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The Truth about the Sith And the Knowledge of the Dark Side


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My mentor and Friend Darth Omega,

my love and apprentice Darth Sinarianmy love and apprentice Darth Sinarian

and my first apprentice Darth Antidious.


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Table of contents

•Introduction ………………………………………..Page 6

•Chapter 1

The Code and beyond………………………….Page 7

•Chapter 2

Other attachments to the Dark side……..Page 15

•Chapter 3

The Rule of Two/ the Rule of One and the evil in

the Dark Side……………………………………….Page.19

•Final Thoughts……………………………………Page 21


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What can be told about the dark side? Many Things, and for that you must have to understand that this book express no more than an opinion, a philosophy based in the Dark Side created by George Lucas for the wonderful universe of Star Wars. However the Dark Side has been portrayed as an evil force, the users as beasts without sense of honour, having only few things in mind: war, death, treason… but what was shown will prove treason… but what was shown will prove to be wrong as we take one more step into the knowledge of the Dark Side and find more reason and sense than the “Light Side” ever was able to show. There, we see the lies that were told, we unveil the many secrets of the Dark Side, and while transferring those teachings to our lives we can make them useful in order to keep us in the path of success and freedom, only using our emotions and will, always focusing into our objectives.


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Chapter 1

The Code and beyond

The essence of the Sith is based in a very specific code; it is from it that all Sith draw their power and are able to sustain themselves in the path to strength, power, victory and freedom.

But for many time the code has fallen, and while being mislead by people, the Jedi helped in the process by transforming his true meaning into sentences of terror and extremist words; and making people extremist words; and making people believe in their lies was what dictated the fall of this code’s meaning…only to rise again, full of meaning and truth.

“Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force Shall set me free.”5

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“Peace is a lie…”

Why should we believe in peace when we look around and see nothing but war? Peace is a dream, there is no true peace as the divergence of opinion confers opposition between ideas; that opposition creates conflict and then comes war as always one tries to implement his ideas into another’s mind, there must be always conflict and opposition or people wouldn’t be unique, different and original.

Peace must be attained only by personal Peace must be attained only by personal conquest, the achievement of goals, and then we shall feel it in ourselves, only for our own delight, for this false sense of peace is only in us as the others still struggle for their conflicts and personal wars.

After all it is a matter of perception: What I think to be peace can be war to others and vice versa.


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“…There is only passion”

There are many ways of understanding the key word of this phrase, “passion” can be described as:

-Any powerful emotion or feeling, as love or hate;

-Strong amorous feeling or desire, love;

-A strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything;

-An outburst of strong emotion or feeling.

Whatever best suits the word, we must agree that the essence of action and will Whatever best suits the word, we must agree that the essence of action and will comes from passion; it is this “outburst” that compels us to act, that drives us and allows us to accomplish or strongest desires.

Isn’t our passion what allow us to defend what we believe? Without our passion we could never impose ourselves, we could never fight for what is right, we could never win and be victorious…Passion is the true desire for something, that makes act and obtain what we strongly desire. Passion gives us strength. 7

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“Through passion, I gain strength.”

The passion to achieve anything gives us

strength, if we truly desire something

there is nothing that can stop us because

our emotions grant us strength. It is

hidden behind passion as we act, but the

strong feelings allow us to achieve another

level and pass through all obstacles on our

path. This link favors all users of passion,

so we must learn to listen to our basic

desires and use them as we want, always desires and use them as we want, always

mediating emotions; and so, controlling

this strength we allow ourselves to reach

the next step: Power.


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“Through strength, I gain power.”

Power comes from many places, but for

what matter to us, it is the trust placed in

us by those around us. It is the

responsibility to those that recognize our

strength and passion not only to guide

them but to guide their lives as well.

However Strength and power shall always

be linked with the will and passion, or no

emotion will be able to provide us fully-

directed and sustained actions, and loose directed and sustained actions, and loose

ourselves in another path that can lead us

to failure and misery.


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“Through power, I gain victory.”

Our passion, strength and power will lead

to victory. Through the smart use of this

linked ideas we shall obtain victory and

success, as we outburst our emotions and

fight for our objectives, we will be

provided with strength, and by using the

will, strength and trust of others we will

be able to forge our way into assured


However we shall obtain them with However we shall obtain them with

perseverance and always with truthful

thoughts in mind. On the contrary of the

given idea by the movies and the Jedi,

users of the dark side can be trusted and



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“Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force Shall set me free.”

It is assured that with victory personal satisfaction is achieved, and this satisfaction allows us to “break our chains”. These chains can be imaginary, but the feeling of freedom is true, and feeling it accordingly to the objective achieved shall be rewarding. It is the basic satisfaction given to the completion of a raw desire; it is the “freedom” we feel as we finish an important task.we finish an important task.

Now, the second part is more of a confirmation of the first with a touch of the star wars symbolism; we shall understand “force” as “the way of things”, “the way things happen” and so it shall represent the inevitable freedom we feel as we make things happen, the control we have over things, and so be able to enjoy our victory over a completed objective; After all we may not be able to have true peace but we can be free.


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This Code teaches us what we need to

reach the state of freedom that lies within

us, teaches us the most efficient steps to

reach satisfaction and completion of our

most desired objectives, teaches us how

to use our emotions, to control ourselves

and obtain strength, teaches us as many

things as we unveil from it. Of course all

this is only possible if we have the

courage and bravery to go after what we

want from it.want from it.


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Chapter 2

Other attachments to the Dark side

It is obvious that the Dark Side is not only the Sith Code but much more; there are several other attachments that are fundamental and that we have to understand in order to fully instruct ourselves in the Dark Side.

There are other links to the code that we will have to get deeper alongside several attachments with the objective of better explain their importance and explain their importance and indispensable meaning.

“We all need to look into the dark side of our nature - that's where the energy is, the passion. People are afraid of that because it holds pieces of us we're busy denying.”

Sue Grafton

As it is said by Sue Grafton, we all have a dark side; we all need to look at it, and understand that it can provide us energy, the passion that we need to act, the raw emotions and desires. 13

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And those are the ones we are afraid to see and/or remember, people are afraid to show the true nature, a more aggressive and animal nature indeed, but that is why we must control that side and take advantage of it, always restraining it.

There are several emotions that we can use to become stronger, using them accordingly to the situation will prove useful, for instance, sadness is a weak emotion, it give us nothing, only make us weak, but transforming it into anger will, in certain occasions, prove very useful as we overcome sadness morphing it into we overcome sadness morphing it into anger, and when releasing that anger we will pass through the situation easily, the key to prevail is to restrain that anger and not let it control us as we shall be the one controlling it, using it, for the Sith use the Dark side as they see fit and as opposite to the Jedi, the Sith use the force (as ”the way things happen”) and are not used by it, the Sith control their fate and destiny.


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“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”

Hebbel (German Poet and Dramatist, 1813-1863)

Hebbel tell us the great importance of passion, as we can see the key for great things is passion, as said before, passion gives us strength to act, the will to accomplish objectives and desires sometimes hidden inside us, we must have determination to act, and with passion we shall release our emotions and use them to finish our task successfully.

“A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.”

John Maxwell (American Author and motivational speaker)

This time is John Maxwell that show us that it is not our position that matter, with passion we have the strength to accomplish everything we believe we can(n’t); our visions, our desires, we have all needed to accomplish them, and with strength we can beat everything that crosses our way. 15

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“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

People are afraid of the unknown, of what is hidden. "Sith have no fear"(Darth Tyranus) so it must be none inside them; as it reveals along the path the best is to “look it in the face” and take advantage of it; “Fear is my ally” (Darth Maul) and for that we must surpass him and use it on the opposition, even in our enemies, making them afraid of us is our best shield, from there we can mold them, and shield, from there we can mold them, and take them out of our way.

Using fear always was one of the most important keys used by Sith and so they developed an important link with fear; It has great effect when persuading “Light side users” to join the Dark Side as they tend to fear their opposite, eventually falling into the Dark Side by feeling the superiority and by searching for freedom as the chains of the “Light Side” are heavy and restrain emotions.


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Chapter 3

The Rule of Two/ the Rule of One and the evil in the Dark Side

"When your power eclipses mine I will become expendable. This is the Rule of Two: one Master and one apprentice. When you are ready to claim the mantle of Dark Lord as your own, you must do so by eliminating me."

Darth Bane to Darth ZannahDarth Bane to Darth Zannah

The rule of Two aims to concentrate the knowledge and power only in the master and the apprentice. Thought to be the true nature of the Sith, that is only one of the options a Sith can follow. This rule claims the urge for treason as the apprentice shall eliminate the master when feeling ready to succeed and become a master himself, but there is a better choice, one that fits better our way of life and society, The Rule of One.


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"Instead of two there is now only one—the Sith Order itself. (…)For what use is power without one?"

Darth Krayt

The Rule of One show us that the Sith are not necessarily individuals corrupted by treason and lust for power; this Rule tell us that there is no need to be two but to be only “one”, “one” that proves much more powerful than the “two” master and apprentice. This “one” is the whole Sith Order, with all believers under one flag, the true way to spread the teachings of the Dark Side.the Dark Side.

The Rule of One gives a purpose to the power that the Dark Side gives us, unlike the rule of two that believes power to be its own purpose. United, the Sith can work as one and the quest for power has a new objective: the integrity of the order and the spreading of the teachings. This way masters could have more than one apprentice and this one would not have the need to eliminate his master once wiser and stronger than him.


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The Dark Side and the Sith always were

linked to evil, but this link is fruit of

ignorance and lack of information. The

Dark Side itself is not evil and does not

make the user evil, It is the user's belief in

the Dark Side's corrupting ability and their

own personality and teachings that make

them evil, if well balanced a Sith does not

need to be evil and those who do not

respect this inner balance cannot name

themselves as Sith but as Dark Side users, themselves as Sith but as Dark Side users,

they do not respect the teachings of the

Sith and do not follow the code. Those

dark side users can indeed be evil, and

their actions can cause harm.

"Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the

weak. The dark side is about survival. It's

about unleashing your inner power. It

glorifies the strength of the individual."

Darth Zannah


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Final Thoughts

There is much more that can be told about the ways of the Sith, there are many interpretations of the code, there are several relations that can be made in the Sith philosophy, but one thing we must understand: The Sith have been misunderstood, there is no evil in the Dark Side, it is a state of mind that provides us a more frontal and decided way to act, more passionate! It is another way to act, more passionate! It is another way to see things, and it is not for that fact that the Sith cannot live among us, and be honoured men…The Dark Side is inside us all, it is the hidden side we all have, and when well applied it unveils many great things, just cast your objective, believe in it, use your strength with passion and then you shall be victorious.


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