  • 7/31/2019 Daughters of Atlas EXCERPT


    Daughters of Atlas

    The Quest


    Arnold Greenberg

  • 7/31/2019 Daughters of Atlas EXCERPT



    All Rights Reserved Clayfield Books 2011

  • 7/31/2019 Daughters of Atlas EXCERPT


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    Chapter 1

    Julies life changed forever on her thirteenth birthday in the Sea Dragon Chinese

    Restaurant--changed in ways she could never have imagined. Her father had just driven in

    from his farm in central Pennsylvania. A date--usually lunch--had become a birthday


    Ive always wanted to try this place, her father said as they walked in. One of the

    guys at my old office told me about it. He said it was different.

    The restaurant was small and dark. They were greeted by a smiling young Chinesewoman with long black hair carrying menus. She took them to a booth towards the rear of

    the busy restaurant with practically every table taken. A large colorful painting of a sea

    dragon with a long red tongue darting from its mouth was in the center of the wall.

    When they sat down at a booth towards the rear of the restaurant, Julie noticed an

    old Chinese man sitting at a corner table in the rear. He was thin with a narrow face and

    high cheekbones. He wore a white shirt opened at the collar. Julie noticed he looked up at

    her as she and her father walked to their booth. Their eyes met briefly and he smiled,bowing his head to her. When they sat down, Julies seat faced the back of the restaurant.

    The old man was diagonally across from her at the rear table. She noticed a bowl of fortune

    cookies in front of him, a pair of scissors, a pen and several sheets of paper. He kept his eyes

    on her as if he studying her and then smiled, bowing his head again.

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    He gives me the creeps, she said, trying not to look at him but couldnt help

    herself. She quickly glanced at him and noticed he was writing on the small piece of paper

    in front of him. He looked up again and their eyes met. She looked away. Hes looking at

    me like he knows me, Julie said, turning back to her father.

    When the waiter brought their egg rolls and soup, Julie asked him, Who is that old

    man at that back table?

    Lee Wan. He owner.

    Does he always stare at people?

    Yes. He write fortune cookie. You will get wise message in your fortune cookie.

    Ive never heard of a personal fortune cookie, Julies father said.

    Lee Wan very wise man. Good man. He watch you and then he write your fortune.

    He call it fate. He has special talent.

    He makes me uncomfortable, Dad, Julie said leaning forward.

    Dont worry about it, Julie, her father said, sipping his soup. Writing individual

    messages is probably a gimmick--something he does to get customers to come here.

    He hasnt taken his eyes off of me. Its like hes seeing inside of me.

    During dinner, Julie and her father shared their platters and though she didnt care

    for her fathers meal, she ate some of the shrimp. She tried not to look at the old man, but

    she could feel him looking at her.

    When they finished eating, her father asked how she enjoyed her meal.

    Good, she said, except for being stared at by that zombie.

    After the waiter cleared their table, Julie watched him walk to the old mans table at

    the rear of the restaurant.

    Look! Julie whispered. He gave our waiter two fortune cookies and pointed to

    our table.

    When the waiter returned he had fortune cookies on two small plates. This one is

    for young lady, he said then placed the other plate in front of her father. Julie glanced

    over at the old man and noticed he had his eyes on her while she opened her cookie and

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    took out the thin strip of paper. It had a hand written message. Julie noticed the small neat


    The Truth of who you are awaits you at 357 South Street. You must go. Very

    important. Do not delay!

    Julie read the message several times then glanced over at the old man who bowed,

    looking Julie in the eyes. He had a slight smile, narrowing his eyes and nodding his head as

    if urging her to take the message seriously.

    What does your message say? Julie asked her father.

    He held the small slip of paper away from him, moving it back and forth, so that he

    could read it without his glasses. Trust! he read, Whatever that means.

    What do you think of this message, Julie asked, handing her slip to him.

    Hmm. Thats strange! I never saw a message in a fortune cookie like that, but its

    better than, help Im trapped in a fortune cookie factory. As usual, he laughed at his own


    Thats not funny. What should I do? Should I go there? she asked. This is so


    I dont know. Ignore it, I guess. Unless you want to have an adventure, he said,

    shrugging his shoulders.What do you think your message means? she asked.

    I dont know, he answered, shrugging his shoulders. He repeated the message,

    Trust. What am I suppose to trust? He put the message down on his plate and ate the


    Julie stared at her message, reading it several times then placed it in her pocket.

    Lets go shopping. I want to forget about this place.

    But as she and her father walked out of the restaurant, Julie glanced back at the old

    Chinese man. Their eyes met, his eyes narrowing as if trying to say something important to

    her. He bowed again, but this time did not smile. The intense, serious look made Julie

    shiver and look away.

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    Walking to her fathers car, Julie thought about the old man and the strange

    message in her fortune cookie. I wonder whats at 357 South Street.

    That night, Julie found the note in her pocket and re-read it. What kind of Truth

    about me? she wondered. She took out her cell phone and called her friend, Monica.

    She told her about the message in her fortune cookie and the creepy owner who

    writes peoples fortunes.

    You dont believe it, do you? Sounds weird, Monica said.

    Yeah, probably, Julie said, but lets go down to South Street tomorrow. My dads

    in for my birthday. I can ask him to take us.

    Are you serious? Monica asked.

    Yeah, I want to check it out. Anyway, there are some cool shops down there. Itll

    be fun.

    When Julie hung up, she read the message again then placed the thin slip of paper

    on the table next to her bed. She couldnt stop thinking about how the old Chinese man

    looked at her and how strange it made her feel. I wonder what the Truth of who I am

    means, she thought. And whats so important.

    She walked over to her bureau. A small mirror was on the wall over it. Tucked in thecorner of the mirror was a photograph of her when she was eight. She was sitting on her

    fathers lap and her mother was standing smiling down at them with her hand on his

    shoulder. Julie felt a pang of nostalgia remembering the polka dotted shirt she wore. She

    looked at her parents and her mothers long hair when they were still married.

    She looked at herself in the mirror, glancing at her curly brown hair, her hazel eyes.

    Julie was small, just over five feet tall. She looked at her body, at her small breasts, her thin

    waist. She leaned forward and noticed a pimple on her forehead and frowned and

    muttered, Damn! She then opened her bureau drawer and took the long yellow tee-shirt

    she liked to sleep in.

    Julie had her own bath room next to the linen closet. I love this house, she

    whispered, remembering how small their other one was. She brushed her teeth and looked

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    at herself in the bathroom mirror over the sink. Thirteen! Im thirteen! she said, liking

    the way the number sounded. Im a real teenager now.

    In bed, she stared up at the ceiling. I wonder whats at 357 South Street.

    The next day, Julie sat in the front seat and Monica in the back of the grey Volvo.

    They drove along East River Drive, past joggers and people on the grass enjoying a sunny

    Sunday afternoon. Her father listened to an old Bob Dylan cassette, humming along with

    the song, One More Cup of Coffee for the Road.

    Dad, how come your car stinks like a barn? Julie asked. And theres all this

    straw on the floor.

    I had some chickens in here I bought from my neighbor--Rhode Island Reds.

    Well, I think you should keep your car cleaner, Julie said.

    Do you miss the city, Mr. Gerstein? Monica asked.

    Not a bit, he responded. I enjoy the animals and the garden and Ive never felt

    healthier. He glanced back at Monica. And I certainly dont miss the noise and the


    I hate that youre so far away, Julie said. And I feel so out of it when

    I visit you. Im not used to being in the country.

    Well, maybe you will get used to it, he said. Learning how to be self-sufficient is

    going to be more and more important in the future as our food distribution system breaks

    down. He looked at Julie and Monica. We have a lot to learn from the old ways, he said.

    Julie looked back at Monica and shrugged her shoulders as if apologizing for her

    fathers lecture.

    Monica, you should see how yellow the yolks of fresh eggs are, he said, glancing

    back at her.

    I hate eggs, she said.

    Oh, too bad, he said. And fresh butter--I make butter every couple of days.

    Oh, really, Monica responded and sat back in her seat. Have you heard from

    Richie? Monica asked Julie after a long silence.

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    Dont mention his name, Julie answered, shaking her head and scrunching her

    nose. All he cares about is basketball, his laptop and video games.

    But hes cute, Monica said.

    Hes an obnoxious jock, Julie said.

    Whos an obnoxious jock? her father asked.

    This kid at school, Julie said, looking out the window. He used to be nice but now

    hes so nerdy I cant stand him! Julie turned and looked at Monica in the back seat.

    Please, dont mention his name anymore.

    The car was silent as they drove into center city. It takes so long to get anywhere

    with all this traffic, Julie said, looking out the window.

    I know, her father agreed, shaking his head. This is one of the reasons I moved

    out of the city. He looked up at the street sign. But its just a couple of blocks.

    When they turned onto South Street, it was crowded with cars and people walking

    on the sidewalks. Any place special you girls want to go.

    No. We just want to walk around, Julie said. Its so cool around here.

    Right, Mr. Gerstein said. Several years ago it was just a dilapidated

    neighborhood but lots of artists moved in and little shops opened and now its having a

    renaissance.Julie looked at the addresses--four seventy two, four sixty-six.

    Hey Dad, theres a parking space. She pointed. That car is pulling out.

    Her father maneuvered the car into the parking space. When they got out, he put

    two quarters in the meter. Julie noticed the address, four-twenty three.

    Lets go up this way, her father said. Theres a good book store up on the next


    No, Dad, I want to go that way, she pointed to the three hundred-block.

    Tell you what, Ill go up to the book store and meet you at that ice cream store in

    an hour. He pointed to the store across the street.

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    Okay, see you in an hour, Julie said, impatiently, pulling on Monicas arm. Come

    with me, she said and waved goodbye to her father. Julie had a small leather handbag on a

    thin strap over her shoulder. Both girls wore jeans and t-shirts.

    As they walked, Monica said, How come youre walking so fast, whats the hurry?

    Monica was taller than Julie and had her brown hair tied in a pony tail. Slow down, I

    want to look in the store windows.

    Sorry, Julie said, looking at the addresses. Three-fifty three was an antique store,

    filled with old lamps and chairs. Ahead, she saw a sign, Madam Tutania--Fortune Teller.

    She saw the address--three-fifty-seven. This is it, Julia said, looking in the dark empty


    What do you mean? Monica asked.

    This is the address in my fortune cookie, she answered, taking the small paper

    from her pocket and showed it to Monica.

    Monica read the small slip, The Truth of who you are awaits you, she repeated.

    Im going to go in, Julie said.

    Are you crazy? Monica responded. These places are rip-offs.

    The message said, dont delay.

    Julie, you dont believe it do you?Come on in with me? Julie asked.

    You cant go in there. This is too weird. It gives me the creeps.

    I dont want to go in alone, Julie said. Lets go in.

    No way, Monica said. No way, she repeated, shaking her head. You can go, but

    Im not going in there. Im a devout coward!

    Well Im going, Julie said, taking a deep breath and walked up to the door and

    looked inside. She turned back and glanced at Monica then back at the door, staring at the

    brass door handle. It was dark inside. Julie stood still and thought, This is really insane,

    but she took another deep breath, placed her hand on the handle and opened the door. She

    heard a small bell above the door jingle. Julie stood in a small entrance way. Two small red

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    leather chairs were in the corner. On the wall was a painting of a tall mountain rising into

    the clouds and lots of trees. It looked like a jungle.

    Just then an old woman opened the red curtain and saw Julie. She was bent over

    leaning on a wooden cane and wore a long black dress that went to the floor. A wine colored

    shawl hung loosely over her stooped shoulders. A black turban covered her grey hair. Her

    dark face was wrinkled with a deep furrow just over her eyes. She had long dangling

    silver earrings and a necklace around her neck with a large red stone. Julie stared at the

    necklace for a second, fascinated by the jewel then looked at the old womans face. The old

    woman smiled when she saw Julie.

    Ah, you have come, she said, narrowing her eyes.

    Do you know me? Julie asked.

    Yes, Lee Wan sent you to me, she said, motioning to her to come into the other

    room. Come, she said, Come with me. She held back the red curtain.

    You know Lee Wan? Julie asked. He wrote this message. Julie showed her the

    small piece of paper.

    Yes, I know Lee Wan well. Please, follow me, she added, looking into Julies eyes,


    Julie entered the other room. It was dark except for a few candles on a small table.The room smelled of incense. The old woman pointed to a chair in front of the table. Sit.

    There is not much time.

    What do you mean, theres not much time.

    Please, sit and I will tell you.

    When Julie sat, the old woman picked up a candle and moved it closer to Julies

    face. Leaning forward, she looked into Julies eyes, nodding. Ah, yes, it is you, at last.

    What do you mean, at last? Julie asked.

    She put the candle down on the table. It is important that you have come.

    Why? Whats so important?

    You have a special ancient soul.

    A special past? Im only thirteen, nothing special has happened to me.

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    Ah but it did, a long, long time ago.

    I better go and find my friend. This is freaking me out.

    Not yet, not yet. No matter what you try to do, now that you are thirteen, you

    cannot escape who you are or your mission.

    Please, tell me whats going on? Julie asked, trembling. Her mouth was dry. She

    stared at the old woman.

    Julie glanced down at the message and asked, Whats the Truth that awaits me?

    she asked.

    I cant tell you too much, she said. Much of what you will have to learn you will

    have to learn yourself. It is a quest. She looked at Julie and rubbed her chin. But come

    let me show you something important.

    Madam Tutania went to the wall and Julie followed her. She pointed to a small

    painting in a gold frame. In the picture was a girl with long black hair. She had a long

    white dress that went to her feet. She was on a desert. In back of the girl was a camel and in

    the distance two pyramids.

    Who is she? Julie asked, thinking she wished her hair was that long.

    She is Jera--A Daughter of Atlas--and thats what you are.

    Daughter of Atlas? What do you mean thats what I am?You will find out about your past soon enough, Madam Tutania said. She then

    touched the red stone she wore on a thin gold chain around her neck. And you will learn

    about the Stone of Truth.

    Julie turned back to the picture and looked at the girl. She moved closer to the

    picture and noticed the girl in the picture was wearing a necklace with a red stone similar

    to the one Madam Tutania was wearing.

    Julie turned to Madam Tutania. She has the same necklace you have.

    Yes, the Stone of Truth, the old woman repeated.

    Julie couldnt take her eyes off of the red stone. She looked back at the painting on

    the wall repeating the words, Daughter of Atlas.

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    After a silence, Madam Tutania took a deep breath, reached in back of her neck and

    removed the necklace.

    This is for you, the old woman said and handed it to Julie.

    For me? What do you mean, this is for me? Julie looked at the necklace being

    handed to her but did not reach for it. She then looked at Madam Tutania.

    You are now thirteen. Ive been waiting for you and now this is the time I must

    pass it on. This necklace is yours. It is an ancient star ruby, very old and important.

    I dont understand. Whats going on? Julie asked, staring at the red stone.

    You must keep the necklace hidden but always keep it with you. Do not say a word

    that you have it, Madam Tutania said. You will learn when it is time to wear it. You will

    learn the Truth and what it means to be A Daughter of Atlas. She paused and looked at

    Julie, Here, please take the necklace and keep it with you but hidden for now.

    Again, Julie looked at the necklace but did not take it. I dont know whats going

    on but I have to go, my friend is waiting and I have to meet my father.

    Please, you must take the necklace. You are meant to have it. Madam Tutania

    took Julies hand and placed the necklace in her hand. Do as I say. Its very important.

    And there is not much time.

    Julie looked at the necklace in her hand and noticed a tiny image of a star in thecenter.

    I really have to go, Julie said, clutching the necklace.

    Just a minute, Madam Tutania said. She paused and looked at Julie. Have you

    ever heard of Atlantis?

    No! Whats Atlantis?

    You will find out about Atlantis in your dreams, Madam Tutania said.

    Julie looked at Madam Tutania,

    reams? Whats happening to me?

    Madam Tutania took Julies hand and looked deeply into her eyes. She nodded her

    head. I know this must all be strange to you, but Lee Wan knew who you were as soon as

    he saw you and sent you to me. She took a deep breath. Now that you are thirteen you

    will have very important dreams--dreams that will tell you who you are and from them you

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    will learn what it means to be a Daughter of Atlas. You will learn about Atlantis. That is

    part of the quest.

    Atlantis. Dreams. Daughter of Atlas? This necklace? Whats going on?

    The dreams will tell you more, Madam Tutania said. The important lessons in life

    cannot be taught, they must be learned from life.

    Julie repeated the words Atlantis and dreams in her mind. She looked at the

    necklace and the red stone in her hand. Madam Tutania went to a small table, opened a

    drawer and handed Julie a tiny box covered with red velvet. Place the necklace in this box

    and keep it hidden but always with you, she said. You will learn when it is time to wear


    Julie took the small red box and placed the necklace in it. She opened up her small

    handbag, moved a few things aside and placed the box at the bottom of her handbag.

    I really have to go, Julie said.

    Yes, but please come to me again and I will help you understand the dreams and

    your power.

    They walked to the curtain and Madam Tutania held it open for her. One more

    thing, my dear, be careful. You may be in danger now that you are thirteen and have the

    necklace. Madam Tutania took Julies hand and held it with both of her hands.Remember, do not let anyone know you have the necklace--no one-- until it is the

    right time. Their eyes met. She then let go and disappeared behind the red curtain.

    Julie stood still for a moment in the small entrance way. She glanced back at the red

    curtain then opened the front door and heard the bell jingle.

    When Julie walked out to the sidewalk, Monica ran up to her How was it? What

    happened? You were in there a long time. Come on, tell me everything.

    Hold on, Julie said. Ill tell you later. Weve got to get to my Dad.

    Suddenly, as they stood in front of Madam Tutanias shop, Julie noticed a tall, husky

    man in a black leather jacket. He was leaning against a motorcycle parked at the curb. He

    had dark sunglasses on and a toothpick in his mouth. His big belly hung over his black

    leather jeans. His arms were folded over his chest and she noticed a long earring dangling

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    from one ear. When their eyes met, he took off his sunglasses and smiled coldly at Julie,

    revealing a missing front tooth. He had a scraggily goatee and mustache.

    Hey, sweets, you learned something important in there, didnt you? he asked, his

    dark eyes looking at Julie.

    Julie shivered when she saw him but didnt respond. She stared at him, startled by

    his question. He just stared at her, smiling that icy smile. Julie swallowed and pulled

    Monicas arm, Lets go, she whispered and left the man standing there and rushed up the

    street towards the ice cream store. She glanced back and saw he was looking at her and still

    smiling, revealing his missing tooth.

    Guys like that give me the creeps, Julie said.

    Why did he ask you that question? Monica asked.

    I dont know, but something really weird is going on.

    Over ice cream, Julie told her father and Monica everything that Madam Tutania

    said, but did not mention the necklace. She said Im a Daughter of Atlas and could be in

    danger and then that man with the motorcycle acted like he knew something about me,

    she said. Her handbag was hanging on the back of her chair and she thought about the

    necklace. It was all she could do not to mention it.

    Dad, have you ever heard of Atlantis? she asked.Atlantis he repeated. I dont know much about it, but I think Plato wrote about

    this lost continent that sunk. Ive always been fascinated by the idea, he said, licking the

    back of his spoon.

    After a long silence, he said, So youre a Daughter of Atlas. He shook his head. I

    sometimes feel like I have the world on my shoulders, he said, smiling.

    Daddy, thats not funny.

    Sorry, he said. Listen, if you see that man again, tell someone and call me. Tell

    Mom or someone at school. You cant be too careful these days.

    That night, in bed, Julie could not stop thinking about Madam Tutania and the

    necklace. She thought about the picture of the girl with long dark hair and the necklace

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    with the red stone and the fact that she now had a necklace just like it in her hand bag. She

    took it out and opened the small box and held the necklace. She noticed the small star in

    the middle of the stone. She put it around her neck and looked at herself in the mirror. She

    touched the stone as she stared at it around her neck. After a few minutes, she took it off,

    placed it back in the box, wondering how she was going to keep it hidden but with her. She

    put it back in her handbag, making sure it was at the bottom and covered. She then placed

    her handbag on the floor next to her bed.

    Julie got ready for bed, turned out the lamp, but had difficulty falling asleep with so

    much on her mind. She thought about Madam Tutanias words, Be careful, You may be in

    danger. She thought about the man with the motorcycle and how he looked at her. Finally,

    Julie drifted off to sleep and in the hours just before dawn began to dream.

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    Chapter 2

    In a small dark room, a young girl slept on a straw mat. The room was bare except

    for a little woven straw basket next to the wall. Outside, a rooster crowed, announcing

    dawn. The first rays of the morning sun entered through a tiny window. The girl stirred,

    opening her eyes. She then turned over for more sleep.

    Jera! Wake up! A gray haired man entered the room wearing a long, white robe

    that went to his sandaled feet. A large leather pouch held by a long thin strap hung from his


    Wake up, Jera. I have important news, he said, touching her shoulder.

    Papa! Jera opened her eyes. Her father kneeled down.

    We are leaving Egypt, but we must hurry.

    Leaving? Jera sat up, her long black hair went half way down her back.

    Isnt that good news on your birthday? he said, smiling.

    Leaving? Where are we going?

    Ra Ta is sending me to Sidonia to buy cedar timber to preserve the sacred scrolls

    from Atlantis. I have the gold right here in this pouch. Our ship leaves at noon.

    Wen Amon touched his daughters hair, moving some loose strands from her eyes.

    Soon, we will have enough money to leave this terrible city for good.

    But Papa, I dont want to leave this city. This is my home. My friends are here.

    Were not safe here, her father said. You know that Pharaoh despises the

    followers of Ra Ta. He is ridding the city of anyone who does not follow his own beliefs.

    Already many of the scrolls brought here long ago from Atlantis have been burnt to heat

    his palace and the bath houses he has built.

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    Jera took a deep breath and stood up. She would not face her father. I will be ready

    soon, Papa.

    And now, I have something for you. From the leather pouch he took a necklace

    with a small red stone. Now that you are thirteen, you are ready to wear the Stone of

    Truth and become a true Daughter of Atlas.

    Jera turned to her father and saw the necklace he was holding out to her. She

    walked to him. The Stone of Truth? she repeated. For me?

    Yes, he said, smiling.

    I have heard about the Daughters of Atlas from Mama before she died and the

    story of Atlantis but never thought much about it. It was just a story.

    It is much more than just a story, her father said. I have not spoken of what Ive

    known about you, but now that you are thirteen, it is time for you to learn. This necklace

    was given to your mother when you were born. She was told it was worn by a Daughter of

    Atlas who lived on Atlantis named Jocosta.

    Jeras father handed her the necklace. She looked down at it and felt the red stone,

    moving her fingers over it.

    It is a star ruby and in time the stone will reveal to you the Truth of Atlantis and

    who you are. It will teach you what it means to be a Daughter of Atlas and the memoriesyou must keep alive. It is only through the stone that you will learn to see what others

    cannot see.

    Can I wear it? she asked, looking at it then up at her father.

    Of course, you must wear it, he said.

    Jera handed the necklace to her father and lifted her long black hair. She turned

    around and her father placed it around her neck and fastened it. She then looked down at

    the stone and held it between her fingers. She turned to her father and gave him a hug.

    I love this necklace, but I now have a strange feeling, she said. I feel strange, very

    strange. She looked up at her father.

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    He smiled at Jera. You will get used to the stone. The power will come to you

    slowly, he continued. Before we leave at noon you will meet Inna. She will tell you more

    and give you the blessing.

    But why do I feel so strange? Jera asked. I feel dizzy when I touch the stone.

    Julie! Get up or youll be late for school, her mother called from down the hall.

    Julie opened her eyes. Its late! her mother yelled. Suddenly, Julie sat up and

    looked around her room, not sure where she was. Daughters of Atlas, she repeated,

    remembering her dream.

    Come on, Julie, if you want a ride to school.

    Jera, that was the girl in the pictureand the necklace, its just like the one I

    have, Julie thought. Whats happening to me?

    Julie! her mother called. Sorry, I have to rush. Theres an English Muffin in the

    toaster. Ill see you tonight.

    Julie got out of bed. She opened her door and yelled down the stairs. Mom!

    Something strange is happening to me. I had the weirdest dream.

    Save it for me, honey. Im really behind. Marge is picking me up in two minutes.

    But Mom, I saw this picture of a girl at a fortune tellers yesterday.Fortune teller? Neat! her mother interrupted. I want to hear all about itbut

    not now. See you tonight, dear. A horn honked outside and her mother ran out the door.

    Ill be home around five-thirty.

    Julie didnt have time for a shower, so she splashed water on her face, ran a brush

    through her curly brown hair, dressed quickly, putting on the new jeans and yellow shirt

    she bought when she went shopping with her father. Hmm, not bad,

    Julie said out loud, cocking her head.

    She then remembered the necklace hidden in her handbag. She took it out, opened

    the book bag and placed the tiny box at the bottom. It will be safe there, I hope, she said

    to herself. She remembered Jera in her dream saying she felt strange when she put it on.

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    Suddenly, Julie felt a shiver all through her body as she covered the stone with her

    notebook. I feel weird, she said. Wow, what was that feeling?

    She picked up her book bag and went into the kitchen. She ate half the English

    muffin, gulped down some orange juice and left the house. When she got to the end of the

    driveway and turned to walk to the train station, she stopped short. Across the street was

    the man with the motorcycle. He leaned against it, bowing his head, a slight smile on his


    Oh, no, Julie gulped as she rushed down the street towards the train station. He

    knows where I live, she said to herself, glancing back. Her body tensed as the motorcycle

    started up and followed her. As it passed, the man smiled, revealing his missing tooth.

    Be seein you, sweetie, he yelled over the roar of the motorcycle.

    Julie kept walking towards the Carpenter Lane train station which was a half a

    block from her house. She watched the motorcycle turn the corner. Before it turned, he

    looked back at her, smiled, giving her a thumbs up. She walked quickly down the steps of

    the small train station to the platform and past a group of boys from her school. All of them

    had their baseball caps on backwards. She saw Monica and ran to her, Monica! she

    shouted. He was just outside my house!

    Who?You know--that guy from yesterday--the guy with the motorcycle.


    Howd he know where I live? He gives me the creeps and I had the weirdest


    What are you going to do? Monica asked then pointed behind Julie. Hey, theres

    Billy over there.

    Julie turned and Billy waved, but Julie did not wave back and turned to Monica.

    What do you think the motorcycle guy wants?

    How should I know? Maybe you should call the police or something.

    Just then the train pulled into the station and screeched to a stop. Several old

    women got off and the girls got on and took their seats. Julie sat by the window. She

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    glanced at the billboards advertising Broadway shows and remembered her father

    promised to take her to New York to see one. As the train jerked forward, she saw another

    billboard of a man and woman sitting by a stream smoking cigarettes and then she

    remembered her dream. Monica tapped her on the shoulder, Hey, snap out of it, she said.

    Billy sat down in the seat across the aisle. Hey, Julie, did you catch CSI on TV last


    I did, Monica said, noticing Julie was still looking out the window.

    Wasnt that a riot when that car got crushed by the truck and all those marbles

    rolled on the highway and the motorcycle fell and rolled all over the place? Billy laughed

    then spoke to Julie.

    Hey Julie, whats wrong? You look upset.

    Julie turned away from the window and said, I dont feel like talking about it.

    Some fat motorcycle guy has been following her, Monica said. Shes kind of


    Wow, can I help? Billy asked.

    I dont think so, Julie answered. Ill be okay.

    Billy nodded and then placed the ear phones from his I-pod in his ears, bobbing his

    head to the rhythm.At school, Julie couldnt concentrate on her classes. Just before lunch, Julie had a

    study hall and went to her advisor, Mr. Oliver.

    Whats bothering you, Julie? he asked, placing a paper clip on some papers. You

    look upset.

    I am. Something strange is happening.

    Whats going on? Mr. Oliver asked, settling back to listen.

    Its hard to explain.

    Try, Mr. Oliver responded, looking at Julie. What is it?

    Julie told him about the fortune cookie and Madam Tutania and the man on the

    motorcycle and what he said about my learning something important--like he knew what

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    was happening. Then she told about the dream and how real it was. She wanted to tell

    about the necklace and the strange feeling but didnt. Still, the words kept pouring out.

    Wait a minute, Mr. Oliver said, leaning forward, putting up his hands to stop the

    barrage of words. You dreamed about Atlantis and Egypt?

    And there was something about Daughters of Atlas and thats what the fortune

    teller said I was--a Daughter of Atlas.

    Hmm. I heard about Atlas but never Daughters of.and Atlantis is just a myth.

    Its not real.

    What do you think is happening?

    I dont know. Its strange though. Freud said that dreams are the way the mind

    deals with problems a person is having. Could be you are upset about your parents getting

    a divorce and your dreams are helping you escape the pain of your reality. He leaned back

    in his chair. Dreams do that, sometimes.

    But Mr. Oliver, I got this message in my fortune cookie and I had dreams about

    the girl in the picture and this guy on the motorcycle knows where I live. None of that is in

    my dream.

    Hmm, Mr. Oliver said, nodding his head then stood up, looked at his watch.

    Sorry, I have to get to a staff meeting. Make sure you tell your mother about thismotorcycle guy, he said. He picked up a piece of paper and looked at it. By the way, Julie,

    I see you didnt do well on your history mid-term and you are in danger of not passing.

    Julie slumped back in her chair and put her hands over her eyes and shook her

    head. Mr. Oliver continued. You have to bring your average up.

    But its so boring, Julie said. I dont care about history--especially about World

    War 1 and now with all this happening.

    Mr. Oliver picked up a folder from his desk and opened his office door. Julie, come

    see me anytime you need to talk, he said. Im sure these dreams will pass. Youre under a

    lot of stress.

    Julie took a deep breath and stood up. Okay. Thank you, Mr. Oliver, she said as

    she walked passed him and into the hall. Monica was in the hall waiting for her.

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    What did Mr. Oliver say? Monica asked, as they walked to the lunch room.

    Oh, I dont know. He thinks its about my parentsdivorce and cared more about

    my history average than whats happening to me, Julie said. He thinks my mom should

    call the police about the guy on the motorcycle, but I dont think he really believed me.

    Monica shook her head. What did he say about the fortune teller and Atlantis and

    all that?

    Nothing, really, except it was interesting--thats it, Julie said, shaking her head.

    He said Atlantis is just a myth. Its not real.

    While walking to the lunch room, a man with dreadlocks walked by. He had a tool

    belt around his waist. He smiled at Julie and she noticed his blue eyes when he looked at


    Whos that guy with the dreadlocks? Julie asked.

    Oh he just started working here. Keira told me his names Jesse, Monica said.

    Julie turned back to look at him walking down the hall then continued walking

    towards the lunch room.

    After a silence, Monica said, Stay for the basketball game after school. Itll cheer

    you up.

    When they stood in the lunch line, Billy came up to Julie and asked if she wasstaying for the game.

    I dont know, Julie answered. I doubt it.

    After school, while walking through the school parking lot, she noticed the man with

    dreadlocks standing next to his truck. Hes really interesting looking, she thought. She

    saw the sign on his truck--JesseThe Handy Man. She then continued walking by herself to

    the train station to go home.

    At home, she didnt feel like watching TV or listening to music like she usually did

    in the afternoon. She went straight to her room. Looking at herself in the mirror, she

    looked at her brown hair. She noticed the pimple on her forehead and touched it and made

    a face then looked up at the small photo of her in the corner of the mirror.

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    She then took off her sneakers and flopped down on her bed. She glanced at her

    book bag on the chair and thought about the necklace. She got up and reached into her

    backpack and brought out the small red box with the necklace in it, opened it and held it in

    her fingers, staring at it. Suddenly, she got that strange shivering feeling again.

    Whats going on? I feel weird. Maybe I should go see Madam Tutania and ask

    her, she said to herself, but then remembered what she said about having to learn herself--

    theres nothing she can tell me.

    Why is this happening? Julie asked. Its too weird and scary. After lying on her

    bed for awhile, she closed her eyes. Soon she was dreaming.

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