Page 1: Date Envelopes Loose Total $ 4,849.00 Se desideri offrire ... · 11:30 am – † Giuseppe Marrone, † Enrico Frazon, † Umberto & Cecilia Garbuio † Giuseppe & Gina Kosenina LAST

JUNE 14, 2020


CHURCH RE-OPENING- WELCOME BACK! We formed 2 groups that with alternate coming to Church every second Saturday or Sunday (for those who registered), till further notice. Masses are scheduled on Saturday at 4:00 pm; Sunday at 8:30 am, 10:00 am in Italian and 11:30 am. There is no 5:00 pm Mass.

PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED FOR THE PUBLIC BUT WE ARE WORKING IN THE OFFICE. If you wish to offer a Mass intention or need any information please contact the Parish office: 604-298-4144. You can send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] and we will assist you as soon as we can. You can come to the office, ring the door bell, come in front of the window and keep distance of 2m. We will come by the window and talk to you. If you need to order a mass and need a mass card we can prepare it for you. Card will be placed in the mail box for you to pick it up. Thank you very much on your cooperation. In a case of urgent matter that requires sacrament of anointing with urgency please contact 604-298-6111.

CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE (CWL): Ruth, CWL secretary, is making and selling homemade masks and half the proceeds will go to St. Helen's Food Bank. They are made of 100% cotton, 250 thread count or more, and come in all colours and patterns, even plain black. Please contact Sonya Scaglione for more information on how to pick up your order, at 604 767-2002. Cost, 3 for $25 or 1 for $10. Place payment in an envelope, cash or cheque payable to Sonya Scaglione.

THE WALL OF FAITH offers a memorable and lasting gift that should be considered for funerals and it is tax deductible. If the family of the deceased person requests a memorial donation to St. Helen’s Parish on the occasion of the Funeral Mass in lieu of flowers, deceased’s name will be written on the Wall of Faith. Display is in a prominent location in the lobby of the church. For more information and donations, please contact parish office.

“Their names are written in heaven”

MATCHING ANONYMOUS DONATIONS UP TO $1,000.00. An anonymous donor has come forward to help our parish and encourage parishioners to give what they can to sustain the operation of the parish by offering to match any donation up to $1,000.00. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to this generous donor and to all who have contributed to support St. Helen’s during this difficult time! All donations are tax deductible!

FUND-RAISED TILL June 10, 2020 - $ 10,020.00

ST. HELEN’S FOOD BANK We are still helping needy in our community and accept food and monetary donations towards the Food Bank. In this hard time, we can show our support and care for the ones that need our help. Container is placed in front of the office to accept donations during the office hours. Thank you!

HOST AND WINE. If you are interested in donating the Host and Wine in memory of a dear on please contact the office, 604-298-4144. Donations are tax deductible.

CHURCH CLEANING – June – TEAM 2 – Beatrice, 604-291-9552 BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK. Please support DIGNITY MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOMES, one of the sponsors who bring to you this weekly Parish Bulletin.


Date Envelopes Loose Total

June 7 $ 4,824.00 $ 25.00 $ 4,849.00

Thank you for your generosity!

We Pray For Saturday, June 13 [St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church]

9:00 am – In Honour of St. Anthony, † Chan Kwan Po 4:00 pm – Special Int. for Sandro’s Recovery, † Leo Sweeney

† Barbara Jukich, † Darrell Harper, † Milagros Pullido † Lucia Luz Romuar


CORPUS CHRISTI] 8:30 am – All Souls in Purgatory, Yina Helen Yoon Special Intention

† Umberto Garbuio, † Mary & Arthur Gallant 10:00 am - † Donata & Domenico Cibelli, † Renato Dalla Zanna

† Dec. of Settimio & Filippo Briglio’s Fam. † Dec. Members of Zavarise & Menegon Fam.

11:30 am – Spec. Int. for Fr. Larry Lynn, Spec. Int. for Fr. Konrad Zaborowski Spec. Int. for Nadia Olynyk, † Cosmo Scinicariello, † Frank Cerminara Monday, June 15 [Weekday, Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time]

7:45 am – Spec. Int. for Fr. Konrad Zaborowski, † Leo Sweeney Tuesday, June 16 [Weekday]

7:45 am – † Leo Sweeney , † Jun Lopez Wednesday, June17 [Weekday]

7:45 am - All Souls in Purgatory, † Leo Sweeney Thursday, June 18 [Weekday]

7:45 am – Anna Marie Lee Special Intention, † Leo Sweeney Friday, June 19 [The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus]

7:45 am - Spec. Int. for David Rezmer, † Ernesto & Domenica Cioffi Saturday, June 20 [The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary]

9:00 am – † Leo Sweeney, † Dec. of Razon & Viduya Fam. 4:00 pm – In Honour of Bartolo Longo, † Agnes & Joseph Wong, † John Gault

Sunday, June 21 [12th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. (FATHER’S DAY)] 8:30 am – All Souls in Purgatory

10:00 am - † Antonio, Nicola & Domenico Maselli, † Liborio Mainella † Antonio Macera, † Manlio Mottes, † Elio & Sergio Infanti † Giuseppe Pagnotta & Vittorio Cuccione, † Giuseppe Luca

† Pio Bordignon, † Fortunato Dalla Zanna, † Lorena & Egidio Boratto 11:30 am – † Giuseppe Marrone, † Enrico Frazon, † Umberto & Cecilia Garbuio

† Giuseppe & Gina Kosenina


Please call office, 604-298-4144. Outside of office hours, please call 604-298-6111. The following priest chaplains are also available:

Burnaby General Hospital: Fr. Bede Kiem Minh Le, 604.298.6800

Royal Columbian Hospital: Chaplains’ Cell Ph.:604.250.7513,Rev. Claude Makulu, O. Praem, 604.

936.2525, Rev.Reynaldo Usman,604.521.3406,Rev.Rastislav Kršak, SVD(Fri., Sat., Sun.),604.526.7351

Vancouver Gen. Hosp.:Rev.Jude Iloghalu 604.230.7217 (Mon.,Tue.,Fri.,Sat.,Sun.).Rev. Miguel Segura

Blay,Rev.Gilbert Nunez,Rev.Luis Martin Brain Delgado604.875.4151or 604.875.4111(Wedn, Thur.)

Saint Paul Hospital: Rev. Rajesh Madtha, OCD Phone: 604.806.8290 Pager: 604.252.4224.

Please provide this important information to the priest before he arrives: name of the sick, ward, room number, bed number and name & phone number of the person requesting the visit as the hospital will not provide any details due to privacy laws.

GIUGNO 14, 2020


RIAPERTURA DELLA CHIESA - BEN TORNATI! Abbiamo formato 2 gruppi che si alternano in chiesa ogni secondo sabato o domenica (per coloro che si sono registrati), fino a nuovo avviso. Le messe sono in programma sabato alle 16:00; Domenica alle 8:30, 10:00 in italiano e 11:30. Non c'è la Messa delle 17:00.

L'UFFICIO PARROCCHIALE È CHIUSO PER IL PUBBLICO, MA STIAMO LAVORANDO IN UFFICIO. Se desideri offrire un'intenzione di massa o hai bisogno di informazioni, contatta l'ufficio parrocchiale: 604-298-4144 e lascia un messaggio o invia un'email a [email protected] o [email protected] e lo faremo assisterti appena possibile. Puoi venire in ufficio, suonare il campanello della porta, venire davanti alla finestra e mantenere una distanza di 2 m. Verremo dalla finestra e ti parleremo. Se devi ordinare una messa e hai bisogno di una carta di messa, possiamo prepararla per te. La carta verrà inserita nella casella di posta affinché tu possa ritirarla. Grazie mille per la vostra collaborazione. Per eventuali nuovi aggiornamenti, consultare il sito Web della parrocchia (

FONDO DONAZIONE CORRISPONDENTE. Un donatore anonimo si è fatto avanti per aiutare la nostra parrocchia e incoraggiare i parrocchiani a dare tutto il possibile per sostenere il funzionamento della parrocchia offrendo di abbinare qualsiasi donazione fino a $ 1.000,00. I nostri più sentiti ringraziamenti vanno a questo generoso donatore e a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito a sostenere Sant’Elena in questo momento difficile! Tutte le donazioni sono deducibili dalle tasse!


BANCO DI ALIMENTI - CIBO PER I POVERI. Grazie per la vostra collaborazione. Stiamo ancora aiutando i bisognosi nella nostra comunità e accettiamo donazioni alimentari e monetarie verso la Banca alimentare. In questi tempi difficili possiamo mostrare il nostro supporto e aiutare quelli che hanno bisogno del

nostro aiuto. Il cibo si puo lasciare alla porta dell'ufficio durante le ore di ufficio. Grazie!

LEGA DELLE DONNE CATTOLICHE (CWL): Ruth, segretaria del CWL, produce e vende maschere fatte in casa e metà del ricavato andrà alla banca alimentare di Sant’Elena . Sono realizzati al 100% in cotone, con un numero di fili pari o superiore a 250 e sono disponibili in tutti i colori e motivi, anche in nero. Si prega di contattare Sonya Scaglione per ulteriori informazioni su come ritirare il proprio ordine, al 604 767-2002. Costo, 3 a $ 25 o 1 a $ 10. Effettuare il pagamento in una busta, contanti o assegno pagabile a Sonya Scaglione.

SE VOLETE OFFRIRE IL PANE E IL VINO da usare durante tutte le Sante Messe della settimana a ricordo dei propri cari, per favore chiamate l’ufficio parrocchiale.


CORONAVIRUS. The Archdiocese of Vancouver is continually monitoring the situation related to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Please check for more info.



Page 2: Date Envelopes Loose Total $ 4,849.00 Se desideri offrire ... · 11:30 am – † Giuseppe Marrone, † Enrico Frazon, † Umberto & Cecilia Garbuio † Giuseppe & Gina Kosenina LAST

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