Page 1: David Hawkins Calibrations

Calibrations by David Hawkins


God, The Creator, The Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Maker of All Things Visible and Invisible, The Supreme, Allah, Shiva, Rama, Brahma, Vishnu, God of Moses and Abraham All calibrate at Infinity


Purusa, Self, Atman Infinity Archangels 50,000


Buddha Nature Allness 1000 Void 980 Native American Great Spirit 850+ Yahweh 460 Jehovah 205


Elohim 100 God of the Old Testament 100 Greek Gods 90 Scandinavian Gods 90 Gods of war 90 Pagan gods of Rome 100 Name of God as Om or Aum Negative Mother/Father God Negative


Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster 1000 Twelve Apostles 980 John, the Baptist 930 Paul 745 (Saul of Tarsus) Abraham 850 Moses 910

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Mohammed at the time he wrote the Koran 740 Mohammed later in life (35) 130 (Used the Way of the Sword) John 70 (Author of Revelations)


Buddhism Mahayana 960 (Enlightenment of all mankind) Zen 890 Hinayana 890 (Individual Enlightenment) Lotus Land Buddhism 740 (Like the Christian Heaven) Tantric 515 (More occult) Tibetan 490 Won Bulgyo 405 (Recent) Christianity 1st Century, "The Way" 980 After Council of Nicea (385 AD) 485 (Something serious happened here) College of Cardinals 490 Papacy 570 Coptic 475 Born Again 350 Gnostics 290 Modern Protestantism 510 Christian Science 410 (Less than DH thought) Modern Catholicism 440 (Recent decisions less than 440) Jesuit Order 440 Amish 375 (Funny ways) Quakers 505 Unity 540 Pentecostal 310 Puritans 210 (A little "prissy") Television Evangelists 205 Church of LDS (Mormons) 390 (Book of Mormon about 500) Hinduism Ancient 700 Modern 499 Hari Krishna 460 Subud 470 Sikh 420 Tamil 330 Raja Yoga 485 Janism 495 Islam (Ancient) 700 Islam (Modern) 325

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Muslims 205 Judaism (Modern) 530 Shintoism 350 Taoism 500


7th Day Adventist 190 (Don't know what their problem is) Jehovah's Witness 195 (Strange OT thing) Right Wing Fundamentalist 95 Right Wing Televangelist 90 Urantia 150 Wicca 160 Army of God 110 (Blows up abortion clinics) Full Moon Gatherings 180 (New Age) New Ageism 185 (Adolescent) Qi Gong 195 Shiite Muslim 55 Cults 50-160 Unification Church (Moon) 150 Aum Shinrikyon Cult 85 Heaven's Gate Cult 160 Astara 150 Order of the Solar Temple 155 Fighting Monks 190 Raelians (Claude Vorilhon) 130 Sun Myung Moon (Unification Church) 150 Family Federation for World Peace Unification (Moon) 155 Catholic Position on Pedophilia 90 Old Testament 190 Book of Revelations (Astral) 70


Master 700 Saint 700 Lord 1000 Sage 700+ Angels 550+ Archangels 50,000 Enlightenment 600 Teacher of Way to Enlightenment 800 Pope 570+ True Guru 540+ Jivanmukta 745+

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Swami 660+ Guru (before 1960's) 540+


Guru (after 1960's) 190 Title of Baba 190 (Three popes were, despite the title, under 200)


Bhagavad Gita 910 Vedas 910 Zohar (Judaic) 720 Ramayana 810 Mahabaratta 780 Kabbhala 720 Apocrypha (Roman Catholic Bible) 740 Torah 745 Koran 700 Heart Sutra 780 Lotus Sutra 780 Diamond Sutra 700 Dead Sea Scrolls 650 Gospel of St. Thomas 660 Book of Kells 570 (Illuminated Manuscript in Dublin) Vedanta 595 KJV Bible (from the Greek) 475 Lamsa Bible (from the Aramaic) 495 Genesis (Lamsa) 660 Psalms (Lamsa) 650 Proverbs (Lamsa) 350 New Testament (KJV) 640 New Testament (minus Revelations) 790 Lamsa Bible (minus OT (except for Gen, Pslms, Pvbs), minus Rev) 880 Tibetan Book of the Dead 575 San Hedron 240 (At the time of Jesus) Yoga Sutras, Patanjali 630 A Course In Miracles 600 Book of Mormon 510


"None get to Heaven but by me (J)" 940 Eye of the I 900

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I as Divinity 980/998 I as Allness 990 I as Void/Allness 990 I as the Supreme 1000 Buddha Nature 1000 Justice 380 Justice (as in an "eye for an eye") 375 Theology 460


Near Death 520 Satori 585 Enlightenment 600+ Christian Communion 700 (Surprise to DH) Durga Puja Festival 480 Sweat Lodge Ceremony 560 (It's the intention) Smudging 520 (Fun thing) TM 220 (Used as a technique) Sound of Tibetan Buddhist horns 320 Sakya Skeleton Dance 320 Christmas (Spirit) 538 Samadhi 800


Chi Energy, Etheric Body, Reincarnation, Karma, Jesus' 33 miracles, Jesus miraculously feeding the thousands, The Apostles' miracles, Speaking in Tongues, Pentecostal Flame, John the Baptist and Jesus were killed for revealing the truth.


Ghosts, Haunting, Prophesied End Times, St. Matthew's Prophesied End Time, Your own death (one cannot experience one's own physical death (you, the experiencer (Spirit), have already left)).


The Inquisition 35 Transmediumship 190 Channeling 190 Tarot Readings 190

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Occult 150 Voodoo 45 Satanism 45 Fortune Telling 60 Devil Worship 25 Black Magic 20 Black Witchcraft 5 "Possession" by Negative Energies 5-60


Lord's Prayer 650 Om 740 Aum 210 Om Nama Shivaya 630 Chanti Chanti Chanti 650 Um Mana Padaeme Hum 700 Gregorian Chant 595 Japa 515 Jesus Prayer 525 Saying the Rosary 515 Prayer of Jabez 310


Cursing (Lord's name in vain) 45 (Not swearing) Damning others to hell 15 Ankh (symbol, occult) 160 Shaktipat Energy 160


Druids 450 Theosophy 365 Free Masonry 510 Metaphysics 420 Intellectualism 405 Science of Mind 405 I Ching 430 Keys of Enoch 265 Eckankar 230 Fundamentalism 200 Astrology 210 Crystals 210 Numerology 225 Tai Chi 310 (Exercise)

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Hatha Yoga 260 Kung Fu 410 Rebirthing 250 Occult 201 White Magik 203 Biofeedback 202 Holographic Breathing 202 EST 400 Shamanism 210-230 Carlos Casteneda 220 Krya Yoga 330 Universalist Church 320 Ethical Culture 350 Qi Gong 240 Wui Den 275 Sedona Releasing Method 490 Soul Midwifery 240 Huna 260 Falum Gong 205 Bashido (Japanese) 200 White Brotherhood 560 Philadelphia Church of God 415 (Publisher of "The Trumpet") Seth Books 470 (Jane Roberts) Rosicrucians 405 Knights Templar 435 Reiki 285 Avatar Workshops 245 Bodywork 205 (Physicality is integrous) Rolfing 205 Sexuality 200+ (Whew! says DH)


Scientology 195 Atheism 195 Branch Dividians 195 Devigita (World Mother) 165 (Lots of "mothers") World Church of the Creator 85 (White supremacists) Order of the Golden Dawn 60 (Alistair Crowley)


Plotinus 590 White Brotherhood 560 Mechtild von Magdeburg (13th C.) 640 (German) Johann Tauber (14th C.) 640 (German)

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Huang Po (Zen) 960 Zen Masters 700+ Mahatma Gandhi 760 (Defeated the British Empire) Mother Theresa 710 Meister Eckhardt 700 Chief Detroit 650 Karmapa 630 Muktananda 750 Vivekenanda 610 Ramakrishna 620 Rabbi Moses de Leon (14th C.) 720 (Of Grenada) Nisargadatta Maharaj 720 Ramana Maharshi 720 Ramesh Balsekar 760 Confucius 590 St. Patrick 590 Wallace Black Elk (Lakota) 499 John Calvin 580 John Wesley 360 Martin Luther 580 Dalai Lama 570 (Current) Maharishi (TM) 410 Swami Ramdas 570 Robert Powell 525 Joel Goldsmith 455 Poonja, HWL 370 (Papaji) Charles Fillmore 485 Padmasambhava (Babuji) 595 (Founder of Tibetan Buddhism) Swami Satchidananda 605 Maher Baba 240 OT Prophets 202 (Bit of a surprise) Alice Bailey (Intermediary) 445 (For the White Brotherhood)

Vernon Howard 455 Patanjali 660 Peter Ouspensky 335 Robert Schuller 405 Mother Meera 240 Nostradamus 220 (Had a "talent") Martin Buber 405 St. Thomas Aquinas 435 Tertullian 385 St. Bonaventure 385 Thich Naht Hanh 460 Yogananda 540 Lao Tzu 520

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Alan Watts 485 John Blofeld 465 (On Taoism) Poonja-Ji 520 (Nothing Happened) Thubten Yeshe 465 (Silent Mind) Bernadette Roberts 445 (Experience of No-Self) Trungpa Chogyam 499 Ram Dass 425 CW Leadbeater 485 John Bradshaw 460 (Books on "recovery") Scott Peck 475 Gangaji 475 Joseph Smith 510 (Founder of Mormonism.) Emmet Fox 470 (Sermon on the Mount) Thomas Merton 510 (New Seeds of Contemplation) Rudolf Steiner 365/475 (At different times) Robert Monroe 510 (Journeys Out of the Body) Father Pio 585 (Bilocator) Richard M. Bucke, MD 505 (Cosmic Consciousness) Raymond Moody 425 (Life After Life) Nathaniel Brandon 420 (Breaking Free) Ayn Rand 400+ CS Lewis 390 "Lightworkers" 215 Bunch of Eastern guys 200-300 Joseph Campbell 410 220 (Website) Ashram of Enlightenment 205 (Guruji Grace Love) Bernie Glassman Roshi 455 Krishnamurti, J. 480 (The Meditative Mind) The Carnegie Endowment for Peace 355


New Age Shamanism 195 Fatalism 110 Secularism 195 Accidentalism 125 Mechanistic Reductionism 170 Atheism 185 Agnosticism 195 Dianetics 195 Madeline Murray 95 (Got prayer out of public schools) *Self-proclaimed Master Teacher 165 (of A Course In Miracles) MUFON 155 (Mutual UFO Network) OSHO (formerly Rajneesh) 90 Colonics 195

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Anti-US Corporation Movement 195 Telephone Psychics 95 New Age Shamanism 195


Westminster Abbey 790 Chartres Cathedral 790 Cathedral of Notre Dame 790 Great Buddha of Kyoto 780 Taj Mahal 750 El Hambra 720 Basilica of St. Peter (Rome) 710 Chapel of the Holy Cross (Sedona) 565 Ganges River 560 Stonehenge 599 The Vatican 570 Pieta 590 Anghor Watt 550 Lourdes 510 Pyramids of Egypt 520 The Sphinx 520 Great Buddha 555 (Blown up in Afghanistan) St. Patrick's Cathedral (NYC) 530 Cathedral of St. John the Divine(NYC) 530 Washington National Cathedral 530 Aranachula 500 (Ramana Maharshi) Macchu Pichu 510 The Great Temple at Karnak 415 Crystal Cathedral (LA) 410 Llasa (Tibet) 320 Mecca 205 Medina 225 Mt. Everest 460 Relics of the Christian Saints 750 Shinto Shrine 650 Tibetan Buddhist Stupa (Sedona) 640 Relics of Buddha 905 Relics of St. Peter 910 (Basilica in Rome)


Shroud of Turin is true No Crop circles due to extraterrestrials No Crop circles are human product Yes Area 51 in Nevada 201

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Easter Island 70 Bethlehem 70 (Current) Jerusalem 100 ( " ) The Holy Lands 70 ( " ) Israel 190 ( " ) Palestine 185 ( " ) Playground in Central Park (NYC) 400 US Court ruling "Under God" violates 1st Amendment No (185)

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