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Philosophy And Spirituality


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•Philosophy•Darshan•Areas of Philosophy•Relationship between Philosophy and Every day Life•Relationship between Philosophy and Engineering•Spirituality•Tantra•Sex (Spiritual)•Chakras •Types of Chakras

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A word Philosophy came from a Ancient Greek word “Philosophia” which laterly means “LOVE OF WISHDOM”. It is the study of general and fundamental problems , such as those connected with Reality , Existance , Knowledge , Value , Mind and Language. Philosophy has been described to the Greek thinker Pythagoras.

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दृश्यते�ह्यने�ने�तिते दर्श�नेम्� (दृष्यते� हि अने�ने इहिते दर्श�नेम्�)

Darshan / Hindu darshan is Real /Actual /Precise. Darshan needs conciousness , feelings and consideration .

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Areas of Philosophy-

1- Epistemology2- Logic3- Metaphysics4- Ethics/Moral 5- Aesthetic6- Mysticism

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Conclusion of Hindu Darshan

ॐ पू�र्ण�म्द� पू�र्ण�मिम्द� पू�र्ण��त्पू�र्ण�म्�दच्यते�पू�र्ण�श्य पू�र्ण�म्�द�य पू�र्ण�म्�वा�वाशिर्शष्यते� ॥ॐ र्श�न्तिः ते� र्श�न्तिः ते� र्श�न्तिः ते� ॥

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-UdacyatePuurnnashya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om, That is Full, This also is Full, From Fullness comes that Fullness,Taking Fullness from Fullness, Fullness Indeed Remains. Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

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EpistemologyIt is concerned with nature and scope of knowledge. Such as relationship between truth , belief , perception and theories of justification , Plato was the main philosopher of Epistemology.

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Logic is the study of principles of correct reasoning. Arguments use either deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning . Almost every philosopher uses logic.

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MetaphysicsIt is the study of the most general feature of reality, such as existence , time. The relationship between mind and body, object and there properties, wholes and there part. Aristotle was the main philosopher of Metaphysics.

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Ethics/Moral It is concerned primarily with the question of the best way to live and secondarily , concerning the question of whether this question be answered. Bernand Williams was the main philosopher of Ethics.

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Aestheticit deals with beauty , art , enjoyment , emotional value , perception and matter of taste and sentiment. Barnett Newman was the main philosopher of Aesthetic.

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Mysticism it is a constellation of distinctive practices , discourses , texts , traditions and experiences aimed at human transformation , variously defined in different traditions .OSHO was the main philosopher of Mysticism.

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Relationship between Philosophy and Everyday life

It can simply be described as the study of all the general and fundamental problems in life. It uses an approach that is systematic and critical and one that relies on relational arguments to achieve this.

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Relationship between Philosophy and Engineering

It is an emerging discipline that considers what engineer do and how there work impact on society . As such, the philosophy on engineering includes aspect of Ethics and Aesthetics etc. That might be studied in. For example -Philosophy of science

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It is the process of personal transformation , either accordance with traditional , religious ideas , oriented an subjective experience and psychological growth independently of specific religious context. In the other sense , It may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activities or blessful experience. There is a main part of Hindu spirituality which is TANTRA.

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Tantra is derived from two sanskrit word Tanoti meaning to Expand and Trayate meaning to Librate . It is the science of expanding and liberating soul . It encompasses almost all the spiritual practices of the hindu like – Pooja , Strotra , mantra,Yoga Mediation etc. Tantra aims at exhancing each and every aspect of human life . Tantra controls your hunger , anger , thirst , ego etc. Some people said that Tantra is the method of having sex but it is wrong. Tantra is the method of controlling the KAMA means DESIRE (food , water , money , sex etc.)

Tantra is the name given by recent scholars to a style of mediation and ritual which arose in India no later than the 5th century A.D.

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SEXSex is the most significant force on you it is your live force. From this energy that you come that keeps you running alive . Call it ,Call live force because the word sex has become so condemn by the priest that even to use it you feel as you are doing something guilty . Use live force and you can see the difference with the word live force you can not see anything wrong . Priest create a small mechanism on you , when you use it , It starts pinching you that something is wrong .

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ChakraChakra are the energy points of SUBTLE Body .Chakra are the part of subtle body not the physical body and as such meeting point of the sublet(non-physical) energy channel called Nadies in Sanskrit language (Vortex or whirlpool). In Hindu Darshan concept of chakra called Tantra and in Buddhism it is called YOG.

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Types of Chakra

1-Sahasrara सस्रा�र (Spirituality)2-Ajna आज्ञा� (Intuition)3-Vishuddha हि�र्श�द्ध (Communication)4-Anahata अने�ते (Love)5-Manipura म्णि�पु�र (Power)6-Svadhisthana स्��धि ष्ठा�ने (Sexuality)7-Muladhar  म्"ला� �र (Survival)

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Sahasrara सहस्रा�र (Spirituality)

Thousand lotus petals or Crown Chakra is generally considered to be the state of Pure Consciousness , within there is nighter subject nor object . Kundalini energy rises to a point like lord Shiva in the state of Samadhi.

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Ajna आज्ञा� (Intuition)

Command or Third eye chakra is symbolised by a Lotus with two petals color violet or blue . It is the point where two point IDA and PINGAL meets .There is the condition being dual(male or female , shiva or shakti).This chakra known as OM.

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Vishuddha हि�र्श�द्ध (Communication)

Threat chakra is depicted as a silver crescent within the white cycle with the 16 lights .It is related to Communication . This chakra is parallel to the Thyroid or Thyroid Glands.

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Anahata अने�ते (Love)

Heart chakra is symbolised by the circular flower with the 12 green petals called the Heartmind .It is a Yantra of two intersecting triangles the hexagram symbolised the union of male and female like Rudra=Shiv or Shakti=Kakini

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Manipura म्णि�पु�र (Power)

Naval chakra symbolised by downward pointing triangle with 10 petals with yellow color .This play valuable role in Digestion and conversion food mater into energy for the body. It governs personal power.

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Svadhisthana स्��धि ष्ठा�ने (Sexuality)Secral chakra is symbolised by white lotus within its crescent moon with 6 petals. The Chakra is located in the sacrum and it produce various sex hormones involve in the reproductive cycle.

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Muladhar  म्"ला� �र (Survival)Root Chakra is symbolised by a lotus of 4 petals and color is Red .This center is localized at the base of Spine .It is responsible for fight and fight response when survival is under threat. It governs Sexuality , Sensuality , Stability etc.

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