
DCX HH3 Win98 Firmware Field Upgrade Instructions

DCX HH3 Win98 Field Upgrade Instructions

This upgrade is designed for DCXHH3 (400MHz) units with a BIOS version of 8/25/2001 or later. To check your current BIOS version, click on the HHMON shortcut in the System Tray and select the DIAG. Tab. You will see a BIOS field with the associated date. If the date is 8/25/01 or later, the field upgrade can be performed. If the BIOS version is prior to 8/25/01, your unit will need to be sent to DLI Engineering for a hardware upgrade. (Please call DLI for an RMA number)

In order to perform this update, you will need a Docking Station or Port Replicator with external power and an external keyboard and either a USB CD-ROM drive or some other tool to copy the updated software to your DCX.

Please read the instructions thoroughly before performing this update. If you have any doubts about your ability to perform this update please send your DCX-HH to DLI instead. It is important that you follow each step correctly. It is a good idea to backup your database to another computer before beginning this process. If the process fails, try starting over.

1. Before you start the update you will need to remove all applications from your STARTUP folder. We recommend creating a BACKUP folder to store these items. Remember to move them back into the STARTUP folder after the upgrade is complete with the exception of the HHMON shortcut. This should be deleted.

2. You should now copy the Update CD or Internet files onto your DCX. Navigate to C:\HHUTIL\BIOS and create a new folder called UPDATE. Copy the files to this location. This will keep all the utilities in a central location. If the files were zipped, please unzip them to this location.

3. After completing steps 1 & 2, shut down your DCX using the Windows Shutdown function. Once the DCX has powered down, remove the batteries and network connection and secure the Port Replicator to the DCX and turn the unit on. Obviously, you will need to plug the unit in to a power supply.

4. Copy the CMOS.dat file from the UPDATE folder you just created to the root folder (C:\).

5. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\HHUTIL\BIOS\UPDATE folder. Double click on WINUPDATE.EXE which will display the HH3 Auto-Update Program window. Click on Windows Update and Flash button.

6. The first portion of the update is in Windows. Follow the prompts to install the software. NOTE: If you encounter a CRC error and the percentage of completion is less than 100%, click the retry button. If you encounter a CRC error and the percentage of completion is 100%, click the ignore button.

7. Click finish and allow the wizard to reboot your computer.

8. Once the computer reboots, it will continue to update the firmware. This will take several minutes. Please be patient during this process.

9. After this portion of the firmware update is complete, you will be prompted to remove all power from the DCX. Remove the DCX from the Port Replicator- the DCX will shut off since you had previously removed the batteries.

10. Once the DCX has powered down, re-attach the Port Replicator , external power and keyboard. The DCX will boot up automatically and continue with the next portion of the firmware upgrade.

11. After the firmware upgrade is complete, you will be prompted to turn off the computer. Again, remove the Port Replicator with external power to shut the DCX off. Once powered down, re-attach the Port Replicator with external power.

12. After the computer has booted up, it is normal to experience backlight with no video. There is not a problem with your computer. Be patient and your video will reappear. Also be aware that during this process, Windows will be finding new hardware and therefore will take a few minutes longer to boot.

13. After Windows has found all new hardware, it will prompt you to restart the computer. Accept the prompt to restart.

14. If the DCX boots normally, shut the DCX down with the Windows Shut Down function, re-insert the batteries power the unit back on.

15. During the HammerHead splash screen, hold the ESC key down until you see boot menu options. Select Enter Setup option.

16. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, arrow over to the 'Advanced' heading on the menu bar and hit 'Enter'.17. Arrow down to 'I/O Device Configuration' and press 'Enter'. Verify the BIOS settings are as follows: Serial Port A: Enabled

Base I/O Address: 3F8

Interrupt: IRQ4

Serial Port B: Enabled

Base I/O Address: 2F8

Interrupt: IRQ3

Serial Port C: Auto

Serial Port D: Disabled

Parallel Port: Auto18. Press F10 on the external keyboard to save changes and exit the BIOS Configuration Setup. Allow the DCX to boot to Windows.

19. To create a Quick Launch shortcut to the Hhutil program, right click on the Task Manager toolbar and select Toolbars and Quick Launch.

20. Double click on Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch.

21. Go to File- New- ShortCut and browse to C:\WINDOWS\Program Files\HH3\Bin. Select the HHUtil icon. The HHUtil icon will now appear in your Quick Launch toolbar and can be easily accessed.

22. To set battery alarm levels, right click on the desktop and select Properties. Select the Screensaver tab and click the Settings button. This will bring up the Power Management Properties window.

23. Select the Alarms tab and verify that Activate low battery alarm when power reaches: checkbox is enabled for both batteries. Set battery #1 alarm level to 20% and battery #2 to 10%. Click the Alarm Action button and verify that Display Message is enabled for Notification type. Verify that When the alarm goes of the computer will: option is enabled and Shutdown is selected in the scroll menu for battery #2 only.

Now that the HHUtil software has been loaded, you can use the battery calibration feature which allows you to deep cycle/discharge your battery which creates a clearer indication of the batterys actual capacity. NOTE: To achieve maximum battery performance from all the HH3 batteries you own, all batteries must be calibrated using the HHUtil calibration feature prior to use in the field. Each calibration process for a set of two batteries can take up to 10 hours so it is best to begin the process when there is some significant downtime.

For information and instructions on HH3 battery calibration, please refer to the HH3 Users Manual.

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