited participantsto share any final thoughts about the data exposure vi-sualizations. Demographic information was collected atthe end of the interview.

The average length of each interview was 32 min-utes (min: 24, max: 40). Quotes and anecdotes from

participants are presented throughout the paper withcodes (P#) to protect their identities. This study wasapproved by the university’s Institutional Review Board(IRB).

Theme Description

Customization Having the ability to make customchanges to the interface to quicklygather information

Visual Clues Having informative indicators forchanges at a glance

Data Flow Needing detail about the breakdownof information flow. Could be positiveor negative

Access Being able to easily access and viewnotifications about data sharing

Accountability andFunctionality

Match between user behavior andwhat is being done with the data onthe phone

Transparency andPrivacy Concerns

Concerns about specific companiesand their data sharing/data accesspatterns

Table 3. Final Codebook: Themes are linked to the quotes in theresults section.

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4.3 Data Analysis Approach

Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed us-ing Descript1. Participants’ preferences were inferredfrom their responses concerning (1) whether they pre-ferred the app-centric or data-centric designs, and (2)what level of granularity they preferred. The researchersworked collaboratively to achieve coding consensus andcalculated IRR (Inter-rater reliability) for participants’preference using Fleiss’ kappa, achieving a substan-tial level of reliability (k = 0.762) for the preferencessummarized in Table 2. Open coding [68] was used toidentify emerging themes from participants with threecoders. The researchers conducted a thematic contentanalysis of the transcribed interview responses [28].Themes were developed from the data as the anal-ysis progressed, and once they were established thedata was re-analyzed to uncover related data. After 12participants, no new themes emerged. The researchersachieved saturation at 15 participants [19]. Below wedescribe the themes from our codebook.

5 ResultsWe organize our results by the initial research ques-

tions posed in the introduction and present the themesthat emerged during our qualitative coding processwithin the framework of these research questions.

5.1 First Impressions of Glanceability(RQ1)

The glanceability of the designs were observed attwo times: (a) during the five second test where firstimpressions were collected and, (b) at the second stagewhere participants were allowed a longer inspection time(~two minutes).

5.1.1 Supporting the Abstraction of Data

We found that participants’ first impressions of thedata exposure visualizations were positive: the visual-izations attracted their attention as they intuitively at-tempted to decode their meaning (RQ1). A recurring

1 Descript - Transcription and Audio Editing. Retrieved from

principle that participants seemed to place emphasis onwas the need to support the abstraction of data thatwould enable them to perceive and process informationin a quick manner with minimal cognitive effort. As oneparticipant noted:

“... If something is happening and I don’t want itto happen, it is easy for me to catch it with a glance atthis screensaver without searching deep to know what’sgoing on.” (Participant: P15, Theme: Visual Cues)

In general, most participants (12/15) were able toaccurately describe the purpose of the privacy visualiza-tions after viewing for five seconds. At the initial stage,participants did not focus on their perceptions of anyparticular apps or data types in a silo but rather howeach component contributed to their understanding ofthe entire ecosystem of data being shared. One partici-pant summarized the purpose of the visualization:

“To give me the information that says which app issharing information [...] with which applications” (Par-ticipant: P9, Theme: Data Flow)

The design of the visualizations were salient enoughto ensure participants were aware of what is being pre-sented. For those instances where participants experi-enced misunderstandings about the purpose of the vi-sualizations their opinions converged on similar pointsaround granularity and glanceability which we discussnext.

5.1.2 Granularity versus Glanceability

Although most participants understood the purposeof the visualizations, the designs with the highest levelof detail seemed to be overwhelming for participantsat first glance. For instance, even after being able toexplain the purpose of the visualization with a lowerlevel of granular detail, when presented with a design ofa higher level of granularity, P15 remarked:

“I’m totally clueless about what’s going on on thescreen. Judging from the design, I’m not able to figureout what is the purpose.” (Participant: P15, Theme: Vi-sual Cues)

This suggests that the purpose of the visualizationis easier to understand upon first inspection with lessgranular designs compared to ones that offer more detailabout potential data exposures.

Beyond the identification of the purpose of the visu-alizations, glanceability also contributed to how quicklyand easily information from the visualizations were con-veyed. In this regard, participants preferred the designswith lower levels of granularity since those designs were

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able to illustrate at a glance what the participant viewedas relevant. Referring to a design with low granularityversus a very high granularity design, P15 mentioned:

“The design is pretty good. It is not overflowing thescreen with too much information. Making the infor-mation a little bit bigger, because the screen is kind ofempty, would be easier to grab information with a simpleglance.” (Participant: P15, Theme: Visual Cues)

For a visualization to be perceived as glanceable,it was important that the essence of the informationwas conveyed in a simplified manner that gained partic-ipants attention, supported the abstraction of data, andcould be processed in a meaningful way. Next, we revealfindings around the design components that influencedglanceability.

5.1.3 Glanceability Influencers

Participants’ reactions helped in identifying a num-ber of opportunities for how glanceability could be im-proved that would enable sustained glancing long-term.Across the different versions of designs, there were simi-larities among users in what they perceived to be helpfulvisual cues to improve glanceability.

Specifically, across the different designs, users high-lighted the importance of being able to customize theorder, color, and position of the icons in the visualiza-tion. They remarked that allowing more autonomy overcustomization would ultimately assist with memory as-sociation.

“I don’t know if those are colors that you wouldassign yourself or if it just defaults but I think choos-ing gives more freedom” (Participant: P2, Theme: Cus-tomization)

Moreover, a recurring theme that emerged wasaround having visual components of the design thatwould assist in processing information in repetitive in-spections of dynamic content. In particular, participantsemphasized the importance of visual cues that wouldhelp to identify novelty in the privacy visualizations andultimately assist in identifying patterns to plan a courseof action. Contextually, this may be helpful when tryingto gather an overview after long periods. For instance:

“. . . in the morning when you wake up and they’reall zero or whatever they’re at for the day. And then itsays Facebook has shared your location five or six timesit like turns green. . . or if it’s gone down it could turn redor yellow whatever amazing color to read.” (Participant:P1, Theme: Visual Cues)

At the same time, simplicity in design would be crit-ical in reducing cognitive effort and aiding the process-ing of information. In line with this principle, P4 noteda point of contention with the privacy visualization withvery high granular detail:

“I don’t know why the 24-hour clock had to be splitin terms of three...Maybe make it even numbers so Idon’t have to calculate and there’s more beauty so it’smore intuitive.” (Participant: P4, Theme: Visual Cues)

Likewise, adopting a similar format to existing de-signs users would be familiar with assist in creating de-signs users would perceive as intuitive.

5.2 Feedback from Prolonged Inspection(RQ2)

After exploring the visualizations for a longeramount of time, participants were able to identify fac-tors that motivated them to transition from glancing toexploration. Acting inline with the C-HIP model, thevisualizations were successful in transitioning partici-pants from attention to comprehension. At this stage,the visualizations served as a gateway to engagementand reaction to the information that has been conveyed.

5.2.1 Increased Awareness Inspires More Investigation

Glanceable privacy visualization offer insightful mo-ments rather than a deep exploration of information.Thus, the designs act as cues for engagement. In thissense, participants suggested that the privacy visualiza-tions adopt an approach where the information beingconveyed raises questions versus providing answers.

"At 7:30 or 8:00-ish in the morning WhatsAppshared my location with three entities. Okay. The infor-mation has been shared. But I want to know with whothough." (Participant: P8, Themes: Data Flow)

Upon further exploration, participants continued toraise questions as they attempted to understand theinter-relatedness of data, the entities they were beingshared with, and how learning about this was related totheir expectations from these entities.

"This can help you to know which apps are installingyour information. You can know when Google Plus usedyour information and what kind information it was butmaybe not why. And normally you never know but appslike WhatsApp could get your location from your lastvacation then boom that’s shared with the government."

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(Participant: P11, Themes: Transparency and PrivacyConcerns)

Participants displayed an understanding of datasharing practices and they were able to understand theflow of data but no one mentioned advertisers as a pos-sible recipient of their data. Participants were mainlyconcerned about the data stored in particular apps be-ing shared with other companies.

5.2.2 Less Can Be More

While the more granular visualizations were con-sidered less glanceable, most (all but two) participantswere able to comprehend even the visualizations withvery high granularity. When given the opportunity toinspect the design for a longer period P15 expressed:

“After getting a closer look, now it is more clear.It is showing me the hours of the day. It provides moreinformation than the first design. I know the time, whenthe data sharing happened, and what is requested by theapps, and app by app I can see what is going on.” (Par-ticipant: P15, Theme: Data Flow)

High levels of granular detail about the data flowproved to be informative but overwhelming and notvaluable. For instance, P7 said:

“I still don’t understand the numbers in the mid-dle and the ‘now’... It almost seems like overkill and sojust having the small numbers with a little icon would beinformative enough.” (Participant: P7, Theme: VisualCues)

While participants were able to interpret the infor-mation in the more granular designs, some participantsstill opted for a design with less granular detail. Partic-ularly, the information about the exact time the datasharing occurred was generally perceived as not valu-able.

“I’m not sure I quite see the benefit of knowing ex-actly when like on the clock. Like the time function, I’mnot sure I see the benefit of knowing when my infor-mation was shared. I mostly would care about if it wasshared at all.” (Participant: P11, Theme: Accountabil-ity)

As such, a common viewpoint was that the visu-alization should promote actionable insights that ade-quately informs without the need for deep exploration.

5.2.3 Advocating for Personalized Experiences

Participants intuitively predicted an inevitable in-crease in complexity if more apps/data types would beshown, and instead suggested the option to customizethe order and type of content but still using our cur-rent layout. However, participants highlighted that thevisualization should combine the principle of simplisticdesign with the benefits of a unique tailored experience.

“If there is a bunch of apps, the design might gettoo dense, but with this number of apps is not too bad. Iwould like to see options: first, the app with the most re-cently used. Second, the apps that used most permissions(data accessing) in the last hour or whatever.” (Partic-ipant: P14, Theme: Customization)

Having an interface adapted to personal preferenceswas a reoccurring topic that participants expressed wasfundamental in assisting with making progressive com-parisons to identify the need for action.

5.2.4 Progressive Disclosure

Participants expressed the importance of eventuallyhaving access to a detailed breakdown of the data ex-posures by app, data type and time, but they arguedthat such information would not have to be immediatelyavailable. Upon investigating the visualization, one par-ticipant argued that the less granular design could serveas a proxy to a more detailed break-down within theapp.

“ doesn’t have to be on the screensaver. But Ido want to be able to see the breakdown if I open the appor if I click the screensaver to open the app. Especiallyif you know Instagram wasn’t 100 and the next time Icheck it it’s like 150 and I’m like what is going on withInstagram right now?” (Participant: P1, Theme: DataFlow)

The visualizations were described as a tool thatcould help users determine if they needed to (a) investi-gate certain risky/unusual behaviors, (b) decide if theyneeded to pay more attention to a particular app or datatype, or (c) take immediate action.

5.3 Data- vs. App-Centric Preferences(RQ3)

Interestingly, our participants were fairly split as towhether they preferred a data-centric versus app-centricpresentation of the information: Six participants pre-

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ferred the data-centric presentation, seven preferred theapp-centric presentation, and two participants did nothave a preference. Yet, we uncovered unique character-istics of our participants based on their preference anddescribe those characteristics in more detail below.

5.3.1 Data-centric: General Risk Assessment andAwareness of Data Sharing

The six participants who preferred the data-centricvisualizations expressed stronger concern for awarenessof data sharing, which permissions were being accessed,and specific types of data being shared without theirknowledge.

“I don’t know if I need to know how much data isbeing shared, just if that information is being shared.”(Participant: P13, Theme: Accountability)

For some, using data-centric designs provided theopportunity to assess potential risks to privacy at ahigher level while allowing further inspection to aid thedecision-making process.

“I think my brain personally works best with know-ing what type of information is being shared first, whichis why I like these simple icons and then I can be like,oh well location, who wanted my location and then lookfurther and see that it was WhatsApp, Dropbox or some-thing” (Participant: P8, Theme: Accountability)

For these participants, having clarity of the type ofdata being shared and being able to monitor the flow ofsharing is perceived as more valuable in helping themto gauge the level of risk.

5.3.2 App-centric: Distrust in Companies and theNeed for Transparency

Participants who preferred app-centric designs (7of 15) routinely expressed more value in knowing whoshared their information and being informed about thedata sharing activities regardless of the data type.

“It’s pretty cool like to see how many times stuff hasbeen shared and makes you know who it is shared with.Makes you want to know who has access to my data”(Participant: P12, Theme: Transparency)

Knowing the frequency of data sharing as an in-dicator of a company’s data sharing habits was oftenmentioned.

“It makes it [clearer] what each app is using. It tiesmy thinking to what the app is doing rather than these

permissions are being used by these apps.” (Participant:P3, Theme: Transparency)

“Apps like Google, Facebook and justkind of adds up and shows you how much like theamount of data” (Participant: P5, Theme: Trans-parency)

Unlike participants who preferred a data-centricpresentation, those with an app-centric preference weremore motivated to investigate which entities showed ac-tivities that weren’t aligned with their expectation ofdata usage and sharing.

“I wouldn’t have thought that Dropbox is accessingmicrophone and camera. So that is interesting. I don’tthink using that is necessary for sharing files. Otherthings like using contacts for social media apps like Face-book, that makes sense and I understand why that’s hap-pening. There is obvious data sharing that I understandwhy it is happening, and there are others that I wouldchange my settings.” (Participant: P14, Theme: Trans-parency)

Some participants in this group also showedstronger feelings towards surveillance and needing pri-vacy.

“You don’t know they’re like using it in the back-ground, it kind of like tracks you where you are. So, it’skind of scary.” (Participant: P3, Theme: Transparency)

“Um, my phone does this? This kind of scares me.I want to turn it [all sharing] off and go in a cabinwhere no one can find me.” (Participant: P1, Theme:Transparency)

Many participants with app-centric preferences ex-pressed that the visualizations reminded them how lit-tle control they had over their personal information andthis fundamentally changed how they saw apps and thecompanies that own them.

5.3.3 A Bit of Both Worlds

Finally, participants (2/15) who had no preferenceseemed to demonstrate some concern for general aware-ness as well as distrust in certain specific companies.

“It depends on what you care about because if you’reconcerned about a specific app sharing your informationI want to track all of the different things that that specificapp was doing but I know for the other apps I would belike I’m concerned about my information being shared atall.” (Participant: P8, Theme: Transparency)

For these participants, the presentation style (data-centric or app-centric) was content dependent. Partic-ipants lamented that all apps are created equally and

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their intrinsic level of concern may vary depending ontheir existing suspicions of companies or distrust withmobile platforms and specific data types in general.

6 DiscussionIn this section, we revisit our research questions and

provide supporting results for each. We draw compar-isons between our findings and prior work and identifycontributions. Subsequently, we list potential implica-tions for privacy research, design, and future work. Weend this section with a discussion of the limitations ofour methodology.

6.1 Transition from Glancing toUnderstanding

In line with the C-HIP model, we tested the effect ofglaceability as a prerequisite of the Attention step, theeffect of granularity on the Comprehension step, andthe effect of presentation style that matches users’ at-titudes on the Motivation step. Our analysis suggeststhat the use of glanceable data exposure visualizationssupports users’ engagement with and understanding ofmobile app data sharing practices. When shown for theinitial five seconds, the visualizations maintained partic-ipants’ attention as they intuitively attempted to decodethe meaning of the presented information. Most partici-pants were able to accurately describe the purpose of thevisualizations within those first five seconds, althoughdesigns with the highest level of granularity (see Figure2) proved to contain too much detail to process. As aresult, our most detail-oriented designs (i.e. with veryhigh granularity) were perceived to be too complicatedfor participants even when they were presented witha prolonged time for inspection (i.e., after participantshad been given the time to fully interpret another de-sign), let alone at first glance. Considering these designshad additional temporal information, it is possible thatmay have contributed to an overload of information thatcould be consumed at a glance. Being able to identifynuances in information influences users’ ability to dis-tinguish critical information, and it ultimately impactsthe glanceability of the interface (RQ1).

Moreover, our findings suggest that glanceabilityacts as a mediator between the level of granularity ofthe interface and user comprehension (granularity →glanceability → comprehension). We saw that after ex-

pressing a detailed understanding of the informationflow (i.e., knowing who shared what type of informa-tion and when), some participants consciously weighedthe advantages of knowing this level of detail with thereduced glanceability of the interface. Particularly, as-pects that were less glanceable (e.g. the time of disclo-sure) were also deemed less useful upon further inspec-tion. Conversely, this suggests that the factors that aremore likely to capture the attention of users influencewhat they deem relevant for their understanding. This isin line with the flow of the C-HIP model [76] (attention→ comprehension) and helps us to better understand(a) the trade-offs users are willing to make and (b) theaspects of the design that contribute to users’ under-standing of data exposures.

6.2 Conceptualizing Privacy: Relationalversus Content

Participants varied in their preference for a data-centric or app-centric presentation of the information: agroup of six participants leaned towards a data-centricpresentation, a group of seven leaned towards an app-centric presentation, while the two remaining users dis-played characteristics of both groups (RQ2). Withineach group, there were distinct cognitive differences inwhat was perceived to be valuable and how to processprivacy-related risks. In line with the CommunicationPrivacy Management theory, participants’ views on pri-vacy decision-making with other parties were dependenton their personal disclosure preferences and whetherthey felt that the app was an appropriate co-owner ofthis information [53]. Participants in both groups ex-pressed a sense of ownership of their data, but they em-ployed different strategies to maintain their privacy.

Specifically, participants who preferred data-centricinformation placed stronger boundaries around spe-cific types of content regardless of the recipient. Con-sequently, monitoring the flow of that data was moreimportant, and greater emphasis was placed on hav-ing content-based control. Conversely, participants whopreferred app-centric designs tended to place boundariesaround recipients and were more concerned about enti-ties violating their trust as they were perceived to be co-owners of their personal information. Therefore, main-taining privacy for those participants is more relationaland it would require more effort to not only monitorbut to investigate the data sharing activities of appli-cations to ensure that disclosure is aligned with theirexpectations.

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These diverging conceptualizations of privacyboundary regulation are similar to prior privacy re-search in networked privacy [31, 71], which shows thatusers agree to sacrifice some of their privacy for func-tionality (e.g. using smartphone apps) as long as theirprivacy boundaries are respected. Our work is uniquein demonstrating that personal differences in the im-portance of certain privacy boundaries are reflected inusers’ preferences for the design of privacy-enhancingtechnologies, such as our data exposure visualizations.

Moreover, contextual considerations may have im-plications for the preferred structure of the informationas well, as some of our participants reported that bothstructures of the information would be useful, depend-ing on the situation: users may prefer a data-centric ap-proach to achieve general awareness, but an app-centricapproach to monitor newly installed apps they do notyet trust.

These personal and contextual variations are keyto the final step in the C-HIP model: motivation—arguably, a data exposure visualization is more likelyto be able to motivate the user to take action if thestructure of its information matches the user’s personaland contextual preferences.

6.3 Design Implications

Based on our findings, we identify insights and rec-ommendations for HCI and privacy researchers, design-ers, and developers that may benefit end-users and com-panies.

6.3.1 Develop Attention-Sustaining but MeaningfulNotifications

Facilitating users’ ability to abstract data is a fun-damental quality in glanceable interfaces and designs[26, 46, 60]. Our findings suggest this is an importantdesign aspect for glanceable privacy visualizations tomaintain the Attention and Comprehension steps of theC-HIP model. Attention-sustaining designs would adopta balance between simplicity and novelty - helping usersto quickly identify new risks while avoiding notificationoverload.

While our findings suggest that users derive valuefrom using our glanceable visualizations to improvetheir privacy awareness, this does not mean that us-ing a background channel to present visualizations isa panacea for privacy notifications. For one, we would

have to implement and test these visualizations in anactual smartphone (e.g., as part of the Android lockscreen or screensaver) to validate the use of this chan-nel. Moreover, we encourage researchers and designersto explore different channels for privacy risk communi-cation, or new ways in which existing communicationchannels could be made more glanceable and meaning-ful for users. Moving forward, researchers could considersupporting granular information in risk communicationswith appropriate visual cues to improve glanceabilitywhile providing alternatives that would best align withwhat users value. Future studies could also considerother structural dimensions such as the expectedness ofdata flows [56]. Similarly, designers should consider thelimited real estate of their channel (i.e., screensavers orpush notifications), as a lack of readability could haveserious implications, such as not recognizing risks.

6.3.2 A Case for Personalized and Adaptive Designs

Another opportunity for design would be adopt-ing a user-tailored approach. Our results suggest thatpersonal and contextual factors determine what is themost meaningful method for displaying information in adata exposure visualization. In future work, researcherscould consider a user-tailored approach to privacy, first measuring the user’s privacy boundary regula-tion preferences, then using the measurements to adaptthe structure of the presented information to the pre-dicted privacy preferences [8, 36, 75]. Personalized andadaptive designs, may better align with users’ need forcustomization to promote insightful "aha!" moments andmaintain the Comprehension stage in the C-HIP model.However, this approach should be implemented withcaution, as using personalized recommendations may it-self have privacy implications.

6.3.3 Consider Deployment Models

One of the final stages of the C-HIP model involvesmotivating users to act. Stakeholders should considerthat privacy is usually a secondary activity of usingtechnologies [42]. As such, dedicated applications thatreveal privacy leaks may only appeal to users who arealready concerned about their privacy. Similarly, re-searchers should consider the impact of chosen channelon users’ motivation. Having a background channel likea screensaver may by helpful in improving the salienceof privacy visualizations. However, if widely available for

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download, it’s possible that apps that require access tounfamiliar channels may be perceived as suspicious tousers. As such, solutions released from platform devel-opers may be seen as more trustworthy and stakeholdersin this domain are encouraged to test and incorporatenew tools.

6.4 Limitations and Future Work

Our methodology allowed us to gain a deeper un-derstanding of users’ reactions to our data exposure vi-sualizations. The interview setting allowed us to gatherfirst-hand insights into the factors that shaped users’perspectives, however, there are potential limitations toconsider. Providing context has the potential to influ-ence behavior and it is difficult to extrapolate whether astatic visualization presented in such an interview set-ting will be perceived the same way when integratedinto the user’s actual screensaver or lock screen. Indeed,privacy researchers have found evidence that supportsthe ‘privacy paradox’ [49] which implies that users mayfind new privacy tools useful in controlled settings, buttheir reaction and use may be significantly diminishedwhen said tool is used in practice.

To minimize potential carryover effects, each partic-ipant was exposed to both of the presentation styles butonly two of the four levels of granularity. Future stud-ies may want to consider methodological options thatwould allow participants to investigate different combi-nations of granularity to further explore users’ prefer-ences.

We also held the information shown in the visual-izations constant between participants, rather than tai-loring the visualizations to participants’ actual data ex-posure. This avoided the need for a full field trial, andenabled the researchers to reduce variability in user re-sponses, but it could be argued that participants’ be-havior may have been affected by the fact that theprovided artificial information did not reflect partici-pants’ real-life data exposure. The results from this in-terview study are relevant nonetheless, as they informand contextualize future live field trials with a real “pri-vacy screensaver”. In these trials, we will be able to ob-serve users’ actual adoption and use of our visualiza-tions, and whether they inspire longer-term changes inbehavior and privacy decision-making. These field trialswould not, however, give us the detailed insights regard-ing granularity, glanceability and information structurethat we gained from the current study.

One area where the generalizability of our results islimited, is in the analysis of potential “interaction ef-fects” between the data type and the level of granular-ity of each visualization. Our results provide separate,qualitative insights regarding data type and granular-ity; in a field trial with a sufficiently large sample, onecould potentially investigate whether the optimal levelof granularity is the same or different for each data type.The primary aim of our current study was to identifyqualitative differences between data types and levels ofgranularity, but we certainly suggest that future workinvolves confirmatory studies to quantitatively investi-gate potential interaction effects between these two pa-rameters. As we present our findings based on the dataof our participants, it is important to keep in mind thatthe demographics of our sample were skewed towardsyoung and educated US residents. Caine reported thatthis sample size is not uncommon for qualitative HCI re-search [13]. Although we achieved saturation, there maybe limitations in interpreting the findings on a largerscale, as our sample size may limit generalizability.

Looking forward, future work should also considerfactors that would affect deployment such as the tradeoff between information leakage detection accuracy in areal time and the impact on users’ battery life. Exist-ing tools such as Antmonitor shows that 99% of leakedpackets were mapped correctly to the installed appli-cations, while only 3% of the battery overhead is beenmeasured in average mobile usage [40]. PrivacyProxy isanother application that proves the perceived impact onbattery life by users when using the app is low[67].

7 ConclusionDespite the large body of existing work on privacy-

enhancing technologies, the problem of “helping usersunderstand which applications share what type personalinformation and when” still provides a wide range ofquestions for researchers to explore. In this study, weintroduced glanceable data exposure visualizations as anovel approach to this problem and offered insights intohow such visualizations are perceived by users. Throughour design probes and interviews with 15 participants,we provide insights into how users process informationabout privacy risks, and how the design aspects of dataexposure visualizations aid or hinder the comprehensionof those visualizations. We find that users’ preferencesfor app-centric or data-centric information depend onwhether they value relational or content privacy bound-

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aries. Furthermore, we find that providing less informa-tion may at times be more useful, as aspects such as thegranularity of the details impact users’ understandingof data exposure and the glanceability of the interface.

Our findings suggest opportunities for the design ofnew mechanisms for the visualization of privacy thatshow the “right” amount of information while offeringusers the opportunity to further explore and investigatepotential privacy risks. Finally, our work opens up linesfor further studies to explore pervasive but unobtrusiveprivacy visualizations, and work towards improving pri-vacy awareness for smartphone users.

8 AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Kelly

Caine for her guidance and feedback throughout the du-ration of this project. We also thank the members of theClemson University HATLab (Humans and TechnologyLab) for offering critiques about the methodology andearly designs. This research received no specific grantfrom any funding agency in the public, commercial, ornot-for-profit sectors.

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A The Design IterationsThe designs on the right represent different itera-

tions of designs that were considered during the pilotof the study but were eventually discarded based onfeedback from our pilot study. Top to bottom: tabular,matrix, and nodes.

Fig. 3. Tabular design

Fig. 4. Matrix design

Fig. 5. Design focused on nodes and links

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B Interviews

B.1 Interview protocol

Introduction and consent“[Good morning/afternoon], my name is ... and I am[title] here at [X] University.

Before we begin, we would like you to review theconsent form. Once you’ve had a chance to read it wemay begin when you are comfortable. This document ex-plains your rights as a research participant. During thecourse of this testing you may be asked some questionsthat are fairly obvious or repetitive in nature but this isjust because I don’t want to miss anything. Even if thisis the case, I would certainly appreciate your candid re-sponses. If you become uncomfortable, you are free tochoose to not answer questions fully or to discontinuethe interview. Confidentiality is very important to us.We will not store your name or any identifiable infor-mation and we will replace your name with a number.We would like to take an audio recording of this ses-sion. Only the investigators of this study will have accessto the recordings and it will only be used for transcrib-ing and analytical purposes. Do you give consent to therecording?

[Start recording at this point].First, thank you for taking the time to speak with me

today. I’d like to briefly explain what we are trying toachieve with our study and what you could expect todayand if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Ourstudy is exploratory so we will be asking for feedback ona screensaver for a new Android application to look forareas of improvement. Your feedback will be very valu-able. In order to help us learn more, I’ll show you somedesigns of the screensaver that we currently have thenask you a few questions. You could expect your entiretime here to be about 30-40 minutes.”

B.1.1 Overview

Imagine you have just installed a new app on yourmobile phone. The app allows you to monitor how theapps installed on your phone (such as Facebook or Drop-box) share your data with other third parties (like adver-tisers or affiliates). This new app allows you to choosespecific apps or specific data types that you would liketo focus on and it allows you to see this information asyour screensaver. We have a design for this screensaverthat we would like your feedback on. First I’ll show you

the design for 5 seconds then ask for your feedback. Af-ter that, I’ll show you the design for a longer time andask for more feedback. Once we are done, I’ll ask you tocomplete an online survey.

B.1.2 First Task (5 seconds): Participants wereshown two designs for 5 seconds and imploredto remember as much as they could.

(a) Based on the design that you just saw, can youdescribe what you understand about it?

(b) What do you think is the purpose of the screen-saver?

(c) Is there anything that stood out to you?

B.1.3 Second Task (2-3 minutes): Participants wereshown the same designs from the first task for2-3 minutes after which they were implored toremember as much as they could.

(a) Can you describe what you think the screensaver istrying to display?

(b) Is there anything about the design that confusesyou?

Wrap up and debrief

(a) Now that you have had the chance to look at bothdesigns, what are your thoughts?

(b) Is there anything else you think I should know?

The participant was thanked for their feedback andtime. They were asked to complete a brief survey tocollect demographic information and given informationabout their remuneration.

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